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SShe was 13 and pregnant.Her parents were horrified. Her friends made

fun of her. Her classmates looked down on her.But Marta hadn’t known any better. Lots

of young teens are sexually active in her home nation of Mozambique. Lots of young girls become mothers and end up raising several children alone, in poverty.

“The pregnancy was a wound in my heart,” Marta says.

“I felt like a victim, and that God did not even love me. I was so ashamed, I couldn’t even look people in the eye. When I saw people laughing, sometimes I thought they were laughing at me. And I thought my life would never change for the better.”

It didn’t seem to. After she had the baby, she

Marta felt alone and rejected until she discovered Jesus’ love through The GodMan film.

GlobalR E P O R T JANUARY 2010

2010 …touch over 81 million lives by the power of God’s Word — and your prayers!

Worldwide Update PAGES 2—3 Field Report: Mexico PAGE 4 Prayer Alert: Russia PAGE 5 A Personal Word PAGE 6 Your future … and theirs PAGE 7

Sensitive Areas Update PAGE 7 Mexico: A teenager transformed! PAGE 8

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still felt condemned by her family and neighbors. Her step-mother even told people that all Marta was good for was eating, sleeping and getting pregnant!

“My life changed when I saw The GodMan film,” Marta says today.

“I started to understand how God loves me to the point of giving Jesus to die for people like me. And God doesn’t condemn me! He wants to save me.”

Marta dedicated her life to Christ, began to study her Book of Hope and attend her local church. Today, at age 18, she is completely transformed and full of joy!

This is the power of God’s Word, to make everything new for any child or youth who receives and accepts the salvation story.

In 2010, the Lord has given us a goal of extending this life-changing power to more than 81 million children and youth, all over the world.

“We know the power of the Word transforms lives,” says OneHope President Rob Hoskins. “And we believe in the power of prayer. The Word of God and the prayers of believers are a potent combination.”

The OneHope leadership team is urging everyone to pray for continued open doors to reach the children and youth worldwide, for more workers and volunteers in every nation and more partnerships among local churches and ministries.

Your prayers and faithfulness will help present God’s Word to over 81 million young people in 2010. Thank you!

YRussia ... hope for the hopeless

The poverty and hopelessness didn’t really matter.

Natasha was living with her mom, dad and brothers in a severely depressed region of Russia, in a city called Gainy, where jobs were disappearing and hope had already been lost — but it didn’t matter to Natasha.

She and her father had a special bond, and when they were together, everything was okay.

In fact, Natasha was happy when her older brothers went into the army: she hated them, and she knew they hated her. She was the only girl in the family, and it made them angry how her parents gave the best of everything to her!

Still, none of it mattered … until her dad lost his job … took to drinking … and died from alcohol poisoning.

Suddenly, all the horror and hopelessness of Gainy descended on Natasha.

She hardened her heart, began smoking and drinking ...

“I wanted to let everyone know

that I am not a little girl any longer,” she says. “I can say I acted as a hooligan.”

But then something happened that brought hope back to her hopeless life.

Natasha attended a youth festival put on by one of our OneHope partners, New Testament Church in Perm, Russia.

There she met many friendly, outgoing and joyful young people who were followers of Jesus, and

she received the Book of Hope.“We had a New Testament at

home, and I had once looked at it, but it was very hard to read,”

Natasha found hope for the future when she received the Book of Hope as a child. Today, she’s a OneHope missionary!

Worldwide updateYou’re impacting the next generation across the globe


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Natasha says. “The book I received that evening had pictures, interesting articles, and most importantly, it was easy to read. I read it to the end!”

Natasha chose to follow Christ as Savior, and today, as an adult, she serves on a OneHope team, sharing God’s Word with other children like herself who need to hear these great words of hope!

Haiti ... Never give up!Miss Charite had just about given

up on her class of fourth graders.She was a sincere Christ-follower,

and she felt that her position as a

teacher should be a ministry, too. She had tried to connect with her fourth graders and show them the love of God. They had devotions together every day ... and yet even in this private, Christian school, her class remained rowdy, unruly and totally

disinterested in God or the Bible.Then a OneHope team came

with the Book of Hope for every child.And Miss Charite decided not

to give up. She began having the students read a chapter of the book together every day for their daily devotional.

Suddenly, a big change began to occur. The children began to be more respectful to her and other adults, and to treat each other with more kindness. They began to demonstrate an amazing interest in prayer, and to thirst for more of God’s Word.

Before the school year ended, many of them had come to Miss Charite to say they wanted to have a close, personal relationship with God, and today they are following Christ as Savior!

Kenya ... Extreme responsesThe largest school in sub-Saharan

Africa is in Kenya, and there are 3,112 students at this one school.

What a tremendous breakthrough for the administration to allow our OneHope team to present a school-wide assembly before distributing the Book of Hope!

After the team talked about the book and explained the Gospel story, they told the students they could accept Christ as Savior right then — nearly every single student at the assembly raised their hand to say

they wanted to pray and come into close relationship with Jesus Christ!

From a school of 3,000-plus to an orphanage school with just 350 students, the team saw more amazing responses to the Word of God.

The orphanage school did not have space for an assembly, so they asked the team to do their presentation outside, on the cul-de-sac.

The orphanage is in a mainly Muslim neighborhood, and many of their Islamic neighbors came to the assembly, as well — and then prayed to accept Christ as Savior, too!

A class of Haitian fourth graders was transformed by the love of Jesus after they received the Book of Hope.

In Kenya, an outdoor HopeFest near a Christian orphanage brought some of the Muslim neighbors to faith in Christ.

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Field Report:

I expected 400 pastors for the OneHope Pastors Conference in Chiapas, Mexico.

There were 1,278 in attendance.

I expected I would be asked to preach at least twice while I was there.

I spoke SEVEN times in a day and a half!

I expected a giant HopeFest celebration with several thousand in attendance.

There were 25,000 children, youth and their parents in three rallies!

This is clearly God’s time for Mexico, and His Spirit is doing an amazing thing there.

Yes, I know about the violence with the drug gangs in Mexico City, and I know about the poverty in the big cities and rural areas, too. I know about the hopelessness, the fatalism ...

But I saw with my own eyes God at work. He has blessed OneHope to be part of an incredible move of the Spirit that’s happening in several

great partner churches.I was privileged to speak in

three large church events with Pastor Andres Castelazo, a great stadium event, and I saw thousands of children and youth praying the salvation prayer along with their parents and other adults.

I saw believers totally committed to sharing Jesus Christ with the next generation.

I saw more than 1,200 pastors who desperately want to bring the love of Jesus to their communities and cities. (Many of them had traveled 12-14 hour by bus to get to our conference on a Saturday, then spent those same arduous hours to get home in time to preach on Sunday. This is their passion to reach the children and youth!)

I saw hope for Mexico, and it’s happening now.

Thank you for your prayers and generosity to give the Book of Hope, The GodMan film and other Scripture engagement products to the children and youth of Mexico.

Last year, you helped reach nearly

10 million with the Gospel, and this year, our God-given goal is to touch 11,760,000 young lives here with the power of God’s Word. Thank you for being part of it!


Field Report: MexicoBy OneHope Founder Bob Hoskins

OneHope Founder Bob Hoskins took part in a giant HopeFest Celebration in Chiapas, Mexico.

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Prayer Alert: RussiaLast Fall, our partners in Russia

participated in 50 Days of Prayer and Fasting.

Many Russian believers involved with OneHope prayed together each day for different regions and fasted as God lead them (one meal per day or per week, or for one whole day, etc.). Here are some continual prayer needs for Russia:

• Pray for strength and safety for our OneHope teams. Many of them travel great distances and some serve in areas that are resistant to the gospel. Their health and safety is an important concern.

• Pray for more workers and more partner churches to catch the vision and begin reaching the next generation. We have several strong church partners that we’re grateful for, and we would welcome others.

• Pray for open doors across the nation. There are opposing factions which think of evangelical churches as “cults” and try to prevent our partners from giving God’s Word to the children. Pray that people will understand our teams are sharing God’s love, and that this can only benefit the children.

• Pray for the funding to reach 1.5 million children and youth with God’s Word in Russia this year.

This year, our goal is to touch 1.5 million young lives in Russia with God’s Word.

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With your help, we’ll touch the lives of over 70.2 million children with God’s Word this year!

A personal word fromFounder Bob HoskinsPresident Rob Hoskins

Dear Friend,

Your prayers and faithfulness made such a tremendous impact in 2009! Thank you!

We’re trusting you will be standing with us again in 2010 in the extraordinary goal of presenting the Living Word of God to over 81 million children and youth. This would be our most important year of ministry yet. We’re grateful you’re part of it.

You’re reading in this Global Report just how powerful your prayers, combined with God’s Word, really are — and about just a few of the millions of lives you’ve helped to transform.

The psalmist prayed to God, “You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your Word” (Psalm 119:114, NIV).

This is the hope, the eternal hope, you’re delivering to children and youth all over the world — some in places where hope is very scarce.

You’re giving them Jesus as their hiding place and their shield ... in the teeming slums of Kenya, the tiny, impoverished villages of Russia, the neighborhoods enslaved to witchcraft in Haiti or areas practicing Islam elsewhere in the world ...

What a wonderful gift, the gift of hope, the gift of new life in Christ!

Please pray for your OneHope ministry in 2010. Spiritual warfare rages as our enemy does not want to surrender his hold on the children and youth.

But we know God loves them, and we’re going to fight for them, a fight best conducted from our knees.

Thank you for your prayers.

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Your future … and theirs

YYou can impact the next generation by the power of God’s Word — and generate a lifetime income for yourself, too!

The rate chart shows the interest rates you may qualify for when you establish a charitable gift annuity today. You will receive regular payments, guaranteed for your lifetime — and the life of your surviving spouse, if you desire.

The annuity will also be put to use in providing God’s Word for the children and youth of the world, and when you go home to be with

Jesus, the entire amount will go into ministry and continue reaching the next generation!

For more information, contact David Hubble at 1.800.GIV.BIBL (448.2425), or email [email protected].

TSensitive Areas Update

The power of God’s Word — combined with your prayers and generosity — are making an even bigger impact than we can tell you!

In areas where political, religious or military opposition makes it difficult to share the message of salvation, God’s Word is nevertheless breaking through the barriers and transforming young lives!

Printing the details might endanger our partners or become a hindrance to

their work, but we can tell you:In one country where, just a few

years ago, it was thought impossible to share the printed Word of God, we’ve just done our very first Book of Hope distribution.

Praise God! This year, our goal is to reach 7,677,650 children and youth in sensitive areas. Together, with God’s help and the prayers and support of friends like you, we can share the Light of Jesus Christ and dispel the darkness.

All the news we can’t print

The next generation in sensitive areas around the world is receiving the good news of Jesus.

Age Rate55 4.8%

56-58 4.9%59-60 5.0%

61 5.1%62 5.1%63 5.2%64 5.2%65 5.3%66 5.4%67 5.4%68 5.5%69 5.6%70 5.7%71 5.8%72 5.9%73 6.0%74 6.1%

Age Rate75 6.3%76 6.4%77 6.6%78 6.7%79 6.9%80 7.1%81 7.3%82 7.5%83 7.7%84 7.9%85 8.1%86 8.3%87 8.6%88 8.9%89 9.2%

90+ 9.5%

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VValentín had been to church a time or two to meet up with friends — but he was far more interested in futbol than in spiritual things.

In his home country of Mexico, and many nations of the world, futbol, or, what we would call “soccer” is a passion. It certainly was with Valentín.

Then he received a special “Champions” edition Book of Hope with a soccer theme, and he was excited to see stories about two of his favorite players in the book: striker Guillermo Franco, who had played for Mexico for years, and Brazilian forward Ricardo Kaká.

They are both followers of Jesus Christ, and their stories in the Book of Hope explain how important Jesus is in their lives.

Their testimonies opened Valentín’s eyes, and his heart. Today, he has chosen to follow Jesus Christ as his Savior, too.

His little brother Wilber has also come to faith in Christ through the special edition Book of Hope.

Valentín received a special soccer-themed Book of Hope, and it led him to Jesus!

OneHope600 SW 3rd StreetPompano Beach, Florida 330601.800.GIV.BIBL (448.2425)

* Some photos used in this publication are representative of the people whose stories are told. In some cases, names and location details have been changed to protect those involved.

OneHope was founded in 1987 by missionary Bob Hoskins and is reaching the world’s children and youth with Scripture that speaks directly to their lives and culture. Through OneHope, in collaboration with churches and ministries — and working with local governments, schools and non-governmental organizations — a message of hope has been given personally to over half a billion children and young people in 125 countries through its Book of Hope publications and The GodMan animated film. Using outcome-based research, OneHope continues to innovate its ministry model and offers its expertise and resources to other child-focused organizations.

Mexico: a teenager transformed!G O D ’ S W O R D . E V E R Y C H I L D .

A passion for futbol led to a passion for Jesus!

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