
Jadarah Science Award(JSA)

The Jadarah Science Award comes to pave the way for a regional scientific program that aims to discover scientific and engineering talents among high school students in the Middle East.

John Van De Kock

This award is a golden chance to retouch, frame and deliver the best scientific and engineering projects and ideas by giving proper care to holders of such talents such as universities, academic centers and development centers in companies within the Award Annual Forum.

John Van De Kock

Award Categories

01 Industrial Design

02 Civil Engineering

03 Architecture Engineering and Cities Planning

04 General Sciences

01 04


For each award category, there are three main classifications (Golden Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award). Such categories will be classified according to certain indicators in which every single indicator is given a number of points based on its importance, including:

The project’s positive impact.

The level of expected positive changes for implementing the project.

The Practicality of implementing the proposal and its requirements.

Award Committee judgment on the project’s strengths and weaknesses.

The level of adherence to the principles, terms and conditions of the Award.

Award Supreme Judgment CommitteeA sub judgment committee for the award will be formed in order to classify the proposal according to the assigned categories and to make sure they meet the terms and special requirements of the award and its categories so it can at last provide the Supreme Judgment Committee with the reviewed and retouched proposals.


Participation in the Award:The Award will be announced through all available media outlets as well as direct communication with schools within the Arab world. Any interested student (Grade 10 to 12) can participate in the award and its various categories by submitting their proposal using the award’s website

The award cycle shall commence in the first of October of every year and shall continue for 3 months. Then, selected projects proposals will move to the 2nd Phase and the participants notified. They will be given the opportunity to work more on developing their ideas and projects for another 3 moths, ending this phase in March of the following year, provided that the Forum shall be held during April of every year.

Phase 1: Begin on the first of October of every year.>>>> continue for 3 monthsPhase 2: Improve their ideas and projects for another 3 months.>>>>Winners announced in the award’s April forum.

The Forum will be held in Amman for 2-3 days, where the best 15 projects that were chosen to move to the 2nd Stage will be invited to attend and submit their final projects proposal for the Judgment Committee in order to choose the top 3 winners for each category. A number of officials, government representatives and news agencies will also be invited to cover the events and highlight the best projects.





Award Prizes: All Award Prizes will be arranged in a way that meets the scale and goals of the award. Prizes will be provided by influential sponsors and universities who are focus on supporting young talents in the scientific field. These include companies working in communications, automotive manufacturing, airlines and other aspects of industry.

Award Launching Steps:


02 03

04 05


Advising Jadarah Award Managing Board to arrange the 1st Forum in which names of the winners will be announced, in April 2016.

Preparing the official documents of the Award, its goals and working mechanism.

Sending invitations to all potential sponsoring companies and universities to provide prizes for the various categories and classifications of the Award.

The official announcement of the Award within the Jadarah Educational Advisers Conference which will be held in Bahrain, in October 2015.

Launching an adv. and marketing campaign for the award in all schools in the Middle East to announce the commencement of proposals receiving period using the website of the Award, by the beginning October, of this current year 2015.

Forming the sub and supreme Judgment Committees.

Award Launching Steps( cont)





Forming a Joint Board to manage the Award which goals, special working mechanism and financial and technical sources will be determined later.

Holding the 1st Award Forum in Amman and announce the winners!

Sponsorship packages Gold $3500 Platinum $5000

Silver $1500

X X XLogo on award website and posters/brochures

X X XAccess of all participants


X XVerbal recognition at the


XRoll-up placement at the


1 3 2

Free Pass to attend the award ceremony in


Thank you

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