Page 1: J - · bother to prison the Do\»rudja- what daima Be baa oa our graU





.. ; .. i . . . -, . '.

I ' • . . . '

• • rncrc.aamg (.. ..

... \J

........ -and aim to use the best grade only

.. , V~RBENA flour.

Wholeaale Agent.

Page 2: J - · bother to prison the Do\»rudja- what daima Be baa oa our graU

, ·. ,. •

.. ' . • : •

. . .

Harb'or ·GrSce · Sta ~rd ~~d ·c9nC~P:iton Bay ~~':'e~l,er~~ $1.00. yea~ p_repaid.; otkrwise, .$1.50: · · ·



What those who have used ArcUe Indigestion Cnre aa.JI about

its Curative Powers.

tii!YI'ICRI!fll VOU Ill \'K,UW.

l w1h A onaercr for I yearL l wu eo bad tluol tho lll!fh .wa.; uurly mel &eel otf me. '" '""'· J gave up almoet •'•ery· thlnlt until I h .. rd of tbJa aruL cure and 1 d~< to try lt. 1 IOOIC nn bal( plot b<IIIICAOf A. I . C. I f .. lll WU lbo but thing e•·or bapponed to rue Ia my life, ~anu to day I'm :.tpletely cured ur all ~tomach troobiN. I ba"N tried all duotono aDd all kinde f medl­t'lno llt10t I lh•H1Khl WOilld do me Jood, bullt .. u failed 10 cure me. BoL DOW I cao'l h~Jp t•raltiDif tbaL woDderfol ·Arctic ludlKoetlon Core, for l bellnell 1aved my lit~ l recommend Lble medl· olne to aoy poriOn eofrerlol from any kind of •rumach complalote.

M I&& WAKK YII1'.11A!f, , "'\.. BrJ&Dl11 Co ...

/ Ju1£S Muaa, Maaa~rer. E. S1w~oss. Wholeaale A&eat for

B ar;,or Grace!. I Price : $1 2S aod $2 2S a botUe.


Squires &. Winter. H~N. R. A. SQorus, K.C. LLB.




Bank Of No~ Setilia B~.



C'lllle Addreaa : · '. - LEMERsON.

St. John'•·

L EDW!~D · EIERSON, Solicitor.

, -o-­Orvrcu-

Benotlf Bnilding, Duckworth St., John's, Nftd.

c. CRON, M.o .. 'c.~

Office Hoare : tfl 9·11 A.M.

2·3. 7·8 P.M.

.Office and reaideace, Victoria Street, Harbor Grace.

W.S. Goodwint D •. D.S,

Did Bolrarla Biunlil to .Join IDCl then Back OGtl · ·

( Moatrul Star, No•. 28.) WHAT .USSIA THOUGHT.

A remar~ly iateteatiag and illumiaatia~t statemeat baa come from the Russiaa Great Bead· quarters, aigaed by LudoYic: to lovia.r ~ bia daiaa oa llea11 ad dated NoY. 24th. Jelildt. " far ~ tbron a lot of l(cbt oa tile dale of oar aelcbtior; maaiaa eameaip up to that oaly it be deu that God cares

• • • • the leaat to ban oar love. He This looks as if Russia tboagbt muat care to hue it. for Be lo•ea

tbat1be arrinl of Roumaaia oa ua; besides. aothiag buwlove to the 6eld anM~U~«d IAe ;,.lvt/;•11 Him wUl keep a to our dut1 a• ~nd of lA~ uoaJ. She wou)a aot Bia cht14iea aad aabjecta. Tblalr bother to prison the Do\»rudja- what daima Be baa oa our graU­her ro,d to <:.astaaUaople-be- tade I WoaderfullJ berlk-made ~use the Dobrudja waa ia ut, adapting us tort"e earth, aad daager. Sbe did aot worry about the eartlt to us. With provideat the wisdom of the Rouaaalaa lriad._ lte baa l cared for ua. plaa·of campaign ia fllagiag all With fatherlylo•e He baa bleu­ber armies into TraasJivaaia. be- ed aa. tomfortiag ua Ia trouble, cauae that was where they might helpiar ua ia weakaea. abieldiag ,..en be whea the peace poarpar- ua U. oar fears. choosiar oar ·lot len begaa. Atl Ruaia tbourht for aa. aad ao pidiag all iuaea of waa to make a deciaive Ul&ab of oar cbaagiag cii"CUJJntaac:ea. towards Lemberg aad so joia ia that ia what baa beea called ''the the coaceatric ef(ort for the web of oar life-biator,, wbereof iar of Austria. · Thia would han the warp ia God's cloiag aad tbe beea preciMly \he rlrbt attitude woof our owa,w we caa . eee Ria if Bulgaria bad agreed to awiar goodaeu iawOYe'tl with all our oter to the aide of the Eateate oa griefa. Be baa ri•ea us a holy the morrow of Roumaala'a coup ; taw aad a bope-iaapiriaa gospel. for thea there would hue beea a Beatofall Be baa aeat usa Savrour. uaivenal drive oa Austria from Caa the deaial of love to sur.h a all sides, uader which she mirbt friead-be_juati&ed? euily hue collapsed. But if Bal· (To be coatiaued ) a-aria was goiag•to fight oa, aad fight offeaaively with atroag Ger· WBO OAN DISPUTE IT? maa support, thea these were ob- Barr,;• Oorat:k N. s., Feb.~ 181U' vioual1 the wroag tactics that ao T~·.,.;e~r 0~·,.0.,..,1 IDdlao Datioa of the lreea •trategic abUi· Rool PUla .... u. • .,.., MIIIDI rua· In ty of Ruuia would hue beea ali.. Lbe -.rlleL TAl• " o lace. epeak 1 d · d •J b Wb willa llaowled&e OD tlle. eubjaot, u I e a a to a opuag t em. ea ban beea deliiiDJ Ia nrlouall.ijlde of tbia atatemeDt is ~pared with pW., uct Mll180re of Morea'• u.u UJ the- alread1 kaowa facta that the Roumaaiaa Govennaeul pabliclJ bl~ -.!"::\~ ':;. U:lm~1=to':a~J = excused i" Traasyl .. uiaa pia of baUer adll, I Mil: llba to~ • boz ud "'"mpat' "'"'!/ statt" a~r that Bul~a - liM wtll- U7 otlier. I hope 1 - •- • m..,. alwa)'l ba•• &hem. bad arre DOt to attack OU• Youn araternll•, mula, aad that tbe Rusaiaa Go•· , _ B._,._. o. BAaaT

erameat bas receatly 1aauea-a Se ~ ~ .......... lllDea. whole year after Bulgaria catered ' Dl&wOil_-_, __ , t;e war aad t• betrayed SlaYdoaa" Last Thara4ay all the tnaaiae.-

i < I

. . . ' . ., Chief of Pollee BaU bad ao dif­

lc:ullJ'-ta __., -tJae ~. aad placed biaa.6adet arrat Sat· urday ~ tlae:false stor7 teller •

Jaclraag by the prtaoaer'a de· aaeaaor aad actioaa, it looked to tbe casual obse"er that the re­po• t Uaat be bad btea the vic· tim o drap, wu oaly ~trtte. . Ia the meaaUme Drs. ~11cia aad bbaaoa were called ia to pro-aoaa oa Kaigbt'l a&Dity. Aa the • er wu uaable tp pia

, e#wUl remala Ia the cooler u aext week, wbea the caae will come up for heariag.-North Sydaey Herald. -----Some Soldiera' Soap. ' -- ' BI_ ia~~r G. W. Bartlett, Caaa· ~agtaeen. C ~F. Soldiers are {Qa4 of siagiag,

aad the Caaadiall aoldien are uo esceJ)tioa. Ia every camp ia Caa.· ada, Britaia aad Fnace. the fa· miliar •oap-"-ple Leaf. Home Fires. A.aale Laarie. Mother Ma· chree. .'l'ipperary. 0 Caaada, aad othen-are auar.ia tuae aad out.

The Caaack h &lao toad of parocliea witb • playful tlarust at aa oOic:u, uapleaaaat bit of duty, or the camp .ratioaL

Oae fuorite ia Cuada, bitt the maUipa baadkn: · " They say .re get milk ia our

coffee; • They aay we pt milk ia our tea, Tbay aay we get milk ia our coffee, But it all loolp like white-wash

'9 .me." r .

"They aay we get beef ia our malllgaa, ·,-~ .

Tbey u~ we ret beef ia our stew;


"AD!l it seems like a r«tal-i-ty." A thrust at the " slackers" is

,expressed ia a par<><b' to "We'll aever Jet the Old Flag fall :"

"We'll Dever let the Htm~~g-uard aail;

If we did they would all tura pale; Ia timea of peaee we bear them

aiag; . • God save the Right, God aave

tb.e ~gJ • To the ealtjfOf tb.e world their

about shall riag, • But the Homeguard will aever

sail I" ---------- / TBa followiag is a more com· plete aad correct liat of tbe sur· •iviag relatives of a lameoted aad bighl1 esteemed resiaeat of Bry· aut'a Co•e-tbe late George Par­aoas: Be leaves to mourn their 1ou aevea aoas aad four daugb· tera. The aoas are Mesan. Wil· liam Edward aad Mark Panoas of iloatreal. Ambrose. George. Cba.rles ud James Panoas of Br1aata Co•e. , The daughters are Mra. Tbomaa Noseworthy of Harbor .Gnce. Mra. Beary T. Yet· aaaof Bryaat'aCove, Mrs. George B. COOia of St. Joba'a, aad Mrs. Walter Na.ewortby of Moatr~l, besides fifty-elrht rraadcbildreu aad three rreat•(f&Ddcbildreu.

-aa oOidal atataaeat proaaiaiac &nua &114 ~~ty o'WIIera oa thd bitter puaiabaeat. for Ballrarii eut tide of Coanaerclal Street. for betr&Jiar SlaYdoaa, tbaa blat· from Tbompeoa & Coo'a to the iar at 10111e aw ud wone but Towa HalJ, were adriaed by c:er• secret act Dt betrayal, li· It aot tala iuaruG8 coaapaaiea that IIIOSt dl11lcaU to cloabt that then they were aot ,prepare4 to take wu . a ~ with. Bulgaria. aay farther riab or accept. r:•w·

1 which BaJP,ria blob? . .. al of 6re poUdea ,Ia .,.-, eoaae

Pre.OIIIilllllu ....... ' =~ ==~.':. lsaacl

Oae of the grudcbUdren, Miss E. t" etmu, a sabscriber to tbe · Home Paper, ia a Nurse. Nurse Yelmaa who Is 21 years of age, wu bora ia Br1aat'a Cove, but baa beea liviag several yean ia the commercial metropolis of Can­ada. · Sh~ is at prese~at workiag ia Alexaadra Hospital, Poiat St. Charles. Moatreal, where abe is kept busy, coatagioaa diaeues be­lag very prevaleat owiDg ia part to the very ~ld aad cbaageable weather.


STONE & WELLINGTON, Tbe Foathill Nurseries.

(Established 1837) TORONTQ, • • • Oln'AlUO.

--WE DIP TBJf BBST aud largest nriet1 of ato•es iu tbe Cnuatr1, ucl maa1 otber roods aD the lllalC Jiae too DUal· eroua to meauoa, at

'Sf, CALLAHAN'S, _ . .-·· ~. St. JobD's, 'NJJd •

.: -· --· .

1 ·'

Tbl uYiaed the Iaaar· Cot•Diudl• tbat la.e bad p•e

waa denlop­llltli1IL DOCIIcaa.c•f.tlae

They aay we get beef ia o"r muli­raa,

Bat It aeeaa& jaat like mule-meat to cbew." ·

The diuppolahaeat of hope de­ferred u tbey awaJt the overseu order b voiced thaa :

•: Tbey aay we're goiag OJer the

tleftd wu the work of all iacea· Tbe';:a~0:,e're goia.r over the sea, diary. T"'- • ...!· h Mayor Ala. Mc:ConaacJr'a Ia• _,y aay were u.uaar over t e vesdptioa reaalted ia the arrest B re••• · of a aaaa a&lllwf A. B. Kalrtat. aa 1 ut t a~,l aouads lake bualtum to ladlridaal wbo "blew" Jato the me. to'WII aoaae tlae tJae ago aad Whea the order comes., they atarted a eort of a buaiaea coll~ge •!ar apia ia more cheerful tuae, Ia tiM Lon Block. · · 1 GIWifiDI the lut liae 1

<Jrl a NervOua Wr;;k a

At. Eleven Years of ke ,..

Wu Tlnd Oat, Psle ad Sallow-Wciald T.....a.Je nu the W Woalcl Sh•b Dr. Gue'• Nene Food c..d Her.

-HONOR ROLL-A record of Dames of voluuteus for the Army aad Navy aeatJ>y Societies, Day or Saaday Schools, Churches, etc., tile 13 x 18 ia., card, room for 30 aamea. Price prepaid, 30 ceats, by post 35 ceata. For sale 'at this Office.

,; -Oa Tuesday Dirbt tbe four­act comedy eatftled "Tbe Lian, .. was produced at the Casiao Theatre, St. Joba'a. Those tak· iaa part comprised a Dumber of ladies aad geDtlemea-Lt.-Com. MacDermott, R.N., C'apt. J. J. O'Grady, add others. The play bad beea promoted by Mr. Aagus Reed aad its purpose is to procure fuada for the local Red Cross So­ciet1 aad the • Newfouadlaad Highlaaders. ----

-Washiagtoa, Dec. 10.-Nego-tiatiooa are uader way for a per­maqftlt adjuatmeat of all issues arialaJ betweea the Aa:eric:aa aad Caaad1aa Goverameut couaected with tht fisheries, aot oaly oa tbe Cout \'here troubles re­ceatly hue beea most acute, but oa the Atlaatic aad ia the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

[MOST brl'o•ANT: - IC this be ao, as no doubt it ie, our Govera­ should be oa the alert to act a uaiaoa with the Cuadiaa Gov­

erameat to see· tflat ao c:burea ar& made detrimeatal , to tbia 1 .. laad. All the Empire is oae as it aner wu be tore. a ad it should be lrept ao, aad awle more so.]

Wbca should I Jove aad charity a bow

For aU mJ fellowa here t~Flo• 7 , , · N.>w I

nte Store With the . ~ ·

, RePl:\tatiori~ ~for

ViALUE~; announce~ the co~pleteness

now of their ' .•


Ladies Coats and Cpstumes deserve Special mention. Never were· we s~ well supplied. The choicest Styles from both sides or the wa\ei makllig one or ~ Grandest Displays the City has-ever se~. The Jlli'ce-1·ange is extensive. To be brief, you may select from $4:00 to !40.00.



UNTRIMMED. Becoming Shapes, attractively priced.

When Fitting out the Young Folks , don't forget that we are bountifully stooked in


Our Children'• and Misses' Coats are known as the very best procurable. The Style

suits and \he Pri~e fits in every ese. Men's Raglans,

Overcoats,· \ 1weed Suits

q And Underwear. · · --r,-r.h fact ev~rything a man needs

will be found at prices pleasing to pay.

Try a _Mail Order Servtce with us.

St. John's.

Advertise in Harbor Grace Standard.''

. ~


Page 3: J - · bother to prison the Do\»rudja- what daima Be baa oa our graU

. ' I • • w ,

. . . . . ., . . .

• ' " ... . ..

Parties indebted will pleas~ .di8c)~ ~ th~i~ ~~tajol) promptly.~ · See p~r and Subscribe at ~once · to the . Home Paper. Newto119dl~nders abroad,~ ·keep in

Liberal touch

~~·~b .Rat£s· ." with Your

_NATI~ !•AND. One Dolla.r ~ ~ear. O~rgyDl4 .. 6& !. • •

.tmutnr ActveD~. ' RHEUIATISI A SN!AIINI DISEASE ·,b;-~~t!!:• a!:S~'::~d·i:aet:eu Grief cm4 Worry . Childbirth la Grippe Excesses Gild

Overstrain c:aute

Nervous ExhaustiQn Take the oew remedy

whleh eoata.iae tbe form ol pb~ pborus requl.rW for Derft ~ir. ,.,._..._. ____ _ .. ,.., c ............... _,_,.. •tll.-~..,..,.......--­_ .. U.NAIA_0..._-.1.

Oa att lvurs with the g~Uana ,. n 'S 'T L'S"' I£T .ffll~w:AXQUCiftl On~ Sl:t! aad ~ae tb~t ·bu atory of._c\. Private Tom Jone!', . . ~ A · II 'I • t;:~Vt ~:"if'' e.lii!I'Pst culatfQ.IaD tlis coo of Raa~a.won theN. C, hi boa!{- ~ • -- 1 apt, fa ' o t··r\Jt DeiDOCJ'at j flaK a •adrcd prisoaera '" th.~ Tbrobbiar lluacl~ta· and Swollen yeua of a~ rut ~tt.~rf·· • in~: r .. r those in us political aflili .. tioaa. In tbe exploit ~iat of Sergeant Juti .. n JoiDta.llade Well. who UUt>r bnpecl_hJ be well•gaia. late Prdicleatial electioa it did ia co6a witt, the IUCCt''!l .. , I * --- .. . Tbt>re ill n marvrllnu!" healing aimjny Herculeaa w.ork for Wil-tbe Fre at Vcrdua. He 'and I • RUB ON KERVILINE. . pow~r in Nl'rvilille- which i.l d~- aoa aad most mercitruhy criticiz. ieveral mea of tbe auppiJ ~rvicej Old I · k --- f . b- riYes from the '"'rac:ta and juices ed tbe platform of the ~epublicaa • . . , age ao•a oo oe more. au f t i to ...:. d 1 'd all ........ zbl · loat thelbsslv~ to the ntght to 1 1 • h b o cer a a rare '!cr ... aa roo a. caat ale oa rv- e occastonr. th ild f b ll·h 1 At t r, ~ore unre eattag t aa r eu- It alia,. almoat mall'i .. aJJ' the Yet tbrouab the whole campaiao, e • eraea o a e o ea. . mattam ~-. , o· • • . o Jut they met a group whom theJ At fi • t 1 bl' . awflll patn tbat only rh~umatlcs wbde aeadia• bot ahot toto the they took for a patrol. of Fr~cb . "r 011 Y1a g~m 1

1°gi pahta caa aricribe. . doctrines adYaaced by the Repub-Coloalala ' They · ·were really a 1•8 .felL $ut, a as. tt aett es 11 t e ' Coat-.'8ti~a is drawn ·out of the licaa caadfdale, it did not fail to party of Germaaa loat bebiud the JOID\1 a~d ~~~des, aad fiaally maaclea, sttffeaed joiata are eased report ia great detail the most im· French froaL They fired aad mias- to~ ~~;•cdjms. be . aad limbered up. the did time f~l· porlaat meeting-$ held bJ Mr. eel· bpt at Jut cauabt Juliea ay e seaae may • 10 iag of deprenio9 is cast off aad Hugbe* aad the success that he bo ' d hi d t k8 h' i t ' the muscles of the back, tbtg~. oac:e aa.a:o Nertiliae briu,... the and bia priuciplea acort'l at maay uu m, au oo tm 0 o a shoulder or aeck-to-morrow 111 ff • 1 o- • • · tbeltet where uader electric lirbt tb .• ta f tb b d t au erer to buoyant, v gorous lut- of these pohttcal galhenngs. The d{aaer 'w• served to a number of . e r•a 0 e a a I oes, arms Ia~ good health. World .... away above party; it Ger-man officen. These began to :ub~~ /!r may work with re- • J!:•ery hom~ needs good o~d Ner- was a ~eat a4wapaper all lhru the c:rou enmiae him remarking Wb b Yh· • . t t vahae, aeed•st for earache. tooth· campatgu.

\\'hen should a belpiag band I amiablJ tbd tb .. , w~"'"' ataad uo .et e1r t elr pal a tds .coffus a a ot r ache, beadacbe, aeuralgfa, l1,1m- - ---

l .. od ~ • - oc:cuaona ma r.a ao a ~renee o b • ·~- .u. k h t -PATIUOTJC T&A-Mrs. Burton. .. aoaaeaaefrom a pnso~"Priaoa- .. N 'I' ,. I.I'Ot ac:a&~, ·auu aec • c es 'l'o those who under a b11rdea er" repliad Ser,...aut lien .. we ervt toe. · b colds"ud 10ft .LIIID&t. · Wberenr the ladJ ia charge of the Girl

bead? Now·l aball .ooa see :b;,~tctba '' ~ad he ~auae, other. remo:u ea avt Ui~rt is paia. CIOIIJe,tioa or ia- Workera' Department of tb• Bar~ --- - 1 • d th t Th · t faded, don t be dtacouraged. Ner· ftammatioa Ne"ihae wiU cure it. bor Grace B. aad S. Co. Ltd. said

-The producer al oue end g_eta nDop aaae a • ttbaumhoa d f 9i1iae baa cured the wont of cues. 25c. per bottl~ at all dealers or the other day to her · assistants: . h aaumoat were aa e aa a o • . • Gir too little for h1s producl; t e cou- tile Freacb. "So," be coacladed, It baa broagbt he~tb to those aa the Catarrhouoae Co., Kaagstoa, " la, doa't you thiak we could sumcr a t the other pays too mucb; "it is you w~'. arc prisoners" the deepest despaar, bas e~ed Canada. • do som~thiag to help the W.P.A. t he people iu between get far Their iacredulitf, aaya the P¥rla A meat tea, say." 1'he girls took more thau tbey should. correspoadeat.o Dail1 Chronicle, .. ttractiYe illult~ted, aad b athe ueaiay, and is au to the idea heartily, ia spite of

wa aooa overcome The chief the spi · C$riatmaa, ev a to Chl'istmu gift. theft beiag 10 buay at their work. Every time food is bandied, the -. They have been aroaad and ea officer set the example of diaar~ their msoa cqvera. For a chtld, a scrap book of • price goes up. Each man ~h.rougb iaa, aad soon Seraeaat Julien To meoae who hu~left the pictures aad stories is alwaws most listed the sap~rt of the cltiaeas, whose haads it G'N"tl takea baa ow a o o <~ have met w tb much aucce•• o--- b bt · h' 200 ti d home t wa where she oug welcome. -· little profit, aad as these are. all roug 10 lt cap,.ves aa aud ao doubt more help ia moae1 baaJed 00 to the buyer, praces six machiae guas. Faatutic •• lind, #dMre jJos/4/s of faau1lar Chciaa made of aleel beads are d cb il' . ( t

it. ••ems. this anecdote il§ full• at- sc.eaH would· be aure to be wei- k d lt aa au awt aartes 10 mya era• rise out.of all proportion. .... . <~ If 1

U d e&aJ to ma e. an are very pre Y oua to the male mind "but so ap-

BJllou. ? Try


O..U.'IIool....._ 40 Pitts, a ...

a.d a..,_ eo --.J

-Patrick Gardner, a 75 year old fisherman was before Court

• chargea with a violation of the Licease Act. Last summer the defendant sold liquor to othdfiah­ermea at the Groais hlaads. As it was his third offence a fiae of $150 or three months' imprison­meat. the full ~natty of the law, was John's -papers.

tested. '"I wu utootsbed," saya come. care u y chosen, aa when &aiahed. Pealing to the male appetite) as the majOr of oae batt.alioa. "la tied tocether with red ribboa or Thread two aeedleaaad measure. wads. etc , will follow. The Artoise or Champagae the day tbe gold or silver C'orJ, would seem a off two lugths of Ute floss loag tea will take place ia St Paul's uaault cost ua ae•eral hundred real glimpse of the old neighbor- , ofomea per , .. ..:meat; thia time we hood Hall oa St. Stepbea'a Day, com-

~· . . - ~~ .. a 1'....-1-- meacior_·at 6 o'clock p.m. 1'be had fifteea wounded. And pnaoa· To a friead wbo is housewifely, w.-ua . UUIIMftl British B,aad will be there, aad aa en la treacbes. Two miautea a boOk of (priakd) or writtea D-- · 1 · k-.a f after Our mea • ere over the crest . 1 A a.UUJl . eDJOyab e time lr.&J be too o:u or.

,tapts as moat acctptab e. me· 'l'he proceeds are tO be given to the bill was peppered with ICfey dium sized blaalr book caa be asa.remed.f6irtbl1!'flle!ectsofqulc:t tb Women's Patriotic A..Ocia-coata. They came up like a Oock bought for tweaty·&ve ceata,-or :::•~ ~~ f:J; · 0 here to aid them in their of aheep. My regiment iloae took one may be foqa«i or a cheaper Deed-that tones J.he GtOIIIICb. .-a. aoble worlc of helpi~g r soldier 1,545 a ad 45 officers. grade at much lea.. This is a gift 1a1ea tbe ltfw, rea\llatea the ~Ia • a ad sailor lads. lll{ra. B rloa a ad

that would be helpful all the year her girls are workio bard -to Market Beport. throurh. make the amouat big u po5·

A set of denim table tloiliu sible aad the occuiou one to be (Trade Review, Dec. 9th, 1916.) CooPIS"B.-Prime larre ier­

cbantable continues ia good de­mand at $8.00 to $8 30. A few sales of extra good u high u $8.50 Coaditioa of foreiga mar­kets is fit_.t rate. Labrador ahore­cured is .-· to ~.00, "aoft" $6.50.

CooorL -Maay Sales commoa at $175.00 to $180.00. Deawad ia fore.fa'a aaarketa alaowa ao alpa of falliac oJf. Price probabi.J mouat a few doU~ big~er, aqd be at ita beat' after New Year. Re-61fed oil abowa ao aia'aa of rWDI'· Large quantities of held-up oil chaared haads here tbla week at $1 3) lo $1.40.

Bxaamo.-Loc:al Split $4. A few ealt;a were made froaa mer­coat tD aaercbaat at S4 50. S.bery at Notre Dame, Boaae Ba7 of Ialaada aot.eo coocl u Je&r. Pleat1 of time for pol work7et. 1

Year. 8Jiu Ia • 4tm at uadlaaged

prices. Ve wbolesale,St. loba'a rata. are tbia week : Boe Flank, $30 ; Packet, $28.50 to $29.00, aacl Boaeleaa, $27.50.

Soou-Tbe raual ophsioa ia ·that prices wit be much lower than the rates aow preuiUar. There Ia a very limited amallatock ia the St. Joba't marker--'&11 Jm­porter. waiiiag for the c!edrbe. Present prices, $810 to S8 80 peT per 100 lbs. ia barrels.

make a ve.ry pretty gift, aa well long remembered. Our towns· u a u.eful one. The art denim people will certainly help them. ia thirty-five . ceata a yard, a ad ........ w.., ,._,..,... • ..._ w.w. CQmes ia moat attractive. shades. ....... ,.~ .,.....,aa ...... golden browa, lemoa yellow, dark aud grua rreea, aQd mellow piak, a ad a 1ard aad a half makes a seL Dbide the deaim carefully, cut­tiel" a r:aeroua aquare for the c:eQtre piece, aix amaUer squares far tile tumblers. Thea friq-e -each dollle, aauiar the frlege aot .ore than a a iacb wide, aad oYer· cut tbe frlal"e with fiae cottoa of tbe aame abade. • Tbe •eaim aeta are euil1 made, aad -ar well.

Aaolber pi clipped.balaam a ad

eaougb for your chaia, and be sur~ and let it be louger thaa you seem to need. Tie a kaot ia both threads. When you have aa inch aQd--a half of ateef beads made­use • tape meuure every time,­alip oa a pearl bead, p11ttiag both aeel1es thro\lrh it, repeat the steel beada aaotb~ iach aud a half, t'tea aHr'oa a color.!d bead, ~ttiag both needles through it. Repeat uatU U•e dealr~ Jearth is

-That enemy employees of tbe various coal companies of Cape Breton are lrnowa to exist ia the most important eectioa of our ia­dastrlal coaceras. aeems to be aa admitted fact, and for aome tim~ it wu aa open secret that the coal companies oa both aides of the harbor were oa the qui vive. Bowe•er the climax was rdlched ia the early hours of vest'!rday moraiag whea aight watchmen Harvey caught red-handed aa Austriau ligbtiug a fire ia close pro:dmity to the large powder house of the Florence cqlliery bet­ter kaowa aa No. 3 . Colliery of' the Non $cotia Co. Oae hua· dred aud fiftfyards diataat from the moulb o the mine, where day a ad nigh lue eaaplo7ed mauy hun­dreds of mea, thia altrt servant of the bi' Compaay }IOticed a brilliant illumiaatioa. Stealthily

' he approached tbe pla~.a!Jd be· fore theat:raager was able to make a move he was tbrowa to the grouad aad secured. Around the Auetriaa wu sufficiea~aper aud

A Grateful 'lomuiJ.

\lome time 1.-;i F~it Mla.ea Eleie aad Isabel Ptke, daarhteB of ll(r. Joha Pilre o( Hane7 Street, m~d• for the lade at tbe Front a ablrt api~. a ad seat the111, and a baud· kerchief each with a aote attaebed to the W. P. A. here. SOme time aro. llflu lubel.Pike recelftd the followlar letter from a J'ratdul Tommy of the Rqlment : 'l'be let· ter, b7 the by, Ia. wrlttea _,n paper beaded Church Army .R'ecreatlon BuL"

F•ucc~ No•. 8, 1916. Dear Frieod.-

Doabtleu you wlll be aarpriaed to bear fro~ a 10ldler eo far awa1 and aot kaown to JOa.

combuttlibles to cau the des· tructioa ol the eat ·e Colliery to,-ether with the mao li•es ~ork· iDJ below. When aearcbecl'\lre pnaoaer bad papen oa his penon showiar that he bad previously been interned ia one of the Pro­vincial prooaers' camp.-Norih Sydney Herald. .

Miqrd'a Liniment Cures Colds &c.



.ARE SIGNS OF INDIGESTION. lndJCtllloo-lhe complete or partbl (allure ell he diCnti'I'C ptoeatea-fre· quentlylhro19 -out of l[ear tho ~ nudllner)' ollhe body. You can't enjoy

· .

-~ ... . , . ..



Patriotic Association deem it necessary that the: King's subjects in Newfoundland should be made acquainted with the present condition of aff-tirs, and that, ·by a full knowledge of the need .. of E,npire,

• the_p;lt.riotism of the Colony nny be stimulated.

1 From the beginning of the \var now m-progress. voluntar~ enlistment has been the basis upon which have been built up the Naval and Military conrin· gents from Newfoundland. We have sent 1 soo men for the Navy and 3000 for the Army. Not L

few have been decorated (or bravery, and all h';lve sustain~d 'the highest traditions of the Empire and won for themselves and for the Colony undying' fame.

In the North Sea, on ili"e 1\tlantic, on trade routes and wherever duty has demanded, our Na­val volunteers have acquitted themselves with dis-. . . uncuon.

• Wherever_the Regin(ent has been called on tQ

discharge its duty .it has won·unstinted ps;aise.

' But more me n are needed to finish the work. to 'overwhelm the enemy, and secure the blessings of a lasting peace. We therefore appeal to the men of Newfouilliland to offer themselves for service

•and to rur;ish His Magesty the King ":ith a por­don of that help which the M-other Country deem nec:essa)'y to accomplish this result

' The obli~tifln rests upon us to furnish reserves to fill lhe ranksf and our comparative immunity from the cflnsequences of a state of war must not be al­lowed t , blind 'us to the stern need of more: men no'Nllone that victory may be !'ecured but tha t New­foundland's place in the Colonial Empire of Great Brilain may be assured. } t must not be said of us that the blood shed and the treasure expended have been in vain ; but if t~e response which is antici· pated be fully realized it wiU be bJazon<;d to thc:.,.re­motest dependency of the Crown that the of this Colony has been well justified-most ancient and most loyal. •



SUPPORT STANDARD circulates widely in best BUSINESS and

FA\fiLV circules throughout the country. Is a Clean, Readable, Reliable, and ludependent Paper.

Advertisers find it pays to use a paper of good reputation* Quality counts.


- Tbe expr~ssioa "iike a Say­''ille inessare from Berlin" is aow recognized as beiag tautamouat to a consummate lie.

Moi.ASSBt,-Uacbauge!f. Crop at Barbados so rood that lower prices are couated -on as· almost certain. Uader fnorable coadi· tioaaour fint carroeaahoald reach here by the fint "tek ia March. The Board of Trade are moYiag for more favorable regulations ia the purchasing of the product. The Jqcal frlces are still SSe., cbolce rrocery,aad 58c. for Faacy.

Ma.t Pilla aafortiaaately are hanh aad draatlc: thly caaae Ia· tlammatJoa aad crea~ diecontfort Rather like aatare l• the way a pill aboald act. mildly bat et!ccl i•ely ,. Science hu eabbll~hed nolhlot more utiefactory •• a famil1. pill tbaa the old reliable pill of Dr Bamiltoo'a. which for forty year• hue bad a premier place In Ameri· ea. Dr. Bamllton'• Pill are nry mild aad eaa be tlfec:ti•ely ueed by the ared. by children, aad indeed b7 mea and womea f( all are•. No elom •c:b or b,woel medlcloe ie more. reliabl~. Ng remedr for iodlrea· Uoa. hu.daclte or bllioaene11 ie eo dfectlft', 10 mild, 10 certain to qalckty care •• a 25c. box of Dr. Uamltton'a Pilla

Well. the otber day, juet before fOlda'~iu t11• ·ttdt4Me crur COIIlpu!J wu iaaued aoaae aew c:lollliar, ablrta and eocke. On taklac tbe artielea to my dug-·o•t aad opealar the ablrt. I found ia tile p.>cket of it a handkerchief and pioaed to It a aote from you. 10 I tbou~:bt I wtJuld drop you a lioe and let yoa know lh1.t we recei•e the ctotblar from tbe homeland 0 ~ and alto tihnk you. Cleaa elotblag ia maeb appre· dated by ua whe~J at tD-.froat and upeclallt at tbie tlllie of aeuoll waea Ofe aeede to be coafbot11 changior into dry Flothlna- after a alfbt or 10 In lbe t(encbea. No doubt you will be flad to lraow that the clothlog rea~bea the Newfound· laad 10ldlere.

the vtcour uc1 YiWitJ n1 coocs t~eanh unl~a your etOtm:ICb. liftrand llowelt ~ do lhdr work recuWtY llDd dDdenlb'.



Our Job Work Departmeut is under charge of a n experienced competent foreman. It has an excellent reputation-a growing one. All sorts of printing executed neatly, promptly, a t reasonable rates.


I \\U cured of RbtomaUo Goat by ·'"" \lto"R l.f~l:'JP:NT.

11•11falC'. AEORJtW KING ,111 ~u c:nred of Aento RroaeblU. by

• '> \HO•q l.l~lME:-.11'. 1.1'.·(."01.,(• (;JU:W E READ

... , . lC

, 1 ,. rured bv aeu~ l'hoomaU•m by

·• • \RO'R LlNIMF.NT. Varl.ham,Ont.C. F- RfLf.INO.

Lakt4eld, OoL II, 11107



dlr~ctiou oa aa.t ib~',-4t

sheet of paper,

.. Distribute these pictures a ft:w at a time, to your ruuts, glv-

By iLrx TuoaN ior each ope a peacH aad sheet of h 1 p1~r. oa which oumbera up to

It is to the girl who as on Y. a thirty·fh•e are writtea. A.. tbe modest sum to rxpend. tbat 1 will Caeca 'are reenrolled, the names try to give 10me helpfu.l au,-gea;- ar,. written opposite the correa--

· sYRUP ~~e Jar bar ~race jtanbarb O'L1 11.08 A YEAR PREP~ID •.

c:: - --Mr. Geo. D.avis of Woodville



l ) .... tiopa. 'r . d one or pondiog uumber oa the paper." For a growa·up raea • ,,( ... . .

f 1s dtli.rbtful CftrUhnu ~ ace t nf' pactures. hat of a ames

Puhapayo11 may kaow my rather who realdea at Cubonear. Be ia euperaumary mla,ater th*e at pre. eent. and it anJ tlw you ·~ him J.on aa tell him tba!'"you hue beard from me, t bat I ·am ln the beat of eplrit•. 87 thi ltmQ Ufta reaches yfu It wilt be •~JJ on for Xtnaa. 10 mu•t now cloafo, wlahlnc- ypu a joy· oua Xmaa and a .1tapp7 New l"ear, from a 10ldier friead,

Ro,1d has been very ill tbe last moolh or so.

::~, ll ~hould l-;pea-k a wor d n.t r

To the fainting hearts thnt are l ver aear? Now I


more 0 \ c e of the cu.rrut ma• i and tlir~ct iun, il\. a big square ea·

nwm,kn o .o"bt b~ aeat The lroli- v l·•(l•'. « box, \r;d Jasten with ::''":~bW~~uoaa are ·fUl~ with 1 CLi .twu ~oe¥1s. ·This aet makes c:h~rful, aedOilable atora.s, are an laterestlar gamt tor maa1 aa

At.I!C Wtr.r.n. ---STAKDARD from date to. ead 1917 $1.00 fa adYance •.

" \


-C.ptala Edward Pareon• haa been down towu tenral timea aint-e bia late . bela, l kept at home by atomatb tro-.ble

' .

.... ...

Page 4: J - · bother to prison the Do\»rudja- what daima Be baa oa our graU

. ...

~~~ 'Jt&rbor &rare ~tllJlftat!!J.'-!~ ..... CUHUEPTIOft BA I aD¥ £HT18£B.

FRIDAY. DECEMB-ER IS, 'i916 . .. - ................................ -... .. ClitUJANV bat1 propoaed more or

1~ Connally terau of peace. a?t bJ any meaus full eaou~tb to be call. d a •• peace of God,." It is -a Germau peace-a pea~ that lbe great lead. ra of the Allies aad \be great body of their ~pie uaite ia ~>:l.ring cannot be conssdered evea :us a stutiag poiat for the peace s he proposes. The wu mast go op -t\11 the Teutoa powera-are will· .lng to relinquish their scheme of

.... trampling oa the most elemeatal ·rights of other peoples, or at all ~wut!' till they are ao reduced io power th rlt they will have to a~ee to the terms the Allie~ aahoaa and sensible neutrals consider ne­ctssary. That day is aot yeL Germaay ~robably was aot IICIJ igaoraat tbat she did not lraow her terms would be rejected. She waated to pose before her people and the people <'f Amfficn and other neutrals as a lover of peace, aad place oo the Allies the blame of carr,Jiag oa th~ war aoy long· cr. She is wise ia her geaeratioa, io maay re~pccts wi~r thaa those 6gbtiag for Right agaiast Ruth· leu Might. She will be able to say to ~r people, fight oa the harder oow. You see the Eaemy,. Britain io particular, w.aats to

• s tuve you aud destroy you as a aatioa. As regf.l'da the ~ ople of

- America aod othef aeutral coua· tries ao•evea of the Allied coua·

- tries, abe "aata to destroy the ~tympathy felt for the Allied cause 'a ad weafceu the1r practical t~upport. She wants to make the Alhes do all the work of proclaim· iog to America aod other aeutrala: "Aay effort on your part to lead us to enteruia the Teutoa pro­p<)sals would be aa uafrieadly act." It is well for us that abe. has displayed her tyraaa.J, cruelty aad iotoleraace ao atroagly tLat Deutral aatioas must see thru the tbia veil she bas dl)aaed, aad that they kaow tbe.J have...,aa mach, and we believe more to dread, tJaaa Britaio, Fraace, Raaaia ~ ~1 have, from a peace that~ve her free to pursue her oppreaahe, liberty- aad- bappioesa • blutiag policy.

We muat 6gbt on, aod the rest, • of the world if they have aaf ~aee at all must clap their baada aad aay : You are firhtiag ·'at rearlal coat-oar batUea u w'el1 u yotu owa. We ca•aot utr yoa to atop till all J.OU caa ril'atly claim ~a aecared. GOd bfea

a boat

ila1~i~f~~~~=~'-~u~ POMd

... .,. ad caa be at ~t. We feiel badly OYer the fact that there ............. to oat Ilia 10 coacl~u to ca..e laim aa. a~ a, bat it Ia pleulag to flad t he A:CC!aits Lloyd Geor~ ef 1.!11' ~ Ia the trae-acdoi. A8 to .wulber the Pre­mier wu ~f!t Ia bla objectioa to the parti poiat ia the coa­atitatioll of tile uaall Wu Coua· c-il that led to his retlraaeat. from L1s of&ce, we do aot pnteDd tO be

' able to Judp. Whether the Old Admhriatratioa coulct haYe riaea to &be oc:caaloa, u4 dealt ade­

J I 9uateiJ with the l'f&Ye ail$1atioa ~ io winch the Empire aad Its Al·

lies fiud themiel•ea Ia still more beyoad our lrea.

The future oalJ cu tell wbetber the Llofd GeoiJe AdlllialatraUoa will be fouad capable of coplq wltb the coloaaal taU before lt.-to or­ganize the aatiolleo *' ef1G7111i"'' will be aabeerrietlt ud will lead to the wlaaiog of tbe war. Bat it Ia Ytry eacoDfa&UK to baN 10 each rroaad to bo~ tbat It will. It ie a Kre&t polat Plaed tla&t tbe aatioa. lad Ia ~ ltt leaden, are fairi.J awa't• 'ucl la dowarlpt eara­ut. Tbere baa btea lUCia dl-tl• f&ctiOII IOIH of it DO doabt una­....... at tile a1ow lf DOt poor pro. ,..... tbe Jdlled c:aae Jau tieen iDaJdllc; U4 Uie AUied GO'ftlraiDtllta •a• Ma bluled (IDON Uwa ptr· laape tbeJ alloiiJcl baN Ma) •J*l·

We Jiod tbeo, oar brotbera aad aiatera of lbe motberlaaCS: Kirial' their naahood. world=· tootla aail aall.: aaderl(oiag de ntioa. to wia tbe. war. We 1 haft tj~aal rNSOD to lowe \be Flq. Ull lla •e uea mor~ to dread fiom •ictorioaa German miHtarlaa tbaa \bey hue. Are equally bouad fu· niah the men. the moaey. SJaoald be equally willing to orraal&e •• tbeJ are.

What do we&ad? Recr.Utblc laa­JDialliag. Mea. maay of tlleai IIJp an pabllc lifc,pro•la .. t Ia btlel--. arna-.lac fonuae., No ~ to retalate tbe bitbtptlCM6f .-...r. in, to rqalate freltbt ratee. to re­tara uorbltaat war prolte to tlae Treutky where Uaey to make the well to do fon,o aad cx.atribute .ore to wat'-ezpea· ea. No attempt to pat Ute CDUtry Ia a proper at•t• of Weace; A pa· eral ea•r·roia~ oa \be part of both GoYerDmea"t ud people• tat aarelrl• ~ be .......... of aad ft•eclied ud tbe aooaer U.. better. If

orTbe tia~e Jo prepare your ~.-t week'• adtertfaaaeat Ia aow. If yoa baftlt Ia tile &r.uroAU dice oa Sal11rday it will be aoae too ~a.

-AdJiar Sllate of tiM Firat New· loa.uMicf ...... ~ "f&'N a pJG. aat nrprl• to Ide fatllet aad


-For Chriatmaa tbiage try Sim . moae'a. •

. .,..St!•PP'$ Pharmacy is o~ aug a <::haoa Tea Set as a prize.

aiMS frieoda ben by nlera· l•r aapectedly oa Sataraayalcbt. Be wu Uc:e to;St. Joba'a to~ aad retaraecl rather dowabeaited. tile uallllalac doctor bariar c:oaeid· ered H WOilld DOt be fit fo nbara to tile Refimeat. He may haft to take aome war work ia tbe lllaad.

-Ur. Mark Paa1aer ftceind a letter latel1 from bil• brother Robt . of tbe ·c. .£. F., aow atatlnoed at Whitley, Camp. Eortaad. lt will. aa alao olhu iatereatiai' ma.ter ap· pear ia aext STUD4&D.

- __ . . -Lodge Dlamoad Jubilee S. 0 . 1~. -" Caa tbe Germaa liae on tbe held Ita anaaal election of officer

-Mr. Coaaeaa of Ameterdam,New York, and of Brlcua apeat a day ill towll tbla week to theanat pteaaare af Ilia frieada here. Be will apead Cbtletmu at Heart'• Coateat Wltb h'- relatift. Ur. S. Steatafordof tbe W. U. Cable SJ•em ataff, before proceediar to tbe United Statea for the WIDtet moatbL '

waatera fro11t be brok'eo?" Nut to oa Uoaday aigbt. T li'q Preai_~nt Geaeral Sir Doila'laa ~air few Brl· lfr. T. G. Ford a ad er O'fictr..: tiab aold.lera are1o a better ~ltloo elected wrtl be la,~lled tao earl r to . jadre tlaaa ~aual Sir Beary I date hi''J•aqry aext . . Rawllaaoa, Oeaefal Ba'l''• rirht· . . . ba .. ID&D ia tbe Somme oifea~n. · - llfl. Job a Noaewortby d1ed o• .. Ua4oabUedly it call," waaGnei'al l(oada.J afrbt lut at the age of i .3. Rawllaao~t'a n-ply to the qa•Uoa afte~ ao lllaCM o( three cr four day •. which 'the wb"le world la aailat. She •• aanl•<'d by two aoaa Selb'

mua~r of Mr. W. A. l\[uon'a Co(j. oU Re&ouy aad Walter. aod one manied daachter. To these the S'I'ANb.UD teodetaUa aympatby. · v

.' . - ) Badges for Bej~ Ofln·

d1dal88 -

-W. P. A.-The followiag COD• tribatioaa han beea rf(elftd bJ. the the Women'• Patriotic: AWIOda~oa : Harbor Grace Staadard, $1.00; MrL (Dr.) Goodwla, SOc.: MrL 1oba T. Mcllae. 2 pain mltta; llrL lkaeat i;im~noaa, 1 palr mitt•: YrL Daaald Mana. old llaea: llrL Joba Lel)few, old llaen.-MUGAJtH 'l'rea· aarer, Dec. 14th, 1916.

-Mra. Tbomaa Sellara recei_ved a letter from)u aop. R.N.R. Geor~ . aaylq be 'lkl~ at bia ablp 0 .1\. on Friday. Be wiabea to be rem· embered to all frieadL Be alao wlaba to tban~ the ladiea ·of the Harbor Grace..PatrioUc Aaaodatio,, for the preaeat lbeyao klodly aent bim the airbt before hla leuing. Mra. &4tara alao ftcehed a letter from bef aon, Barry. at Atr, Scot· 1aad. Be b'aa jaat twen promoted from Corpon.l to Serteant. Be i~t well aad aeada best wlahea to all frleadL-Com.


. Ilea who ban: beeA rejected aa IICidically Uait for entry Ia tile NewfoaDdlaad llo,al Nanl Re8ene may obtaJa BaclPe bfmaldar ap­piiCatioa Ia wri£lar to tbe Ccnil· illaadlal' Otlcer. B. M.S. Britoa, St. JobD'a. N.F.

A. IIAcDitRYOTT, Actiac Coauaaader.

-By Kyle'a expreaa Moaday there came ~ of oar Nual Reaene bo.J• (l•ea a aoatb'e farloaJ"h. Moalof them haft beea Ia tbe Norlh Sea oa different allipa of the fleet for owu two yeara. Oa arrinlat St. Joha'a the IH1I were gi•eo a rece~tioa at tbe a~Uoa aad were later dibea to Goft'fllmeat Bouae ia mot~ra here Bia ~ceUeacy n•e them a rdlal Miaard'a Lioimeat welcome. •

Ia to buJ things for less. Ia a' JONBS'.

Cures Di!ttemper

- For Xmu we are offerlog Special Cut Prices ott all kinds of PrJ Goods. Now ialbe time to.,aa•e moaeJ.

CURTAIN NET-Regulu lSc. nlue for 12c., 27c. value for 22c., 40c• value for 33c. \ '

WALL PAPERs-A spleadid assortment of high grade papers, all luge rolls, worth 25c., aow selliag at 15c. A nice lot Borderiaga, aame price. 1

BOY'S SUIEAil $4.50 value for $3.70, aad $5.50 ntue for $4.36) ; $3.00 O•ercoal f $2.35; Ree.fera at $2 SO aod $3.00, well worth 14.00.

Few Mea'a alta $16.00 nlue for $13.20. MeQ/1 $1.20 ~ps for 90c. Boya' extra hel'fy fleece abirte~ad paats SSe.

Mea's 65c. fleeced paate aad abirte·for SOc. n<>t Mea's Top Shirts, all reduced. FOR SETS-Now ia tbe time to buy a aice Fur Set nry cbeap. Prices

raqe from $L90 up to $'1.00. Cbilda' White Fur Sets from 8.Sc. up. All Fur Colfan. abourhalf usual price. Pew Blaci Muffs at $1.30. Sweater ~ts, $1.60 •alae for $1.20, $2 sO for $2.20, $2.SO nlue for $2.40 aad $3.80 for .20.

... Ladiet' Siaglets, extra quality white fleeced Shirts aad Puta SSe. for 9c o~ two for SLSO ; 60 value for SOc. Girls, all ai1ea for 35c •

. Woql Hoods.aad Caps. A big uaortmeot, all offered at greatly reduced pncea. - •

Brass Curtain Rods, extends 30 to 54 in., fluted silver balls; only 16c.

OORSETS-Every Lady l)tes to have lf'aew pair Corsets' for Xmas. Now Ia lbe ti!pe to get a pair cbtap. All 60c. value for SOc. ; 90c. for SOc.; $~.30 nlue for $1.10 aad t~amoua D. & A. for $1.50.

GLOVES.-Chllcl• Woo Gloves SOc. &'SSc.. value for 4SC. Childs' Cuff~ -3Sc. Ladles' Fleece Jiaed hmere fur 40c. White Wool 40c:. , 60c. aad 7'St. ,.-aa Kid $1.40 ; Black-Kicl.- or $1.20 ; Men's Wool Gloves 70c. aatl SOc., Mea's liaecl Kid Glovea alightly damaged, for only 90c.

BANDK&RCHIEFS-Ladiea' b~titched from 4c. , lace edge from 5c .• big usortmeat faacy fzom Sc., cbildrea's Picture Haadkt-rcbiels, from Sc., · ~a'a Colored Border aad Patriotic Haodkerceiefs at lSc., Iaitlaled at l Oc., 20c., aad 2Sc:. luitialed Silk 60c., SOc., aad $t.OO, and a very large colored Silk at $1.00

Mea's Mumen Ia Black, White aad Colored. , PINAFORES-We are showing,.. a splendid range of Pinafores in Silk

aad Lawa, all aelJiag very chea~.

QJa.- and OdDa Ware: Cape aad Sauc:en. Mug., Jugs, Teapots, & rry Pots, Lemonade Sets, Vases, Triaket Trays, etc., etc. , aut.tmaa and New Year Carck:

We hl'fe a •ery big aaortmeat of Carda in pkga., boxes aad siagle, raag· · ftbm lc. to S1.40 ; packages from 8c. ; Caleadera from Sc. ; Xmas Tags from'! Sc.a~ • BOOKS:-·-

Toy Story Boob from 41:. Heuty and Alger's Books, 2Sc. Prayer aad HJDID Boob. Bl&les, Catholic Pr,.yer Books. .JEWELLERY: Sleeq Lla .. from 10c. pair. Brooches from 5c Watch Chaias from 40c. Watcbea. 12 .SO aad $3. Bracelet Watches, Wedding and Engagement Riags, Brac:elet~ etc., etc. ·


:lV.£_ T.

., l

Top Related