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Bangladesh Infrastructure Finance Fund Limited

4 Anjuman Mufidullslam Road, Kakrail Dhaka-1000-

Statement on Green Banking as of 30/06/2015 (Quarter 2)


1.1· ··~"·Polic,iFormulationand Governance ,.- '--~-', '-:~' .;;f~,*:;i~~.:~~:~~:,, ~;ffoiK '...

Yes No Remarks

Green Banking Policy has been adopted in the 19th Board

Formulation and Board! Regional Head approval of Green Banking V Meeting of BIFFL, held in 14th September 2014. The

1.1.1 Policy Policy has been submitted with the 2014 Q3 Report.

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Remarks

1.1.2 Allocation of Fund in the Budget for Green Banking (in million Taka) 0 0 0.25 100.75 101 BIFFL has

Green Finance 0 0 0 100 100 devised its

Climate Risk Fund 0 0 0.25 0.25 0.5budget for 2nd

Marketing, Training and Capacity Building 0 0 0 0.5 0.5half of 2015.

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Remarks

1.1.3 Utilization of Funds (in million Taka) 6.007 0 0 0 6.007

Green Finance 6 0 0 0 6-

Climate Risk Fund 0 0 0 0 0

Marketing, Training and Capacity Building 0.007 0.0075 0 0 0.0145

Composition (Name,

Yes No Designation 8, Deptt.) Remarks

Convener: Mohammad

Sagir Hossain Khan,

General Manager

(Investment); Members:

1) Mohammad Shahidul

Islam, Manager (Credit); Unit is formed under the

2) Sheikh Anowar Sadat, Green Banking Policy,

Assistant Manager approved by 19th Board

V(Credit); 3) Shafiqul Islam Meeting of BIFFL, held in 14th

Prodhan, Senior Officer September 2014. The

(Credit-Technical); 4) required Office Order was

Rabeya Rahman, Officer circulated in 21 st September

(Accounts & Finance), 5) 2014.

Md. Mohabul Alam, Officer

(IT), Member-Secretary:

Md. Saddam Hossain,

Officer (Renewable

1.1.4 Formation of Green Banking Unit Energy)

(Inco oration of Environmental Risk in Core Risks Mana

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INO of Projects applicable for Environmental Due Dilligence (EDD)..

No. of Projects Rated (Environmental Risk Rating) 1 0 0 0 1 -

1.2.2Low 0 0 0 0 0 -Moderate 0 0 0 0 0 -

High 1 0 0 0 1 -

Total Number 1 0 0 0 1

Low 0 0 0 0 0

Moderate 1 0 0 0 1

High 0 0 0 0 0

Total Amount Disbursed (in0 BIFFL has

million Taka) 6 0 0 6disbursed 1

1.2.3 Rated Projects financed Low 0 0 0 0 0 loan facility inModerate 6 0 0 0 6

Q1.High 0 0 0 0 0

Loan classification as of Quarter End

UC (standard) SMA SS OF BL

No. of projects

Amount(in million taka) N/A

1 o o 2


1.3:'. Initiatina In-house Environment Manaaement i\ti" t ~.<,~~;,'" ;... .'

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Remarks

No. of Branches and Booths (Data in each quarter will reflect theBIFFL has no

1.3.1 cumulative figure) 0 0 0 0 0branches

No. of Branches powered by Solar Energy (Data in each quarter willexcept for its

1.3.2 reflect the cumulative figure) 0 0 0 0 0Corporate

No. of Booths powered by Solar Energy (Data in each quarter willHead Office.

1.3.3 reflect the cumulative figure) 0 0 0 0 0

Yes No Remarks

Green Office Guide has been adopted in the 19th Board Meeting

V of BIFFL, held in 14th September 2014. The Final Policy has

1.3.4 Introduction of Green Office Guide or General Instructions been submitted with the 2014 03 Report.

1. Save energy by introducing green desiqn, using green equipment, ensuring green lighting and

practising green transport. 2. Save water by introducing water saving practices among

employees. 3. Save paper by practising green printing and introducing tech-based green

1.3.5 Pin Points of Green Office Guide or General Instructions communication. 4. Reduce wastage by reducing misuse of utilities and ensuring proper disposal.

5. Practising fuel and energy efficient equipment procurement. 6. Raise awareness among

employees and customers by circulating more relevant information among them. 7, Practising 3R

Reduce, Re-use and Recycle - within the organization.

1.3.6 Inventorv Details Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Remarks

Consumption of Water (in Taka).

41,724.00 55,753.00 0.00 0.00 97,477.00 -Consumption of Paper (in Taka) 1,840.00 6,981.00 0.00 0.00 8,821.00 -

IElectricity 42,078.00 138,976.00 0.00 0.00 181,054.00 -


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Energy Consumption (in Taka) Gas 89,227.00 121,746.00 0.00 0.00 210,973.00

11.3.7 IOthers (Please Specify)

Fuel 57,546.00 43,933.00 0.00 0.00 101,479.00



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·4 Introducm Green Finance

Amount in million Taka

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Remarks

Number Amount Number Amoun Number Amount Number Amount Number

o 0 0000 0 0 0

oFor Installation of ETP (Amount Disbursed) o

1.6 Introducin Green Marketin



o 0 00 00 0 0


Introduction of Green Banking

Products (Please Specify)

Green Finance at reduced rate of interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o


IBio-gas Plant I 01 01 0c::::::9l~=01 01L...=~01=:::::;01~===0~1 ==:::;01 BIFFL has;:::==================~==*==~==.......... disbursed 1ISolar Panel!Renewable Energy Plant I 01 01 ol::::§] oc::§] 01 01 01 01term loan to a

~=========================I I I r--;J ~ I I I I Zigzag BrickI~B=io=-~=e=rt=ili=z=er=p=l=a=nt================ 0 0 OL.......£i OL.......£J 0 0 0 0 Kiln Project.

:::!HY::b:::::rid=H=off=m=an=K=iln=(H=H=K:::)===============1 01 01=~0c:::::§] 01 01 01 01 01 01

IOthers (Please specify) I 11 61 oc:::::§] oc::§] 01 01 11 61

Projects financed having ETP(Full amount



r1.S Utilization of Climate Risk Fund '";~

;: ,'1;

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Remarks

11.51IFund for part of CSR activities (Event) related to

Climate Change (in million Taka) 0 0 0.25 0.25 0.5 -

11.5.2IFund for part of CSR activities (Project) related to

Climate Change (in million Taka) 0 0 0 0 0 -

BIFFL is working with its peers and stakeholders to position itself in the market to hunt Green Projects. Primarily direct

communication with potential customers are key focus. If felt necessary then BIFFL will go for large-scale marketing.

1.7 .EmoloveeTrainino. Consumer Awareness and Green Event



Quarter2 Quarter3






No.of TrainingPrograms!Seminars!Workshops!

AwarenessProgramsexclusivelyconductedfor Green



o o



2No.of Participantscovered


1.7.3 GreenEvents(PleaseSpecify)





o o o o o



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Annual Report -

Website -BIFFL is preparingfor more

Media - Green BankingActivities.Preparation of Independent Green Banking & Sustainability

Report -

~.1 Sector S ecific Environment Polic

Formulation of Sector Specific Environment Policy (UnderYes No Remarks

Phase 2) (If yes, please give the pin points in a separate

2.1.1 sheet) "The process has started. Hoped to be devised soon.

Name of the Sectors for which Specific Environment PolicyN/A

2.1.2 Formulated

Formulation of Green Strategic Planning (If yes, please

describe in a separate sheet) "

(Yes No Remarks

Formulation of Fls Specific Environment Risk Management BIFFL has devised its own enviornment risk management guideline

2.3.1 Plan and Guideline "named "Environmental Social Monitoring Framework" (ESMF).


General Manager (Investments) & Green

Banking Unit Head

Md. Saddam Hossain

Officer (Renewable Energy), BIFFL


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IProgess of Green Finance

Bangladesh Infrastructure Finance Fund Limited

I 30-Jun-15 I

Taka in million)

Total Loan Direct Green Indirect Green Toal Green Direct Green Finance

Disbursement Finance Finance Finance as % of Total Loan

(Funded) (Disbursement) (Disbursement) (Disbursement) Disbursement

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 #DIV/O!

Details of Green Finance

Renewable Energy

Amount (in million Amount (in million

Taka) Taka)

Setting up of Bio- Solar Home

gas Plant System

in existing Dairy

& poultry Farm 0.00 0.00

Integrated Cow Solar MicrolMini

Rearing Grid

and Setting up of

Bio-aas Plant 0.00 0.00

Organic Manure Solar Irrigation

Bio-gas from Slurrv 0.00 Pumping System 0.00

Mid Range Bio- Solar PV

I gas Plant 0.00 Assembly Plant 0.00

Biomass based Solar PV Plant

large scale Bio-gas capable to produce

Plant I MW or more

0.00Solar Energy

Power 0.00

Poultry & Dairy Solar Cooker

based large scale assembly Plant

Bio-gas Plant 0.00 Solar Cooker 0.00

Hydropower Solar Water

Hydro-Power (pico, Micro & Heater Assembly

Mini) 0.00 Plant 0.00

Wind- PowerWind Energy Solar Air Heater &

driven Power Cooling System

Plant 0.00 Assembly Plant 0.00

Solar Energy

Driven Cold



Surface Water

Purification Plant

using Solar Pump 0.00

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I Ener :y Efficiency IAmount (in million Amount (in

Taka) million Taka )

Substitution of Energy efficient

Conventional Improved Cook

LimeKiln by Stove(lCS)IICS

Energy Efficient RenewablefHybrid

Kiln 0,00 Cook Stove 0,00

Substitution of LED Bulbrrube

Conventional Manufacturing Plant

lighting system,


material, Boiler

with energy


alternatives on the,

basis of Energy

Audit 0,00 0,00

Auto sensor power LED Bulbrrube

switch assembly Assembly Plant

Plant 0,00 0,00

I Solid Waste Management IAmount (in million Amount (in

Taka) million Taka)

Methane Recovery Auto sensor power

from Municipal switch assembly

waste & to Plant

produce Power

Municipal waste Hazardous waste

to Compost treatment facility

I Liquid Waste Management IAmount (in million Amount (in

Taka) million Taka )

Biological Waste Water

Effluent Treatment Plant

Treatment Plant 0,00 0,00

Biological Sewage Water

Effluent Treatment Plant

Treatment Plant 0,00 0,00

Conversion of

Chemical ETP to

Combination type


ical) ofETP


I Alternative Enerzv IAmount (in million


Production of

Burnable Oil from

waste Tire by the

Process of Pyrolysis


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I Fire Burnt Brick IAmount (in million


Setting up of

Hybrid Hoffman



technology in Brick




I Non Fire Block Brick IAmount (in million ,


Compressed Block-

Brick 0.00

Autoclaved Aerated

Concrete 0.00

I Recycling & Recyclable Product IAmount (in million Amount (in

Taka) million Taka )

Waste Paper Recyclable Poly

Recycling Plant Propylene Thread &

for production of Baggage

recycled paper Manufacturing Plant

0.00 0.00

Plastic Waste PET Bottle

Recycling Plant Recycling Plant



0.00 0.00

Recyclable Solar Battery

Baggage Recycling Plant


Plant 0.00 0.00

I Green Industry

Amount (in million


I:stablishment ofGreen Industrv 0.00

I Safety and Security of Factory IAmount (in million


Ensuring Work

Environment and

Security of Workers

of Textile and

Garments Industry •0.00

I Miscellaneous IAmount (in million


[Vermicomnost 0.00

[Palm Oil Plant 0.00

I Others IAmount (in million


IN/A 0.00

IN/A 0.00

IN/A 0.00

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