  • January 31st, 2021 4th Sunday in OT

    4 Domingo del TO

  • Saturday, January 30: 9:30 5:30 FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Sunday, January 31: 9:30 + Marie H. Dragan & Stephanie Fedyn by John G. Dragan 11:00 + (Spanish) Ramon Roldan y Ana González by Aura Cordero 12:30 + James McHugh by James Meehan + Purgatorial Society Monday, February 1: 9:30 12:30 Tuesday, February 2: 9:30 Daniel (Gifts of the Holy Spirit & God’s protection) by Aunt Helena 12:30 Wednesday, February 3: Feast of St. Blaise 9:30 Gabriel D’Annunzio - Karamouzos (Happy Birthday) by Family 12:30 Thursday, February 4: 9:30 + Casmir Wojcicki by Lawrence Wojcicki 12:30 Friday, February 5: 9:30 + Linda Fedrizzi by Daughter, Gloria 12:30 7:30 + (Spanish) Adelina Rodriguez by Arelis & Rafael Rodriguez Saturday, February 6: 9:30 + Henry & Aniela Kaftan by Wladyslawa 5:30 + Deacon Carlos Martinez by Karen & Jim Morganthaler Sunday, February 7: 9:30 + Catherine Walker & Joseph Marceski by John G. Dragan 11:00 (Spanish) El Santísimo by Isolina Orellana 12:30 FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH

    Please remember those on our sick list in your prayers: Michael Anobile, Lottie Wojciechowicz, Maria Petrona Paiz Turcios, Catherine McClung, Valerie Bruno, Martha Banfield, Allen Ryczek, Levieva Svetiana, Molly Tyburczy, John Tyburczy, Julissa Garcia, Caro-lyn Lattanzio, Joan Dobkin, Laurie Rueckheim, Judith Ballaster, Steve Belus, Janice L. Whelan, James Cunniff, Donald Buddenhagen, Matthew Colasanti, Joseph Anthony D’Avino, Laura Bor-ruso, Amy Pisarki, John Slattery, Josep Lauron, , Carmelo Reyes, Marylou Ryan, Patricia Taranovich, Eugene Stonebreaker, Zofia Or-lowska, Mary Sanz, Robert Keenan, Ryan Mar-shall, Anne Marie Stampf, Edward Pertell, Genowefa Biernaca, Elizabeth Malenik, Kataryna Gierczynska, Caitlyn Geer, James Buddenhagen, Bill Wisniewski, Gary Norman-dia, Brian Francis Campion, Gemma Ferrara, Frank Sarlie, Peggy Mae, Edwin Soto, Law-rence O’Donnell, Julia Silva, Theresa Good, Mary Knapp, Elizabeth “Betty” Gifford, Baby Jozef Ban, Oliver Jayme Lopez, Mary Barreta, MaryAnne Stampf, Patricia Riordan, Elsie Baumgardt, Barbara Wielunski.

    The dedication of the St. Joseph statue will be held on Sunday, January 31st after the 9:30 a.m. Mass. All are welcome to join.

    La dedicación de la estatua de San José se

    llevará a cabo el Domingo, 31 de Enero después de la Misa de 9:30 a.m.

    Todos estan invitados.

    Feast of St. Blaise

    On Wednesday, February 3, the Blessings of the Throat will be offered after the 9:30 AM

    Mass & 12:30 PM Mass. It will also be offered after weekend Masses on February 6th & 7th.

    Altar Flower Offering

    Thank you to Mr. Fernando & Mrs. Blanca Calderon and Mrs. Wladyslawa Kaftan.

    Happy Birthday

    February 3: Gabriel D’Annunzio Karamouzos February 4: Stephanie Mendez

    February 6: Frank Moley (86 years old)

  • A Message from Fr. Sebastian’s Desk: Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hole; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, …. The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.

    These are lines from The Second Coming (1919), a poem written by William Butler Yeats, an Irish poet. These and similar lines amaze us with their relevance and application in many situations and contexts of life; they depict the dilemma, the anxiety and the uncertainty around many happenings in the world. If they have any resemblance to contemporary events in the life of our nation, it is not just accidental; mankind is caught in anxiety and uncertainty at many turning points of history; and history repeats like a turning gyre.

    The Gospel (Mk. 1:21-28) brings into context a situation of confusion and chaos. Of all the places, this happens in a synagogue, a man with an unclean spirit confronts Jesus. It is the least of places expected to have such an encounter. The situation is tense and people are anxious about what would happen.

    The confession about who Jesus was is made by the man with an unclean spirit. The irony of the situation is quite baffling; whereas the so-called worshippers do not recognize him, it comes out from the man with an unclean spirit. Here, even an encounter with the man infested by evil becomes an occasion of proclamation of Christ. Jesus is not at all impressed by these words. It is when such confession comes from the people of God that Jesus will be satisfied and overjoyed (Mt. 16:16-17), as when it happened through St. Peter.

    However, the reigning theme of today’s Gospel passage is the undisputed authority of Jesus. The first reading hints at the promise through Moses that a prophet ‘like me’ will be raised up from among the people. God-given authority of Moses was a fait accompli among the people of God. Jesus spoke with authority, and rebuked the unclean spirit, is a proof that He is the chosen one; and even the unclean spirit obeyed him is a matter of astonishment and joy. For the worshippers of today, are we strengthened by the conviction and affirmation of faith seen and witnessed through the happenings in the synagogue? The unclean spirits in the form of addiction, violence, injustice, racism, oppression prevail among the people of today as well. We wait for these to be rebuked by Jesus so that our confession becomes real and meaningful; so that the authority of Jesus becomes real for us.

    Fr. Sebastian T. Augustine, CMI Pastor

  • Spiritual Communion Prayer

    My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

    I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.

    Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,

    Come at least spiritually into my heart.

    I embrace you as if you were already there

    And unite myself wholly to you.

    Never permit me to be separated from you.



    Oración para la Comunión Espiritual

    Dios mío, creo que estás presente en el Santísimo Sacramento.

    Te amo por encima de todas las cosas y deseo recibirte en mi alma.

    Ya que en este momento no puedo recibirte sacramentalmente,

    Ven al menos espiritualmente a mi corazón.

    Te abrazo como si ya estuvieras allí.

    Y unirme totalmente a ti.

    Nunca permitas que me separen de ti.


  • St. Anthony & St. Alphonsus Church Guidelines for Attending Mass Post-COVID-19

    Daily Mass: Monday - Saturday: 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. (English)

    Friday, Mass at 7:30 p.m. (Spanish)

    Saturday, Vigil Mass: 5:30 p.m. (English)

    Sunday Mass: 9:30 a.m. (English), 11:00 a.m. (Spanish), 12:30 p.m. (English)

    Please make sure to read before attending Mass and follow the instructions below: • Please make sure to wear your mask properly when you attend Mass. • Alternative pews will be closed, please see the signs before you take your seat. • There will be no entrance procession or recessional procession. • We will not have any ALTAR server for the time being. • No missal, hymns or worship aids will be available. There will be NO Holy water in the font. • We will have a lector seated in the first pew that will come forward for the readings. • There will be neither exchange of peace nor holding of hands during the Lord’s Prayer. • Communion will be distributed ONLY by the priest at daily Mass. • To receive the Holy Communion there will be an orderly fashion, lining up pew by pew guided by ushers. • Please keep 6 feet distance at all times, especially when you line up to receive the Holy Communion. • The bishop has requested that the Eucharist be received by HAND. There will be no precious blood offered. Weekend Mass Guidelines: Please make sure you follow the above directives when you attend Mass. • We will have the organist and a cantor to lead our music. THERE WILL BE NO CHOIR. • There will be two Eucharistic Ministers to distribute the Holy Communion besides the priest. • The Eucharistic Ministers will not wear gloves, but THEY MUST wear a mask.

  • Un Mensaje del Padre Sebastian:

    El Evangelio (Marcos 1: 21-28) pone en contexto una situación de confusión y caos. De todos

    los lugares, esto sucede en una sinagoga, un hombre con un espíritu inmundo se enfrenta a

    Jesús. Es el menor de los lugares que se espera que tenga tal encuentro. La situación es tensa y

    la gente está ansiosa por lo que sucedería.

    La confesión acerca de quién era Jesús la hace el hombre de espíritu inmundo. La ironía de la

    situación es bastante desconcertante; mientras que los supuestos adoradores no lo reconocen,

    proviene del hombre con un espíritu inmundo. Aquí, incluso el encuentro con el hombre

    infestado por el mal se convierte en una ocasión para el anuncio de Cristo. Jesús no está

    impresionado en absoluto por estas palabras. Es cuando tal confesión proviene del pueblo de

    Dios que Jesús se siente satisfecho y lleno de gozo (Mt. 16: 16-17), como cuando sucedió a

    través de San Pedro.

    Sin embargo, el tema dominante del pasaje del Evangelio de hoy es la autoridad indiscutible

    de Jesús. La primera lectura insinúa la promesa a través de Moisés de que un profeta "como

    yo" se levantará de entre el pueblo. La autoridad de Moisés dada por Dios fue un hecho

    consumado entre el pueblo de Dios. Jesús habló con autoridad y reprendió al espíritu

    inmundo, es una prueba de que Él es el elegido; e incluso el espíritu inmundo le obedeció es

    motivo de asombro y gozo. Para los adoradores de hoy, ¿estamos fortalecidos por la

    convicción y la afirmación de la fe que se ve y se testifica a través de los acontecimientos en

    la sinagoga? Los espíritus inmundos en forma de adicción, violencia, injusticia, racismo,

    opresión prevalecen también entre la gente de hoy. Esperamos que estos sean reprendidos por

    Jesús para que nuestra confesión sea real y significativa; para que la autoridad de Jesús se

    vuelva real para nosotros.

    Padre Sebastian T. Augustine, CMI Pastor


    Weekend of January 23 - 24, 2021

    Attendance - 257 Collection - $ 3,459.00

    Churches In Need - $ 728.00 Votive Candles: $ 339.00

    Last year’s Attendance - 721

    Last year’s Collection - $ 3,473.00 Last year’s Churches in Need -

    $1,260.00 Last year's Votive Candles - $ 573.00

    Wedding Anniversary

    Congratulations to Mr. Frank & Mrs. Joan Moley

    who will celebrate 62 years of marriage!

    Annual Catholic Appeal 2020

    Parish Goal: $ 38,453.00 Total Paid: $ 29,746.66

    Total Pledged: $30,985.00

    Please continue to send in your donations to complete your pledges.

    Thank you for your generosity!

    Shalom World: Live Mass, Prayers & Devotions

    Shalom World is a 24/7, family-friendly Catholic TV channel. Recipient of the U.S. Catholic Press Association’s 2020 Gabriel

    Award for "Best TV Station of the Year," our commercial-free, high-definition network

    appeals to young, as well as young-at-heart viewers. Shalom World is an official partner with the Vatican, and is authorized to telecast

    papal liturgies.

    We invite you to visit

    This channel is designed exclusively for live Holy Mass, prayer and devotions. Viewers

    become spiritually enriched and engaged, as they unite their prayers with others being offered across the globe. This prayerful

    momentum invites God's blessings into our hurting world.

    Generations of Faith

    Parish Goal: $ 335,000.00 Total Paid: $ 248,069.00

    Please continue to send in your pledges.

    50/50 Club

    Every month the parish raises funds with the 50/50 Club. Envelopes are available

    in the back of the church.

    Minimum donation is $2.00 Donacion minima es $2.00

    $2.00 = 1 chance to win $5.00 = 3 chances to win

    $10.00 = 6 chances to win

    Please make sure your name, phone number and dollar amount are on each

    50/50 envelope. (We will make sure your contribution is converted into the proper

    amount of chances to which you are entitled.)

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