Page 1: Jesus is the Resurrection and the life - St Mary's Upton

Digging into the BibleJesus had just arrived outside Bethany, the hometown of His dear friends Lazarus, Marthaand Mary.Lazarus had been dead for 4 days. When he fell ill his two sisters asked Jesus to come,hoping he would heal their brother, but Jesus hadn’t come.Martha ran out to meet Jesus and He said "I am the resurrection and the life. Those whobelieve in me will have life even if they die. And everyone who lives and believes in me willnever die.” Martha might well have thought – “Yeah, right. Lazarus really believed in Him,they were good friends, but now he’s dead”.

The challenge now is for you to find the evidence that backs up Jesus’ amazing statementto Martha and present your Bible verses as a page in a newspaper. Use words, pictures,puzzles, even photos.The front page of the paper should be Jesus’ statement “I am the resurrection and thelife” with the question underneath:

"Would you believe it?”Pick one or two of the passages below:• John 11: 17-44• Luke 7:11-23• Mark 5:21-24 and 35-43• Mark 16:1-8• John 20:19-29Take a picture of your creation and share it with us on social media; we'd love to see whatyou come up with.

Pathfinders @ home

Activities• As a family try our resurrection scavenger hunt (see separate sheet)• If you have the ingredients try making our resurrection buns (see separate sheet)• Have a highest tower competition. You could use jenga blocks, toothpicks and blue tac,

newspaper and tape. Set a time limit and see who can make the highest free standingtower.

Jesus is the Resurrectionand the life

Page 2: Jesus is the Resurrection and the life - St Mary's Upton

PrayerPray together using the TSP method (thank you, sorry, please)

Dear Father God,Thank you that Jesus didn’t just say He was the resurrection and the life butdemonstrated it too, not only by bringing Lazarus back to life but also by Hisown death and resurrection. Thank you that if we believe, then we too canhave eternal life, starting right here and now. Sorry for the times when weforget everything you have done for us Please strengthen the faith of thosewho do believe and help those who are not sure, to keep thinking about this

until they are able to make their own decision.Amen

Response'Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, eventhough he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"'

John 11:25-26Make a poster of the verse and display the memory verse in your house, to remind you thatJesus is the resurrection and the life.

St Mary's Children's and Youth Work

Digging into the BibleThe crucial question is "do you really believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life?"You have seen the evidence and now you need to think it through for yourselves.Martha didn’t answer Jesus ‘Yeah! Right!’ Instead she answered the question without seeingthe evidence – “’Yes, Lord,’ she told him, ‘I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God,who was to come into the world’". Jesus was her friend and she trusted Him implicitly.Read John 11:25-27 to finish.

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