Download - Issue #32


ISSUE 32 28 MAY 2010

Year 2 learn all about nature

Summer Fun

FS Sand, sea and surfYear 5 the man?

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

From the Executive Principal

D ear Parents

Janet Brock and I have been working hard with our security teams over the past few weeks. A number of new processes and procedures have been put into place as well as additional staff. I would ask that parents cooperate when asked by the guards or other members of our staff to show the proper pass and sign in. Some parents have been, and sorry to be blunt, rather rude to the guards and have attempted to walk past them. I will be instructing the guards to be very firm on the “no admittance without proper procedure” and I will support the guards fully on this matter. We have authorized, in conjunction with the landlord of the campus, a number of new physical additions to the Sanlitun Foundation Stage campus. Security cameras and an additional fence are being installed, as quickly as physically possible, in addition to the new third security guard who is stationed there on fulltime duty. Yesterday, I was asked why the gate to the playground could not be locked all the time but that would present a potential fire hazard. The third guard is stationed next to the gate at all times to address this matter. Security cameras will also be installed at the main Sanlitun campus. Security is paramount and I’m very happy to hear from parents with constructive comments in all areas. If you see an area in which you feel we could improve then please (as others have done) do contact me directly. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend. Mike Embley

Key Dates

Secondary Art Installation Careers week Sun, sea and sandSecondary help a local artist to display angels in the secondary corridors.

Sanlitun got to learn about Journalism and being a camera man this week in Year 3.

Foundation Stage got to expe-rience all the fun of the seaside at Foundation Campus!

MayHouse Sports Week



JuneYear 3 Trip to Wullingshan

KS1 Swimming Gala

Year 6 Inner Mongolia Trip

Shunyi KS1 production – Eddie the Penguin 1.30pm

Shunyi KS1 production – Eddie the Penguin 5pm

Sanlitun KS1 production – Eddie the Penguin 2pm

Sanlitun KS1 production – Eddie the Penguin 5pm

Muffins with MumsFS - Sanlitun

Last week of Primary ASA

Dragon Boat Day

Ice cream with mums - Sanlitun Primary

KS2 Swimming Gala

Year 2 Sleepover (SY + SLT)

Sanlitun Production of ‘Hoodwinked’

Secondary Production: Return of the Forbidden Planet

















Mike Embley visiting the Community Chief Police Officer

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Secondary Music Scholarships at BSBThe British School of Beijing makes a number of Music Scholarships available every academic year to musically gifted and committed secondary children. On being awarded a Music Scholarship the child receives free instrumental lessons on two instruments from a list provided by the music department. They are then expected to be a fully active and reliable member of the Music Department for the remainder of their time at the British School of Beijing participating in choirs, orchestras or bands where appropriate. Auditions will for this prestigous award will be taking place in Sanlitun on Monday 14th June and in Shunyi on Tuesday 15th June, and any children in the current Year 6 or the secondary school are welcome to audition. A letter will be going out this Friday with full details of what the child should prepare for the audition. if parents would like their child to be considered for a scholarship they will need to fill in the form attached to the letter and return it to the music department. This is a fantastic opportunity provided by the school and we hope that parents will encourage their children to consider auditioning.Jennie Grierson, Director of [email protected]

SOCCER SATURDAYS FOR GIRLSAre you a girl 14 to 18 years old?

Do you like to play soccer?Do you like to play soccer?Then come to the soccer fields at ISB on Saturday mornings for some fun!!

This is your chance to play with girls from other schools and make new friends!

ISB Girls Soccer coaches Dirk and Susan Kraetzer will be on hand

to run some skill development drills and supervise small‐sided games.

May 1st ‐ 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. May 22nd ‐ 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

May 8th – no session due to ISB Spring Fair May 29th ‐ 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

May 15th ‐ 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. June 5th ‐ 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.Come to one session or come to them all! 

There is no cost involved.

Players should wear proper soccer footwear, shinguards and bring drinking water.

If you have any questions, contact us at

[email protected]

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Dear Parents,

We had a lovely start to the week when a representative from UNICEF came to the school and accepted a cheque for 27,840 RMB which was a combination of a large donation from the Indian Community after the Indian Bazaar and the money raised from our bake sale. He explained how the money would help those affected by the earthquake and showed us footage of the children and families living in tents provided by UNICEF. Our guests were very moved when the children sang the song ‘One World’ and when our six girls from 2G ended the assembly by singing ‘You are my Sunshine’.

As many of you know Mr Chris Thomas has been doing his PGCE with Buckingham University whilst teaching in Year 5 alongside Mr Young. His tutor came this week for his final visit and assessment of Mr Thomas and although not surprised, we were thrilled when he graded his lesson ‘outstanding’ He has worked very hard to achieve this and has been lucky to work alongside such an experienced and charismatic teacher as Mr Young.

During the next couple of weeks we will be looking at class lists for next year looking to see where we fit in any new children joining us in August and whether year groups need reorganising to even out class sizes and boy to girl ratios. Once that has been decided I will be sending out a letter informing everyone of staffing changes and introducing you all to our new staff.

The Primary Leadership Team have met this week to plan how we will carry out a ‘Lock Down’ drill in both campuses. Myself and teachers will be talking this through with the children and carry out a practice on Tuesday next week. After meetings with the NAE Regional Director for China, the landlords of both campuses and the local police, we have ascertained the best positions to put surveillance cameras and this weekend will be putting in a fence and door at the Foundation Campus which will prevent anyone being able to walk around the side of the Language school that leads to the playground.

I have been in discussions with staff who have formed a working party and Elliot who has done a degree in architecture and design, to look at changes we can make in the outdoor area of the main campus to improve outdoor and sporting facilities. Nord Anglia made the outdoor playground of the foundation campus their priority last summer and have agreed to the same at the main campus this summer.

Have a lovely weekend,Janet Brock

From the Headmistress, Sanlitun

A huge well done to Chris Thomas from all at the Sanlitun campus for an outstanding performance this week. As many of you know, Chris has been training to be a classroom teacher this year in class 5TY. This week, his tutor came to visit from the UK to give him his final assessment. Chris performed outstandingly and was highly praised for his teaching skills and classroom management. We all look forward to working with Chris next year when he takes on a class of his own. He will do a fantastic job. Well done, Chris!

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Songs and StoriesPre-Nursery went to the beach this week. We transformed our classroom into a tropical beach paradise, complete with beach huts, sun, sand and pretend sea. We made sandcastles out of boxes and sand, made real sandcastles

outside and collaged footprints with sand. We had lovely ice lollies outside to cool us down in the hot sun. We danced to tropical beach tunes and did a Show and Tell about the holidays that we have been to. We ended our week with a splash in the swimming pool, how apt!!

Nursery has enjoyed their final week of Nursery rhymes. We made humpty dumpty out of mod roc and paper mache and even made his wall. We have learnt all about the letter ‘o’ and have been busy writing it in lots of different ways-shaving foam, sand, paint and with water and paintbrushes

outside. We began our first swimming lesson on Wednesday. What a lot of fun!

On Friday 21st May, RS performed the story of ‘Handa and Harry’s Surprise’ for their parents and the primary school. They delighted their audience with their acting, singing and recorder playing. All the children spoke in really loud, clear voices and enjoyed sharing their hard work linked to their topic on ‘Healthy Living’.

This week Reception has also been busy growing and planting lots of seeds. We are all learning how to take care of plants and will be watching our seeds grow over the next couple of weeks. One seed that grew really big was

in this week’s story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’. On Friday RK performed this story as their class assembly to the rest of the school. Take a look in next week’s newsletter to hear more!

Foundation Stage, Sanlitun

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

UFO and Rainforests!In Year 2 in Sanlitun this week the children have been learning about rainforests. They used sub-headings in books, and hyperlinks on websites to read about the plants that live in the 4 layers of the rainforest and how they are different. Using this information, the children worked in a group to re-create the plants for either the emergent, canopy, understorey or forest floor layer out of collage materials. The children came up with ingenious ways to show the different size and shapes of the leaves, the vines crawling up the tree trunks and the many things on the ground. The whole class then put their different layers together to create a rainforest diagram, adding labels and captions to show what they had learned. There have been some amazing transformations taking place in Year 1 this week! At the beginning of the week children were seen coming to school carrying all sorts of old boxes, empty plastic bottles and other junk. Yet by the end of the week, the most amazing, colourful intergalactic spacecraft that you have ever seen started to appear! The children have been learning all about space and had many imaginative ideas about what a space rocket should look like. They used all sorts of joining skills to turn their designs into reality. Look out for those UFOs!

Key Stage One, Sanlitun

Sports BSB Sanlitun showed a lot of good skills and techniques actions in ours PE lesson. The children began exploring working on their athletics theme in their lessons this week. Over the coming weeks they will develop and learn new skills for throwing jumping and running events.

The handball club is still running on Monday and Thursday lunch time as usual for KS2 children. They are showed a lot of good development in the skills covered and are able to work in small groups effectively.

The U9’s football team already looking forward to their next match. This Saturday they’re will be playing against Sports Beijing at DCB. Go SLT! Bobby Wang

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Key Stage Two, Sanlitun

CareersThis week Year 3 were extremely lucky to have three of our parents come into school to talk to us about their careers.On Tuesday Mrs. Menezes (Antonio’s Mum) came and spoke to us about her jewelry design business. We learnt about the inspiration behind her ideas and how these initial ideas become a reality. She also talked about the process of creating a sample and having it mass-produced for retail.Mrs. Kirchner (Lukas’ Mum) visited us on Wednesday to talk about her career as a journalist. We learnt why she chose this particular career and she even showed us some examples of her published newspaper and magazine articles. Tyler, Doreen and Nikita

were lucky enough to be chosen to have a go at interviewing using a microphone and recording device, after being shown some techniques by Mrs. Kirchner.We ended the week with a visit from Mr. Kugelstadt (Genevieve’s Dad) who is a cameraman and camera editor. He brought in his massive video camera and tripod for us all to see and some of us were given the opportunity to lift these heavy pieces of equipment. Mr. Kugelstadt explained his job to us and then showed us how he edits his video footage to be broadcast on the news back in his home country of Canada. We

even got the chance to use some of his existing footage and edit our own news story.Year three had a fantastic week learning all about these different occupations. This careers week has proved to be a resounding success and we hope to have more parent visits in the future. Thank you so much to those parents who came and shared their working lives with us. Jo Young and David Thomas

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Know HOW to Read a BookMany of the previous tips have been primarily focused on the beginning and young reader, so this week’s focus is for the older student. Perhaps your child is an excellent reader with an exceptional vocabulary and good comprehension, but you would like to see their skills improved and honed, particularly as the university days approach. I’d like to recommend, How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Lincoln Van Doren. Encouraging readers to go beyond the superficial reading, Adler and Van Doren explicitly explain the method by which one can extract the greatest value from a book. They aim not only to teach for the sake of instruction but also for pleasure. Hopefully, this recommendation will supplement your child’s preparation for university and maybe even enrich your own reading!

Book Recommendation: How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Lincoln Van Doren

Holly Beier, Parent

The Space Race and Top Secrets!Year 5 have been blasting their way through their ‘Space’ topic and have begun to design their own rocket. We have been learning all about the ‘Space Race’ between the Soviet Union and the USA. We found out that the first animal in orbit was the dog Laika, launched aboard the Soviet Sputnik 2 spacecraft on November 3, 1957. On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin, a Russian, became the first human in outer space and the first to orbit the Earth. The Americans were very upset by this! However, the Americans were the first country to put a man on the moon on July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed in the Sea of Tranquility and became the first humans to walk on the Moon. After learning all about these amazing feats of space exploration we considered what perspective the Russians would have, and the Americans, for each of these achievements. We also wrote news headlines for Russia and the USA when the moon landing happened. We have created a timeline of the ‘Space Race’ and now we are working on our rocket designs in class. Our designs range from the serious, to the weird, to the funny, to the colourful. We hope you appreciate that our rockets are ‘Top Secret’ and are deemed to be ‘CLASSIFIED’. We aren’t able to share our designs with you for fear they will be stolen by our enemies and reproduced to beat us in our race to launch our rockets. Some of us will extend our rocket capabilities to include a parachute that releases after take-off. All Year 5 will be testing their rockets and we hope that all of them will launch and blast into the sky. So if you happen to see a strange flying object over the skies of Beijing, fear not! It is probably just a Year 5 rocket heading into space.

Christine Armstrong, Year 5

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Here comes the sun...Last week’s COBIS Conference (Council of British International Schools) was excellent with some superb speakers and workshops on FS – KS2 issues and developments. Much was gained for BSB as a result of the event: a maths group wishes us to host a conference for them; we have secured 2 sets of teacher trainers to come out to Beijing to help us improve provision even further; we have identified more courses and qualifications to extend our TAs’ teaching skills; and we are in talks with an international school in SE Asia about creating links across our Primary Schools and have Y5/6 eco-residentials there. The summer has finally arrived and the children are greatly enjoying the warm weather during their outdoor play. Foundation Stage’s Nursery children has been making the ‘seaside’ out of plastic crates and they spent much of yesterday lunchtime being mermaids and dolphins in the ‘waves’ – great creativity and cooperation happening. All are out in

their outdoor areas a great deal now with sand, water, painting, building and story activities happening all day long – wonderful to see so much outdoor learning taking place. The paddling pool is installed in the Nursery playground now for extra swimming and water play activities for FS and KS1. Football is still hugely important to the KS1 and KS2 children with long informal matches going on every lunchtime. The children also enjoy sitting by the trees and in the sand pit and having a chat too. Skipping, hoops and Diablo are commonly seen in the playgrounds – lots of great cardio activity. The bamboo poles and tarpaulins have arrived and will be introduced soon so the children can build their own shelters and huts, problem-solving and working together on each project. Fragrant herbs have also been purchased to create a fragrance garden to develop the children’s speaking and observation skills. Year 6 have continued in their role as “Playground Prefects” and “Lunchtime Monitors” managing the storage and handing out of the play equipment, helping children learn new games, and managing the flow of children into lunches – they are very responsible and do a great job. As the temperatures rise, please note that we do insist that children wear their BSB school hat (with its protective net for the neck) outside. Children without hats are asked to stay in the shade, and that may not be such great fun. Our KS2 athletes were in great form last week at their meet at WAB, walking away with countless medals and distinctions – thanks to the team and Miss Thomason for doing BSB proud. Year 4 also had a splendid trip the Llama temple on Thursday and were filled with stories of what they had seen. Mr. Bishop and team have been to the Wall and the local mountains checking out the arrangements for the upcoming Year 3 residential and all looks good. Y3 and Y5 had a healthy eating workshop with information of fruit nutrition and the chance to make and drink vitamin-filled smoothies – they loved it and more have been made at home as a result, I am reliably informed by parents! Have a great weekend,Jane SmithHoP

A Message from the Head of Primary, Shunyi

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Holidays, gardening and growing!In Pre-Nursery this week the topic was ‘Holidays’. Children were looking at holiday photos and have also been learning how to take photos of each other. They have looked at photos of beaches and built a giant sandcastle in the playground after watching the Teletubbies show them how to do it first!Nursery have been learning all about ‘Gardens’ They have talked a lot about what might be found in a garden and they have made their own paper garden collages. They have been busy planting beans and cress seeds indoors as well as going outside in the sunshine to plant flowers and herbs! They named

flowers which started with the letter ‘m’ their letter of the week.

Reception classes have also been busy planting as part of their ‘growing’ topic. We planted beans and have been monitoring them every day and making a bean diary. Children have been amazed watching how quickly the beans grow! As you can see from the photos Foundation Stage are still enjoying their new building blocks. I have been fascinated watching the children in my class become more and more creative and adventurous with them! They are also enjoying their new ‘Fascination Stations’ where they have the opportunity to cut/stick and make many wonderful things.

Foundation Stage, Shunyi

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Seeds and HabitatsYear 1 have been busy planting seeds in the school garden and learning about the difference between living and non living in science. In literacy, we have been writing our own class shrinking stories too . However, the highlight of the week was the Year 1 assembly on Friday morning. The theme of the assembly was ‘Forces’. The assembly had a cross curricular link with work children had done in literacy (writing weather poems), science (our trip to Chaoyang Park) and design and technology (making pop up puppets). We

were very proud of the children who worked hard to say their lines clearly and loudly.

This week Year 2 children have started to look at their new topic – ‘Habitats’. After introducing this, we looked at some images and information about tropical rainforests, and were really excited to find out about the different types of animals and plants that live there. We also linked this in with our learning about non-chronological reports by looking at the technical language we found, and also how the text and diagrams/pictures on screen had been organised.

2G enjoyed their 200 marble reward, which was to bring in their own choice of toys or games. They were allowed half an hour of free time in which to use these and had a lot of fun! Dawn Ross

Key Stage One , Shunyi

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Key Stage Two , Shunyi

Seeds and LamasYear 3 have been very green fingered this week. We have planted our seeds in the front of school and have begun growing seedlings in our class for our plants topic which is coming up. The children have really enjoyed getting theirs fingers dirty in the name of Science! We have been continuing using different methods to calculate problems in maths this week, the children have solved addition and subtraction problems using a range of methods. Our Literacy work has focused on reading texts and responding to them this week. The children have put their inference skills to the test answering questions to demonstrate their understanding. In topic we have looked briefly at the diary of Anne Frank. The children began writing their own diary entries from the time and showed great empathy for children in World War 2. Year 4 have been getting messy too! This week we have been focusing on capacity and weight. Today the children went out into the playground and measured volumes of water in different containers. They enjoyed sloshing the water into the containers but used some excellent measuring skills in the process. During the week we went to the Lama temple and the confuscous temple to carry our sketcthing. The children concentrated on adding detail and shade to their sketches to truly replicate what they saw. This was finished off with lunch at the Crows Nest, yum!In their Literacy work the children have been planning out their Movie trailers. They have focused on emotive and persuasive language to make their movie a box office hit. In their science work the children have been looking closely at food chains, identifying producers and consumers. They have begun to create their own chains and identified predators and prey.

Key Stage Two , Shunyi

Genghis Khan is the man...?This week Year 6 were busy debating the nature of the historical icon of Genghis Khan. The children were set the challenge of researching the Mongolian leader and passing a judgment upon his legacy; as one child put it ‘Genghis Khan was the man, or was he?’ Viewpoint

about Genghis Khan is divided amongst Year 6, as some children argued the case that he was a great leader: unifying the Mongolian people and creating great legacies, such as a written language, which revolutionised his culture. On the other hand, some of the children expressed the view that he was a cruel man, responsible for the death of millions of people, who even murdered his own brother. In either case, the passionate debate rages in Year 6 and, whether Genghis was the man or not, one thing is certain: this figure from the past has captured the minds of the children in Year 6.

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Athletics Tournament at BISSOn Friday 21st May the Primary Athletics team were invited to take part in a tournament at BISS.As always the children were FANTASTIC. They all listened carefully and made sure that they were in the right place at the right time; no easy task given that there were a number of different events taking place all at the same time!The events included 400m, 200m, 60m sprint and 60m hurdles. As well as javelin, long jump and a tug of war event.The team of 28 came back to BSB laden down with medals! A total haul of over 20 medals! Including 11 GOLD!! Stars of the day included Sam Vidinyu from year 6 who came back with a hat trick of golds for the 200m, 60m and long jump. Pollyanne from Year 5 managed an amazing 2 golds, 1 for the 60m, 1 for the javelin and a bronze in the long jump. A big congratulations to all for making it a fantastic day and for such great team spirit! Go Bears!

Geraldine ThomasonY6.

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

ChineseThis week all the students from Foundation stage up to Key Stage 2 are fully involved in the academic study of Chinese as usual. The foundation students had great fun in stories telling, in singing, in hand craft making and in Chinese traditional outdoor games. By doing these activities they learnt more vocabulary and sentence patterns to develop their oral skills. In Key stage 1, children’s oral and listening skills have tremendously improved and we focused on character recognition in order to develop children’s reading and writing skills. In Key Stage 2, we are very happy to see more and more children are enthusiastic to borrow Chinese books from the library. We encourage children to do this as it is a very important part of learning and using a language.

Melody Dong, Primary Chinese

EALKey stage 1This week in EAL the children have been working extremely well. I’ve assisted the children in creating and writing an imaginary story. We’ve also begun to look at the simple past tense and we talked about the meaning of events in the past, present and future.The EAL learners also did some reading comprehension work in order to prepare for SAT tests. Phonics also featured in EAL this week and the children did in very well in sounding out and hearing ere, air and eer words.

Key stage 2Key stage 2 has been very diligent in EAL. We’ve been very successful in a number of areas this week. We’ve concentrated on the expression of feelings and asking questions in the correct form using would and how. The students continued to work on determiners and then moved on to looking at compound words and their use in positive and negative sentences.Another important focus of the week has been ‘debating’. The EAL group did very well in putting forth advantages and disadvantages of school dinners. They were able to back up their statements with evidence to support their point of view. Key stage 2 has also started to analyze their own work. We got underway writing a short story using the past, present and future tenses. Next week they will aim to correct their own work and see how they can improve any weaknesses in their writing. Another great week for the EAL children.

Mr. Jonathan ChattersPrimary EAL Teacher


28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32


Notice: Years 11 and 12 One Week Study Leave

I am writing to inform you that there are no external examinations next week due to school holidays occurring in the UK. As I am sure you are aware the examination season can be a very demanding and stressful time for your child. Therefore, I am willing to grant a home study period for one week to year 11 and 12 students. I would hope that our students are mature and disciplined enough to use this time productively, to undertake individual revision at home. However, if you do not feel that your child will use this time effectively, please contact me and I will arrange study support within school. Additionally, I must stress that exams will recommence on Monday 7th June so it is imperative that students make the best use of the time, which is still available to them. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your continued support. Martyn Steel E-mail: [email protected] Head of Secondary

Carnegie CooksStudents in the English department are participating in the annual Carnegie Award Scheme and are helping to create a Carnegie Cake.

Instead of just reading the various books short-listed to win the Carnegie prize this year, BSB’s readers have taken on the challenge to do something delicious with the books they are tasting.The participants have been asked to try to capture the ‘flavour’ of a chosen novel by describing it in the vocabulary of culinary delights. The photo is of one of the reading groups.

Phillip Whidden, English

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Business Studies AssemblyThe Year 10 Business Studies students have been working on a Marketing Project for the past 2 months. On Monday they finally got the chance to present their new product idea to the Secondary School. The task was to create a Marketing campaign for a new product; coming up with a new product idea and then trying to create a brand image. The first task was to come up with a team name and product idea. The project gave students to the opportunity to display both their business knowledge and creative sides. Hannah, Doris and Film called themselves Dee and came up with the product Benergie, a new high energy berry drink aimed at young expat adults who need that extra energy during a hard day at work. Randy, Ryder and Harry called themselves Olo and came up with the product Choco-loco, a new chocolate bar aimed primarily at men. Alissa, Luisa and Mujtaba called themselves fourspades and came up with the product Hypontic, a new deodorant aimed at expat teenage girls. Prateek, Nurazlin, Jiyun and Tom called themselves Macron and came up with the original product called Coffizz, a new drink combining of the best of both Coke and Coffee, a sure way to start your day on a high. Each of the groups gave a strong presentation supported by excellent reports showing the different areas of the Marketing mix. Prateek stood out as the outstanding presenter, managing to successfully sell his new coffizz idea to both the students and Mr Nelmes. The audience were also very impressed with the TV commercials created for Benergie and Coffizz. Mr Brightwell (Key Stage 4 Coordinator)

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

Secondary ArtOn Wednesday Morning the artist responsible for the wonderful paintings in the foyer at Shunyi joined some of years 7, 8, 9 and 10 to create a beautiful installation piece. Katrien has themed her work about ‘flying’ and as their contribution secondary students all had to imagine what it would be like to fly. Then to create their angels students

all had to individually jump and move about whilst being photographed. They then cutout their figures and glued it to white card and designed and attached white wings. The effect of all these suspended angels is stunning.Big thank you to Katrien!Charlotte Yearn,Secondary art

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32


WantedIf you are a nutritionist, a chef, a vegetarian

Or if you live with diabetes

Year 7 would love to learn from your experience!

Please contact: [email protected]

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32


Secondary Music Scholarships at BSBThe British School of Beijing makes a number of Music Scholarships available every academic year to musically gifted and committed secondary children. On being awarded a Music Scholarship the child receives free instrumental lessons on two instruments from a list provided by the music department. They are then expected to be a fully active and reliable member of the Music Department for the remainder of their time at the British School of Beijing participating in choirs, orchestras or bands where appropriate. Auditions will for this prestigous award will be taking place in Sanlitun on Monday 14th June and in Shunyi on Tuesday 15th June, and any children in the current Year 6 or the secondary school are welcome to audition. A letter will be going out this Friday with full details of what the child should prepare for the audition. if parents would like their child to be considered for a scholarship they will need to fill in the form attached to the letter and return it to the music department. This is a fantastic opportunity provided by the school and we hope that parents will encourage their children to consider auditioning.Jennie GriersonDirector of [email protected]

Art ClubIn art club we have been exploring the often neglected art of ‘doodling’! To try and inspire and develop creative thinking and confidence with media experiments students have worked on a group doodle; only using two colours they worked from the edge of their paper towards the centre; to make things more difficult I

was picking random words and emotions and giving them to the students to express in their doodles, they had to work with their fingers and a paintbrush only. The results are rather interesting!

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

BSB is pleased to widen the scope of our newsletter by including a parents’ page, items for this page should be in keeping with the ethos of the School and should be submitted to our Publications and Liaison Officer on [email protected] before 4pm Wednesday on the week in which they are to appear. Please note we cannot advertise

businesses, the aim is to promote charitable events and personal ads.


Sanlitun House Points Shunyi House Points









Congratulations to the Saxons on earning the highest House Points for the week

ending 28th May. Well done, Saxons.

Congratulations to the Vikings on earning the highest House Points for the week ending

28th May. Well done, Vikings.

Secondary Merit Awards

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4

Mina Shin

Sejin Kim

Minori Yariwake

Leonie Buschmann





Oceane Duprat

Doris Sun

Prateek Pandey

Andrea DeMatteis





Parents Page









Any 16yrs or older BSB students who would like to earn some money? I’m

looking for an occasional child minder for my 6 & 8 year old boys. We live close

to Champagne Merlin, Shunyi. If your interested contact Stephanie Baker at

[email protected] or phone 1355265305

28 MAY 2010 ISSUE 32

+++BEIJING ChopSchticks+++

Laughs-o-rama hit the Northern Capital yet again with ChopSchticks

onSaturday June 5th at 7pm and 10pm on the top floor of 3.3. in San Li

Tun (just north of The Village).

WHO:Featuring the fabulous Chicago Improv All-Stars with players from MTV

and NBC. Every show is different and their blend of improvised sketch

comedy and musical numbers is based solely on audience suggestions.

These guys are among the best improvisational actors and musicians

working in the world today, folks. Their troupe has done 1,400 shows

around the world to RAVE reviews and we are pumped to have four of

their main players here in China!

*Warning* DO NOT attend this show if you are allergic to awesomeness


“You cannot fail to have your world rocked by these people. I have one

word for it. GO!”The Scotsman

WHEN: Two shows - each one is totally different!

Saturday June 5th at 7pm and 10pm

WHERE: 3.3 top floor (where China Doll used to be) in San Li Tun

HOW: For tickets call 1581 026 1614 now!

300 RMB at the door, 250 RMB in advance up until Thursday, June 3rd.

Every ticket comes with a free drink!

To order online from Beijing Home Delivery click on through to

CHOW: Enjoy the Joyluck’s awesome ChopSchticks special Buffet!

88 RMB for all you can eat Sushi, Maki, Grilled Steak, Grilled Lamb and more!

The Joyluck will also be providing drinks specials on many house

drinks and have multiple bars set up for your convenience.

WOW:HUGE thanks to our sponsors including: The Westin Beijing Chaoyang,

Joyluck Restaurant; our media sponsor The Beijinger; our web-hosting

partner Candis; Element Fresh, Beijing Home Delivery, and!

Tickets Available

2 Tickets available

through BSB, with the money going to charity. Please contact


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