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    ID: I163

    Name: John\1g (SC's line) BROOKS 1 1Sex: M

    Birth: 1628 in England 1

    Death: 3 SEP 1682 in Simsbury, Hartford Co., Connecticut, USA 1

    LDS Baptism: 2 JUN 1994 MANTI - Manti, UT 1

    Endowment: 15 JUL 1994 MANTI - Manti, UT 1

    Burial: SEP 1682 Simsbury, Hartford Co., ConnecticutOccupation: ABT 1650 Ferry operator in Windsor, Hartford Co., CTOccupation: Ferry operatorNote:

    This info. from Gearle Brooks in e-mail, June 7, 1999.All children of John Brooks and Susannah Hanmore

    Brooks were listed by Gearle.

    Gearle's mssg. --- "I have been in conversation withHomer Scott of the Connecticut Founding FathersAssociation. He passed to me the info. on the BROOKS

    in James Savage's Vol. 1, "Dictionary of the First Settlersof N. E. (New England, I guess). "

    Henry, Thomas and John were brothers. They came to

    America around 1635. John moved to Connecticut.

    JOHN, Woburn, perhaps brother. of the precede.freeman. (Henry) 1651; married. 1 Nov. 1649, Eunicedied. of John Mousall, had John, born. 23 Nov. 1650,

    died. at 3 yrs.; Sarah, 21 Nov. 1652; Eunice, 10 Oct.1655; and Joanna 22 Mar. 1659; beside, after, John,

    again, 1 Mar. 1664; Ebenezer, 9 Dec. 12666; Deborah,20 Mar. 1669; and Jabez, 17 July 1673; his w. Eunicedied. 1 Jan. 1684. He married. 25 Feb. 1684, Mary

    Richardson, and. died. 1691.

    JOHN, New Haven 1649, had three ch. there bef. 1656;

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    perhaps more, and may have been, after, of Wallingford,

    and there had Hannah, born. 9 Feb. 1664; Ruth, 7 Feb.1666; Sophia; and Eliz. 6 Dec. 1668; but perhaps thesewere tw.; Mary, wh. may have been his d. married. at

    Wallingford, 12 Jan. or July 1674, Matthew Ford.John and Mary were proprietors. of New Haven 1685.

    More info. From Gearle Brooks, e-mail on June 13,1999....... Subject: Brooks Across the Pond.....

    John Brooks m. 25 May 1652 to Susanna Hanmore. Placeof marriage was Windsor County, Ct. (Marriage info.

    from "American Marriages B efore 1699."This John was probably the son of John of New Haven. I

    think he was born abt. 1630 in England.In Stiles' "Hist. and Gen. of Ancient Windsor" there isthis item: "BROOKS, John, contracted, 1650 to attend

    the Rivulet Ferry, the town agreeing to make him a cellar(10 x 15 ft.) for to dwell in before the 25 Dec. His wages

    were to be bro't in before 8 Jan., and if it fall out that thecellar is not ready by the time aforesaid, the town shall

    provide a house to put his corn in. He is to attend twodays to receive his wages in wheat, pease and Indiancorn. He bought the N. part of the Hubbard lot on Backer

    Row, abt. 1665, built and was residing there 1668;removed to Simsbury before 1682, abt. which yr. he died.

    Inventory of estate 199.lbs. 8s. 9d; left five childrenliving; m. Susannah Hanmore (Hammer) 25 May 1652;

    she died, 7 Nov. 1676.

    John Brooks was involved in a land law suit in

    Connecticut in 1643. In the "Public Records of the

    Colony of Connecticut" there is an entry in the Courtsession of 15 June 1643 where John Brooks was awardedxi lbs. in a suit. Brooks' suit was one of a dozen at that

    Court session against a former resident, ThomasMarshfield, who had left Windsor very precipitously.

    The 1643 date is the earliest proven date for John Brooksbeing in Windsor, but does suggest that he probably was

    there in 1642 or he would not have had a claim againstMarshfield.

    There was no organized listing of early land records inCT until 1640 when the General Court required each

    Town to make an inventory of land holdings. There is no1640 page for John Brooks in the Windsor records. His

    listing is on a later, undated page, so it is of little help tous. However, it does indicate that Stiles was in error

    when he said Brooks built on his lot. The lot already had

    a house on it, according to the transaction record.

    The emigration routes to the Connecticut Colony wasfrom Plymouth in England to Boston, Mass., and then to

    New Haven, Windsor , Hartford and Wethersfield.

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    have been son of John of New Haven, or perhaps his

    brother.""The John who was the son of Henry married EuniceMousall so this must be Henry's brother."

    "The names JOHN and THOMAS are very common

    names so it will be difficult to track them from Englandbut if we follow HENRY which is uncommon then we

    should be able to find them using his name. In the IGI forBritish Isles I found in Suffolk County, HENRYBROOKS, married to Anna or Annis Jaquith. They had 5

    children before 1630. There are two of the children'snames that are in conflict that come from two different

    records. But otherwise they match up with the records forHENRY BROOKS of Concord, Mass. The problem

    comes to the wife. The Bateman Connection sites thedata from Margret R. Price Henry's spouse is GraceWheeler but from the same record the children of

    HENRY are source d from the "American Genealogist",Vol. 54, p. 235 (Miriam Brightman Eddy ---- THOMAS,

    HENRY and HANNAH BROOKS of Concord.) SoAmerican genealogists have HARRY and HANNAH

    BROOKS living in Concord. HANNAH, ANNA andANNIS, I believe, are the same woman. The record has aTIMOTHY BROOKS before MARTHA. TIMOTHY

    doesn't appear in the records in England so he may havebeen born in America.

    CD 149, lst Edition - James Savage, Vol. l, Dict. of First

    Settlers of U. S.

    NOTE from Asacarole (Carole Lett) on Jan. 24,2001 ........................ "John Brooks moved with hisfamily from Windsor to Simsbury after the death of

    Susanna. He still had young children, so apparently hedidn't stay a widower for long. I do remember finding areference in a Simsbury History book or something like

    that about John Brooks getting in trouble for mistreatinghis wife !! That is how I first knew he had remarried.

    Maybe you can find more in some Simsbury records online."

    ANOTHER NOTE from Asacarole ....."John was inWindsor, CT., very early ca. 1640. He removed to

    Simsbury where he died in 1682. His only living son,Samuel, moved to Glastonbury when land was being

    granted there in 1693. This Brooks line was in theGlastonbury/Wethersfield area for many years."

    Following from -- Hartford, Connecticut

    Probate Records, 1677 to 1687.

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    Page 104 Name: John Brookes Location: SimsburyDied 3 September, 1682. Inventory: 0e199-08-09. Takenby John Case, Thomas Barber & Peter Buell. The

    children: Elizabeth Brookes, aged 19 years; Samuel, age20 years; Mary 16, Mercy 13, Lydia 10, and Susanna, 7

    years of age.Court Record, Page 58 -- 7 September, 1682: Invt.

    Exhibited by John Peirce. Adms. to John Peirce &Thomas Barber.Page 62--13 December, 1682. This Court distributes the

    Estate of John Brooks as followeth: To the widow, 0e6 ofthe personal estate forever, and one third of the real estate

    during life. The remaynder of the Estate to be divided tothe 6 Children of sd. Brookes, so that the eldest son have

    oe10 more than the daughters. This is done because wefind that the sayd Brookes, by a writing under his ownhand, had so disposed of his estate that his son could not

    expect a double portion, though he had put no legalstamp upon sd. writing. The children to possess as they

    come of age. The administrators are to lay out to thewidow her oe6 in Beding & household goods, and to take

    care of the payment of the debts, & to put out theyoungest daughter till she be age age; & when the debtsare payd, the estate to be distributed.

    Page 85 -- 6 March 1684: The administrator of JohnBrookes estate being departed, & the estate being in a

    wasteing state, none to look after it, The Court thereforedoe grant Adms. on the Estate to John Higley, whoe

    accepted of the same in Court.

    Following from Christopher Brooks of BROOKS-NE-

    [email protected] ...................... Info. from KathyChiappetta, searching in Glastonbury.

    Henry R. Stiles, "The History of Ancient Windsor," Vol.2, Facsimile of the 1892 edition, repr., New HampshirePubl. Co., Somersworth, 1875.

    BROOKS, John, contracted, 1650, to attend the Rivulet

    Ferry, the town agreeing to make him a cellar (10 x 15ft.) for to

    dwell in before the 25 Dec. His wages were to be bro't inbefore 8 Jan. and if it fall out that the cellar is not readyby

    the time aforesaid, the town shall provide a house to puthis corn in. He is to attend two days to receive his wages

    inwheat, pease, and Ind. corn. He bo't the N. part of the

    Hubbard lot on Backer Row, bt. 1655, built and was res.

    there1668; rem. to Simsbury before 1682, abt. which yr. he d.

    Inv. of estate, (pound sign 199).8s.9d; left five childrenliving; m. Susannah Hanmore (Hanmer), 25 Mary, 1652;

    she d. 7 Nov., 1676. Ch. (O. C. R.)

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    l. John, b. 16 Mch., 1660; dead 1674.2. Samuel, b. 6 Sept., 1662.3. Elizabeth, b. 27 June, 1664.

    4. Mary, b. 21 Mch., 1665.5. Joanna, b. 2 Feb., 1668.

    6. Marcy, b. 25 Nov., 1670.7. Lydia, b. 7 Aug., 1673.

    8. Susannah, b. 22 Sept., 1675.

    Mary (poss. Marcy, or Mercy) Brooks' child d. 10 Mch.,

    1745. -- E. W. C. R.

    More information from Kathy Chiappetta, who's been

    visiting the CSL at Glastonbury, and presented byChristopher Brooks..........

    SIMSBURY WILL ......................................

    BROOKES, JOHN, Simsbury. Died 3 September, 1682.Invt. (pound sign199-08-09. Taken by John

    Case, Thomas Barber & Peter Buell, The children:Elizabeth Brookes, aged 19 years; Samuel, age 20years; Mary 16, Mercy 13, Lydia 10, and, Susanna, 7

    years of age.

    Court Record, Page 58-7 Sept., 1682: Invt. Exhibited byJohn Peirce. Adms. to John Peirce & Thomas


    Page 63--13 December, 1682. This Court distributes the

    Estate of John Brooks as followeth: To the

    widow, 6 pounds of the personal estate forever, and onethird of the real estate during life. The remaynderof the estate to be divided to the 6 Children of sd.

    Brookes, so that the eldest son have 10 pounds morethan the daughters. This is done because we find that thesayd Brookes, by a writing under his own

    hand, had so disposed of his estate that his son could notexpect a double portion, though he had put no

    legal stamp upon sd. writing. The children to possess asthey come of age. The administrators are to

    lay out to the widow her 6 pounds in Beding andhousehold goods, and to take care of the payment of thedebts. & to put out the youngest daughter till she be of

    age; & when the debts are payd, the estate to bedistributed.

    Page 85-6 March, 1684: The administrator of John

    Brookes estate being departed, & the estate being in a

    wasteing state, none to look after it, This Court thereforedoe grant Adms. on the Estate to John Higley, whoe

    accepted of the same in Court.

    From the Internet..........."The Names of the Proprietors of

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    New Haven, CT., in the Year 1685; New England

    Historical & Genealogical Register, Volume 1, April1847, p. 157-158"


    Following information on John Brooks and family (he

    being one of the Founders of the New Englandarea) .......... Compiled by Christopher Brooks, director ofthe NE-BROOKS Rootsweb Site and being presented

    here at Christopher's new Site, "The Tributaries."

    John/1g BROOKS, of Windsor, CT, plaintiff, representedby "Henry Woolcott, Attorney," prevailed, 15 June 1643,

    in a suit against Thomas Marshfield, and was awardeddamages of "xil". He contracted, 1650, "to attend theRivulet Ferry, the town agreeing to make him a cellar

    (10x15 ft.) for to dwell in before the 25 Dec. His wageswere to be bro't in before 8 Jan., and if it fall out that the

    cellar is not ready by the time aforesaid, the town shallprovide a house to put his corn in. He is to attend two

    days to receive his wages in wheat, pease, and Ind. corn."He married (1) 25 May 1652 at Windsor, SusannaHANMORE of Windsor, with whom he had 8 children.

    "He bo't the N. part of the Hubbard lot on Backer Row,abt. 1655, built and was residing there 1668 ... Head of

    household at Windsor, 1670.An undated Windsor record notes that John Brooks

    contributed lb.0-1-0 to the poor in other colonies. Thisprobably references the relief effort in which Windsorsent money, silver, cloth, back and Flax to the Bay and

    Plymouth Colonies, where many towns had been burned

    by the Indians during Philip's War. The name of JohnBrooks is found on a list of Windsor contributors dated11 Jun 1676.

    His wife Susanna died at Windsor 7 November 1676. Heremoved to Simsbury, and married a second time,perhaps to Elizabeth HAYDEN. John Brooks, inhabitant

    of Simsbury, was complained of for ill-treating this 2dwife. After the selectmen intervened to remove her from

    his home, he applied to the Governor and Magistrates inthe County Court. 11 March 1681/82, Gov. William

    Leete and Magistrates Major John Talcott and Capt. JohnAllyn ordered:John Brookes haveing been with us & engaged to carry it

    loveingly with his wife, & to provide for her, we havethought fitt and doe hereby order you to return her to

    him, giving her like caution to carry suitably to herhusband

    that so they may be comfortable to each other. But if it

    fall out otherwise, upon information & proofe we shall beready to take such further order as shall appear necessary.

    John Brookes hath also engaged that none of hischildren shall abuse or doe wrong to his wife. The

    continuance of your care to looke how they carry it to

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    other is still desired and required.John Brooks died at Simsbury 3 September 1682. Theinventory of his estate, taken by John Case, Thomas

    Barber and Peter Buell and presented September 1682,was lbs.199-08-09. Six living children were named.

    Administration was granted to son-in-law John Peirce,who presented the inventory, and Thomas Barber. 6 Mar.

    1684, the administrator of John Brookes estate beingdeparted, & the estate being in a wasteing state, none tolook after it, the court grants adm. to John Higley.

    Change Date: 12 MAR 2004

    Ancestry Hints forJohng (SC's line)BROOKS

    1 possible matches found on

    Marriage 1Susanna HANMOREb: 1632 in Of Windsor & Simsbury,Hartford, Connecticut, USA

    Married: 25 MAY 1652 in Windsor, Hartford Co., Conneticut,

    USA 1

    Sealing Spouse: 20 MAY 1954 in SLAKE - Salt Lake City, UT1

    Change Date: 10 FEB 1999 1


    1. John\2g BROOKSb: 16 MAR 1659/60 in Windsor, HartfordCo., CT

    2. Samuel\2g (SC's line?) BROOKSb: 6 JAN 1662 in Windsor,Hartford Co., Connecticut, USA

    3. Elizabeth\2g BROOKSb: 27 JAN 1663 in Windsor, HartfordCo., Connecticut, USA

    4. Mary\2g BROOKSb: 21 MAY 1665 in Windsor, Hartford

    Co., CT, USA5. Joanna\2g BROOKSb: 2 FEB 1667/68 in Windsor, Hartford

    Co., Connecticut, USA6. Mary-Mercy\2g BROOKSb: 25 NOV 1670 in Windsor, CT

    7. Lydia\2g BROOKSb: 7 AUG 1673 in Windsor, HartfordCo., Connecticut, USA

    8. Susanna\2g BROOKSb: 22 SEP 1675 in Windsor, Hartford

    Co., Connecticut, USA9. Sarah\2g BROOKS

    10. John\2g BROOKSb: 16 MAY 166111. Jonathan BROOKSb: 02 Feb 1668/69

    Marriage 2Elizabeth (2nd wife ?) HAYDENb: ABT 1657 in OfSimsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USA

    Married: ABT 1678 in Simsbury, Connecticut, USA 1

    Sealing Spouse: Submitted 1

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    Change Date: 10 FEB 1999 1


    1. Title: brooks file.FTWRepository: OtherText: Date of Import: Mar 18, 1999

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