  • Cinemaforeveryone!



    This month at theJerusalem Cinematheque! The Best international films, now with arabic SubtitlesThe best of international cinema to be screened throughout the upcoming months with arabic subtitles.

  • : 83 : 23

    : 13 : 54

    ( ) :

    / /, , / , , 21

    : 545 : 478

    , : 083 : 084

    , , , , -

    6 : 471 01 : 072

    : 01







    * * 01




    7739* | li.gro.ffj@apuk

    , . 1658 , 3334565.20

    " li.gro.nic-rej@nic-rej

    7-4 | 55-04

    01-8 | 41-21 | ' 71-61

    81 | 12-02 | 32-22

    06-42 | 66-26

    '-' 00:01

    . ' 00:01-00:41.






    eht ta htnom sihT !euqehtameniC melasureJ ,smlif lanoitanretni tseB ehTseltitbuS cibara htiw won lanoitanretni fo tseb ehT deneercs eb ot amenic gnimocpu eht tuohguorht.seltitbus cibara htiw shtnom

  • . 7739* 4102


    21/32-61 7739*

    * * * * * *

    * *

    614102.21.32-61 [ 04 ]

    , , , ,

    : , 21.6 [ 8 ]


    ', 21.3 [ 01 ]

    ! , , .


  • LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW 4102 - 5 -

    : , 21.6, 00:12 [ 82 ]

    ', 21.92, 03:91 [ 06 ]

    ' "", '

    : ', 21.42, 03:12 [ 65 ]

    ? ', 01.42 [ 9 ]


    ', 21.8, 00:12 [ 92 ]

    , " "

  • 2014 *9377 .

    , 16 Celebrating 16 Years to the JJFF with a Slew of Films, Premieres and Events

    A Celebration of Jewish Cinema

    "" Culinary Events: Delicatessen

    Sarah Silverman

    " " Our Guest of Honor will Participate in a Festive Screening of her Award-Winning Film We Are Miracles

    Cinema for Children and Youth

    " " ," " ," " ," "Belle and Sebastian, Secrets of War, Friends Forever, War of the Buttons

    Claudia Roden

    The High Priestess of Jewish and Mediterranean Cooking

    Haim Cohen , ,

    Haim Cohen, Assaf Granit, Sherry Ansky and Others

  • - 7 - 2014 WWW.JER-CIN.ORG.IL

    Felix and Meira

    Hadas Yaron in the Film that Captivated the Toronto Film Festival


    Amos Gitai's New Critically-Acclaimed Film

    Blast from the Past ," "

    " " ," "Magnificent Classics and Beautifully Restored Prints

    Mr. Kaplan

    Uruguay's Comedic Hit Arrives in Israel


    The Festival's Opening Film is one ofthe Cinematic Highlights of the Year

  • . 7739*


    " " "" ,

    . 01, , . " ' . ", . , , . , " " , ,

    73 . . , , , , (), . 84 , 5 : " ' ' ...." . , , , .

    7691 . , " " , 000,002,1 01 . , , '' , . " !" . . " ", , "", , "' "

    , , , . , " "," " " ", " ", " ", "8 ", " ", " ", : " ", " ", "",

    . 021 . ' ', , ,

    . ,


    , 21.6, 00:81 [ ' 72 ]

    ', 21.7, 51:12 [ ' 92 ]

    ', 21.8, 00:12 [ ' 92 ]

    , 21.31, 03:81 [ ' 63 ]

    ', 21.41, 00:81 [ ' 73 ]

    ', 21.51, 03:81 [ ' 83 ]




    , , "". "" , . , ,

    . ? , ,

    , , ."" , .

    . 21.81 ' ( )


    : " "

    ', 21.9, 00:12 [ ' 23 ]

    05 "" '" ', 21.21, 00:41 [ ' 33 ]

    " " ', 21.51, 00:12 [ ' 83 ]


    . ,

    . , , 02 , : , ,

    . , , (egatoof dnuof)

    . , , ,



    emosenoL ', 21.92, 03:02 [ ' 16 ]

    4 FFO:


  • . 7739*- 01 -



    , . .


    , . , . , 4491 5891, , . , , . , ( ) ,

    . , " " ,


    ', 21.3, 54:81 [ ' 52 ]


    ', 21.8, 00:91 [ ' 92 ]

    ', 21.8, 00:12 [ ' 92 ]


    ', 21.11, 00:91 [ ' 33 ]


    ', 21.82, 00:02 [ ' 06 ]

  • . 7739*

    ( 4102) ( 4102)

    ' 21.51 03:02 .noM / semit gnineercs ' 21.82 00:81 .nuS ' 21.03 00:12 .euT

    ' 21.01 03:02 .deW / semit gnineercs 21.31 03:12 .taS 21.72 03:12 .taS

    : | 31 3102 01 . ' 4 . 03 41, . , . , .

    . (07 . , ,

    , ) 21.51

    (4102 learsI) volreP divaD

    si ohw ,volreP divaD fo tra dna efil ehT | klaW htuR :.riD yratnemucod ilearsI tnatropmi tsom eht eb ot deredisnoc erar dna slairetam evihcra sreffo mlif ehT .rekammlif eht etanimulli hcihw siraP dna oluaP oaS morf stnemucod yhpargotohp dna gnikammlif ,gnitniap neewteb pihsnoitaler .gnE ,.rF & .gnE ,troP ,.beH ,.nim 07) .efil svolreP dellif taht(.tbus .beH & klaW htuR rotcerid fo ecneserp eht ni 21.51 no gnineercSvolreP leaY dna

    : | , , , . . " 54 58. " . , . . , 41 .

    "". (58 . ) 21.01

    (4102 learsI) nihtiW soahC ehT

    ,nioreh ,halabbaK hguorht yenruoj A | nieL ianaY vokaY :.riD tsuacoloh a si ,agiaF ,rehtoM siannaY .noitpmeder & soahc eht reh thguat eH .galhsA ibbaR eht deirram ohw ,rovivrus neht ecniS .yawa dessap neht dna halabbaK fo sterces-fles morf dlrow eht evas ot seirt agiaF nizitebbeR eht ehs ,yadhtrib yreve teY .halabbaK gnihcaet yb noitalihinna otni etargetnisid ot erised reh morf dlohhtiw ot sah flesreh eh ,haisseM eht eb ot iannaY detnaw ehS .soahc fo sdaerht ,vivA leT fo steerts eht ot yawa nur ot ,41 fo ega eht ta ,esohc flesmih sdnif eh ,yllaniF .tcidda nioreh a emaceb eh erehw 58) .mlif hguorht yrots s'efil sih gnillet ,melasureJ ni gnivil(ylno .beH ,.nimsrekammlif eht fo ecneserp eht ni 21.01 no gnineercS

  • LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW - 31 -

    ' 21.52 03:02 .uhT 21.72 00:91 .taS ' 21.03 00:91 .euT

    / semit gnineercs

    ? ( 4102)

    21.6 00:12 .taS / semit gnineercs ' 21.41 51:12 .nuS 21.72 00:71 .taS

    (/" 4102)

    : | " ", . : , , . ? ? (05 . , , ,

    ) 21.6

    ot deneppaH tahW dna iraK-ellE sI erehW(4102 learsI) ?nas-okiroN

    dna ,gnitanicsaf ,ciglatson A | lagrahS tirovD :.riD nerdlihc ralupop eht fo traeh eht otni yenruoj gnikaerbtraeh evitceted elbidercni nA .dlroW eht fo nerdlihC ,seires skoob ,iraK-ellE :skoob eht fo seoreh tsol eht swollof hcihw ,yrots ,kriD ,napaJ morf lrig eht ,naS-okiroN ,dnalpaL morf lrig eht eseht diD .stsinogatorp ilearsI eht dna ,dnalloH morf yob eht ,.nim 05) ?won yeht era erehw dnA ?tsixe yllautca nerdlihc (.tbus .beH ,.paJ & .ewS ,.gnE ,.beHrotcerid eht fo ecneserp eht ni 21.6 no gnineercS

    : | , , . , , . , . , . (78 , , )


    (4102 ASU/learsI) enoZ deR eht ni kcoR

    rotcerid naciremA na ,silaiB aruaL | silaiB aruaL :.riD elim a ,ytic llams a ,toredS ot slevart ,selegnA soL morf rednu snaicisum mlif ot si laog reH .pirtS azaG eht morf a sretnuocne ehs ,cisum tuoba yrots a rof gnihcraeS .erif evol ot reh sdael ,reh setavitpac taht ytinummoc evitaerc ,.gnE & .beH ,.nim 78) .efil reh fo esruoc eht segnahc dna(.tbus .beH & .gnErotcerid eht fo ecneserp eht ni 21.52 no gnineercS

  • . 7739* - 41 -


    (// 4102)

    : | (6091-5991), 02, . " ", " . , . : , , , , ' , , . (86 .

    , )

    eht dna saniveL leunammE :doG tnesbA(4102 muigleB/ecnarF/learsI) rehtO eht fo msinamuH

    denibmoc (5991-6091) saniveL leunammE | noR maroY :.riD dumlaT eht fo modsiw eht htiw aohS eht fo snossel eht sa scihte sih no sesucof mlif ehT .yhposolihp nretsew dna hsiweJ fo eroc eht sa ecaf namuh eht stneserp hcihw ,scitpo sa tnaveler sa si taht egassem lasrevinu a seirrac dna scihte(.tbus .beH & .gnE ,.rF & .beH ,.nim 86) .reve

    " " , 3-4 . ,

    , . " " , " . . : " , , , , sey, , , , ,


    : /

    . , .


    / , , , ... ,

    , .

    : / * ? / * / * , / * / * / * / * / : ,


    ' 21.4 00:91 .uhT / semit gnineercs ' 21.11 51:12 .uhT 21.31 00:71 .taS


  • :

  • 05 | ' 061 | 08 | 56 | 07 |

    . 7739*

    ecnaD dna cisuM fo ymedacA melasureJ eht htiw noitarepooc ni euqehtameniC melasureJ



    , 21.6, 00:11

    : ' : |

    | ' ': : 4

    : :

    ( 5002) | :

    , . , , " " ( ), ' , '. 03 (601 . , )

    ?ognaT yllaeR llA tI sI eht ni elor laiceps s'ognaTallozzaiP rotsA fo skrow00:11 ,21.6 ,.taS

    eploW leahciM .forP :yb erutceL | onaip dloG hsemehS leoY :yb demrofrep trecnoCollec civoledneM lenateN | niloiv zrawhcS aidideY snosaeS ruoF oirt onaip s'allozzaiP :margorp eht nIseriA soneuB ni fo cisuM dna efiL ehT :ortseaM ognaT :fo gnineercS bbiD ekiM :.riD | (5002 KU) allozzaiP rotsA

    lacisum eht sa depoleved ognat lanoitidarT larutluc naenitnegrA yleuqinu a fo noisserpxe allozzaiP rotsA litnu hcum egnahc ton did tI .werb sdnuos lanoitidart eht gnisuf oveun ognat detaerc dna ,seinomrah tnanossid ,smrof lacissalc htiw ognaT .noissucrep dna noitapocnys zzaj fo stnemele tnelubrut s'allozzaiP fo stneve eht strahc ortseaM dna efil lanoisseforp dna lanosrep detacilpmoc dna 601) .dlrow eht dnuora ecneulfni lacisum sih serolpxe(.tbus .gnE ,.apS & .gnE ,.nim

  • Cin Members 50 NIS for a single ticket )or 160 NIS for the entire series( | Non-Members 80 NIS | Senior citizens and soldiers 65 NIS | Jerusalem resident 70 NIS | Tickets may be purchased in advance

    - 17 -WWW.JER-CIN.ORG.IL


    11:00 ,20.12 ,

    ' : | :

    | ' | | '' :

    . | : "" :

    : | )2012 "(

    '' , , , , . ' , , , , . 90( .



    Jewish Composers and America: Cultural EncountersJewish Music on Broadway and American Music in the SynagogueSat., 20.12, 11:00

    Lecture by: Prof. Eliyahu SchleiferConcert performed by: Mikhal Shiff-Matter mezzo-soprano | Eliyahu Schleifer baritone | Aya Schleifer pianistIn the program: Songs by George Gershwin | Kurt Weill | Jack Gottlieb | Heinrich Schalit and others.Screening of: Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy )USA 2012( | Dir.: Michael Kantor

    Michael Kantor explores the unique role of Jewish composers and lyricists in creating the modern American popular song and Broadway musicals. The movie depicts the Jewish roots of some of the greatest and most popular composers and writers of the Broadway stage, including Irving Berlin, George and Ira Gershwin, Kurt Weill, Leonard Bernstein, Stephen Sondheim, and others. )90 min., Eng., Heb. subt.(

    Screened as part of the 16th Jewish Film Festival

  • HD

    *9377 .


    19:00 ,13.12 ,

    ' , "" . , ,

    ) , 6( .

    Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg / WagnerSat., 13.12, 19:00

    Richard Eyre's mesmerizing production of Bizet's steamy melodrama returns with mezzo-soprano Anita Rachvelishvili singing her signature role of the ill-fated gypsy temptress. Aleksandrs Antonenko plays her desperate lover, the soldier Don Jos, and Ildar Abdrazakov is the swaggering bullfighter, Escamillo, who comes between them. Pablo Heras-Casado conducts the irresistible score, which features one beloved and instantly recognizable melody after another. )6 hours, 2 intervals(

  • 11, : 3937376:20 00:01-00:10

    '-' 00:21-00:71

  • . 7739*

    ', 21.7 , 00.01 [ ' 82 ]

    : , : " ' | : ,

    ', 21.82, 00.01 [ ' 06 ]

    : | :

    ', 21.5 03.01 [ ' 72 ]

    : :

    ', 21.62, 03.01 [ ' 75 ]

    ' , :

  • LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW- 12 -

    , 21.52 , 03.91 [ ' 65 ]


    : ,

    , 21.01, 00.02 [ ' 33 ]

    ": ' | :

    , 21.62 03.01 [ ' 75 ]


  • , , .



    . , , . ) 5+(

    , 21.6, 51:11, 3 ] ' 72 [

    ' 31 -


    . "" ?

    ? ?

    "". ) (. ) 5+(

    , 21.72, 00:11, 3 ] ' 85 [

    " ". ?

    ? ? ?


    " " . ) 5+(

    , 21.31, 00:11, 3 ] ' 63 [

    . 7739*

  • ''


    , . ) 7+(

    , 21.02, 51:11, 3 ] ' 94 [

    " "


    . ) 3+(

    , 21.32, 00:61, ] ' 55 [

    , ,

    ? ? ?


    . ) 9+(

    , 21.32, 03:01, 3 ] ' 45 [

    ? ?

    ? , - .

    , ... ) 5+, (

    , 21.32, 03:01, 1 ] ' 45 [

    . . .4102

    LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW- 32 -

  • . 7739*

    21.10 yadnoM

    00:91, 1

    (// 4102): | : , | , . . , , , . (901 .

    , ).

    smliF weN

    (4102 ASU/aidnI/ayneK) eiL dooG ehT eseeR :.W | uaedralaF epillihP :.riD fo puorg A | llotS yeroC ,noopsrehtiW eht ni retlehs sdnif seegufer esenaduS .namow lacol a fo pleh eht htiw ASU dna edam-llew a si eiL dooG ehT yenruoj a stciped taht amard tnangiop ,.nim 901) .noitpmeder dna noitarebil fo(.tbus .beH ,.gnE

    00:91, 2

    ( 0791)

    : | : , | . 03 , . , . . , . . (79 . ,


    ', 21.10, 03:12, 1

    ( 4102): | : , | 9991. , , . : , , . , , , . : . (411 . ,


    smliF weN

    (4102 ASU) senotsbmoT eht gnomA klaW A si reciffo ecilop remrof A | snevetS naD ,noseeN maiL :.W | knarF ttocS :.riD sniuR eht gnomA klaW A .efiw sih dellik ohw tuo dnif ot drol gurd a yb derih .eb ot sdeen rion-mlif a gnihtyreveenilucsam dna ,gnirraj ,gnittih-drah si(.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 411)

    ylatI) megatartS sredipS ehT(0791

    oiluiG :.W | icculotreB odranreB :.riD rehtaf esohw nam A | illaV adilA ,igorB rytram tsicsaf-itna na sa nwonk si ylwols dna htaed sih fo nwot eht stisiv 79) .secnatsmucric eurt eht srevocnu(.tbus .gnE ,.tI ,.nim

    00:12, 2

    ( 4102): | : , , | . , ,


  • - 52 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    . , , . , . (07 . , , )


    (4102 learsI) namreG tfoS ehT vadaN :.W | knuN-neB vadaN :.riD-niB allE ,nosmarbA ihiL ,nuN-neB learsI stisiv nahoJ desserpeD | nuN .margorp egnahcxe tneduts a no ilearsI na steem eh ,ecnedicnioc yB gniruD .evol ni llaf owt eht dna ,tneduts lairomeM tsuacoloH neewteb keew eht owt eht ,yaD ecnednepednI dna yaD ,.nim 07) .ynitsed derahs a sdrawot tfihs(.tbus .beH & .gnE ,.reG & .gnE ,.beH

    21.20 yadseuT

    00:91, 1

    ( 1102): | : , , | . , . , . , , , , . . (58 .

    , ).

    (1102 ASU) rehtorB toidI ruO ,dduR luaP :.W | ztereP esseJ :.riD | lenahcseD yeooZ ,sknaB htebazilE ,dedraeb ,sselinnep dna deyolpmenU sih ta tuo spmac deN deriah-gnol a si rehtorB toidI ruO .secalp sretsis ,.nim 58) .taert gnimrahc dna lufthgiled(.tbus .beH ,.gnE

    00:91, 2



    (/ 3102): | . 04 , , . , , . , , 0002 . (56 , , ,


    morf sudoxE hsiweJ ehT seirtnuoC milsuM dna barAyaD lairomeM eht no rorD ikuD dna nihuneM adniL fo sthgir eht fo noitingocer rof elggurtssdnal barA morf seegufer hsiweJ

    (3102 ) dadhgaB ni wodahS rof sehcraes adniL | rorD ikuD :.riD tfel ehs mohw rehtaf reh fo secart eht htiw ,reilrae sraey 04 qarI ni dniheb ehT .dadhgaB morf tsilanruoj a fo pleh ,owt eht neewteb golaid suounitnoc eht fo yrots cigart eht srevocnu ylwols qarI ni devirht taht ytinummoc hsiweJ .beH ,.barA ,.nim 56) .raey 0002 revo rof(.tbus .gnE & .beH ,.gnE &

    00:12, 1

    eiL dooG ehT

    [ 21.1 eeS]

    51:12, 2

    ( 9591): | . .

    . , , , , , . (021 . ,


    (9591 dnaloP) kcuL daB teewsrettib sihT | knuM jezrdnA :.riD hsiloP a fo elat eht sllet ydemoc ,yrotsih fo mitciv a si ohw ydobyna eht gnirevoc sedosipe xis hguorht gninnigeb eht ot s0391 eht morf doirep .beH & .gnE ,.loP ,.nim 021) .s0591 eht fo(.tbus

    21.30 yadsendeW

    54:81, 1

    ( 4102): | : , | , . , , . , , , . , , . (001 .


    gnineercS weiverPllepS anoY

    noitasrevnoc a ,gnineercs eht gniwolloFnamgreB riN rotcerid htiw

    (4102 learsI) anoY ,voveL imoaN :.W | namgreB riN :.riD eht yb deripsnI | ilivhsaleahciM molahS gnuoy A .hcallaW anoY teop eht fo efil niatta dna etirw ot elggurts namow werbeH fo nonac eht ni ytilatrommi yap ot gnilliw saw ehs ecirp ehtyrteop niam smlif eht siytilatrommi taht rof(ylno .beH ,.nim 001) .eniltolp


  • - 62 - . 7739*

    00:91, 2

    ( 6891): | : , | , . , . , , . . , . ? ? , , ,

    . (58 . , ).

    (6891 ) TI EVAH ATTOG SEHS ,snhoJ alimaC ycarT :.W | eeL ekipS :.riD-wol ,tsrif seeL ekipS | skciH dnomdeR kcalb gnuoy a no sesucof ,mlif tegdub gnirud tnemllifluf fo hcraes ni namow selgguj ehS .remmus nylkoorB eno dna nem tnereffid yrev eerht neewteb si efil taht gnidulcnoc ,dneirf naibsel a .dnim ym ,ydob yM ...lortnoc tuoba lla ?em ro meht - ti evah annog sohW mlif eht ,skeew owt rednu ni demliF .rotcerid rats a otni thginrevo eeL denrut(.tbus .beH ,.gnE)

    03:12, 1

    senotsbmoT eht gnomA klaW A

    [ 21.1 eeS]

    00:12, 2

    ( 7491): , | : , , | . , . , . , : , , . , . (001

    . ).

    (7491 KU) sussicraN kcalB ciremE ,llewoP leahciM :.riD divaD ,rreK harobeD :.W | regrubsserP fo puorg A | noryB neelhtaK ,rarraF ehT .sayalamiH eht ot evom snun hsitirB suoigiler detsoh ecno noitacol nesohc evitpurroc sA .seitrap citoxe dna slautir snun eht ,sdnim rieht retne sthguoht a si sussicraN kcalB .temmulp stirips delebal gnieb fo yhtrow yrtsitra fo krow(ylno .gnE ,.nim 001) .cissalc a

    21.40 yadsruhT

    54:61, 1

    eiL dooG ehT

    [ 21.1 eeS]

    00:91, 1

    senotsbmoT eht gnomA klaW A

    [ 21.1 eeS]

    00:91, 2


    leunammE :doG tnesbA fo msinamuH eht dna saniveL

    rehtO eht[ 41 egap eeS]

    00:12, 2

    ( 8791): | : , | ,

    ', 21.40, 03:12, 1

    (/ 4102): | : , | 4491. , . . , , , . (38 . ,


    smliF weN

    (4102 ynamreG/ecnarF) (ycamolpiD) eitmolpiD ehT .4491 | purtserA sleiN ,reillossuD rdnA :.W | ffrodnlhcS rekloV :.riD lareneg-lusnoc hsidewS eht dna siraP deipucco fo ronrevog yratilim namreG a stneserp ffrodnlhcS rekloV .ytic eht hsilomed ot nalp sreltiH revo hsalc(.tbus .barA & .beH ,.rF ,.nim 38) .meg citamenic


  • - 72 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    . . . , , , ... ? ? . , .

    (411 . , )

    (8791 ASU) emiT thgiartS nitsuD :.W | drabsorG ulU :.riD namffoH | llessuR aserehT ,namffoH tsuj ohw noc-xe na ,obmeD xaM syalp ot tsujda ot seirt dna nosirp fo tuo tog gnidaeh flesmih sdnif tub efil nailivic 411) .emirc fo efil a drawot niaga ecno(.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim

    21.50 yadirF

    03:01, 2


    : 58 / : 57

    ( 8391): | : , , | , , . , , . ... (011

    . , ).

    leunammE htiw ameniC hcnerF cissalCnireplaH

    ehT :ameniC dna ertaehT dna longaP lecraM fo ameniCyrtiuG ahcaSSIN 57 :srebmeM / SIN 58 :stekciT

    ecnarF) regnaluob ud emmef aL(8391

    ,umiaR :.W | longaP lecraM :.riD ,rekab A | niprahC ,crelceL etteniG ot sediced ,lufhtiafnu si efiw esohw ,egalliv eritne ehT .daerb gnikab pots ot setinu ,egatrohs daerb eht yb detceffa(.tbus .gnE ,.rF ,.nim 011) .noitulos a dnif

    00:41, 1

    ( 4102): | : , | . , . ( ) . , , ,

    . (88 , , ).

    smliF weN

    (4102 learsI) rewopnaM ,kehsraM issoY :.W | nalpaK maoN :.riD A | nalpaK taiL ,noredlaC kilumhS ni nem ilearsI ruof fo tiartrop rednet eltbus dna ytilaer gnitib a neewteB .sisirc ot sgnirb nalpaK maoN rotcerid ,ynori dna gnignoleb fo seussi ecafrus eht emoh ,noitargime dna elixe ,gnitoorpu(.tbus .barA ,.beH .nim 88) .ylimaf dna

    00:22, 1

    (ycamolpiD) eitmolpiD

    [ 21.4 eeS]

    00:22, 2

    namreG tfoS ehT

    [ 21.1 eeS]

    21.60 yadrutaS

    00:11, 1


    no snoitairaV citameniCcisuM lacissalC eviL

    ?ognaT yllaeR llA tI sI fo skrow eht ni elor laiceps sognaT

    allozzaiP rotsA

    [ 61 egap eeS]

    51:11, 3

    ( 4002): | , , . . . . , , . . (911 . )


    bulC ameniC snerdlihC

    (4002 napaJ) eltsaC gnivoM slwoH suolaej a retfA | ikazayiM oayaH :.riD reh snrut taht reh no lleps a stup hctiw sekam eihpoS ,namow dlo-raey-09 a otni reh ni ,ereH .eltsac slwoH ot yaw reh ni noissim wen a sdnif eihpoS ,mrof wen+5 sega roF (.bud .beH ,.nim 911) .efil reh

    00:71, 1

    rewopnaM[ 21.5 eeS]

    00:91, 1

    (ycamolpiD) eitmolpiD

    [ 21.4 eeS]

    00:81, 2

    ( 0791): | . , , . : , , , , , ,

    . (041 . , )


  • - 82 - . 7739*

    etubirT A :ylivhS leahciM

    (0791 napaJ) nedaksedoD tsrif sawasoruK | awasoruK arikA :.riD euqserutcip a ni efil selcinorhc mlif roloc(.tbus .beH ,.paJ ,.nim 041) .muls oykoT

    00:12, 2


    rotcerid eht fo ecneserp eht ni gnineercS

    tahW dna iraK-ellE sI erehW?nas-okiroN ot deneppaH

    [ 31 egap eeS]

    21.70 yadnuS

    00:01, 1

    : ,

    : . : 57 / 56

    , ( 3002): | : , | , ,

    , . , , , . (601 . ,


    snaklaB ehT :dlroW eht dnuorA

    :eceerG dna yekruT neewteByromeM dna ,elixE ,ssoL .oeniG layE .rD :(.beH ni) erutceLSIN 56 :srebmeM / SIN 57 :stekciT

    (3002 eceerG) ecipS fo hcuoT egroeG :.W | sitemluoB sossaT :.riD a ,sinaF | sidliahiM silkoreI ,ecafarroC gnuoy a htiw pihsdneirf a smrof ,keerG ot laed a ekam yeht dna ,lrig hsikruT .ecnad dna yrekooc rehto hcae hcaet dna ni spets liomrut lacitilop ,nooS ,.nim 601) .pihsnoitaler rieht segnellahc(.tbus .beH ,keerG

    03:81, 3

    ( 4102): | : , | 93 . , . , , . . (49 . ,


    smliF weN

    (4102 ASU) egnartS sI evoL ,aniloM derflA :.W | shcaS arI :.riD ediced egroeG dna neB | woghtiL nhoJ steg neB ,tluser a sA .tonk eht eit ot ,sgnivas laer on htiw ,ylnedduS .derif ytinummoc tink-thgit selpuoc eht emoc ot sah sdneirf dna ylimaf fo pleh ot woh tuo erugif pleh ot rehtegot .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 49) .sdneirf owt rieht(.tbus

    , 21.60, 00:12, 1

    ( 4102): | : , | (5771-1581), , . . ( ) , . , , ,

    , . (051 . , ). .

    gnineercS weiverP

    (4102 KU) renruT .rM tiartrop gninnuts A | nosniktA yhtoroD ,llapS yhtomiT :.W | hgieL ekiM :.riD suoirolg shgieL .renruT mailliW ,yrotsih ni sretniap tsetaerg eht fo eno fo demrofrep ylgnilzzad dna detraehelohw ,gnidnuofnoc ,suoiralih a si erutcip ,.gnE ,.nim 051) .(enizagaM eripmE) nam gniega na sa tsitra na fo tiartropsmliF veL :fo ysetruoc gnineercS (.tbus .beH


  • - 92 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    00:91, 2" "

    : ( 3002)

    : | CBB 3002 (, , ). . . (25 . , ).

    hcnuaL kooB

    retirw rohtua neewteb noitasrevnoC .rD nairotsiH dna nO-raB iahcedroMvegeS moT

    ehsoM :slareneG slearsI(3002 KU) nayaD :slareneG slearsI | snikneJ luaP :.riD egatoof lavihcra sesu nayaD ehsoM dna xelpmoc a laever ot sweivretni dna deniag yllaudarg taht nam gnimrahc a yalp ot mih delbane taht rewop .learsI fo yrotsih eht ni elor tnacifingis(.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 25)

    54:02, 3

    rewopnaM[ 21.5 eeS]

    51:12, 2

    ( 7691): , | , 09 , . , , , . ,

    . (09 . ).

    etubirT A :ylivhS leahciM

    (7691 learsI) ytinretE ot syaD xiS | iriemaH vocaaY ,tsbreH kahztiY :.riD retfa noos edam yratnemucod ilearsI nA eht ,raW yaD xiS eht ni yrotciv ilearsI eht leerswen lanoitanretni selipmoc mlif seinapmocca dna raw eht fo egatoof 09) .revo-eciov cimoc tsomla na htiw titnirP riaF (ylno .beH ,.nim

    21.80 yadnoM

    00:91, 1

    egnartS sI evoL

    [ 21.7 eeS]

    00:91, 2

    7 ( 2102)

    : | . 52 , : , , . , , , , , . (65

    . )

    llepS anoY

    noitasrevnoc a ,gnineercs eht gniwolloFradeuQ riaY rotcerid htiw

    (2102 learsI) sepaT neveS ehT yenruoj citamenic A | radeQ riaY :.riD teop ilearsI yradnegel fo dlrow eht otni dna efil lacidar esohw ,hcallaW anoY naht eroM .ega ylrae na ta dedne yrteop neves ,htaed reh retfa sraey-evif-ytnewt weivretni tsal reh morf sepat dedrocer(.beH ,.nim 65) .derevocsid era

    00:12, 1

    ( 9002): | : , , | , 61, , . , . , , , . 9002 . (011 .

    , )

    etubirT A :ylivhS leahciM

    levoN eht no desaBsuoicerP(9002 ASU) erihppaS yb hsuP ,ebidiS yeruobaG :.W | sleinaD eeL :.riD dlo-raey-61 | yeraC hairaM ,euqiNoM ylno reH .elbaraebnu si efil suoicerP erehw ,loohcs wen reh si epoh fo espmilg ,rehcaet reh fo ecneulfni eht rednu egnahc ot htgnerts eht dnif lliw suoicerP(.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 011) .erutuf reh

    00:12, 3

    / , , . . , , . , .

    : ,

    06 ", 04 "

    llepS anoY

    (egatniV dooG A) voT riztaB yb skrow fo snoitidner lacisum fo trecnoc A .hcallaW anoY teop ilearsI gnikaerbdnuorgnamniaR zerE dna grebztriV nalI htiW


  • :

  • :

  • - 23 - . 7739*

    21.90 yadseuT

    54:81, 1

    egnartS sI evoL

    [ 21.7 eeS]

    03:81, 2 '

    (/ 4102): | . , , , . . ? (69

    . , )

    airtsuA/learsI) enO tneceD ehT(4102

    ylsuoiverp hguorhT | apaL assenaV :.riD dna ,sotohp ,srettel derevocsidnu semit-ta dna erar stnarg mlif eht ,seiraid dnim dna efil eht otni ssecca gnilttesnu laniF eht fo tcetihcrA sselicrem eht fo ,.nim 69) .relmmiH hcirnieH ,noituloS(.tbus .beH & .gnE ,.reG

    00:12, 1


    , . ? ? ? ?


    . :

    ( 7991): | :

    , , | 11 : . . , . , , ( ) , .

    (79 . , )

    ?raW reveroF

    ni raW :bulC mliF ykcaWydemoC smlif ydemoc woh no eyrA ruG nolA rof elttab eht ni nopaew a emoceb evah noinipo cilbup

    (7991 ASU) goD ehT gaW nitsuD :.W | nosniveL yrraB :.riD ennA ,oriN-eD treboR ,namffoH tnediserp naciremA ehT | ehceH yb ladnacs xes a sserppus ot seirt a dna retsam-aidem a gninoissimmoc ekaf a ecudorp ot recudorp doowylloH(.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 79) .raw

    03:12, 2

    002 ( 1791): | , . 002 . , , . (001 .


    (1791 ASU) sletoM derdnuH owT dna appaZ knarF | appaZ knarF :.riD lausiv a ni noitnevnI fo srehtoM eht ,ynnuf a fo mrof eht ni tluassa larua dna .mlif yzarc yletelpmoc dna suoinegni(ylno .gnE ,.nim 001)

    21.01 yadsendeW

    00:81, 1

    ( 2102): , | : , , | , . . , . , , . , , . , . , ( ). (401 .

    , ).

    smliF weN

    (sdneirF eurT) sercnis sitimA(2102 ecnarF)

    sionarF ,dranihcrA nahptS :.riD ,nivnaL drarG :.W | einogyeL-tvrP | todrariG anA ,edalgnA seuguH-naeJ a neewteb delaever era sterces nehW eht ot tup si dnob rieht ,sdneirf fo puorg tiartrop a sreffo sercnis sitimA .tset dna dehcteks yltcefrep ,ytinilucsam fo 401) .tsac lanoitpecxe na yb dereviled (.tbus .barA & .beH ,.rF ,.nim

    00:81, 2

    ( 2102)

    : | , . . , . , . , . (17

    . , )


  • - 33 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    yrotS ehTraeF gnidnecsnarT(2102 ASU) gnehsihZ oaG fo gnehsihZ oaG | aM gnijneW :.riD emoceb ot sddo elbidercni semocrevo elpoep ehT .syenrotta pot sanihC fo eno tuB .anihC fo ecneicsnoC eht mih llac ,ytraP tsinummoC eht fo seye eht ni ,neht yrots A .raf oot seog ecitsuj fo tiusrup sih 17) .noissapmoc dna egaruoc ,ytleurc fo(.tbus .beH ,.gnE & .dnaM ,.nim

    03:02, 1


    fo ecneserp eht ni ereimerp melasureJ srekammlif eht

    nihtiW soahC ehT[ 21 egap eeS]

    00:02, 2

    . : . . . : , .

    : 83 / / 02 ..may.aes


    ( 4102): | , . , . . , , . . (67

    . , )

    no thgiltopS AmliF yratnemucoD ehTyteicoS ilearsI

    :stekciT .selhS eiluJ :(.beH ni) erutceL tnuocsiD / yrtne eerF :srebmeM / SIN 83

    ta gnikoob decnavda) SIN 02 :stekcit([email protected]

    (4102 learsI) potS tsaL tneloiv dna tsav A | selhS eiluJ :.riD leT fo traeh eht ni thgir seil htnirybal .noitatS suB lartneC eht si tI .vivA ,seegufer fo sdnasuoht evil ti dnuorA ,srekrow tseug fo noitareneg dnoces a ohw seilimaf hsiweJ dehsirevopmi dna sihT .semoh rieht ni sregnarts ekil leef .sevil rieht fo retnec eht ta si htnirybal(.tbus .beH ,.gnE & .beH ,.nim 67)

    21.11 yadsruhT

    00:91, 2


    : ( 3102)

    : | , : , , . , , . , , . (85 . ,


    llepS anoY

    noitasrevnoc a ,gnineercs eht gniwolloFiveL iagaH rotcerid htiw

    hcallaW anoY :desruC ehT(3102 learsI)

    owt tsal eht nI | iveL iagaH :.riD hcallaW anoY teop ,efil reh fo sraey ohw ,iagaH .erugif cilbup a emaceb saw dna ecno reh tem reganeet a sa ssendam dna ytilaturb eht ot desopxe ot kcab seog ,reh dednuorrus taht-fles etal reh stnemucod dna hcallaW eht rof evol reh dna noitalpmetnoc ,.nim 85) .htiw devil ehs nam regnuoy(.tbus .beH ,.beH

    51:12, 2


    leunammE :doG tnesbA fo msinamuH eht dna saniveL

    rehtO eht[ 41 egap eeS]

    21.21 yadirF

    00:41, 1

    05 , , , . : ,

    ( 4691): | : , . , | , , . . . , , . (39 .

    , )

    ?raW reveroF

    ezarC bmoB eht ot sraeY 05rabnI laT :(.beH ni) erutceL

    I woH :ro evolegnartS .rD dna gniyrroW potS ot denraeL(4691 KU) bmoB eht evoL ,srelleS reteP :.W | kcirbuK yelnatS :.riD ytfiF | nedyaH gnilretS ,ttocS .C egroeG siht ,desaeler tsrif saw ti retfa sraey eht sniamer ydemoc are raW dloC krad .mlif ni eritas fo elpmaxe laitnessetniuq dna kcirbuK yelnatS fo noitanibmoc ehT ,.nim 39) .cigam erup si srelleS reteP(.tbus .beH ,.gnE


  • - 63 - . 7739*

    00:22, 1

    (sdneirF eurT) sercnis sitimA

    [ 21.01 eeS]

    00:22, 2

    namreG tfoS ehT

    [ 21.1 eeS]

    21.31 yadrutaS

    00:11, 3

    . ? ? ? ? ? . . ( 5


    ( 7002): | , , . , , : , , . (011 .


    bulC ameniC snerdlihC

    doof no noitasrevnoc a ,mlif eht erofeBetsat dna

    (7002 ASU) elliuotataR tar hcnerF a si ymeR | driB darB :.riD temruog si stnaw eh llA .rehto on ekil dna siraP ot sevom ymeR nehW !doof eht ,yob egabrag ylwol a ,iniugniL steem taht pihsrentrap ylekilnu na mrof owt .mrots yb siraP fo dlrow yraniluc sekat+5 sega roF (.bud .beH ,.nim 011)

    51:11, 1

    (sdneirF eurT) sercnis sitimA

    [ 21.01 eeS]

    00:71, 2


    leunammE :doG tnesbA fo msinamuH eht dna saniveL

    rehtO eht[ 41 egap eeS]

    03:81, 2

    ( 1891): | : , | . , , . . .

    , 21.31, 03:31, 1

    ( 4102): | : , | , . , . , , . , ,

    . (941 . , ).

    smliF weN

    (4102 ASU) lriG enoG semoceb ennuD kciN | ekiP dnumasoR ,kcelffA neB :.W | rehcniF divaD :.riD yllaer tahw tuB .ecnaraeppasid sefiw sih otni noitagitsevni na fo sucof eht divaD ,levon gnillestseb snnylF nailliG no desaB ?ennuD ymA ot deneppah kool cinori dna delbuort a sreffo taht rellirht gnitaralihxe na stneserp rehcniF(.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 941) .noitutitsni egairram eht ta


  • - 73 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    , . (441 . ,


    etubirT A :ylivhS leahciM

    (1891 yragnuH) otsihpeM airaM sualK :.W | obazS navtsI :.riD si sihT | igasnaB okidlI ,reuadnarB izaN ni rotca na fo yrots naitsuaF eht esimorpmoc ot gnilliw si ohw ynamreG niatta ot redro ni yllarom dna yllacitilop mlif ehT .tnemecnavda lanoisseforp ytilibisnopser dna noitisop eht senimaxe eh hcihw ni yteicos eht ni tsitra eht fo(.tbus .gnE ,.reG ,.nim 441) .skrow

    00:91, 1



    eviL:DH arepO natiloporteM ehT

    rof ylimaf nworC eht ot edutitarg htiWtroppus suoreneg rieht

    nov regnisretsieM eiD(rengaW) grebnruN[ 81 egap eeS]

    03:12, 2

    nihtiW soahC ehT[ 21 egap eeS]

    21.41 yadnuS

    00:81, 1

    ( 4591): | : , | . . ,

    . , , ( ?) . . (051 . ,


    etubirT A :ylihvS lehaciM

    (4591 napaJ) iarumaS neveS orihsoT :.W | awasoruK arikA :.riD derih neveS | arumihS ihsakaT ,enufiM ytrof tsniaga egalliv a dnefed sthgink wef a yap riehtstidnab detnuom esohw mlif lacirotsih nA .ecir fo slufdnah a fo tnecsinimer era elyts dna erutcurts(.tbus .beH ,.paJ ,.nim 051) .nretseW

    00:91, 2

    , 21.01, , ,


    ( 3102): | , . , . , , . : , 22, 000,03 . , 02, , . (06

    . , ).

    yaD sthgiR namuH

    noitasrevnoc a ,gnineercs eht gniwolloF rovivrus a dna oyahS nereK rotcerid htiwianiS ni spmac erutrot eht fo

    (3102 learsI) erutroT fo dnuoS fo sdnasuohT | oyahS nereK :.riD yb deppandik neeb evah snaertirE wef tsap eht revo srelggums niuodeB .learsI ot yaw rieht ekam ot gniyrt ,sraey rieht llac ot decrof dna derutrot era yehT .mosnar a yap ot meht erusserp ot seilimaf tsilanruoj naertirE na ,sonafetsE noreM

    reh no srenosirp sweivretni ,tsivitca dna 06) .sevil rieht evas ot seirt dna wohs oidar(.tbus .beH ,.gnE & .barA ,.nim

    00:12, 1

    lriG enoG

    [ 21.31 eeS]

    51:12, 2


    tahW dna iraK-ellE sI erehW?nas-okiroN ot deneppaH

    [ 31 egap eeS]

    21.51 yadnoM

    00:02, 3

    , . , , , . ? ,

    . ,


    03:91 .

    : 00:02-00:22

    stneserp noitadnuoF lleoB hcirnieH ehTsklaT melasureJ eht

    dna learsI ni noigileR dna etatSynamreGdna revocsid ,ta kool lliw lenap ehT noigiler fo erutcurtsbus eht ssucsid tneicna naseiteicos owt eht nihtiw tcejbus evitisnes dna tnerruc os llits tub.


  • - 83 - . 7739*

    ni detcudnoc eb lliw snoissucsid ehT suoenatlumiS ,namreG dna hsilgnE

    dedivorp eb lliw werbeH ot noitalsnart.

    edistuo dleh eb lliw noitpecer a 03:91 tA00:22-00:02 :noissucsiD lenaP .llah eht

    ecnartne eerF

    00:81, 1

    lriG enoG

    [ 21.31 eeS]

    03:81, 2

    ( 3691): | : , | . . : . . . . (59 . ,


    etubirT A :ylivhS leahciM

    (3691 nedewS) ecneliS ehT ,niluT dirgnI :.W | namgreB ramgnI :.riD eht dna sretsis owT | molbdniL lennuG enO .eporuE hguorht levart eno fo dlihc ta pots eerht eht dna kcis si sretsis eht fo lauxes sdnif rehtom sdlihc ehT .nwot a flesreh seifsitas rehto eht elihw erutnevda 59) .espalloc ot resolc dna resolc ,enola(.tbus .gnE & .beH ,.ewS ,.nim

    ', 21.51, 00:12, 1



    ( 9002): | : , | , . . : , . , , . , . (521 . ,


    ?raW reveroF

    amenic ni sraw terces no relhsiF noroD

    (9002 ASU) yticilpuD dna kciwnetS erialC elpuoC | streboR ailuJ ,newO evilC :.W | yorliG ynoT :.riD .snoitaroproc gnitepmoc rof sevitarepo etaroproc-denrut-seips era lavoK yaR llyeht ,raw etaroproc tuo-lla na fo edis rehtie no sevlesmeht dnif yeht nehW ssenisub xim ot yaw thgir eht dnif yeht lliW .niw ot enil eht no gnihtyreve tup(.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 521) ?erusaelp dna

    03:02, 2

    rotcerid fo ecneserp eht ni gnineercS

    volreP leaY rotide dna klaW htuR

    volreP divaD[ 21 egap eeS]


  • .ON61

    hsiwej mliflavitsefmelasurej

    21/32-61 7739*

  • . 7739*


    21.61 yadseuT

    00:71, 2

    (/ 6791): | : , | , . , . , . (321 . ,

    ) .

    (6791 ylatI/ecnarF) nielK .rM ,noleD nialA :.W | yesoL hpesoJ :.riD deipucco-namreG nI | uaeroM ennaeJ relaed tra lufsseccus a si nielK .rM ,ecnarF niagrab ta skrowtra elbaulav syub ohw eh ,yad enO .sweJ detucesrep morf secirp ytinummoc hsiweJ eht seviecer ylnekatsim segnahc efil sih dna repapswen naisiraP .gnE & .beH ,.rF ,.nim 321) .yllacitamard.tnirp latigid wen a fo gnineercS (.tbus

    03:91, 2

    (/ 3102)

    : | , 19, . , . , ,

    . (27 . )

    learsI/ASU) melasureJ raeY txeN(3102

    melasureJ raeY txeN | senyaG divaD :.riD emoh-gnisrun thgie fo tiartrop laciryl a si .learsI ot egamirglip a ekam ohw stnediser gnivom dna tsenrae na sreffo mlif ehT tsetaerg eht dna ,htaed ,efil no noitatidem(ylno .gnE ,.nim 27) .lla fo yenruoj

    00:12, 3

    ( 3102): | : , |

    , , , . . , , . (48 . , )


    (3102 KU) oodaJ leedA ,nosiM moT :.W | atpuG timA :.riD owt tuoba ydemoc yraniluc A | rathkA ni ohw ,sfehc naidnI elbaton ,srehtorb

    epicer ylimaf eht pir duef a fo taeh eht no stnaruatser pu tes yehT .flah ni koob 02 txen eht dneps dna teerts emas eht dne nac namow eno ylnO .slavir sa sraey(.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 48) .thgif eht

    00:12, 2

    ( 4102): | . , . , . ?

    ', 21.61, 00:81, 3

    ( 3102): | : , | . , , , , . , ... (88 . ,

    ) 01

    erimerP niChtuoY dna nerdlihC rof ameniC

    (3102 ecnarF) naitsabeS dna elleB ecneirepxe emoC | oyraK ykhcT ,teussoB xilF :.W | reinaV salociN :.riD pordkcab eht tsniaga teS .god dliw a dna yob ylenol a neewteb pihsdneirf eht namow a ,tsap sih rof skool nam a ,rehtom sih rof sehcraes yob a ;IIWW fo+01 sega roF (.tbus .beH & .gnE ,.rF ,.nim 88) .erutnevda skees

  • WWW.JER-CIN.ORG.IL - 41 -


    ? 65( . ,

    ) .

    In the presence of director Lacey Schwartz

    Little White Lie )USA 2014(Dir.: Lacey Schwartz | Lacey Schwartz grew up in a typical Jewish household and though she held a strong sense of identity, she was seen as different. At eighteen, she learns the truth. Little White Lie is a personal documentary about the legacy of family secrets, denial, and redemption. )65 min., Eng. only(

    1 ,20:00 ,16.12 ,'

    )2014 ( , | , , : | : . , , . , . , . . , , , , . 98( . .


    Opening Film

    Phoenix )Germany 2014(Dir.: Christian Petzold | W.: Nina Hoss, Ronald Zehrfeld, Nina Kunzendorf | A disfigured concentration-camp survivor returns to Berlin in search of her husband. When she finally finds him, he does not recognize her, but makes her an offer to help him claim her inheritance. Agreeing, she becomes her own doppelganger. Christian Petzold presents the story of a determined heroine, who navigates the darkness of a divided society, trapped between its tragic past and vague future. )98 min., Ger. & Eng., Eng. & Heb. subt.(


    1 ,16:30

    //( )2013 /

    , : | : .1959 , | . , : , . .

    , , . 112( .


    Closer to the Moon )Romania/USA/Italy/Poland 2013(

    Dir.: Nae Caranfil | W.: Vera Farmiga, Mark Strong | Communist Romania, 1959. A group of high-ranking Jewish administrators pulled off a major heist. Once arrested, they were forced to reenact their actions for propaganda purposes. Despite its tragic aspect, this incredible story receives an unexpectedly light treatment from renowned Romanian director Nae Caranfil. )112 min., Eng. & Rom., Heb. subt.(

    4 ,17:00

    Little White Lie

    ]See 16.12 [

    3 ,18:00 ,

    . .

    )2013 ( : | : , | , . . , , . , . 120( ?

    ) , .

    Before the screening, lecture by Prof. Eli Lederhendler, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, on Jews and the Atlantic Slave Trade. In English.

    The Cost of Sugar )The Netherlands 2013(

    Dir.: Jean van de Velde | W.: Gaite Jansen, Yootha Wong-Loi-Sing | Suriname, the mid-1700s. Sarith and Elsa are the daughters of Dutch-Jewish plantation owners. Mini-mini, Sariths slave, lives on the sugar plantation. As Sarith becomes embittered by life in the

  • - 24 - . 7739*

    ecnahc a dereffo si iniM-iniM ,ynoloc ta ti ekat erad ehs naC .ssenippah ta ,.nim 021) ?ssertsim reh fo esnepxe eht(.tbus .gnE ,hctuD

    00:91, 4 . .

    : (/ 4102)

    : | , . . , , , . (: , , 7002) .

    (43 . , )

    yb erutcel ,gnineercs eht ot roirP ytisrevinU werbeH ,invA miaH rosseforP ni gnineercS .werbeH nI .melasureJ fo alleirbaG ,rotcerid eht fo ecneserp eht. mhoB

    namoW dekraM A :leuqaR(4102 anitnegrA/ASU)

    ,anitnegrA | mhB alleirbaG :.riD leuqaR dewodiw yltneceR .s0291 eht .ssertsmaes a sa boj a tuo skees namrebiL eht yb noitutitsorp otni dekcirt si ehs tuB .slanimirc fo puorg hsiweJ a ,ladgiM ivZ lavihcra senibmoc mhB aleirbaG ot sweivretni yraropmetnoc htiw egatoof fo yrotsih ni retpahc lufemahs siht llet & .gnE ,.nim 43) .yrweJ naciremA nitaL(.tbus .gnE ,.napS

    00:91, 1

    ' . . , :

    ( 4102): | , .

    , , , , . (25

    . , )


    noitasrevnoc ,gnineercs eht gniwolloF-dekomS dna nehoC eiluJ rotceriD htiw ni erutceL .iksnA yrrehS nevaM hsiF tsilanruoJ dooF :rotaredoM .werbeHdereV tinoR

    (4102 ASU) sneeuQ noegrutS ehT ,snoitareneg ruof roF | nehoC eiluJ :.riD gnivirht a detarepo sah ylimaf ssuR eht gnirreh dna xol ediS tsaE rewoL dna ssuR ,4191 ni dednuoF .muiropme suomynonys emoceb sah srethguaD .ecneirepxe hsiweJ kroY weN eht htiw eht secart su erofeb yratnemucod ehT .tnemhsilbatse denwoner siht fo yrotsih(.tbus .beH .gnE ,.nim 25)

    03:91, 2

    (// 2102)

    : | : , | . , . . , . , ... (88 . , )

    31 .

    htuoY dna nerdlihC rof ameniC

    noitasrevnoc ,gnineercs eht gniwolloF dna ,suluaP marfloW ,rotceriD eht htiwgrebnedeirF nimajneB ,citirC mliF

    /ynamreG/airtsuA) reveroF sdneirF(2102 ainamoR

    zneroL :.W | suluaP marfloW :.riD | muabssuN sennahoJ ,mmoklliW sdneirf tseb ,IIWW fo thgieh eht nI a ot ffo tnes era xelA dna yrreF

    a ,egalliv gnukcihcsrevdnalredniK morf nerdlihc evomer ot margorp izaN tuo sdnif xelA nehW .seitic debmob ekat sevil rieht ,snigiro hsiweJ sah eh & .gnE ,.reG ,.nim 88) .nrut suoires a+31 sega roF (.tbus .beH

    00:12, 3

    ( 4102): | : , | . , . , . , . (501 .

    , , )

    (4102 adanaC) arieM dna xileF nitraM :.W | xuoriG emixaM :.riD na ,xilF | noraY sadaH ,liuerbuD esohw naidanaC hcnerF cirtnecce a ,arieM dna ,gniyd si rehtaf yhtlaew ,dlihc a htiw deirram namow cidisaH llaf enola tel ,teem ot tnaem ton erew dna eltneg a si arieM dna xilF .evol ni ydob hguorht dlot yrots evol evitacove 501) .yregami cirehpsomta dna egaugnal(.tbus .beH ,.ddiY & .gnE ,.rF ,.nim

    00:12, 1 ( )

    ( 4102): ( ) | , . , . , . (95 .

    , )

    noitasrevnoc ,gnineercs eht gniwolloF rO aka) redurG irO rekammliF htiw norahA learsiY ibbaR dna (rahsaYhcivokztI


  • - 34 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    (4102 learsI) mrepS dercaS ehT | (rahsaY rO aka) redurG irO :.riD stes ,weJ suoigiler xodohtro na ,rotcerid sserdda ot yenruoj lanosrep a no tuo snoitibihorp tnatropmi tsom eht fo eno ehT .mreps fo gnillips eht msiaduJ ni desserppus tsom eht fo eno sesopxe mlif hsiweJ cidisaH xodohtrO eht nihtiw seussi(.tbus .gnE ,.beH ,.nim 95) .ytinummoc

    03:12, 2

    ( 4102)

    : | , : . , , , , . , , . (09 .

    , )

    anigeR rotcerid eht fo ecneserp eht nI anairdA tsinogatorp dna gnillihcS.saratlA

    (4102 ynamreG) sessalG sotiT saratlA anairdA | gnillihcS anigeR :.riD si ehs ;retirw dna ,ssertca ,rotcerid a si regnol on hcihw yrtnuoc a morf osla hsiweJ fo rethguad ehT .aivalsoguY :stsixe retal dna otiT rof thguof ohw snasitrap saratlA ,ynamreG raW-tsop ni delttes ecnanetniam hgih reh fo yrots eht sllet(.tbus .gnE ,.reG ,.nim 09) .ylimaf

    21.81 yadsruhT

    03:61, 1

    ( 6491): | : , | , ,

    . , . . , . , , , . (08 . , ) : , : , 8491,

    01 .

    ssorG vokaaY yb noitcudortnI

    (6491 dnaloP) redniK ereznU ,nagijD nomihS :.W | ssorG nahtaN :.riD fo nerdlihc ehT | rehcamuhcS learsI a ot nekat era eganahprO kavonleH eht

    .efil ottehg no lacisum a fo ecnamrofrep eht decneirepxe ohw ,nerdlihc eht tuB ,dnah-tsrif ottehg eht fo seitilaer hsrah elbirret eht fo noitrotsid a sa yalp eht ees eht ot srotca eht etivni dna ytilaer ,.nim 08) .hturt eht nrael ot eganahpro ehT :htiw deneercS (.tbus .beH ,.ddiY ottehG wasraW eht fo yrasrevinna htfif ,8491 dnaloP ,ssorG nahtaN .rid ,gnisirpU.nim 01

    00:71, 3

    ( 4102): | : , | 3491, .

    ', 21.81, 54:61, 2

    c ( 4791): | : , | , . . , . , 4791,

    . (011 . , )

    hcarD divaD rekammlif fo ecneserp eht nI

    (4791 ecnarF) llaB eht ta sniloiV lehciM ,tnangitnirT siuoL-naeJ ,taN soJ-eiraM :.W | hcarD lehciM :.riD .ecnarF deipucco izaN epacse ot tpmetta ylimaf sih dna yob hsiweJ A | hcarD gnilcinorhc htiw dessesbo rekammlif a emoceb ot pu sworg yob eht ,retaL ta mialcca ediwdlrow ot dereimerp mlif dicul yllufituaeb sihT .doohdlihc sih.tnirp latigid weN (.tbus .beH & .gnE ,.rF ,.nim 011) .4791 sennaC


  • - 44 - . 7739*

    , , . , , ... ( ). (49 . , ) 01


    htuoY dna nerdlihC rof ameniC

    sdnalrehteN ehT) raW fo sterceS(4102

    saaM :.W | stoB sinneD :.riD-izaN ,3491 | sreuarB seoJ ,nezyuhknorB pihsdneirf ehT .sdnalrehteN deipucco degnellahc si trebmaL dna ruuT neewteb ,gnidih ni lrig hsiweJ a ,ejtraaM nehw evitisnes dna luflliks A .ssalc rieht snioj yb egaruoc dna pihsdneirf tuoba mlif .stoB sinneD rotcerid gninniw-drawa roF (.tbus .beH & .gnE ,hctuD ,.nim 49)+01 sega

    00:91, 2

    ( 4102): | : , | . , , , . . ... . ! . (89 . ,


    ( 2102)


    ! (01 . )

    ameniC htiafretnI

    noitasrevnoc ,gnineercs eht gniwolloF dna inicnaM ommiM rotceriD htiw ,rotceriD lavitseF mliF yadoT noigileRatsetalaM aitaK

    (4102 ylatI) kulemA ommiM :.W | inicnaM ommiM :.riD si kulemA | oolhaM idehM ,inicnaM yalp ot tseirp lacol eht yb dereetnulov yadirF dooG eht ni tsirhC fo trap eht eh si melborp ylnO .snoitarbelec fo erutxim a nI .milsuM eb ot sneppah nailatI yllacipyt dna stnemom citamard ot evah lliw kulemA ,snoitautis cidemoc .ysrevortnoc eht hguorht yaw sih evaw(.tbus .gnE ,.tI ,.nim 89)

    yloH snehoC hannaH(2102 dnalerI) noinummoC tnac hannaH | sucraM ymmihS :.riD noinummoC yloH reh ekam ot tiaw ,.nim 01) !hsiweJ sehs si melborp ylno(ylno .gnE

    00:91, 1

    , .. 6891, . , , . , , , . , . : (

    ). ( : 09 )


    A yessydO naenarretideMnedoR aidualC ot etubirT eno ,nedoR aidualC htiw noitasrevnoc A srohtua koobkooc denwoner tsom eht fo morf stprecxe gnirutaef ,dlrow eht ni tuoba klat lliw nedoR .seires CBB reh secnereffid dna seitiralimis eht ,efil reh dna senisiuc naenarretideM neewteb yb noitcudortnI .ecneulfni hsiweJ rieht tinoR :seotaredoM .nehoC miaH fehC fo htgneL) nehoC miaH fehC dna dereV(setunim 09 :margorp

    51:91, 3

    sneeuQ noegrutS ehT

    [ 21.71 eeS]

    03:91, 4

    ( 3102): , | , . , . , . , ,

    . (88 . )

    (3102 aleuzeneV) yeK tsoL ehT sinaM ibbaR ,reldA odraciR :.riD ,ecrovid citamuart a retfA | namdeirF ot woh revocsid ot tuo stes reldA odraciR .egairram gnitsal dna gnillifluf a eveihca sinaM ibbaR ot mih sekat hcraes siH eht ot mih secudortni ohw ,namdeirF mlif ehT .ycamitni fo sterces shalabbaK dluoc taht modsiw nettogrof slaever eno ,ycamitni revocsider ot yteicos eripsni(ylno .gnE ,.nim 88) .emit a ta moordeb

    00:12, 1 . :

    001 | 09 | 08

    : ( 3102)

    : | OBH. 93 , , , , , , , , , .... 4102. (06 . , )


    noitasrevnoc ,gnineercs eht gniwolloF .ililaG vaniE dna namrevliS haraS htiw.niC| SIN 09 :seeriteR | SIN 001 :stekciT SIN 08 :srebmeM

    erA eW :namrevliS haraS(3102 ASU) selcariM eraperP | hcnyL maiL :.W | 3102 :.riD gnikcohs ylsuotoir fo gnineve na rof


  • - 54 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    pu-dnats dettiw-prahs sa lairetam ni smrofrep namrevliS haraS ratsrepus sekat dna ecneidua etamitni na fo tnorf enohp-llec sa stcejbus hcus ta mia ,seibab gnivah ,scitilop ,sweJ ,nrop hcum dna ,ecnetsixe fo elcarim eht ymmE 4102 eht fo tneipiceR .erom ,.gnE ,.nim 06) .gnitirW gnidnatstuO rof.ucoD seY fo ysetruoC (.tbus .beH

    00:12, ( )

    . : 09

    ( 4102)

    : | . , , ,

    . (03 . )

    eht trevnoc dluow haraS dnA(habbaR tihserB) nemow lenap a gnineercs eht gniwolloF.nim 09 :noitarud tnevE .noissucsid

    ehteboR a dna namoW A(4102 learsI) elaT trA-oediV ehT | noniY-sbocaJ tiruN :.riD slaed eboR a dna namoW a fo elaT A lautir a ni noisremmi fo tca eht htiw 03) .strevnoc nemow yb (hevkim) htab(ylno .beH ,.nim

    03:12, 4

    : rotcerid eht fo ecneserp eht ni gnineercS

    namoW dekraM A :leuqaR[ 21.71 eeS]

    03:12, 2

    (// 4102)

    : | , , . . ,

    , . ,

    . (45 . )

    /ASU/dnalreztiwS) eruC smolaY(4102 ecnarF

    ,rohtua gnillestseB | regisiG enibaS :.riD nivrI tsilaitnetsixe dna ,ralohcs ralupop laitneulfni tsom eht fo eno si molaY .D .noitareneg ruo fo stsiparehtohcysp no levart ew ,molaY .rD htiw rehtegoT fo sreyal ynam eht hguorht yenruoj a sih serahs eh elihw dnim namuh eht 45) .modsiw dna sthgisni latnemadnuf(ylno .gnE ,.nim

    03:12, 3

    tseW / melasureJ tsaE melasureJ ( 4102)

    : , | 3102 , . , . , .

    : , . (201 . , ,


    lacisum ,gnineercs eht gniwolloF ariM dna azorB divaD yb ecnamrofrepdawA

    tseW / melasureJ tsaE(4102 learsI) melasureJ namremyC euqirneH ,relliM zerE :.riD retirwgnos-regnis ilearsI 3102 ylrae nI | yltnanimoderp ni sevirra azorB divaD na rof melasureJ tsaE nainitselaP drocer ot ,tcejorp detnedecerpnu enitselaP morf snaicisum htiw sgnos na sreffo ecneirepxe ehT .learsI dna-ilearsI gnol-edaced eht ot evitanretla lacisum fo yrots A :tcilfnoc nainitselaP dna ,rehtegot gnivil ,gnidliub egdirb ,.gnE ,.nim 201) .dnuorg nommoc gnidnif(.tbus .gnE ,.beH & .barA

    21.91 yadirF

    00:11, 1 ,

    ( 4102): | , , , . (3

    501 . )

    noitasrevnoc ,gnineercs eht gniwolloF dna srekammlif seires eht htiwstnapicitrap

    (4102 learsI) pirT giB ehT-a-ni-ecno A | nilograM ailamA :.riD dna elpoep gnuoy fo yenruoj emitefil lanoitidart eht gnirud stnerap rieht htob rof tset a semoceb pirt ymra-tsop(.beH ,.nim 501) .snoitareneg

    00:21, 2

    . .

    ( 3102): , | , 63 . : ; ; . , , "" , . (201

    . , )

    .rD yb erutcel ,gnineercs eht ot roirP ytisrevinU werbeH ,grebdloG adnirolF.werbeH nI .melasureJ fo

    (3102 anitnegrA) ardnajelA | onidrA otsenrE ,aniloM anriV :.riD enitnegrA cinoci na si kinraziP ardnajelA eritne denifed yrteop esohw ,teop etamitni na hguorhT .snoitareneg ,snoitcurtsnocer citamard ,evitarran


  • - 64 - . 7739*

    si ardnajelA ,sweivretni lanosrep dna emaceb ohw yranimul eht ot etubirt a eht ni teop enitnegrA ralupop tsom eht(.tbus .gnE ,.apS ,.nim 201) .dlrow

    03:21, 3


    " ' ?

    ? ? . : , .

    ( : 09 ')


    enisiuC izanekhsahpeS-orfAyttiwT leahciM htiw kcalb fo tnadnecsed eht seod woH hsiweJ ecin a otni nrut acirfA morf sevals neewteb noitcennoc a ereht sI ?yob hsiweJ dna enisiuc naciremA-nacirfA htiw noisses gnitanicsaf A ?enisiuc eht ,yttiwT leahciM nairotsih yraniluc redro ni gnikcip nottoc pu koot ohw nam sih fo gnidnatsrednu retteb a niag ot ,dereV tinoR :yb detaredoM .srotsecna fo htgneL) .retirw dna tsilanruoj doof(.nim 09 :margorp

    03:41, 3

    ( 9491): | : , | " . , . ,

    . (131 . , )

    (9491 ASU) halileD dna nosmaS ydeH :.W | elliMeD .B liceC :.riD nehW | erutaM rotciV ,rramaL fo evol eht stcejer nosmaS namgnorts ,halileD namow enitsilihP lufituaeb eht elbirroh sgnirb taht ecnaegnev skees ehs sihT .terger htob yeht secneuqesnoc sselemit a si cipe citamenic gnipeews (.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 131) .lla rof cissalc.tnirp latigid weN


    ', 21.91, 00:41, 1 . : 52 "

    (/// 4102): | : , | . , , . , . , , . . , . . , . , , . .

    (88 . , , , , )

    norahA dna iatiG somA htiw noitasrevnoc ,gnineercs eht gniwolloFSIN 52 :stekciT .dlefleppA

    (4102 ecnarF/ylatI/aissuR/learsI) ilisT deripsnI | iksnilO ihseM ,reldA araS :.W | iatiG somA :.riD yrots eht sllet mlif eht ,dlefleppA norahA yb levon eht yb eramthgin eht ni degrembus enioreh gnirednaw sti fo dna noitiutni fo secrof eht lla srehtag ilisT .raW eht fo ,.nim 88) .esrevinu etarepsed siht ni evivrus ot ytilativ . . . (.tbus .gnE & .beH ,.ssuR & .reG ,.loP ,.rkU ,.ddiY


  • - 74 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    00:51, 2

    reveroF sdneirF

    [ 21.71 eeS]

    03:61, 1

    ( 4102)

    : | : , | . . , , . , , . (99 . ,


    enotS gnilloR a ton saw apaP(4102 ecnarF)

    ,ruohcA airoD :.W | noyahO eivlyS :.riD ni pu sworg einahptS | akitA eruA aL fo brubus naisiraP eht ni s0891 eht rehtom tnesba na htiw evuenruoC rof snoissap reH .rehtafpets laturb dna ,namdloG seuqcaJ-naeJ ,ecnad ,skoob wolla ,rehtomdnarg reh fo evol eht dna .ecnetsixe llud siht ni ecaf ot einahptS(.tbus .beH,.rF ,.nim 99)

    00:71, 4

    melasureJ raeY txeN

    [ 21.61 eeS]

    00:71, 2

    sessalG s'otiT

    [ 21.71 eeS]

    03:81, 1


    [ 21.61 eeS]


    ', 21.91, 03:71, 3 , ,


    (/ 0691): | (12912102), 06 . , . ?

    ? ? (06 . )

    dna tnediserP euqehtameniC melasureJ fo ecneserp eht ni deneercS senecs-eht-dniheb eht fo setodcena erahs lliw ohw ,reeL nav aiL rednuoF.noitcudorp

    ecnarF/learsI) (tabmoc nud noitpircseD) elggurtS a fo noitpircseD(0691

    eht fo ypoc latigid derotser wen a fo gnineercs alaG | rekraM sirhC :.riD detivni saw ohw ,rekraM sirhC tsiratnemucod hcnerF denwoner eht yb mlif tuoba yratnemucod a etaerc ot s0691 ylrae eht ni reeL nav aiL dna miW yb .etats hsiweJ eht fo tnemhsilbatse eht yaw elbakramer a ni gninimaxe ,learsI(ylno .beH ,.nim 06)

  • - 84 - . 7739*

    03:81, 4

    : ( 3102)

    : | , , , , . , :

    . (711 . )

    ehT :sretsiniM emirP ehT(3102 ASU) sreenoiP ta kool edisni nA | knarT drahciR :.riD eht hguorht sretsiniM emirP slearsI ,renvA aduheY rodassabmA fo seye lareves ot retirwhceeps dna edia feihc dna lanosrep hguorhT .sretsinim emirp slaever sreenoiP ehT ,stnuocca lacirotsih tsom eht fo emos tuoba sliated wen gnirud yrotsih slearsI ni stneve tnatropmi(ylno .gnE ,.nim 711) .yrutnec ht02 eht

    00:91, 2

    ( 7891): | : , | 0781 . .

    , . , . . (201 . ,



    (7891 kramneD) tsaeF settebaB enahptS :.W | lexA leirbaG :.riD snoitidnoc lacitiloP | elluK lraJ ,narduA eelf ot fehc retsam a ecrof ecnarF ni ehs erehw egalliv hsinaD llams a ot owt ot repeekesuoh eht semoceb ,elixe ni sraey retfA .sretsnips cilegna dneps ot sediced dna yrettol a sniw ehs suoutpmus ,tsal eno no mus eguh eht

    latigid a fo gnineercs ehT .teuqnab seicaciled eht stneserp ypoc derotser .beH ,.naD ,.nim 201) .yrolg rieht lla ni(.tbus .gnE &

    03:91, 3

    eruC smolaY

    [ 21.81 eeS]

    00:12, 4

    : ( 4102)

    : | :


    ', 21.91, 03:12, 1

    ( 4102): | : , | 67 . , . , , . , . (89 . , )

    (4102 yaugurU) nalpaK .rM nalpaK bocaJ | inizzuG rotsN ,areugoN rotcH :.W | renhcerB oravl :.riD semoc eH .IIWW gnirud yaugurU rof eporuE delf ohw weJ dlo-raey-67 a si nam eht taht stcepsus dna ,aes eht yb sevil ohw namreG ylredle na ssorca ,rehtegot dna ,namecilop deyolpmenu na stiurcer nalpaK .izaN yawanur a si ot izaN eht gnitidartxe dna gnippandik rof noitarepo terces a esived yeht.amenic veL fo ysetruoC (.tbus .gnE & .beH ,.napS ,.nim 89) .learsI

  • - 94 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    . , , ,

    . (511 . )

    sreidloS :sretsiniM emirP ehT(4102 ASU) srekamecaeP & ,mlif dnoces ehT | knarT drahciR :.riD srenvA aduheY rodassabmA no desab slearsI senimaxe ,koob gnillestseb stnemeerga gnitaitogen ta stroffe ylrae rawnA ,ebbetnE no diar eht ,tpygE htiw eht ,melasureJ ot tisiv cirotsih stadaS gniogno eht dna ,sdroccA divaD pmaC slearsI htiw ecaep ekam ot elggurts .snainitselaP eht dna srobhgien barA(ylno .gnE ,.nim 511)

    00:12, 3

    (/ 4102): | . , , . . . (54 .

    , )

    leroD rotcerid eht fo ecneserp eht nI.namrelliG

    (4102 dnaloP/learsI) hcraP dyZ ot seog leroD | namreliG leroD :.riD htiw ni sevom dna dnaloP ni mlif yduts .srovivrus tsuacoloH stnerapdnarg sih eht neewteb ecafrus stcilfnoc ,noos yreV .leroD kcab-dial dna rehtafdnarg tsinoiZ eht swolla mlif sleroD ,tsenoh dna waR slearsI gnihtyreve ecneirepxe ot reweiv dercas eht htiw seod noitareneg gnuoy .yrtnuoc siht ni evil ot nevig saw ti thgir(.tbus .gnE ,.beH ,.nim 54)

    51:12, 2

    nooM eht ot resolC

    [ 21.71 eeS]

    21.02 yadrutaS

    00:11, 1


    lacissalC eviL no snoitairaV citameniCcisuM

    dna sresopmoC hsiweJsretnuocnE larutluC :aciremA dna yawdaorB no cisuM hsiweJeugoganyS eht ni cisuM naciremA

    [ 71 egap eeS]

    51:11, 3

    , . : 52 ".


    ( 2691): , | : , | . . ( ) . 06 ,

    . (59 . , )

    htuoY dna nerdlihC rof ameniC

    htiw noitasrevnoc ,gnineercs eht erofeB-noR alilaG ,retirw snerdlihc devolebSIN 52 :stekciT .redeF

    (2691 ecnarF) snottuB eht fo raW | eugitraL nitraM ,treboR sevY :.riD A | allesI lehciM , noterT rdnA :.W eht neewteb noititepmoc gnisiardnuf tuo slarips segalliv hcnerF owt fo nerdlihc raW .raw dlrow erutainim a otni lortnoc fo dna tsetrams eht fo eno si snottuB eht fo decarg taht seceipretsam lufthgiled tsom sti sniatniam dna ,s0691 eht ni neercs eht(.tbus .beH ,.rF ,.nim 59) .yad siht ot mrahc

    00:21, 2

    ( 9002)

    : | slif sed erreuG aL serbnt sed slif sel ertnoc erimul ed , ( ). , , . (101 . ,


    thgiL fo snoS eht fo raW ehT ssenkraD fo snoS eht tsniagA(9002 ecnarF)

    sih fo gnidrocer A | iatiG somA :.riD ,lavitseF nongivA eht ta noitcudorp egats ,uaeroM naeJ gnirrats ,mlif siatiG somA sti tsol etats werbeH eht woh stnuocer eht htiw raw a fo dne eht ta ytngierevos(.tbus .gnE ,.rF ,.nim 101) .snamoR

    00:41, 3

    (// 8002)

    : | : , | , , . , , , . . (09 . ,


    noitasrevnoc a ,gnineercs eht gniwolloFiatiG somA rekammlif htiw

    dnatsrednU lluoY yaD enO(8002 learsI/ynamreG/ecnarF)

    ,uaeroM ennaeJ :.W | iatiG somA :.riD eht rof snrael rotciV | todrariG etyloppiH stoor hsiweJ srehtom sih fo emit tsrif reh fo etaf eht revocnu ot seirt dna lufrewop siatiG .IIWW eht gnirud ylimaf etamitni na sa pu tes si mlif gnivom dna ,rehtom sih dna nos a neewteb tcilfnoc ot erised eht dna gniwonk rof tsriht eht(.tbus .gnE ,.rF ,.nim 09) .sserper


    . . .4102

  • - 05 - . 7739*

    03:41, 2

    naitsabeS dna elleB

    [ 21.61 eeS]

    00:51, 1


    [ 21.61 eeS]

    03:51, 4

    eiL etihW elttiL

    [ 21.61 eeS]

    03:61, 2

    nielK .rM

    [ 21.61 eeS]

    03:61, 3

    raW fo sterceS

    [ 21.81 eeS]

    00:71, 4

    raguS fo tsoC ehT

    [ 21.71 eeS]

    00:71, 1

    arieM dna xileF

    [ 21.71 eeS]

    00:91, 3


    ( 4102): | ,

    , . , , , ebuTuoY . , , , . . , .

    , 74 , , .

    (051 )

    werbeH ni ecalp ekat lliw tnevE

    noitatnemucoD fo sraeY 74 dna yenruoJ lavihcrA nanaaR rotceriD htiw klaT(4102 learsI) zciwordnaxelA | zciwordnaxelA nanaaR :rotaruC & .riD norbeH fo ytic eht fo noitatnemucod ehT ti eb ,sedaced evif tsap eht tuohguorht


    , 21.02, 51:91, 1

    ( 4102) : | : , | . , , , , , . , , . (001 . ,


    nilograM siocnarF rotcerid fo ecneserp eht nI

    (4102 ecnarF) relaeD trA ehT hsilyts A | dnalreB sionarF ,teuquoB lehciM :.W | nilograM sionarF :.riD ,tsilanruoj gnuoy A .tra detool-izaN fo dlrow ykrum eht ni tes rellirht naisiraP yticilpmoc dna layarteb fo bew a ni pu thguac flesreh sdnif ,nnamgetS rehtsE(.tbus .beH & .gnE ,.rF ,.nim 001) .sgnitniap ylimaf nelots setagitsevni ehs sa

  • - 15 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    sa sevres ,spilc ebuTuoY ro sleerswen redaorb gninimaxe rof yduts esac a ,noitatnemucod gnidnuorrus snoitseuq(.nim 051) .scitilop dna yrotsih

    00:91, 2

    , ,


    : | . . , , , , , , , . ... ,



    noitasrevnoc ,gnineercs eht gniwolloF fo rotceriD ,ileivA riN rosseforP htiw-neB ,ygoloporhtnA fo tnemtrapeD ehtvegeN eht fo ytisrevinU noiruG

    yraniluC A etA eW yaW ehTyeldeM citameniC A | ssorG vokaaY :rotaruC & .riD gnirutaef yeldem citamenic yraniluc enitselaP etats-erP ni erutluc doof eht .learsI fo etatS eht fo sraey tsrif eht dna yb denosaes dna ,dexim ,detcelloC.ssorG vokaaY

    03:91, 4


    [ 21.91 eeS]

    03:02, 2

    llaB eht ta sniloiV

    [ 21.81 eeS]

    03:12, 1

    ( 4102)

    : | : , | , , . , . , . . , . (401 . ,


    -naeJ rotcerid fo ecneserp eht nI nnamrebliZ seuqcaJ

    (4102 ecnarF) efiL oT :.W | nnamrebliZ seuqcaJ-naeJ :.riD | egeetS ret annaoJ ,ueidrapeD eiluJ ztiwhcsuA ni tem esoR dna ,iliL ,neleH .noitarebiL eht retfa hcuot tsol tub ,snoinapmoc dlo reh dnif ot denimreteD .repapswen hsiddiY a ni da na stup neleH ,s0691 ynnus eht gnirud syad wef a roF hcae pleh dna tcennocer nemow eht ,.nim 401) .snomed rieht emocrevo rehto(.tbus .beH & .gnE ,.rF

    03:12, 4

    eruC smolaY

    [ 21.81 eeS]

    00:22, 3

    enotS gnilloR a toN saW apaP

    [ 21.91 eeS]

    21.12 yadnuS

    51:71, 2

    tsaeF settebbaB

    [ 21.91 eeS]


    00:81, 3

    : ( 3102)

    : | 2391, , . , , . (35 . , )

    ( 4391): | , . , . (53 .

    , )

    htiw noitasrevnoc ,gnineercs eht gniwolloF fo srebmem dna illenilleB oettaM rotcerid.learsI ni ytinummoc inahzdiboriB eht

    luoS eht fo cisuM :nahzdiboriB(3102 dnalreztiwS)

    nilatS ,2391 nI | illenilleB oettaM :riD fo noigeR suomonotuA hsiweJ eht dednuof htiw tsaE raF naissuR eht ni nahzdiboriB hsiweJ tnednepedni na gnitaerc fo laog eht senibmoc taht yratnemucod erar A .etats-erofeb-reven htiw sweivretni gniripsni(.tbus .gnE ,nailatI ,nim 35) egatoof nees

    (4391 RSSU) najiboriB lufituaeb A | iikztulS liahkiM :.riD ,iikstulS liahkiM yb detaerc amarducod .amenic yratnemucod teivoS fo retsam ,adnagaporp teivoS fo stnemele sti etipseD epoh fo tirips sti htiw setanicsaf mlif eht ,.nim 53) .doom gnireenoip citnamor dna(.tbus .beH,seltitretni .ssuR & .ddiY

    00:81, 1

    : rotceriD fo ecneserp eht ni gnineercS

    knarT drahciR

    ehT :sretsiniM emirP ehT sreenoiP

    [ 21.91 eeS]

  • - 25 - . 7739*

    00:91, 2

    efiL oT

    [ 21.02 eeS]

    51:02, 1


    rotceriD fo ecneserp eht ni gnineercSknarT drahciR

    sreidloS :sretsiniM emirP ehT srekamecaeP &

    [ 21.91 eeS]

    03:02, 4

    yeK tsoL ehT

    [ 21.81 eeS]

    00:12, 3

    ( 4102): | . . (82 .

    , )

    ( 4102): | , , . . (03 . , ) ,

    ( 4102): | . . (42 . , )


    ( 4102): | . ? ? (8 . ) ,


    ni noititepmoC mliF trohS ilearsI ehTnamrekcuZ ayaneB fo yromeM

    (4102 learsI) lleH ot taoG srehtaf sih slaets vaoY | ovalC ioR :.riD gnikcip seog dna ,ruppiK moY no rac no lles ot revir a ni sehcnarb wolliw eht gnola sevird eh ,yaw sih nO .htokkuS ekat ot desu tseirp hgih eht hcihw htap ot denitsed taogepacs eht gniklaw nehw ,.beH .nim 82) learsI fo snis eht rof eidrahsniM (.tbus .gnE

    (4102 learsI) akcilF dna oriN ,tnasaep barA na ,oriN | kifA iaH :.riD sporc sih swolp ,naicisum dna ,relttes ht04 sih roF .akcilF yeknod sih htiw sih ni segnahc ekam ot seirt eh yadhtrib (.tbus .gnE ,.barA & .beH ,.nim 03) .efil dna mliF ,noisiveleT fo loohcS helaaMstrA eht


    , 21.12, 03:81, 4

    , ( 4102): | , , , , , , . , , , , ,

    . (69 . )

    (4102 ASU) rekcuT eihpoS suoegartuO ehT ,rekcuT eihpoS fo yrots sehcir ot sgar eht si sihT | ikcezaG mailliW :.riD dna ,noisivelet ,oidar ,yawdaorB ,elliveduav delur ohw ratsrepus cinoci eht ,eornoM nyliraM ,annodaM erofeB .yrutnec ht02 eht tuohguorht doowylloH secneidua etautafni ot namow tsrif eht saw rekcuT eihpoS ,tseW eaM dna(ylno .gnE ,.nim 69) .elyts yssarb dna dlob reh htiw

  • WWW.JER-CIN.ORG.IL - 53 -

    hits as The Way We Were, Nobody

    Does It Better and the musical scores

    for The Sting, and A Chorus Line. The

    film offers an intimate and affectionate

    portrait of this consummate artist. )85

    min., Eng. only(


    Revival )Israel 2014(Dir.: Nadav Lazare | A 60-something religious bible teachers life turns up-side-down when he finds out that his wifes former punk band is reuniting after almost thirty years. )24 min., Heb., Eng. subt.( Maaleh School of Television, Film and the Arts

    Remember Atlle )Israel 2014(Dir.: Maya Sarfaty | The preparations for the Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony at Hagars new school are underway. Will Hagar get the lead role in the film? And does she deserve it? )8 min. Heb. only( Tel Aviv University, Department of Film and Television

    2 ,21:30

    The Art Dealer

    ]See 20.12 [

    22.12 Monday

    2 ,17:30

    Samson and Delilah

    ]See 19.12 [

    4 ,19:15

    : )2013 (

    , , , | : . The Way We Were, ,Nobody Does It Better . , , , ,

    ) . 85( ..

    Prior to the screening, lecture by Dr. Stephen Hazan Arnoff, Shalem College

    Marvin Hamlisch: What He Did For Love )USA 2013(Dir.: Dori Berinstein | Marvin Hamlisch is synonymous with such memorable

    1 18:00 ,22.12 ,

    , ( : . . ) ( ,)

    . ,

    ///////( )2014 ///

    , , | : . , , . . 135( .

    ) ,


    Looking for the Best Israeli SteakAfter of the film, a panel about lust for meat, breeding local meat, and the difficulty of obtaining prime meat in Israel. Participants: Chef Mattan abrahams )Hudson brasserie(, butcher Yaniv Bar Nur )Meat Market( and head of Israel cattle breeders association Haim Dayan. The panel will be moderated by Hila Alpert, journalist and cookbook author.

    Steak )R(evolution )France/UK/USA/Sweden/Spain/Japan/Italy/Canada/Brazil/Belgium/Argentina 2014(

    Dir.: Franck Ribire | The filmmaker, who comes from a family of French cattle ranchers, embarks on a journey to find the best steak in the world. Alongside the culinary carnal celebration, the film also raises important questions about industrial agriculture and the way animals are raised in modern cattle ranches. )135 min., Eng. & Fr. Heb Subt.(

  • - 45 - . 7739*

    00:91, 3


    ( 4102): | : , | , 47, 82 . . , , , . (08 .

    , )

    yrweJ naipoihtE ot etubirT

    eht htiw A&Q gnineercs eht gniwolloFstnapicitrap dna srekammlif

    (4102 learsI) sevaeL deR rieM ,aleiaH annaH :.W | eteG izaB :.riD naipoihtE na ,aledaT oinageseM | esseD yenruoj a no tuo stes ,tnargimmi retfa semoh snerdlihc sih hguorht emos wonk ot gnimoC .efiw sih gnisol ot seirt eh ,seitilaer wen hsrah sefil fo & .beH ,.nim 08) .syaw nwo sih ni evivrus(.tbus .gnE & .beH ,cirahmA

    00:02, 2 ( 4102)

    : | , 004 . 8 2491 , . , , . (75

    . , )

    (4102 learsI) slooF fo thgiN yrots eht sllet mlif ehT | ihcmiK imaR :.riD ecnatsiser izaN-itna hsiweJ naireglA na fo yllacitamard ot dedeeccus hcihw ,puorghcroT noitarepO fo emoctuo eht tceffa nretseW eht no yrotciv tsrif seillA eht ,yrevarb fo yrots hsiweJ a si sihT .tnorf ,.nim 75) .htiaf dna ,ytivitaerc ,apztuhc(.tbus .gnE ,.rF & .beH

    03:12, 1

    elggurtS a fo noitpircseD[ 21.91 eeS]

    03:12, 3


    ] 21.91 eeS]

    03:12, 4

    , rekcuT eihpoS suoegartuO ehT

    [ 21.12 eeS]

    21.32 yadseuT

    00:71, 1 etirovaF ecneiduA

    03:01, 1

    ? ? ? , . , .... (

    5 )

    ( 5591): , , | -

    . (87 . ).

    nerdlihC rof hakkunaH

    wohs erutacirac a ,mlif eht erofeB

    (5591 ASU) pmarT eht dna ydaL ehT ,iminoreG edylC ,eksuL notlimaH :.riD cissalc syensiD | noskcaJ derfliW a morf leinaps rekcoc a ,ydaL tuoba semoceb ohw ,doohruobhgien hsop sselralloc ,yffurcs a fo deruomane 87) .semoc ti sa efil sevil ohw lergnom+5 sega roF (.bud .beH ,.nim

    03:01, 3

    ? ? ? , . ( 9 )

    , ,

    ( 4102)

    : | : , | . , , . , . (28

    . , )

    nerdlihC rof hakkunaH

    romuh evitca na ,mlif eht gniwolloFpohskrow

    ,elbirreT eht dna rednaxelA daB yreV ,dooG oN ,elbirroH(4102 ASU) yaD ,lleraC evetS :.W | atetrA leugiM :.riD tonnac rednaxelA | renraG refinneJ sih ni kcuts mug gnitteg taht enigami .smelborp sih fo tsael eht eb dluow riah snerdlihc suomaf eht nopu desaB dna detraehdoog a si rednaxelA ,koob .ylimaf elohw eht rof ydemoc gnitaertne+9 sega roF (.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 28)


    . (

    3 )nerdlihC rof hakkunaH

    elat hakkunaH a ni relletyrotS eht remO+3 sega roF (.beh nI) .sdik rof

    00:71, 3


  • - 55 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    rotcerid eht fo ecneserp eht ni gnineercS

    mrepS dercaS[ 21.71 eeS]

    03:71, 2

    , , ,

    ). :

    ( 3102): | , , , . ,

    . .

    (77 . , )


    noissucsid lenap ,gnineercs eht gniwolloFwerbeH ni sdohtem larutlucirga no

    (3102 adanaC) rewoS ehT a fo tiartrop A | norreP eiluJ :.riD erutan ot kcab eht morf remraf-retspih-tsitra na si reitroF ecirtaP .tnemevom erar setavitluc ohw ,relaed dees-denrut nrehtuos sih no sniarts deregnadne nedrag latnemirepxe ehT .mraf cebeuQ fo tra euqinu eht htiw erutlucirga sdnelb(.tbus .gnE ,.rF ,.nim 77) .reitroF

    00:91, 1 etirovaF ecneiduA

    00:91, 4

    , rekcuT eihpoS suoegartuO ehT

    [ 21.12 eeS]

    03:91, 3

    ( 4102): |

    , . , . , ,

    . (85 )

    yb ecnamrofrep ,gnineercs eht erofeBokraZ iboK regnis onidaL

    (4102 ASU) emalF syrolF ,tcefrep sadogaJ yrolF | lessiF truC :.riD lufluos a sekovni eciov gnitaralihxe ot kcab gnihcterts egatireh lacisum ylimaf reh retfA .niapS noitisiuqnI-erp yrolF ,II raW dlroW gnirud dehsirep ycagel larutluc rieht eunitnoc ot dewov-raey-09 yradnegel ehT .cisum hguorht yrots efil gniripsni reh serahs dlo .cisum onidaL lanigiro htiw nevowretni(.nim 85)

    03:91, 2

    : , ? ( 4102)

    : , , , , | . , , , . 4102, , , , ? (56 . , , ,


    noitasrevnoc ,gnineercs eht gniwolloFstnapicitrap seires eht htiw

    yM :seireS eht morf sedosipE yehT erA erehW dna ,yenruoJ(4102 learsI) ?yadoT anoizT ,yamreG eetzeT ,edakF tiyeZ :.riD | namuzeM liG ,sailE ineM ,esedaT sah rirgahS ahciM rotcerid dna recudorP fo noitargimmi eht gnitnemucod neeb ruof revo rof learsI ot yrweJ naipoihtE maet a yb detsissa ,4102 nI .sedaced yletanimoderp fo srotcerid gnuoy fo

    eht stisiver rirgahS ,tnecsed naipoihtE senimaxe dna ,detnemucod eh serugif era erehw ,emit fo evitcepsrep eht morf & aynirgiT ,cirahmA ,.nim 56) ?yadot yeht(.tbus .gnE ,.beH

    00:12, 1

    etirovaF ecneiduA

    00:12, 4


    eH tahW :hcsilemaH nivraMevoL rof diD

    [ 21.22 eeS]

    03:12, 3

    ( 4102): , | 7691, , . , , . 003 ; 000,5

    . (46 . )

    noitasrevnoc a ,gnineercs eht gniwolloF nagev a dna stnapicitrap eht htiwnoitpecer

    (4102 ASU) ecaeP fo egalliV ,7691 nI | sedipilihP okiN ,reduhcS neB :.riD a ,tnemevoM sthgiR liviC eht fo thgieh eht ta detargim snaciremA nacirfA fo ytinummoc neB srekammliF .ogacihC morf anomiD ot erar reffo sedipilihP okiN dna reduhcS 46) .ytinummoc euqinu siht otni espmilg(ylno .gnE ,.nim

    00:12, 2

    nelpaK .rM[ 21.91 eeS]


  • - 65 - . 7739*

    21.42 yadsendeW

    00:91, 1

    ( 8991): | : , , | . : , . , ( ?) ( ) . (211

    . , ).

    (8991 ASU) renosirP hsinapS ehT llebpmaC :.W | temaM divaD :.riD noegdiP accebeR ,nitraM evetS ,ttocS a si mlif lanoitpecxe stemaM divaD | pihsnoitaler eht no deretnec rellirht dna erianoillim tneloveneb a neewteb a fo renwo ehtgtorp gnisirprus sih fo seires ehT .htlaew gnitaerc rof tnetap eht no yllaunitnoc uoy peek lliw stsiwt(.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 211) .egde

    21.52 yadsruhT

    03:61, 1

    ( 4102): | : , | , , . , , . , . , , , , , , . ( , ). (691

    . , ).

    smliF weN

    (4102 yekruT) peelS retniW kulaH :.W | nalyeC egliB iruN :.riD a snur nidyA | nezoS asileM ,renigliB .retniw stI .aicodappaC ni letoh llams dna efiw sih htiw gnithgif pots tonnac eH nekorb reh revo nekorbtraeh si retsis sih eht ta si nalyeC egliB iruN .egairram ,peelS retniW htiw srewop sih fo kaep ylgnihsivar dna gnissorgne ylhcir a 691) .(yteiraV) supo mungam lufituaeb(.tbus .beH ,.kruT ,.nim

    03:91, 2

    : . ;


    . :

    58 /: 57

    ', 21.42, 03:12, 1

    (/// 3102): | : , | , . , . , , , . , , . (28 . , ).


    gnineercS weiverP

    (3102 KU/ecnarF/kramneD/dnaloP) adI ,annA | akswohcubezrT atagA ,azseluK atagA :.W | ikswokilwaP lewaP :.riD lliw taht terces ylimaf a srevocsid ,doG ot swov reh gnikam fo egrev eht no ,raey eht fo smlif gnidnatstuo eht fo eno ,adI .lortnoc fo tuo efil reh nips gnidnuorrus ecnelis dna tliug eht dna ,dnaloP fo sweJ eht fo etaf eht serolpxe.smliF veL fo ysetruoc gnineercs weiverP (.tbus .beH ,.loP ,.nim 28) .etaf siht


  • - 75 - LI.GRO.NIC-REJ.WWW

    ( 8002): | : , | . , , . , . (011 . ,


    ameniC yraniluC

    nikseniWSIN 57 :srebmeM / SIN 58 :stekciT

    (8002 ASU) kcohS elttoB ,namkciR nalA :.W | relliM lladnaR :.riD trepxe eniw naisiraP A | namlluP lliB no seog dna yellaV apaN eht ot slevart nA .yannodrahc tcefrep eht setaerc ot eht htiw slaed taht ydemoc elbayojne thgir eht htiw enod ,eniw rof erised .ytivel dna ssensuoires fo noitanibmoc(.tbus .beH ,.gnE ,.nim 011)

    03:02, 1

    gnineercS ereimerP

    rotcerid fo ecneserp eht ni gnineercSsilaiB aruaL

    enoZ deR eht ni kcoR[ 31 egap eeS]

    21.62 yadirF

    03:01, 3

    : . : 58 / : 57

    ( 4102): | : , | . ,

    . (, ) . , , 4102 ( ). (241 . ,

    ). .

    bulC weiverP

    58 :stekciT .decnuonna eb ot rerutceLSIN 57 :srebmeM / SIN

    (4102 aissuR) nahtaiveL yeskelA :.W | vestnigayvZ yerdnA :.riD llams A | avodayL anelE ,vokayrbereS eht nehW .aissuR nrehtron ni nwot ekat ot denimreted si royam snwot ton sthgif yldlob ailoK ,dnal sailoK yerdnA .snwo eh gnihtyreve esol ot lacitilop lufrewop a stneserp vestnigayvZ emoceb sah taht yrogella laitnetsixe dna fo smlif tuoba deklat tsom fo eno (.tbus .beH ,.ssuR ,.nim 241) .raey ehtsmliF veL fo ysetruoc gnineercs weiverP

    03:01, 2


    : 58 / : 57

    ( 7391): | : , | , . . . , ... , 9391. ... (). (711 . ,


    htiw ameniC hcnerF cissalCnireplaH leunammE

    eht ,rioneR naeJ fo ameniC ehT nortaPSIN 57 :srebmeM / SIN 58 :stekciT

    (7391 ecnarF) noisullI ednarG aL ,nibaG naeJ :.W | rioneR naeJ :.riD hcnerF eerhT | miehortS nov hcirE

    naisiraP a ,tarcotsira nasneziticreknab hsiweJ a dna nairatelorp .IWW gnirud sdnah namreG otni llaf nov hcirE yb deyalp si rotpac riehT sih deredisnoc si tahw ni miehortS ,.nim 711) .ecnamrofrep neercs tseb(.tbus .beH ,.rF

    00:41, 1

    lavitseF nessetacileD eht morF

    noitulove)R( kaertS[ 21.22 eeS]

    00:41, 2


    58 . . 05 "" . (6591) , . " " (9591) . 06 07. , . , , , 04 08. : ,


    yadhtriB ht58 s'hcsirF yrraL noitarbeleC gnitarbelec si reenoip mlif ilearsI ehT ni su nioj dna emoC .yadhtrib ht58 sih .reerac sih gnitarbelec

    54:12, 1

    ( 4102): , | : , , , , |


  • - 85 - . 7739*

    . , . , . 41 . (59 . ,


    smliF weN

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