
Issues requiring Marketing or Public Relation solutions

Issues requiring Marketing or Public Relation solutions

These are two of the leading High Street Fashion Stores, Topshop and H&M.

From looking at the poster you would think that these clothes have been made by the same company because of the sort of style that they are, they are both a sort of vintage cross with grunge type of fashion which will show the audience that they are up to date with the latest fashion.

When you first see these photographs you would think that with the images being a high quality, they would have high quality clothing too which is right for Topshop, where the typical jumper will be 35, but in H&M its completely different, your typical jumper in there would be at a price of 7.

The posters have also been set out in the same kind of way, the poster has been split in to different groups. They both also have symmetry, not exactly, but the do, in the different parts of the poster they are all more or less doing the same thing, in similar positions and all pulling the same kind of face.

The quality of the clothing for H&M looks of a higher quality because of the material that it is made out of, the silkiness of the clothes makes it look as if it would be more expensive, where as the clothes on the first poster, Topshop, they all look as if the have been made quickly and randomly put together in an outfit, which lets their side down.


Topshop is the higher priced shop and H&M is the cheaper priced when buying, from looking at the poster you wouldnt think so by looking at the poster above, this is because it doesnt look like that higher quality image because of the way that it has been edited, but if you look at the H&M one underneath, you would think that this is the more expensive shop from the way that the photograph has been taken, this image looks of a really high quality and you can tell that this image has been taken in a studio from the way that the lighting is, this poser looks more professional so you would think that this is the more expensive of the two.

The vibe that these posters are giving of it really easy to see and you can tell straight away, if you look at the poster, you can see that its more hipster/grunge fashion, more for the individuals, whereas the H&M poster is going for more of a classy look, which more people will prefer because its still fashionable yet socially acceptable.

The H&M poster looks as if its more fashionable and as if celebrities would wear clothing from there because of the well known singer Lana Del Ray on the front, which is promoting the brand, but you never really see celebrities wearing H&M in magazines. The Topshop poster has just a normal unknown person on their advertisement, with Topshop being more known than H&M you would have thought that the celebrity would be on the other poster.


These are two jumpers from both shops Im doing analysis on, the top one is from Topshop, at 36, the other is from H&M for 10, when looking at these they are virtually the same, so it makes you wonder why the other is at such a high price when the other is so cheap.

H&M can afford to sell their things so cheap because they have lots of small shops world wide, whereas Topshop have to sell things more expensive because they only have a few shops, which arent going world wide, though Topshop is more popular to buy from.

All you are paying for when you buy from Topshop is the name.


As you can see here are what the same jumpers are made out of from the slide above (slide 4), you can see here that the one from Topshop is made up of lots of different things, this could be why this brand of clothing is so expensive compared to H&M which only has one material in the jumper.

Getting value for your money is something that can easily go wrong, so by looking in to what the product your buying is made out of will give you an idea of which will be best and last longer. From looking at these I would say that the best to buy is the Topshop one as not only will it be thicker, all the materials used in it have been worked on and concentrated in to being strong, whereas Viscose is one of the oldest materials that hasnt been worked on.

All you are basically paying for when you buy from both is the name and label, though H&M can afford to sell cheaper due to having shops worldwide.




With these being two of the leading fashion shops both in competition with each other and other fashion shops. Though the more preferred shop is Topshop for its labels and brands, H&M is in the same league due to its cheap clothing's this will give them more of an advantage over Topshop, with them both selling the same kind of clothing there is a lot of competition between the both.

H&M advertise their company in a professional way by taking their photographs in a studio with professional lighting, which not many companies do anymore, they tend to go for the hipster shoots with extremely edited photographs so that the people dont look real. I think that these kind of photographs work well as they are different, but it makes it difficult for the audience to picture what it will look like on them, this will give an advantage to H&M as they are realistic with their marketing.

In terms of sales I think that H&M will be best as I think that they will make he most money due to the amount of sales from clothing being so cheap.

Marketing & Competition

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