Page 1: Jdd2014: High performance logging - Peter Lawrey

Peter Lawrey

CEO and Principal Consultant

Higher Frequency Trading. Presentation to JDD 2014 Krakow, October 2014.

High Performance Logging Good bye debug logging

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Higher Frequency Trading is a small consulting and software development house specialising in: •  Low latency, high throughput software •  6 developers + 2 staff in Europe and USA.

•  Sponsor HFT related open source projects •  Core Java engineering

About Us…

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• CEO and Principal Consultant • 3rd on Stackoverflow for Java, most Java Performance answers.

• Founder of the Performance Java User's Group

• An Australian, based in the U.K.

About Me…

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"I want to be able to read and write my data to a persisted, distributed system, with the speed of in memory data structures"

What Is The Problem We Solve?

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Chronicle scales Vertically and Horizontally If you could log everything fast enough would you need logging levels? Would there be such a thing as Debug level logging?

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l  Shares data structure between processes l  Replication between machines l  Build on a low level library Java Lang. l  Millions of operations per second. l  Micro-second latency. No TCP locally. l  Synchronous logging to the OS. l  Apache 2.0 available on GitHub l  Persisted via the OS.

Chronicle scaling Vertically and Horizontally

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l  Logging Adapters for Chronicle Queue. l  Synchronous logging avoids lost messages on a crash. l  Similar speed to Log4j2 using asynchronous logging l  Designed to be read in real time by other JVMs (with a micro-seconds) l  Can be distributed over TCP and aggregated for centralized monitoring. l  Apache 2.0 open source library

What is Chronicle Logger?

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l  Low latency journaling and logging. l  Low latency cross JVM communication. l  Designed for reactive programming l  Throughputs up to 40 million/second. l  Latencies between processes of 200 nano-seconds. l  Sustain rates of 400 MB/s, peaks much higher. l  Replication via TCP. l  Apache 2.0 open source library. l  Pure Java, supported on Windows, Linux, Mac OSX.

What is Chronicle Queue?

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l  Low latency persisted key-value store. l  ConcurrentMap or Set interface l  Latency between processes around 200 ns. l  In specialized cases, latencies < 25 ns. l  Designed for reactive programming l  Throughputs up to 30 million/second. l  Sustain rates of 400 MB/s, peaks much higher. l  Replication via TCP and UDP. l  Apache 2.0 open source library. l  Pure Java, supported on Windows, Linux, Mac OSX.

What is Chronicle Map/Set?

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Chronicle monitoring a legacy application

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Chronicle journalling multiple applications

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slf4j.chronicle.base = ${}/vanilla/${today}

slf4j.chronicle.type = vanilla

slf4j.chronicle.path = ${slf4j.chronicle.base}/root

slf4j.chronicle.level = debug

slf4j.chronicle.shortName = false

slf4j.chronicle.append = false

slf4j.chronicle.format = binary

slf4j.chronicle.binaryMode = formatted

What is Chronicle Logger?

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How does Chronicle perform?

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Logging code string, int, long, double) Chronicle Queue code logger.startExcerpt(); logger.writeLong(System.currentTimeMillis()); logger.writeUTFΔ(getThreadName()); logger.writeUTFΔ(fmt); logger.writeInt(i); logger.writeLong(i * 7L); logger.writeDouble(i / 16.0); logger.finish();

How much difference does it make?

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Tested with 32 threads. Chronicle Queue shows better concurrency giving a lower average latency. Chronicle Logger can give you much of the benefit of Chronicle Queue without having to change your code.

How much difference does it make?

Without Logger With Logger slf4j 1.6 µs 1.4 µs logback 55 µs 1.7 µs Log4j v1 7.6 µs 4.6 µs Log4j v2 2.7 µs 1.4 µs Chronicle Queue 32 threads

1 thread 0.026 µs 0.3 µs

Page 16: Jdd2014: High performance logging - Peter Lawrey Performance Java User's Group.

@PeterLawrey [email protected]

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