Page 1: Issue No 15 10020001002 F - A B , MIND & S H

Issue No 15 10020001002

Inside this issue:

Importance of



History of Imam

Hassan (as)


How Islam regards

human rights


Concept of Wilayatul



Know your



Night of Power 4

Contents of the Issue

The Quran, Prophet

and Ahlul Bait (as)


Youth, and morals

You and the society

Education and Empow-erment.

Islamic teachings

Women and children

Platform of scholars


Editorial The Guardianship

Kampala Plaza. Suite,

B1 and B12.

P.O Box 73892 Kampala

Phone:+256 0752678472

Allah the Almighty says in the Qur‟an:b“And seek (Allah’s) assistance with Patience and Prayer; and truly

it is extremely heavy and hard except for those with full submission. Who are certain that they are go-

ing to meet their Lord and that unto Him they are going to return.” 2:45-46 Numerous Prophetic tradi-

tions interpreted the „Patience‟ in the Ayah as „fasting,‟ which means fasting is the very first element of the spir-

itual journey to God. All the prophets in their spiritual journey have been seeking assistance with fasting.

1.Prophet Moses“I had gone up the mountain to receive the stone tablets, the tablets of the covenant which He

had made with you; and I remained on the mountain 40 days and 40 nights without eating bread or drinking

water. Then the Lord gave me the two stone tablets..”2. Prophet Jesus In his spiritual journey was aided by fast-

ing against the devil: “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil, and after fast-

ing 40 days and 40 nights he was hungry…”It also appears from chapter 5 of the Gospel of Luke that the disci-

ples would frequently fast and pray.3. Prophet of Islam The entire Qur‟an was revealed to the Prophet of Islam

in the holiest night of the holiest month of Ramadhan; the month of fasting. “The month of Ramadhan in

which the Qur’an is revealed.” 2:185 “Indeed, We revealed it (the entire Qur’an) in the night of Power.”

97:1 According to many Hadiths, the Torah was revealed to Moses on the 6th of Ramadhan, Injil was revealed

to Jesus on the 12th of Ramadhan, Psalms of David revealed to him on the 18th of Ramadhan and the Holy

Qur‟an in the Night of Qadr (most probably 23rd of Ramadhan).3 In other words, all revelations occurred dur-

ing the fasting month of Ramadhan. Could it be any reason more important than the spirituality of fasting? Bene-

fits of Fasting: Physical Healing prophet (sawa) said: “Fast, you‟ll be healthy”. An Egyptian pyramid inscription in

3800B.C also reads: “Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the three-quarters live their doctor!”

The three fathers of Western Medicine; (Hippocrates, Galen & Paracelsus) prescribed fasting as the greatest

remedy and the physician within. Life Magazine in its September 1996 issue considered fasting: the healing revo-

lution. There are more than 500 medical journal articles available on therapeutic fasting on the internet. The

outstanding physicians named fasting as being; the medicine for the 21st century. They believe the human body

is designed to heal itself, if only given the opportunity. Dr. Otto Buchinger; Germany‟s great fasting therapist

after more than 100,000 fasting cures says: “Fasting is, without doubt, the most effective biological method of

treatment.. it is the operation without surgery… it is a cure involving exudation, redirection, loosening up and

purified relaxation.” He furthers therapeutically; fasting cures many of our modern illnesses, including the fol-

lowing: allergies, cardiovascular disease, chronic diseases of the digestive system, degenerative and painfully in-

flammatory illnesses of the joints, myriad disturbances in one‟s eating behavior, glaucoma, initial malfunction of

the kidneys, tension and migraine headaches, as well as skin diseases. Preventively, it‟s designed to cleanse, and

to regenerate, rejuvenate and restore a person‟s sense of well-being, in body, mind and soul. As Doctor

Buchinger would conclude: "When the body fasts, the soul is hungry; when the body becomes lighter, the soul

also craves relief." Dr. Joel Fuhrman in Fasting and Eating for Health notes: “Fasting has been repeatedly ob-

served to alleviate neuroses, anxiety and depression.” Fasting marvelously decomposes and burns all the cells

and tissue that are aged, damaged, diseased, weakened or dead, a process called in medicine autolyze or self-

digest or detoxification. Michael Rosenbaum, M.D., Director of the California-based Orthomolecular Health

Medicine Medical Society, notes on the significance of fasting as a detoxification program: "The hidden cause of

many chronic pains, diseases and illnesses may be invisible toxins, chemicals, heavy metals and parasites that

invade our bodies . . .Chances are slim that your doctor will tell you that toxins may be the root cause of your

health problems. He or she may not even know about how these toxins are affecting your body . . . As your

cells go, so goes your health. If your cells have been invaded by toxins and dangerous chemicals, your resistance

to disease is diminished. Clean and nourish your cells, and you‟re on the road to better health." When by fast-

ing you stop the input of nutrition for a while, then a flurry of cleansing starts up, the rugs are lifted and the

dirty dishes are brought out of the cabinet where they were stashed. Healing Crises Those fasting sometimes

experience side effects during the first days. The side effects may vary from fatigue, malaise, headaches, vomiting

to the symptoms of cold and flu. These reactions are sometimes called in medicine healing crises, which are

temporary and caused due to elimination and cleansing of toxins. A fasting person should be patient and let this

period pass.

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Fātimah bint Mūsā' al-Kādhim known as: al

-Ma„sūmah ( the Innocent), the daughter of the 7th Imām Mūsā' al-Kādhim and sister of the eighth

Imām, „Ali ar-Ridhā. Every year, thousands of Shia Muslims travel to Qom to honor visit her shrine, for supplication to Allah and asking for interces-

sion Despite having being infallible, Fatima Masu-mah is not considered one of the 14 most holy infallibles. Yet, her brother Imam Ali al-Ridha gave

her the title "Masumah", means infallible or sinless. However, she has her own reputation of holiness and wisdom. She is said to have been learned in various Islamic sciences and the teachings of the

Prophet Muhammad (saww), and to have trans-mitted many hadiths from her family members. She is honored in many hadiths, or teachings,

from Imams that proclaim the benevolence of visiting her shrine in Qom. Her brother Imam 'Ali al-Rida (as) stated that visiting the shrine of Fatima

Masumeh is equal to visiting his own shrine in Mashhad, demonstrating his honor of his sister. More miracles are reported to occur at her

shrine in Qom .Before she was born, Imams (AS) foretold about Fatima Masumah's holiness and piety. She was born into Shia legacy, raised under

the care of two Imams- her father and her broth-er. She absorbed their knowledge and holiness. Fatima Masumeh was born in Medina in 173 AH and spent the first six years of her life learning

alongside her father, Imam Musa al-Kadhim. she had a "special gift" of knowledge and spiritual awareness, since in childhood. When she was 10

ten years, Harun al-Rashid, the 5th caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate sent her father to prison. This separation was very difficult for Fatima, but her

brother 'Ali 'Ali and Fatima are among Imam Musa al-Kadhim's 37 children, but they are the only two

this shattered situation, Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) found that the

highest interest required the ratification of a treaty with Mu‟awiyah to pre-

vent bloodshed and preserve the welfares of Muslims. The choice of war

would have only brought upon two results: Either the death of the Imam

and the small loyal group of followers of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), or

taking the Imam as a humble prisoner to Mu‟awiyah. The Conditions of

the Treaty Mu‟awiyah sent Abdullah the son of „Amer to Imam Hassan

with a scroll containing his signature, and in which he declared his ac-

ceptance of all the conditions of the Imam (peace be upon him). Thus,

Imam Hassan and Mu‟awiyah came to an agreement. The most important

conditions of the treaty were as follows.1- Imam Hassan was to assume

command after Mu‟awiyah‟s death. If Imam Hassan would not be alive at

Mu‟awiyah‟s death, then Imam Hussein would assume command.2- Mu‟awi-

yah may assume command of the administration of state but under the

condition that he should act

according to the Holy

Quran and the Sunnah of

Prophet Mu- h a m m a d

(peace be upon him and his

Household).3- M u ‟ a w i y a h

should ensure the safety of

the supporters of Imam Ali

(peace be upon him) and

should not harm them.

Whoever con- siders the

circumstances which led to

the signing of the treaty

and the conditions of the treaty concludes that Imam Hassan (peace be

upon him) drew a correct track for government and administration of the

state without omitting his right to rule. The Umayyad Plot: Imam Has-

san (peace be upon him) moved from Kufa with his brother, Imam Hussein

(peace be upon him), to the city of his grandfather. Thus, the armies of

Mu‟awiyah entered the city of Kufa amidst a state of intense fear of its in-

habitants. Mu‟awiyah revealed his plot in a speech in front of the people of

Kufa. He said: “O people of Kufa. Do you believe that I fought you so that

you would pray, pay zakah, or perform pilgrimage? I knew that you prayed,

paid zakah, and performed pilgrimage. However, I fought you for the pur-

pose of dominating you, and God has granted me that while you detest

it…Every condition I [agreed upon] for Hassan is under these two feet of

mine.”In spite of this tragic situation, Imam Hassan (peace be upon him)

did not detach himself from society. In Medina, he undertook intellectual

and social activities which exposed the Umayyad plot and the wrongdoing

of the Umayyad dynasty. Some of the transgressions of the Umayyad dyn-

a s t y w e r e a s f o l l o w s .

-The assassination of opposing individuals at the head of which were the

companions of Imam Ali (peace be upon him)-Giving rulers of districts or-

ders to oppress people such as: “Kill whomever you meet who does not

have the same view as you.”-Wasting the money of the Islamic Nation by

giving bribes to people to gain their support and fabricating false narrations

which profit the Umayyad rule. Martyrdom of Imam Hassan (as):The

activeness of Imam Hassan (as) worried Mu‟awiyah and prevented him

from accomplishing his unlawful plot to grant succession to his son, Yazid.

Thus, Mu‟awiyah decided to assassinate him and planned a malicious plot

with the Imam‟s wife, Jo‟da the daughter of Al-ash‟ath son of Qays. She

poisoned the Imam who was martyred due to the consumption of that

poison. He was buried in the graveyard of Al-Baki‟ due to the prevention

of his burial close to his grandfather (as). May peace be upon him the day

he was born, the day he was martyred, and the day he will come back to

life on Resurrection Day.

Chi ldhood and the Prophet’s Care

Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) lived under the care of

Prophet Muhammad (sawa) for seven years. The Prophet

surrounded his grandson with love and attention, and

taught him courteous behavior. He had special regard for

Imam Hassan, and would become happy when seeing him.

Imam Hassan (as) inherited from Prophet Muhammad high

morals and learned from him how to be benevolent to-

ward people and to repay offence with goodness. After

the death of Prophet Muhammad, Lady Fatima (as) lived

only for a very short while and she was the first person

who died after her father. Thus, Imam Hassan had lived

with his mother for only a brief period more than that

which he lived with his grandfather, and he witnessed the

oppression of his parents after the death of the Prophet.

Imam Hassan and His Father, Imam Ali (as)

Imam Hassan lived with his father Imam Ali (as) during

two phases.1-The phase before Imam Ali (as) as-

sumed command: This phase lasted for around 23

years during which Imam Hassan (as) followed the exam-

ple of his father. He cared for the affairs of Muslims

through guiding them and striving to preserve the Sunnah

of Prophet Muhammad (as). 2-The phase during which

Imam Ali (peace be upon him) assumed com-

mand: During this stage, Imam Hassan (as) was also by

his father‟s side. He moved with him to Kufa, and took

part in the battles which his father fought against the Dis-

loya l , t he Un ju s t , and the Apos t a te s .

The Command of Imam Hassan (as): After the mar-

tyrdom of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), people in the

city of Kufa pledged allegiance to Imam Hassan. However,

Mu‟awiyah rejected this pledge of allegiance and strove to

fight the Imam and eliminate him. He sent spies to Kufa

and Basra and launched a wide propaganda attack against

the Imam. Imam Hassan (as) realized the aims of the con-

spiracy. He revealed the spies and sent to Mu‟awiyah call-

ing him to abandon his dissension. However, Mu‟awiyah

refused to comply with the request of Imam Hassan. Thus,

the confrontation between them escalated until the an-

nouncement of war. The Reasons for the Treaty with

Mu’awiyah : Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) moved

forward at the head of a large army until he reached an

advanced area known as “An-Nakhila”. He organized the

army and devised the plans for the leaders of the divisions.

From “An-Nakhila”, he sent a vanguard at whose head

was Obeid Allah the son of Abbas, and Qays the Son of

Sa‟d son of „Obada as his assistant. However, the events

turned to the advantage of Mu‟awiyah through a series of

incidents: 1-The betrayal of the leader of the vanguard,

Obeid Allah the son of Abbas, who joined Mu‟awiyah as a

result of a bribe which the latter gave him2-The betrayal

of most of the chiefs of the tribes of Kufa, for Mu‟awiyah

showered them with plentiful wealth. Thus, they declared

their allegiance and obedience to him, and vowed to hand

Imam Hassan over to him.3-The strength of the enemy‟s

army in contrast to the weak morale of the army of Imam

Hassan which was driven by different interests 4-The as-

sassination attempts in Kufa on the life of Imam Hassan

(peace be upon him) 5-The propaganda and rumors which

had a great effect on confusing the Iraqi society. Due to

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Women In Islam Women In Islam Women In Islam The issue of women and how they are treated in different

communities is an issue which has been discussed among different communities and civilizations for a long time. Women always constitute half of the

world's population. Life in this world is as much dependant on men as it is on women. Naturally, women shoulder the greatest responsibilities in the

world. They do essential things such as giving birth to and educating children. Therefore, the issue of women is an important issue and has been dis-

cussed in societies among intellectuals for a long time. Having an Appropriate View of Women: One should have a high regard for women in

order to understand their rights and freedoms. In order to understand women's rights and freedoms, one should look at them as human beings who

can be a resource for society by helping to educate moral humans. Women should be looked upon as the main element in the formation of a family.

Although families are made up of both men and women, and both men and women play a role in the formation of a family, the peaceful atmosphere

inside a family is due to the existence of women and their womanly nature. One should have such a view of women in order to understand how wom-

en can move towards perfection and what their rights are. Historical Oppression Against Women: Throughout history, women have been op-pressed in different societies. This is due to the ignorance of human beings. Whenever there is no use of force, the more powerful people tend to

oppress the weaker ones. This force may come either from within humans - strong faith - which is very rare, or from outside - force that is exerted by

the law. This is part of the nature of ignorant humans. Unfortunately, women have always been oppressed throughout history. This is mainly due to

not recognizing the true position of women. Women should find their true position, and they should not be oppressed just because they are women.

This is something very bad. Women have been oppressed in many ways. Sometimes certain things have been done in regard to women which may not

be called oppression, but they are in fact a type of oppression. A case in point would be directing women towards luxury, consumerism, wearing make

-up, extravagance, and becoming an object for use. This is a great oppression against women. One can possibly claim that this is the greatest oppres-

sion against women because it will completely prevent women from achieving their goals and ideals and will lead them towards petty and worthless

goals. The Issue of Women in the World: Despite all its claims, all the efforts made by committed and sympathetic people, and all the cultural

activities that have been done in regard to the issue of women, humanity has so far failed to find an appropriate solution to the issue of women - as a

result of which the issue of men is raised too. In other words, extremist measures, deviations, and lack of proper understanding of the issue have re-

sulted in oppression, violation of rights, psychological shortcomings, family problems, and problems about the way men and women should interact

with each other. These are among the problems which humanity has so far failed to solve. In other words, human beings who have made numerous

discoveries in materialistic issues, in astronomy, and in the bottoms of the seas and who claim to have in-depth knowledge in the field of psychology

and social and economic issues - they have truly made progress in many of these fields - are unable to solve this problem. The Role of Hijab in

Society In Islam, there is a distance between men and women. This does not mean that women live in a different world than that of

men. This is not the case. Men and women live together in society and in workplace. They interact with each other in many places.

They solve social problems together. They solve the problems of war together. They manage families and bring up children together.

Page 3

Who receives Fitra? Fitra should be given to deserv-

ing believers whose income is not sufficient to spend on

their families for on year. Fitra cannot be given to one's own

dependents. Deserving neighbors and pious persons are

good candidates to receive and enjoy the fitra. Fitra from

Sayyids (descendants of Prophet Muhammad, peace and

blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny) can be

given to poor Sayyids or non-Sayyids. Fitra from non-Sayyids

cannot be given to Sayyids. If deserving persons are not easy

to find or identify, fitra should be sent to places where such

persons can be found, or the amount should be sent to a

mujtahid who would do justice in its distribution. It is abso-

lutely mandatory that the recipient of fitra be ‘adil, I.e., a

just and fair person who can be trusted to distribute it

properly, and it is necessary to ensure that fitra is not given

to anyone who may in any possibility use it for sinful acts

such as drinking liquors, gambling, etc. Although it is permis-

sible to send fitra to any place, it is better to distribute it to

a deserving person locally. The time for giving fitra is from

the night preceding Eidul-Fitr up till noon. If this is not possi-

ble for any reason, the amount of fitra must then be set

aside and be distributed when deserving persons are pre-

sent, or it may be sent to a mujtahid for proper distribution,

and it cannot be paid prior to the time when it becomes

due. The best time to pay it is before noon prayers on Eid al

The Last Will and Testament of Imam Ali (peace be upon him)

Imam Ali (as) was struck on his head while he was offering morning prayers and this

blow proved to be fatal for he was martyred after two days. In what follows is the last

will of the Imam to his sons Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein (as):"My advice to you is

to be conscious of Allah and steadfast in your religion. Do not yearn for the world

even if it pursues you. Do not resent

anything you have missed in it. Proclaim

the truth; work for the di- vine reward.

Oppose the oppressor and support the

oppressed. I advise you, and all my chil-

dren, my relatives, and who- soever re-

ceives this message, to be conscious of

Allah, to remove your differ- ences, and to

strengthen your ties. I heard your grand-

father, peace be upon him, s a y :

"Reconciliation of your dif- ferences is

more worthy than all prayers and all fast-

ing." Fear Allah in mat- ters con-

cerning orphans. Attend to their nutrition and do not forget their interests in the

middle of yours. Fear Allah in your relations with your neighbors. Your Proph-et often recommended them to you, so much so that we thought he would give them

a share in inheritance. Remain attached to the Quran. Nobody should surpass

you in being intent on it, or more sincere in implementing it. Fear Allah in relation

to your prayers. It is the pillar of your religion. Fear Allah in relation to His

House; do not abandon it as long as you live. If you should do that you would aban-

don your dignity. Persist in jihad in the cause of Allah, with your money, your

souls, and your tongue. Maintain communication and exchange of opinion

among yourselves. Beware of disunity and enmity. Do not desist from promoting

good deeds and cautioning against bad ones. Should you do that, the worst among you

would be your leaders, and you will call upon Allah without response. O Children of

Abdul Muttalib! Do not shed the blood of Muslims under the banner: The Imam has

been assassinated! Only the assassin should be condemned to death. If I die of this

stroke of his, kill him with one similar stroke. Do not mutilate him! I have heard the

Prophet, peace be upon him, say: 'Mutilate not even a rabid dog.' "

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Rules of Fasting Fasting is an act of worship so a

person has to fast with the

intention of getting close to God. It

is not necessary to verbally express

this intention; having this resolve is

enough. The intention comprises of

the resolve to refrain from

whatever invalidates the fast from

dawn until sundown. In the holy

month of Ramadan, one intention

from the beginning of the month is

enough, and a person may also

make a separate intention before each day. However, if he/she has one

intention for the entire month then it should be continuous and should not

be broken off with breaking the fast on any day. The time when a person

should have an intention to fast is before dawn. What are some of the

things that invalidate the fast? 1-Eating and Drinking 2-Allowing

thick particles to reach one's throat . If a person who is fasting

intentionally swallows thick particles or allows them to reach his throat,

then his fast becomes void as a caution. An example on this is: Particles of

dirt or wheat. There is no difference if these particles reach the throat by

means of the mouth or the nose. If particles reach the mouth and a person

spits them out or reach the nose and are removed then the fast does not

become void. This is also the case if a person does not intentionally swallow

them. Swallowing vapor which ascends from water or food does not make a

fast void. However, if it turns to liquid in the mouth and a person

intentionally swallows it then his fast becomes void.3-Ascribing lies to

God, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his

Household), and the Infallible Imams (peace be upon them) 4-

Immersion of entire head in water 5.Intentionally vomiting

6-Sexual Intercourse 7-Intentional Ejaculation

. Zakatul-Fitr (Fitra) Zakatul-Fitr is a mandatory religious

tax paid by those who can afford it

at the end of the month of Rama-

dhan. It depends on the type of ma-

jor item of food consumed by the

believer during the year. This may be

rice, wheat, barley, dates, etc. In

weight, it should be at least three

kilograms of food per person. It is

also permissible to pay cash of equiv-

alent value. Due to the inflation and

rising prices, we suggest that a fitra

of 5000(This year )per person is

reasonable. It must be paid by the

head of the family on behalf of his

dependents, including servants of

both sexes, and/or dependent rela-

tives who are fed in his house. If a

Muslim or even a non-Muslim guest

arrives at someone's house prior to

the night preceding Eidul-Fitr and

dines with his host, it is incumbent

on the latter to pay for the former's

fitra. If the guest arrives after sunset

of the night preceding the Eid, fitra is

not obligatory even if he dines with

his host. If the guest who arrives

before sunset does not dine, fitra is

still obligatory on his host. It is better,

however, if both host and guest give fitra.

If one's wife is at her parents' house on

the night preceding the Eid, her parents

should take out her fitra. On the last day

of the month of Ramadhan, if someone

arranges a majlis which commences after

sunset, and if he treats his guests to iftar,

Imam Ali (as)

said “a wise

men thinks

before he speaks

and a fool

speaks first and

then he thinks”

The night of pow-The night of pow-The night of pow-

werwerwer The most important thing of this month is

the Night of Power (Lailatul-Qadr) - the

night which is superior,

than a thousand months, one thousand

months jihad, one

thousand months reign, and the worship in it is superior than

one thousand months of worship. Yes! the

Night of Power is a very precious and

distinguished night, in accordance with the

Qur'anic interpretation

it is a very auspicious night; and as could be

derived from the tradi-

tions, in this night the sustenance and age of servants, and the good

and evil of their affairs are destined; the Holy Qur'an was descended

in this night; also the angels are descended

all over the earth, and when they pass

through the gathering of believers, send

salutations and praises

upon them, and con-sider their prayers

until the dawn.“ during

this night the prayers

of all are accepted,

and the prayer of no

one remains unan-

swered except the

following:The one who

has displeased and

angered his parent

and was declared

disinherited or rebel-

lious by them. The

one who has cut off

his relationship with

The Guardianship Editorial

Kampala Plaza.

Eid al-Fitr and its Prayers :Once the holy month of Ramadhan is over, the pious get ready to celebrate Eid al-Fitr,

Feast of Fast-Breaking, to thank the Almighty who enabled them to fast and to remember the needy and the indigent. It is also customary

on such an occasion to give gifts to the members of the family, especially children. Once it becomes known that the next day is going to be

the Eid, it is very highly recommended to spend the night preceding the Eid in prayers and adoration. Messenger of Allah (S) has said, "The

heart of anyone who spends the Eid night [the night preceding the Eid] will not die on the Day when the hearts die."Is the Eid prayer

compulsory (Sunnah wajibah) or is it highly recommended (Sunnah mustahabbah)? Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq, said "Prayers on both Eids (al-Fitr

and al-Adha) He (as) is also quoted on the same page as saying, "No Eid prayers on both Eids should be offered without an Imam (a just

one), but if you pray it by yourself, there is no harm in doing so Imam Ali(as) used not to eat anything on Eid al-Adha till he eats of what

he offers by way of sacrifice. And he used not to go out on Eid al-Fitr before eating something and paying the fitra." Then he added: "And

we do likewise." How should the Eid (be it Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha) prayers be performed? They are two rek’ats without iqamah or athan.

The imam starts by calling "Allahu Akbar!" once, then he recites Surat al-Fatiha and "Sabbih ismi Rabbikal-A’la" (Surat al-A’la, The Most

High, Chapter 87, which is comprised of 19 verses), then he makes takbeer (by saying: "Allahu Akbar!") five times, then he makes qunoot

followed by rukoo’, then he is to prostrate twice (as is the case with fajr prayers). When he stands to perform the second rek’a, he should

recite Surat al-Fatiha followed by "Wal shamsi wa Duhaha, etc." (Surat al-Shams [The Sun], Chapter 91, which is comprised of 15 verses),

followed by four takbeers, including takbeerat al-qiyam.

Al-mustaf teaching team and UGISA members participated in Hajj seminar

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