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    In-App Purchase

    Configuration Guide foriTunes Connect

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    Deleting Products   30

    Working with Your Product’s Metadata   31

    Viewing Your Product’s Metadata   31

    Changing Your Product’s Metadata   33Accessing Product Sales and Download Reports   33

    Changing Review Notes, Screenshot, Hosting Content   33

    Changing Product Display Text   34

    Deleting Product Display Text   35

    Properties of In-App Purchase Metadata   36

    Product Properties   36

    Language Properties   37

    Pricing and Availability Properties   38

    Duration Properties   38

    Document Revision History   40

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    Creating In-App Purchase Products   8

    Table 1-1 In-App Purchase product types   8

    Table 1-2 Auto-renewable subscription pricing and duration options   13

    Testing In-App Purchase Products   20

    Table 3-1 Subscription durations for testing   21

    Working with Your Product’s Status   26

    Table 5-1 In-App Purchase product statuses   26

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    At a GlanceUseiTunes Connect to add, set up testing for, submit, andmanageyour In-App Purchase productconfigurations.

    Configure Your In-App Purchase ProductsAfter you’ve created an iTunes Connect record for your app, you can configure the In-App Purchase products

    that you want to make available through your app.

    Related Chapters: Creating In-App Purchase Products (page 8), Displaying Products in More Than

    One Language (page 18)

    Test Your In-App Purchase Products

    Test the In-App Purchase products you’ve configured to make sure they appear in your app’s store and to

    make sure that financial transactions work properly.

    Related Chapters: Testing In-App Purchase Products (page 20)

    Submit Your In-App Purchase Products for Review

    After you’ve included all the information for a product and tested to make sure it appears in your app’s store,

    you are ready to submit the product for review and to make it available on the store.

    Related Chapters: Submitting In-App Purchase Products (page 22)

    Manage the In-App Purchase Products Available in Your App

    After an In-App Purchase product is approved and ready for sale, you can continue to manage its display,

    pricing, and availability on the store.

    Related Chapters: Working with Your Product’s Status (page 26), Working with Your Product’sMetadata (page 31)

    PrerequisitesTo configure In-App Purchase content in iTunes Connect, you need access to:


    At a Glance

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     ● The latest iOS or Mac Developer Program License Agreement

    See Legal Agreements in Your Account in Member Center.


    ● The latest paid app contract, either iOS or Mac

    Open the Agreements, Tax,andBanking module in iTunes Connect, as describedin Managing Agreements,

    Tax, and Banking in iTunes Connect Developer Guide  in  iTunes Connect Developer Guide .

     ● An iTunes Connect user account with an Admin or Technical role

    See Setting Up User Accounts in iTunes Connect Developer Guide  in  iTunes Connect Developer Guide .

     ● An iTunes Connect record for your app

    See Creating an iTunes Connect Record for an App in iTunes Connect Developer Guide  in  iTunes Connect 

    Developer Guide .

    See AlsoAs you include In-App Purchase products in your apps, you may want to refer to these additional Apple

    resources, which describe the associated business and development guidelines and requirements:

     ● Getting Started with In-App Purchase on iOS and OS X provides an overview of In-App Purchasemarketing

    strategies and business requirements.


    ● Adding Capabilities in App Distribution Guide in  App Distribution Guide explains how to use Xcode to

    enable Apple services such as In-App Purchase.


    In-App Purchase Programming Guide describes using the Store Kit framework to embed a store inside yourapp.

     ● In-App Purchase for Developers lists the references available to support you through development of your

    app and In-App Purchase content.

     ● iTunes Connect Developer Guide  contains general information about creating an iTunes Connect record

    for your app to submit it to the App Store or the Mac App Store. In addition, this document describes

    other steps you’ll need to complete to market your app, including setting up your organization’s contracts

    and banking information and submitting app metadata, including artwork and localization information.

    It continues with information on how to monitor your app’s success.

    Throughout this document, look for links to additional documents on more specific topics.


    See Also

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    In-App Purchase lets you sell a variety of virtual items directly within your free or paid app. This chapter describes

    the In-App Purchase product types and shows you how to configure them in iTunes Connect.

    About In-App Purchase ProductsRead Table 1-1 (page 8) to know how to choose among the different product types to offer your virtual

    content or service to customers.

    For more information about development considerations for each product type, see Designing Your App’s

    Products in In-App Purchase Programming Guide .

    Table 1-1   In-App Purchase product types

    DescriptionProduct type

    Products that are used one time, after which they become depleted and need to

    be purchased again, are usually implemented as consumables. For example, fish

    food in a fishing app could be implemented as a consumable product.


    Non-consumable products are purchased once by users and do not expire or

    decrease with use. For example, newrace tracks for a game couldbe implemented

    as non-consumable products.

    Apple can host your non-consumable products for you. See Hosting

    Non-Consumable Products with Apple (page 14).


    Auto-renewable subscriptions allow users to purchase dynamic content, such as

    magazine subscriptions, for a set duration of time. Subscriptions renew

    automatically unless the user opts out of the renewal. If the content you want

    offer doesn’t fit what’s outlined in the App Review Guidelines, consider offering

    the content through a non-renewing subscription.

    Auto-renewable subscriptions can include an incentive to customers who share

    their contact information with you.



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    Creating In-App Purchase Products

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    DescriptionProduct type

    Free subscriptions allow users to download dynamic content, such as magazine

    subscriptions, for a set duration of time. Free subscriptions area way for developers

    to put free content in the Newsstand in the App Store. After a user signs up for a

    free subscription, the subscription content will be available on all devicesassociated with the user’s Apple ID. Note that free subscriptions do not expire

    and can be offered only in Newsstand-enabled apps.

    Free subscriptions don’t offer a marketing opt-in incentive as do auto-renewable

    subscriptions, but users are prompted to share their information.

    Free Subscriptions are not available for Mac apps.

    Free Subscription

    Non-renewing subscriptions allow the sale of items with a limited duration. They

    are used for products that offer time-based access to static content.

     ● If you use non-renewing subscriptions, your app is responsible for delivering

    the subscription to all devices associated with the user’s Apple ID.

     ● Because a non-renewing subscription requires a user to renew each time the

    subscription ends, your app must contain code that recognizes when the

    subscription is due to expire and prompt the user to purchase a new




    Configuring a ProductFor each app, you can create up to 1000 separate In-App Purchase products. Every product you want to offer

    in your store must be configured in iTunes Connect. Because In-App Purchase products are associated with a

    single app, you create them from the App Details page in iTunes Connect.

    To create an In-App Purchase product

    1.   As an iTunes Connect user with an Admin or Technical role, sign in to iTunes Connect.

    2.   On the iTunes Connect homepage, click My Apps.

    3.   Select the app you want to enable In-App Purchase for.

    If you don't see the app you are looking for on the My Apps page, you can search for the app using a

    variety of criteria. In the Search box, choose the criteria you want to use to search for an app. The view

    starts filtering the list of apps as soon as you start typing:

    Creating In-App Purchase Products

    Configuring a Product

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     ● Name. Enter the name or a portion of the name.

     ● Apple ID. Enter the Apple ID of the app. This value must match exactly to return an app.


    ● SKU. Enter the SKU of the app.

    If no apps are listed, then the criteria you type match no apps.

    4.   In the search results, clicking the name of an app opens the App Details page.

    On the App Details page, click In-App Purchases. This tab is visible only if your iTunes Connect account

    has an Admin or Technical role and your team agent has agreed to the latest iOS Developer Program

    or Mac Developer Program license agreement.

    5.   In the In-App Purchases page, click Create New.

    6.   In the section for the type of In-App Purchase you want to create, click Select.

    The In-App Purchase product type cannot be changed once your In-App Purchase has been created.

    7.   In the Reference Name field, enter an internal name for the product.

    8.   For auto-renewable subscriptions, click Add Duration.

    For information on designing subscription durations, see Designing Auto-Renewable Subscription

    Duration Families (page 11).

    9.   In the Product ID field, enter an alphanumeric identifier for the product.

    Creating In-App Purchase Products

    Configuring a Product

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    In iTunes Connect, you identify the In-App Purchase product using a string called a  product identifier .

    For example, When your app uses Store Kit to communicate

    with the App Store, it uses product identifiers to retrieve the configuration data you provided for the

    products. Later, when a user wants to purchase a product, your app identifies the product to be

    purchased using its product identifier.

    Note that product identifiers are unique to the app. For example, you need separate identifiers for

    products available from the Mac version of an app and for products available from the iOS version of 

    an app.

    10.   Specify whether the product is cleared for sale.

     ● Select Yes if you want the product to be available as soon as it is approved by Apple.

     ● Select No if you want to control when the product becomes available.

    You can come back to this item at any time to release the product for sale.

    11.   Choose a price tier.

    The price tier determines both the customer price and your proceeds (which is the net price after taxes,

    where applicable, have been taken out). The Price Tier menu doesn’t appear for free subscriptions.

    12.   Configure the product display text for at least one language, as described in Displaying Products in

    More Than One Language (page 18).

    13.   In the Review Notes section, enter information that can help Apple review the product.

    14.   Upload a screenshot of the product as it appears on the device.

    This screenshot is used for Apple’s review only and is not displayed on the App Store.

    Screenshots must be at least 640 x 920 pixels and at least 72 dpi.

    15.   Click Save.

    Your In-App Purchase product appears on the app’s In-App Purchases page. If the product is Ready to

    Submit, the product’s configuration is complete and ready for you to test the product with your app.

    Designing Auto-Renewable Subscription Duration FamiliesYou can think of subscription durations as individual products, each with its own time length, price, and

    marketing incentives. You define durations in a single family to allow users to choose among the durations

    when they renew their subscription. Start a new auto-renewable subscription anddefine durations in a different

    family to make distinct subscription products.

    Creating In-App Purchase Products

    Designing Auto-Renewable Subscription Duration Families

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    This example of a Manage App Subscriptions page on a user’s device shows six different durations configured

    for thesubscription. Userscanseewhen a subscriptionrenews(and for how much) andcanturn offauto-renewal.

    If you configure more than one duration for a subscription, users can select among the different durations for

    the renewal.

    All six subscription durations were created within the same family in the In-App Purchase product in iTunes

    Connect. Subscriptions created in different duration families appear as separate products and are not offeredto customers as alternatives for subscription renewal.

    When their subscription renewal date approaches, customers are notified if the price of an auto-renewable

    subscription has increased. After their subscriptions expire, they are opted-out of the subscription and must

    manually renew their subscription at the increased price.

    If the price of an auto-renewable subscription decreases during the subscription period, customers are not

    notified and the subscription automatically renews at the lower price.

    Table 1-2 (page 13) describes the options you have to design different duration and price combinations to

    offer your customers.

    Creating In-App Purchase Products

    Designing Auto-Renewable Subscription Duration Families

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    Table 1-2   Auto-renewable subscription pricing and duration options


    The length of time between auto-renewals. Each duration can be used only once

    per product family. The duration can be 7 days, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6

    months, or 1 year.


    An additional amount of time added to the initial subscription when customers

    choose to share their contact information with you. You can set the duration of 

    the incentive to be thesame lengthas the subscription duration or shorter. There

    is no charge added for the additional time.

    Contact information from users who opt in is available in the Sales and Trends

    module of iTunes Connect.

    Note: The opt-in incentive is not available for Mac OS X.

    Offer a marketing

    opt-in incentive

    An amount of time where the content is provided at no cost after which usersareautomatically renewed forthesubscription,unlessusers turnoffauto-renewal.

    The free trial begins when the user subscribes. You can set the duration of the

    incentive to be a subset of this subscription duration.

    Offer a Free Trial

    The price tier at which you want to sell the subscription for this duration.Price Tier

    What Users See After Purchasing an Auto-Renewable Subscription

    After users purchase an auto-renewable subscription, they see a Confirm Your Subscription dialog. Theconfirmation includes the subscription’s display name and its duration:

    Creating In-App Purchase Products

    What Users See After Purchasing an Auto-Renewable Subscription

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    After confirming the purchase, users sign in to their App Store account, if they aren’t already signed in. If the

    product is configured with an opt-in incentive, the personal data sharing dialog appears, asking users to choose

    to share their information with you. The prompt includes the opt-in incentive duration. Users can select Don't

    Allow in this dialog and still purchase the subscription.

    After users purchase thesubscription, they receive a subscription confirmation email with information regarding

    the subscription they have purchased. The display name that you choose for your In-App Purchase product

    (as appropriate for this user’s territory) appears in the confirmation email as the “Name of Subscription.”

    Hosting Non-Consumable Products with AppleApple can host your non-consumable products for you. Apple provides a reliable and familiar experience for

    users and handles distributing products to their devices and restoring products if needed.

    When you host content with Apple, Apple stores your app’s content using the same infrastructurethat supports

    other large-scale operations, suchas the App Store. Additionally, Apple automatically downloads Apple-hosted

    content in the background even if your app isn’t running.

    You can choose to have Apple host In-App Purchase products when you first create the products in iTunes

    Connect. You can also convert content that you are currently hosting on your own servers to be hosted by


    To host content with Apple, you submit the content to Apple for review. You create a product in Xcode usinga In-App Purchase Content template, include your content, and upload it to iTunes Connect using the Archive

    process. Alternatively, you can create a .pkg file from Xcode for each product and upload them all at once

    using Application Loader. See Using Application Loader more information about submitting In-App Purchase

    metadata and content to iTunes Connect.

    Creating In-App Purchase Products

    Hosting Non-Consumable Products with Apple

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    To enable content hosting

    1.   Create a new non-consumable product, as described in To create an In-App Purchase product (page


    Alternatively, open the In-App Purchase page for an existing non-consumable product.

    2.   In the In-App Purchase Details section, Hosting Content with Apple area, select Yes.

    3.   Click Save.

    If you accidentally enable Hosting Content with Apple, you can undo this selection by deleting the In-AppPurchase product and re-configuring it. Note that you can’t use the same product ID when you re-create the


    Verifying an Auto-Renewable Subscription ReceiptTo increase the security of the transaction between your app and Apple’s servers when validating an

    auto-renewable subscription, you can include a string of 32 randomly generated alphanumeric characters in

    the transaction receipt. Generate this parameter, known as the shared secret, in iTunes Connect.

    For information about incorporating the shared secret into your app’s receipt handling, see Receipt ValidationProgramming Guide .

    There is only one shared secret per organization; make sure that when you generate a new shared secret, all

    apps submitted for your organization use the new value to verify auto-renewable subscriptions.

    Creating In-App Purchase Products

    Verifying an Auto-Renewable Subscription Receipt

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    iTunes Connect configures an In-App Purchase product and its display text separately. This separation allows

    you to provide text for each language or territory your app supports. You must provide at least one language

    configuration for each product. See Language Properties (page 37) for specific requirements of product

    language properties.

    To add display text for an In-App Purchase product

    1.   If you haven’t already created an In-App Purchase product, do so as described in To create an In-App

    Purchase product (page 9).

    2.   Choose the In-App Purchase product type.

    3.   In the Language section of the product summary page, click Add Language.

    4.   Choose a language from the Language menu.

    5.   In the Display Name field, enter a localized name for the In-App Purchase product.

    For example, if you choose Finnish from the Language menu, enter the Finnish name for the In-App

    Purchase product in the Display Name field.

    6.   In the Description field, enter a localized description of the In-App Purchase product.

    For auto-renewable subscriptions, make sure that you don’t include duration information in the


    7.   If the In-App Purchase product is an auto-renewable or free subscription, enter the title of your

    subscription in the Publication Name field.

    The publication name can be the same as your app name or the same as the display name set in step

    5. Don’t include version, platform, or duration information.

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    Displaying Products in More Than One Language

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    8.   Click Save.

    From here, you can continue with the In-App Purchase product registration or repeat the steps to add

    display text for an additional language.

    Displaying Products in More Than One Language

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    You can test your app and In-App Purchase products without creating financial transactions. That’s because

    Apple provides a test environment that uses the infrastructure of the App Store but that doesn’t process actual

    payments. Using iTunes Connecttest user accounts, it instead returns transactions as if payments were processed


    For more information about what tests toperform,seeSuggestedTestingSteps in In-App PurchaseProgramming

    Guide .

    Testing Your App and In-App Purchase ProductsUse a test user account when you test In-App Purchase products.

    To perform testing for In-App Purchase products

    1.   Set up test user accounts within Users and Roles in iTunes Connect, as detailed in Creating Sandbox

    Tester Accounts in iTunes Connect Developer Guide .

    You’ll need a test user for each territory you want to test the app in.

    2.   Clear any account information stored on your test device.


    ● In Settings, go to the Store settings.

     ● Click the Sign Out button.

    This prevents an actual user account from automatically being used when testing.

    Important: Don’t enter your test account information in the Store settings panel. Doing so may

    invalidate your test account.

    3.   Connect your test device to your Mac.

    4.   In Xcode, set your test device as your scheme’s destination.

    5.   Open your app, and perform your In-App Purchase product testing.

    6.   Use your test account credentials to test the purchase.

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    Testing In-App Purchase Products

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    When your app uses the Store Kit API to request a payment, you’re asked to sign in. Select Use Existing

    Account and enter your test account user name and password. You are then asked to confirm the

    purchase. The transaction completes.

    No financial transaction takes place, but a receipt is generated for a successful transaction.

    Testing Auto-Renewable SubscriptionsWhen testing auto-renewable subscriptions in the test environment, keep in mind that the duration times are

    compressed. Additionally, test subscriptions only auto-renew a maximum of six times. Table 3-1 (page 21) lists

    the compressed duration times.

    Table 3-1   Subscription durations for testing

    Test durationActual duration

    3 minutes1 week 

    5 minutes1 month

    10 minutes2 months

    15 minutes3 months

    30 minutes6 months

    1 hour1 year

    Testing In-App Purchase Products

    Testing Auto-Renewable Subscriptions

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    After you create In-App Purchase products in iTunes Connect, you submit them to Apple for review.

    Submitting Your First In-App Purchase ProductYou submit your first In-App Purchase product when you submit an app version for review.

    Important: To associate In-App Purchase products with the release of your app, make sure its status is

    Prepare for Submission.

    To submit the first In-App Purchase product for an app

    1.   Configure your In-App Purchase product until its status is Ready to Submit.

    See Configuring a Product (page 9).

    2.   On the App Details page, select the version of your app that you are about to release and scroll down

    to the In-App Purchases section, just below the Builds section.

    3.   In the In-App Purchase section, click the plus sign.

    If you don't see this section, it may mean that the app version doesn’t have Prepare for Submission


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    Submitting In-App Purchase Products

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    4.   Choose which In-App Purchase products you want to submit with this version of your app.

    5.   Click Done.

    The In-App Purchase products you chose are listed in the In-App Purchases section.

    6.   If you have configured everything you need for this app, click Submit For Review.

    Submitting In-App Purchase Products

    After an appis available on thestore with existing In-App Purchaseproducts, you cansubmitadditional In-AppPurchase products for that app at any time.

    To submit an In-App Purchase product for an app that is available on the store

    1.   Open App Details for the app.

    2.   Select In-App Purchases.

    Submitting In-App Purchase Products

    Submitting In-App Purchase Products

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    The In-App Purchases page displays all products configured for this app.

    3.   Make any needed changes until all products have the status Ready to Submit.

    In the product page, click anywhere in a product row to open a product you want to release. See

    Working with Your Product’s Metadata (page 31).

    4.   Click Submit for Review.

    The In-App Purchase product must have the status Ready to Submit for this button to be available.

    5.   Click Submit to confirm the submission.

    The status of the In-App Purchase products change to Waiting for Review.

    6.   Click Done in the product page to return to the In-App Purchases page.

    7.   To release more than one product for review at once, select the products from the In-App Purchases

    page list and click Submit for Review.

    Submitting In-App Purchase Products

    Submitting In-App Purchase Products

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     ● Use the Select All and Deselect All buttons and select or deselect individual products.

     ● Click Submit to confirm the submission.

    The status of the In-App Purchase products changes from "Ready to Submit" to "Waiting for Review".

    Submitting In-App Purchase Products

    Submitting In-App Purchase Products

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    After you create an In-App Purchase product record in iTunes Connect, the product appears in the In-App

    Purchases page for the app. This chapter describes the status values used to describe the state of the products

    and shows you how to change a product’s status, its availability on the store, and its pricing.

    To manage In-App Purchase products, you must be signed in to iTunes Connect as a user with an Admin or

    Technical role.

    About In-App Purchase Product StatusesJust like apps, In-App Purchase products are marked with a status. This status indicates where the products

    are in the process of making them available for purchase or download.

    In-App Purchase products have statuses such as "Ready to Submit" or "Approved" ) or a status indicator (such

    as , , or ). The status tells you immediately whether your product needs attention.

     ● A red status indicator means that you need to perform some action before an product can be available.


    ● A yellow status indicator means that some process is ongoing, either controlled by you or by Apple.

     ● A green status indicator means that the product is available.

    Read the version status text in Table 5-1 (page 26) to understand what may be preventing your product from

    being available. This table lists every available status that can be assigned to your In-App Purchase.

    Table 5-1   In-App Purchase product statuses

    DescriptionStatus NameStatus

    Your In-App Purchase product has been created, but you have not yet

    uploaded a screenshot.

    Waiting for


    You have uploaded all the metadata needed for the product, but you

    have not yet sent it to Apple for review.

    The product must have this status to be associated with an app version

    release, as described in To submit the first In-App Purchase product

    for an app (page 22). After testing the product, you can submit it for


    Ready to Submit

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    Working with Your Product’s Status

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    DescriptionStatus NameStatus

    Your In-App Purchase product content has not been uploaded yet.

    This status only applies to non-consumable products that are set to

    be hosted by Apple.

    Waiting for


    Your In-App Purchase product content delivery is processing.Processing


    You have submitted your In-App Purchase product to be reviewed by


    You can make edits to the product while it is in this status.

    Waiting For


    Your In-App Purchase product is currently being reviewed by Apple.

    Only edits to the product’s reference name, pricing, and availability

    can be made when it has this status.

    In Review

    Apple has approved your In-App Purchase to go live on the App Store

    with its associated app.

    For this status to appear, the In-App Purchase must be cleared for sale

    in iTunes Connect. If it is not cleared for sale, the status appears as

    Developer Removed from Sale.

    If the product is being released with an appversion, theproduct won’t

    have an Approved status until the app is approved.


    Apple has rejected your In-App Purchase product during the review

    process. If you have not already been contacted by Apple with more

    information aboutyour rejection, you can inquire throughthe Contact

    Us module of iTunes Connect.

    You have the option to cancel the change or make additional edits to

    the details to be compliant with Apple guidelines. Your In-App

    Purchaseproduct status changes to DeveloperAction Needed if there

    is a detail in the In-App Purchase that requires a change by you.


    The In-App Purchase product changes that you submitted have been

    rejected. You are required to take action to edit the detail information

    or cancel the request to change the detail information before this

    In-App Purchase can be reviewed again.



    You havemarked your In-App Purchase as not cleared for sale in iTunes


    If you clear the product for sale, the status changes to Approved.


    Removed from


    Appears when Apple removes an In-App Purchase product from sale.Removed from


    Working with Your Product’s Status

    About In-App Purchase Product Statuses

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    Changing Product PricingYou can change the pricing for an In-App Purchase product at any time.

    To change product pricing

    1.   Go to the In-App Purchases page for the app, as described in To view In-App Purchase product

    configuration information (page 32).

    2.   Click in the row of the In-App Purchase product you want to edit.

    3.   In the In-App Purchase Summary section, click Edit.

    4.   Make changes to the summary information.

     ● If you want to replace the existing Price Tier, select the new Price Tier, then set the Price Effective

    Date to Now and the Price End Date to None. Click Add to Schedule.


    ● If you want to have the product price change at some date in the future, select the future PriceTier, then set the Price Effective Date and Price End Date to define the interval for the new price.

    Click Add to Schedule.

    5.   Click Save.

    The new values appear in the In-App Purchase Summary and are effective immediately. Apple doesn’t

    review these changes.

    Controlling Product AvailabilityIn-App Purchase products are available worldwide and aren’t limited by territory. This availability ensures a

    seamless customer experience. For example, if an app is purchased in Germany and the customer moves to

    Turkey, thecustomer canstill accessproducts withintheappeven if the app hasnever been available in Turkey.

    If you need to restrict product access for some reason, you develop a solution from inside the app.

    Removing Products from Sale

    You can choose to stop an In-App Purchase product from being sold in an app. If you do, the In-App Purchase

    product remains in iTunes Connect.

    Working with Your Product’s Status

    Changing Product Pricing

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    Important: Removing a product from sale prevents auto-renewable subscriptions from renewing, but it

    doesn’t keep users from being able to restore products that they purchased previously.

    To remove an In-App Purchase product from sale

    1.   Open the In-App Purchases page for the app, as described in To view In-App Purchase product

    configuration information (page 32).

    2.   Click in the row of the In-App Purchase product you want to remove.

    3.   In the In-App Purchase summary section, click Edit.

    4.   Set Cleared for Sale to No.

    5.   Click Save.

    The status of the In-App Purchase product changes to Developer Removed from Sale. Users won’t see

    this product for sale through the app.

    Returning Products to SaleAfter you’ve removed an In-App Purchase product from sale through your app, you can return it to sale if you


    Working with Your Product’s Status

    Controlling Product Availability

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    You can change anything in a product’s metadata except the Product ID and type. Some changes require

    review by Apple.


    ● Changes before submission. If your In-App Purchase product has never been submitted to Apple for

    review, you can make changes to the product details.

     ● Reference Name. You can change the product reference name at any time without review.

     ● Display Name and Description.Changes to the localized product descriptionsrequire review. Theexisting

    text displays on the store until the new text is approved. The change has its own status separate from the

    overall status of the In-App Purchase product. Before it is reviewed, you can revert the change.

     ● New Language Support. Because language settings are independent of one another, you can add and

    removelanguagesas needed. Text in newlanguagesare reviewed individually. After a product is submitted,

    changes to localized text or new language support have their own status separate from the overall status

    of the In-App Purchase product.

     ● Screenshot. A productmust havea reviewscreenshot in place for submission; after you uploada screenshot,

    you canreplace it with another, butyou can’t remove it.You can’t changethescreenshot while the product

    is in review. You can update the screenshot if the product is rejected.


    Hosting Content with Apple. You can change a product to be hosted by Apple before you submit theproduct for review.

    To manage In-App Purchase products, you must be signed in to iTunes Connect as a user with an Admin or

    Technical role.

    To make changes that affect the product’s status, pricing, availability instead of its metadata, see  Working with

    Your Product’s Status (page 26).

    Viewing Your Product’s MetadataIn-App Purchase productsareorganized insidetheirapp’s iTunes Connect record. You view the In-App Purchase

    products for an app from the App Details page.

    2014-10-02 | Copyright © 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


    Working with Your Product’s Metadata

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    To view In-App Purchase product configuration information

    1.   As an iTunes Connect user with an Admin or Technical role, sign in to iTunes Connect.

    2.   On the iTunes Connect homepage, click My Apps.

    3.   Select the app you want to configure In-App Purchase for.

    4.   On the App Details page, select In-App Purchases.

    This tab is visible only if your iTunes Connect account has an Admin or Technical role and your team

    agent agreed to the latest iOS Developer Program or Mac Developer Program license agreement.

    The In-App Purchases page opens.

    5.   Click in the row of the In-App Purchase product you want to view.

    The In-App Purchases page lists the products defined for this app and their status.

    Working with Your Product’s Metadata

    Viewing Your Product’s Metadata

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    Changing Product Display TextYou canaddproduct display text in newlanguages(see Displaying Products in More Than OneLanguage (page

    18)) or you can edit the text provided in an existing language.

    To edit display text for an existing language

    1.   Open the In-App Purchases page for the app, as described in To view In-App Purchase product

    configuration information (page 32).

    2.   Click in the row of the product you want to edit.

    3.   In the product page, click in the row for the language you want to edit.

    4.   Make changes in the Edit Language dialog.

    If the product is already approved when you make changes, you’ll see the status of the display text in a newlanguage (or a change to display text in an existing language). The changes to an existing language are shown

    separately from the approved text.

    Working with Your Product’s Metadata

    Changing Product Display Text

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    In the product page, changes to an existing language or new languages are marked as pending changes.

    Deleting Product Display Text

    You can delete text for an existing language at any time except when the product is in review. At least one

    language needs to be configured.

    To delete display text for a language

    1.   Open the In-App Purchases page for the app, as described in To view In-App Purchase product

    configuration information (page 32).

    2.   Click in the row of the product you want to edit.

    3.   In the product page, in the row for the language you want to delete, click Delete.

    4.   Click Delete to confirm.

    Working with Your Product’s Metadata

    Changing Product Display Text

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    This appendix describes the metadata that iTunes Connect collects to configure the interface between a version

    of your app and In-App Purchase servers and to display product information in the App Store. You set these

    properties in the product page of the In-App Purchases page for an app, as described in Creating In-App

    Purchase Products (page 8) and Working with Your Product’s Metadata (page 31).

    Product PropertiesThe main In-App Purchase product properties identify the product in iTunes Connect and in the app.


    The unique Apple ID assigned to the In-App Purchase product.Apple ID

    The product’s reference name is displayed in iTunes Connect and in Sales and Trends

    reports. It isn’t displayed on the App Store. The reference name can include any

    characters and can be as long as 255 bytes, assuming single-byte characters.

    The reference name is editable at any time and must be unique within the app.



    The globally unique UTF-8 alphanumerical identifier for the product. The Product ID

    is any sequence of letters and numbers that uniquely identify the product. It can

    include periods and underscores and can be as long as 255 bytes,assuming single-byte

    characters. This value is used in the app to identify the product. It can’t be used for

    more than one product or the same product on Mac apps and iOS apps.

    We recommend that you use the reverse domain name style (for example,

    com.companyname.application.productid ) when creating your Product ID.

    The Product ID is not editable after you save the product record. After you use a

    Product ID for one product, it can't be used again, even if the product is deleted.

    For more information, see In-App Purchase Product Identifiers.

    Product ID

    2014-10-02 | Copyright © 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


    Properties of In-App Purchase Metadata

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    The type of In-App Purchase product. The type can be one of the following:

     ● Consumable


    ● Non-Consumable ● Free Subscription

     ● Non-Renewing Subscription

     ● Auto-Renewable Subscription


    The current state of the product.Status

    Additional informationabout theproduct that might help Apple reviewits submission,

    such as test user accounts and passwords. Reviewnotes should not exceed 4000 bytes.

    Review Notes

    A screenshot of the product as it appears on the device. This screenshot is used for

    Apple’s review only and is not displayed on the App Store.

    Screenshots must be at least 640 x 920 pixels and at least 72 dpi.


    Language PropertiesIn-App Purchase product language properties collect language-specific text used in product display. You must

    include these properties for at least one language.


    The language used by the display name and description.Language

    The name of the product that is displayed to users. The display name must be at

    least two characters and no more than 75 bytes, assuming single-byte characters.

    Display Name

    A description of the product that potentially displays to users. The description

    must be at least ten characters and no more than 255 bytes, assuming single-byte


    For auto-renewable subscriptions, the description should not include a durationas there could be more than one duration configured.


    Properties of In-App Purchase Metadata

    Language Properties

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    The title of your In-App Purchase subscription. This may be the same as your app

    name or display name but should not include version, platform, or duration

    information. The publication name can be as long as 30 characters, assumingsingle-byte characters.

    The publication name only applies to auto-renewable and free subscriptions.


    Pricing and Availability PropertiesThese properties describe when the product is available and at what price. Note that the price tier start and

    end dates are available only after the product’s iTunes Connect record is created. See Working with Your

    Product’s Metadata (page 31).


    An indication of whether you want this product to be available to be sold.

    If the product is approved by Apple, it can still be held by the developer by

    setting “Cleared for Sale” to No.

    Cleared for Sale

    A price tier associated withtheproduct. Only available pricing options appear

    in the Price Tier menu when you create or edit pricing for a product. Click 

    View Pricing Matrix under the Price Tier menu to see price tier values in each


    Price Tier

    The date when the price tier becomes valid. The price tier is current if this

    value is Now.

    Price Tier Effective


    The date that a price tier is no longer be in effect. The price tier is the last

    tier scheduled if this value is None.

    Price Tier End Date

    Duration PropertiesThese properties describe the time durations for subscriptions, including subscription extensions such as free

    trials and opt-in incentives. See To generate a shared secret (page 16).


    The length of time between auto-renewals. The duration can be 7 days, 1

    month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year.



    Properties of In-App Purchase Metadata

    Pricing and Availability Properties

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    The length of time of the free trial, if a free trial is configured for this product.

    Free trials are available only for auto-renewable subscriptions.

    Free Trial Duration

    The length of an auto-renewable subscription extension if customers chooseto opt-in to share contact information.

    Users’ contact information is available in theSales andTrends module of iTunes

    Connect. See Accessing Product Sales and Download Reports (page 33).

    Note that Free Subscriptions can’t offer a marketing opt-in incentive (because

    the subscription is already free), but users are asked if they want to opt-in to

    share their information.

    Note: The opt-in incentive is not available for Mac OS X.

    Marketing IncentiveDuration

    Properties of In-App Purchase Metadata

    Duration Properties

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    This table describes the changes to In-App Purchase Configuration Guide for iTunes Connect .


    Updates to UI.2014-10-02

    New document that describes In-App Purchase setup in iTunes Connect.2013-12-12

    2014-10-02 | Copyright © 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


    Document Revision History

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    Apple Inc.

    Copyright © 2014 Apple Inc.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    storedin a retrievalsystem, or transmitted, in any

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    Apple’s copyright notice.

    No licenses, express or implied, are granted with

    respect to anyof thetechnology describedin this

    document. Apple retains all intellectual propertyrights associated with the technology described

    in this document. This document is intended to

    assist application developers to develop

    applications only for Apple-branded products.

    Apple Inc.1 Infinite Loop

    Cupertino, CA 95014


    Apple, the Apple logo, iTunes, Mac, Mac OS, OS

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    App Store and Mac App Store are service marksof Apple Inc.

    IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used

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