  • 8/6/2019 Joehnk Chapter 18 Real Estate



    After studying this chapter, you should

    be able to:

    Describe how real estate

    investment objectives are set, how thefeatures of real estate are analyzed,

    and what determines real estate value.

    Discuss the valuation techniques

    commonly used to estimate the market

    value of real estate.

    Understand the procedures

    involved in performing real estate

    investment analysis.

    Demonstrate the frameworkused to value a prospective real estate

    investment, and evaluate results in light

    of the stated investment objectives.

    Describe the structure and

    investment appeal of real estate investment


    Understand the investment

    characteristics of tangibles such as gold

    and other precious metals, gemstones,

    and collectibles, and review the suitability

    of investing in them.

    LG 6

    LG 5

    LG 4

    LG 3

    LG 2

    LG 1


    Web Chapter18

    Real Estate and OtherTangible Investments

    While traveling through the downtown area of a major city,

    you see scores of people hurrying to work in high-rise office

    buildings. The business section of the citys paper includes

    an article about the low vacancy rates for office space, and you wonder

    if there might be an investment possibility at hand. Buying an office

    building is likely out of the question, but you can purchase shares in a

    company like Equity Office Properties Trust (EOP) to accomplish yourobjective. EOP, based in Chicago, is actually a special kind of public

    company: an equity real estate investment trust (REIT).

    Equity REITs are professionally managed companies that invest in

    various types of real estate. Equity Office Properties buys, develops,

    manages, leases, and renovates office buildings, industrial properties,

    and parking facilities in 16 states and Washington, DC. EOPs total office

    portfolio consists of whole or partial interests in 596 buildings comprising

    110.1 million square feet. Other REITs might specialize in shopping

    centers, residential units, health-care facilities, lodging, or a combination

    of several property categories.

    REITs typically offer investors some income in addition to their

    appreciation potential. For example, EOPs dividend yield in mid-2006

    was 3.6%. Originally signed into law by President Eisenhower in 1960 to

    enable the little guy to invest in big-time real estate, REITs also enjoy

    special tax advantages. A REIT is required to pass at least 90% of its

    taxable income through to its investors in order to qualify as a fully

    compliant REIT and avoid federal taxation at the corporate level.

    As you will see in this chapter, real estate is an important part of a

    diversified investment portfolio, whether the investment is made through

    a REIT or through direct purchase of property.

  • 8/6/2019 Joehnk Chapter 18 Real Estate


    Investing in Real Estate

    What do warehouses, gold ingots, and Pez containers have in common? They

    are all investment vehiclesyes, even the Pez containerschosen by investorswho want to put their money in something that can be seen and felt. Realestate and other tangible investments, such as gold, gemstones, and col-lectibles, offer attractive ways to diversify a portfolio. As noted in Chapter 1,real estate includes entities such as residential homes, raw land, and a varietyof forms of income property, including warehouses, office and apartmentbuildings, and condominiums. Tangibles are investment assets, other than realestate, that can be seen or touched. Ownership of real estate and tangibles dif-fers from ownership of security investments in one primary way: It involves anasset you can see or touch rather than a security that evidences a financialclaim. Particularly appealing are the favorable riskreturn tradeoffs resultingfrom the uniqueness of real estate and other tangible assets and the relatively

    inefficient markets in which they are traded. In addition, certain types of realestate investments offer attractive tax benefits that may enhance their returns.In this chapter we first consider the important aspects of real estate investmentand then cover the other classes of tangible assets.

    In addition to the fact that real estate is a tangible asset, it differs fromsecurity investments in yet another way: Managerial decisions about real estategreatly affect the returns earned from investing in it. In real estate, you mustanswer unique questions: What rents should be charged? How much should bespent on maintenance and repairs? What purchase, lease, or sales contractprovisions should be used to transfer certain rights to the property? Alongwith market forces, answers to such questions determine whether you will earnthe desired return on a real estate investment.

    Like other investment markets, the real estate market changes over time.

    For example, the national real estate market was generally strong through the1970s and 1980s. The strong market during this period was driven by gener-ally prosperous economic times, including high economic growth. These yearswere also a time of relatively high inflation, another factor in the pricing of realestate. Finally, increased demand by large numbers of foreign investors, partic-ularly from Japan and Europe, for U.S. commercial and residential real estatehelped fuel the rising market.

    But in 1989 the real estate market declined, and it grew increasingly weakthrough the early 1990s, with commercial values in many cities declining up to50% and more. This dramatic decline, the largest since World War II, resultedfrom a variety of factors:

    major revisions in tax law that eliminated important tax benefits for

    investment in real estate. the collapse of oil prices.

    a slowing economy.

    the S&L crisis.

    an excessive inventory of commercial real estate which had been stimu-lated by abundant credit.

    LG 1


    real estateentities such as residentialhomes, raw land, and incomeproperty.

    tangiblesinvestment assets, other thanreal estate, that can be seen or


  • 8/6/2019 Joehnk Chapter 18 Real Estate


    Last to recover from the real estate collapse of the early 1990s were mar-kets whose regional economies had been hit particularly hard: specifically, theoil patchTexas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Coloradoand the militarydefense-dependent areas of New England and California. In the mid 1990s, a

    resurgence in the real estate market began, and by early 1998 the marketnationally had returned nearly to pre-1989 levels. From the mid 1990s untilearly 2006, real estate values in most areas of the country steadily increased asa result of the growing demand occasioned by economic growth, low unem-ployment, low interest rates, and a depleted inventory of available properties.In 2006, real estate growth flattened and a declining trend in values began tooccur. The causes were rising interest rates, high oil prices, an uncertain polit-ical environment, and an excessive inventory of unsold properties. For todaysreal estate investors, the lessons are clear: Macro issues such as the economicoutlook, interest rate levels, the demand for new space, the current supply ofspace, and regional considerations are of major importance.

    As recent history demonstrates, investing in real estate means more thanjust buying right or selling right. It also means choosing the right proper-ties for your investment needs and managing them well. Here we begin by con-sidering investor objectives, analysis of important features, and determinantsof real estate value.

    Investor ObjectivesSetting objectives involves two steps: First, you should consider differences inthe investment characteristics of real estate. Second, you should establishinvestment constraints and goals.

    Investment Characteristics Individual real estate investments differ in theircharacteristics even more than individual people differ in theirs. Just as youwouldnt marry without thinking long and hard about the type of person youdbe happy with, you shouldnt select an investment property without analyzingwhether it is the right one for you. To select wisely, you need to consider theavailable types of properties and whether you want an equity or a debt position.

    In this chapter we discuss real estate investment primarily from the stand-point of equity. Individuals can also invest in instruments of real estate debt,such as mortgages and deeds of trust. Usually, these instruments provide afairly safe rate of return if the borrowers are required to maintain at least a20% equity position in the mortgaged property (no more than an 80% loan-to-value ratio). This equity position gives the real estate lender a margin ofsafety if foreclosure has to be initiated.

    We can classify real estate into two investment categories: income prop-erties and speculative properties. Income property includes residential and

    commercial properties that are leased out and expected to provide returnsprimarily from periodic rental income. Residential properties include single-family properties (houses, condominiums, cooperatives, and townhouses)and multifamily properties (apartment complexes and buildings). Commercial

    properties include office buildings, shopping centers, warehouses, and facto-ries. Speculative property typically includes raw land and investment proper-ties that are expected to provide returns primarily from appreciation in valuedue to location, scarcity, and so forth, rather than from periodic rental income.


    income propertyleased-out residential orcommercial real estate that isexpected to provide returnsprimarily from periodic rentalincome.

    speculative propertyraw land and real estateinvestment properties that areexpected to provide returnsprimarily from appreciationin value.

  • 8/6/2019 Joehnk Chapter 18 Real Estate


    Income properties are subject to a number of sources of risk and return.Losses can result from tenant carelessness, excessive supply of competingrental units, or poor management. On the profit side, however, income prop-erties can provide increasing rental incomes, appreciation in the value of the

    property, and possibly even some shelter from taxes.Speculative properties, as the name implies, give their owners a chance to

    reap significant financial rewards but carry also the risk of heavy loss. Forinstance, rumors may start that a new multimillion-dollar plant is going to bebuilt on the edge of town. Land buyers would jump into the market, and pricessoon would be bid up. The right buysell timing could yield returns of severalhundred percent or more. But people who bought into the market late or thosewho failed to sell before the market turned might lose the major part of theirinvestment. Before investing in real estate, you should determine the risks thatvarious types of properties present and then decide which risks you will acceptand can afford.

    Constraints and Goals When setting your real estate investment objectives,you also need to set both financial and nonfinancial constraints and goals.One financial constraint is the riskreturn relationship you find acceptable. Inaddition, you must consider how much money you want to allocate to the realestate portion of your portfolio, and you should define a quantifiable financialobjective. Often this financial goal is stated in terms ofdiscounted cash flow(also referred to as net present value) or yield. Later in this chapter we willshow how various constraints and goals can be applied to real estate investing.

    Although you probably will want to invest in real estate for its financialrewards, you also need to consider how your technical skills, temperament,repair skills, and managerial talents fit a potential investment. Do you want aprestigious, trouble-free property? Or would you prefer a fix-up special onwhich you can release your imagination and workmanship? Would you enjoy

    living in the same building as your tenants, or would you prefer as little con-tact with them as possible? Just as you wouldnt choose a career just for themoney, neither should you buy a property solely on that basis.

    Analysis of Important FeaturesThe analytical framework suggested in this chapter can guide you in esti-mating a propertys investment potential. There are four important generalfeatures related to real estate investment.

    1. Physical property. When buying real estate, make sure you are gettingboth the quantity and the quality of property you think you are.Problems can arise if you fail to obtain a site survey, an accurate square-footage measurement of the buildings, or an inspection for building

    or site defects. When signing a contract to buy a property, make sure itaccurately identifies the real estate and lists all items of personal property(such as refrigerator and curtains) that you expect to receive.

    2. Property rights. Strange as it may seem, what you buy when you buy realestate is a bundle of legal rights that fall under concepts in law such asdeeds, titles, easements, liens, and encumbrances. When investing in realestate, make sure that along with various physical inspections, you geta legal inspection from a qualified attorney. Real estate sale and leaseagreements should not be the work of amateurs.


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    3. Time horizon. Like a roller coaster, real estate prices go up and down.Sometimes market forces pull them up slowly but surely; in otherperiods, prices can fall so fast that they take an investors breath away.Before judging whether a prospective real estate investment will appre-

    ciate or depreciate, you must decide what time period is relevant. Theshort-term investor might count on a quick drop in mortgage interestrates and buoyant market expectations, whereas the long-term investormight look more closely at population growth potential.

    4. Geographic area. Real estate is a spatial commodity, which means thatits value is directly linked to what is going on around it. For some prop-erties, the area of greatest concern consists of a few blocks; for others,an area of hundreds of square miles serves as the relevant marketarea. You must decide what spatial boundaries are important for yourinvestment before you can productively analyze real estate demandand supply.

    Determinants of ValueIn the analysis of a real estate investment, value generally serves as the centralconcept. Will a property increase in value? Will it produce increasingamounts of cash flows? To address these questions, you need to evaluate fourmajor determinants: demand, supply, the property, and the property transferprocess.

    Demand In the valuing of real estate, demand refers to peoples desire to buyor rent a given property. In part, demand stems from a market areas economicbase. In most real estate markets, the source of buying power comes from jobs.Property values follow an upward path when employment is increasing, andvalues typically fall when employers begin to lay off workers. Therefore, these

    are the first questions you should ask about demand: What is the outlook forjobs in the relevant market area? Are schools, colleges, and universities gainingenrollment? Are major companies planning expansion? Are wholesalers,retailers, and financial institutions increasing their sales and services? Upwardtrends in these indicators often signal a rising demand for real estate.

    Population characteristics also influence demand. To analyze demand fora specific property, you should look at an areas population demographics andpsychographics. Demographics refers to measurable characteristics, such ashousehold size, age structure, occupation, gender, and marital status. Psycho-graphics includes characteristics that describe peoples mental dispositions,such as personality, lifestyle, and self-concept. By comparing demographic andpsychographic trends to the features of a property, you can judge whether it islikely to gain or lose favor among potential buyers or tenants. For example, if

    an areas population is made up of a large number of sports-minded, highlysocial 25- to 35-year-old singles, the presence of nearby or on-site health clubfacilities may be important to a propertys success.

    Mortgage financing is also a key factor. Tight money can choke off thedemand for real estate just as easy money can create an excess supply. Asinvestors saw in the early 1980s, very high interest rates and the almost com-plete unavailability of mortgages caused inventories of unsold properties togrow and real estate prices to fall. Conversely, as mortgage interest rates fellbeginning in 1984, real estate sales and refinancing activity in many cities


    demandin real estate, peoples desire

    to buy or rent a given property.

    demographicsmeasurable characteristics ofan areas population, such ashousehold size, age structure,occupation, gender, and maritalstatus.

    psychographicscharacteristics that describepeoples mental dispositions,such as personality, lifestyle,and self-concept.

  • 8/6/2019 Joehnk Chapter 18 Real Estate


    throughout the United States rapidly expanded. Although interest rates con-tinued to decline during the early 1990s, they failed to stimulate real estateactivity because of generally poor economic conditions and an enormoussupply of vacant space. Further declines in interest rates through the balance

    of the 1990s and early 2000s, coupled with a rapidly improving economy andshrinking property inventory, drove up prices and returns again. Real estatemarkets remained robust until early 2006, when a declining economy tem-porarily put the brakes on real estate values and new construction.

    Supply Analyzing supply means sizing up the competition. Nobody wants topay you more for a property than the price he or she can pay your competitor;nor when youre buying (or renting) should you pay more than the pricesasked for other, similar properties. As a result, you should identify sources ofpotential competition and inventory them by price and features. In general,people in real estate think of competitors in terms of similar properties. If youare trying to sell a house, for example, your competition is other, similarhouses for sale in the same area.

    For longer-term investment decisions, however, you should expand yourconcept of supply and identify competitors through the principle of substitu-tion. This principle holds that people do not buy or rent real estate per se but,instead, judge properties as different sets of benefits and costs. Properties fillpeoples needs, and it is these needs that create demand. Thus, potential com-petitors are not just geographically and physically similar properties. In somemarkets, for example, low-priced single-family houses might compete withcondominium units, manufactured homes (mobile homes), and even rentalapartments. Before investing in any property, you should decide what marketthat property appeals to and then define its competitors as other propertiesthat its buyers or tenants might also typically choose. After identifying all rel-evant competitors, look for the relative pros and cons of each property in

    terms of features and respective prices.

    The Property Weve seen that a propertys value is influenced by demand andsupply. The price people will pay is governed by their needs and the relativeprices of the properties available to meet those needs. Yet in real estate, theproperty itself is also a key ingredient. To try to develop a propertys com-petitive edge, an investor should consider five items: (1) restrictions on use,(2) location, (3) site, (4) improvements, and (5) property management.

    Restrictions on Use In todays highly regulated society, both state and locallaws and private contracts limit the rights of all property owners. Governmentrestrictions derive from zoning laws, building and occupancy codes, and healthand sanitation requirements. Private restrictions include deeds, leases, and

    condominium bylaws and operating rules. You should not invest in a propertyuntil you or your lawyer determines that what you want to do with the prop-erty fits within applicable laws, rules, and contract provisions.

    Location You may have heard the adage The three most important factorsin real estate value are location, location, and location. Of course, location isnot the only factor that affects value, yet a good location unquestionablyincreases a propertys investment potential. With that said, how can you tell a


    supplyin real estate, the potentialcompetitors available in themarket.

    principle of substitutionthe principle that people do notbuy or rent real estate per sebut, instead, judge properties

    as different sets of benefitsand costs.

    I N V E S T O R F A C T S

    IT EVEN HAS A KITCHENHeres the new use forsome types of investmentreal estatehousing forbusiness travelers. Asshortages of hotel rooms inlarge cities drive up costs ofbusiness travel, BridgeStreetWorldwide has an alter-

    native: The company leasesscattered-site furnishedapartments from propertymanagers and rents themout nightly, weekly, ormonthly. BridgeStreet sclientele is mostly business

    travelers sent out of townon temporary assignmentsor those being relocated,although there is also agrowing leisure travelmarket for the properties.The average price is in

    the $70-a-night range.

    Information is availableon the Internet .BridgeStreet Worldwidehas found a novel way toapply the principles ofsupply and demand in thereal estate market.

  • 8/6/2019 Joehnk Chapter 18 Real Estate


    bad location from a good one? A good location rates high on two key dimen-sions: convenience and environment.

    Convenience refers to how accessible a property is to the places the peoplein a target market frequently need to go. Any residential or commercial market

    segment has a set of preferred places its tenants or buyers will want to be closeto. Another element of convenience is transportation facilities. Proximity tohighways, buses, subways, and commuter trains is of concern to both tenantsand buyers of commercial and residential property. Commercial propertiesneed to be readily accessible to their customers, and the customers also valuesuch accessibility.

    In the analysis of real estate, the term environment has broader meaningthan trees, rivers, lakes, and air quality. When you invest in real estate, evenmore important than its natural surroundings are its aesthetic, socioeconomic,legal, and fiscal surroundings. Neighborhoods with an aesthetic environmentare those where buildings and landscaping are well executed and well main-tained. Intrusion of noise, sight, and air pollution is minimal, and encroachingunharmonious land uses are not evident. The socioeconomic environmentcon-sists of the demographics and lifestyles of the people who live or work innearby properties. The legal environmentrelates to the restrictions on use thatapply to nearby properties. And last, you need to consider a propertys fiscalenvironment: the amount of property taxes and municipal assessments youwill be required to pay and the government services you will be entitled toreceive (police, fire, schools, parks, water, sewer, trash collection, libraries).Property taxes are a two-sided coin. On the one hand, they impose a cost, buton the other, they provide services that may be of substantial benefit.

    Site One of the most important features of a property site is its size. For resi-dential properties, some people want a large yard for a garden or for children toplay in; others may prefer no yard at all. For commercial properties, such as

    office buildings and shopping centers, adequate parking space is necessary.Also, with respect to site size, if you are planning a later addition of space, makesure the site can accommodate it, both physically and legally. Site quality asreflected in soil fertility, topography, elevation, and drainage is also important.For example, sites with relatively low elevation may be subject to flooding.

    Improvements In real estate, the term improvements refers to the additionsto a site, such as buildings, sidewalks, and various on-site amenities. Typically,building size is measured and expressed in terms of square footage. Becausesquare footage is so important in building and unit comparison, you should getaccurate square-footage measures on any properties you consider investing in.

    Another measure of building size is room count and floor plan. For exam-ple, a well-designed 750-square-foot apartment unit might in fact be more liv-

    able, and therefore easier to rent even at a higher price, than a poorly designedone of 850 square feet. You should make sure that floor plans are logical; thattraffic flows through a building will pose no inconveniences; that there is suf-ficient closet, cabinet, and other storage space; and that the right mix of roomsexists. For example, in an office building you should not have to cross throughother offices to get to the buildings only restroom facilities, and small mer-chants in a shopping center should be located where they receive the pedes-trian traffic generated by the larger (anchor) tenants.


    conveniencein real estate, the accessibility

    of a property to the placesthe people in a target marketfrequently need to go.

    environmentin real estate, the natural as wellas aesthetic, socioeconomic,legal, and fiscal surroundingsof a property.

    improvementsin real estate, the additions

    to a site, such as buildings,sidewalks, and various on-siteamenities.

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  • 8/6/2019 Joehnk Chapter 18 Real Estate


    way. Among the major ways to promote a property are advertising, publicity,sales gimmicks, and personal selling. Negotiation of price is just as important.Seldom does the minimum price a seller is willing to accept just equal the max-imum price a buyer is willing to pay; often some overlap occurs. In real estate,

    the asking price for a property may be anywhere from 5% to 60% above theprice that a seller (or lessor) will actually accept. Therefore, the negotiatingskills of each party determine the final transaction price.

    CONCEPTS IN REVIEWAnswers available at:

    18.1 Define and differentiate between real estateand other tangibles. Give exam-ples of each of these forms of investment.

    18.2 How does real estate investment differ from securities investment? Whymight adding real estate to your investment portfolio decrease your overall

    risk? Explain.

    18.3 Define and differentiate between income propertyand speculative property.Differentiate between andgive examples of residential andcommercial income


    18.4 Briefly describe the following important features to consider when making areal estate investment.

    a. Physical property b. Property rights

    c. Time horizon d. Geographic area

    18.5 What role does demand and supply play in determining the value of real estate?What are demographics and psychographics, and how are they related to

    demand? How does the principle of substitution affect the analysis of supply?

    18.6 How do restrictions on use, location, site, improvements, and property man-agement affect a propertys competitive edge?

    18.7 Are real estate markets efficient? Why or why not? How does the efficiency orinefficiency of these markets affect both promotion and negotiation as parts of

    the property transfer process?

    Real Estate Valuation

    In real estate, market value is a propertys actual worth, which indicates theprice at which it would sell under current market conditions. This concept isinterpreted differently from its meaning in stocks and bonds. The difference

    arises for a number of reasons: (1) Each property is unique; (2) terms andconditions of a sale may vary widely; (3) market information is imperfect;(4) properties may need substantial time for market exposure, time that maynot be available to any given seller; and (5) buyers, too, sometimes need to actquickly. All these factors mean that no one can tell for sure what a propertystrue market value is. As a result, many properties sell for prices significantlyabove or below their estimated market values. To offset such inequities, manyreal estate investors forecast investment returns to evaluate potential property

    LG 3LG 2


    market value

    in real estate, the actual worthof a property; indicates the priceat which it would sell undercurrent market conditions.

  • 8/6/2019 Joehnk Chapter 18 Real Estate


    investments. Here we look first at procedures for estimating the market valueof a piece of real estate and then consider the role and procedures used to per-form investment analysis.

    Estimating Market ValueIn real estate, estimating the current market value of a piece of property isdone through a process known as a real estate appraisal. Using certain tech-niques, an appraiser determines what he or she feels is the current marketvalue of the property. Even so, you should interpret the appraised marketvalue a little skeptically. Because of both technical and informational short-comings, this estimate is subject to substantial error.

    Although you can arrive at the market values of frequently traded stockssimply by looking at current quotes, in real estate, appraisers and investorstypically must use three complex, and imperfect, techniques and then correlatethe results to come up with one best estimate. These three approaches to realestate market value are (1) the cost approach, (2) the comparative sales

    approach, and (3) the income approach.

    The Cost Approach The cost approach is based on the idea that an investorshould not pay more for a property than it would cost to rebuild it at todaysprices for land, labor, and construction materials. This approach to estimatingvalue generally works well for new or relatively new buildings. The costapproach is more difficult to apply to older properties, however. To valueolder properties, you would have to subtract from the replacement cost esti-mates some amount for physical and functional depreciation. Most expertsagree that the cost approach is a good method to use as a check against a priceestimate, but rarely should it be used exclusively.

    The Comparative Sales ApproachThe comparative sales approach uses as

    the basic input the sales prices of properties that are similar to the subjectproperty. This method is based on the idea that the value of a given property isabout the same as the prices for which other, similar properties have recentlysold. Of course, the catch here is that all properties are unique in some respect.Therefore, the price that a subject property could be expected to bring must beadjusted upward or downward to reflect its superiority or inferiority to com-parable properties. In addition, the sales prices of comparable homes may notindicate whether or not the sale was a distress sale in which the asking pricewas lowered by the owner in order to hurry the sale along.

    Nevertheless, because the comparable sales approach is based on sellingprices, not asking prices, it can give a good feel for the market. As a practicalmatter, if you can find at least one sold property slightly better than the one

    youre looking at, and one slightly worse, their recent sales prices can serve tobracket an estimated market value for the property you have your eye on.

    The Income Approach Under the income approach, a propertys value isviewed as the present value of all its future income. The most popular incomeapproach is called direct capitalization. This approach is represented by theformula in Equation 18.1. It is similar in logic and form to the zero-growthdividend valuation model presented in Chapter 8 for common stock (see Equa-tion 8.7).


    appraisalin real estate, the process forestimating the current marketvalue of a piece of property.

    cost approacha real estate valuation approachbased on the idea that aninvestor should not pay morefor a property than it would cost

    to rebuild it at todays prices.

    comparative sales approacha real estate valuation approach

    that uses as the basic inputthe sales prices of propertiesthat are similar to the subjectproperty.

    income approacha real estate valuation approach

    that calculates a propertysvalue as the present value ofall its future income.

  • 8/6/2019 Joehnk Chapter 18 Real Estate


    Equation 18.1

    Equation 18.1a

    Annual net operating income (NOI) is calculated by subtracting vacancy andcollection losses and property operating expenses, including property insur-ance and property taxes, from an income propertys gross potential rentalincome. An estimated market capitalization rate is obtained by looking atrecent market sales figures to determine the rate of return currently requiredby investors. Technically, the market capitalization rate means the rate used toconvert an income stream to a present value. By dividing the annual net oper-ating income by the appropriate market capitalization rate, you get an incomepropertys estimated market value. An example of the application of theincome approach is shown in Table 18.1.

    Using an Expert Real estate valuation is a complex and technical procedure.It requires reliable information about the features of comparable properties,their selling prices, and terms of financing. It also involves some subjectivejudgments, as is the case in the example in Table 18.1. Rather than relyingexclusively on their own judgment, many investors hire a real estate agent or aprofessional real estate appraiser to advise them about the market value of aproperty. As a form of insurance against overpaying, the use of an expert canbe well worth the cost and is often required by the lender.

    V5 NOIRMarket value 5 Annual net operating income

    Market capitalization rate


    net operating income (NOI)the amount left after subtractingvacancy and collection lossesand property operatingexpenses, including propertyinsurance and property taxes,from an income propertys grosspotential rental income.

    market capitalization ratethe rate used to convert an

    income stream to a presentvalue; used to estimate thevalue of real estate under theincome approach.

    TABLE 18.1 Applying the Income Approach


    Comparable (1) (2) (1) 4 (2)

    Property NOI Sale Price Market Capitalization Rate (R)

    2301 Maple Avenue $16,250 $182,500 .0890

    4037 Armstrong Street 15,400 167,600 .0919

    8240 Ludwell Street 19,200 198,430 .0968

    7392 Grant Boulevard 17,930 189,750 .0945

    Subject property $18,480 ? ?

    From this market-derived information, an appraiser would work through

    Equation 18.1a to determine the subject propertys value as follows:

    *Based on an analysis of the relative similarities of the comparables and the subject property,the appraiser decided that the appropriate Requals .093.

    V5 $198,710







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    Performing Investment AnalysisEstimates of market value play an integral role in real estate decision making.Yet today, more and more investors supplement their market value appraisals

    with investment analysis. This form of real estate valuation not only considerswhat similar properties have sold for but also looks at the underlying determi-nants of value. It is an extension of the traditional valuation approaches (cost,comparative sales, and income) that gives investors a better picture of whethera selected property is likely to satisfy their investment objectives.

    Market Value versus Investment Analysis The concept of market valuediffers from investment analysis in four important ways: (1) retrospectiveversus prospective, (2) impersonal versus personal, (3) unleveraged versusleveraged, and (4) net operating income (NOI) versus after-tax cash flows.

    Retrospective versus Prospective Market value appraisals look backward;they attempt to estimate the price a property will sell for by comparing recent

    sales of similar properties. Under static market conditions, such a techniquecan be reasonable. But if, say, interest rates, population, or buyer expectationsare changing rapidly, past sales prices may not accurately indicate a propertyscurrent value or its future value. An investment analysis tries to incorporate inthe valuation process such factors as economic base, population demographicsand psychographics, cost of mortgage financing, and potential sources ofcompetition.

    Impersonal versus Personal A market value estimate represents the price aproperty will sell for under certain specified conditionsin other words, a sortof market average. But in fact, every buyer and seller has a unique set of needs,and each real estate transaction can be structured to meet those needs. Thus,an investment analysis looks beyond what may constitute a typical transac-

    tion and attempts to evaluate a subject propertys terms and conditions of sale(or rent) as they correspond to a given investors constraints and goals.

    For example, a market value appraisal might show that with normalfinancing and conditions of sale, a property is worth $180,000. Yet because ofpersonal tax consequences, it might be better for a seller to ask a higher pricefor the property and offer owner financing at a below-market interest rate.

    Unleveraged versus Leveraged The returns a real estate investment offerswill be influenced by the amount of the purchase price that is financed withdebt. But simple income capitalization (V5NOI/R) does not incorporate alter-native financing plans that might be available. It assumes either a cash or anunleveraged purchase.

    The use of debt financing, or leverage, gives differing riskreturn parame-ters to a real estate investment. Leverage automatically increases investmentrisk because borrowed funds must be repaid. Failure to repay a mortgageloan results in foreclosure and possible property loss. Alternatively, leveragemay also increase return. If a property can earn a return in excess of the costof the borrowed funds (that is, debt cost), the investors return is increased toa level well above what could have been earned from an all-cash deal. This isknown as positive leverage. Conversely, if the return is below the debt cost,the return on invested equity is less than from an all-cash deal. This is called


    investment analysisapproach to real estatevaluation that not only considerswhat similar properties havesold for but also looks at

    the underlying determinantsof value.

    leveragein real estate, the use of debtfinancing to purchase a pieceof property and thereby affectits riskreturn parameters.

    positive leveragea position in which, if apropertys return is in excessof its debt cost, the investorsreturn is increased to a levelwell above what could havebeen earned from an all-cashdeal.

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    negative leverage. The following example both shows how leverage affectsreturn and provides insight into the possible associated risks.

    Assume you purchase a parcel of land for $20,000. You have twofinancing choices: Choice A is all cash; that is, no leverage is employed. Choice

    B involves 80% financing (20% down payment) at 12% interest. Withleverage (choice B), you sign a $16,000 note (0.80 of $20,000) at 12%interest, with the entire principal balance due and payable at the end of oneyear. Now suppose the land appreciates during the year to $25,000. (A com-parative analysis of this occurrence is presented in Table 18.2.) Had youchosen the all-cash deal, the one-year return on your initial equity would havebeen 25%. The use of leverage magnifies that return, no matter how much theproperty appreciated. The leveraged alternative (choice B) involved only a$4,000 investment in personal initial equity, with the balance financed by bor-rowing at 12% interest. The property sells for $25,000, of which $4,000 rep-resents recovery of the initial equity investment, $16,000 goes to repay theprincipal balance on the debt, and another $1,920 of gain is used to payinterest ($16,000 3 0.12). The balance of the proceeds, $3,080, representsyour return. The return on your initial equity is 77%over three times thatprovided by the no-leverage alternative, choice A.

    We used 12% in this example, but the cost of money has surprisingly littleeffect on comparative (leveraged versus unleveraged) returns. For example,using 6% interest, the return on equity rises to 101%, even greater than theunleveraged alternative. Granted, using a lower interest cost does improvereturn, but other things being equal, what really drives return on equity is theamount of leverage.

    There is another side to the coin, however. No matter what the eventualoutcome, risk is always inherent in leverage; it can easily turn a bad deal into adisaster. Suppose the $20,000 property discussed above dropped in value by25% during the one-year holding period. The comparative results are presented

    in Table 18.3 on page 18-14. The unleveraged investment would have resulted


    TABLE 18.2 The Effect of Positive Leverage on Return: An Example*

    Purchase price: $20,000

    Sale price: $25,000

    Holding period: 1 year

    Item Choice A Choice B

    Number Item No Leverage 80% Financing

    1 Initial equity $20,000 $4,000

    2 Loan principal 0 16,000

    3 Sale price 25,000 25,000

    4 Capital gain [(3) 2 (1)2 (2)] 5,000 5,0005 Interest cost [0.123 (2)] 0 1,920

    6 Net return [(4)2 (5)]

    Return on investors equity

    [(6)4 (1)]

    *To simplify this example, all values are presented on a before-taxbasis. To get the true return,one would consider taxes on the capital gain and the interest expense.


    $4,0005 77%

    $ 5,000

    $20,0005 25%

    $3,080$ 5,000

    negative leveragea position in which, if apropertys return is below itsdebt cost, the investors return is

    less than from an all-cash deal.

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    in a negative return of 25%. This is not large, however, compared to the lever-aged position, in which you would lose not only the entire initial investment of$4,000 but an additional $2,920 ($1,000 additional principal on the debt 1$1,920 interest). The total loss of $6,920 on the original $4,000 of equityresults in a (negative) return of 173%. Thus, the loss in the leverage case isnearly seven times the loss experienced in the unleveraged situation.

    NOI versus After-Tax Cash Flows Recall that to estimate market value,the income approach capitalizes net operating income (NOI). To mostinvestors, though, the NOI figure holds little meaning. This is because themajority of real estate investors finance their purchases. In addition, fewinvestors today can ignore the effect of federal income tax law on their invest-ment decisions. Investors want to know how much cash they will be requiredto put into a transaction and how much cash they are likely to get out. The con-cept of NOI does not address these questions. Thus, we instead use after-taxcash flows (ATCFs), which are the annual cash flows earned on a real estateinvestment, net of all expenses, debt payments, and taxes. To them we applythe familiar finance measure of investment returndiscounted cash flowas aprime criterion for selecting real estate investments. (Sometimes yield is usedinstead to assess the suitability of a prospective real estate investment.)

    Calculating Discounted Cash Flow Calculating discounted cash flow

    involves the use of present-value techniques we discussed in Chapter 4,Appendix 4A; in addition, you need to learn how to calculate annual after-taxcash flows and the after-tax net proceeds of sale. You then can discount thecash flows an investment is expected to earn over a specified holding period.This figure in turn gives you the present value of the cash flows. Next, you findthe net present value (NPV)the difference between the present value of thecash flows and the amount of equity necessary to make the investment. Theresulting difference tells you whether the proposed investment looks good (apositive net present value) or bad (a negative net present value).


    TABLE 18.3 The Effect of Negative Leverage on Return: An Example*

    Purchase price: $20,000

    Sale price: $15,000

    Holding period: 1 year

    Item Choice A Choice B

    Number Item No Leverage 80% Financing

    1 Initial equity $20,000 $ 4,000

    2 Loan principal 0 16,000

    3 Sale price 15,000 15,000

    4 Capital loss [(3) 2 (1)2 (2)] 5,000 5,000

    5 Interest cost [0.123 (2)] 0 1,920

    6 Net loss [(4) (5)]

    Return on investors equity

    [(6)4 (1)]

    *To simplify this example, all values are presented on a before-taxbasis. To get the true return,one would consider taxes on the capital loss and the interest expense.


    $4,0005 2173%

    $ 5,000

    $20,0005 225%

    $6,920$ 5,000

    after-tax cash flows (ATCFs)the annual cash flows earnedon a real estate investment,net of all expenses, debtpayments, and taxes.

    discounted cash flow

    use of present-value techniquesto find net present value (NPV).

    net present value (NPV)the difference between thepresent value of the cashflows and the amount ofequity necessary to makean investment.

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    This process of discounting cash flows to calculate the net present value(NPV) of an investment can be represented by the following equation:

    Equation 18.2


    I0 5 the original required investment

    CFi 5 annual after-tax cash flow for year i

    CFRn 5 the after-tax net proceeds from sale (reversionary after-tax cashflow) occurring in year n

    r 5 the discount rate and [1/(1 1 r)i] is the present-value interestfactor for $1 received in year i using an r percent discount rate

    In this equation, the annual after-tax cash flows, CFs, may be either inflows to

    investors or outflows from them. Inflows are preceded by a plus ( 1 ) sign,outflows by a minus ( 2 ) sign.

    Calculating Yield An alternative way to assess investment suitability is tocalculate the yield, which was first presented in Chapter 4. It is the discountrate that causes the present value of the cash flows just to equal the amount ofequity, or, alternatively, it is the discount rate that causes net present value(NPV) just to equal $0. Setting the NPV in Equation 18.2 equal to zero, wecan rewrite the equation as follows:

    Equation 18.3

    Because estimates of the cash flows (CFi), including the sale proceeds (CFRn),and the equity investment (I0) are known, the yield is the unknown discountrate (r) that solves Equation 18.3. It represents the compounded annual rate ofreturn actually earned by the investment.

    Unfortunately, the yield is often difficult to calculate without the use of thesophisticated routine found on most financial business calculators or, alterna-tively, the use of a properly programmed personal computer. For our purposes,we will use the following three-step procedure to estimate yield to the nearestwhole percent (1%).

    Step 1: Calculate the investments net present value (NPV) using its requiredreturn.

    Step 2: If the NPV found in step 1 is positive (.$0), raise the discount rate(typically 1% to 5%) and recalculate the NPV using the increased rate.

    If the NPV found in step 1 is negative (,$0), lower the discount rate(typically 1% to 5%)andrecalculate theNPVusing thedecreasedrate.

    Step 3: If the NPV found in step 2 is very close to $0 , the resulting discountrate is a good estimate of the investments yield to the nearest wholepercent.

    If the NPV is still not close to $0, repeat step 2.

    c CF1(1 1 r)1


    (1 1 r)21c1

    CFn21(1 1 r)n21

    1CFn 1 CFRn

    (1 1 r)nd 5 I0

    NPV 5 cCF1

    (1 1 r)1 1

    CF2(1 1 r)2 1



    CFn21(1 1 r)n21 1

    CFn 1 CFRn(1 1 r)n d 2 I0


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    If the calculated yield is greater than the discount rate appropriate for thegiven investment, the investment is acceptable. In that case, the net presentvalue would be positive.

    When consistently applied, the net present value and yield approaches give

    the same recommendation for accepting or rejecting a proposed real estateinvestment. The next section shows how all the elements discussed so far inthis chapter can be applied to a real estate investment decision.

    CONCEPTS IN REVIEWAnswers available at:

    18.8 What is the market value of a property? What is real estate appraisal?Comment on the following statement: Market value is always the price at

    which a property sells.

    18.9 Briefly describe each of the following approaches to real estate market value:a. Cost approach

    b. Comparative sales approach

    c. Income approach

    18.10 What is real estate investment analysis?How does it differ from the conceptof market value?

    18.11 What is leverage, and what role does it play in real estate investment? Howdoes it affect the riskreturn parameters of a real estate investment?

    18.12 What is net operating income (NOI)?What are after-tax cash flows (ATCFs)?Why do real estate investors prefer to use ATCFs?

    18.13 What is the net present value (NPV)?What is the yield?How are the NPV andyield used to make real estate investment decisions?

    An Example of Real Estate Valuation

    Assume that Jack Wilson is deciding whether to buy the Academic ArmsApartments. To improve his real estate investment decision making, Jack fol-lows a systematic procedure. He designs a schematic framework of analysisthat corresponds closely to the topics weve discussed. Following this frame-work (shown in Figure 18.1), Jack follows a five-step procedure. He (1) setshis investor objectives, (2) analyzes important features of the property, (3) col-lects data on the determinants of the propertys value, (4) performs valuationand investment analysis, and (5) synthesizes and interprets the results of hisanalysis.

    Set Investor ObjectivesJack is a tenured associate professor of management at Finley College. Hessingle, age 40, and has gross income of $125,000 per year from salary, con-sulting fees, stock dividends, and book royalties. His adjusted gross income isabout $85,000. His applicable tax rate on ordinary income is 28%. Jack wantsto diversify his investment portfolio further. He would like to add a real estate

    LG 4


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    FIGURE 18.1 Framework for Real Estate Investment Analysis

    This framework depicts a logical five-step procedure for analyzing potential investment properties toassess whether they are acceptable investments that might be included in ones investment portfolio.(Adapted from Gary W. Eldred, Real Estate: Analysis and Strategy.)

    A. Demand: Who will buy?

    Collect Data on Determinants of Value3.

    1: Set Investor Objectives

    A. Investment characteristicsB. Constraint and goals

    2. Analyze Important Features of the Property

    A. Physical propertyB. Property rightsC. Time horizonD. Geographic area

    4. Perform Valuation and Investment Analysis



    Market value1. Cost approach2. Comparative sales approach3. Income approachInvestment analysis1. After-tax cash flowsNPV2. Approximate yield

    5. Synthesize and Interpret Results of Analysis

    Supply: What are thequantity and qualityof supply?

    B. The property: Whatset of benefits shouldbe provided?

    C. Property transferprocess: How will theproperty rights betransferred?


    Economic basepopulation,wealth,income, etc.Buyer (tenant)preferencesTarget market

    potentialMortgage financ-ing conditions

    Market structureSources ofcompetitionInventoryingcompetitors



    Restrictionson useLocationSiteImprovementsPropertymanagement

    Methods ofpromotionNegotiationpressures andtechniquesLease provisions









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    investment that has good appreciation potential and provides a positive yearlyafter-tax cash flow. For convenience, Jack requires the property to be close tohis office, and he feels his talents and personality are suited to the ownership ofapartments. Jack has $60,000 of cash to invest. On this amount, he would like

    to earn a 13% rate of return. Jack has his eye on a small apartment building,the Academic Arms Apartments.

    Analyze Important Features of the PropertyThe Academic Arms building is located six blocks from the Finley CollegeStudent Union. The building contains six 2-bedroom, 2-bath units of 900square feet each. It was built in 1985, and all systems and building compo-nents appear to be in good condition. The present owner gave Jack an incomestatement reflecting the propertys 2006 income and expenses. The owner hasfurther assured Jack that no adverse easements or encumbrances affect thebuildings title. Of course, if Jack decides to buy Academic Arms, he will havea lawyer verify the quality of the property rights associated with the property.

    For now, though, he accepts the owners word. Jack considers a five-year holding period reasonable. At present, hes

    happy at Finley and thinks he will stay there at least until age 45. Jack definesthe market for the property as a one-mile radius from campus. He reasons thatstudents who walk to campus (the target market) limit their choice of apart-ments to those that fall within that geographic area.

    Collect Data on Determinants of ValueOnce Jack has analyzed the important features, he next thinks about the fac-tors that will determine the propertys investment potential: (1) demand,(2) supply, (3) the property, and (4) the property transfer process.

    Demand Finley College is the lifeblood institution in the market area. Thebase of demand for the Academic Arms Apartments will grow (or decline)with the size of the colleges employment and student enrollment. On thisbasis, Jack judges the prospects for the area to be in the range of good to excel-lent. During the coming five years, major funding (due to a $25 million gift)will increase Finleys faculty by 15%, and expected along with faculty growthis a rise in the student population from 3,200 to 3,700 full-time students. Jackestimates that 70% of the new students will live away from home. In the past,Finley largely served the local market, but with its new affluenceand theresources this affluence can buythe college will draw students from a widergeographic area. Furthermore, because Finley is a private college with rela-tively high tuition, the majority of students come from upper-middle-incomefamilies. Parental support can thus be expected to heighten students ability to

    pay. Overall, then, Jack believes the major indicators of demand for themarket area look promising.

    Supply Jack realizes that even strong demand cannot yield profits if a marketsuffers from oversupply. Fortunately, Jack thinks that Academic Arms is wellinsulated from competing units. Most important is the fact that the designatedmarket area is fully built up, and as much as 80% of the area is zoned single-family residential. Any efforts to change the zoning would be strongly opposed


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    Cash Flow Analysis As a first step in cash flow analysis, Jack projects theowners income statement for 2007 (as shown in Table 18.5). This projectionreflects higher rent levels, higher expenses, and a lower net operating income.

    Jack believes that because of poor owner management and deferred mainte-nance, Mrs. Bowker is not getting as much in rents as the market could sup-port. In addition, however, her expenses understate those he is likely to incur.For one thing, a management expense should be deducted. Jack wants to sep-arate what is rightfully a return on labor from his return on capital. Also, oncethe property is sold, a higher property tax assessment will be levied against it.All expenses have been increased to adjust for inflation and a more extensivemaintenance program. With these adjustments, the NOI for Academic Armsduring 2007 is estimated at $23,804.

    To move from NOI to after-tax cash flows (ATCFs), we need to performthe calculations shown in Table 18.6. This table shows that to calculate ATCF,

    Jack must first compute the income tax savings or income taxes he wouldincur as a result of property ownership. In this case, potential tax savings

    accrue during the first four years because the allowable tax deductions ofinterest and depreciation exceed the propertys net operating income; in thefinal year, income exceeds deductions, so taxes are due.

    The magic of simultaneously losing and making money is caused bydepreciation. Tax statutes incorporate this tax deduction, which is based on


    TABLE 18.4 Income Statement, Academic Arms Apartments, 2006

    Gross rental income

    (63 $5203 12) $37,440

    Operating expenses:Utilities $3,125

    Trash collection 745

    Repairs and maintenance 1,500

    Promotion and advertising 200

    Property insurance 920

    Property taxes

    Less: Total operating expenses

    Net operating income (NOI) $27,450



    TABLE 18.5 Projected Income Statement,Academic Arms Apartments, 2007

    Gross potential rental income $39,600

    Less: Vacancy and collection losses at 4%

    Effective gross income (EGI) $38,016

    Operating expenses:

    Management at 5% of EGI $ 1,901

    Utilities 3,400

    Trash collection 820

    Repairs and maintenance 2,500

    Promotion and advertising 200

    Property insurance 1,080

    Property taxes

    Less: Total operating expenses

    Net operating income (NOI) $23,804




    depreciationin real estate investing,a tax deduction based on

    the original cost of a buildingand used to reflect its decliningeconomic life.

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    the original cost of the building, to reflect its declining economic life. However,because this deduction does not actually require a current cash outflow by theproperty owner, it acts as a noncash expenditure that reduces taxes andincreases cash flow. In other words, in the 20072010 period, the propertyownership provides Jack with a tax shelter; that is, Jack uses the income taxlosses sustained on the property to offset the taxable income he receives fromsalary, consulting fees, stock dividends, and book royalties. (Tax shelters arecovered in more detail in Web Chapter 17.)

    Once the amount of tax savings (or taxes) is known, it is added to (or sub-tracted from) the before-tax cash flow. Because Jack qualifies as an activemanager of the property (an important provision of the Tax Reform Act of1986, discussed more fully in Web Chapter 17) and because his income is lowenough (also discussed in Web Chapter 17), he can use the real estate losses toreduce his other income. It is important to recognize that under the TaxReform Act of 1986, the amount of tax losses that can be applied to other tax-able income is limited. It is therefore important to consult a tax expert aboutthe tax consequences of expected income tax losses when calculating ATCFsfrom real estate investments.

    Proceeds from Sale Jack must now estimate the net proceeds he will receivewhen he sells the property. For purposes of this analysis, Jack has assumed a

    five-year holding period. Now he must forecast a selling price for the property.From that amount he will subtract selling expenses, the outstanding balance onthe mortgage, and applicable federal income taxes. The remainder equals Jacksafter-tax net proceeds from sale. These calculations are shown in Table 18.7 onpage 18-22. (Note that although Jacks ordinary income is subject to a 28% taxrate,becausehewouldhaveheldthepropertyformorethan12months,themaxi-mumrate of 15%applies to thecapital gain expectedon thesale of theproperty.)

    Jack wants to estimate his net proceeds from the sale conservatively. Hebelieves that at a minimum, market forces will push up the selling price of the


    TABLE 18.6 Cash Flow Analysis, Academic Arms Apartments, 20072011

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

    Income Tax Computations

    NOI $23,804 $24,994 $26,244 $27,556 $28,934

    Interest* 20,947 20,825 20,690 20,541 20,376


    Taxable income (loss) ($ 4,597) ($3,285) ($ 1,900) ($ 439) $ 1,104

    Marginal tax rate 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28

    Tax savings (+) or taxes () 1$ 1,287 1$ 920 1$ 532 1$ 123 2$ 309

    After-Tax Cash Flow (ATCF) Computations

    NOI $23,804 $24,994 $26,244 $27,556 $28,934

    Mortgage payment

    Before-tax cash flow $ 1,689 $ 2,879 $ 4,129 $ 5,441 $ 6,819

    Tax savings (+) or taxes ()

    After-tax cash flow (ATCF)

    *Based on a $210,000 mortgage at 10% compounded annually. Some rounding has been used.**Based on a straight-line depreciation over 27.5 years and a depreciable basis of $205,000. Land value is assumed to equal $65,000.

    $ 6,510$ 5,564$ 4,661$ 3,799$ 2,976

    2 3091 1231 5321 9201 1,287



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    property at the rate of 5% per year beyond his assumed purchase price of$270,000. Thus, he estimates that the selling price in five years will be$344,520. (He obtained this amount by multiplying the $270,000 purchaseprice by the future-value interest factor of 1.276 from Appendix A, Table A.1,for the 5% and five yearsthat is, $270,000 3 1.276 5 $344,520.) Makingthe indicated deductions from the forecasted selling price, Jack computes the

    after-tax net proceeds from the sale equal to $100,719.

    Discounted Cash Flow In this step, Jack discounts the projected cash flowsto find their present value, and he subtracts the amount of his equity invest-ment from their total to get net present value (NPV). In making this calcula-tion (see Table 18.8), Jack finds that at his required rate of return of 13%, theNPV of these amounts equals $10,452. Looked at another way, the presentvalue of the amounts Jack forecasts he will receive exceeds the amount of hisinitial equity investment by $10,452. The investment therefore meets (andexceeds) his acceptance criterion.

    Yield Alternatively, Jack could estimate the yield by using the initial equity,I0, of $60,000, along with the after-tax cash flow, CFj, for each yearj (shownat the bottom of Table 18.6) and the after-tax net proceeds from sale, CFR2011,of $100,719 (calculated in Table 18.7). The future cash flows associated with

    Jacks proposed investment in Academic Arms Apartments are summarized incolumn 1 of Table 18.9. Using these data along with the planned $60,000equity investment, we can apply the three-step procedure described earlier inthis chapter to estimate the yield.

    Step 1: The investments NPV at the 13% discount rate is $10,452, as shownin Table 18.8.


    TABLE 18.7 Estimated After-Tax Net Proceeds from Sale,Academic Arms Apartments, 2011

    Income Tax Computations

    Forecasted selling price (at 5% annual appreciation) $344,520

    2 Selling expenses at 7% 24,116

    2 Book value (purchase price less accumulated depreciation)

    Total gain on sale $87,674

    Capital gain (Selling price selling expense purchase price) $50,404

    Recaptured depreciation (Purchase price book value) $37,270

    Tax on recaptured depreciation ($37,270 3 0.25) $ 9,318

    Tax on capital gain ($50,404 3 0.15) 7,561

    Total taxes payable

    Computation of After-Tax Net Proceeds

    Forecasted selling price $344,520

    2 Selling expenses 24,116

    2Mortgage balance outstanding

    Net proceeds before taxes $117,5982 Taxes payable (calculated above)

    After-tax net proceed from sale (CFR2011)

    *Although Jacks ordinary income is taxed at a 28% rate, his long-term capital gains tax rate is15% and the recaptured depreciation tax rate is 25%.






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    Step 2: Because the NPV in step 1 is positive, we decide to recalculate the

    NPV using a 16% discount rate as shown in columns 2 and 3 of Ta-ble 18.9. As shown at the bottom of column 3, the NPV at the 16%discount rate is $2,488.

    Step 3: Because the NPV of $2,488 calculated in step 2 is well above $0, werepeat step 2.

    Step 2: We decide to raise the discount rate to 18% and recalculate the NPVas shown in columns 4 and 5 of Table 18.9. As shown at the bottomof column 5, the NPV at the 18% discount rate is $2,183.

    Step 3: Because the NPV of $2,183, calculated in our first repetition of step2 is below $0, we again repeat step 2.

    Step 2: We now decide to lower the rate by 1%, to 17%, and recalculate the

    NPV as shown in columns 6 and 7 of Table 18.9. As shown at thebottom of column 7, the NPV is $98.


    TABLE 18.8 Net Present Value, Academic Arms Apartments*

    *All inflows are assumed to be end-of-year receipts.

    **Includes both the fifth-year annual after-tax cash flow of $6,510 and the after-tax net proceedsfrom sale of $100,719.

    NPV 5 1$10,452

    NPV 5 $70,452 2 $60,000

    NPV 5 $2,634 1 $2,975 1 $3,230 1 $3,413 1 $58,200 2 $60,000

    NPV 5 c $2,976(1 1 0.13)1


    (1 1 0.13)21


    (1 1 0.13)31


    (1 1 0.13)41


    (1 1 0.13)5d 2 60,000

    NPV 5 c CF1(1 1 r)1


    (1 1 r)21


    (1 1 r)31


    (1 1 r)41


    (1 1 r)5d 2 I0

    TABLE 18.9 Yield Estimation, Academic Arms Apartments

    NPV at 16% NPV at 18% NPV at 17%

    (3) (5) (7)

    (1) (1) 3 (2) (4) (1) 3 (4) (6) (1)3 (6)

    End of After-Tax (2) Present Present Present

    Year Cash Flow* 16% PVIF** Value 18% PVIF** Value 17% PVIF** Value

    1 $2,976 .862 $2,565 .847 $2,521 .855 $2,544

    2 3,799 .743 2,823 .718 2,728 .731 2,777

    3 4,661 .641 2,988 .609 2,839 .624 2,908

    4 5,564 .552 3,071 .516 2,871 .534 2,971

    5 107,229*** .476 .437 .456

    Present value of cash flows $62,488 $57,817 $60,098

    2 Initial equity

    Net Present value (NPV)

    *Cash flows derived in Tables 18.6 and 18.7 and summarized in the numerators of terms to the r ight of the equals sign in the secondequation in Table 18.8.

    **PVIF represents the present-value interest factors found in Appendix A, Table A.3.

    ***Includes the fifth-year annual after-tax cash flow of $6,510 and the after-tax net proceeds from sale of $100,719.

    $ 982$ 2,183$ 2,488



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    Step 3: It is now clear that the yield is somewhere between 17% and 18%,because the NPV would equal $0 in that range. The better estimate tothe nearest whole percent is 17%, because the NPV at this rate iscloser to $0 ($98) than that at the 18% rate ($2,183).

    Because the yield is estimated (to the nearest whole percent) to be 17%,which is greater than Jacks required rate of return of 13%, the investmentmeetsand exceedshis acceptance criterion. Though it yields merely an esti-mate, when consistently applied this technique should always result in thesame conclusion about acceptability as that obtained using net present value.

    Synthesize and Interpret Results of AnalysisNow Jack reviews his work. He evaluates his analysis for important featuresand determinants of the propertys value, checks all the facts and figures in theinvestment analysis calculations, and then evaluates the results in light of hisstated investment objectives. He asks himself, All things considered, is theexpected payoff worth the risk? In this case, he decides it is.

    Even a positive finding, however, does not necessarily mean Jack shouldbuy this property. He might still want to shop around to see if he can locate aneven better investment. Furthermore, he might be wise to hire a real estateappraiser to confirm that the price he is willing to pay seems reasonable withrespect to the recent sales prices of similar properties in the market area.

    Nevertheless, Jack realizes that any problem can be studied to death; noone can ever obtain all the information that will bear on a decision. He giveshimself a week to investigate other properties and talk to a professionalappraiser. If nothing turns up to cause him to have second thoughts, he willoffer to buy the Academic Arms Apartments. On the terms presented, he iswilling to pay up to a maximum price of $270,000.

    CONCEPTS IN REVIEWAnswers available at:

    18.14 List and briefly describe the five steps in the framework for real estate invest-ment analysis shown in Figure 18.1.

    18.15 Define depreciation from a tax viewpoint. Explain why it is said to offer taxshelter potential. What real estate investments provide this benefit? Explain.

    18.16 Explain why, despite its being acceptable on the basis of NPV or of yield, areal estate investment still might not be acceptable to a given investor.

    Real Estate Investment Securities

    The most popular ways to invest in real estate are through individual owner-ship (as weve just seen) and real estate investment trusts (REITs). Individualownership of investment real estate is most common among wealthy individ-uals, professional real estate investors, and financial institutions. The strongestadvantage of individual ownership is personal control, and the strongest draw-back is that it requires a relatively large amount of capital. Although thus far

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    Equity REITs are by far the most common type accounting for over 80% of allREITs. The shares of REITs are traded on organized exchanges, such as theNYSE and the AMEX, as well as in the over-the-counter (OTC) market.

    Investing in REITs REITs provide an attractive mechanism for real estateinvestment by individual investors. They also provide professional manage-ment. In addition, because their shares can be traded in the securities markets,investors can purchase and sell shares conveniently with the assistance of afull-service, premium discount, or basic discount broker. Investors in REITscan reap tax benefits by placing their shares in a Keogh plan, an individualretirement arrangement (IRA), or some other tax-deferring vehicle.

    The most direct way to investigate REITs before you buy is to get thenames of those that interest you and then call or write the headquarters of eachfor information on the properties and/or mortgages it holds, its management,its future plans, and its track record. Additional information on REIT invest-ments can be obtained from the National Association of Real Estate Investment

    Trusts, 1875 I Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20006, 800-3-NAREIT, evaluation process will, of course, depend on the type of REIT you are

    considering. Equity REITs tend to be most popular because they share directlyin real estate growth. If a propertys rent goes up, so will the dividend distri-bution, and share prices may also rise to reflect property appreciation. EquityREITs can be analyzed by applying the same basic procedures described inChapters 7 and 8 for common stock valuation. Because mortgage REITs earnmost of their income as interest on real estate loans, they tend to trade likebonds; therefore, many of the techniques for analyzing bond investments pre-sented in Chapters 10 and 11 can be used to evaluate them. Hybrid REITshave the characteristics of both property and mortgages and should thereforebe evaluated accordingly.

    Regardless of type, you should review the REITs investment objective andperformance as you would those of a mutual fund (see Chapter 12). Carefullycheck the types of properties and/or mortgages held by the REIT. Be sure tolook at the REITs dividend yield and capital gain potential. Above all, as withany investment, select the REIT that is consistent with your investment riskand return objectives. The Investing in Action box offers guidelines for select-ing a REIT thats right for you.

    Other Forms of Real Estate InvestmentPrior to 1986, public and private real estate limited partnerships (RELPs), pro-fessionally managed real estate syndicates, were a popular real estate invest-ment vehicle for individuals. Managers of RELPs assume the role of general

    partner, which means their liability is unlimited, and other investors are limitedpartners, which means they are legally liable for only the amount of theirinvestment. Limited partnerships were often used as tax shelters (discussed inmore detail in Web Chapter 17.)

    The Tax Reform Act of 1986 severely limited the tax-sheltered incomethat RELPs can provide. Because the income and losses generated from theselimited partnerships are consideredpassive, any write-offs they generate canshelter only a limited amount of ordinary income from taxes, and only for tax-


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    payers with adjusted gross income below $150,000. While RELPs still exist,most are private investments and not available to the general public.

    Today the most feasible way for individuals to invest in real estate isthrough publicly traded REITs, discussed above. Although they do not offertax benefits, they can provide the income and appreciation benefits of realestate. They are also liquid investments that are traded on the major securities



    Real Estate Rides Again

    Would you rather own a golf course or a fac-tory outlet shopping center? Todays realestate investment trusts (REITs) make it easy tochoose. They are likely to be niche players thattypically focus on one geographic area or spe-cialize in one property typeapartments, factoryoutlet malls, shopping centers, office buildings,mobile home parks, even golf courses.

    The popularity of REITs waxes and wanes,depending on economic conditions and thereturns on other investments. However, accord-ing to the National Association of Real EstateInvestment Trusts (NAREIT), over the last30 years, the total average annual return fromREITs has been 12.35% a year, higher than anyof the major market indexes.

    Today, REITs have moved away from theacquisition binge of the 1990s that created highbut unsustainable growth rates. Now they arefocusing on getting the most out of their prop-erties by modernizing buildings and addingamenities and services that allow them toattract and retain tenants and raise rents.

    Many financial advisers recommend putting5% to 10% of your portfolio in real estate (whichincludes your house). Because real estatedoesnt move in tandem with stocks, REITs offeradditional diversification to an investment port-

    folio and exhibit less volatility than stocks.Other advantages of REIT investments includean income stream with yields of about 6 to 8%;possible share appreciation; skilled managementfrom experienced real estate professionals; andperformancemonitoring by independentsources.

    If you find REITS attractive, advisors recom-mend diversifying, both geographically and interms of property type, because each type ofREIT performs differently.

    Choosing a REIT can be difficult. Theaccounting is different from that of the typical

    public company. Instead of reading about earn-ings per share, youll have to analyze the REITsfunds from operations (FFO). The main differ-ence between FFO and EPS is that FFO addsback depreciation. In addition, evaluate thetypes and merits of property owned, plusregional and local economic factors, and thestructure of the REIT itself (ownership, manage-ment, debt, etc.). Study the prospectus carefully,concentrating on the following areas:

    Management. Look for a track record offive or more years of buying, selling, and

    managing properties before going public.Management should also own 10% to 15%of the REIT; you want its interests to be thesame as yours.

    Leverage. This should be under 40% andshould be largely fixed-rate, long-term debtrather than short-term, variable-rate debt,which leaves the REIT vulnerable to changesin interest rates.

    Assets. Analyze the quality of assets, consis-tency by geographic region or type of asset,and demographic and economic characteris-tics of the locations. Hotels and retail displaygreater economic sensitivity than officebuildings and apartments, for example.

    Still confused about which REITs to buy?Then buy shares in one of the over 50 realestate mutual funds that invest in REITs and letprofessional managers choose the best REITs.

    Sources:Lewis Braham, REITs Still Offer a Solid

    Defense, Business Week, December 25, 2000, p. 94;

    David R. Francis, Why Real Estate Funds Stand on Solid

    Ground, The Christian Science Monitor, April 9, 2001,

    p. 15; Jay Loomis, REITs Outperform, The Journal News

    (Westchester, NY), January 26, 2004, downloaded from .

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    exchanges. Another option for wealthy investors is a private limited liabilitycorporation (LLC) that invests in real estate. Like RELPs, LLCs can offer taxbenefits to members while limiting their liability.

    CONCEPTS IN REVIEWAnswers available at:

    18.17 Briefly describe the basic structure and investment considerations associatedwith a real estate investment trust (REIT). What are the three basic types of


    18.18 According to the Investing in Action box on page 18-27, what measure shouldyou look for in evaluating an REIT that differs from the accounting measure

    youd consider for a typical public company? What role does the concept of

    diversification play with regard to investments in REITs?

    Other Tangible Investments

    Although real estate investing is much more popular, some individuals findtangiblesinvestment assets, other than real estate, that can be seen andtouchedto be attractive investment vehicles. Common types of tangibles(which well refer to as other tangible investments because real estate itselfis a tangible asset) include precious metals, gemstones, coins, stamps, artwork,antiques, and other so-called hard assets. During the 1970s, tangibles soaredin popularity, for several reasons. First, double-digit inflation rates madeinvestors nervous about holding cash or securities like stocks, bonds, andmutual funds. Their nervousness was heightened by the poor returns securities

    offered in those years. As a result, they turned to investments offering returnsthat exceeded the rate of inflationin other words, tangibles.In 1981 and 1982, things began to change, however, as interest in tangi-

    bles waned and their prices underwent substantial declines. For example, inthe 12-month period from June 1981 to June 1982, the price of gold dropped34%, silver plunged 45%, and U.S. coins fell almost 30% in value. With a fewexceptions, the investment returns on tangibles continued at a substandardpace through the rest of the 1980s and through the 1990s. Such performance,of course, is precisely what you would have expected: These investment vehi-cles tend to perform nicely during periods of high inflation, but they dont donearly so well when inflation drops offas it has since 1982. Indeed, theinvestment performance of tangibles from 1972 to 1982 stands in stark con-trast to the returns on these same investments from 1982 to 1992. During the

    first period, gold yielded an average annual return of 18.6%, compared tostocks at 3.8% and bonds at 3.6%. The subsequent 10 years saw the reverse tobe true, with gold falling to less than 1% average annual return and stocks andbonds returning 18.4% and 15.2%, respectively. On the other hand, duringthe five-year period ended in September 2006, gold prices rose from about$280 per ounce to $625 per ouncea compound annual rate of return of17.4%. During that same period, the Dow Jones Industrial Average increasedat a compound annual rate of 3.2%. Theres no doubt that tangibles can be as

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    the asset relative to the demand for it can unfavorably affect its market price.On the other hand, increasing inflation and continued scarcity can favorablyinfluence the return. Another factor that tends to affect the market valueandtherefore the returnof tangible investments, especially precious metals andgemstones, is the domestic and/or international political environment. Infavorable times, these forms of investing are not especially popular, whereas intimes of turmoil, as occurred after 9/11 (2001), demand for them tends to risebecause of their tangible (and portable) nature.

    Investing in TangiblesTo some extent, investing in tangibles is no different from investing in securi-ties. Selection and timing are important in both cases and play a key role indetermining the rate of return on invested capital. Yet when investing in tangi-bles, you have to be careful to separate the economics of the decision from thepleasure of owning these assets. Lets face it, many people gain a lot of plea-sure from wearing a diamond, owning a piece of fine art, or driving a rare



    Money in Action: Treasure or Trash?

    No longer is the world of collectibles theexclusive domain of the rich, cultured, andfamous. Todays collectors are as likely to savecomic books, Beanie Babies, snow domes, andautographed baseballs as Old Master paintings,rare books, and antiques. Miscellanyrang-ing from costly jewelry, vintage clothes, andsports and entertainment memorabilia to comicbooks and Pez candy dispensersis now amajor category at leading auction houses, bothonline and off. Web sites like eBay and Yahoohave made it easier than ever to buy and sellcollectibles.

    The eclectic tastes of Boomers and Gen Xersare changing the collectibles markets. Popularculture reigns supreme. Experts predict thatthe new treasures will be relics of the twentieth-century technology revolutionold televisionsand computersand things collectors remem-ber from childhoodBarbie and G.I. Joe dolls,comic books, and entertainment memorabiliafrom favorite TV shows and movies.

    Whats behind the broadened popularity ofcollecting? Many like the sheer fun and the thrillof the hunt. Theres always the chance youllfind hidden treasure, but its rare that anyonemakes a killing in junk collectibles. Figuringout what will become next years hottest col-

    lectible is difficult. Collectibles run in cycles,and todays fad may be out tomorrow. KarenKeane, managing director of Skinner, Inc., aBoston auction house, recommends thingsthat represent their time period. Who couldguess that a 1900-era electric fan would sellfor $13,200, or a first issue Star Wars figurinewould sell for $15,000 in a recent eBay auction?The market for old computers didnt exist in1989 but now does.

    To identify future prize collectibles, look formuseum demand for a certain historical period,a cult-like group of collectors (Star Trek fans, forexample), and limited availability. Dont expectmass-market items or manufactured collectiblessuch as Hummels and so-called limited-editioncollectors plates and coins to appreciate much.Veteran collectors advise novices to pick a fieldthat interests them so that they at least get plea-sure from what they own.

    Sources:Edward Baig, How Do You Tell Trash from

    Treasure? Business Week, June 27, 1994, pp. 106E2E4;

    Victoria Murphy, Coming Attractions, Forbes, December

    25, 2000, pp. 157158; The Pleasures of Investing in

    Collectibles, Todays Manager, April/May 2001, Singapore

    Institute of Management, downloaded from

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    automobile. Theres certainly nothing wrong with that, but when youre buy-ing tangible assets for their investment merits, theres only one thing that mat-tersthe economic payoff from the investment.

    As a serious investor in tangibles, you must consider expected price appre-

    ciation, anticipated holding period, and potential sources of risk. In addition,you should carefully weigh the insurance and storage costs of holding suchassets, as well as the potential impact that a lack of a good resale market canhave on return. Perhaps most important, dont start a serious tangibles invest-ment program until you really know what youre doing. Know what to lookfor when buying gems, a rare coin, or a piece of fine art, and know what sepa-rates the good gems, rare coins, or artwork from the rest. In the material thatfollows, we look at tangibles strictly as investment vehicles.

    Gold and Other Precious Metals Precious metals are tangibles that con-centrate a great deal of value in a small amount of weight and volume. In otherwords, just a small piece of a precious metal is worth a lot of money. Three

    kinds of precious metals command the most investor attention: gold, silver,and platinum. Of these three, silver (at about $12.80 per ounce in late mid-2006) is the cheapest. It is far less expensive than either gold (about $625.00per ounce) or platinum (about $1,245.00 per ounce), which were also pricedin September 2006. Gold is by far the most popular, so well use gold here todiscuss precious metals.

    For thousands of years, people have been fascinated with gold. Recordsfrom the age of the pharaohs in Egypt show a desire to own gold. Today, owner-ship of gold is still regarded as a necessity by many investors, and its price hasincreased considerably since it traded for less than $300 per ounce between1997 and late 2001. Actually, Americans are relatively recent gold investorsbecause of the legal prohibition on gold ownership, except in jewelry form, thatexisted from the mid-1930s until January 1, 1975. Like other forms of precious

    metals, gold is a highlyspeculative investment vehicle

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