

Three Examples of Applied Patterns

Jimmy Nilsson

About Jimmy Nilsson

Primarily a developer, but also a trainer and author

Blogs at

Author of ”Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns” and ”.NET Enterprise Design”


• Short introduction

• Problem 1: Location of persistence code

• Problem 2: Queries against a domain model

• Problem 3: Maintenance of a state graph

• Bonus: Non-trivial instantiation

What’s a pattern?A design pattern hasName

Problem (including context)



Nothing but simple, flexible and elegant solutions

Why learn about patterns?

Very important part of the language for developers/architects

When to use patterns?

• Don’t design a new application using all the patterns you can think of

• Start as simple as possible

• Introduce patterns as required


Problem 1: Location of Persistence code

We’d like to persist information about customers and orders

Customer Order

Solution 1A: Save() etc on the Entities

Ouch... Hard to control transactions. And not too true to the Single Responsibility Principle

(But Active Record [PoEAA] has definitely got a new life...)

















Solution 1B: Unit of Work+Identity Map [PoEAA]

Ouch... Too much responsibility on the client?

+RegisterNew(in object)

+RegisterDirty(in object)

+RegisterClean(in object)

+RegisterDeleted(in object)


UnitOfWork finder an identity map database


found = Get(1)

[found not null] found

[found is null] found = select ... where id = 1

Solution 1C: Repository [DDD]

client repository database

selection criteria

matching objects Delegate

Pause: Gregg Irwin said this about pattern adoption

1. You use it without being aware that you’re using it

2. You hear about it, read up on it, and tinker a bit

3. You learn more and start using it explicitly, if naively

4. You get the fire and evangelize (optional)

5. Something ”clicks”

6. You learn more and apply it ”less naively” and more implicitly

7. Time passes and you see flaws

8. You question the concept (often because you misapplied it)

9. You either forget about it or add knowledge and experience(Repeat steps 5-9 if necessary)

10. You use it without being aware that you are using it


Problem 2: Queries against a domain model

Send letter to all customers who have a credit limit > 1'' and who have bought from a certain product group the last month

Customer Order

Solution 2A: Loop

Ouch... A relational database is used, instantiation of all customers and orders in the domain model is too ”expensive”

Solution 2B: Query Object [PoEAA]

Ouch... Too much responsibility

on the client?







Solution 2C: Repository [DDD]

Ouch... The repository classes may grow very large. And this isn’t taking care of the situation when you’d like to check a transient customer

client repository database

selection criteria

matching objects Delegate

Solution 2D: Specification [DDD]


+IsDelinquent() : bool




+Test(in invoice) : bool


Problem 3: Maintenance of state graph

Solution 3A: if-statements everywhere

Ouch... The description of the graph is very mixed up and spread out

Solution 3B: A table based representation of the graph

Ouch... Hard to elegantly deal with state specific behavior

Solution 3C: State [GoF]











Bonus: Non-trivial instantiation

An order can be instantiated as:

New ordinary

New reservation

New credit order

New repetition

Fetch stored order

Bonus A: new()

Ouch... The different constructors aren’t expressing purpose

Bonus B: Static methods

Ouch... The class has two different responsibilities(Even if we factor out the fetching of a stored instance)

Bonus C: Factory [DDD]

client FACTORY product


product Create


Patterns are great to have

in the tool box!

ReferencesGamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides: Design Patterns [GoF]

Evans: Domain-Driven Design [DDD]

Fowler: Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture [PoEAA]

Fowler: Refactoring [R]

Kerievsky: Refactoring to Patterns [R2P]

Nilsson: Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns [ADDDP]

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