Page 1: JCI UK Newsletter - July 2013

ISSUE 2 - July




ASDA CHIEF ANDY CLARKE will be speaking at JCI UK National Convention in November.

EUROPEAN AWARDWINNERJCI Barnsley take European title for Most Outstanding Growth Programme

National President meets Her Majesty

Page 2: JCI UK Newsletter - July 2013


Dear Members

I can barely believe that we are halfway through the year but what a year it has been so far. Members of JCI UK have been Inspiring Action in their local communities with an action packed programme of local events and projects. Nationally we have delivered a brilliant Inspiration Day in Cambridge and an excellent Marketing Academy in Birmingham as well as JCI Presenter in Sheffield. Over 80 members of JCI UK travelled to Monaco for the European Conference and took part in virtually every aspect of the conference. We have raised funds and awareness of poverty with our £1-a-day project and are currently raising even more money in the fight to eradicate malaria by selling our Union Jack Nothing But Nets wristbands. It has been a fantastic year to be President of JCI UK. I was so proud to represent every member of this organisation when I went to St James’s Palace in May with Immediate Past President Solveig Malvik to meet the Queen and the Duke Of Edinburgh on behalf of JCI UK. This honour was in recognition of the Queen’s Award for Volunteering that we received last year. Whilst at the palace we were inspired by talking to representatives of other organisations and finding out about the amazing work that they are doing. It really did hammer home that this country would be lost without its army of volunteers. The work that every member of our organisation does to make a difference in their local communities is how JCI UK plays its part in shaping a better future for the UK. If we see an issue being faced locally then we need to take action to find a sustainable solution, we need to be part of the process of moving forward and engage in conversations about the future of our towns and cities. If we don’t then who will? These things are not just other people’s worries, they are concerns for all of us. We here in the UK are very privileged to have such freedoms and rights and with that privilege comes the responsibility to use it wisely. We need to work hard to ensure that we develop our skills through taking advantage of training opportunities and chances to be part of project and events teams. Then it is up to us to use those skills to the best effect that we can and to play a more active part in society. With six months of the year left, what inspiring action can you take?

Keep Inspiring Action


Publisher: JCI United Kingdom, PO BOX 6638, Grantham NG31 9BX

Editor & Designer: Philip Cavalier-Lumley Editorial Co-ordinator: Katie Jackson

Printed by Esson Print, Unit 6, Station Works, Station Road Shepreth, Hertfordshire SG8 6PZ

Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.The publishers cannot be held responsible for the statement or views expressed by the contributors.

welcome CONTENTS


Meeting Her MajestyNational Convention

JCI European Conference Monaco5

6 Local ChamberNews

Local ChamberNews & Looking Your Breast

Emma EastwoodNational President 2013JCI Senator #[email protected]

7NCVO, LEAP and Diary Dates8

JCI European Conference Monaco


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By Emma Eastwood2013 National President

Solveig Malvik (2012 National President) and I finally received our invitation to meet the Queen. I have to admit that it always seemed a little unbelievable and even now that it has happened, if I didn’t have a picture I would still have my doubts that it actually occurred. Imagine our shock when we realised the date was 29th May at St James’s Palace - the same day as the opening ceremony of our European Conference when we’d both be in Monaco.

This is when JCI membership really pays off, we never considered that we’d have to pick which event to attend! We only planned to work out how to do both! So this is what led to Solveig and I leaving Monaco on the morning of the 29th May at 5.30 AM to get a taxi to the airport in Nice and catch a 7.30 AM flight to Heathrow for what is my shortest ever visit to a city but also the most memorable by far. We tried

to contain the nerves and excitement on our journey but at times we could barely talk! Once in London we headed to a true British

institution - a tea shop and treated ourselves to cakes and tea - well, it would have been rude not to and we needed plenty of energy for curtseying! We then walked over to St James’s Palace in time to see the changing of the guard and mingle with some of the guests waiting in line to go in.

After leaving our bags and mobile phones we were ushered up a staircase and into a grand reception room where we accepted glasses of bubbly to calm our nerves. We had the great fortune to meet some amazing volunteers and staff from other organisations that were

recipients of an award for volunteering. This was a really inspirational experience and we felt privileged to be amongst

such fantastic company.

After about half an hour we were guided towards a doorway where a man asked for our name cards. Before I could realise what was happening the Queen appeared in sight

on the other side of the door next to the Duke of Edinburgh. Within seconds my name was announced and I was standing before the Queen curtseying and saying hello to a woman with the kindest eyes and warmest smile. I beamed from ear to ear as I moved along the line to be presented to the Duke of Edinburgh! He smiled and asked me where I was from and where the organisation was based. They both seemed to be genuinely enjoying the event despite the fact that they had to stand and meet so many people.

We were then moved into the next room to carry on mingling with guests and we did not know what had hit us! We laughed and almost cried and had to take a few moments to compose ourselves.

Meeting the Queen on behalf of every member of JCI UK was the proudest

moment of my life!!! It is a real honour to be national president for such a fantastic organisation. Just as the Queen honours and respects volunteer groups with her recognition of their hard work, so must we respect every volunteer across the country who gives up his and her free time to make the world a better place.

Meeting Her Majesty

Andy Clarke, CEO of Asda (above) has now confirmed that he will be speaking at our national convention in November.

A host of other activities will be available for you to choose from: Skills training,

Panel discussion, Tree-planting, Fitness boot camp, Debating, Public speaking, Extempore, Champagne bar and the JCI UK Awards and Gala Dinner.

Oulton Hall is a magnificent stately home, five miles outside Leeds City Centre. It boasts a 27 hole golf course, luxury spa, extravagant interior and rolling grounds.

We strongly recommend members attend the whole weekend, including gala dinner, for only £125.

We’ve got an excellent timetable of top speakers, valuable training and fun competitions – plus it’s the perfect time to meet members from other chambers in JCI UK and beyond! But, hey, we know you’re all busy people, so if you really need to miss some parts of the weekend, you can tailor your package.

There are ‘early bird’ rates on offer until September.

Staying at the conference venue is £120 for a double or twin room (per room

per night). At the Holiday Inn, a short walk away, a double/twin is £49. Room rates have been heavily discounted, so make sure to quote “JCI” when booking. If you’re looking for someone to share a twin room, try our Facebook group:


National Convention Update

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In November 2011 I went to Brussels for the JCI World Congress having only been a member for a couple of months, the intention being to decide whether JCI was right for me. Needless to say I loved it and the love affair with JCI had begun!

Fast forward to the JCI European Conference in Monaco 2013 and JCI was once again under the spotlight. This time I was hoping to justify exactly why I invested so much of my time in JCI to my partner, who herself had recently joined JCI. So whilst Monaco 2013 was my first European Conference, it wasn’t my first JCI conference. The pressure was on and Monaco delivered beyond all doubt!

We arrived at the airport and were greeted by JCI Monaco; here we also bumped into members from our fellow JCI UK chamber JCI Cambridge. From here we took the shuttle service direct to registration at the Grimaldi Forum Centre and booked our place on all the courses for the week.

With it being Monaco we were expecting quality and this is exactly what we got with our apartment. The accommodation offered us such a friendly service at reception, along with free wifi and was so comfortable and

clean. This quality extended further with great weather, great food and even greater experiences, which we shared with friends old and new.

Some of our memories from the conference include; having lunch with our JCI London twins from Copenhagen, shirt swapping with JCI Germany and JCI Holland, along with a special mention to JCI Italy who were so accommodating!

If things could not get any better, we were so happy to find out that due to the size of Monaco almost everything was within 20 minutes walking distance. The entire conference made us fall in love with Monaco so much that we almost did not leave for Nice once the conference was over!

Dexter Dash, JCI London Deputy President

Hello, hello, hello...what’s going on here?

One of the best things about being a member of JCI is the opportunity to have new experiences and to do something really different.

On Tuesday 28 May I and two fellow JCI Portsmouth members were up at the crack of dawn to board a flight to Nice. Why? We were off to the JCI European Conference in Monaco. The conference was a complete sell-out with 2,749 young professionals in one city.

A First-Time for Everything

Paul Thwaite, JCI UK 2013 Website Manager, JCI Portsmouth 2013 Marketing Director, JCI Senator


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My 30th Birthday Experience in Monte CarloOnce I realised that the 2013 European Conference was going to be in Monte Carlo I quite fancied it (hanging out with the rich and famous), but when I realised the date.... there were no excuses as I was going to turn 30 out there!The conference was a complete sell-out, with a record number of delegates attending (2749) from all across Europe and the world.

I met up with my fellow JCI Boston member Alli Cowell, who was to be my travel companion and roomie. We made it to Monte Carlo just in time for the UK delegates meeting at our base, the Novetel Hotel. Once checked in our priority was to make our way over to the conference centre to get registered, we needed that badge before we could do anything at the conference!

The first night was opening ceremony night which began with the VIP guest introduction which included the world president Chiara Milani, the EVP and chairman of the conference JCI UK’s very own Lesley Young and Prince Albert of Monaco (who is in fact a JCI Senator). All the VIPs gave a speech and the conference was declared open. Each national president and chief delegate was also introduced to the stage and Emma Eastwood got a fab reception with Union Flags flying high!

The next two days included; an energetic morning session, walking the trade show, partying with the Bansi group delegates (UK, Scotland, Ireland, Malta, Australia and New Zealand delegates), watching the debating competition and volunteering at the JCI Malta party.

On the final day of the conference, Saturday, I chose to be a tourist. As I do like a bit of motor racing I walked the Formula 1 circuit, as the conference was only 3 days after this year’s grand prix. Then when Saturday evening arrived it was time for posh frocks and black ties. The UK delegation met on the hotel’s roof terrace for pre-gala dinner drinks and then headed back to the conference centre for the awards ceremony.

JCI UK came back with two European awards! James Lambert of JCI Southampton won the first timer’s competition and JCI Barnsley won the best local growth and development program. It was quite a memorable night celebrating JCI UK’s achievements......... but that wasn’t all at midnight the DJ announced the clock had turned 12 and I instantly had JCI UK members run to me to wish me happy 30th Birthday.

On reflection I had an amazing time, met some old friends and made new ones, I networked internationally and celebrated with a fantastic UK delegation. I recommend to all JCI members to experience at least one international event, so maybe I’ll see you next year in Malta.... I’ll be there!!!

Tracy Anderson, JCI Member withNigel Wilkinson JCI Senator

Hello, hello, hello...what’s going on here?Upon arriving into Nice, we were whisked away to another part of the airport to board another flight. This time, it was a helicopter which took us directly into the heart of Monte Carlo. I was sat at the front of the helicopter and I loved every second of that 7 minute journey! We really did arrive in Monaco in style that day.

The conference was simply amazing. You have the opportunity to meet fellow UK delegates - all 80 of them no less and all from different parts of the UK, plus you get to meet so many keen, enthusiastic and fun people.

During the day you get to attend lots of different training sessions or workshops aimed at helping you improve yourself and to learn new skills. At night, the parties start around 9pm and go on to the early hours of the morning.

The five days flew by and I met some amazing people, ate some great food and had a few beers here and there. If you have not yet experienced a JCI European Conference I urge you to try one and you won’t look back. The 2014 conference is in Malta and it’s by the sea with promised sun and heat, too.

Check out the JCI European Conference in Malta 2014.

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On April 25, people across the globe took part in a wide range of activities to mark World Malaria Day 2013. JCI UK has set its members the challenge to buy a bed net per member and save 1800 lives. World Malaria Day was an opportunity for members to fundraise and raise awareness about this curable BUT preventable disease that kills a child every minute.

We had JCI Barnsley President Charlie Pearson sharing her experience of contracting malaria

which demonstrated the devastating effects of this disease and how a bed net can save lives. Also, JCI Barnsley members were set the challenge of finding the most interesting malaria fact. The competition prize was a bed net for the most interesting fact. Two winners were chosen by the team and this means that eight lives have been saved!

Other chamber initiatives included:

JCI London raising over £100 at their ‘Not a Pub quiz’ night.

JCI Southampton shared awareness via social media and raised enough money to save 7 lives.

JCI Boston had a social media campaign and a dedicated newsletter to increase awareness.

JCI Birmingham will be purchasing a bed net to celebrate the birthday of each member.

Even though World Malaria Day has now passed, JCI UK will continue to raise awareness about malaria.

We currently stand at 250 bed nets purchased so far this year leaving just 200 more to reach our target of 450.

To help you can donate via our crowdrise page

World Malaria Day 2013

Inspiring action has taken new heights in Portsmouth. When the call from The Rainbow Centre went out for volunteers to abseil the Spinnaker Tower, newest JCI Portsmouth member Natasha Buivids jumped at the opportunity. The Rainbow Centre is JCI Portsmouth’s community partner so they wanted to extend the opportunity to any of our daredevil members. Natasha pushes herself to do something new every month and as she had never abseiled before, she thought that fundraising for

an amazing charity while ticking a new experience off of her list was perfect. The Spinnaker Tower is an iconic structure on the South Coast and stands 170 meters tall. Natasha started her descent from the viewing deck at 103 metres up. With some JCI Portsmouth members safely on the ground to cheer Natasha on, she very bravely went first in her group over the edge of the starting platform. The weather was a bit challenging as the wind was picking up and the rain was rolling in but Natasha had no fear and calmly stopped every couple of metres to look around to take in the experience.At the bottom, Natasha was all smiles and adrenaline. In addition to ticking off a new experience she raised an incredible £250 for The Rainbow Centre. Who knows what she will be up to next but JCI Portsmouth is very lucky to have such an inspiring new member.

JCI Sheffield is passionate about supporting their local business community in their projects, training and businesses tours. This year sees the celebration of 100 years since stainless steel was invented in Sheffield by Harry Brearley and to help their members celebrate, the chamber invited members to see and hear about one of Sheffield’s oldest and most successful manufacturers – Sheffield Forgemasters.

Forging Division Managing Director, Gareth Barker treated members to a VIP

tour around the 46 acre site; where they witnessed steel making, one of the largest machine shops in Europe and a 1000 ton press!The chamber is also playing

its part in the centenary celebrations, along with its 86 yearlong heritage in the city by commissioning a commemorative logo. This will be launched officially later in the year, so watch this space!

Stainless Steel Chamber

By Kirstie Barnett I’ve been president for six months now and relaunching a chamber which has been sleeping for eight years has been no easy task but anyone who knows me will say I like a challenge! I’m really pleased to say things are going really well.

We have a council team in place with Finance, Marketing, Community and Social Directors as well as a Deputy President, Kay Purser which is fantastic news as it means the chamber will have a leader for 2014.

Brumming Good

The Platinum Membership Benefits Scheme is a project re-launching this month headed up by JCI Southampton’s first

Member Benefits Manager, Johnny Grey. Johnny has been approaching local businesses to agree member benefits.

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JCI Liverpool is keen to develop initiatives around Accelerate 2013, the inaugural festival for high growth businesses. They have therefore teamed up with leading representatives from business and politics, including David Wareing (Senior Partner at Hill Dickinson), Cllr Nick Small and the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Gary Millar, and organised an event which was held on the 26 June. JCI Liverpool created a diverse programme of activity that had the clear objective of inspiring the business leaders of tomorrow.

They had a dynamic range of speakers who encouraged delegates to develop strategies for growth. This included information on unlocking your potential by addressing training needs, managing stress, boosting your business performance through an effective social media strategy and making the most of the opportunities the UK has to offer. Kai Graf von Pahlen (President at JCI Liverpool and Solicitor at Hill Dickinson) said, “Members of JCI Liverpool teamed up with some of Liverpool’s business leaders and delivered presentations on the event’s themes. So it was a great way to learn and empower young businesses. For more information on the event and JCI Liverpool visit:-

I’m pleased to announce this year’s JCI South regional event.

Hosted by JCI Portsmouth on Saturday 24th August, the JCI South Summerfest will provide a truly fantastic opportunity for JCI members across the Southern region to get together in an event designed to inspire both personal development & community action within our organisation at local, national & international level.

With public speaking training, an official JCI Impact course, some community action thrown into the mix, attendance by JCI UK National President Emma Eastwood & fellow National Board members, plus a great evening social programme on offer, delegates can expect a truly fun, full & varied day of activities.

The daytime session includes all training, lunch & refreshments throughout the day and is FREE to all JCI members. This will be followed by a lively evening programme including dinner to be held at Ashby’s Gastropub & Boutique Hotel, where diners can choose from a specially negotiated 2 or 3 course set menu, before sampling the local city nightlife & partying into the early hours! The evening programme is also open to partners of JCI members.

Full details:

On behalf of the JCI Portsmouth team and me, we look forward to welcoming you to ‘The Waterfront City’

Drew Charman2013 JCI South Regional Group Chair

The first JCI UK TOYP (Ten Outstanding Young Persons) project is now in full swing! We’re looking for amazing people aged between 18 and 40 who have excelled in one of ten categories: anything from moral and environment leadership to technical innovation. The awards will be given out at a gala dinner on Saturday 1st February 2014 (after Inspiration Day) so watch this space for details! The winner and runner up in each category will then be submitted to

the 2014 global TOYP competition in May.

So how can you get involved? We are looking for more enthusiastic members to join our core project team - whether you’re interested in securing sponsorship, recruiting judges, finding those all-important candidates or helping to organise the awards dinner, there is a role for you! Just email Ilona Alcock at [email protected] for more information.

Liverpool City Leaders Urge Young Professionals To ‘Accelerate’ Their Growth

JCI members are calling on people to donate their unwanted bras in a massive show of support for a female charity campaign. The bras will be distributed to women in developing countries.

As well as being gifted to ladies who don’t own their own bra, they’ll also be used as stock, helping ladies start up their own market-stall businesses. Sub-standard bras will be recycled raising cash for Flamingo Foundation projects. You can find out more at

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Global Partnership SummitNew York, USA24-26 July

JCI South‘Summerfest’24 August

JCI Yorkshire’sRegional Extempore CompetitionSheffield28 August

JCI UK LEAP, Sheffield31 August -1 September

JCI Leeds Annual Dinner6 September

JCI UK AGM, Birmingham14 September

JCI Southampton Annual Dinner28 September

JCI Sheffield Annual Dinner4 October

JCI Reading 50th Anniversary Dinner5 October

JCI Ireland National Convention, Dublin4-6 October

JCI Yorkshire’sRegional Public Speaking CompetitionSheffield9 October

JCI World Congress, Rio De Janeiro1-4 November

JCI UK National Convention, Leeds22-24 November

Active Citizen Day11 December

Diary - 2013


t: 01763 262786f: 01763 262608

e: [email protected]

To find out more about our events and to book, please

JCI UK is proud to announce that we are now members of the National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO). This will enable our members to benefit from 30% off all the training and one day events that the NCVO has to offer!

NCVO champions and strengthens the voluntary sector, with over 10,000 members, from the largest charities to the smallest community organisations. They ensure that the voluntary sector can do what it does best. There are thousands of voluntary sector organisations in the UK and everyday millions give them their time, energy and money to help them to achieve their goals. For over 90 years, NCVO has brought the voluntary sector’s people together: to solve problems, address root causes, and inspire each other.

JCI UK members should take the opportunity and have a look at what is on offer. Even if you don’t work in the sector there are many events and training that cover generic topics that could aid your personal development.

Why not contact the JCI UK Community Director, Soraya Bowen to find out more?

In June JCI UK National President, Emma Eastwood and other board directors attended a national AIESEC event in London to explain how chambers throughout the UK can work with local AIESEC organisations to make a real impact in the local community and develop young people. To find your local AIESEC team visit

Not long now before the second LEAP programme kicks off in Sheffield on 30th August. Places have been snapped up with 25 delegates registered so far but it’s not too late. You can still register up until

26th July online at

Remember, the fee of £150 includes accommodation, food, training and materials for the weekend.

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