Page 1: Issues in Abrahamic Religions



Current issues in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

David “Toby” Meyers

REL/134 -World Religious Traditions II

University of Phoenix

April 11, 2023

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Current issues in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

In Judaism, Christianity and Islam the largest factors are religious intolerance and

extreme fundamentalism that resorts to violence in the form of cold religious war. Several events

currently in the news are highlights of the violent conflict between these groups and against other

religious entities.

The flotilla incident which broke the Israeli blockade, “On May 31, 2010, the Israeli

Defense Forces intercepted six ships referred to as the "Free Gaza" flotilla,” (G.O.P., 2010). This

was followed by many claims of Antisemitism which have previously been encountered during

criticism of Israeli use of force (Handmaker & Nieuwhof, 2004). When the U.N. ordered they

give the aid to Gaza some accused the U.N. of Antisemitism. This was again referenced as

pertinent to the density of the United Kingdom’s population of Muslims, (Koch, 2010, G.O.P.,

2010). Even though the word Semitic is not specifically used to describe those of Jewish faith

but rather those using a number of Middle Eastern languages and has only been used since the

Second World War in reference to the tone of the Nazi party.

Helen Thomas a former member of the White House press corps recently resigned after

making comments that Jews in Israel should "get the hell out of Palestine" and "go back home to

Poland, Germany, America and everywhere else," (Goodin & Youngman, 2010). This was

remarked by some as a representation of “a long history of the White House press corps' anti-

Semitism,” (Groeing, 2010). Palestine was a settlement for hundreds of years of people of

various backgrounds. The resolution to violently move the people there nowhere and for Jewish

people to move there, from other places has been criticized by a great number of people and

organizations, (Google, 2010). A comment misspoke by an old woman that is in regard to her

dissent of that is not considered Antisemitism.

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Many Christian groups in America are afraid of Freedom of Religion, as long as it applies

to those outside the Christian faith. At every turn Pagans and others are confronted by Christian

groups claiming that Pagans and other groups are contrary to the intentions of the founding

fathers, (Robinson, 2002). However, according to law these protections apply not just to the

worship of the Christian god, but as well as any other organized religious worship, (Eilers, 2003;

Harding, 2010). The “Tea Party” (Tea Party, 2009) whose main political figure is Sara Palin

(Blood, 2010) quit as Alaska’s governor because the “Judeo-Christian belief system was the basis

for American law and should continue to be used as a guiding force for creating future

legislation,” (Palin, 2010).

The law is often ignored in favor of Christian fundamentalist values in America. The

Satanic Ritual Abuse at the McMartin Preschool trial lasted for two years consisted mainly of

hearsay, fantasy and lies, (Robinson, 2005). For ten years the U.S. Department of Veterans

Affairs and executive branch officials refused to allow Wiccans and Pagans to be buried with the

Pentacle on government issued tombstones, (Bauer, 2007). On September 22nd 2007, a Wiccan

holiday known as Imbolic, Sky Holeman, an adopted Wiccan, by Pagan parents, was expelled

from school amongst complaints that her wearing satanic symbols painted in make-up. After

several occasions of having her Pentacle taken away by teachers and being warned by the

principle. This decision was overturned after written and call-in protests from thousands of other

concerned Pagan parents and religious groups. Was then taken out of their custody by adoption

authorities in the state, (Meyers, 2007).

Islamic extremists promote violence against women. A thirteen year old girl in Pakistan

was forced to become a suicide bomber and recounted her story to BBC reporters, (Guerin &

Werman, 2010). Islamic extremists promote honor killings of young women for their

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transgressions against teachings of the Koran, (Unknown, 2007). Sexual harassment, rape and

molestation are common among women in Islam and go unpunished. Muslim women are subject

to Female Genital Mutilation because “this has tremendous significance in terms of the

desirability of a young woman for marriage,” (Muslim Women’s League, 2010). There is an

Oxford study that is dedicated to investigating the role status of women within the religion of

Islam, (Esposito, 2010).

Muslim Extremists commit massacres of Pagan traditions and all others not of their

particular sect of Islam, (CNN, 2010). Following a direct quote from the Koran says, "then fight

and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them and lie in wait for

them in every stratagem," (Koran, indefinite). In recent times we have seen terrorist attacks in

every country including America. The apparent nature of Islamic extremists is to murder all who

do not worship or think like them. The Koran has hundreds of quotes commanding to kill,

promises of heaven and virgins for committing suicidal massacres.

While it is apparent that not all the followers of these religions are as extreme as in these

circumstances it is apparent that these are not odd occurrences committed by a few. That these

sentiments are not shared by many too cowardly to act, but shows instead a clear picture that

they must become more accepting of other religions or the effect will continue to be out of

proportion of the tolerant, the devout, the loving and the faithful of these religions.

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CNN, (2010). Death toll rises to 98 in Pakistan attacks.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from:,

Bauer, (2005). VA Allows Wiccan Symbols on Headstones.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from:,

Eilers, (2003). Pagans and the Law: Understand Your Rights.

Pompton Plains, New Jersey: New Page Books.

Esposito, (2010). Women in Islam.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from:,

Harding, (2010). Our founding fathers were not Christians.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from:,

Goodin & Youngman, (2010). Helen Thomas quits after Israel remarks.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from:,

Google, (2010). Organizations against occupation of Palestine.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from web search:,



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Groeing, (2010). Thomas' anti-Semitism - nothing new.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from:,

Guerin & Werman, (2010). Pakistan girl forced to become suicide bomber.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from: The World,

Handmaker & Nieuwhof, (2004). Israel’s cry of anti-Semitism blocks a critical dialogue.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from: The Electronic Intifada,

Koch, (2010). Tide of Anti-Semitism Follows Flotilla Incident.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from:,

Koran, (unknown). Surah 9.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from: Muslim Access,

Meyers, (2007). Tears for Sky.

Personal blog by author:

Muslim Women's League, (1999). Female Genital Mutilation.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from: Muslim Women's League,

Palin, (2010). Excerpted from Broadcast of Fox News's Bill O'Reilly.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from:,

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Robinson, (2002).

Conservative Christian radio programs which target Wiccans & other Neo-Pagans

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from:,

Robinson, (2005). McMartin Ritual Abuse Cases in Manhattan Beach, Ca.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from:,

Republican National Committee, (2010).

Israel and the Gaza Flotilla Incident: Background and Facts.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from:,

Unknown, (2007). Extremists are encouraging violence against Muslim women.

Retrieved June 14, 2010 from: Mail Online,


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