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Page 1: Japan

Your Guide to Japan

Page 2: Japan

Welcome toJAPAN

˜˜ Open a w orld map and look at the e xtensive Asia/

Pacific region. Almost at the v ery center, you'll discover the

Japanese archipelago stretching nor th to south along the

eastern edge of the Asian continent. J apan has lured untold

numbers of adv enturers since Marco P olo first introduced it to the

world bac k in the 13th centur y as " Zipangu — the Land of Gold."

Though the J apan of toda y may not be a land of gold, the "Neo Zipangu"

does possess po werful and magnet-lik e attractions: great cultural variety, colorful

and inspir ing natural attractions beautifully interw oven by distinct f our seasonal changes ,

not to mention the o verflowing hospitality of its people . As such, J apan is vigorously gaining in

popularity as a tourist destination that is easily accessible from any part of the world. A destination any

one can enjoy on a reasonable budget and with a sense of complete security.˜

˜˜˜˜This is where the past liter ally greets the future . This is where the y both mingle . Japan has a long

history of absorbing adv anced cultures from the Asian Continent from ancient times through the

Middle Ages. Later it began to assimilate elements of Western civilization from the latter half of the

19th century. By selectiv ely assimilating these man y cultural influences, the countr y has successfully

added rich new dimensions and depth to its indigenous culture . This marvelous harmony between the

refinement of things and concepts "Or iental" blended with the leading-edge technology and the often

Ultramodern urban lifestyle you find in Japan today is truly proof of a long and eloquent history.˜

˜˜˜˜Beautiful, relaxing, nostalgic, profound, fashionable, mouth-watering, exciting, succulent, histor ic,

cultural, just name it! J apan, Japan, Japan! Which would you like to meet? Inter twined with a genuine

and heart-warming hospitality, Japan awaits you. Yes! Welcome to our Japan!

Page 3: Japan

ContentsAlluring Charms of Japan

Explore Japan

Tokyo & Vicinity

Kyoto and Nara



The Inland Sea / Shikoku



Kyushu / Okinawa


Tips for Budget Travelers

Festivals and Events of the Four Seasons



Rail Traveling Model Routes


Dining Out

Visitor Services

Basics for Traveling in Japan

Map of Japan























Page 4: Japan

Temples,Shr ines,

Temples in gold, temples in s impl ic i ty, shr ines in t ranqui l i ty, and gardens in re f inement . . .Which is your favor i te?


The essence of Japanese culture. . .

Ryoanji Temple: Ryoanji is celebrated for its "dry landscape garden" better known as a "stone garden," a symbolic reproduction of the world of nature using only rocks and white sand.

"... As a country Buddhist priest, my father, rather poor in vocabulary, used to tell me that nothing in this world is as beautiful as Kinkakuji ..." (an excerpt from "The Temple of The Gold Pavilion" by renowned author, Yukio Mishima)

Kinkakuji Temple:

This Great Buddha is world-famous as the symbol of the ancient capital Kamakura.

The Great Buddha of Kamakura:

The East Garden: This formal Japanese garden within the Imperial Palace is open to the public. Admission is free of charge.

Magnificent Buddhist temples, and those which embody the essence of

understated architectural elegance through the elimination of almost all

decorative f eatures. Quiet and stately Shinto shr ines rest amid dar k

green w oods ... J apan has them. Ev erywhere (e ven nestled in large

population centers lik e Tokyo and Osaka!). Man y date bac k w ell o ver

1,000 years. Shinto, an ancient, indigenous religion unique to Japan, with

emphasis on ancestor w orship and har mony with the natur al w orld.

Buddhism, brought in from the Asian Continent w ay bac k in the sixth

century teaches spir itual enlightenment and salv ation. Both contin ue to

be prime and moving sources of inspiration, culturally and esthetically, for

the Japanese even today.

Putting temple str uctures aside , the Buddhist images enshr ined

therein and their gardens are splendid pieces of ar t. Japanese gardens

are w orld-renowned as refined reproductions of nature's beauty all

confined within a limited space. Sit on a temple veranda and let time float

by while vie wing the garden. The perfect way to get a way from it all. It's

good when time goes b y so slo wly. Since ancient times , pilg rimages to

shrines and temples ha ve been a g reat source of leisure and the

harbinger of tourism for the Japanese. Experience it for yourself.

(More information on gardens is on page 29.)






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Page 5: Japan

Nature,Rural Landscape

An almost prototype image of true scenery “a la Japonica”

can be found in the countryside.

Enjoy a le isure ly t r ip through the countrys ide and

exper ience the legendary Japanese hospi ta l i ty .

This village, nestled deep in the mountains, is renowned for its unique "gassho-zukuri" style farmhouses.

These rice paddies were built to make the most of small pieces of land in mountainous areas. They create a nostalgic scene of old Japan.


One of the three most f amous scenic attractions of Japan, this picturesque site is dotted with over 260 islets that virtually seem to float in the bay.

Rice cultiv ation began in Japan over

2,000 years ago. Since then, of course,

Japanese society and industr y ha ve

evolved tremendously b ut r ice

cultivation has alw ays been the v ery

core. In ear ly summer , the paddies

shine with the fresh g reen of y oung

rice plants order ly set in fields

brimming with w ater. In autumn, the

fields are dr ained and tur n into golden

carpets as the crop r ipens. These

scenes e voke nostalgic images of

Japan and can be seen f ar and wide

throughout the country.

J apan abounds in r ice and other

crops from the field and is additionally

blessed with gifts from the mountains

and the sea. Local festivals, performing

arts and cr afts, not to mention local

cuisine filled with local fla vors, are

bound to off er a "tr uly impressiv e"

experience — one which will guarantee

a lif elong memor y. What tr uly touches

the hear tstrings, abo ve all, will be the

sincere hospitality you encounter.

Only a f ew hours' dr ive or tr ain r ide

from the g reat urban centers lik e

Tokyo, br ing y ou to a totally diff erent

world — picture y ourself in a peaceful

pastoral area with lush mountains and

peaks in the bac kground. How about a

small comm unity in the remote

mountains, or a seaside fishing

village? A jour ney to the countr yside

can be the k ey to satisf action

especially if tr aveling means getting

away from it all and e xploring a w orld

yet unkno wn to meet the people in

their own locale.



"Tanada" Terraced Rice Fields:

Mt. Fuji:No doubt, this elegant peak is probably the most coveted "must-see" attraction for any visitor to Japan.

Monkeys love to bathe in the open-air "rotemburo" bath at this unusual onsen.


Page 6: Japan

As a visitor to a f oreign land, y ou naturally want to

enjoy the "genuine" local food to your heart's content.

The secret to finding the "real thing" can be

discovered in local f ood markets. A b ustling market

is a perf ect place to disco ver the g rand variety of

exotic foods and ingredients that are on sale . Just

looking is fun. Buying is e ven more fun (and

cheap too!). Eating, r ight in the mar ketplace, is

the ultimate in culinary delight. Visiting a market

is truly exciting entertainment!

In Japan (especially in large cities), cuisines

from all o ver the w orld can be enjo yed. Just

name it, it's a vailable from Italian and

French to the Amer ican hamburger, ethnic

Asian, Latin Amer ican foods and so much

more. But as a visitor coming all the w ay

to Japan, tr y the "real thing." J apanese

cuisine is a w orld of kaleidoscopic

diversity — from "kaiseki-r yori" full-

course dinners at upper-class

restaurants, to the w ell-known

"sushi," "sashimi," "tempur a" and "sukiy aki," and on to the e ven more

popular "soba" and "r amen" noodles. What do the y all ha ve in common?

They are healthy and made from the freshest possib le ingredients. Taste?

It couldn't be better. Sanitation. The best! This is Japan.

(More information is on page 40.)

Outdoor Markets,Gourmet Pleasures

Al lur ing Charms of Japan

The freshest and best ingredients from the sea and mountain. Indulge yourself in genuine Japanese cuisine in its very own home!

This market, devoted to "eating," is spread out around the entrance of the Tokyo Central Wholesale Market in the Tsukiji district.

The Tsukiji Jogai Market:Better known as the "Kitchen" of the ancient capital of Kyoto, this market is comprised of some 140 shops standing side by side on both sides of a 400-meter lane.

Nishiki Market:

Thin-sliced fish, shellfish or various other ingredients of the sea are placed on a wad of slightly vinegared rice.


Originating as a light meal served prior to a tea ceremony, it has been developed into a refined full-course Japanese dinner.



Page 7: Japan

Soul-stirring, g raceful, gorgeous ... e very nook and

cranny in J apan celebrates its o wn festivals and e vents in

response to the tr ansition of the f our seasons . Called

"matsuri," f estivals can be f ound almost e veryday

somewhere in J apan. Man y f estivals ha ve their or igin in

Shinto and Buddhism, while other e vents, such as sno w

festivals and fire works displays, are w onderfully staged f or

the local populace and visitors alike.

Since ancient times , the J apanese ha ve f ound sacred

and spir itual po wers centered in the man y aspects of

nature and w orshiped them as "kami" deities . This is

believed to be the or igin of Shinto . Shinto-based "matsur i"

are celebrated to worship and communicate with the "kami"

deities, praying for a rich harvest, for business prosperity as

well as for a happy and prosperous comm unity and quality

for its inhabitants. Only those who ha ve par ticipated in a J apanese festival

can imagine its dazzling e xcitement. Chec k y our calendar

now! Get involved!

(For further information, refer to page 24 - 27.)

Fest ivals,Events

Jump into the amazing “heat" of a “matsuri" or Japanese fest ival! You' l l be a part of “the heat" before you know it!

This famous folk dance festival takes place in Tokushima on Shikoku Island.

In this festival, many massive, gorgeously painted lantern-like floats depicting ancient warriors are paraded through the streets.

Nebuta Matsuri:

This festival signals the arrival of summer in Kyoto. Its highlight is a procession of huge wheeled floats.

Gion Matsuri:

Representing Tokyo’s festivals, the Sanja Matsuri

features a parade of "mikoshi" portable shrines.

Sanja Matsuri:

Awa Odori:Every one of Japan's four seasons has i ts own color fu l fest iva ls or "matsur i " and events .

You can' t ta lk about rea l Japan wi thout exper ienc ing a fest iva l .


Page 8: Japan

Splendors of nature shine with distinct beauty season b y season, thus

fostering an esthetic sense peculiar only to the J apanese throughout their

long histor y. J apanese w orks of ar t and cr afts are char acterized b y

delicacy and adherence to detail and reno wned f or refined beauty .

Stretching bac k o ver 1,000 y ears, the y r ange widely in genre from

Japanese painting, including "ukiy oe" which deeply influenced F rench

impressionists, to serene Buddhist images with their merciful faces, and on

to traditional crafts such as lacquerw are, pottery and textiles, to the ar mor

and swords the warriors of old once wore, to the most modern of art.

As such, it's no wonder that Japan abounds in museums of great variety.

No matter to which par t of the countr y you travel, you will come across ar t

museums and galleries which feature a locale's distinct flavor. In museums,

you can easily encounter national treasure-class Buddhist images which

are usually enshr ined in temples . J apan ma y just open y our e yes to an

esthetic world hither to unknown. Why not br ing some e ver-lasting esthetic

impressions back home as your own personal "souvenir" of Japan?

(A list of museums is available on page 28.)

Museums,Japan is an ar t lover 's paradise! Come and share the exper ience!

Where you may wel l experience a moving inspirat ion or two that you've never encountered before.

The largest museum in Japan boasting a collection of over 80,000 items.

The Tokyo National Museum:

This museum, housed in a traditional home, displays antique folk handicrafts.

The Japan Folk Crafts Museum:

This collection centers on the works of Hiroshige Utagawa, Japan's foremost Ukiyoe painter.

Tokaido Hiroshige Art Museum:

This museum features masterpieces of Japanese fine art on display along with ancient art works from around the world.

MIHO Museum:

Ar t Gal ler ies. . .






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Page 9: Japan

J apan is a treasure-tro ve of tr aditional performing ar ts of which it

can boast, without modesty , to the rest of the w orld. Take Kabuki, for

example. Performed on a magnificently colorful stage , it deliv ers

drama that touches the hear tstrings of the J apanese and all

who vie w it. The highly styliz ed theater of Noh e xudes the

world of "yugen," a deeply esthetic v alue based on a

profound and refined beauty that goes be yond words and

concrete shapes. The Bunraku puppet pla ys, a w onderful

and hear tfelt descr iption of conflicts betw een established

ethical ideas and the reality of lo ve and life and turmoil in

the emotions of the common f olks. It is perf ormed along

with ballad chanting "jor uri" to the accompaniment of

3-stringed "shamisen" instruments.

Traditional cultural pursuits such as the tea ceremon y and

"ikebana" flo wer arr anging are m uch more than simple

pursuits in skills. They embody spiritual "ways" seeking the

traditional values of "w abi" (elegant stillness) and "sabi"

(antiquated elegance with calm). F acilities abound

which off er y ou the hands-on e xperience of tea

ceremony, ikebana and other cultur al pursuits . There are

even possibilities f or you to lear n dressing in kimono all b y yourself.

Give it a tr y. The v ery e xperience ma y just lead to the disco very of

"another aspect of yourself."

(More information is on page 29.)

Its basic principle is to create a world of harmony between three factors — heaven, earth and humankind — using flowers.

Ikebana:With a history stretching back four centuries, Kabuki is an integrated form of theater combining drama, dance and music.

Kabuki:This indigenous martial art was begun in ancient times as a Shinto-based ritual. Hence it still retains much of its unique ritual.


Tradi t ional Performing Ar ts,

Feel the “spir it" of the


From parents to sons, and on to grandchi ldren . . .Japanese t rad i t iona l per forming ar ts and cul tura l pursui ts have been handed down through generat ions.

Japan's oldest musical drama dating back to the 14th century.


Cultural Pursui ts

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Page 10: Japan

This one is a wooden structure bui lt some

1,400 years ago. And the other is a ferroconcrete structure

bui lt only one year ago.Both are great architectural

works that embody the pride of Japan.

Under the theme "Creation of the lost forest of our home," Awaji Yumebutai has been designed by Tadao Ando, a celebrated contemporary Japanese architect.

Awaji Yumebutai:

This museum of modern art stands on a hill on

Naoshima Island. Also designed by Tadao Ando.

Naoshima Contemporary

Art Museum:

This twin-tower building soars high above the Shinjuku district of Tokyo. Designed by Kenzo Tange.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government:

Nicknamed the "Castle of the White Heron", it is designated a National

Treasure and registered as a World Cultural Heritage site.

Himeji Castle

The oldest existing Buddhist temple in

Japan and the world's oldest

wooden structure. Registered as a

World Cultural Heritage site.

Horyuji Temple:

Where is the world's oldest wooden structure and where is the

largest one? Yes, the y are both in J apan. The f ormer is Hor yuji

Temple (built in 607) and the latter is Todaiji Temple (the e xisting one,

reconstructed in 1709, is 57 meters high). Buddhist str uctures in J apan

have de veloped and retained purely J apanese architectur al f eatures,

though they had long been under the strong influence of China. You will

find a n umber of superb tr aditional str uctures around J apan, including

those in the ancient capitals of Nara, Kyoto and Kamakura.

From the latter half of the 16th centur y through the 17th centur y,

feudal lords in Japan vied with each other to b uild their own magnificent

castles as a demonstration of power. The most famous among them is

the graceful Himeji Castle. However, traditional structures are not the

only buildings that represent J apanese architectural master y. Modern

western architecture has had g reat influence on J apan since the

latter half of the 19th centur y. It should be noted that since times

of old the J apanese ha ve regarded str uctures as beautiful only

when the y har monize with their surrounding natur al


T oday's e xpressive designs and mater ials ma y diff er from

those used in the past, y et the tr adition stressing

harmony with nature has continued and is embodied in

many of the master pieces b y contempor ary J apanese

architects. Contemporary Japanese architecture

is said to be full of or iginality and can be so

exciting that y ou ma y call it a "product of

ongoing experiments." Compare the old and the

new in architectur al Japan. You are in f or g reat

surprises and a lasting impression.

Archi tecture

Al lur ing Charms of Japan

Page 11: Japan

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H igh Technology


The robot created by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.The concept of this robot is “Living with the family” He can provide various service functions and communicate with people spontaneously. He is not on sale, but can be seen at M's square, Shinagawa.


Electronics , IT, energy-saving/ environmental technologies , bio-science ,

etc. The new century is expected to be one where many frontier technologies will

come into full b loom. Japan is leading the w orld in man y such core technology

fields with successful R&D achievements under its belt. Recent examples include

tiny mobile phones with b uilt-in tele vision, and a humanoid robot, such as

wakamaru and ASIMO.

Meanwhile , leading companies in their respectiv e industr ial fields oper ate

showrooms and museums featuring the latest in technology. They are open to the

public (many are admission free) in order to pass on the latest results of their

R&D to the consumer at large . These facilities are akin to superb enter tainment

facilities because their attr actions and displa ys are ingeniously designed f or the

visitor to lear n about the most adv anced technology in an ar tistic and enjoyable,

easy-to-understand way.

Also , the man y sub-cultures in J apan are r ich in vitality . F or e xample,

animation, "manga" car toons and TV games are already attracting the interest of

numerous fans worldwide. Though Japan may be a land of great cultural heritage

and tradition, its contempor ary culture can whet y our appetite as w ell as satisfy

your curiosity.

NTT Inter-communication Center, or ICC:

Demonstrating ASIMO

With "Communication" as its theme, ICC offers an array of stimulating attractions including a display of media art based on the most advanced electronics technology.

"See, ride and experience the automobile" ... Toyota's MEGA WEB provides a fantastic amusement environment comprised of three pavilions — with two ride attractions.


Just imagine what wil l evolve fromthe equation, high-tech ✕ culture ✕ art . Expectations are sky-high for the birthof something excit ing.

This humanoid robot embodies the latest technology. He works as an interpreter alongside human staff at Japan's National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation.

This museum is designed by Hayao Miyazaki, Japan's top animation director known for his Academy Award winning "Spirited Away".Reserve ticket in advance with a specific appointment date. ticket information, please visit following website. Japan) outside of Japan)

Ghibli Museum, Mitaka:

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Page 12: Japan

Explore Japan

Side Trips from TokyoTokyo Disney Resort R, the most popular theme

park in Japan, is in the Maihama district only 17 train from Tokyo Sta.

Yokohama, Japan's second largest city, 30 min. byrail from Tokyo, is one of the first Japanese citiesthat opened up to foreign residents during the MeijiRestoration(1868-1911) and is a bustling port citywith numerous historic buildings and the spacious


Tokyo & Vicinity

The Tokyo Metropolitan area is home to one-quarter of all Japanese, with 12 million souls inTokyo proper alone.

The Imperial Palace, formerly Edo Castle, is stillsurrounded by its original innermost moat.Handsome gates and old guard towers are set atintervals around the grounds. The main entrance isapproached by the elegant Nijubashi or DoubleBridge and is open to the public on specialoccasions. The East Garden (Higashi Gyoen) iswhere the original donjon once stood. The garden isgraced with flowers and blossoms of each season,open to all as an ideal place for relaxation.

The west side of Tokyo Station is Marunouchi,Japan’s largest business district. Here old buildingsare being replaced by new attractive buildings withoffices, shops and restaurants, which attract manyvisitors.

A 10-min. walk takes you to the Ginza district,famous the world over for elegant shopping and itsbright, kaleidoscopic neon lights. The KabukizaTheater is just a stone's throw away.

From the neon bustle of the Ginza and Yurakuchodistricts, turn to the spacious Ueno district where youwill find Ueno Park, the largest in the city. In earlyApril, the park turns into a paradise of delicate palepink cherry blossoms and attracts numerous viewersand merrymakers. The park forms a great center ofart and culture with its many and varied museums.

For a glimpse into Tokyo's past, the Asakusadistrict is the place. The many narrow back streets,lined with old buildings and shops, sell traditionalitems from kimono to hand-made combs. AsakusaKannon Temple, with its colorful shopping lanes, is amarvelous place to buy souvenirs.

Shinjuku, on the city's trendy west side, is home topopular and raucous nightspots, to f ine andsophisticated shopping, as well as to the sedateShinjuku Gyoen National Garden. In the nearbyHatsudai district is the Tokyo Opera City complexwhich features a full-scale opera house.

The Shibuya district, near the tranquil Meiji Shrineand the modish Harajuku and Aoyama districts, is apopular shopping and entertainment paradise,particularly among the young set. Shibuya is a trend-setting hub from which the culture of youth is incontinuous transmission. The forefront ofinternational art and fashion is fully in evidence.People-watching from a sidewalk cafe is engagingand enjoyable.

Roppongi, filled with night spots popular withinternational visitors, is rapidly developing as anartistic and cultural center with newly opened TokyoMidtown, the National Art Center, Tokyo, andRoppongi Hills.

Odaiba, built on reclaimed land in the Port ofTokyo, is one of the capital's hottest visitor's spots,featuring an expansive shopping mall and theOoedo-Onsen Monogatari, exciting hot spring themepark. Its Ferris wheel, one of the world's largest, isthe symbol of Rainbow Town. The Imperial Palace

Rainbow Bridge, Odaiba

Tokyo — the most exciting metropolis in Asia.This is a where traditions from centuries pastexist side by side with the ever-moving elementsof the latest in urban culture that radiate theirown special heat and energy.

Asakusa, TokyoAsakusa, Tokyo

Page 13: Japan


Sankei-en Garden. The "Minato Mirai 21" district onthe waterfront is highly popular among youngergeneration, offering a most enjoyable shopping andfantastic gourmet experience. Yokohama's ChinaTown offers any number of excellent restaurants.

Kamakura, 1 hr. by rail from Tokyo, is a small quietcoastal town with tranquil temples. Once the seat ofthe feudal government set up in 1192, the town todaystil l retains much of its ancient and historicalheritage. Kamakura's most famous attraction is thegiant bronze Great Buddha . This impressive"Daibutsu" is 11.4 m. high, weighs 122 tons and sitsin the open-air.

Near Kamakura Sta. is Tsurugaoka HachimanguShrine. A number of Buddhist temples, large andsmall, also dot the area. A leisurely stroll here slipsyou back to the 12th-century Kamakura period.Whichever temple you visit, you'll be greeted by thebeautiful flowers and blossoms of the season.

Hakone, 1 hr. 30 min. by rail from Tokyo's ShinjukuSta., is a famous hot spring resort area set in thebeautiful mountains which comprise the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. A major attraction here is theOpen-Air Museum, with hundreds of sculptures.Relaxing in one of the many hot springs is simply aworthwhile experience. Take a pleasure cruisearound Lake Ashi, offering marvelous views of Mt.Fuji. In Owakudani, steam and sulfurous fumes risefrom crevices in the rocks.

Mt. Fuji, at 3,776 m., is not only Japan's tallestmountain but it's the best known symbol as well. Inaddition to being a favored climbing site during themonths of July and August, Mt. Fuji is the center of awide-ranging natural recreation zone. This includesthe Fuji Five Lakes district to the north, which offersextensive opportunities for hiking, boating, fishing,camping, and picnicking.

The Izu Peninsula , south of Hakone, is animportant recreational area known for its hot springresorts. The peninsula's scenic backbone is formedby the hot spring and waterfall-rich Amagi MountainRange.

The Seven Islands of Izu collectively form asuperb resort area combining beautiful seascapeattractions and hot springs as well as impressivevolcanic topography. Oshima Island, for example, isa popular resort within an easy 1 hrs. 45 min. high-

speed boat ride from Tokyo, allowing for even a daytrip.

Kusatsu Onsen is one of Japan's top spa resorts,situated less than four hours from Tokyo by directbus link. The highly acidic spa water, which is potentenough to dissolve a ¥1 coin in a week, isextraordinarily effective.

Nikko, 2 hrs. by rail from Tokyo, is both a gem ofnatural beauty and home to one of the must-sees ofJapanese architecture. Toshogu Shrine whichhouses the mausoleum of the founder of theTokugawa shogunate, is Nikko's most famousattraction. The complex is unusual among Japanesearchitectural gems for its display of opulence anddecorative complexity.

The World Heritage Site designated by UNESCO

• Shrines and Temples of Nikko [Tochigi]

Like a giant sponge soaked with hot water,Japan literally leaks from thousands of hotsprings. And at some 1,800 of these springareas, onsen resorts have sprung up oversome 2,000 years of the Japanese love of agood, hot bath. The nation's hot-spring spasare among its most enjoyable destinations forvisitors, and offer a mind-boggling array ofvariations on the seemingly simple act ofsoaking in hot mineral waters. Go for a soak inan onsen bath. You are bound to get hooked!

OnsenMountain Railway, Hakone

Lake Ashi & Mt. Fuji Toshogu Shrine

China TownChina Town

Page 14: Japan


Kyoto and Nara

Kyoto was Japan's capital for over 1,000 years,and during that time became the repository of muchof the best of Japanese art, culture, religion, andthought. Kyoto can be reached in 2 hrs. 40 min byShinkansen super express from Tokyo and 1 hr. 15min. from the Kansai International Airport nearOsaka.

In the center of Kyoto you find the Kyoto ImperialPalace, renowned as a pinnacle for its simplicity ofJapanese architecture. (Note: You must apply for apermit with your passport, 20 min. before the 10 a.m.or 2 p.m. tour.) Nearby is the more lavishly appointedNijo Castle, home of the Tokugawa shogun on hisrare visits to the city.

The Gion Corner near Shijo-Kawaramachi is anexcellent place to view traditional arts and traditionaltheater. Rows of tastefully designed old-stylerestaurants add to the distinctly refined atmosphere.In the Higashiyama area, Sanjusangendo Temple isnoted for its 1,001 gilded wooden statues of Kannon,the Goddess of Mercy. Kiyomizu Temple is famousfor its wide wooden veranda jutting out over anexquisite valley that extends to a panoramic view ofthe city. Ginkakuji Temple, or the Silver Pavilion, isrenowned both for its exquisite architecture and thebeauty of its understated landscape gardens.

The Katsura Imperial Villa, located in westernKyoto, is considered to be one of the finest examplesof traditional Japanese architecture and gardenlandscaping. The Shugakuin Imperial Villa was builtin the 17th century by the Tokugawa shogunate as aretreat for Emperor Go-Mizuno. Permission must be

obtained from the Imperial Household Agency to visitthese sites. Apply for a permit as many days inadvance as possible.

The Arashiyama district, only 20 min. by train fromcentral Kyoto, is dotted with many celebratedtemples and shops. The area can be easily enjoyedon foot or bicycle, offering a superb walkingexperience especially on those fine weather days.

Western Kyoto contains musts for the tourist -Kinkakuji and Ryoanji temples . The bril l iantKinkakuji, or Golden Pavilion, is in excellent contrastto Ryoanji famed for its stone garden which issimplicity itself designed with only rocks and whitesand.

The two ancient capitals — home to treasuresinvaluable and traditions unsurpassed — haveremained unchanged over many centuries. Time-honored temples and traditionally serene streetsevoke nothing less than the image of "Japan"you've long dreamed of.

Kiyomizu Temple


Maiko © City of Kyoto

Explore Japan

Page 15: Japan


Nara, 42 km. (28 mi.) south of Kyoto, is an oldercapital of Japan, and was also a major cradle ofJapan's arts, crafts, literature, and culture not tomention industry.

The major tourist attractions are clustered aroundNara Sta. Nara Park is popularly known as DeerPark for its resident tame deer.

To the west lies Kofukuji Temple, founded in 710.Many valuable Buddhist statues are exhibited in theNational Treasure House, and nearby is a five-storied pagoda which is mirrored in the SarusawaPond.

The Nara National Museum contains a collectionof Buddhist art with pieces from every period.

But perhaps the most famous of Nara's manyancient attractions is Todaiji Temple, where theGreat Buddha of Nara sits. The Daibutsuden, wherethe Great Buddha is housed, is claimed to be theworld's largest wooden structure.

Another attraction is the colorful Kasuga GrandShrine erected in 768 — one of the most famousShinto shrines in Japan. The vermilion-lacqueredbuildings create a beautiful contrast to thesurrounding greenery. Some 1,800 stone lanternsstand in the shrine precincts and 1,000 metallanterns are suspended from the eaves of itscorridors.

Horyuji Temple, 45 min. by rail from Nara Sta., isnot only superbly beautiful but one of the mostimportant temples in Japan. The temple, the oldestintact temple complex in Japan, was founded in 607.Around 40 buildings make up the complex, and aresaid to be the world's oldest wooden structures.

The World Heritage Sites designated by UNESCO

•Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto(Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities) including Kinkakuji Temple and 16 other temples and shrines.

•Buddhist Monuments in the Horyuji Area [Nara]•Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara includes Todaiji Temple and 7 other temples and shrines.

Todaiji Temple

Yakushiji Temple


■ Sightseeing in Japan, a Safe Country

Japan is well known for its safe cities, but tounderstand just how safe it really is, you reallyhave to visit the country. Women can walk safelyalmost anywhere on their own, at any time of dayor night. It's not unusual to see kids riding thesubway alone, and sleeping on trains seems likethe national pastime! Unattended belongings lyingin a bar or restaurant are rarely interfered with.Nearly everyone has a story about the time theylost their wallet and it was either returned to themby the police or they went back a few days later tothe place they lost it and found it still there,contents intact. But that doesn't mean you canafford to be careless. The same commonsenserules apply in Japan as anywhere else. Take careof your things, and be aware of what's going onaround you. Have a safe trip!

Deer ParkDeer Park

Page 16: Japan


Explore Japan


Nagoya & VicinityNagoya is 366 km. (229 mi.), or 1 hr. 50 min. by

Shinkansen super express from Tokyo and 1 hr. fromShin-Osaka. Japan's fourth largest city, Nagoya is anold castle town, with a fine network of streets andwide boulevards. The region is noted as the center ofJapan's porcelain industry, lacquer ware, the"shibori-zome" tie-dyed cloth, and other arts andhandicrafts. Near the center of the city standsNagoya Castle, originally a residence and militaryheadquarters for the Tokugawa clan. The TokugawaMuseum in the Sakae district is well worth a visit asit houses over 10,000 articles handed down by theTokugawa family.

A number of pottery producing centers can befound in the environs surrounding Nagoya. Seto, 30min. by rail from Nagoya, is the largest potteryproducer in Japan well known for its pottery andmany local kilns. Throughout the town there aremany shops as well as studios offering a pottery-making hands-on experience to visitors. Reasonablypriced small souvenir plates are highly popular. AlsoTokoname, 40 min. by train from Nagoya, has longbeen known for its Tokoname-yaki pottery.

Inuyama, 30 min. by rail from Nagoya, is famousfor its white-walled castle, Japan's oldest existingfortress.

Museum Meiji-mura, a 90-min. bus ride fromNagoya, is an impressive outdoor museum ofbuildings collected from the Meiji period (1868 -1912).

Side Trips from NagoyaIse-Shima National Park harbors the Ise Grand

Shrine as well as numerous pearl fisheries along itsmagnificent seacoast.

The Ise Grand Shrine, about 1 hr. 30 min. by railfrom Nagoya, is the most venerated of all Shintoshrines in Japan. The main shrine is completelyrebuilt every 20 years.

Toba, 20 min. by rail or 40 min. by bus from Ise, isa port town famous for its "Wedded Rocks," a pair ofislets linked by a giant rope, and is a sacred Shintospot of worship. Don't pass up a visit to MikimotoPearl Island, where pearls were first artificiallycultured.

Takayama, 2 hrs. 10 min. by limited express fromNagoya, is an old castle town situated in a valleysurrounded by the Japan Alps. Takayama retainsmuch of the atmosphere of old Japan. The wholetown is museum-like, dotted with attraction afterattraction, including a variety of small museumsdevoted to traditional crafts embodying the town'slong-standing tradition of the finest in craftsmanship.

A 40-min. bus ride takes you to mountainousShirakawa-go Village. Nestled in a rural settingreminiscent of the old Japan, Shirakawa-go is world-famous for its steeply thatch-roofed or "gassho-zukuri"-style traditional farmhouses, some offering anovernight stay as family-run inns.

The Chubu region lies almost in the geographicalcenter of Japan. Here you have the soaring peaksof the "Japan Alps," the Japan Sea coast whichretains much of the nation's older and traditionallifestyles, all the way to the Pacific coast thatthrives with highly developed modern industry.These are the varied faces that constitute thisregion.

Old Houses in San-machi Suji, Takayama

Ski Resort, NaganoSki Resort, Nagano

Nagoya CastleNagoya Castle

Page 17: Japan


Other Areas

The mountains of the Japan Alps are a series ofvolcanic peaks running from north to south throughthe central and widest part of Honshu. They are oftencompared to the Alps of Europe in ruggedness andbeauty. The Northern Alps form the core of Chubu-Sangaku (Japan Alps) National Park.

Nagano became world-famous as the host for the1998 Winter Olympics. Its highland areas offersuperb skiing in winter and their refreshingly coolsummer is ideal for walking and trekking.

Zenkoji Temple in central Nagano City has beenhighly revered for 1,400 years as a primary center ofBuddhistic faith. Its imposing main building is anational treasure.

The main donjon of Matsumoto Castle in the city ofMatsumoto is nicknamed the "Crow Castle" becauseof its black walls. The castle was built during the Ageof Civil Wars, and therefore it has little decorativefeatures, yet shines with a simple and masculinebeauty.

Kanazawa, 3 hrs. by limited express from Nagoyaor Osaka, originated as a castle town that retainsmuch of the flavor of those early feudal times.

The prevailing practices of Noh drama, teaceremony, and flower arranging among the citizenscame about as a result of the long period ofunbroken peace which their ancestors enjoyed fromthe 17th to 19th centuries. Kenrokuen Park, createdin 1822, lies in the center of the city, and is known asone of the three most beautiful landscape gardens inJapan, along with Kairakuen Garden in Mito andKorakuen Garden in Okayama.

A 1 hr. 30-min. train ride from Kanazawa via Fukuitakes you to Eiheiji Temple, celebrated as one of theheadquarters of the Soto sect of Zen Buddhism.

It was founded by Priest Dogen (1200 - 1253), whobrought Zen Buddhism to Japan from China.

Northeast of Kanazawa, the Noto Peninsulaprojects into the Japan Sea. Its long coastlinefeatures a diversified geography. The outer coast ischaracterized by its ruggedness while the inner coastis rich with bays and inlets with numerous photogenicfishing villages.

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route is a magnificent,mountain-sightseeing route winding its way fromTateyama Sta. in Toyama Prefecture of the localToyama-Chiho Railway and passing through thecenter of the Northern Japan Alps to its terminus inOmachi in Nagano Prefecture. One can enjoy asuperb view of 3,000-m-high class mountains fromthe convenience of a cable car, bus, ropeway andtrolley bus.

Niigata Prefecture, 1 hr. to 2 hrs. from Tokyo, isone of the world's snowiest areas and, as such,attracts large numbers of skiers throughout thewinter.

Sado Island, 1 hr. by hydrofoil from Niigata, is thefifth largest of Japan's islands, and is home to manysmall rice farms nestled between its twin parallelmountain chains.

The World Heritage Site designated by UNESCO

•Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama [Gifu and Toyama]

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

Japan Sea Coast

Zenkoji TempleZenkoji Temple

Page 18: Japan


Explore Japan


Osaka, 3 hrs. by Shinkansen super express or 1 air from Tokyo, is Japan's third-largest city andthe commercial and industrial hub for western Japan.Situated at the mouth of the Yodo River emptyinginto Osaka Bay, Osaka has a network of canals thatcrisscross under its many busy streets, which haveplayed an important role in the city's prosperity.

As a classical city, it is very proud of its being theorigin of Bunraku puppet theater. The Osaka Bayarea is a must for visitors as an emerging center ofthe trendiest in urban attractions, include OsakaAquarium KAIYUKAN and Universal SudiosJapanTM, a Hollywood based theme park, and manymore.

The absolute highlight is Osaka Castle, once thelargest in Japan, built in 1586 by ToyotomiHideyoshi. The present five-storied fortress, a copyof the original, contains many historical art objectsand documents related to the Toyotomi family andOsaka of the old.

Nakanoshima, on asmall delta betweendivergent streams ofthe Yodo River, is thecivic center. At its endlies TemmanguShrine, dedicated toMichizane Sugawara,a noted scholar.Nearby is theTenjinbashi ShoppingStreet which has longprospered by catering

to worshippers and visitors to the local shrine. A walkalong its shopping arcade provides a glimpse into thedaily lifestyle of the local residents.

For entertainment and shopping, don't miss theUmeda and Namba districts. Umeda, centeredaround Umeda Sta., has a number of modernunderground arcades which are always teaming withvisitors and shoppers. Worthy of its reputation for"kuidaore" (the epicurean joy of over-indulgence inthe delights of the table), Osaka truly caters to thegourmet. Try popular Osaka dishes such as "yaki-niku" (grilled meat), "fugu-nabe" (globefish hotpot),"kushi-katsu" (skewed deep-fried pork and onions),"sushi" and "tako-yaki" (baked dumpling containing apiece of boiled octopus), among many, many others.

Kobe, 30 min. by rail from Osaka, is a majorseaport which has developed at a rapid pace sincethe Meiji Restoration began in 1868. A city of hills,

Kobe has many narrow paths and walkways thatwind up and down the Rokko foothills that form thecity's backdrop. One of Japan's main ports, alongwith Yokohama, Kobe harbors a fascinating foreignresidential enclave that is great for strolling.

Kobe Port Tower, soaring 108 m., is beautifully litup in the evening. Across the way is KobeHarborland, a newly emerging waterfrontdevelopment. It bustles with throngs of visitors whoenjoy the famed night view of this great port city wellinto the evening hours.

Another major attraction in western Japan islocated in Himeji City. Himeji Castle is one of themost beautiful castles to be found in the nation. Withits twisting paths through the castle grounds leadingpast alabaster—plastered walls and the originalbuildings—preserved as national treasures—a visithere is not to be missed.

For a different unforgettable experience, stay at themonastery at the summit of Mt. Koya, a 2-hr. rail ridefrom Osaka. Founded in 816 by Kobo Daishi, thegreat exponent of the Shingon sect of Buddhism, themonastery is comprised of over 120 temples, ofwhich 53 offer lodgings and vegetarian meals atreasonable prices. The monastery is visited by 1million pilgrims annually.

The Kansai region has prospered as the capital ofcommerce in Japan since olden times. As such,Kansai is characterized by its distinct vitality andenergy even today, creating a very special atmospherethat enlivens the visitor as well.

Osaka Castle

Okuno-in, Mt. KoyaOkuno-in, Mt. Koya

Kobe HarborlandKobe Harborland

The World Heritage Sites designated by UNESCO

•Himeji Castle [Hyogo]•The Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the KiiMountain Range [Wakayama]

©Kobe Convention & Visitors Association

Page 19: Japan


The Inland Sea/Shikoku

The Inland Sea, or Seto-Naikai, is bounded by thethree main islands of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu.Crossing from Honshu to Shikoku islands has nowbecome extremely easy and enjoyable thanks to theseries of seven bridges, including the Seto Ohashi,Akashi-kaikyo Ohashi and Shimanami-kaido bridges.Boats and ferries also travel between the two islandsvia the cities of Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, Onomichi,and Wakayama.

The Inland Sea, blessed with superb seascapesand a mild climate, is remarkably calm, peaceful andbeautiful. Over 600 islands are scattered over anarea of 8,200 sq. km. Walking or cycling along the"Shimanami-kaido" route (60 km. in total length) ishighly recommended if you wish to fully enjoy thescenic splendors of the Inland Sea. The "Shimanami-kaido" provides an ideal sightseeing route as theseven bridges link the six smaller islands lyingbetween Honshu and Shikoku. The richly diversifiedcoastal scenery is an interesting kaleidoscope of themany small ports, fishing villages, salt fields, andfarms found among the gentle island slopes.

The Naoshima Cultural Village on Naoshima Islandin the Inland Sea can be reached in about 1 hr. 30min. from Okayama by train, ferry and car. The"village" features a fine contemporary art museum andits architecture is a harmonious blend with the island'sserene natural environment.

Shikoku Island consists of four prefectures, andeach prefectural seat was at one time a castle town.The natural beauty illustrated by the picturesqueInland Sea Coast and the dynamic Pacific Ocean

Coast accentuates the tourist attractions of ShikokuIsland. Access has become very easy since directbus services began operating recently between themajor cities in the Kansai region on the Honshu sideand those on Shikoku.

Takamatsu, 1 hr. by train from Okayama, is themain gateway to Shikoku from Honshu, and aconvenient starting point for traveling around theisland. Takamatsu has many attractions worthseeing. Ritsurin Park is one of the finest traditionalgardens in this area. It was laid out about 350 yearsago on the site of a villa owned by the Matsudairaclan.

Matsuyama, the largest city in Shikoku, is a express train ride from Takamatsu or a one-hour boat trip from Hiroshima or Kure. MatsuyamaCastle is one of the nation's best-preserved. AlsoDogo Spa, 20 min. by rail from Matsuyama, is one ofthe oldest in Japan.

Kochi , 3 hrs. by l imited express train fromTakamatsu, is the prefectural seat of the rich farmingland and fisheries along Shikoku's central southerncoast. Its southwestern coast is designated anational park and offers a variety of outdoorattractions from scuba diving to whale watching.

Tokushima Prefecture can be reached from theKansai region in approximately 2 hrs. 30 min. byexpress bus. Its capital, the city of Tokushima isfamous for its Awa-Odori dance festival held everysummer. Naruto, 40 min. by train from TokushimaCity, is noted for its giant whirlpools in the narrowNaruto Straits. For an exciting, closer look at thesewhirlpools, book a ride on a pleasure boat.

The "Shimanami-kaido" route recently openedconnecting the main islands of Honshu andShikoku with seven magnificent bridges. Thehighway and bridge route over the Inland Seaunfolds with fantastic views interwoven by theblue sea dotted with ships and boats of all sizes,and the picturesque small islands.

"Shimanami-kaido" Route

Ritsurin Park

Giant Whirpools, Naruto

Page 20: Japan


Explore Japan


Chugoku, situated at the western end of the mainisland of Honshu, is split into the two areas of Sanyo,the Inland Sea Coast, and San-in, the Japan SeaCoast.

Okayama, 1 hr. by Shinkansen super express fromShin-Osaka, is a gateway to the Chugoku region andShikoku Island. The main attraction here is theKorakuen Garden. Filled with flowers all yearround, this garden masterpiece was created in 1700by the ruling feudal lord of the Okayama clan whospent 14 long years to complete it.

Kurashiki, where the past is beautifully preservedand naturally blended with the new, is reached by a15-min. train ride from Okayama. Stroll the narrowstreets of the old merchant's quarter with its tile-roofed houses and willow-fringed canals to get aflavor of this exquisite town. Kurashiki has severalmuseums. Of these, Ohara museum of Art isremarkable. It contains a great collection of world-famous paintings and sculptures. The Japanesefolkcrafts and Oriental antique fine art masterpieceson exhibit are impressive.

Hiroshima, a former castle town, is reached in 2hrs. by Shinkansen super express from Shin-Osaka.The present city emerged from the ashes of theWorld War II atomic bombing. Peace Memorial Parkcontains the Peace Memorial Museum displaying alarge collection of photographs and objects relating tothe devastation. Here the Peace Flame burns in frontof the Memorial Cenotaph, never to be extinguisheduntil all nuclear weapons are abolished.

Twenty-five min. by train from Hiroshima and a 10-min. boat ride from Miyajima-guchi, takes you toMiyajima Island and Itsukushima Shrine, a must-see for all. The entire island, with an area of 30 sq.

km., is designated by the government as a SpecialHistoric Site and a Special Place of Scenic Beauty.The shrine buildings are connected by corridorswhich stretch out over the water, so at high tide thewhole structure appears to be floating on the sea. Ared camphor wood torii gate rising out of the sea isthe landmark of the shrine. Many colorful festivals areheld here throughout the year, but the most dramaticis Kangen-sai in July or August. On this occasion, theItsukushima deity is taken on a boat journey to visitother shrines in the nearby Inland Sea. Sacred musicis played on ancient Japanese instruments.

Hagi (Higashi-Hagi Sta.), 1 hr. 10 min. by bus fromShin-Yamaguchi Sta., is an old castle town rich inhistory. Hagi is the birthplace of many prominentsamurai who led events result ing in the Meij iRestoration. A number of old-time samurairesidences, temples and shrines can be found hereand there around the town, which exudes a calm, andtasteful atmosphere. Just touring the peaceful lanesis an enjoyable experience. The town is also well known for its Hagi-yaki pottery.

Tottori, 4 hrs. 20 min. by limited express fromOsaka, is the seat of Tottori Prefecture. The city isnoted for the sand dunes located 5 km. to the north ina portion of the San-in Kaigan National Park. Visitthe dunes early in the morning to discover thebeautiful patterns on their surfaces created by windsand rain during the night.

Matsue, 2 hrs. from Tottori by limited express, issituated at the point where the Nakaumi Lagoon joinsLake Shinji. The city is a major distribution hub andtourist destination, as well as the seat of ShimanePrefecture.

Izumo Taisha Shrine, 10 min. by train fromIzumoshi Sta., is famed for its architectural style andis one of the oldest shrines in Japan. Backed byhistory stretching a few thousand years, the grandsanctuary building stands in its own solemn splendor.The deity enshrined here is famous nationwide insupport of marital bliss, thus attracting large numbersof young woman worshippers.

The Chugoku region is punctuated with small butserene and exquisite villages and towns. Seasidefishing villages and hamlets nestle in themountains. This is the place to visit in quest ofnostalgic scenery and the flavor of the best of oldJapan.

Korakuen Garden

MiyajimaThe World Heritage Sites designated by UNESCO

•Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) [Hiroshima]

•Itsukushima Shinto Shrine [Hiroshima]•Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and its Cultural Landscape[Shimane]

Page 21: Japan



The northern portion of the main island of Honshu iscalled the Tohoku region. The weather is alwaysrefreshingly cool in the highlands with summertemperatures some 10 ℃ cooler than in the southwest.Rustic hot springs are everywhere in Tohoku and lurelarge numbers of "onsen" lovers from throughout Japan.All these hot springs are known for their medicinalvalues and, as such, have served as hot-spring cureplaces since times of old.

The gateway to the Pacific Coast area is Sendai, 2hrs. by Shinkansen super express from Tokyo. Sendaiserves as a base for trips to Matsushima, which can bereached in 40 min. by rail. Matsushima is reputed to beone of the three most beautiful places in Japan. Thescenic bay is dotted with hundreds of islets. A touraround the bay on a pleasure boat is recommended.

Hiraizumi, a 1 hr. 30-min. train ride from Sendai, wasoriginally modeled on Kyoto and is the site of the notedChusonji Temple built in 1109. The temple's Konjikido,or Golden Hall, houses 11 images of Buddha, and wasoriginally coated with black-lacquer and gold plate.

Aomori, 2.5 hrs. by limited express from Morioka, is astarting point for trips to Lake Towada and the OiraseValley, the core of the Towada-Hachimantai NationalPark. Lake Towada, in the center of the park, is one ofthe most picturesque lakes in Japan. At its easternshore, the Oirase Valley stretches for 14 km. Apromenade, meandering along the gorge fringed bydense woods, provides refreshing views of the crystal-clear stream as well as waterfalls, large and small.

A must-see in the city of Aomori is the ancient ruinsof Sannai-Maruyama, a 30-min. bus trip from centralAomori. Dating back about 4,000 to 5,500 years, it isone of Japan's largest-scale ruins of Jomon-period

communities. Unearthed articles and reproductions ofancient dwellings are open to the public. The city'sNebuta Festival, held in August, is famous as a festivalrepresentative of the country as a whole and attractsthrongs of revelers from all over.

Hirosaki is 30 min. by limited express from Aomori. Inearly May every year, Hirosaki Castle grounds andsurrounding areas come alive with cherry blossoms infull bloom on some 5,000 cherry trees.

The Shirakami-Sanchi Mountains, extending over theprefectural borders between Aomori and Akita, is a vastwoodland of primeval beech forest, thus retaining anuntouched part of the world of nature. "Mini Shirakami"hiking course is found nearby.

The city of Akita, 2 hrs. by Akita Shinkansen superexpress, is home to the Kanto Festival in August,another great summer festival in the Tohoku region.

Kakunodate, 75 minutes from Akita by Shinkansen, isa historic town dotted with samurai residences andstorehouses. The samurai residences now serve asmuseums and restaurants, al lowing visitors toexperience old-style Japan.

Yamagata Prefecture, about three hours from Tokyoby Shinkansen, offers visitors onsen and winter skiing inthe Zao mountain range. The Zao "Okama" (cauldron)is a mystical caldera lake brimming with emerald water.Don't miss it.

Aizu Wakamatsu, the castle town of Tsuruga Castle,is around two and a half hours from Tokyo byShinkansen and JR limited express. Nearby Mt. Bandaiand Lake Inawashiro are famous winter ski resorts.

The World Heritage Site designated by UNESCO

•Shirakami-Sanchi Mountains [Aomori and Akita]

Oirase Valley

The Tohoku region offers a diverse range ofattractions — outwardly rustic in appearance yetwith a rich and deep ambiance. It is acombination of a colorful natural world, friendlyand ingenuous people, with explosive summerfestivals and excitement that culminate in theregion's short summer season. And so very muchmore ...

Nyuto Spa, Akita

"Okama" of Mt. Zao"Okama" of Mt. Zao

Page 22: Japan

Explore Japan



Because of its proximity to Korea and China,Kyushu, from the fourth century on, was culturallyinfluenced by its more sophisticated neighbors. Itwas also the first point of contact with the West whenthe Portuguese landed here in the 16th century.

Fukuoka, 6 hrs. by Shinkansen super express fromTokyo and 3 hrs. from Shin-Osaka, is the railgateway to Kyushu. In recent years, the city hasemerged as a strategic point of internationalexchange with the rest of Asia. The intriguingFukuoka Museum of Asian Fine Art, is well worth avisit as it showcases the "now" of Asia. At Dazaifu,20 min. by car from Fukuoka, many archeologicalfinds related to Japan's ancient court culture can befound.

Arita, 1 hr. 20 min. from Hakata, is well known forits pottery with a history of over 400 years. Thereare about 150 kilns in the area.

Nagasaki is a base from which to visit Unzen.Nagasaki was the only Japanese port open to foreigntrade by the Tokugawa shogunate during the periodof Japan's seclusion from 1639 to 1859. Nagasakiwas also the target of the second atomic bombdropped on Japan during World War II.

Primary attractions in the city include SofukujiTemple, known as the Chinese Temple, the OuraCatholic Church — a National Treasure — and thecentury-old Glover Mansion. It is also noted for itsscenery reminiscent of the setting for Puccini'sopera, Madame Butterfly.

Nagasaki Peace Park was laid out tocommemorate the exact spot of the atomic blast onAugust 9, 1945, three days after the first wasdropped on Hiroshima.

Unzen, a pleasant 2-hr. drive from Nagasaki,features both highland and seashore hot-springresorts. Mt. Unzen, an active volcano, consists of

three peaks, the highest being Fugendake (alt. 1,360m.). Shimabara is where Shimabara Castle oncestood. Its donjon, a reconstruction, is now amuseum, displaying records and documents relatingto the Christians of the district who made their laststand here in their struggle against persecution bythe Shogunate in 1638.

Kumamoto is 1 hr. 30 min. by limited express trainfrom Hakata Sta. Major tourist spots includeKumamoto Castle and Suizenji Park. Kumamoto isalso a gateway to Aso-Kuju National Park, whichincludes volcanoes such as Mt. Aso, the world'slargest volcanic caldera, and Mt. Kuju.

Beppu Spa, 15 min. by train from Oita, is situatedon the eastern coast of Kyushu. Beppu, a spa town,is famous for its bubbling mud ponds, the most activeof which detonate loudly and throw mud into the air.When it comes to public hot spring baths, there over100 — eloquent proof that this is one of Japan'sgreatest hot spring resorts. Try hopping from onepublic bath to another and enjoy the many differenthot spring waters.

Kyushu, located southwest of the main island ofHonshu, offers a mild climate, lush greencountryside, hot springs, and mysterious volcanicformations.

Oura Catholic Church

©Nagasaki International Tourism and Convention Association

Mt. Aso

Canal City

©Y. Shimizu

Usuki Sekibutsu, Oita A Ramen Stand, Fukuoka

Page 23: Japan


Miyazaki, 3 hrs. 20 min. by limited express trainfrom Oita, is a favorite vacation spot. NichinanKaigan Quasi-National Park, extending for about100 km. along the seacoast south of Miyazaki, is theforemost tourist highlight. Its principal attraction isAoshima Island, a tiny islet densely covered withbiro or betel-nut palms.

Kagoshima is 2 hrs. 20 min. by limited expresstrain from Miyazaki. The city abounds in scenicattractions, historic sites, and hot springs and isdominated by Sakurajima, an active volcano.

One hour by train from Nishi-Kagoshima Sta. isIbusuki, one of the most celebrated hot-springresorts in Japan. Located at the southernmost tip ofthe Satsuma Peninsula, it owes its popularity in partto its lovely white sandy beach and lush subtropicalvegetation. A unique form of hot sand-bathing isoffered here and is a great way to relax.

Yakushima Island, 40 min. by air from KagoshimaAirport, is home to a primeval forest of "Yaku-sugi"cedars dating back thousands of years. Manyoutdoor activities can be enjoyed, including mountainclimbing, valley trekking, canoeing and eco toursamong others.

The main island of Okinawa, the most popular ofthe Okinawan islands, is located 2 hrs. 30 min. by airfrom Tokyo, and 2 hrs. 15 min. from Osaka (Itami). Itis a favorite visitor destination owing to its historicalpast, its coral reefs, emerald seas, sunny skies, andsubtropical vegetation. The islands reverted to Japanin 1972 after being occupied by the United Statesfrom the end of World War II. Tourist sites in Naha,the prefectural seat, include Naminoue Shrine,dedicated to the three gods believed to be theancestral deities of the Imperial family; SogenjiTemple which was originally erected more than 450years ago and is the mausoleum of the former kingsof Okinawa during the Ryukyu Dynasty; and theShurei-no-mon or Gate of Courtesy, the second gateof Shuri Castle built during the reign of King Shosei.Okinawa Senseki (Old Battlefields) Quasi-NationalPark, consists of monuments dedicated to the spiritsof the more than 200,000 World War II war dead.

Smaller islands around the main island boast someof the world's most crystalline seawaters and finestcoral reefs, providing a marine playground for diversand tourists.

The World Heritage Sites designated by UNESCO•Yakushima Island [Kagoshima]•Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of the Ryukyu [Okinawa]Hot Sand-bathing, Ibusuki

Haniwa Park, Miyazaki

Market, OkinawaMarket, OkinawaLocal Dishes of KumamotoLocal Dishes of Kumamoto

Takachiho Gorge, Miyazaki

Beautiful Sea, OkinawaBeautiful Sea, Okinawa

Page 24: Japan


Explore Japan


Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost main island, wasaggressively settled from the 18th century on, andtoday, as in olden times, still abounds in naturalsplendor.

Sapporo is the aerial gateway to Hokkaido fromTokyo and Osaka and is the island's cultural,economic, and political center. The city is marked byits neatly laid out checkerboard-like streets.

The city's main thoroughfare is the flower-adornedOdori Park, where the internationally popularSapporo Snow Festival attracts viewers everyFebruary. Sapporo's historical monument, the ClockTower Building, adjoins a museum exhibiting thecity's history. The popular hot spring resort JozankeiSpa, is only a short trip from Sapporo. It is a popularhaven for many day visitors as well.

Lake Shikotsu, 1 hr. 20 min. by bus from Sapporo,is a beautiful caldera lake tucked among soaringcliffs. The water is deep blue, and never freezesover.

The circular caldera Lake Toya is another highlight.Four thickly wooded islets, dubbed the NakanoshimaIslands, grace the lake's center.

Hakodate, accessible by train from Aomori, isanother popular Hokkaido tourist spot. Hakodate is aport town noted for its splendid night view. The star-shaped Goryokaku fortress is a principal attraction inthe city along with scenic Mt. Hakodate. Well worth avisit is the morning market with buyers and onlookersalike thronging its 360 small shops and stalls filledwith fresh fish and vegetables. Simply watching themarket's lively hustle and bustle is a great attractionin itself.

Asahikawa in central Hokkaido can be reached in1 hr. 30 min. by limited express from Sapporo.Another 1 hr. trip by local train brings you to Furanocelebrated for its lavender fields in early summer. Avast undulating expanse of fields form exquisiteflowery belts of narcissi, lavender and cosmos.

Driving through the flowering fields of Furano in thisgrand natural setting is highly popular among visitorsof all generations and a truly unforgettableexperience.

Kushiro, the largest city in eastern Hokkaido, is 4hrs. by limited express from Sapporo. In easternHokkaido area you find a world of pristine nature,dotted with crystalline lakes. The greatest highlighthere is the Kushiro Marshland which is a wildlifesanctuary. Canoeing down the Kushiro River, whichweaves its way through this spectacular marshland,will remain a lifelong memory.

Hokkaido, a land of verdant nature, provides thenature lover with an extensive array of outdooractivities. Attractions include dolphin and whalewatching, white-water rafting, horseback riding,woodland trekking, hot-air ballooning, and so much,much more.

Hokkaido — nature's paradise. Enjoy the wholeof this extensive land to your heart's content —its mountains, highlands, rivers, lakes, the sea,and its azure skies.

Clock Tower Building


Former Hokkaido Government Office Building in SapporoFormer Hokkaido Government Office Building in Sapporo

SkiingSkiing RaftingRafting

The World Heritage Sites designated by UNESCO

•Shiretoko [Hokkaido]

Page 25: Japan


Tips for Budget Travelers

sauted onions), "tendon" (rice topped with tempura), andsoba or udon noodles. These fast food establishmentsgenerally offer meals at less than ¥500. Even morereasonable breakfast menus are available at some shops.● Shopping, entertainment and business districts are filledwith restaurants which offer weekday lunch at reasonableprices ranging from ¥600 to ¥900. Set menus, eitherwestern- or Japanese-style, are available in abundance.Lunch time is generally from around 11:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m. ● Sushi is not at all expensive except at a limited numberof high-grade restaurants. With "kaiten-zushi" shops(serving small plates each with a couple of bite-sizedpieces of sushi on a rotating conveyor belts), sushi costsonly ¥100 and up per plate. At other sushi shops, a set-menu sushi meal run about ¥1,500 and up per person.Sushi lunches can be enjoyed at around ¥800 and up.● The basement of department stores is usually the foodfloor, offering a rich variety of take out deli selections andlunch boxes - delicious as well as inexpensive. Select oneor two and enjoy your own lunch at a nearby park.

■ Shopping● "100-yen shops" are constantly growing in number. Awide range of items - from foods to articles for daily use -are all sold at a uniform price of ¥100. 100-yen shops canbe found near train stations and in shopping districts. Youmay find small souvenir items there such as Japanesetableware and many other items on sale. ● For consumer electronics, the Akihabara district inTokyo is the first place you should visit. An amazingvariety of consumer electronics can be found here. Get offthe train at Akihabara Sta. on JR's Yamanote Line, andyou'll find countless shops, including volume sales outletsand electronics parts shops, standing side by side. ● Japanese retailers, especially department stores, holdlarge-scale bargain sales twice a year, selling seasonalproducts such as clothes and sundry goods at remarkablediscount prices. If you happen to visit a department storeduring such a bargain sale period, you'll be impressed withthe number of price tags on display at "30% off" and "50%off." Usually, the bargain sale seasons are in January andJuly.



Listed here are some lucr ative tips f or thebudget-minded traveler in Japan.

■ TransportationJR's Japan Rail Pass offers excellent value and

convenience for the foreign visitor traveling around Japan.Especially recommended is the "Japan Rail Pass 7 Days."At a price about equivalent to a round trip on theShinkansen super express between Tokyo and Kyoto, itallows the bearer unlimited travel on JR lines throughoutJapan for seven days.

Meanwhile, in large population centers like Tokyo andOsaka, "1-day Pass" and similar cost-saving tickets areavailable. They offer unlimited local transportation in therespective areas' main systems of intra-city transportationfor a specified period of time. By eliminating the trouble offrequently buying tickets, using such tickets is veryconvenient for travelers who wish to move around within alimited area and within a limited period of time. For details,please refer to page 34-35.

■ Welcome Card (Culture Card)The card comes with a guidebook for you as an

overseas visitor to Japan to enable you to get discountsand special services at art galleries, museums, sightseeingattractions, shopping areas, restaurants, accommodationsand transportation facilities. Although called the WelcomeCard, there are also places where you can receivediscounts by presenting a web page printout instead of thecard.This card, in many varieties, is currently available in Tokyo (Museum Guide, Handy Guide and Map), KagawaPrefectures and Northern Tohoku, Narita, Mt. Fuji, Tokai,Kobe, Kita-Kyushu, Fukuoka cities and regions. The cardis available free of charge at local information centers ineach region and most varieties are also available atJNTO’s and affiliated Tourist Information Centers in Tokyo,Narita International Airport and Kansai InternationalAirport.

■ AccommodationsIf you are looking for clean economy accommo-

dations,"Welcome Inns" are recommended. For details,please refer to page 39.

■ DiningDining out in Japan is not necessarily "expensive"

though, like in most countries, it tends to be a bit moreexpensive while traveling. Delicious as well as reasonably-priced dining can be enjoyed if you keep the following tipsin mind:● Concentration of fast food establishments can often befound around train stations, which offer inexpensive mealsin a casual atmosphere. Hamburger and sandwich shopsnot to mention, there are Japanese-style fast food shops,specializing in "gyudon" (rice topped with cooked beef and

Page 26: Japan


Festivals and Events of the Four SeasonsThe Japanese archipelago, for the most part,

belongs to the temperate zone and its climate ischaracterized by four distinct seasonal changes. Thisclimatic feature has long been a great source ofenjoyment. Above all, the festivals of Japan may wellbe one of the country's greatest sources ofenjoyment. Festivals take place virtually every daythroughout the year, somewhere in Japan. Listedhere are only some examples of major Japanesefestivals from a list that is almost uncountable.

SPRING — The plum and cherrytrees burst into bloom

From the first days of March, when flowering plumblossoms debut, to the last days of May, when thelast flowering cherry blossoms fall from the trees ofnorthern Japan, spring is a time for rebirth in thename of nature and human celebration throughoutthe land.

Springtime in Japan literally means flowers, in astunning rainbow panoply of varieties and shapes.Particularly plentiful are blossoms of camellia, iris,lotus and mustard. Numerous flower festivals areeverywhere.

Festivals and EventsMarch 1-14 Omizutori or Water-Drawing Festivalof Todaiji Temple, Nara. A solemn rite performed inthe flickering light of pine torches reaches its peak onthe night of the 12th.March 3 Hina Matsuri or Doll Festival throughoutthe country. Festival for girls celebrated at home bydecorating and displaying miniature dolls.March 15 Otaue Matsuri (Festival) of KasugaShrine in Nara stages a 1,000-year-old classicdance.Mid-March (for 15 days) Second SumoTournament, Osaka.April 1-30 Miyako Odori or Cherry Dance, Kyoto.Japanese dances presented by "Maiko" apprenticeentertainers.April 8 Hana Matsuri or Floral Festivals in allBuddhist temples, in commemoration of Buddha'sbirthday.

April 14-15Takayama Matsuriof Hie Shrine inTakayama, with aparade of gorgeousfloats.April 16-17Yayoi Matsuri ofFutarasan Shrine inNikko, featuring aparade of decoratedfloats.

May 3-4Hakata Dontaku inFukuoka features aparade of legendarygods on horseback.

May 3-5 Kite Battles, in Hamamatsu. Competitorsfly huge kites to try and cut strings of their opponents'kites.May 5 Children's Day throughout the country.Noted for colorful flying carp streamers rippling in thespring wind.May 11 Cormorant fishing on the Nagara River,Gifu. (Until October 15)May 15 Aoi Matsuri or Hollyhock Festival in Kyotofeatures a magnificent pageant.

Mid-May (for 15 days) Third Sumo Tournament,TokyoMid-May Kanda Matsuri of Kanda Myojin Shrinein Tokyo (held every odd-year). Dozens of Mikoshiportable shrines are on parade.May 17-18 Grand Festival of Toshogu Shrine inNikko. Highlighted by a spectacular procession ofover 1,000 armor-clad men.3rd Sun. of May Mifune Matsuri on the Oi River,Kyoto, featuring a parade of ancient boats.3rd Sun., previous Fri. & Sat. of MaySanja Matsuri Festival of Asakusa Shrine, featuring aparade of 3 large portable shrines and more than100 smaller ones.

Cherry Blossoms

Takayama MatsuriTakayama Matsuri

Aoi MatsuriAoi Matsuri

Page 27: Japan


SUMMER — Play time in the land ofnature

Summer is the season of rice planting, as well asbeing the time of total greenery throughout thecountry. The green cherry leaves, maples, oaks andchestnuts in mountain forests contrast with thedeeper tints of evergreen pines, while the delicateshoots of bamboo sway gently throughout the land.

Summer is the season of fireworks. Almost everynight, communities around Japan stage livelyfirework displays colorfully enlivening the night skies.

Summer throughout Japan culminates with large-scale festivals, many with folk dancing, as well as"Bon odori" dance meetings for the recreation of localresidents, friends and visitors.

Festivals and EventsMid-June Sanno Matsuri of Hie Shrine in Tokyofeatures a procession of portable shrines through thebusy streets of the Akasaka District, every other year.2nd Sat. of June Chagu-chagu Umakko HorseFestival in Morioka where colorfully decorated horsesare on parade.July 7 Tanabata or Star Festival throughout Japan.The most famous is held in Sendai with thedecoration of numerous bamboo branches withcolorful paper stripes.

Mid-July (for 15 days) Fourth Sumo Tournament,Nagoya.July 13-15 (or August in many areas) BonFestival throughout the country. Religious rites areheld in memory of the dead. Bon odori folk dancesare offered to comfort their souls.

July 14 NachiShrine Himatsuri orFire Festival, Nachi-Katsuura features thebearing of 12 gianttorches by white-robedpriests.July 1-15 HakataGion Yamagasa inFukuoka peaks on the15th with a parade ofgiant floats.July 16-17 GionMatsuri, the largestfestival in Kyoto, datesback to the 9thcentury. Gorgeouslybedecked traditionalfloats parade throughthe main streets.

Last Sat. of July Grand Fireworks Display overthe Sumida River in Tokyo.July or AugustKangensai Music Festival of Itsukushima Shrine inHiroshima, featuring court music and dances.July 24-25 Tenjin Matsuri of Temmangu Shrinein Osaka features a parade of boats bear-ingportable shrines on the Dojima River.August 1-7 Nebuta Matsuri Festival in Aomori(August 2-7), and Neputa Matsuri Festival in Hirosaki(August 1-7), with parades of enormous lightedpapier-mache dummies set on floats.August 3-6 Kanto Matsuri Festival in Akita,featuring a parade of long bamboo poles hung withmany lighted lanterns.August 5-7 Hanagasa Matsuri in Yamagata, witha dance parade of some 10,000 townspeoplewearing traditional straw hats with colorful artificialflowers.

August 12-15 Awa Odori Folk Dance Festival inTokushima. The entire city resounds with singing anddancing day and night.August 16 Daimonji Bonfire on the hil lsoverlooking Kyoto.

Tanabata Matsuri in Sendai, Miyagi Hanagasa MatsuriHanagasa Matsuri

Fireworks Display, Sumida River, TokyoFireworks Display, Sumida River, Tokyo

Page 28: Japan


Festivals and Events of the Four SeasonsAUTUMN — Tinted leaves andharvest time

While the summer linger into September here andthere, by October most of Japan is enjoying the cool,crisp days of its distinct autumn.

Autumn in Japan brings swirls of changing leaves,in vivid hues of crimson, gold, bronze and yellow,that paint its hills and mountainsides in carpets ofcolor. The season of harvest. In rural areas, themany rice fields turn to gold, and the grain is sooncut and stacked or hung out to day in neat, evenrows. A time of frequent festivals, sports meets andcultural functions around the country.

Eager crowds also throng to the manychrysanthemum shows which crop up around thecountry.

Festivals and EventsSeptember 16 Yabusame or Horseback Archerytakes place at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine inKamakura.Mid-September (for 15 days) 5th SumoTournament, Tokyo.October 7-9 Kunchi Festival of Suwa Shrine inNagasaki features a dragon dance of Chinese origin.October 9-10 Takayama Matsuri of HachimanguShrine is noted for its parade of colorful floats.Mid-October Nagoya City Festival with aprocession of feudal lords along the city streets.October 14-15 Kenka Matsuri or "Roughhouse"Festival of Matsubara Shrine in Himeji reaches itsclimax on the 15th.Mid-October - Mid-November ChrysanthemumExhibitions at Meiji Shrine and Asakusa KannonTemple in Tokyo.October 17 Autumn Festival of Toshogu Shrine inNikko, with a parade of palanquins escorted byarmor-clad retainers.October 22 Jidai Matsuri or Festival of the Agesof Heian Shrine in Kyoto is one of the three grandestfestivals of Kyoto.

October 22 Fire Festival of Yuki Shrine, Kurama,in Kyoto, features long rows of torches embeddedalong approaches to the shrine.November 2-4 Okunchi of Karatsu Shrine inSaga is famous for its parade of colorful floats.November 3 Daimyo Gyoretsu in Hakone is afaithful reproduction of a feudal lord's procession.Mid-November Tori-no-ichi, or Rake Fair of OtoriShrine in Kanto Region.Mid-November(for 15 days) Sixth SumoTournament, Fukuoka.November 15 Shichi-go-san (7-5-3) is the shrine-visit ing day for children aged 3, 5 and 7 inappreciation of their good health given them by theguardian gods.

Mt. FujiMt. Fuji

Jidai MatsuriJidai Matsuri

Shichi-go-san (7-5-3)Shichi-go-san (7-5-3)

Kintaikyo Bridge, YamaguchiKintaikyo Bridge, Yamaguchi

Page 29: Japan


WINTER — Season of snowypleasure

Except for the extreme north, winter in Japan is notoverly severe, and is usually tempered by warmsunshine and blue skies.

On the other hand, in the northern regions, variousfestivals related to snow and ice are held. Touristsand residents alike enjoy huge snow and icesculptures and participate in the season's ruralcustoms and events.

Numerous events and fairs also take placethroughout Japan in connection with the New Yearseason, which is the most important annual day forthe Japanese.

Festivals and EventsDecember 15-18 On-matsuri of Kasuga Shrine inNara, featuring a masquerade procession.December 17-19 Hagoita-ichi (Battledore fair) ofAsakusa Kannon Temple in Tokyo.December 31 Okera Mairi of Yasaka Shrine inKyoto. Sacred fire ceremony.December 31 Namahage in Oga Peninsula, AkitaPref. Men disguised as devils make door-to-doorcalls to houses with children.January 1 New Year's Day. From the first to third,almost all companies, factories and businesses areclosed. Families celebrate the New Year enjoyingspecial dishes, wearing their best kimono or dress,and visiting shrines and temples to pray for goodhealth and happiness for the year.

January 6 Dezomeshiki or the New Year's Paradeof Firemen in Tokyo with acrobatic stunts on top oftall ladders.Mid-January (for 15 days) First SumoTournament, Tokyo.Day before Coming-of-Age Day Grass FireCeremony on Mt. Wakakusayama, Nara.Early February for 7 days Snow Festival inSapporo, Hokkaido. The most famous snow festivalin Japan with many huge, elaborate snow and icesculptures.Early or Mid-February Snow Festivals inAsahikawa, Abashiri and other cities in Hokkaido.

February 3 or 4 Setsubun or Bean-ThrowingFestival is observed at leading temples across thecountry..February 3 or 4 Lantern Festival of KasugaShrine, Nara.February 16-17 Bonden Festival in Yokote,Akita. Dozens of Bonten, symbol of the God ofCreativity, are carried by young men.February 15-16 Kamakura Matsuri in Yokote,Akita. Snow houses enshrining the God of Water areerected.3rd Sat. of February Eyo or Hadaka Matsuri(naked festival) at Saidaiji Temple, Okayama.

Note: All information is based on data as of July 2001 and issubject to change without notice.


■ National HolidaysJanuary 12nd Monday in JanuaryFebruary 11March 21 (or 20)April 29May 3May 4May 53rd Monday in July3rd Monday in SeptemberSeptember 23 (or 24)2nd Monday in OctoberNovember 3November 23December 23

Note:(1) When a national holiday falls on Sunday, the following

Monday becomes a holiday.(2) When a day (except for Sundays and the above) is

sandwiched between national holidays, it also becomes a holiday.

New Year's DayComing-of-Age DayNational Foundation DayVernal Equinox DayDay of ShowaConstitution Memorial DayGreenery DayChildren's DayMaritime DayRespect-for-the-Aged DayAutumnal Equinox DayHealth-Sports Day Culture DayLabor Thanksgiving DayThe Emperor's Birthday

New Year's DayNew Year's Day

Winter Scene in the North (Rinnoji Temple, Miyagi)Winter Scene in the North (Rinnoji Temple, Miyagi)

Page 30: Japan



Japan offers a full range of entertainment, bothclassic and modern. From the mysterious Orientalsymbolism of the Noh drama to Western musicconcerts of all genres, there are no lacks of optionsto keep you constantly on the whirl while visitingJapan. The nation's rich artistic heritage has beenpreserved in shrine and temple treasure houses andthrough the private collections of royalty, Daimyo(feudal lords) and wealthy merchants for hundreds ofyears, and is now available in numerous public andprivate museums.

Museums & Art GalleriesJapan's long recorded history as well as its

profound artistic accomplishments are copiouslydetailed and on display in its many museums.Indeed, the archeological artifacts, crafts and artisticmasterpieces contained in its museums representexquisite microcosms of the Japanese experiencethat illuminate the nation and its people as a whole.

Perhaps at the pinnacle of Japan's museums standthe national museums, of which the Tokyo NationalMuseum in Ueno Park was the first to beestablished, in 1871. Its extensive collection gives acomprehensive overview of the entire history oftraditional Japanese art, plus historic, scientific andnatural history exhibits.

The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyoexhibits a chronology of Japan's modern fine artmasterpieces.

The newly opened National Art Center, Tokyo hasJapan’s largest exhibition space with an extensivecollection.

The Kyoto National Museum was originallycreated around the paintings, sculpture and othertreasures from temples in the vicinity, and nowcontains examples of Japanese art from all periods.

The Nara National Museum is noted especially forits collection of Buddhist sculpture.

In Tokyo, there are numerous art museums, bothpublic and private, which preserve invaluable worksof Japan's traditional fine art. To name just a few, theGotoh Museum boasts, among its collection, the"Tale of Genji Picture Scroll" (a national treasure);

and the Hatakeyama Memorial Museum of Fine Artfeatures tea ceremony artifacts. These two museumsalso have a Japanese garden, allowing the visitor toappreciate works of fine art in a tastefully relaxingatmosphere. Also worth visiting are: the IdemitsuMuseum of Arts with its collection of calligraphy,paintings and pottery from both Japan and China; theSuntory Museum of Art featuring antique fine artitems based on traditional living; the YamataneMuseum of Art specializing in modern andcontemporary Japanese paintings; the Japan FolkCrafts Museum with a focus on beautiful crafts fordaily use such as pottery and textiles; and UkiyoeOta Memorial Museum of Art specializing Ukiyoepainting.

Putting aside traditional fine art, there are alsoother types of distinctive museums. The Edo-TokyoMuseum features the history and lifestyles of Tokyo,using large-scale models. The Tokyo MetropolitanTeien Art Museum is a genuine art deco structurebuilt in 1933 and holds various loan exhibitions.

In the realm of contemporary fine art, Japan isrecently emerging as a transmitter of distinctcreativity to the rest of the world. As such,contemporary art museums in Japan await thosewho are interested in the country's up-to-the-minutelifestyles, thoughts, media and so on. One of Japan'slargest of i ts kind in scale, the Museum ofContemporary Art, Tokyo presents an extensiverange of contemporary art masterpieces from bothJapan and abroad. The Tokyo Opera City ArtGallery often spearheads in holding "new-concept"exhibitions for contemporary art. The Hara Museumof Contemporary Art in Tokyo's Shinagawa district isan elegant Bauhaus-style building which houses avariety of contemporary art works. In IbarakiPrefecture to the north of Tokyo, the ContemporaryArt Center at Art Tower Mito is known for its uniqueexhibitions featuring contemporary art.

The Tokugawa Art Museum of Nagoya specializesin Noh costumes, swords, armor and other samurairelics.

Tokaido Hiroshige Art Museum of Shizuoka Pref.This collection, which highlights the works ofHiroshige Utagawa, Japan's foremost Ukiyoe painter,houses over 1,200 woodblock prints.

Ukiyoe, Tokaido Hiroshige Art Museum

Edo-Tokyo Museum

Page 31: Japan


As for traditional fine arts in the Kansai region, theFujita Art Museum in Osaka is important due to itsrich collection of antique fine arts. Note, however,that it opens only in spring and autumn. Alsocelebrated are the Osaka Municipal Museum ofOriental Ceramics, which specializes in pricelessantique ceramics from China and Korea, and theOsaka Municipal Museum of Art with its richcollection of Chinese, and Japanese antique fine artworks. The Oyamazaki Villa Museum of Art in Kyotois an impressive villa structure placing potterymasterpieces on exhibit in a relaxing and sereneatmosphere. The Miho Museum in Shiga prefecturefeatures masterpieces of Japanese fine art andancient art from around the world. Note, however, itcloses during winter. Meanwhile, Osaka's SuntoryMuseum TEMPOZAN holds theme exhibitionsfocusing on posters.

GardensJapanese gardens, which excel in the creation of

symbolic miniature replicas of entire seas orlandscapes within the restrictions of a few hundredmeters or less, are renowned around the world.Evolving from the sponsorship of a highly refinedruling class and the principles of Buddhism andShintoism, Japanese gardens are ravishingcombinations of plants, sand, water and rock thatcelebrate the beauties of nature in a structuredartistic form. Numerous gardens are found on thegrounds of temples, and many are centuries old.

Kyoto is particularly rich in gardens, with those ofKatsura Imperial Villa, Ginkakuji and KinkakujiTemples, Nijo Castle and the famous rock garden ofRyoanji Temple being especially exquisiteexamples.

In Tokyo, recommended gardens include HigashiGyoen Garden , Hama Rikyu Garden andKoishikawa Korakuen, while the large now publicpark of Shinjuku Gyoen was originally a pleasureground of the Imperial family.

Elsewhere across the country, notable gardensinclude Kenrokuen of Kanazawa in IshikawaPrefecture, Kairakuen in Ibaraki Prefecture,

Korakuen in Okayama Prefecture and Ritsurin Parkin Kagawa Prefecture.

Classic Performing ArtsJapan's Noh drama is a highly stylized stage art

with 700 years of history. Richly symbolic, Noh isrooted in ancient Shinto rites and is performed on astage which is roofed like a Shinto shrine. Actorswear masks, and movement is highly stylized, whilethe costumes are usually rich and gorgeous.

This classic art form is performed in Tokyo'sNational Noh Theater, the Hosho Nohgakudo, theKanze Nohgakudo, the Kita Nohgakudo and theUmewaka Nohgakudo in Tokyo. In the Kansairegion, Noh is staged at the Kanze Kaikan in Kyotoand the Osaka Nohgaku Kaikan. Noh, on the otherhand, is perhaps best appreciated at open-air, torch-lit performances at temples.

Kabuki Theater is Japan's secular classical drama,with vivid makeup, spectacular costumes and sets,plus dramatic action that includes sword-fighting,dancing, and even actors flying from and to the stageover the audience.

The best venue for Kabuki in Tokyo is the Kabuki-za in Ginza, which stages plays throughout the year.Also in Ginza is the Shimbashi Embujo, while theNational Theater of Japan near the Imperial Palaceoccasionally hosts touring companies.

Bunraku is an elaborate form of puppet theater:three-quarter-lifesize wooden and porcelain figuresare manipulated by three puppeteers workingtogether with narration to Shamisen accompaniment.Bunraku is performed at National Bunraku Theatre inOsaka and National Theatre in Tokyo.

Saihoji Temple, Kyoto


Japanese DanceJapanese Dance

Page 32: Japan



Modern Performing ArtsModern performing arts, such as opera, "Buto"

dance, musicals, plays and ballet can also beenjoyed in various cities across the country. InTokyo, especially, top artists from around the worldare constantly on stage. Some are so popular thattickets have to be reserved well in advance. TokyoOpera City is a state-of-the-art full-scale hall ideal forconcerts and opera. The Takarazuka Troupe, aunique all-girl musical company, attracts manypeople who enjoy its brilliant performances wheremale roles are all played by females. Theinternationally celebrated "Buto" dance theaterimpresses the audience with its avant-gardeperformances unique to Japan.

The ArtsAmong its indigenous arts, few are more typically

Japanese than Ikebana , or the art of f lowerarranging. Closely related to the Zen Buddhist art ofthe tea ceremony, Ikebana emphasizes simplicityand precision of form and aims at symbolizing thevarious aspects of nature. There are numerousschools teaching Ikebana, many of which offerinstruction in English.

The art of tea, or Chanoyu, is an aesthetic cult ofspiritual refinement that was originally very popularamong the ruling samurai. Today, you can see andpossibly participate in demonstrations of Chanoyu atsome of the major schools and in hotels.

Ceramics and PorcelainAs Chanoyu began to spread in the Muromachi

period (1333-1573), it gave rise to ceramic producingcenters around the country, each with its owndistinctive style. The 17th century saw the town ofArita succeed in firing porcelains which gave furthermomentum to the rise of Japan's pottery industry insubsequent years. Among numerous producingcenters, the most famous are Mashiko-yaki (ware) inthe Kanto region; Seto-yaki, Tokoname-yaki, Mino-yaki and Kutani-yaki in the Chubu region; Kiyomizu-yaki and Shigaraki-yaki in the Kansai region; Bizen-yaki and Hagi-yaki in the Chugoku area; Imari-yaki,Arita-yaki and Karatsu-yaki in Kyushu. Theseproduction centers have pottery museums, shopsand pottery-making classes where even the beginnercan experience shaping and designing his/her ownfulfillment.


■ Traditional CostumeKimono is the traditional dress of Japan, and it is

worn nowadays principally on formal occasions.Though sometimes considered impractical, it givesthe person wearingit a sense of graceand elegance.

While staying at aRyokan, both menand women alsowear Yukata , orinformal dress.

Please enjoy itsfree and casualfeeling when youstay at a Ryokan!

Kaga-Yuzen, Ishikawa

Tea CeremonyTea Ceremony


Noritake Craft CenterNoritake Craft Center

Page 33: Japan


NightlifeNight Tours

The range of entertainment available in Japan'scities is so vast that visitors may best sample themby joining a night tour. In Tokyo, Sunrise Tour Seriesby Japan Travel Bureau offers reasonably pricednightlife tours. In Tokyo, Night Life Tour offers youJapanese style dinner "Sukiyaki", "Tempura" orvegetarian meal of your choice at a Japaneserestaurant, and chance to see marvelous night viewfrom 250m above sea level at Roppongi Hills. InKyoto, by joining Special Night, you can be a guestat a tea ceremony, followed by Tempura dinner andfinishing up by enjoying various kinds of traditionalJapanese performing arts in the Gion Corner.

Where to DrinkNo visitor needs to go thirsty in Japan. In addition

to western-style bars in the cities, traditional drinkingspots include:

"Izakaya" are Japanese-style pubs serving beer,Japanese sake, cocktails and other alcoholicbeverages as well as casual meals. Drinkingestablishments of this type are all going strong tillmidnight. Step into one and experience the"liveliness." Prices are naturally very reasonable.

"Karaoke" (singing along with recorded music) isone of the most popular forms of nightlife in Japan.Generally, a Karaoke establishment consists of anumber of compartments, each replete with Karaokeequipment. A group of guests can occupy acompartment at a reasonable price to enjoy singingwhile drinking and eating. Many Karaoke houseseven offer a selection of popular songs you can singin English.

In Tokyo, the best locations for a lively evening ofgood food, drink and entertainment include theinternationally-flavored district of Roppongi, theupscale and elegant Ginza with its dazzling neon-litsigns, the more sophisticated Akasaka, the youthful,crowded Shibuya, and the more raucous Kabukichoin Shinjuku.

DancingDiscotheques and clubs are common and well-

frequented in all major cities, particularly by theyoung and young at heart. In Tokyo, Roppongi offersmany high-class venues for adults, while Shibuya isa dancing Mecca of the young.

©Y. Shimizu

"Izakaya" or Japanese-style Pub

Kyoto Kabu-renjo : "Miyako Odori"Kyoto Kabu-renjo : "Miyako Odori"


Christmas Illuminations in Roppongi HillsChristmas Illuminations in Roppongi Hills


Page 34: Japan



Sports of all kinds enjoy great popularity in Japan.And, in its various martial arts, Japan has contributedseveral major sports to the world at large.

Traditional SportsAmong home-grown sports, none represents

Japan's national feeling as much as Sumo, a form ofwrestling which originally was practiced duringfestivals and on holy days at Shinto shrines.Consisting of a single hard-packed dirt ring in whichtwo - often enormous - men meet, a Sumo match iswon when one wrestler forces the other from the ringor to the ground. Sumo involves intricate rules andan entire vocabulary of holds, thrusts and strategiesthat its devotees delight in debating.

Judo is a martial art of self defense which was bornin Japan and now enjoys popularity among devoteesinternationally. Based on principles of leverage andusing an opponent's strength to one's ownadvantage, Judo is now an Olympic medal event.The Kodokan training center in Tokyo is a goodplace to see Judo pupils training, as well asoccasional exhibition bouts by experts.

Kendo is a form of fencing in which opponents cladin heavy cotton padding and lacquered armor assailone another with bamboo swords. The NipponBudokan Hall in Tokyo is the best place to observeKendo.

Karate , a form of weaponless combat, wasdeveloped by Okinawan peasants whom theirmainland rulers forbade from carrying arms. Trainedin the concentration of energy into blows of the handor foot, a Karate expert can break through a thickstack of bricks or wood with a single stroke. Go tothe Japan Karate Association in Tokyo to watchtrainees and experts alike practice.Aikido is another martial art based on concentrating

one's energy, as well as taking advantage of anopponent's strength. Aikido is especially valuedamong its followers as a way of maintaining andincreasing physical fitness. The Aikikai is an Aikidocenter in Tokyo.

Japanese archery, Kyudo, is considered to be asmuch for individual spiritual refinement and thedevelopment of concentration as it is for competition.Long associated with the principles of ZenBuddhism, archery contests can sometimes beviewed at temples.

Contemporary SportsBaseball is so popular in Japan that many fans are

surprised to hear that Americans also consider it their"national sport." Especially popular are the national-level spring and summer tournaments among seniorhigh-school teams. Schools, champions representingtheir respective prefectures, gather at the KoshienStadium in Hyogo Prefecture and vie for victory.Almost everyone from around Japan becomes near-fanatical in support of the teams from their respectivebirthplaces. Professional baseball is well developed,with twelve teams being sponsored by majorcorporations. In Tokyo, the most favored place to seea game is the Tokyo Dome Stadium located in thegrounds of Tokyo Dome City attractions. Cheering foryour favorite professional baseball team is a uniqueand powerful activity, using trumpets, drums andother noise-making instruments.

Baseball Game ©TCVB

Sumo ©Japan Sumo AssociationSumo ©Japan Sumo Association

Judo ©KodokanJudo ©Kodokan

Page 35: Japan


Soccer is a sport which is now a focus of explosivepopularity among children and young people inJapan.

Skiing is big in Japan, with millions of skiersflocking to the major resorts in the mountains ofHonshu and Hokkaido. The nation's ski resorts arevery well developed, and compare favorably with thetop regions of Europe, the U.S. and Canada.Recently, the number of ski grounds that also caterto snowboarding is increasing as the sport gains inpopularity especially among young people.

Skating is available in indoor rinks in the majorcities, as well as at excellent outdoor facilities in thewintertime in the north and Hokkaido.

ShoppingIn a country that manufactures a large percentage

of the entire world's consumer goods, and thatstructures its entire national existence around themarketplace, it is no surprise that shopping takes upa goodly proportion of most visitors' time. TheJapanese themselves love shopping, and look upona visit to the big department stores in the major citiesas recreation. The stores encourage this by offeringchild-care service, giving away free food samples intheir grocery markets and delicatessens, holding artshows and demonstrating native and foreign crafts.


■ Tax-free ShoppingAs long as they have their passport with them,

tourists (short-stay visitors) who spend more than¥10,001 in one day at licensed duty-free shops,such as those at major department stores in largecities, do not have to pay the 5% consumption tax.However, this does not include purchases ofconsumables such as cosmetics, foodstuffs,alcohol, cigarettes, medicines, film and batteries.Major department stores generally have specialduty-free counters with staff who speak English.


■ Visiting Flea Markets(Nomi-no-ichi)

Known as "nomi-no-ichi", flea markets are held invarious parts of Japan. Taking place mostly in thegrounds of temples and shrines, flea markets areusually open from early morning to late afternoon.Items on sale range widely both in varieties andprices — from extremely expensive antiques toinexpensive souvenir i tems. Dealing in oldtableware, cloths, furniture and sundry goods, thesemarkets also attract many foreigners. Just looking isfun. Get up a bit earlier in the morning and visit one.Famous flea markets are listed below:● "Togo-no-Mori Nomi-no-ichi" at Togo Shrine inTokyo (3 min. walk from JR Harajuku Sta.); 1stSunday every month● "Aoyama Oval Plaza Aozora Kotto-ichi" atAoyama Oval Plaza in Tokyo (1 min. walk fromsubway Omote-sando Sta.); 3rd Saturday everymonth● "Kitano Temmangu Nomi-no-ichi" at KitanoTemmangu Shrine in Kyoto (30 min. by bus fromJR Kyoto Sta.); on the 25th day of each month● "Kyoto Toji Garakuta-ichi & Kobo-ichi" at theSouth Gate of Toji Temple in Kyoto (15 min. walkfrom JR Kyoto Sta.); 1st Sunday of every month(Garakuta-ichi) and the 21st day of each month(Kobo-ichi)

Snowboarding & SkiingSnowboarding & Skiing

Flea Market, HarajukuFlea Market, Harajuku

Page 36: Japan


TransportationJapan has one of the world's most highly developed

transportation systems. The rail service alone coversalmost all possible destinations. In addition, there isa national highway system, and a well developeddomestic air service. Buses and taxis provideconnections around the clock in the cities, while ferryboats link Tokyo, Osaka and Kobe with the mainports on Hokkaido and Kyushu.

In addit ion, Japan offers comprehensiveinternational air service through its three airlines,Japan Airlines, All Nippon Airways and Japan AsiaAirways, as well as a host of foreign-based carrierswhich fly to all corners of the globe.

RailwaysRailways in Japan include Japan Railways (JR), a

group of six railway companies covering the entirecountry, plus a variety of companies which operate inmany of the larger cities. JR especially is renownedfor its extreme punctuality, with the heavily traveledtrains on its Tokyo commuter lines making stops atstations at 1.5-minute intervals during peak periods.

And of course its Shinkansen, or "Bullet Trains,"provide ultrafast and highly reliable rail links foralmost all the length and breadth of Japan. Thenetwork consists of the Tokaido Line, the SanyoLine, the Tohoku Line, the Nagano Line, the AkitaLine, the Yamagata Line and the Joetsu Line.

JR's long-distance services include super express,limited express, express, berth and reserved seat,with charges varying according to distance and typeof service. Within cities, buy tickets for local lines atthe vending machines at each station, and approachthe "green-striped" windows (" Midori-no-madoguchi") for tickets of different classes, as wellas for long-distance travel.

Japan Rail (JR) PassFor the visitor, JR's Japan Rail Pass offers

excellent value and convenience. The Rail Pass isavailable only to sightseeing visitors and must bebought outside of Japan. It gives the bearer unlimitedtravel on JR lines and affiliated buses and ferries.(The Pass cannot be used on the new super expressNozomi.)

Additional Benefit of Japan RailPass

For those who possess a Japan Rail Pass, JRoffers a special discount rate at JR Group Hotels. Ifyou show your Japan Rail Pass at check-in, you willreceive a rate discount of about 10%.

Regional Japan Rail PassesFor the regional travelers, the following JR Passes

offer reasonable prices and convenience; JRHokkaido RAIL PASS for Hokkaido Island, JR EASTPASS for northeastern Japan from Tokyo except theisland of Hokkaido, JR-WEST RAIL PASS forwestern Japan from Kansai International Airport andJR-KYUSHU RAIL PASS for all of Kyushu Island.They also offer additional incentives to the respectivepurchaser.

OrdinaryValidity Green (First-class)7-day ¥28,300



14-day21-dayPass prices for children aged 6 to 11 years are 1/2 the above.

Validity OrdinaryJR EAST RAIL PASS

Adult (age 26 and over)

Youth (age 12-25)

Child (age 6-11)


Flexible 4-day




Green (First-class)Adult

(age 12 and over)Child

(age 6-11)


Flexible 4-day




5-day ¥18,000 ¥9,000

Validity Hokkaido Area Pass, OrdinaryJR HOKKAIDO RAIL PASS

Adult (age 12 and over)

Child (age 6-11)

3-day ¥14,000 ¥7,000

Validity Sanyo Area Pass, OrdinaryJR-WEST RAIL PASS

Adult (age 12 and over)

Child (age 6-11)





5-day pass ¥16,000


Validity Ordinary

Kansai Area Pass, OrdinaryAdult

(age 12 and over)Child

(age 6-11)






¥3,0003-day ¥5,000 ¥2,5002-day ¥4,000 ¥2,000


Page 37: Japan


Domestic AirlinesWith some 90 airports serving domestic and

overseas flights, Japan is highly convenient for theair traveler.

Intra-city TransportationSubway lines are available in all major cities, and

provide prompt, eff icient transportation. JR'sYamanote-sen loop line in Tokyo and its Osaka-Kanjo-sen loop line both circle the centers of theirrespective cities. In Tokyo, JR rates start from ¥130,subway fares at ¥160 for the Tokyo Metro and ¥170for Toei (Metropolitan) lines, and both increase withthe distance traveled.

Almost all stations have vending machines fortickets and automatic ticket-checking machines attheir entrance/exit gates.

Bus service is available in all cities, but cansometimes be a bit diff icult for non-Japanesespeaking visitors to use.

Taxis, on the other hand, are also widely availableand can usually deliver customers to addresseswritten in Japanese or on business cards. If the redlight in the lower left corner of the windshield is lit,then the cab is free and it can be flagged down. Becareful when approaching a taxi's left rear door: it isopened and closed automatically from within by thedriver.

Car Rental services are available in most large andmedium-sized cities as well as at airports and majortrain stations, with international driver's licensesrecognized.

JR Yamanote Line


■ Enjoy Japan by Rail with Economy Tickets

[In Tokyo]●"Tokyo Free Kippu": ¥1,580 for adults

This ticket allows one-day, unlimited rides on JR lineswithin the Tokyo city limits, as well as on any of theTokyo Metro subway lines, Toei (metropolitan) subwaylines, Toden (metropolitan tram service) lines andTobasu (metropolitan bus service) lines. ● "Tokunai Pass": ¥730 for adults

This ticket allows one-day, unlimited rides on JR lineswithin the Tokyo city limits.● Tokyo Metro "One-Day Open Ticket": ¥710 for adults

With this ticket, one-day, unlimited rides on TokyoMetro lines is possible.● "Tokyo Metro / Toei Chikatetsu Ichinichi Joshaken":¥1,000 for adults

With this ticket, one-day, unlimited rides on any ofTokyo Metro and Toei subway lines is possible.

[In the Kansai Region]● "Surutto KANSAI" 2-day Ticket: ¥3,800 for adults,3-day Ticket: ¥5,000 for adults

This ticket allows 2-day or 3-day, unlimited rides on thetrain and bus lines, operated by 40 private transportationfirms and public carriers. Additional benefits are alsoavailable, allowing the ticket holder to use variousfacilities along the rail/bus lines at discount prices.

Kansai International Airport

Narita Express "N'EX"

JR Kyoto Station


Page 38: Japan


Rail Traveling Model RoutesThe JR rail network of trunk lines cover all the main

islands of Japan, from Hokkaido in the north toKyushu in the south. Local railway lines operatingwithin their own areas are also well developed.Traveling the country on safe and comfortablerailways is bound to be an unforgettable experience.

Presented below are four model routes designedwith Japan Rail Pass holders in mind. These modelroutes will help foreign travelers, even first-timevisitors, to work out their own itineraries for visiting

the primary tourist destinations in the most efficientand enjoyable manner. For details of specific touristattractions, please refer to the "Explore Japan"section of this brochure or JNTO's website(

(Note) In the following model route schedules, SPX signifiesShinkansen super express; LEX, limited express; RAP, rapid train; and LOC, local train. Names in parentheses show pointsof transfer. Times provided indicate net times for riding,excluding time required for transfers, etc.

1. The Very Best of JapanThis model route represents the "very best" of

tourist highlights Japan has to offer. It is brimmingwith celebrated destinations, with each and everyone being a true "must." Among the attractions are:the Hakone-Yumoto hot spring resort in the scenicFuji-Hakone-Izu National Park; the two ancientcapitals of Kyoto and Nara; Himeji Castle which isadmired as the "White Heron Castle"; Kurashiki and

its traditional townscape saturated with the flavor ofold Japan; Okayama celebrated for the KorakuenGarden, one of Japan's three finest gardens;Miyajima Island, one of the three most scenic placesin Japan; and the city of Hiroshima, a symbol ofworld peace. From Hiroshima, you may proceedfurther to Kyushu, or to Shikoku via the Shimanami-kaido route.

37 min.SPX

45 min.SPX



15 min.

44 min.RAP

46 min.

LOC14 min.

LOC14 min.

LOC27 min.

LOC27 min.

Hakone-Tozan LOC15 min.

Hakone-Tozan LOC東京













Miyaj ima(2hrs.stay)



広島 (宮島口)



(Miyajimaguchi) (宮島口)






















55 min.SPX




26 min.

10 min.BOAT

10 min.


SPX1 hr. 35 min.

SPX3 hrs

2 hrs.6 min.

2 hrs.

23 min.




















13 min.

35 min.1 hr. 25 min.

1 hr. 55 min.

1 hr. 55 min.

Hakone-Tozan LOC



2 hrs. 23 min.

2 hrs. 25 min.



LEX1 hr. 25 min. 2 hrs. 23 min.

















(Note) •are private railways where Japan Rail Pass is not honored. Fare is charged separately.◎indicates the possibility of switching the tour to the Chubu region.※You can go directly from Hiroshima to Tokyo by "NOZOMI" trains that Japan Rail Pass is not valid, and you must pay the basic fa re

and the Limited express charge. It takes 4hrs.The time shown as required for the Nara stopover is based on the assumption of visiting Nara Park, Kasuga Taisha Shrine and Todaiji Temple.

(Note) •are private railways where Japan Rail Pass is not honored. Fare is charged separately.

2. Chubu (Central Region) RouteStarting from Nagoya on the Pacific side, this route

crosses the mountainous central Japan and arrivesat the Japan Sea coastal region. On the way, you willbe greeted by picturesque mountain scenery whichvaries from season to season. Takayama, often

referred to as the "spiritual home of the Japanese,"and the sublime castle town of Kanazawa are"musts." If time permits, tour the Noto Peninsula, orproceed on to Kyoto via Maibara.

Page 39: Japan


3. Kyushu (Southern Region) RouteThis route is packed with visitor highlights that

include the diverse range of attractions offered by theextensive central/northern part of Kyushu. Majordestinations covered in this route are Hakata, thelively gateway to Asia; Kumamoto, the "city of lush

green and pure water"; Mt. Aso, the world's largestcaldera-type volcano, known as the "Mountain ofFire"; and Beppu, one of Japan's most representativehot springs.

This route, filled with attractions peculiar tonorthern Japan, encompasses the Tohoku andHokkaido regions. Must-see places include: Nikkopresenting a fantastic contrast between the lushnatural setting and combined with the impressivearchitectural beauty of temples and shrines;

Matsushima, another one of Japan's three mostscenic places; the city of Aomori offering a blend ofage-old romanticism and modern excitement; thecastle town of Hirosaki; and Hokkaido's Sapporo andHakodate cities as bases for enjoying the fineattractions of this northernmost main island.

1 hr. or 1 hr. 30 min.

1 hr. 13 min.

1 hr. 49 min.

2 hrs. 3 min.


60 min.



















BeppuLEX or LOC






(Shin-Osaka)2 hrs. 30 min.


1 hr. 41 min.

1 hr. 14 min.






51 min.SPX

44 min.LOC

24 min.RAP

1 hr. 59 min.LEX

3 hrs. 14 min.LEX

32 min.LEX

60 min.一ノ関

Ichinoseki(2hrs.stay)(仙台) ※ (盛岡) (盛岡)












Matsushima Kaigan














Matsushima Kaigan









SPX38 min. (八戸)

SPX3 hrs. 5 min.

SPX38 min.

RAP24 min.

LOC44 min.

LEX3 hrs. 14 min.

LEX1 hr. 59 min.

SPX35 min.

LEX32 min.











60 min.LEX

SPX1 hr. 20 min.

(Note) ◇LEX "Aso" connecting Kumamoto, Aso and Beppu is very limited in the number of services operated daily. Early morning departurefrom Kumamoto is recommended.

•From JR Aso Sta. to Mt. Aso's crater, 40 min. by bus, then 4 min. by ropeway. Fares are not included in the Japan Rail Pass.※You can go directly from Kokura to Tokyo by "NOZOMI" trains that Japan Rail Pass is not valid, and you must pay the basic fare and

the Limited express charge. It takes 5hrs.

※Option: A possible visit to Chusonji Temple, 25 min. by bus from Ichinoseki Sta. Or you can proceed directly from Sendai to Hachinohe withoutstopping over en route. It takes 1hr.30min.

4. Tohoku & Hokkaido (Northern Region) Route

Page 40: Japan


AccommodationsJapan abounds in accommodations, both western-

style and Japanese. Types of accommodation varywidely in terms of style and price. You can choose tostay in the familiar comforts of a western-style hotel, orenjoy the comfort and personal attention of atraditional Japanese inn. By taking advantage of theextensive advice available from JNTO and takingsome time to search out some of the nation's less-publicized types of lodgings, you're sure to find cleanand comfortable places to stay that suit yourpocketbook.

It is advisable to book your accommodation througha travel agent before coming to Japan.

Western-style HotelsAll of Japan's cities have many western-style hotels,

with famous-name chains well represented in all largercities. In these hotels, the staff will speak English.Especially in peak tourist seasons, it is best to book farin advance.

The 260 member hotels of the Japan HotelAssociation (JHA) ( haveconsistently high standards of service and facilities.

The majority of these hotels will have the sameamenities as any western establishment in anycountry, including heating, TVs, air conditioning andswimming pools, with the possible additional servicesof interpreters and shopping and health centers.

For example, in Tokyo, rooms at first-class hotelsrange from a low of ¥15,000 to ¥30,000 for a singlewith bath, and ¥25,000 to ¥68,000 for a twin with bath.

Business HotelsOne fairly recent addition to the Japan lodging

network, which the cash-conscious tourist wil lappreciate, are Business Hotels. Found in all majorcities and many mid-sized ones, business hotels areno-frills lodging aimed mainly at traveling Japanesebusinessmen. Generally clean and comfortable, thesehotels are usually smaller and offer fewer amenitiesthan their upscale brethren — don't expect roomservice, for example.

Business hotels are most commonly foundconveniently close to train stations. Charges willaverage about ¥5,500 to ¥10,000 per person; roomsusually come only as singles. Twin or double-bedrooms — not many though — are also available.

RyokanFor a stay in the same Japan as experienced by the

most elegant Daimyo of bygone days, a night in a"ryokan," or Japanese inn, is a must. A room in aryokan is usually a single large, undivided room flooredwith traditional rice-straw "tatami" matting, with theonly piece of furniture being a single low table. Doorsare sliding "shoji" screens. Guests sleep on "futon"bedding laid out in the evening by maids.

Most ryokan will have a communal bath, which isgenerally for separate sex bathing. Numerous superbhot-spring resorts, known as "onsen," are in factryokan built on the site of a hot spring. Your roomcharge will include two meals, invariably an eveningfeast of delicious, locally found ingredients, and asimple breakfast. Ryokan meals are generally servedby the maid in the guest room. After the evening meal,your maid will return and clear your table, and then layout your futon. The typical lounging wear of a ryokan, ablue and white-patterned cotton robe called "yukata" isalso provided.

Tax and Service Charge:Generally, a 10-15% service charge is added in

place of individual tipping and a 5% consumption taxis also imposed.

In Tokyo, "Accommodation Tax" that is levied on allinternational and Japanese guests who stay in hotelsand ryokan priced at or above ¥10,000 per personper night excluding meals. The tax is ¥100 per personper night for those who stay at an establishmentpriced at between ¥10,000 and ¥14,999 and ¥200 forthose who stay at an establishment priced at ¥15,000or more.


Page 41: Japan


In partaking of all that is considered elegant andrefined in gracious living in Japan, a stay in a ryokanrequires following a few rules that differ from westernhotels. For one thing, guests remove their shoes at thethreshold of the inn and don slippers while in itshallways. These slippers are in turn left outside theguestrooms: only bare feet or stockinged feet areallowed to tread on tatami.

When bathing in a Japanese communal bath, alwayswash the body thoroughly at the provided spigotsbefore sliding into the bath proper, taking care to washoff all soap suds. Japanese baths are for soaking, notscrubbing, and are an ideal place for warm, relaxedchats between good friends, family members or eventotal strangers. Japanese bathers will often alternatescrubbing with soaking to stretch out the pleasure andbenefits of a hot bath as long as possible.

There are some 55,000 ryokan in Japan, of which1,400 are quality establishments belonging to theJapan Ryokan Association (

Although ryokan rates vary greatly, with a few veryexclusive establishments charging high rates, chargesare usually in the range of ¥12,000 to ¥20,000 perperson, including two meals and excluding tax andservice charges.

For the budget traveler, there are more than 80 innsbelonging to the Japanese Inn Group ( which specializes in welcomingvisitors from abroad. These inns are also quiteeconomical.

MinshukuAnother unusual way to cut costs while traveling in

Japan, as well as have a chance to get below thesurface of the daily life you're passing through, is tocheck into a "minshuku." The Japanese equivalent ofguest-home type lodgings, minshuku are family-runbusinesses, with the rented rooms being part of theowners' own home. They are often found in choiceresorts and vacation spots, and feature moderaterates.

As befits their "home industry" status, minshuku offerconsiderably fewer amenities than strictly professionalestablishments.

Minshuku costs are usually from ¥6,500 to ¥8,500,which include two meals, usually served family style.

Other AccommodationsEven more off the beaten track are Buddhist

temples, some of which take in overnight guests. Whilesome temples will allow guests to join in Zazenmeditation, others provide the rooms simply as spacefor paying guests.

There are some 320 Youth Hostels in Japan,offering clean and simple places to sleep at very lowrates. A number of them are open to the public, butothers are privately run and require membership inJapan Youth Hostels, Inc., or the International YouthHostel Federation. You can join the latter either in yourhome country or through its Tokyo nationalheadquarters.

Despite the name, there are no age limits on youthhostel guests. Compared with other forms ofaccommodation, however, there are many moreregulations. A youth hostel will usually cost about¥3,000 per person, without meals.

Welcome Inn Reservation Center(WIRC) helps youfind and book economical accommodations at memberinns called Welcome Inns throughout the country.They include a wide variety of accommodations fromhotels to People’s Lodges whose price ranges are lessthan ¥8,000 per single per night excluding meals,service charges and tax. They are best-suited to singlefamilies or small groups of friends. Consistent withtheir affiliation, they feature a warm welcome and finehospitality. WIRC is operated by the InternationalTourism Center of Japan, a sister organization ofJNTO. Their service is free of charge. For furtherinformation, please access;

Registration Procedure at LodgingFacilities:

Visitors to Japan are required to do the followingprocedure when they check in at lodging facilities inJapan for the purpose of the prevention of infectiousdiseases and terrorism.

• To fill in their nationalities and passport numbers aswell as their names, addresses and occupations onthe registration form.• To present their passports to be photocopied.(The proprietors of lodging facilities are obligated tokeep the photocopies.)



Page 42: Japan

Dining Out


Food in GeneralFood, of all types and from every country under the

sun, is one of the great pleasures of life in Japan.Not only has Japan developed one of the world'sgreat cuisines, which offers palate-tickling sensationsthat range from the subtle joys of "sashimi" to thehearty basics of its noodles, but some of the bestworld-class chefs have come to Japan to cook for itsdiscriminating gourmets. Tokyo especially, as befitsits status as a global capital of finance and business,is host to a lipsmacking cornucopia of food flavorsand textures.

To begin scratching the surface of Japan's vastselection of culinary variety, take a walk in the vicinityof any subway or train station. The eating anddrinking estabishments that congregate here aresure to represent a plethora of domestic cooking,with prices generally quite reasonable. For non-Japanese speakers, some restaurants display plasticand wax replicas of their dishes in their frontwindows, or provide a menu with color photos.

Another good place to find reasonably pricedmeals is in larger department stores, which will oftendevote an entire upper or basement floor to differentrestaurants. Some modestly priced restaurants askpatrons to purchase tickets for each dish, either fromthe cashier's counter or a vending machine. Tipping,by the way, is not practiced in Japan.

Japanese CuisineOnce known in the west either in the form of

"sukiyaki" or the more exotic " sushi," Japanesecuisine has in recent years become much morefamiliar and appreciated around the world. Manyvisitors to Japan will have already sampled thepleasures of raw fish or batter-fried shrimp. But fewfirst-time visitors to Japan are prepared for thevariety and sumptuousness of the food as it istradit ionally prepared. Eating in Japan is anexperience to be enjoyed and remembered fondly forthe rest of your life.

Among the types of cooking found in Japan are:Sukiyaki is prepared right at the table by cooking

thinly sliced beef together with various vegetables,tofu and vermicelli.

Tempura is food deep-fried in vegetable oil, afterbeing coated with a mixture of egg, water and wheatflour. Among the ingredients used are prawns, fish inseason and vegetables.

Sushi is a small piece of raw seafood placed on aball of vinegared rice. The most common ingredientsare tuna, squid and prawn. Cucumber, pickled radishand sweet egg omelette are also served.

Sashimi is sliced raw fish eaten with soy sauce.Kaiseki Ryori is regarded as the most exquisite

culinary refinement in Japan. The dishes are mainlycomposed of vegetables and fish with seaweed andmushrooms as the seasoning base and arecharacterized by their refined savor.

Yakitori is made up of small pieces of chickenmeat, liver and vegetables skewered on a bamboostick and grilled over hot coals.

Tonkatsu is a deep-fried pork cutlet rolled in breadcrumbs.

Shabu-shabu is tender, thin slices of beef held bychop-sticks and swished in a pot of boiling water,then dipped in a sauce before being eaten.

Soba and Udon are two kinds of Japanese noodle.Soba is made from buckwheat flour and Udon fromwheat flour. They are served either in a broth ordipped in a sauce, and are available in hundreds ofdelicious variations.

Japanese "sake," or rice wine, goes extremely wellwith a variety of Japanese dishes. Brewed with riceand water, sake has been a Japanese alcoholicbeverage since ancient times. Because it can bedrunk warmed up, the "feelings" come on morequickly and in winter it warms the body. When drunkchilled, good sake has a taste similar to fine-qualitywine. There are local sake breweries in every regionacross the country, which make their respectivecharacteristic tastes based on the quality of rice andwater as well as differences in brewing processes.©Kagoshima Prefectural Tourist Federation


Kaiseki RyoriKaiseki Ryori

Page 43: Japan

Visitor Services


The following systems and services are providedso that foreign visitors who do not speak Japanesecan enjoy traveling Japan carefree and to theirheart's content.

Visit Japan Information NetworkWhile traveling in Japan,

please take advantage ofthe nationwide Visit JapanInformation Network, which nownumbers 150 outlets. Each 'v'center is your information sourcefor the area it represents. The 'v'centers are ordinarily located at railway stations or inthe heart of the city, and are easily recognized bytheir logo: a red question mark with the word"information" printed here.

JNTO WebsiteJNTO website can be a great help for getting

detailed information in preparing your travel itinerarybefore you depart for Japan. It provides a wide rangeof travel information in English and other languagesvia the Internet on transportation, accommodations,shopping and events. Information is updatedfrequently to enable you to access the latestinformation anytime.URL:

Goodwill Guide ProgramJNTO sponsors a Goodwill Guide Program,

through which some 50,000 bilingual volunteersstand ready to assist visitors from abroad.

They have earned the right to wear the program'sidentifying badge with a white pigeon on a globe.

Throughout Japan, there are 58 SGG (System-atized Goodwill Guide) groups comprised mostly ofstudents, housewives and retirees who engage in avariety of activities using their foreign language skills.Some groups offer a free pre-set walking tour forwhich the visitor only needs to go to a pre-established place at a certain date and time whileothers are available to meet tourists on request.

There is no charge for their service as they arevolunteers. One is only expected to pay for theirtravel expenses and for admissions to touristfacilities as well as your own, and to pay for theirmeals if you dine with them.

Professional Guide-InterpretersTheir services may be retained through the Japan

Guide Association (Tel. 03-3213-2706 Fax. 03-3213-2707) or Japan Federation of Certified Guides (Tel.03-3380-6611 Fax. 03-3380-6609). A total of some1,400 licensed guide-interpreters are registered withthese organizations.

Useful Japanese Phrases Pronounce every syllable as in Italian and keep intonation rather flat.

GreetingsHow do you do?How are you?Good morning.Good afternoon.

Hajime-mashite.O-genki-desu-ka?Ohayo gozai-masu.Kon-nichi-wa.

Good evening.Good night.Good-bye.


PhrasesThank you.You're welcome.Excuse me.I am sorry.Please.Please.Do you understand?Yes, I understand.No, I don't understand.

Arigato.Do-itashi-mashite.Sumi-masen.Gomen-nasai.Do-zo.(when offering something)Kudasai.(when requesting something)Wakari-masu-ka?Hai, wakari-masu.Ii-e, wakari-masen.

Just a moment, please.What is this?How much?I will take this.Expensive.Cheap.Where is the toilet?Help!Watch out!

Chotto matte kudasai.Kore-wa nan-desu-ka?Ikura-desu-ka?Kore-o kudasai.Takai.Yasui.Toire-wa doko-desu-ka?Tasukete!Abu-nai!

Tourist Information Center

Page 44: Japan


Basics for Traveling in JapanPassport and Visa

Any foreign visitors desiring to enter Japan musthave a valid passport.

A visa is not required for many nationals to visitJapan temporarily as long as they do not engage inany remunerative activity. There are " ReciprocalVisa Exemption Arrangements" with the followingcountries:

For a stay of 6 months or lessAustria, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Mexico,Switzerland and the United Kingdom

For a stay of 3 months or lessArgentina, Bahamas, Belgium, Canada, Chile, CostaRica, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Rep., ElSalvador, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala,Honduras, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Lesotho, Luxembourg,Macedonia, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, Norway,Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain,Suriname, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey and Uruguay

For a stay of 90 days or lessAndorra, Australia, Barbados, Bulgaria, Czech Rep.,Estonia, Hong Kong (BNO and SAR passport),Hungary, Rep. of Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macau(SAR passport), Monaco, New Zealand, Poland,Slovak Rep., Taiwan and the U.S.A.

For a stay of up to 14 daysBrunei

Nationals of countries that do not have "ReciprocalVisa Exemption Arrangements" with Japan, mustobtain a visa.

For sightseeing, you wil l generally need a"Temporary Visitor's Visa" which is granted for 90days or less.

Visa Fee Exemption: The nationals of some 60countries around the world are exempted from visa fees.

Visa details can be obtained from Ministry ofForeign Affairs Official Web Site( or from theJapanese Embassy or Consulate in your country.

InoculationThere are no requirements for foreign travelers

from any country regarding certif icates ofvaccination.

Animal and Plant QuarantineAny imported animal, animal product and plants

are subject to quarantine inspection at airports andports in Japan. Some of them are prohibited toimport to Japan. If their importation is allowed, theymust be accompanied by an inspection certificateissued by the competent government authorities ofexporting countries certifying the articles concernedare disease-free.

CustomsAn oral declaration of your personal effects will

suffice except: (1) when you have unaccompaniedbaggage; or (2) when you bring in articles in excessof the duty-free allowance. In the above cases, awritten declaration will be requested at customs.Customs duty will not be levied on personal effectsas long as their contents and quantities are deemedreasonable by the customs officer. In addition, thefollowing items can be brought in duty free: (1) 500grams of tobacco or 400 cigarettes or 100 cigars; (2)3 bottles (760 c.c. each) of liquor; (3) 2 ounces ofperfume; (4) gifts and souvenirs other than the abovewhose total market value does not exceed ¥200,000.

There is no allowance of tobacco or alcoholicbeverages for persons aged 19 years or younger.

Passenger Facility ChargePassengers departing from major international

airports in Japan already have the passenger facilitycharge figured in the price of their plane ticket.Transit passengers taking connecting flights thesame day are not required to pay this charge. Infantsaged one year or younger are also exempt.

CurrencyYou can bring in and take out any currency.

However, if you transport currency or other means ofpayment in excess of ¥1,000,000 or its equivalent,you are required to report this to Customs.

The unit of currency is the yen (indicated as ¥).Coins are ¥1, ¥5, ¥10, ¥50, ¥100 and ¥500. Banknote denominations are ¥1,000, ¥2,000, ¥5,000 and¥10,000.

You can buy yen at foreign exchange banks andother authorized money exchangers. At theinternational airports, currency exchange countersare open during normal office hours. The exchangerate fluctuates daily depending on the money market.

Page 45: Japan

Traveler's Checks and Credit CardsTraveler's checks are accepted by leading banks,

hotels, ryokan and stores in major cit ies.International credit cards such as American Express,VISA, Diners Club, MasterCard and JCB are alsoacceptable at these major establishments. Majorforeign credit, debit and cash cards can be used atsome 24,000 Post Office ATMs marked with the“International ATM Service” symbol in locationsthroughout Japan.

Airport Access Connections

Narita International Airport

Kansai International Airport


Central Japan International Airport (Centrair)

Useful Information

Drinking WaterTap water is safe to drink anywhere in Japan.

Mineral water is available at hotels, department andconvenience stores, supermarkets and high-classrestaurants.

ElectricityThe electric current for home use is uniformly 100

volts, A.C., throughout Japan but there are twodifferent cycles in use — 50 hertz in eastern Japan,and 60 hertz in western Japan. Leading hotels inTokyo and other big cities have two outlets of 110and 220 volts but their sockets usually accept two-prong plugs only. Major hotels have hair dryers andother electric appliances available on a loan basis.

No TippingIndividual tipping is not common in Japan, since a

10 to 15% service charge is added to the bill atleading hotels, ryokan and higher-class restaurants.No tip is necessary unless you request some extraspecial services.

EmergencyDial 110 for the police and 119 to report a fire or to call

an ambulance. For these numbers, one does not have toinsert the usual ¥10 coin. If you call from a green publictelephone, lift the receiver and push the red button beforedialing the number. In case of gray and IC card publicphones, just lift the receiver and dial the number.

Other useful telephone numbers are as follows:AMDA International Medical Information Center TokyoTel.03-5285-8088 Kansai Tel.06-4395-0555Tokyo Metropolitan Health & Medical Information CenterTel. 03-5285-8181 (only for information within Tokyo)Metropolitan Police Dept. Counseling Service forForeigners Tel. 03-3503-8484


JR Tokyo Sta.

Tokyo City Air�Terminal (TCAT)��

JR Shinjuku Sta.

Yokohama Sta.

Yokohama City Air�Terminal (YCAT)��

Major Hotels �in Down Town


JR Ikebukuro Sta.

Keisei Ueno Sta.


Notes: 1. Average time & fare required shown.˜˜ 2.˜Please allow enough time since buses may be delayed due to traffic.

Haneda Airport�(Domestic Flights)�




e B



5 m

in. ¥



Narita�Int'l Airport �Terminal 1&2 JR “Narita Express” 60 min. ¥2,940�

JR Rapid Train 85 min. ¥1,280�Limousine Bus 80 min. ¥3,000��

�Keisei “Skyliner” 60 min. ¥1,920�Keisei Limited Express 75 min. ¥1,000

JR “Narita Express” 90 min. ¥4,180�JR Rapid Train 120 min. ¥1,890��













id T



5 m

in. ¥



Limousine Bus 55 min. ¥2,900���Limousine Bus 60-110 min. �¥2,700-¥3,000��

JR “Narita Express” 80 min. ¥3,110�Limousine Bus 85 min. ¥3,000��JR “Narita Express” 85 min. ¥3,110��

Limousine Bus 90 min. ¥3,500��

Keisei/Toei Asakusa/Keikyu Train�(transfer once) 120 min. ¥1,510

Meitetsu Nagoya Sta.�

JR nagoya Sta.�








Tsu�(Tsu Nagisamachi port)


Central Japan�International Airport�

� �

Kawanakajima Bus 285 min. ¥4,000

Keifuku Bus 180 min. ¥3,300

Fujikyu City Bus 210 min. ¥5,000

Enshu Tetsudo Bus "e-wing" 120 min. ¥3,000

Meitetsu Bus Airport Line 77min. ¥2,000

Meitetsu Bus Airport Line 115min. ¥2,200

Meitetsu "μSKY" 86min. ¥1,590

Meitetsu "μSKY" 55min. ¥1,310

Meitetsu "μSKY" 28min. ¥850

Meitetsu Bus Airport Line 68min. ¥1,700

Tsu Airport Line Ferry 40min. ¥1,890

Airport Bus 60min. ¥1,000

Notes: 1. Average time & fare required shown.˜˜ 2.˜Please allow enough time since buses may be delayed due to traffic.



Osaka Airport (Itami)

Airport Bus

75 min.


Kansai International Airport

JR Shin-Osaka Sta.�(via Tennoji Sta.)JR Limited Express "Haruka" 45min. ¥2,980�

(to Tennoji 30min. ¥2,270)�JR Rapid Train 70min. ¥1,320�(to Tennoji 60min. ¥1,030

JR Rapid Train 65min. ¥1,160�Airport Bus 60min. 1,300�Airport Bus to Osaka City Center�and major hotels. 40-70min. ¥1,300

Nankai Railway�Limited Express "Rapi:t" 35min. ¥1,390�Express 43min. ¥890

JR Limited Express "Haruka" 75min. ¥3,490�JR Rapid Train 95min. ¥1,830�Airport Bus 105min. ¥2,300

JR Rapid Train 80min. ¥1,660�Airport Bus 70min. ¥1,800

High-speed ferry "Pearl Line" 48min.¥2,500

Notes:˜1. Average time & fare required shown.˜˜ 2.˜Please allow enough time since buses may be delayed due to traffic.

JR Osaka Sta.�City Center�Major Hotels

Nankai Namba Sta.

JR Kyoto Sta.

JR Sannomiya Sta.

Awaji Island


Page 46: Japan


Basics for Traveling in JapanPublic Telephones

They are found virtually everywhere in Japan. There aregreen and gray color phones which accept ¥10 coins, ¥100coins and a magnetic prepaid card. IC card phones acceptonly IC prepaid cards. A local call is ¥10 for a minute andno change is given when you use ¥100 coins.

Instructions on "How to use the phone" is pasted on grayphones and IC prepaid card-operated phones.

You can make a direct overseas call from gray or IC cardphones that are marked with "International & DomesticCard/Coin Telephone."

Meanwhile, the use of prepaid cards issued by severaltelephone companies (such as "Moshi Moshi Card")enables you to make domestic as well as international callson virtually all types of public telephones. These prepaidcards are available at station kiosks and conveniencestores.

Postal ServiceComplete services are provided for both domestic

and international mail.

General Business Hours

Peak Travel SeasonsVisitors to Japan should be aware of the peak

times of the year for booking travel andaccommodation reservations, which are: (1) Year-end and during New Year holidays — December 27to January 4 and adjacent holidays; (2) "Golden

Week" holiday season — April 29 to May 5 andadjacent weekends; and (3) "Bon" festival season —a week centering on August 15. Check with JNTOoffices for details.

General InformationTotal Land Area: About 378,000 sq. km., anarchipelago of over 6,800 islands

Population: 127 million

Capital: Tokyo, with a population of some 12million.

Official Language: Japanese; English is taughtin schools from the 7th grade on.

Religion: Shintoism and Buddhism are the twomain religions.

Climate: Generally mild, but since the nationstretches for some 3,000 km. from north to south, theweather depends on where and when one travels.

Seasonal Clothing (for Tokyo & Vicinity):Spring (Mar. - May): lightweight jackets and sweatersSummer (Jun. – Aug.): light clothing, short sleevesAutumn (Sep. – Nov.): same as springWinter (Dec. – Feb.): topcoats, wool suits and warmsweaters and jackets


Destination AsiaGuam

AfricaSouth America

North/MiddleAmericaOceaniaEuropeMiddle East

All Japan

*Letters, up to 25g ¥80







up to 50g

up to 50g


PostcardsAerograms*Letters, up to 25g


Domestic Mail

International Air Mail

*Rate for Regular Size (14 to 23.5cm long, 9 to 12cm wide, up to 1cm thick)

weekdays Sat. Sun. & national holidays

Banks 9am-3pm closed closed9am-5pm closed closed

10am-7:30pm 10am-7:30pm 10am-7or8pm10am-8pm 10am-8pm 10am-8pm10am-5pm 10am-5pm 10am-5pm9am-5pm closed closed

*Post Offices*Dept.StoreShops


*Some main post offices are open daily.*Most department stores are closed 2 or 3 weekdays a month.*Most museums are closed on Mondays.

Time Difference The time difference between Japan and other majorworld cities is given below. (The difference decreasesby one hour at those cities having daylight-saving time.)



Central & South AmericasMexico CitySão Paulo


OceaniaSydney +1

North AmericaChicagoLos AngelesNew YorkSan FranciscoToronto


Asia, Near & Middle EastBangkokHong KongSeoulTaipeiBeijing



Page 47: Japan

Kazuno鹿 角


Matsushima松 島


Takasaki高 崎

Tokushima徳 島

Kochi高 知

宮 島

Miyazaki宮 崎


Masiki益 城

Akita Ap.

Fukushima Ap.

Yonago Ap.

Oita Ap.

Miyazaki Ap.

Kakunodate角 館

Ichinoseki一 関

Hamamatsu浜 松

Fukushima福 島





Misawa Ap.三 沢


Key : "T" stands for temperature, "F" stands for Fahrenheit, "C" stands for centigrade, "P" for precipitation (in mm). Average of year 1971-2000.


Winter (Jan.)Key

Cities T (F) T (C) P24.6 -4.1 111 44.1 6.7 61 68.9 20.5 67 52.3 11.3 124

58.6 14.8 9964.8 18.2 16363.7 17.6 11765.7 18.7 10965.7 18.7 8176.8 24.9 163

71.8 22.1 16077.7 25.4 16278.8 26.0 21881.0 27.2 15580.4 26.9 26683.3 28.5 176

50.2 10.1 9857.9 14.4 13057.4 14.1 14358.6 14.8 12158.6 14.8 12570.3 21.3 181

34.7 1.5 3342.4 5.8 4939.7 4.3 4342.4 5.8 4443.5 6.4 7261.9 16.6 115

Spring (Apr.)T (F) T (C) P

Summer (Jul.)T (F) T (C) P

Autumn (Oct.)T (F) T (C) P

Average Temperature & Precipitation in Major Cities

Map of Japan

Page 48: Japan

S eoul: 2nd.F l., Hotel P res ident, 188-3, E ulchiro 1-ga, J ung-gu, S eoul, R epublic of KoreaTel: 02-777-8601

B eijing: 6th F l. , C hang F u G ong Office B ldg., 26 J ianguomenwai Dajie, C haoyang-qu, B eijing 100022, C hina Tel: 010-6513-9023

S hanghai: R m. 1412, R uijin B uilding, 205 Maoming S outh R oad, S hanghai 200020, C hina Tel: 021-5466-2808

Hong K ong: S uite 3704-05, 37/F., Dorset House, Taikoo P l., Quarry B ay, Hong Kong, C hina Tel: 2968-5688

B angkok: 19th F l. , R amaland B ldg., No. 952 R ama 4 R d., B angrak District, B angkok, 10500, T hailand Tel: 02-233-5108

S ingapore: 16 R affles Quay, #15-09,Hong Leong B ldg., 048581,S ingaporeTel: 6223-8205

S ydney: Level 4, 56 C larence S treetS ydney NS W 2000 AustraliaTel: 02-9279-2177

L ondon: 5th floor, 12/13 Nicholas Lane, LondonE C 4N 7B N, UK Tel: 020-7398-5670

F rankfurt: K aiserstrasse 11, 60311 Frankfurt/M, G ermanyTel: 069-20353

Paris : 4, rue de Ventadour, 75001 Paris , France Tel: 01-42-96-20-29

New York: 11 West 42nd Street, 19th Floor New York, NY 10036, US A Tel: 212-757-5640

L os A ngeles : 340 E. 2nd Street, Little Tokyo Plaza, Suite 302Los Angeles, C A 90012, US ATel: 213-623-1952

Toronto: 481 Univers ity Ave., S uite 306 Toronto, Ont., M5G 2E 9, C anada Tel: 416-366-7140

10th F l. , T okyo K ots u K aikan B ldg., 2-10-1, Y urakucho, C hiyoda-ku, T okyo 100-0006 T el. 03-3201-3331Open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day year-round.(Only telephone s ervice is available on J an.1s t.)

T he T ouris t Information C enter (T IC ) of J apan National T ouris t Organization is your helping hand while in J apan. Its s ervices range from providing travel information and free literature on J apan to offering s ugges tions on tour itineraries . Its addres s , telephone number and office hours are as follows :


In addition, the following T ouris t Information C enters , operated by the J NT O-affiliated International T ouris m C enter of J apan, are your reliable information s ources .

T ouris t Information C enters (Narita International A irport):T erminal 1 :

Arrival F l. , P assenger T erminal 1 B ldg., Narita International Airport, C hiba 282-0011 T el. 0476-30-3383 Open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day year-round

T erminal 2 : Arrival F l. , P assenger T erminal 2 B ldg., Narita International Airport, C hiba 282-0004 T el. 0476-34-5877Open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day year-round

K ans ai T ouris t Information C enter (K ans ai International A irport):Arrival F l. , K ansai International Airport P assenger T erminal B ldg., Osaka 549-0011 T el. 0724-56-6025Open from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. every day (Apr. - Oct.)

9 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day (Nov. - Mar.)

J NT O Webs ite which provides useful travel information on J apan:

http: //www.jnto.go.jpWelc ome Inn R es ervation C enter (WIR C ) will help overseas travelers find

and reserve budget travel accommodation from the lis t in their directory.

http: //www.itc

All information contained in this brochure is based on data as of J uly 2007, and is subject to change without notice.

2007 by J apan National T ouris t OrganizationT O 1914-50-077 T his brochure is made of recycled paper. DAIIC HI P R INT ING

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