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Mobile Marketing Association

Building a strategy for mobile iStrategy, Amsterdam 2011

Paul Berney CMO & MD EMEA Mobile Marketing Association

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Mobile Marketing Association

What I will talk about What I will not talk about


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Mobile Marketing Association

Let’s agree two things before we start

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Mobile Marketing Association

Why do you need to include mobile?

Because consumers are mobile and brands are following them

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Mobile Marketing Association

Mobile strategy: “We need an iPhone app”


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Mobile Marketing Association

Just  checking…  What  are  the  main  drivers  of  mobile  marke8ng?  

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Mobile Marketing Association

These changes “stack up” on top of each other

Technological  convergence  

Consumer  behaviour  

Speed  3G  


Data  tariffs  

Marke8ng  challenges  

Industry  promo8on  

Economic  change  

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Mobile Marketing Association

Behavioural change

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Mobile Marketing Association

Consumer expectations

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Mobile Marketing Association

Just  checking…  Where  does  mobile  fit  in  the  marke8ng  mix?  

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Mobile Marketing Association

Digital marketing

Traditional marketing

mobile marketing

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Mobile Marketing Association

Integration is essential

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Mobile Marketing Association

“Consumers expect a seamless multichannel experience”

Thomas Marzano, Philips….at about 09:23 yesterday

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Mobile Marketing Association

What  is  mobile  marke8ng  being  used  for?  

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Mobile Marketing Association

Acquisition Retention

Brand Building

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Mobile Marketing Association

What  does  mobile  add  that  is  different?  

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Mobile Marketing Association

Contextual Relevance

Who? Where? When? What?

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Mobile Marketing Association

Three  approaches  to  crea8ng    a  strategy  for  mobile.    1.  Think  of  the  future  

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Mobile Marketing Association

“I  skate  to  where  the  puck's  going,  not  to  where  it  has  been.”    Wayne  Gretsky  –  Ice  Hockey  legend    

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Mobile Marketing Association

Imagine a future where 50% of your business relies on the mobile channel. What would that look like?

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Mobile Marketing Association

Digital natives Digital immigrants


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Mobile Marketing Association

Three  approaches  to  crea8ng  a  strategy  for  mobile.    2.  Map  the  customer  journey  

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Mobile Marketing Association

Awareness  Advocacy  

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Mobile Marketing Association

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Mobile Marketing Association








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Mobile Marketing Association

And as we heard, customer journeys are not linear…..

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Mobile Marketing Association

Map the touch points and understand how mobile can extend and enhance, not replace other channels

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Mobile Marketing Association

Three  approaches  to  crea8ng  a  strategy  for  mobile.    3.  Something  more  tradi8onal?  

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Mobile Marketing Association

1. Business objective

2. Research

3. Customer insight

4. Targeting

5. Strategy 6. Concept

7. Execution

8. Measure results

9. Improve

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Mobile Marketing Association

Some  considera8ons  to  include  in  your  strategy  for  mobile  marke8ng  

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Mobile Marketing Association

“If you wish to persuade me, you must think my thoughts, feel my feelings, and speak my words.” Cicero 80BC

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Mobile Marketing Association

Creativity is still vital

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Mobile Marketing Association

Similar but different

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Mobile Marketing Association

“It is easier to be repeatedly useful than it is to be repeatedly entertaining”

Rory Sutherland - Ogilvy

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Mobile Marketing Association

A familiar dilemma




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Mobile Marketing Association

..with a digital twist

Targeted Cost

Effective Scale

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Mobile Marketing Association

Real time interaction allows for real time response…. Mobile is a two way channel

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Mobile Marketing Association

Convenience need & control

Channel choice

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Mobile Marketing Association

Understand  your  own  capabili8es….and  your  partners  




Mobile  Analy8cs  &  Measurement  

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Mobile Marketing Association

Execu8on  is  cri8cal  




Mobile  Analy8cs  &  Measurement  

Mobile  PlaRorm  

Aggrega8on   Development  

Content  crea8on  &  licensing  

Short  Code  leasing  

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Mobile Marketing Association

You  have  op8ons  




Mobile  Analy8cs  &  Measurement  


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Mobile Marketing Association

“The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it”

Mark Weiser – Xerox PARC

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Mobile Marketing Association

Thank you.

Any questions?

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Mobile Marketing Association

Contact  Paul  Berney  Chief  Marke8ng  Officer  &  Managing  Director,  Europe,  Middle  East  &  Africa  123  Pall  Mall,  London,  SW1Y  5EA  O:  +44  203  376  9455    M:  +44  7753  566  441  [email protected]  twi_er  PAULBMMA  h_p://­‐berney/1/71a/898    

Chartered  Ins8tute  of  Marke8ng  

Member  of  CMO  Council  Fellow  of  the  Ins8tute  of  Direct  Marke8ng   Mentor  for    

The  Marke8ng  Academy  

Business  Leader  in    The  Marke8ng  Society  

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