Page 1: it. - - Master/1980s... · December 30 , 1980 . . Crippled-UFO flfoslles ~- "'--! I with tllunilerous roor ' A crippled UFO left a trail

December 30, 1980 . . ~- "'-- I

Crippled-UFO flfoslles ! with tllunilerous roor'

A crippled UFO left a trail 6f colored· smoke as it.

struggled across the sky before crashing to Earth With a thunderous explosion. 1 --

Government investigators in ·1

Argentina say &hey collected evidence at &be crash site and were performm. laboratory tests. They would DOt. ela~rate on the evidence.. .

Experts say the object defi ... n~tely was not ·an : aircraft or meteor -:- but that it appeared i to have been powered ·by some I energy so~rce. .

Amanda Ruiz, 76, says the skies near Beriloche, Argentina, are frequentlY visited by mys­~rious objects.· She says Jier mother told her ·tales of the ob­jects the natives eaU "The' Maneaters." · Scores of residents iD the area. provJded Jdeu&ieal descriptions

·of the recent UFO - including muld.colorecl smoke ·trailing from the devJce befQre i~ crashed. -

WomDn tonlirms monster sigllting

A woman who anonymously reported a sea monster last sum~er ha~ stepped forward to repeat her -amazing experience - because no one believetf" her remarkable report. ·

Mrs. J.E. HeiUlaman Of Rich­mond, ·Va., says she -wi&hheld her nam~ In &he firs& repor&s be­cause she was alnUd people wquld bodler her a& work. ·

"I wouldn~ chaD&e my story in 1,000 years,u she says. - .

She says she saw &he monster' swimming in tbe ·AppomattOx River in HopewelJ. V a. It was as big as a telephone pole -wtt~t'·a head like a giant turtle's. · · <-;

ntt was somethinl like ~}~~~~:-~layS.

'Flying Saucers'­

before his very eyes I U N I D E ·N T I F I E D 8 D ·d R There are also 'close-up'

FLY IN G 0 B J E C T S V iVI • UFO .sightings, these days

(UFOs) a-re aerial objects KEEDY, fRAS more popularly referred to

o.f doubtful origin. They as 'close encounters.' These

are often known as Fl)'ling are of three main types:

Saucers or Flyjng Sickles, phenomena .or terrestr.ial (1) where the UFO does

depending on the country or artificial phenomena, not affect the surround·ing

from which they are seen. but a small number of bndscape at all; (2) where

They have been o~erved UFO sightings remained flor<&, fauna and man-made

since time immemorial, u n ex p 1 a i n c d • Some equipment are affected in

and tbere are believed to scientist-s and engineers some way, such as grasa

be UFO references in the thought that a few of the being . scorched1 or car'

Bible. In the book ol the u ne x p 1 a i n e d sightings engines failing; (3) where

J»ropbet Ezclclel .in the ·old could possibly be extra- people claim to h:tve made

Testament there is mention terre stria l spacecraft! contact with beings from

of a wh.ecl within a wheel However, E. Cond-on, the (allen?) spaccorart.

with living creatures in it, director of yet another For my own part,

which came from the sky study (Univer!)ity of regarding the - Ult'O

down to earth and then Colorado) conclulkd that problem, I have observed

returned to the sky. At eh. UFOs were not extra· several object~> In the sky

1, verse 18 'the rings were terrestrial spacecraft. Ttris which could be classed as

full of eYes' suggests port- mean.t that there were UFOs

hole type wtindows. At eh. mixed views regard ing the For instance, from Sfgt.h.

1, verse 21 'the spi-rit of or.igln of the truly Shields in Februar 61

tbe living crea.ture was in unexplained .sigbtings. ay· gM ·

lhe wheels' suggests the When UFOs are sig-hted 51 o w·m o v 1 n g, silvery,

power of the craft. and mentioned jn apparently rotating cigolr-

UFOs were popU:I.ari~ed newspapers, there is a shap.ed object. After being

when Kenneth Arnold, in tendency for a spate of visible for two minutes, it

the western USA, observed slghtings to follow. In disappeared behind nearby

several disc-shaped objects addlllon, Jt has been rooltops. lo 1959 ·

in June, 1917. He suggested suggested that, over the ..;o;,;;b;.;se~rt..:v..:;c~dUI>"i.r..~~~~~-l

they moved in a aimilar years, sightings of UFOs 1 e,

manner to a s-aucer which have a tendency to move ~~~. -Wiftticr~~;m;~-1

was 's'kipped across water.' eastwards across the earth, v-isible overhead

From this description starting with the western five

developed the term 'Flying USA in the 1940s, then disappeared

Saucers' which is still apt ustero USA, t-hen Europe, eyesl

for certain types of UFOs. then Australia, and back to It 1s . not impossible,

There are, however, several the w~tern USA again Jn however, that these

other -shapes which come the 1900s. &ightings have some

u n d e r · t h e broad The most common UFOs 'normal' explanation, such

description 'UFO,' e ,g. bell- are of the 'distant var.iety,' as being an aeroplane and

shaped objects, cigar- for example lights at night, cloud, respect·ively, viewed

ahaped objects, etc. various sbapes in the in unusual circumstances.'

There have been several d ay t 1 in e and radar Thus the origin . of

investigative bodies se-t up sightings. Often aeroplane certain UFOs remains a

to a~rtain the nature of lights, stars and -planets, mystery. UFOs may or may

UFOs. Most were of the and even reflections from not be physical or extra-

opinion that the bulk of windows have been t~rrestrial. What is cert,.la

UFOs were meteoroJog:cal responsible tor some of lhe b that psycoologicaUy

.o r a s t r o n o m i c a 1 UFO ;:;ighlings. lJFOs do

~P-IiE..Lll.S t:rAti-nE .f suiPPiNu -rf.L.£.Ct-RAPH 3o .i)(C. So .

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