Page 1: January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary  · 8:30am Mass +Jacob Kolousek (Blessing of the Throats) WOONSOCKET

St. Charles, Artesian St. Wilfrid, Woonsocket St. Joseph, Wessington Springs Saturday – 5 PM Jan. – June Sunday 10:30 AM Jan. – June Sunday 8:30 PM July – Dec. Sunday 8:30 AM July – Dec. Sunday 10:30 PM

ARTESIAN Saturday, January 30 5:00pm Mass -Don Klinkner Surgery Recovery

Saturday, February 6 5:00pm Mass - People of the Parishes

(Blessing of the Throats)

WESS SPGS Sunday, January 31 8:00am Rosary

8:30am Mass +Lottie Thompson

Monday, February 1 5:15pm Mass - St. Joseph Altar Society L&D

6:30pm - Adult Education Class

Sunday, February 7 8:00am Rosary

8:30am Mass +Jacob Kolousek

(Blessing of the Throats)

WOONSOCKET Sunday, January 31 10:00am Rosary

10:30am Mass - People of the Parishes

Monday, February 1 NO MASS

Tuesday, February 2 5:15pm Mass -Laural & Janet Voorhees

56th Anniversary

Wednesday, February 3 5:15pm Mass +Angeline Nelson

(Blessing of the Throats)

Thursday, February 4 5:15pm Mass +Lionel & Pat Froseth

Friday, February 5 5:15pm Mass -Health & Recovery of Glen Hohn

Saturday, February 6 8:30am Mass +Charles Swenson

Sunday, February 7 10:00am Rosary

10:30am Mass +Tracy Ziebart

(Blessing of the Throats)

Pastor: Fr. Kevin Doyle

Mass Times and Intentions

(Masses are livestreamed on Fr. Kevin Doyle YouTube channel)

CONFESSIONS – Wessington Springs

Anytime upon request.

BAPTISMS and a class beforehand;

MARRIAGE must prepare at least six

months before; ANNOINTING of SICK at

the church or the rectory before surgery

or in need, or any of these ask Fr. Kevin

Ask for COMMUNION for shut-ins.

January 31, 2021

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt 18: 15-20

1 Cor 7: 32-35

Mk 1: 21-28

For Reflection Am I anxious about the things of this

world, or am I anxious about the things

of the Lord?


Anytime upon request.

CONFESSIONS - Woonsocket

Anytime upon request.


ⴕ Fr. Kevin Doyle

PO Box 266 Woonsocket, SD 57385

email: [email protected] Cell: (605) 220-6477 or (605) 796-4666

Executive Secretary of the Parishes Gay Lynne Ames

Office: 605-796-4666 email: [email protected]

Please join us often; “Truly this is an abode of God,

the gateway to heaven!” (Gen. 28:17) Use form in entry to register so you can receive a

Bishops Bulletin, envelopes, a warm welcome and be a parish member.

Page 2: January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary  · 8:30am Mass +Jacob Kolousek (Blessing of the Throats) WOONSOCKET

As I write this week’s reflection, I sit thinking past, present and future. As you read

this reflection you have already made the plans needed to be in Pierre this weekend. We are together reflecting on the national tragedy that is abortion which inflicts itself on our American history.

The greatest scandal to our country (and to our world) is the majority of the “American Catholic vote” is seduced by the pro-abortion, pro-contraception, pro-culture of death. It is for this reason I called … I am calling … I will call the parishes under my authority to step forward each year and join me TO BE SEEN in guiding and encouraging the citizens of South Dakota to the State Capitol Rotunda in Pierre. (And also, its Life Chain which meets in the north parking lot of the State Capitol – Life needs your Light … OUR Light (and your presence.) We are so lucky to live near Pierre – not having to drive as far as so many will – to represent Life. St. John’s Gospel continually refers to Jesus, in Whom we place our faith, as "Life" many times. To say “yes” to Christ is to say “yes” to life. And to say yes to life is to say no to whatever destroys it.

People of faith work to end abortion. As we have celebrated the renewal of Christmas, let's renew our pro-life commitment and increase our prolife activities. (What a great gift we can give to the Baby Jesus…our presence and public support of the most vulnerable of modern society…a baby child in the womb.) “I have no new teaching for America. I seek only to recall you to faithfulness to what you once taught the world. Your nation was founded on the proposition— very old as a moral precept, but startling and innovative as a political insight—that human life is a gift of immeasurable worth, and that it deserves, always and everywhere, to be treated with the utmost dignity and respect.” (Concluding statement of the amicus brief filed before the U.S. Supreme Court in the cases of Loce v. New Jersey and Krail et al. v. New Jersey in February 1994, by: Saint Teresa of Calcutta.)

So grateful, it bears repeating…On behalf of the staffs of our parishes and on my own behalf…we thank

you for all you have done for us. We thank you for your many kindnesses throughout the whole year,

but we especially thank you for your generosity to us during this Christmas Season. We thank all of the

“elves” who have made our Church so beautiful during this Christmas Season. We thank the many

parishioners who have helped in many, many ways to make our parish so vibrant and alive. Finally,

thank you for your many cards, gifts, cookies, fruit trays, and “spiritual fluids” and other expressions of

your love during this Christmas Season. Please know of our gratitude and our prayer for you and your

extended family during Christmas and throughout the New Year! May God bless you, our Mother Mary

watch over you and all the saints intercede for you, always.

Fr. Kevin’s Reflections: Monday

FEBRUARY 1 Weekday

Heb 11: 32-40 Mk 5: 1-20

Tuesday FEBRUARY 2

The Presentation of the Lord Mal 3: 1-4/Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2: 22-40 or 2: 22-32

World Day for Consecrated Life

Wednesday FEBRUARY 3

Weekday St. Blaise, Bishop and

Martyr; St. Ansgar, Bishop Heb 12: 4-7 Mk 6: 1-6

Thursday FEBRUARY 4

Weekday Heb 12: 18 -19, 21-24

Mk 6: 7-13


St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr

Heb 13: 1-8 Mk 6: 14-29

Saturday FEBRUARY 6

St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs Heb 13: 15-17, 20-21

Mk 6: 30-34


Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jb 7: 1-4, 6-7

1 Cor 9: 16-19, 22-23 Mk 1: 29-39


REMINDER: Those preparing for Confirmation in 2022 in all three parishes will need to meet with Fr. Kevin for their primary meeting. A secondary meeting will arranged next year for a one-on-one with Fr. Kevin for preparation of Confirmation. The students (not the parents, not the godparents but the students themselves) need to contact Fr. Kevin or Gay Lynne Ames to set up an appointment with Fr. Kevin.

Confirmation appointments will need to be completed by the end of April.


Adult Education Class will start at St. Joseph Parish on Monday, February 1st at

6:30 PM. All are welcome to come. If you are interested in attending, please

contact the Parish Office at 796-4666 or email [email protected]

Page 3: January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary  · 8:30am Mass +Jacob Kolousek (Blessing of the Throats) WOONSOCKET

Prayer – Participation – Generosity

St. Joseph: 01/24 – Env. (19) $720; Loose $100; Initial offering

$1; Mass Intentions $80; CFSA $240; Total $1141

St. Charles: 01/23 – Env. (3) $65; Total $65

St. Wilfrid: 01/24 – Env. (28) $964; Loose $20; Basement

Renovation $200; Total $1184

Coming Events

Feb 7th – St. Wilfrid Hot Ham Luncheon after 10:30 Mass. Feb 14th – St. Joseph Pancake and Sausage Breakfast after 8:30 Mass.

St. James reminds us, “If a man who does not control his tongue imagines that he is devout, he is self-deceived; his worship is pointless” (1:26) and later, “We use [the tongue] to say, ‘Praised be the Lord and Father’; then we use it to curse men, though they are made in the likeness of God. Blessing and curse come out of the same mouth. This ought not to be, my brothers!” (3:9-10).

Therefore, may St. Blaise protect us from all evil, physical and spiritual, which may attack the throat.

Saint Blaise’s Story

Unfortunately, what is known about the life of St. Blaise derives from various traditions. We know that Bishop Blaise was martyred in his episcopal city of Sebastea, Armenia, in 316. The legendary Acts of St. Blaise were written 400 years later.

In accord with various traditions, St. Blaise was born to rich and noble parents, and received a Christian education. He was a physician before being consecrated a bishop at a young age.

According to them Blaise was a good bishop, working hard to encourage the spiritual and physical health of his people. Although the Edict of Toleration (311), granting freedom of worship in the Roman Empire, was already five years old, persecution still raged in Armenia. Blaise was apparently forced to flee to the back country. There he lived as a hermit in solitude and prayer, but he made friends with the wild animals. One day a group of hunters seeking wild animals for the amphitheater stumbled upon Blaise’s cave. The bishop was kneeling in prayer surrounded by patiently waiting wolves, lions and bears.

The legend has it that as the hunters hauled Blaise off to prison, a mother came with her young son who had a fish bone lodged in his throat. At Blaise’s command the child was able to cough up the bone.

Agricolaus, governor of Cappadocia, tried to persuade Blaise to sacrifice to pagan idols. The first time Blaise refused, he was beaten. The next time he was suspended from a tree and his flesh torn with iron combs or rakes. Finally, he was beheaded.

By the sixth century, St. Blaise’s intercession was invoked for diseases of the throat in the East.

One reason for St. Blaise’s popularity arose from the fact he was a physician who cured, even performing miraculous cures. Thereby, those who were sick, especially with throat ailments, invoked his intercession. Eventually the custom of the blessing of throats arose. This practice continues in many parishes on St. Blaise’s feast day.

While we invoke St. Blaise for his protection against any physical ailment of the throat, we should also ask his protection against any spiritual ailment– profanity, cursing, unkind remarks, detraction, or gossip.

Reflection Four centuries give ample opportunity for fiction to creep in with fact. Who can be sure how accurate Blaise’s biographer was? But biographical details are not essential. Blaise is seen as one more example of the power those have who give themselves entirely to Jesus.

Saint Blaise is the Patron Saint of: Throat Ailments English Wool Combers

Excerpts taken from:

Page 4: January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary  · 8:30am Mass +Jacob Kolousek (Blessing of the Throats) WOONSOCKET

St. Placidus - Duncan (St. Joseph)


Our Parish Community Four Corner News

St Charles Parish

Ministry schedule

Date G.B. Servers Lector E.M. Usher

30-Jan J&G Cami & S Edwards S Edwards & R Mathis &

Bechen Evie M Unterbr C Unterbr

6-Jan B&N Carter & C Unterbr. S Edwards & T Grassel

Banks Evie G Bechen C Unterbr

St. Joseph Parish

Monday Daily Mass to start February 1st at 5:15 PM! There will be daily Mass every Monday at 5:15 PM. Mondays nights will also offer an Adult Education Class at 6:30 PM. Ministry schedule

Date Lector E. Min Server (1) Rosary

31-Jan Jason Cathy/Mona Kolousek Girls Mona

7-Feb Alicia Mona/Cathy Roesler Girls Alicia

St. Wilfrid Parish

Starting February 1st, there will no longer be Monday Daily Mass at St. Wilfrid. Fr. Kevin will be having Monday daily Mass at St. Joseph at 5:15 PM.

NET Ministries will meet with the 7th-12th youth group on Wednesday, Feb. 3rd and Saturday, Feb. 6th. Wednesday will be 6:30-8:30 (meal and activities). Saturday will be 6:00-8:30 (meal and activities). For more information, call Paula Linke at 605-350-2813.

Hot Ham & Cheese Luncheon - Sunday, February 7th after Mass in the parish hall. Come and enjoy fellowship with our parish family. Free will offering to benefit the many charitable projects by the Catholic Daughters.

Memorializing a Family Member Those interested in donating funds for the new speakers would a great gift to the parish for years to come. The cost is $1000 per speaker (includes the wiring and installation expense) – a total of 10 speakers once the project is complete.

Attention Money Counters and those who are interested in helping to count money please call the office at 796-4666 so to line up teams and to get approval from Fr. Kevin to be on a team. Schedules will be included the bulletin. Thank you!

Ministry schedule

Date Greeter/Usher Lector E. Min.

31-Jan J White, T Carda B Steichen B White

7-Feb D & L Christian B Steichen C Howard

St. Joseph K of C Looking for volunteers to serve at

The Banquet

St. Joseph Knights of Columbus will be serving meals

at The Banquet in Sioux Falls on Feb 10th and Feb 24th.

Volunteers are needed!

If you are interested in helping, please contact:

Alan Knippling at 605-682-9154 or Chris Heim at 605-204-0098

St. Joseph Parish

Pancakes and Sausage Breakfast After 8:30 AM Mass

Sunday, February 14th

St. Joseph K of C serving pancakes and sausage breakfast after Mass on February 14th in Parish Hall.

Support us to support a good cause.

St. Wilfrid Parish

Hot Ham & Cheese Luncheon After 10:30 AM Mass Sunday, February 7th

Come and enjoy fellowship with our parish family.

Free will offering to benefit the many charitable projects by the Catholic Daughters.

Mass Intention/Sympathy Cards

Mass Intention/Sympathy Cards

are now available for those who

want to send a card to loved ones.

Contact the office at 796-4666 if

you need a card. There are three

different styles to choose from.

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