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  • Israel vs. Palestine
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  • Why is there conflict in Israel?
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  • What does the song title mean, and how does it relate to the song lyrics? If you could come up with an alternate title for this song, what would it be? Why? What is the songwriter trying to tell you? What do you think they were feeling when they wrote this song? Do you agree or disagree with what they're saying? Why? How did this song make you feel? Did you feel that it was expressing feelings that are similar to your own?
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  • The area around Israel and Jordan is referred to as Palestine. This is where much of what was written in the Old Testament, New Testament and Quran took place. The City of Jerusalem was especially important.
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  • Before WWII, this area was also referred to as Transjordan. The only group who lived in the area at this time were Muslims (aka Palestinians) Many Jewish people had felt that this area should belong to them, since it was promised to them by God thousands of years before. As it is written in the Old Testament.
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  • The groups that felt Jews should be given a homeland in Zion, or those parts of Palestine where the Jewish people had lived in Biblical times were known as ZIONISTS.
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  • During WWII, the Jewish of Europe suffered terribly at the hands of the Nazis. Over six million European Jews were placed in concentration camps and murdered by the Nazi German government. This period of murder became known as the HOLOCAUST. There was widespread ANTI-SEMITISM (hatred of Jews) in Europe even after the war.
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  • At the end of the war, the newly created United Nations believed something should be done for the worlds Jews In 1948, the United Nations voted to create a homeland in Palestine and founded the nation of Israel.
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  • Many Zionists (Jews) began moving to the area. This upset many Muslims in the area. They felt this was THEIR homeland Many other Middle Eastern countries were angry as well, and refused to recognize the new country. The United Nations backed the Jewish nation with military help Palestinians (Muslims) were forced into certain areas of Israel
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  • For the past 60 years, the two groups have fought over land in the area. Palestinians (Muslims) Believe this is their Holy Land. They believe Mohammed went to heaven while in the city of Jerusalem They feel this was their home, and they were wrongly forced to leave. Muslims lived here for thousands of years
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  • Israelites (Jews) Jews feel this land was promised to them by God. The first Jewish kingdom was built by King David in Jerusalem in 996 BC Jews believe Mount Zion (Where Abraham was asked to slay his son Isaac) is in Jerusalem. King Davids son Solomon built a great temple in Jerusalem. It was destroyed in 586 BC, but one wall still remains Jews consider this Wailing Wall the Holiest spot in the world to their faith.
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  • Today, the two groups continually fight over the land. The Israelis have more military power and more people For this reason, many more Palestinians have died in the struggle. Some Palestinians have resorted to using terrorist attacks to win the fight Bombing buses and buildings.
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  • For this reason, Israelis force Muslims to live either in the West Bank or Gaza Strip. Palestinians are not free to move about the country. In fact, Israelis are building a wall around the two areas to keep Palestinians out of the rest of Israel.
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  • Israeli or Palestinian 5-7 Sentences Assume the role of an Israeli or Palestinian and argue for why your people should control the area.

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