
Israel History Religion Technology One of the most important spiritual centers of Christianity, Islam and Judaism Israel is a country with rich history and culture that everyone should visit. Whether you want to indulge in entertainment or business in Tel Aviv or go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem - it's all here. TEL AVIV The modern face of Israel Shopping and picturesque nightlife Bulevard Rothschild Shenkin White city district (UNESCO) Jaffa - among the most ancient cities in the Middle East, UNESCO Haifa The third largest city in Israel Fifth beauty among Mediterranean cities Baha'i gardens - declared World Heritage by UNESCO - alongside the pyramids in Egypt and the Eiffel Tower Bah' temple- by Arch. Faribors, which creates "Temple of the Lotus" New Delhi, shading beauty his Taj Mahal. Tiberias - also called "Pearl of the Sea of Galilee" Founded in the 2nd century Named after the Emperor Tiberius Among the four sacred cities of Jews Known for its 17 mineral springs GALILEE Most low-lying freshwater lake on earth meters below sea level, the second-lowest lake located in the world after the Dead Sea YARDENIT Baptism of Jesus Christ JERUSALEM - OLD TOWN Sacred place for faithful Christians, Muslims and Jews. They are here: -The Church Of the Empty tomb -The Dome The rock where Mohammed ascended to heaven -Wailing Wall - The only wall, preserved by the most holy Jewish Temple - Gethsemane - "Via Dolorosa" - Holy Sepulcher BETHLEHEM Square "Manger" Church "Nativity" -The Where Jesus Christ was born THE DEAD SEA - The lowest point on earth map m. Below sea level - Salinity of 26% to 35% -Unique mineral content MASADA -Ancient ruins of palaces and fortifications -Amazing Panoramic views over the Dead Sea -UNESKO- Site declared a World Heritage Site CYBERTECH 2016 TEL AVIV - Most important conference and exhibition of cyber technology outside the United States. -Last passenger innovations and solutions to meet global cyber challenges -Innovative Technologies crucial to combat cyber threats days / 5 nights Travel in the Holy Land and visit the most important exhibition for cyber technologies outside the US Information and photos:

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