  • 8/9/2019 Israeli Frozen, But Still Cooking


    Israeli settlements: frozen, but still cookingBy Matt Beynon Rees Created July 22, 2010 06:40 Subhead: News analysis: Peace talks hinge on extension of settlement freeze.Byline: Matt Beynon Rees

    JERUSALEM Palestinian negotiators said again this week theyd refuse to re -enter

    direct peace talks with Israel unless the current partial freeze on construction in Israeli

    settlements is extended when its term runs out in September.

    But as a report released this week by the Israeli human- rights organization BTselem

    reveals, a real settlement freeze would have to be a very, very big chill.

    BTselems report [2], called By Hook or By Crook: Israeli Settlement Policy in the West

    Bank, documents the massive scope of Israels settlement operation. It say s that

    hundreds of millions of dollars are being paid to settlers, real estate developers and

    settlement municipalities as incentives to expand the settlements. It also highlights the

    manner in which every layer of Israeli bureaucracy continues to be involved in an

    expansion project that successive Israeli governments have pledged in international

    forums to halt.

    For the human rights group, the issue is not political. Jessica Montell, BTselems

    executive director, said that the inequality of life in the West Bank rather good if

    youre an Israeli and pretty bad if youre Palestinian is the most objectionable upshot

    of the settlements, which she adds are illegal under international law.

    In the West Bank, your rights are based on your nationality, she sa id.

    The Palestinian negotiators, who said this week that direct talks would have to wait for a

    renewal of the construction freeze, would agree. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

    Netanyahu agreed last November, under U.S. pressure, to a 10-month partial freeze on
  • 8/9/2019 Israeli Frozen, But Still Cooking


    construction. But he has refused to commit to a renewal of that freeze even though the

    United States has coaxed the two sides into indirect negotiations.

    BTselem officials note that the settlement freeze will have been almost worthless

    unless its ex tended. When the freeze was initiated, Netanyahu gave exemptions to2,500 housing units. The Israeli authority which governs the West Bank adds that there

    have been 400 instances of illegal construction during the freeze, only a few of which

    have been torn down.

    The main problem is that the freeze is too short, says Montell. The planning process

    is long and many buildings were started before the freeze or received permits before the

    freeze. If the freeze continues, then youd see the effect.

    If construction restarts in September, Israel would likely restart an operation of

    staggering proportions. Since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, under which

    Israel was supposed to halt construction in the settlements, the West Banks settler

    population has risen from 110,000 to 301,000. (Add the dozen Israeli neighborhoods in

    East Jerusalem and youre up to 500,000 Israelis living on land deemed occupied by the

    international community, out of a total population of 7.3 million.)

    Though Israel repeated its promise to halt building in the settlements to President

    George W. Bush under his 2003 Road Map, Israeli governments have continually

    provided massive subsidies, which in effect encourage Israelis to move to the

    settlements in contravention of the policy Israel claims to propound. Since Israel signed

    onto the Road Map, the settler population is up 30 percent.

    Over 20 percent of the growth in the settlement population is by migration from Israel

    itself. It isnt the natural growth Israels government frequ ently cites, meaning the need

    to house people born in the settlements. Thats twice the rate of growth of the most

    vibrant areas within Israels border.

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  • 8/9/2019 Israeli Frozen, But Still Cooking


    how much the Ministry of Construction and Housing was giving to the settlements, said

    Eyal Hareuveni, the reports author.

    Some observers argue that the number of settlers is now simply too large for them to be

    moved in a future peace deal. Montell disputes that.

    She argues that if the financial incentives were reversed, many settlers would happily

    move back inside Israels borders. She cites settlements on the eastern side of Israels

    separation barrier that is, those on whats often thought of as the si de which will one

    day be part of a Palestinian state where residents have been quoted in Israeli media

    as saying theyd like to leave. They cant leave, however, because their property values

    have dropped and a comparable home in Israel is too expensive. If, she argues, such

    people received aid to move back to Israel, many settlements would empty out.

    You could put in place policies for providing disincentives for living there, Montell said.

    People would leave if these were the conditions.

    Editor's note: This story was updated to correct an error: The BTselems report [2],

    called By Hook or By Crook: Israeli Settlement Policy in the West Bank, says that

    hundreds of millions of dollars are being paid to settlers, real estate developers and

    settlement municipalities not hundreds of billions.

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