Page 1: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by

Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00

Is Study Abroad for You?Yes, You Can Afford It!How Study Abroad Can Help Your CareerPrograms Offered by SETC Institutions Plan Your Own Trip to London

Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00

INSIDE: 2011 College, University & Professional

Training Program Directory

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Page 3: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by

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Page 4: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by

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Page 5: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by

4 400 Words Enjoy Your Night at the Theatre ... or We’ll Make You!


32 Words, Words, Words... Review ofStageMoney:TheBusinessof theProfessionalTheaterby Tim Donahue and Jim Patterson


36 Index to Volume LI

D-1 2011 SETC College, University & Training Program Directory

Special Section

Find the right school for you in this comprehensive directory listing SETC member institutions and the degrees they offer.(SpecialsectionbeginsafterPage18.)



ContentsFocus on Study Abroad

This photo of the final tableau of Marisol by Jose Rivera, shown during its run at the Forum Theater on the Ohio University (OU) campus in Athens in February 2010, was chosen from more than 130 photos submitted by colleges and universities. The play, part of OU’s mainstage season, was directed, designed and photographed by students. The director was Vanessa Mercado Taylor (MFA thesis); scenic design was by Sarah O’Brien (MFA thesis); costume design was by Kimberly Parkman (2nd year MFA student); and lighting design was by Brittany Shemuga (undergraduate senior). The photo was shot by Kelly Cline, currently a senior majoring in commercial photography in the School of Visual Communication, as part of her work in OU’s Program to Aid Career Exploration (PACE). This internship-like program provides the School of Theater with photography majors who learn to do performance photography by shooting mainstage productions under the direction of theatre professor emeritus Robert Winters. The photos are used to create lobby displays, provide portfolio photos and preserve archival records of all shows. (Cover design by Deanna Thompson)

Volume LII Number 1 l Winter 2011 l Southern Theatre – QuarterlyMagazineoftheSoutheasternTheatreConference

6 Is Study Abroad for You? SETC Schools Offer Broad Array of Programs byPaulB.Crook

14 Chart: Study Abroad Programs compiledbyPaulB.Crook

20 10 Ways Study Abroad Gives You a Jump on Your Career


24 Paying for Study Abroad Yes, You CAN Afford It! byScottCrawford

30 London Calling Tips for Planning a Study Abroad Trip to England byGeorgeHillow

31 Resources Surfing for Study Abroad Programs byAmileWilson

Page 6: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by

400 Words Enjoy Your Night at the Theatre ... or We’ll Make You!

from Bret Jones, Director of Theatre, Wichita State University

Theatre folk have been bemoaning

the decline of our field for decades now. Groans about lack of funding, support and audience members punctuate the conversations we have ev-ery day. Our chagrin is aimed at the lack of people in our seats, but when we do get them there, we grumble about poor behavior, cell phone interference and lack of theatre courtesy. At the start of a recent show I attended, a young actor came out and read a list of rules on how to behave correctly in the theatre. Theatres everywhere are doing similar things: newsletters to patrons on theatre rules and regulations, announcements before a show about silencing cell phones and other devices, and classes on the university level that teach proper theatre conduct as part of their curriculum.

The rules, such as they are, go something like this: Sit still, turn off your cell phone, take out crying babies, laugh when it’s ap-propriate, don’t when it’s not, clap at the end of scenes, don’t be a distraction to the actors, no visiting during the show … and the list goes on. We have made attending the theatre like going to the doctor’s office to give blood and urine, instead of an event filled with energy, excitement and, dare I say it, entertainment. No wonder hordes of people bemoan their state if attending a night at the theatre. I’m a theatre person, and I dread going because it’s become clini-cal, as opposed to seeming like a hot date. Theatre practitioners have laid the blame at the feet of “uneducated” audiences who lack the intelligence to enjoy our art form. The reality is, we are to blame for our re-lationship with our audiences. Ever since

Denis Diderot propagated the concept of the “fourth wall,” we have gone to great lengths to push our audiences away from our performances, causing them to be artifi-cial, things to be admired from afar and not partaken of directly. The fourth wall shifted our focus from being audience-centered to being actor-centered. We expect audiences to pay good money and admire us and, by golly, we want them to tell us so. Our work is for the audience. We are there for them, not the other way around. If we spent more time cultivating this relationship, instead of laying down ground rules for how to enjoy theatre, we might have audiences again. n

Have an opinion you would like to share with your colleagues on a topic related to theatre? Send your column of 400 words or less to [email protected].

Dear Editor: Ray Paolino’s “400 Words” in the Fall 2010 Southern Theatre raises important moral and legal questions. I addressed some of them in my article in the Fall 2005 Southern Theatre, but sadly little has changed since then. Paolino is mistaken, however, when he says that “copyright laws” prohibit changes in the script. All that the laws do is to reserve to the playwright control over whether such changes will be allowed. Understandably, most playwrights will not want the words of the script changed without permission, but stage directions are often not even written by the playwright, and instead are a record of an early pro-duction. And controlling the words of the stage directions may be understandable in any reprinting, but can the playwright, by copyrighting his words, control the move-ments of the actors on a stage? The design of the scenery and costumes? The law is less than clear on that point,

and it is the publishers/leasing agents who are inserting into their contracts efforts at such control. I talked recently to a very famous playwright who was not even aware of such restrictions, and who agreed that his own scripts were not intended to control a director in that way. Paolino is right that we should model for our students respect for the law and for playwrights’ intent (if we can figure out what that is). More playwrights need to discuss with their leasing agents how much they really expect to control in productions they will never see. The leasing agencies, as far as I can tell, are protecting themselves by blanket prohibitions in their contracts that ridiculously limit directorial creativity. Sadly, at the rate at which the legal complexities of directing a play are piling up in our litigious society, we will all be in court unless we revert to cookbook directing – simply following the recipe.

Philip G. HillProfessor Emeritus, Furman University

Letter to the Editor

Page 7: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by

TFrom the SETC President …

Theatres o u t h e r n

SETC ExECuTivE DirECTorElizabeth N. Baun

EDiTorDeanna Thompson

ADvErTiSiNGClaire Wisniewski, [email protected]

BuSiNESS & ADvErTiSiNG oFFiCESoutheastern Theatre ConferencePO Box 9868 Greensboro, NC 27429-0868336-272-3645

PuBLiCATioNS CoMMiTTEEChris Hardin, Chair, Austin Peay State University (TN) David Balthrop, Murray State University (KY)J. Caleb Boyd, University of West GeorgiaSam Sparks, Independent Theatre Artist (TX)Scott Phillips, Auburn University (AL)

EDiToriAL BoArDJesse Bates, Alabama School of Fine Arts Sonya/Tim Bixler, Washington School/Delta Center Stage (MS)Doug Brown, Freelance Technical Director (NC)Tessa Carr, Lees-McCrae College (NC)Denise Gillman, Christopher Newport University (VA)Kendra Johnson, Clemson University (SC)Jerry Lapidus, Independent Theatre Artist (FL)Ray Paolino, University of GeorgiaScott Phillips, Auburn University (AL)Richard St. Peter, Texas Tech UniversityJim Stacy, Louisiana State University at AlexandriaSteve Willis, Bennett College for Women (NC)Amile Wilson, Pippin & Maxx Arts and Entertainment (MS)

ProoFrEADErSPhilip G. Hill, Furman UniversityDenise Halbach, Freelance Director (MS)

PriNTiNGClinton Press, Greensboro, NC

NoTE oN SuBMiSSioNSSouthern Theatre welcomes submissions of articles pertaining to all aspects of theatre. Preference will be given to subject matter closely linked to theatre activity in the Southeastern United States. Articles are evaluated by the editor and members of the Editorial Board. Criteria for evaluation include: suitability, clarity, significance, depth of treatment and accuracy. Please query the editor via e-mail before sending articles. Submissions are accepted on disk or via e-mail. Stories should not exceed 3,000 words. Color photos (300 dpi in jpeg or tiff format) and a brief identification of the author should accompany all articles. Please note any photos, disks and other materials to be returned and include SASE. Send stories to: Editor, Southern Theatre, PO Box 9868, Greensboro, NC 27429-0868. E-mail: [email protected].

Southern Theatre (ISSNL: 0584-4738) is published quarterlyby the Southeastern Theatre Conference, Inc., a nonprofit organization, for its membership and others interested in theatre in the Southeast. Copyright ©

2010 by Southeastern

Theatre Conference, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproductionin whole or part without permission is prohibited.

Subscription rates: $24.50 per year, $8 per single copy (U.S.); $30.50 per year, $10 per single copy (Canada); $47 per year, $15 per single copy (International).

From the SETC President

Alan Litsey, SETC President

The opportunity to study in another country can be a life-changing experience for theatre students. Emerging artists (and seasoned ones) need a broad and diverse perspective if they are to create, advance and advocate for theatre. In our sixth annual College & University issue, Southern Theatre takes an in-depth look at the value of study abroad in our increasingly global society. Paul B. Crook offers an overview of overseas study opportunities offered by SETC member institutions that responded to an e-mail survey, and more detail is provided in an accompanying chart. What benefits does study abroad provide for a student? Tessa Carr explores the advantages from the standpoint of professors and graduate school program directors. In brief sidebars sprinkled throughout the magazine, students and professors who have been overseas for study share the impact that the experience had on their lives and careers. One of the biggest obstacles for many students is the anticipated cost of study-ing abroad, but Scott Crawford notes that the perception of cost is often much higher than reality. He shares inside information on how students’ financial aid can sometimes be applied to the cost – and provides resources for finding schol-arships as well. We also offer advice for professors on developing their own study abroad programs. George Hillow, who has taken a number of student groups overseas, shares tips on putting together a trip to London. Finally, Amile Wilson shares resources for finding additional study abroad opportunities. Rounding out our focus on students is the center section of the magazine, where we provide a comprehensive resource to help in selecting a school: the 2011 College, University & Training Program Directory, listing SETC member institutions and the degrees they offer. This issue also includes our regular “400 Words” column, in which Bret Jones expresses his frustration over theatres’ growing emphasis on rules of behavior for audiences. Do you agree or disagree? Weigh in with a letter to the editor. Finally, in “Words, words, words…,” our regular book column, Philip G. Hill reviews a new book on how theatre is financed. As always, we strive to deliver current, cutting-edge ideas and tools. We hope you will find this issue meaningful for your organization and for you person-ally. Educators and students, be sure to take a look at the College, University & Training Program Directory! SETC’s mission is all about “connecting you to opportunities in theatre.”

Page 8: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by

IHow Study Abroad Changed My Life

SETC Schools Offer Broad Array b y P a u l B . C r o o k

Imagine yourself attending a class at Shakespeare’s Globe in London. Or learning Stanislavski techniques at the Moscow Art Theatre. Or participating in workshops at the National Academy of Chinese Arts in Beijing. If you think visiting those faraway theatres seems more like a dream than a realizable goal, you may be surprised to learn of the numerous opportunities available today to study abroad. With the theatre world increasingly becoming more global in perspective, Southern Theatre recently surveyed member institutions about opportunities they offer to students and others for study abroad. The survey found a wide array of opportunities to study in places from London to China. Many of the programs are open to anyone, not just to students attending a particular school. In addition to programs offered through institutions, we also found a number of other independent organizations that offer study abroad opportunities in theatre. (See list, Page 34.)

If you are considering participating in a study abroad program through your university or another organization, you need to do some homework. This story will provide an overview of offerings at schools that participated in our survey, while the chart on Pages 14-17 will provide more in-depth information about study abroad opportunities offered by those institutions. Some issues to pay particular attention to when looking at the chart include: Is the trip open to people who do not attend the institution (if it’s offered through a university you do not attend)? Does the fee include airfare? Does it cover room and board? Does it include the cost of tickets to any shows you will see? Can you apply your financial aid to the cost of your trip? Are scholarships available specific to the study abroad program? (Note: Online at www., you will find the full versions of

the survey responses with more detail on program


TAYLor HoHMANSecond-year MFA student Physical Theatre programAccademia dell’ArteArezzo, Italy

English language teacherAccademia BritannicaArezzo, Italy

DEGrEE:BA, Theatre Arts Catawba College, Salisbury, NC

STuDY ABroAD:2002: Semester in London through Catawba College and CAPA 2005: Post-graduate study in Arezzo, Italy, through Accademia dell’Arte

What is the most important thing you learned through study abroad?Both my semester in London and my year in Arezzo were critical in broaden-ing my personal horizons, offering a profound exposure to and immersion in foreign cultures, granting me an overall global perspective, offering a mirror to reflect what it means to be an American, and inspiring me not to limit myself with geographical and linguistic boundaries.

How has study abroad helped or impacted your work?It is quite safe to say that my study abroad experiences have had an enor-mous impact on my development as a person and an artist. They quite liter-ally changed the course of my life. Upon completion of the MFA program at the Accademia dell’Arte, I intend to remain in Italy and pursue my career as a professional actor throughout Europe. I firmly believe that study abroad programs are an absolute necessity for American undergraduate students, not only to enrich their college study experience, but to grant them a wider world view in an increasingly global society.

is Study Abroad for

Page 9: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by

Perhaps the biggest question, particularly in today’s depressed economy, is: Why study abroad? Throughout the magazine, you will find comments from students who found study abroad to be a life- altering event. In addition, you’ll find a story outlining the benefits from teachers’ and graduate programs’ perspectives on Page 20. Cost, of course, is one of the biggest considerations for many contemplating study abroad. The average cost at the colleges in our survey that specified a cost was about $4,300. The majority included room and board in the cost, and about half included airfare. Twenty-eight institutions said they allow students to apply financial aid toward the cost of the program, and 19 offer scholarships specifically for study abroad. (See Page 24 for more information on paying for a study

abroad trip.)

The locations of study abroad opportunities varied among survey respondents. However, the majority (21) of the 32 institutions that responded to our survey indicated they send students to England. Eight institutions offer multiple locations for study abroad. The time frame of programs ranges from two weeks (Christopher Newport University) to two full semesters (New York Film Academy and Randolph College) to an entire master of fine arts (MFA) degree program (Mississippi University for Women/Academia Dell’Arte). All but one of the institutions (the African American Theatre Program at the University of Louisville) offer class credit for study abroad programs, 75 percent offer students the chance to take workshops or classes with theatre professionals, and all of them offer opportunities to see some of the most amazing professional theatre productions in the world. Each institution has its own goals and purposes for its study abroad program. Some are centered around a theatrical event, while others have a different focus for each trip. Some offer students practical experience in classical Italian comedy, with performance opportunities provided at the end of the study.

JuLiE GAFNEASenior University of Alabamaat Birmingham (UAB)

STuDY ABroAD:May 2009: Two weeks in Bulgaria and Greece through UAB.

What is the most important thing you learned through study abroad?The course I took was not so much about learning as about experiencing. Everything that I learned from my trip I could have learned from a textbook. The experiences, however, I could not have gotten any other way. You can stare at a picture of the Parthenon or at an epic view all you want, but when you are staring at it in person, when you are there, you become a part of it. To walk the same agora

How Study Abroad Changed My Life

and to smell the same air that Socrates did or to sit in the same theatre that held the festivals that performed plays by Aristophanes, among others – these are things that can never come from a textbook.

How has study abroad helped or impacted your work?Right now I am dramaturging the play Lysistrata by Aristophanes. It is so re-warding that I can say that I have sat in the very theatre where this play was performed. I have stood in the very acropolis that is the setting of the play. These rewards add an entirely new dimension to my work as a researcher of ancient Greece.

of Programs

is Study Abroad for

Because each of the programs has its own unique focus, perhaps the easiest way to examine them is to look at the various locations for the studies and what each offers to students.ENGLANDNumber of offerings: 21

Campbell University, Centre College, Christopher Newport

University, Florida State University, Georgia Perimeter

College, Indiana University, Louisiana Tech University,

Lyon College, Meredith College, Middle Tennessee State

University, Missouri State University, New York Film

Academy, Northern Kentucky University, Randolph

College, Troy University, University of North Carolina at

Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina at Greensboro,


Page 10: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by

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Page 11: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by


University of Southern Mississippi, Valdosta State

University, Western Kentucky University and University

of Wyoming.

All of the programs with England as a destination offer an opportunity for students to experience firsthand the culture of one of the top locations in the world for Western drama. At Valdosta State University, “the most important part of the study abroad program is for students to have a firsthand cultural experience,” says Professor Eric Nielsen, who has led and taught in numerous study abroad programs. In addition to study with guest artists and tours, students who take this school’s five-week intensive are required to go on one field trip for each lecture they attend. This mixture of classroom and tactile experience helps immerse the students in London’s atmosphere. One of the more hands-on England programs is offered by the University of Southern Mississippi (USM). Associate Professor Robin Carr’s students have the opportunity to meet and work with British professionals, including actors, directors, designers and playwrights. The experience, she says, is an “energizing experience that also includes all of what London theatre has to offer.” In addition to seeing plays, galleries, museums and landmarks, the students are afforded the chance to perform and showcase their work at the end of the one-month term. Not limited to London, USM’s program offers a four-day extended trip to Edinburgh for an up-close look at theatre in Scotland.irELAND/SCoTLANDNumber of offerings: 6

Christopher Newport University, Georgia Perimeter

College, Middle Tennessee State University, St. Edward’s

University, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

and Western Kentucky University.

Other popular destinations for study abroad in the United Kingdom include Scotland and Ireland – and not just as “side trips” from a London tour. St. Edward’s University has an unusual summer-intensive program to Scotland that is undertaken jointly with Queen Margaret University. This interdisciplinary program takes place leading up to and during the famed Edinburgh Festival Fringe. According to Assistant Professor Sheila Gordon, the program focuses on “developing collaborations between theatre students and business students during a total immersion into global theatre-making and festival and event management studies.” With more and more

theatre companies looking to employ professionals with wide-ranging skill sets, a program such as this can be invaluable in terms of preparing theatre artists for multiple tasks as they enter the work force.

In addition to a short winter-break appreciation course to London, Middle Tennessee State University also offers students a practical, hands-on experience in Ireland every other year. Students participate in

DEBorAH BELLProfessor of Costume Design University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Author, Mask Makers and Their Craft: An Illustrated Worldwide Study

STuDY ABroAD:1984: Summer study in Italy and Am-sterdam through University of Georgia1997: Summer tour of London and sur-rounding cities through USITT Costume Commission2003: Winter study in Bali through Dell’Arte International School of Physi-cal Theatre

What is the most important thing you learned through study abroad?In order to comment on the world, an artist needs to know something about the world. I would certainly rank my study abroad experiences as the most effective way to access and understand broad cross-currents and influences in art and theatre, not just from historical and cultural perspectives, but by sharing artistic sensibilities with individual foreign artists and theatre practitioners.

How has study abroad helped or impacted your work?My introduction to Italy through the excellent summer studies abroad program offered by the University of Georgia directly influenced my lifelong apprecia-tion of the great theatre playwright, director, designer and performer, Dario Fo, ultimately resulting in grant-sponsored research at his archival center in Milan. That experience also led to a satisfying collaboration with an Italian theatre company, which resulted in theatre tours in both Italy and the southeast United States.

My participation in Dell’Arte International’s annual winter study abroad program in Bali introduced me to major Balinese performers and mask makers. It was a truly life-changing experience that reaffirmed my intention to write about mask makers worldwide. Indeed, this exotic experience shaped the content and perspective of my book Mask Makers and Their Craft: An Illustrated Worldwide Study, recently published by McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.

How Study Abroad Changed My Life

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Page 13: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by


a program that “involves writing, producing and touring an original show,” says Professor Scott Boyd. This tour gives students all of the usual benefits of study abroad in terms of experiencing a different theatrical culture, but also gives participants a chance to learn about the excitement of producing an original work and the rigors of an international tour.iTALY, FrANCE, GErMANY, SPAiN and GrEECENumber of offerings: 8

Accademia dell’Arte-Hendrix College, Mississippi

University for Women/Accademia Dell’Arte, New York

Film Academy, University of Georgia, University of

North Carolina at Greensboro, University of Kentucky,

Valdosta State University and Virginia Commonwealth


Italy is a popular destination for European study abroad. The University of Georgia’s “Drama in Cortona” program is a “practical experience in Italy studying classical Italian comedy style through application, rehearsal and performance of an abridged

comic text,” according to Professor Ray Paolino, the director of the program. In addition to their stay in Cortona, located in the heart of Tuscany, students take field trips to Florence and Rome for viewings at museums of some of the major Renaissance art works surviving in the world today. “Drama in Cortona” students finish their semester-long stay by performing in hilltop amphitheatres, on town squares and in a traditional Tuscan theatre. One of the most unusual study abroad programs detailed in the survey is also one of the newest. Professor William Biddy, director of theatre at Mississippi University for Women (MUW), oversees a new MFA program that hosted its inaugural class in fall 2009. Twelve students were admitted to spend 28 months earning an MFA in physical theatre, offered by MUW in conjunction with Accademia dell’Arte in Arezzo, Italy. The study, Biddy says, is “rooted in the spirit of the commedia dell’arte or the ethos of the actor-creator.” Students study traditional commedia techniques, as well as movement, dance, Italian

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Page 14: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by

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Page 15: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by


language, mime/mask work and the circus arts. Biddy says “the program fully prepares students to devise and create their own ensemble performance informed by a study of the aesthetic, historical and social context.”oTHEr NATioNSNumber of offerings: 8

Armstrong Atlantic State University, Dell’Arte

International School of Physical Theatre,

Middle Tennessee State University, New

York Film Academy, University of Louisville

African American Theatre Program, Virginia

Commonwealth University and Wayne State


From the Czech Republic (Armstrong Atlantic) to South Africa (Virginia Commonwealth) to China (University of Louisville) and more, there are numerous opportunities for students looking for a theatrical experience in a different culture. Lundeana Thomas, director of the

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African American Theatre Program at the University of Louisville, has helped establish a working relationship with the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts, Xiamen University and the Foreign Studies University, which “seeks to create opportunities for the students and communities of these two very different cultures to learn about each other ’s performing arts, cultures and the histories that inform them,” according to Thomas. Joan Schirle’s Dell’Arte study abroad students work with Balinese artists in their family homes while studying movement, mask and voice work. Professor James Thomas’ students at Wayne State University study Stanislavski

and Chekhov during a one-month stay in Moscow, with directors, actors and designers focusing on the collaborative process.THEATrE oN A GLoBAL SCALE

Turn the page to learn more details about these study abroad programs. All of the programs, regardless of location or duration, seek to enrich the lives of students through contact with and immersion into a different theatrical and social culture. They afford students the chance to alter perspectives and experience the world of theatre on a truly global scale. n

Paul B. Crook is an assistant professor of acting and directing at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, LA, and the chair of SETC’s Acting/ Directing Committee.

See charts on Pages 14-17 for details on study abroad programs offered

by survey respondents. For more comprehensive information from the

survey forms, visit the SETC website at

Page 16: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by


College/university/ training program

Study abroad program location

Program duration

Program open to

Class credit on trip?

Number of plays students attend?

Showtickets includedin trip cost?

Classes/workshops available with theatre professionals?

Student internships possible at theatres visited?

Total cost of the trip to each student?

Airfare included in cost?

Room and board included in cost?

Can financial aid be applied toward trip cost?

Scholarships specific to “study abroad” program?

Armstrong Atlantic State University


1-month summer program; follow-up work on return

Anyone Yes; 6 hours 12-14 Yes Yes No $3,400 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Campbell University England; “Student Choice” program

England: 4 weeks;“Student Choice”: 1 semester

Anyone Yes; England: 3 hours; “Student Choice”: up to 18 hours

5 included in England trip

Yes Varies No Variable Yes Yes Yes No

Centre College England 1 semester Entire campus

Yes; up to 12 hours

Numerous Some Yes No Variable No No Yes No

Christopher Newport University Department of Theater and Dance

England, Scotland

2-week seminars Entire campus

Yes; 3 hours 8-9 Yes Yes Yes $2,500-$3,000 Yes Yes Yes No

Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre

Bali, Indonesia 1 month Anyone Yes 3-10 Yes Yes No $3,875 No Yes Yes No

Florida State University England 1 semester Anyone Yes Usually 30 per semester

8-10 included

Yes Yes Varies; $8,000- $13,500

No Yes Yes No

Georgia Perimeter College

England, Ireland, other locations

5-8 weeks Anyone Yes; 6 hours 3 or more Partially Yes No Varies by country; $3,500-$5,500

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Hendrix College/ Accademia dell’Arte

Italy 1 semester; summer; January term program

Anyone Yes; usually 15 or more

2 Yes Yes Yes Semester: $16,337; Summer: $6,342

No Yes Yes Yes

Indiana University (main campus)

England 3-week summer intensive


Yes; 3 hours 4-8 required Yes Yes No $3,000 No Yes Yes Yes

Louisiana Tech University

England 3 weeks Entire campus

Yes 10-plus Yes Yes No $5,600 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Lyon College England 2 weeks Entire campus

Yes; 1 hour 8 Yes No No $650 No; paid by university

No; paid by university

No No

Meredith College England 6 weeks Anyone Yes; 12 hours At least 4 No No Yes $5,600 No Yes Yes Yes

Middle Tennessee State University

England, Honduras, Ireland, Russia

Winter break; summer course

Anyone Yes; 3 hours Varies; 5-9 Yes No No Varies; about $3,700

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Mississippi University for Women/Accademia dell’Arte

Italy 28 months (MFA degree program)

Anyone Yes; full 60-hour MFA degree

Numerous No Yes No response No response No No Yes No

Missouri State University

England 1 semester Entire campus

Yes; 3-6 hours Unlimited No Yes No Variable No response No response No response No response

New York Film Academy

England, France, Italy, Shanghai, Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, UAE

2 semesters; terms of 4-8 weeks

Campus and other colleges/universities

Yes Varies according to location

No Yes Yes Varies by location

No No No No

Northern Kentucky University

England 2-week winter break; 1-week spring break; 5-week summer programs

Anyone Yes; 3 hours A minimum of 5

Yes Yes No 2-week London winter theatre: $3,395

Yes Yes Yes Yes

S t u d y A b r o a d

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College/university/ training program

Study abroad program location

Program duration

Program open to

Class credit on trip?

Number of plays students attend?

Showtickets includedin trip cost?

Classes/workshops available with theatre professionals?

Student internships possible at theatres visited?

Total cost of the trip to each student?

Airfare included in cost?

Room and board included in cost?

Can financial aid be applied toward trip cost?

Scholarships specific to “study abroad” program?

Armstrong Atlantic State University


1-month summer program; follow-up work on return

Anyone Yes; 6 hours 12-14 Yes Yes No $3,400 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Campbell University England; “Student Choice” program

England: 4 weeks;“Student Choice”: 1 semester

Anyone Yes; England: 3 hours; “Student Choice”: up to 18 hours

5 included in England trip

Yes Varies No Variable Yes Yes Yes No

Centre College England 1 semester Entire campus

Yes; up to 12 hours

Numerous Some Yes No Variable No No Yes No

Christopher Newport University Department of Theater and Dance

England, Scotland

2-week seminars Entire campus

Yes; 3 hours 8-9 Yes Yes Yes $2,500-$3,000 Yes Yes Yes No

Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre

Bali, Indonesia 1 month Anyone Yes 3-10 Yes Yes No $3,875 No Yes Yes No

Florida State University England 1 semester Anyone Yes Usually 30 per semester

8-10 included

Yes Yes Varies; $8,000- $13,500

No Yes Yes No

Georgia Perimeter College

England, Ireland, other locations

5-8 weeks Anyone Yes; 6 hours 3 or more Partially Yes No Varies by country; $3,500-$5,500

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Hendrix College/ Accademia dell’Arte

Italy 1 semester; summer; January term program

Anyone Yes; usually 15 or more

2 Yes Yes Yes Semester: $16,337; Summer: $6,342

No Yes Yes Yes

Indiana University (main campus)

England 3-week summer intensive


Yes; 3 hours 4-8 required Yes Yes No $3,000 No Yes Yes Yes

Louisiana Tech University

England 3 weeks Entire campus

Yes 10-plus Yes Yes No $5,600 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Lyon College England 2 weeks Entire campus

Yes; 1 hour 8 Yes No No $650 No; paid by university

No; paid by university

No No

Meredith College England 6 weeks Anyone Yes; 12 hours At least 4 No No Yes $5,600 No Yes Yes Yes

Middle Tennessee State University

England, Honduras, Ireland, Russia

Winter break; summer course

Anyone Yes; 3 hours Varies; 5-9 Yes No No Varies; about $3,700

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Mississippi University for Women/Accademia dell’Arte

Italy 28 months (MFA degree program)

Anyone Yes; full 60-hour MFA degree

Numerous No Yes No response No response No No Yes No

Missouri State University

England 1 semester Entire campus

Yes; 3-6 hours Unlimited No Yes No Variable No response No response No response No response

New York Film Academy

England, France, Italy, Shanghai, Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, UAE

2 semesters; terms of 4-8 weeks

Campus and other colleges/universities

Yes Varies according to location

No Yes Yes Varies by location

No No No No

Northern Kentucky University

England 2-week winter break; 1-week spring break; 5-week summer programs

Anyone Yes; 3 hours A minimum of 5

Yes Yes No 2-week London winter theatre: $3,395

Yes Yes Yes Yes

S t u d y A b r o a d P r o g r a m s Chart information provided by SETC member schools responding to an e-mail survey

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College/university/ training program

Study abroad program location

Program duration

Program open to

Class credit on trip?

Number of plays students attend?

Showtickets includedin trip cost?

Classes/workshops available with theatre professionals?

Student internships possible at theatres visited?

Total cost of the trip to each student?

Airfare included in cost?

Room and board included in cost?

Can financial aid be applied toward trip cost?

Scholarships specific to “study abroad” program?

Randolph College Theatre

England, various locations for summer trips

1 and 2 semesters, with occasional 2-week summer trips

Anyone Yes; full course load for semes-ter or 3 hoursfor summer

6 or more Yes, for summer trip only

Yes No $4,500-$5,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes

St. Edward’s University Scotland Summer intensive Entire campus

Yes; 6 hours 6-20 6 tickets included

Yes Yes $4,800 No Yes Yes Yes

Troy University England 2 weeks Anyone Yes; 3-6 hours Varies No No No response $3,000-4,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes

University of Alabama at Birmingham Theatre Department

Various destinations

1 semester; short “Maymester” term

Entire campus

Yes 2-4 (desired number)

No Yes No $2,700-$3,500 Yes Yes Yes Yes

University of Georgia Italy 1 semester; short “Maymester” term

Anyone Yes; 6 hours 1-2, usually in Rome or Florence

Yes No No $4,500 No Yes Yes No

University of Kentucky Department of Theatre

France 3 weeks Entire campus

Yes; 3 hours 6-8 Yes Yes No $2,990 No Yes Yes Yes

University of Louisville African American Theatre Program

China During semester breaks

Anyone No 2-6 Yes No No $500-$1,500; university pays remainder of cost

Yes Yes No No

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Dramatic Art

England Summer study Entire campus

Yes; 6 hours 9 Yes Yes No $5,564.69 Yes Yes Yes Yes

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany

1 and 2 semesters Anyone Yes; 12-18 hours

As many as they want

Varies Yes Yes $7,000-$10,000, depending on location/duration

No Yes Yes Yes

University of Southern Mississippi

England 1 month Anyone Yes; 6 hours Varies Yes Yes No $5,799 for under-graduates; $5,999 for graduate stu-dents

Yes No Yes No

University of Wyoming England 1 semester Entire campus

Yes; up to 12 hours

Minimum of 4 No Yes No $9,000 No Yes Yes Yes

Valdosta State University England, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China, Russia

5-week intensive Anyone Yes; 6 hours 3 minimum No Yes No $4,000-$6,000 depending on location

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Virginia Commonwealth University

Serbia, Romania, Greece, South Africa

3-week summer intensive

Campus theatre students

Yes; 3 or 6 hours

2-10 Varies Yes No $3,100 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Wayne State University Department of Theatre

Moscow 1 month Campus theatre stu-dents and students from other colleges/universities

Yes; 3 hours 8 or more 8 tickets included

Yes No $4,000-$5,000 (including variable personal expenses)

Yes Yes Yes No

Western Kentucky University

England, Ireland 1 semester; summer and winter term trips

Anyone Yes; 3-12 hours Varies Varies Yes No $4,200 No Yes Yes Yes

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College/university/ training program

Study abroad program location

Program duration

Program open to

Class credit on trip?

Number of plays students attend?

Showtickets includedin trip cost?

Classes/workshops available with theatre professionals?

Student internships possible at theatres visited?

Total cost of the trip to each student?

Airfare included in cost?

Room and board included in cost?

Can financial aid be applied toward trip cost?

Scholarships specific to “study abroad” program?

Randolph College Theatre

England, various locations for summer trips

1 and 2 semesters, with occasional 2-week summer trips

Anyone Yes; full course load for semes-ter or 3 hoursfor summer

6 or more Yes, for summer trip only

Yes No $4,500-$5,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes

St. Edward’s University Scotland Summer intensive Entire campus

Yes; 6 hours 6-20 6 tickets included

Yes Yes $4,800 No Yes Yes Yes

Troy University England 2 weeks Anyone Yes; 3-6 hours Varies No No No response $3,000-4,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes

University of Alabama at Birmingham Theatre Department

Various destinations

1 semester; short “Maymester” term

Entire campus

Yes 2-4 (desired number)

No Yes No $2,700-$3,500 Yes Yes Yes Yes

University of Georgia Italy 1 semester; short “Maymester” term

Anyone Yes; 6 hours 1-2, usually in Rome or Florence

Yes No No $4,500 No Yes Yes No

University of Kentucky Department of Theatre

France 3 weeks Entire campus

Yes; 3 hours 6-8 Yes Yes No $2,990 No Yes Yes Yes

University of Louisville African American Theatre Program

China During semester breaks

Anyone No 2-6 Yes No No $500-$1,500; university pays remainder of cost

Yes Yes No No

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Dramatic Art

England Summer study Entire campus

Yes; 6 hours 9 Yes Yes No $5,564.69 Yes Yes Yes Yes

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany

1 and 2 semesters Anyone Yes; 12-18 hours

As many as they want

Varies Yes Yes $7,000-$10,000, depending on location/duration

No Yes Yes Yes

University of Southern Mississippi

England 1 month Anyone Yes; 6 hours Varies Yes Yes No $5,799 for under-graduates; $5,999 for graduate stu-dents

Yes No Yes No

University of Wyoming England 1 semester Entire campus

Yes; up to 12 hours

Minimum of 4 No Yes No $9,000 No Yes Yes Yes

Valdosta State University England, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China, Russia

5-week intensive Anyone Yes; 6 hours 3 minimum No Yes No $4,000-$6,000 depending on location

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Virginia Commonwealth University

Serbia, Romania, Greece, South Africa

3-week summer intensive

Campus theatre students

Yes; 3 or 6 hours

2-10 Varies Yes No $3,100 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Wayne State University Department of Theatre

Moscow 1 month Campus theatre stu-dents and students from other colleges/universities

Yes; 3 hours 8 or more 8 tickets included

Yes No $4,000-$5,000 (including variable personal expenses)

Yes Yes Yes No

Western Kentucky University

England, Ireland 1 semester; summer and winter term trips

Anyone Yes; 3-12 hours Varies Varies Yes No $4,200 No Yes Yes Yes

S t u d y A b r o a d P r o g r a m s Chart information provided by SETC member schools responding to an e-mail survey

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NYtake your training to the next level



3 Year MFA Equivalent Conservatory

2 Year Evening Conservatory

BFA Program through New York University

Summer Intensives

Seasonal & On-Going Classes

Advanced Workshops Regional Audition Tour:Chicago, IL: February 8-9, 2011, Hyatt Regency Chicago San Francisco, CA: February 12-13, 2011, American Conservatory TheatreAtlanta, GA: March 5, 2011 SETC ConventionBoston, MA: March 19 - 21, 2011 NETC Convention 800-270-6775

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American Musical and Dramatic Academy D-2East Carolina University D-3George Washington University D-4Milligan College D-6New York Conservatory D-7Nova Southeastern University D-8Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey D-9University of Alabama Birmingham D-10University of Alabama Tuscaloosa D-11University of South Florida D-12University of Virginia D-13Virginia Commonwealth University D-14Wake Forest University D-15

Looking for the best setting to launch your career in theatre? Perhaps you’re seeking the perfect place to pursue an advanced degree in one of the theatre disciplines? To help you make those choices, we have compiled the most comprehensive directory available anywhere listing degrees and special programs offered at SETC member colleges, universities and training programs.



College, University & Training Program Directory

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2011 SETC College, University

ACCADEMIA DELL’ARTEPO Box 251505Little Rock, AR 72225-1505Villa Godiola, Via San Fabiano, 9, 52100 Arezzo, ItalyContact: Linda Brown, Managing Director501-227-5063; 011 39 0575 294 155; [email protected] AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE141 E. College Ave.Decatur, GA 30030-3797Degrees: BAs: Theatre, Dance; Minors: The-atre, DanceProfile: Agnes Scott College offers a student-centered theatre and dance program that pro-vides foundational training, faculty collaboration and production opportunities bounded only by individual drive and creativity.Contact: David S. Thompson, Chair404-471-6250; [email protected] ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre Arts, PO Box 271Montgomery, AL 36101-0271Degrees: BAProfile: Upon completion of the four-year program, Theatre Arts graduates are qualified theatre practitioners in the areas of: Acting, Audience Development, Dance, Directing, Dra-maturgy, Costume Construction and Design,

Set Construction and Design, Light and Sound Design, Theatrical Makeup Application, Theatre History and Theatre Management.Contact: Dr. Tommie Stewart, Chair334-229-6929; [email protected]/CVPA/default.aspx AMERICAN MUSICAL AND DRAMATICACADEMY (AMDA)6305 Yucca St., Los Angeles, CA 90028211 W. 61st St., New York, NY 10023Degrees: BFA; 2-Year Conservatory Pro-gramsProfile: For over 45 years, AMDA has been recognized as one of America’s premier insti-tutions for the performing arts, and is the only performing arts college to offer BFA degrees and conservatory programs with campuses in both Los Angeles and New York. No matter which path you choose, our programs are uniquely designed to help you unlock your full artistic potential, enabling you to successfully adapt to the ever-changing demands of the entertainment industry. Our Los Angeles campus offers four-year BFA programs in Acting, Musical Theatre, Performing Arts and Dance Theatre, while our two-year conservatory programs are offered at both campuses. Transfer options are available for students who wish to study in both New York and Los Angeles.Contact: Eric Thompson, Senior Director of Admissions866-374-5300; [email protected]

ANDERSON UNIVERSITY316 Blvd.Anderson, SC 29621Degrees: BA: Theatre, BA: Musical Theatre, BA: Theatre with Dance ConcentrationProfile: A dynamic new theatre program with a BA in Theatre, a BA in Musical Theatre and a BA in Theatre with a Dance Concentration. The school has four performing venues (large proscenium, small proscenium, concert hall and black box), courses in acting, directing, musical theatre, design, dance (ballet, jazz, tap and modern), stage movement, stagecraft, theatre history, theatre ministry and theatre forms. We have three full-time professors, a shop foreman, a production assistant, three adjunct professors, a part-time professor, and, on occasion, guest directors. Anderson University is a Christian university providing excellent performance, tech-nical and arts administration opportunities in the department. Auditions are required to enter the department; scholarships are available.Contact: Elizabeth Nix, Audition Coordinator864-231-2000; [email protected] ANDREW COLLEGE501 College St.Cuthbert, GA 39840Degrees: AA: Theatre; Certificates: Musical Theatre, Film TechnologyProfile: Andrew College offers small classroom and one-on-one theatrical and film training. Whether it’s onstage or in front of the camera,

there’s no waiting until your junior or senior year to be there!Contact: Austin Barrow800-664-9250; [email protected] APPALACHIAN STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre and DancePO Box 32123Boone, NC 28608Degrees: BAs: Theatre Arts (Design/Technol-ogy, General, Performance), Dance Studies; BS: Teaching Theatre Arts, K-12; Minors: Theatre Arts, DanceProfile: Appalachian State University Depart-ment of Theatre and Dance offers a dynamic co-curricular production program that provides exemplary theatre and dance experiences to departmental students, the university community and the region.Contact: Marianne Adams, Chair828-262-3028; [email protected] ARMSTRONG ATLANTIC STATEUNIVERSITY11935 Abercorn St.Savannah, GA 31419-1997Degrees: BAs: Theatre, Performance, Tech-nical/Design, Management/Marketing; Minor: TheatreProfile: Armstrong Atlantic State University is a student-driven, production-focused theatre pro-gram seeking motivated, hard-working students who thrive in positions of responsibility.Contact: (for students interested in technical design or management/marketing) Dr. Peter Mellen 912-344-2923; [email protected]; (for students interested in movement, acting and camera acting) Pamela Sears 912-344-2860; [email protected] ATLANTIC ACTING SCHOOL76 Ninth Ave., Suite 537New York, NY 10011Degrees: Certificate Programs: 2.5-Year Conservatory; 2-Year Evening Conservatory; Summer Teen EnsembleProfile: Founded by David Mamet and Wil-liam H. Macy over 25 years ago, Atlantic has the only conservatory program in the world that offers in-depth training in Mamet and Macy’s unique and influential approach to the acting profession: Practical Aesthetics. Located in New York City, the school’s mission is to ensure that each graduate masters the essential analytical and physical disciplines of acting, as well as to empower every student with skills necessary for success in the profession.Contact: Heather Baird, Director of Education and Recruitment212-691-5919; [email protected]

AUBURN UNIVERSITYTelfair Peet TheatreAuburn, AL 36849-5422

the american musical anD Dramatic acaDemy

campuses in los angelesand new york city800-367-7908

bachelor of fine arts DeGree

four-year proGrams

conservatory stuDies

two-year proGramsactinG » musical theatre » Dance


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& Training Program Directory


Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFAs: Acting, Music Theatre, Design/Technology, ManagementProfile: Auburn Theatre offers rigorous practical training in a liberal arts context. A high percent-age of graduates proceed to industry employ-ment and graduate theatre training programs.Contact: Dan LaRocque, Chair334-844-4748; [email protected]:// AVERETT UNIVERSITY420 W. Main St.Danville, VA 24541Degrees: BA: Theatre; BA or BS: Theatre with Teacher License; BA: English/Theatre with or without Teacher LicenseProfile: Averett has a small, energetic and extremely active theatre department where students are offered a variety of opportunities to learn their craft. Students are guided by a dedicated professional faculty.Contact: Jackie Finney434-791-5710; [email protected] BALL STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre and Dance2000 W. University Ave.AC 306Muncie, IN 47306Degrees: BFAs: Musical Theatre, Acting; BAs or BSs: Dance, Design and Technology, Direct-ing, Stage Management, Theatre Education, Theatrical StudiesProfile: Ball State University’s Department of Theatre and Dance is a totally undergraduate program for the serious theatre and dance stu-dent. Its nationally recognized degree programs provide quality, pre-professional training in a liberal arts setting, preparing talented students for professional careers or graduate study. The degrees are fully accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre and National Association of Schools of Dance.Contact: Bill Jenkins, Chair765-285-8740; [email protected]/theatre/ BELHAVEN UNIVERSITY1500 Peachtree St.Jackson, MS 39202Degrees: BAs: Theatre, Theatre Performance, Theatre Production, Theatre MinistriesProfile: Belhaven University Theatre teaches students through training grounded in a Christian Biblical world view, with an emphasis in creating new theatre. Our liberal arts approach aids stu-dents in being well-rounded individuals, as well as qualified professionals.Contact: Joseph Frost, Chair of Theatre601-974-6478; [email protected]/theatre/default.htm; BELMONT UNIVERSITY1900 Belmont Blvd.Nashville, TN 37212Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFA: Theatre, with em-phasis areas in Performance, Directing, Produc-

tion Design and Theatre Education (Licensure)Profile: Belmont is a Christian university with a practical, professional theatre training program, two new state-of-the-art theatre facilities, and a compassionate, student-centered faculty.Contact: Paul Gatrell, Chair615-460-6012; [email protected] BENNETT COLLEGE FOR WOMEN900 E. Washington St.Greensboro, NC 27401Degrees: BFA: Theatre (Performance)Profile: Develop your craft at a small, private historically black liberal arts college for women that offers an interdisciplinary, learning-centered environment where multiple voices are repre-sented and heard.Contact: Beth Ritson, Assistant Professor of Theatre 336-517-2188; [email protected] BERRY COLLEGE2277 Martha Berry Hwy.Mount Berry, GA 30165Degrees: BAs: Theatre, Musical TheatreProfile: The Berry College theatre program provides quality theatre arts training in a broad based liberal arts setting.Contact: Dr. John Countryman706-236-2258; [email protected] BOB JONES UNIVERSITY1700 Wade Hampton Rd.Greensville, SC 29614Contact: Ron Pyle; [email protected] BOSSIER PARISH COMMUNITY COLLEGE6220 E. Texas St.Bossier City, LA 71111Degrees: AAProfile: We provide students with the skills and knowledge to work in the performance and technical areas of theatre, utilizing the newest digital lighting and sound equipment.Contact: Jim Boyter318-678-6021; [email protected] BRADLEY UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre Arts1501 W. Bradley Ave.Peoria, IL 61625Degrees: BA, BS in Theatre Arts with Concen-trations in Performance and ProductionProfile: The Department of Theatre Arts at Bradley University, a NAST-accredited compre-hensive educational theatre program, is nation-ally recognized for its commitment to excellence in creative expression and scholarship especially in the area of intermedial performance and for providing a multifaceted educational experience in a nurturing, student-focused environment.Contact: George Brown, Department Chair309-677-2660; [email protected]://

BREVARD COLLEGE1 Brevard College Dr.Brevard, NC 28712Degrees: BAs: Theatre Studies, Theatre Stud-ies with Teacher LicensureProfile: Small classes, great one-on-one men-toring in a refreshing mountain environment, plus professional instructors equal an outstanding theatre training experience.Contact: Dr. Kelly Carolyn Gordon828-966-5500; [email protected] BROADWAY THEATRE PROJECT2780 E. Fowler Ave. #106Tampa, FL 33612Degrees: Summer Intensive. Some schools may offer independent study credit for attendance.Profile: Now celebrating 20 years of excellence, Broadway Theatre Project (BTP) is an intensive three-week summer training program focused on the key disciplines of musical theatre including acting, dancing and singing, as well as the critical life skills necessary to work professionally in the arts. The BTP mission is to provide educational excellence in the performing arts and to mold a creative, collaborative, well-rounded professional musical theatre arts performer. Broadway Theatre Project culminates in a three-day performance festival at the University of South Florida.Contact: Kim Slade, Program Director888-874-1764; [email protected]


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2011 SETC College, University


Performance and design experiences prepare students for graduate study or professional auditions/opportunities. Many summer and professional internships available with theatre companies based in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Contact: Wesley Shaver414-410-4528; [email protected] CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITYSchool of Drama, 5000 Forbes Ave.Pittsburgh, PA 15213Degrees: BFA, MFAProfile: The School of Drama presents an in-tense conservatory training ground for students who want consistent individual attention leading to a career in professional theatre. A faculty of professional designers and technicians provides a hands-on education.Contact: Richard Block412-268-7219; [email protected]

CATAWBA COLLEGE2300 W. Innes St.Salisbury, NC 28144Degrees: BA: Theatre Education; BFAs: Musical Theatre, Performance (Acting or Directing), Light-ing Design, Set Design, Sound Design, Costume Design; BAs: Musical Theatre, Theatre Arts; BS: Theatre Arts ManagementProfile: We consistently are ranked in the top 10 theatre programs in the country by The Princeton Review. We have a large production season and three wonderful theatres. Scholar-ships available.Contact: Professor Christopher Zink, Chair704-637-4340; [email protected]/academic/theatrearts/ CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICADrama DepartmentWashington, DC 20064Degrees: BA: Theatre; MAs: Theatre History and Criticism, Theatre Education (MATE); MFAs: Acting, Directing, PlaywritingProfile: The BA is a liberal arts education with opportunity for performance and technical work. The MFA provides training for the professional theatre that emphasizes collaborative creation of the performance event. The MA provides advanced theatre studies; the MATE provides training for theatre in education.Contact: Gail S. Beach202-319-5351; [email protected]:// CHATTANOOGA STATE PROFESSIONAL ACTOR TRAINING PROGRAM4501 Amnicola Hwy.Chattanooga, TN 37406Degrees: Certificate and/or AA or ASProfile: A two-year intensive acting program designed for students who desire to pursue a career in theatre, film and TV modeled after The New Actors Workshop, a training program in New York City founded by George Morrison, Mike Nichols and Paul Sills.

BROOKLYN COLLEGEDepartment of Theatre, 2900 Bedford Ave.Brooklyn, NY 11210Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFAs: Acting, Design and Technical Production; MFAs: Acting, Design and Technical Production, Directing, Performing Arts Management; MA: History and CriticismContact: Undergraduate: Laura Tesman, [email protected]; Graduate: Amy Hughes, [email protected]:// CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY OF DRAMATIC ARTSouth Lodge, Thornton Common Rd.Thornton HoughWirral CH63 4JUUnited KingdomContact: Dr. David Crilly, Director+44 (0) 7955 218 824; [email protected]/

CARDINAL STRITCH UNIVERSITYSchool of Visual and Performing Arts 6801 N. Yates Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53217 Degrees: BA: Theatre Studies, Musical Theatre, ProductionProfile: Stritch’s Theatre Department offers individual attention and discipline for students. Students have opportunities to enhance their skills in any aspect of the theatre profession.

Contact: Rex Knowles, Executive Director, or Sherry Landrum, Artistic Director423-697-3246; [email protected]/theatre/ CLEMSON UNIVERSITYDepartment of Performing Arts, Brooks Center Clemson UniversityClemson, SC 29634-0525Degrees: BA: Performing Arts; Theatre em-phasis areas: Acting, Design, Playwriting and Criticism/Dramaturgy; Other emphasis areas: Music and Audio TechnologyProfile: Clemson offers students individual men-torship, small classes, internships at places such as Spoleto, WordBRIDGE, the O’Neill Theatre Center and KCACTF, among others. Students work in all areas of theatre and help to manage and administrate a road house.Contact: Mark Charney864-656-5415; [email protected]/performing arts/

CLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre and Dance2121 Euclid Ave. TA 200Cleveland, OH 44115-2214Degrees: BA: Dramatic Arts, with Acting, Direct-ing, Academic, and Technical specializationsProfile: We offer an intensive undergraduate school liberal arts education and training with a faculty of working professionals and guest art-ists. Our professional summer repertory season combines Equity actors, professional directors and designers with a core group of student ap-prentices. Some scholarships available.Contact: Dr. Michael L. Mauldin216-687-2202; [email protected]/theater/ COASTAL CAROLINA UNIVERSITYDepartment of TheatrePO Box 261954Conway, SC 29528-6054Degrees: Professional Degrees in Musical The-atre, Acting, Design and Technology and Physical Theatre as well as a B.A. in TheatreProfile: Professional training by professional actors, designers and technicians. Now accept-ing a limited number of future theatre artists to train in our four year, rigorous program. Auditions and interviews required for the professional programs.Contact: Kenneth J. Martin, Chair, Department of Theatre843-349-6559; [email protected]/theatre/ COKER COLLEGEDepartment of Theatre, 300 E. College Ave.Hartsville, SC 29550Degrees: BA: TheatreProfile: Comprehensive small classroom study with several theatre productions annually. Black-box and proscenium theatre spaces.Contact: Phyllis Fields, Chair843-383-8013; [email protected]


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& Training Program Directory


COLLEGE OF WILLIAM & MARYDepartment of Theatre, Speech, & DancePO Box 8795Williamsburg, VA 23187Degrees: BA: TheatreProfile: We are a thriving theatre program in a challenging intellectual environment with a favorably small student/teacher ratio.Contact: Joan Gavaler757-221-2785; [email protected]/as/tsd/ COLUMBUS STATE UNIVERSITY4225 University Ave.Columbus, GA 31907-5645Degrees: BA: Theatre Arts; BFA: Theatre Arts with Concentrations in Acting/Directing or De-sign/Technical; BSEd in Theatre EducationProfile: We produce a full season of mainstage productions in a 350-seat proscenium and an intimate black box configuration (seats 180). Plus, students have additional design, directing, technical and acting opportunities in a Student Showcase Series.Contact: Dr. Larry Dooley, Chair706-507-8402; [email protected]:// CONVERSE COLLEGE580 E. Main St.Spartanburg, SC 29302-0006Degrees: BA: TheatreProfile: As a single-gender institution, we are able to focus on providing strong roles and train-ing for women in the theatre.Contact: John Bald864-596-9067; [email protected] DAVIDSON COLLEGEPO Box 7141Davidson, NC 28035Degrees: BA: Theatre; Minor: TheatreProfile: The Department of Theatre serves the students by teaching and creating theatre as a discipline in the context of a liberal arts institution.Contact: Ann Marie Costa, Chair704-894-2578; [email protected] DAVIS & ELKINS COLLEGE100 Campus Dr.Elkins, WV 26241Degrees: BAs: Theatre Arts, Design and Tech-nical Theatre, Theatre EducationProfile: Generous talent scholarships, small class sizes and frequent production/performance opportunities enable Davis & Elkins College theatre students to gain valuable practical experi-ence and build impressive resumes.Contact: April Daras304-637-1360; [email protected] DELL’ ARTE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL THEATREPO Box 816Blue Lake, CA 95525-0816

Degrees: MFA: Ensemble-Based Physical The-atre; Professional Training Program CertificateProfile: Dell’Arte International is the only U.S. institution offering an MFA in ensemble based physical theatre and a full-time, nine month professional actor training program in physical theatre.Contact: Joe Krienke707-668-5663 x27; [email protected] EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITYSchool of Theatre and DanceMessick Theatre Arts CenterGreenville, NC 27858-4353Degrees: BA: Theatre Arts; BFAs: Theatre Arts (with concentrations in professional actor train-ing, musical theatre, stage management, theatre design and production, and theatre for youth), and Theatre Arts Education Profile: Our programs emphasize real-world practical preparation. Our grads are ready to go to work and compete in the professional theatre, film and entertainment world at any level.Contact: Karen Jarman, Administrative As-sistant252-328-6390; [email protected]/theatredance/ ECKERD COLLEGE Theatre, CRA, 4200 54th Ave. S.St. Petersburg, FL 33707Degrees: BA: TheatreProfile: Eckerd Theatre students develop skills in acting, directing, design and technical theatre. They acquire knowledge of plays, theatrical movements and innovators. They gain real world experience by completing internships, network-ing at professional theatres and conferences, and producing their own work. This eclectic training produces independent, adaptable, motivated and responsible creative thinkers – high in demand in every field of opportunity.Contact: Jessica Thonen727-864-8647; [email protected]/academics/theatre/ ELON UNIVERSITYDepartment of Performing Arts2800 Campus BoxElon, NC 27244Degrees: BAs: Theatrical Design and Produc-tion, Theatre Studies; BFAs: Acting, Dance, Music TheatreProfile: Elon offers conservatory-style training and professional-quality productions at a sup-portive, quality liberal arts institution. Our alumni are extremely successful because we teach “the business” as well as the art.Contact: Fredrick J. Rubeck, Chair, Associate Professor336-278-5695; [email protected]/perarts/ FAIRMONT STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Communication and Theatre Arts, 1201 Locust Ave.Fairmont, WV 26554Degrees: BAs: Theatre Arts (Performance,

Design/Technical), Theatre EducationProfile: Our student-centered production program provides numerous opportunities to perform, design and direct on the main stage and in other venues. A generous endowment provides scholarships, travel subsidies and experiences with professional guest artists. The dedicated and caring faculty provides mentorship in rigorous preparation for a professional career or graduate school.Contact: John O’Connor304-367-4817; [email protected]/academics/finearts_the-atreprogram/default.asp FAYETTEVILLE STATE UNIVERSITYPerforming and Fine Arts Department1200 Murchison Rd.Fayetteville, NC 28301Degrees: BA: TheatreProfile: Currently developing a new curriculum for a BA in Theatre and a minor in Dance. We are an historically black university (HBCU) and engage in nontraditional casting and cross-cultural casting. Opportunities exist for acting, directing, designing and all jobs associated with the theatre. With four mainstage productions per year plus opportunities for additional showcases, we produce varied genres annually from drama to children’s theatre to musical theatre to opera.Contact: Phoebe Hall, Director of Theatre; or Dr. Earnest Lamb, Chair of Performing and Fine Arts910-672-1006; [email protected]/speech&theatre/fsu_drama_guild.htm FLAGLER COLLEGE74 King St.St. Augustine, FL 32084Degrees: BAs: Theatre Arts, Theatre Arts EducationProfile: Flagler College, a four-year liberal arts college, has been placed in The Princeton Review and named one of America’s best and most affordable colleges by the best review associations. Our program is unique because of its outstanding faculty, size, beauty and loca-tion in the oldest city in North America, and its proximity to the ocean. During a given year, we present a minimum of three faculty-directed and 40 student-directed shows.Contact: Phyllis M. Gibbs, Chair904-819-6217; [email protected] FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY777 Glades Rd.Boca Raton, FL 33431Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFA: Acting; MFAs: Act-ing, Design/ProductionProfile: We are a professional faculty in a thriving theatre program in the heart of Florida’s professional theatre district.Contact: Gvozden Kopani561-297-3810; [email protected]/theatre/


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2011 SETC College, University


FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY11200 S.W. 8th St. WPAC 131Miami, FL 33199Degrees: BA; BFAProfile: We offer both BA and BFA degrees in theatre, and students may focus on acting, costume design, set and lighting design, or technical theatre. We have a broad curriculum taught by experienced faculty who continue to work professionally in acting, directing, design and playwriting.Contact: Lesley-Ann Timlick305-348-2895; [email protected]/~thedan/

FLORIDA SCHOOL OF THE ARTS5001 St. Johns Ave.Palatka, FL 32177Degrees: AAs: Acting, Dance; ASs: Dance En-tertainment, Musical Theatre, Production Design, with specializations in Costume Design, Scenic/Lighting Design and Stage ManagementProfile: A two-year professional arts school offering practical, creative and “hands-on” in-struction in the classroom and onstage to a small student body.Contact: Alain Hentschel, Dean386-312-4300; [email protected] FLORIDA SOUTHERN COLLEGE111 Lake Hollingsworth Dr.Lakeland, FL 33801-5698

Degrees: BA: Theatre Arts; BFAs: Performance, Technical Theatre Profile: FSC is a four-year private liberal arts college with a history of dedication to the arts. The goal of Florida Southern’s Theatre Arts Department is to train and prepare students for a professional career in theatre. A theatre major at FSC has opportunities to perform major roles beginning in his or her first year at college, and design students will see their work produced on our main stage as early as their sophomore year. We emphasize one-on-one instruction, hands-on experience, individual mentoring and a high degree of professionalism.Contact: Paul Bawek860-680-4184; [email protected] FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE OF JACKSONVILLEWilson Center for the Arts, 11901 Beach Blvd.Jacksonville, FL 32246Degrees: AA: Theatre; AS: Theatre Technol-ogyProfile: Whether seeking a two-year degree with an emphasis in performance or an emphasis in technical theatre, students study and perform in a superb facility with one of the best scholar-ship programs in the Southeast.Contact: Ken McCulough or Johnny Pettegrew904-646-2042; 904-646-2421; [email protected]; [email protected]:// FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITYSchool of Theatre329 Fine Arts Bldg.Tallahassee, FL 32306-1160Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFA: Acting, Music Theatre; MFA: Acting, Costume Design, Direct-ing, Technical Production, Theatre Management; MS for Theatre Educators; MA: Theatre Studies; PhD: Theatre StudiesContact: Michele Diamonti850-644-7234; [email protected] FRANCIS MARION UNIVERSITYDepartment of TheatrePO Box 100547Florence, SC 29501-0547Degrees: BAProfile: We are a small theatre program “big” on giving students experience; students are given the opportunity to participate in all facets of production. Francis Marion University is a fully accredited institution with the National Associa-tion of Schools of Theatre (NAST).Contact: Glen Gourley, Director of Theatre843-661-1538; [email protected]:// GAINESVILLE THEATRE ALLIANCEPO Box 1358Gainesville, GA 30503Contact: James Hammond678-717-3624; [email protected]

GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY800 21st St. N.W., Suite 227Washington, DC 20052Contact: Carl Gudenius202-994-8072; [email protected]/~theatre/ GEORGIA PERIMETER COLLEGE555 N. Indian Creek Dr.Clarkston, GA 30021Degrees: AA: TheatreProfile: GPC is a two-year college that teaches students all aspects of theatre, including acting, music theatre, building, crewing, front-of-house and stage management. We offer affordability, small classes and excellent instructors who are currently working in theatre. Our location in metro Atlanta means our students have access to excel-lent professional productions and the opportunity to work and network with local theatres. Our guid-ing belief is that to work and succeed in theatre for a lifetime, a student needs to learn and train in every part of theatre. We are a great choice for students who want to prepare themselves to transfer to a four-year college theatre program.Contact: Sally Robertson, Theatre Program Coordinator678-891-3564; [email protected] GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITYPO Box 4276, Performing Arts CenterGrambling, LA 71245Degrees: BAProfile: We are a small liberal arts college and a NAST-accredited department. We focus on individuals and their needs because, at GSU, “everybody is somebody.”Contact: Mary Fran Crook, Assistant Profes-sor318-274-2892; [email protected] GREENSBORO COLLEGE815 W. Market St.Greensboro, NC 27401-1875Degrees: BAs or BSs: Acting, Costuming, Design/Technical, Stage Directing/Management, Teacher CertificationProfile: We provide many undergraduate-only production opportunities each year in a small college environment in a large city in North Carolina.Contact: David Schram336-272-7102 x243; [email protected]:// GUILFORD TECHNICAL COMMUNITYCOLLEGEPO Box 309Jamestown, NC 27282Degrees: AFA with concentration in DramaProfile: Opportunity for production experience. Small program with small classes. Individual attention. High standards. Economical tuition. Full season with summer theatre. Nice facilities. Emphasis on successful college transfer.Contact: Dr. William R. Lewis

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336-334-4822 x2496; [email protected]/services/theatre/ GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE5230 W. Highway 98Panama City, FL 32401Degrees: AAProfile: Transfer program in acting, musical theatre or design/technical theatre, with two excellent venues: a 508-seat proscenium stage and a black box space.Contact: Jason Hedden850-769-1551 x2889; [email protected]/arts/ HARDING UNIVERSITYTheatre Department, PO Box 10765Searcy, AR 72149Contact: Britton Lynn501-279-4125; [email protected]/Theatre/ HIGH POINT UNIVERSITY833 Montlieu Ave.High Point, NC 27262Degrees: BAs: Performance, Technical TheatreProfile: The theatre program at HPU offers comprehensive theatre training in a liberal arts setting with highly qualified faculty and staff work-ing professionally in their fields.Contact: Ed Simpson, Chair of Theater336-841-4548; [email protected] ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITYSchool of TheatreNormal, IL 61790Degrees: BAs or BSs: Arts Technology, Acting, Dance Performance, Design/Production, The-atre Studies, Dance Education; MA; MS; MFAs: Acting, Design/Production, Directing; MBA: A concentration in Theatre Arts Management is a cooperative endeavor between the School of Business and the Illinois Shakespeare Festival.Profile: Illinois State University maintains a small college environment within a large univer-sity. The School of Theatre provides a profes-sional, active faculty and opportunities to network with professional artists and faculty from other institutions. The Illinois Shakespeare Festival, a professional theatre, is partnered with the School of Theatre. The Center for the Performing Arts and Theatre at Ewing offer state-of-the-art facili-ties. A new and renovated Fine Arts Complex is planned in the near future.Contact: John Poole, Director309-438-8783; [email protected]/theatre/ ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYSchool of Theatre Arts, 2 Ames Plaza E.PO Box 2900Bloomington, IL 61701Degrees: BA: Theatre Arts; BFAs: Acting, De-sign/Tech, Music TheatreProfile: IWU theatre students receive pre-pro-fessional training in a liberal arts setting, and frequently work individually with professors while developing artistry as theatre practitioners.

Contact: Bernadette Brennan309-556-3944; [email protected]/theatre/index.shtml INDIANA UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre and Dance275 N. Jordan Ave., Suite A300UBloomington, IN 47405Degrees: BAs: Theatre, Theatre Education; BFA: Musical Theatre; MFAs: Acting, Directing, Costume Design, Lighting Design, Scenic De-sign, Theatre Technology, Playwriting; MAs and PhDs: Theatre History and CriticismProfile: In addition to an outstanding faculty, the Department of Theatre and Drama at Indiana University has over 25 guest artists and scholars on campus each year. The Department also oper-ates a professional summer theatre.Contact: Jonathan Michaelsen812-855-5382; [email protected] JACKSONVILLE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre and Dance2800 University Blvd. N., P111Jacksonville, FL 32211Contact: Ben Wilson904-256-7373; [email protected]:// JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITYSchool of Theatre and Dance147 Warsaw Ave., MSC 5601Harrisonburg, VA 22807Degrees: BA: Theatre and Dance with 3 Concentrations in Dance, Theatre, and Musical TheatreProfile: A liberal arts program with a wide vari-ety of courses and a comprehensive production program.Contact: School of Theatre and Dance540-568-6342; [email protected]/theatre/ JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY100 Beatties Ford Rd.Charlotte, NC 28216-5302Contact: Wanda Ebright, Department Chair704-330-1392; [email protected] KEAN UNIVERSITY1000 Morris Ave.Union, NJ 07083Degrees: BA; BFA; BA with teacher certifica-tionProfile: Small, selective program, 18 miles from NYC. Equity theatre in residence, master classes, scholarships, low tuition, opportunities in all areas of theatre.Contact: Holly Logue908-737-4420; [email protected]; [email protected] KING COLLEGEDepartment of Performing and Visual Arts1350 King College Rd.Bristol, TN 37620

Degrees: BA: Theatre with Concentrations in Acting/Directing, Design/Technical and His-tory/LiteratureProfile: King College’s theatre program offers individual attention and instruction; students can pursue independent study in directing, designing, acting and playwriting in a hands-on environment.Contact: Elizabeth Lee Dollar, Chair423-652-4839; [email protected] LANDER UNIVERSITY320 Stanley Ave.Greenwood, SC 20649Degrees: BSs: Mass Communication and Theatre with an emphasis in Mass Communica-tion, Mass Communication and Theatre with an emphasis in TheatreProfile: We offer diverse courses in theatre arts and media that train our students for professional settings. Classes are held in state-of-the-art facili-ties. Our experienced and award-winning faculty mentor and encourage our students to participate in internships, state and regional organizations. We also offer minors in media, speech and the-atre, dance, and musical theatre.Contact: Monique Sacay-Bagwell864-388-8793; [email protected]


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LEES-MCRAE COLLEGEPO Box 128Banner Elk, NC 28604-0128Contact: Steve Parrish, Senior Admissions Specialist/Performing Arts800-280-4562 or 828-898-3525; [email protected]/web/academics/Schools/Profes-sionalStudies/PerformingArts/

LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITYC.W. POST CAMPUSSchool of Visual and Performing ArtsDepartment of Theatre, Film, Dance and Arts Management720 Northern Blvd.Brookville, NY 11548Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFAs: Acting, Production & Design, Arts Management, Directing, Playwrit-ing, Acting with Music Theatre concentration, Dance Studies, Dance Education; MA: Theatre with concentrations in: Pedagogy, Acting, Design, ManagementProfile: The Department of Theatre, Film, Dance and Arts Management is housed in the School of Visual and Performing Arts, a com-munity of artists living and working 30 miles from Manhattan. It offers individual mentorship, a low student/teacher ratio and a state-of-the-art performing arts center on campus featuring internationally known theatre, opera and dance companies.

Contact: Dr. Cara Gargano516-299-2353; [email protected]:// LOUISIANA TECH UNIVERSITYSchool of the Performing Arts, PO Box 8608Ruston, LA 71272Degrees: BA: Speech (Concentration in The-atre); MA: Speech (Concentration in Theatre)Profile: The Department of Theatre, School of the Performing Arts, is one of five unique areas of excellence at Louisiana Tech University, offering specialized expert training in stage combat, stage management, acting, directing and playwriting.Contact: Cherrie Sciro, Coordinator of Theatre; Paul Bryant Crook, Assistant Professor of Acting and Directing, Director of [email protected]; [email protected] LOYOLA UNIVERSITY NEW ORLEANS6363 St. Charles Ave.Box 155New Orleans, LA 70118Degrees: BAs: Theatre Arts, Theatre Arts and Mass Communications, Theatre Arts with minor in Business Administration Profile: The mid-sized department enables close mentorship of students while offering a broad curriculum in theatre arts. Affiliation with New Orleans theatre companies provides student internship opportunities.Contact: Georgia Gresham, Chair504-865-3840; [email protected]/theatrearts/ LYNCHBURG COLLEGE1501 Lakeside Dr.Lynchburg, VA 24501Degrees: BA: Theatre with emphases in per-formance, design-technical theatre or general studiesProfile: New TV and dance facilities, as well as a full student Studio Theatre series complement our classical, contemporary and musical train-ing/productions.Contact: Jeff Wittman, Chair434-544-8349; [email protected]/theatre/ LYON COLLEGE 2300 Highland Rd.Batesville, AR 72501Contact: Michael Counts870-307-7511; [email protected]:// MARSHALL UNIVERSITYOne John Marshall Dr.Huntington, WV 25755Degrees: BFA: Performance/ProductionProfile: Tuition scholarships available spe-cifically for out-of-state students auditioning at SETC.Contact: Julie Jackson304-696-6584; [email protected]/cofa/theatre/site.asp

MARY BALDWIN COLLEGEFrederick St.Staunton, VA 24401Degrees: BA: Liberal Arts, with theatre major; BA/MLITT 5-year program; MLITT; MFA: Shake-speare and Performance for men and women in partnership with American Shakespeare CenterProfile: All women’s roles in five undergradu-ate productions annually are filled by students. Graduate productions often use the Blackfriars, the only reproduction of Shakespeare’s indoor theatre in the world. Contact: Terry Southerington540-887-7192; [email protected]/studies/theatre/ MEREDITH COLLEGE3800 Hillsborough St.Raleigh, NC 27607Degrees: BAs: Theatre, K-12 Teaching Li-censureProfile: Meredith creates for students a labora-tory for technical skill development, creative ex-ploration and artistic scholarship as we educate women to excel in the arts.Contact: Catherine Rodgers919-760-8586; [email protected] MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITYCampus Box 43 Murfreesboro, TN 37132Contact: Jeff Gibson615-898-5916; [email protected]/speechandtheatre/ MILLSAPS COLLEGEDepartment of Theatre1701 N. State St.Jackson, MS 39210-0002Contact: Jeannie-Marie Brown, Chair601-974-1320; [email protected]/academic_departments/department_of_theatre.php MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN1100 College St., Box W-70Columbus, MS 39701Degrees: BA: Theatre; MFA: Physical Theatre in cooperation with Accademia dell’Arte in Arezzo, ItalyProfile: The MUW Theatre program offers com-plete course work in the theoretical and practical aspects in the art of making theatre. The program offers a BA in Fine Arts with a Theatre Empha-sis, and its hallmarks are a rigorous production schedule, individual attention throughout the training process, and first-rate production values. For details on MFA, visit: www.dellarte.itContact: William Biddy662-329-7260; [email protected]/theatre/ MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre and Dance901 S. National Ave.Springfield, MO 65897


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Degrees: BFAs: Acting, Musical Theatre, Design, Dance; BS: Theatre Education; BA: Performance Studies; MA: TheatreProfile: Conservatory-style training in a sup-portive liberal arts setting. Nationally competitive programs and top-notch faculty contribute to the significant success of MSU graduates. Program houses an Equity (AEA) affiliate theatre.Contact: Dr. Kurt Gerard Heinlein803-417-5442; MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY106 Fine Arts Bldg.Murray, KY 42071Degrees: BA; BSProfile: We offer hands-on training, varied classroom experiences, 5-6 faculty-directed shows per year, study-abroad experiences, student-directed productions, and excellent placement after graduation.Contact: David Balthrop, Chair270-809-4421; [email protected]/theatre/ NEW SCHOOL FOR DRAMA151 Bank St.New York, NY 10014Contact: University Admission Office877-528-3321; [email protected]:// NEW YORK CONSERVATORY FOR DRAMATIC ARTSFILM + TELEVISION + THEATER39 W. 19th St.New York, NY 10011Degrees: Film and Television Performance Pro-gram: two-year Acting Conservatory Certificate with up to 67 transferable college credits; The-ater, Film and Television Performance Program: three-year Acting Conservatory Certificate with an additional 31 transferable credits.Profile: Each year, the NYCDA searches for the most passionate and promising young actors and provides them with one of the most demanding and selective professional acting programs in the country. In the Platform Year, course load inte-grates the Meisner technique, voice, film studies and improvisation with physical movement and camera work, while the Film and Television Year moves on to the realities of on-camera media, from film to prime time to web TV to commercials. For those who opt for a three-year program, the Theatre Year focuses on academic study of theatrical history and literature, development of theatrical skills, in-depth voice and movement training, continued experiential/impulse driven exploration of acting technique, and practical experience through theater performances. Contact: Office of Admission212-645-0030 x4080; [email protected] NEW YORK FILM ACADEMY100 E. 17th St., New York, NY 10003Gate 4, Barham Blvd., Lakeside Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 91608

Degrees: AFAs: Acting for Film, Filmmaking; BFA in Filmmaking (at the LA campus); MFAs: Acting for Film, Filmmaking, Screenwriting, Pro-ducing, Documentary FilmmakingProfile: A dynamic arts institution offering intensive, hands-on training in all areas of film, including acting for film, and musical theatre.Contact: Steven Chinni, Director of Admissions212-674-4300; [email protected] NEWBERRY COLLEGE 2100 College St.Newberry, SC 29108Contact: Patrick Gagliano, Director of Theatre803-321-5620; [email protected] NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURALAND TECHNICAL STATE UNIVERSITY1601 E. Market St.Greensboro, NC 27411Degrees: BFA: Professional Theatre, with two options: Acting or TechnologyProfile: The vision is to create theatre that reflects the human experience from, though not limited to, an African-American perspective inclu-sive of supporting new works and experimental theatre, and to become the premier training program in acting and technology using the arts to impact local, national and international communities.Contact: Frankie Day336-334-7852; [email protected] NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL UNIVERSITYPO Box 19593Durham, NC 27707Contact: Karen Dacons-Brock919-530-7340; [email protected]/academics/sc/liberalarts/the-atrerdrama/ NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre ArtsPO Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050Degrees: BA and BS: Theatre Arts; BFAs: De-sign Technology, Performance, Musical TheatreProfile: The department’s official producing arm is a laboratory for learning in which imaginative play and disciplined work are fused in dramatic creations. A high degree of professionalism is consistently displayed. The department is excited to offer the new BFA in Musical Theatre.Contact: Dr. Katherine Noone701-231-7834; [email protected] NORTH GREENVILLE UNIVERSITYDepartment of TheatrePO Box 1892Tigerville, SC 29688Degrees: BA: Theatre ArtsProfile: We offer a liberal arts-oriented theatre degree in a Christian college setting. Students can concentrate in performance, design/tech, applied theatre: pedagogy or applied theatre:

theatre ministry.Contact: Dr. Dale Savidge864-977-2081; [email protected]://

NORTHEAST ALABAMA COMMUNITYCOLLEGEPO Box 159, 138 AL Hwy. 35Rainsville, AL 35986Degrees: AA: TheatreProfile: We welcome people from all walks of life into an affordable program that promotes a sense of family and friendship like few other educational/community theatres.Contact: Mark A. Webb256-638-4418 x318; [email protected]/nacctheatre/ OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY525 S. Main St.Ada, OH 45810Degrees: BFAs: International Theatre Pro-duction, Musical Theatre; BA: Theatre; Minor: DanceProfile: ONU offers a dynamic liberal arts education with a strong international focus. The theatre program is supported by a modern, fully equipped theatre complex, 12-18 national and international guest artists and international study abroad/internship opportunities.Contact: Kathe DeVault419-772-2049; [email protected]

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OHIO UNIVERSITYSchool of Theater307 Kantner HallAthens, OH 45701Degrees: BA: Theater; BFAs: Production Design and Technology, Theater Performance, Playwriting, Stage Management; MA: Theater History and Criticism, and Dramatic Writing; MFAs: Acting, Production Design and Technol-ogy, Directing, PlaywritingProfile: Training program that attracts students who are serious about a life in professional the-ater. Four to five mainstage productions as well as numerous lab shows, play readings and studio productions. Seabury Quinn, Jr., Playwright’s Festival is part of mainstage season, a week of original readings from our graduate playwrights. Undergraduates interview/audition for placement in performance/management/playwriting/techni-cal/design programs in the spring quarter of Freshman year. Member U/RTA.Contact: Madeleine Scott, Interim Director740-593-4818; [email protected]/theater/ PALM BEACH ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY901 S. Flagler Dr.West Palm Beach, FL 33416Degrees: BAs: Theatre, Musical Theatre, Tech-nical Production and DesignProfile: We are one of the few Christian univer-sities that offers majors in theatre arts, musical theatre, and technical production and design.

Contact: Daniel Gordon561-803-2486; [email protected] PIEDMONT COLLEGEPO Box 10Demorest, GA 30535Degrees: BAs: Theatre, Theatre Education (Georgia Teaching Certificate, grades P-12)Profile: We are a small private college located 60 miles north of Atlanta in the northeast Georgia mountains. Our students experience rigorous academic training as well as professional training. We offer four to six shows a year plus various student showcases.Contact: William Gabelhausen, Chair706-778-8500 x1320; [email protected] PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE503 S Broad StClinton, SC 29325Contact: Lesley Preston800-960-7583; [email protected]:// RADFORD UNIVERSITYBox 6969 RUSTARadford, VA 24142Degrees: BAs or BSs: Theatre, Dance Educa-tion; BFA: DanceProfile: The School of Dance and Theatre offers liberal arts and pre-professional studies culminating in one of six degrees. Students of cinema, dance and theatre receive instruction rich in diverse perspectives and cross-disciplin-ary experiences. Both divisions are supported by strong production programs which make significant contributions to the cultural life of the university and community.Contact: Carl H. Lefko540-831-5012; [email protected]/~theatre/ RANDOLPH COLLEGETheatre Department, 2500 Rivermont Ave.Lynchburg, VA 24503-1555Degrees: BA: Theatre (with emphasis in act-ing, directing, design, management or technical production); BFA: (Interdisciplinary) in Theatre with Visual Arts, Dance, Music, Film or Creative Writing Profile: Randolph College is a small, liberal arts college nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge, with vibrant guest artist programs and personal-ized instruction. Students explore all areas of Theatre, collaboratively producing mainstage seasons and uniquely earning key production positions in student capstone experiences.Contact: Ken Parks434-947-8564; [email protected]:// or REGENT UNIVERSITY1000 Regent University Dr., Com 221Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Degrees: BA: Theatre Arts; MA: Theatre (concentrations in Theatre Studies or Theatre Ministry); MFA: Acting (optional concentration in Directing)Profile: From our foundational BA program to our Professional Actor Training Program (MFA), our professionally-active faculty offers a cut-ting-edge education in the synthesis of theatre artistry, culture and faith.Contact: Office of Admissions888-777-7729; [email protected]/theatre/ ROLLINS COLLEGEDepartment of Theatre and Dance1000 Holt Ave. # 2735Winter Park, FL 32789Degrees: BA: Theatre; Minor: DanceProfile: We offer a liberal arts degree which provides students with a well-rounded education. Students study all aspects of theatre, including directing, performing, musical theatre, design, technical and history/criticism. We hold auditions once a year for scholarships for high school se-niors. The Priscilla Parker Scholarship offers up to $10,000 a year.Contact: Blair Johnson, Administrative As-sistant407-646-2501; [email protected]/theatre/ ROWAN UNIVERSITYCollege of Fine and Performing ArtsDepartment of Theatre and Dance201 Mullica Hill Rd.Glassboro, NJ 08028Degrees: BA: Theatre (Acting/Directing, Musical Theatre, Dance, Design/Technical, Pre-Teaching); BA/MST: Theatre EducationProfile: The Department of Theatre and Dance educates students in the contemporary practice of theatre and dance within a liberal arts cur-riculum. Our programs offer students, excited by theatre and dance, a path to intellectual growth and development surrounded by things they love. Accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre, the department provides a broad-based education that integrates physical, vocal, technical and performance skills with the intellectual development necessary for lifelong learning. Our proximity to New York City and Philadelphia enables us to offer master classes and productions with visiting artists as well as exciting internship opportunities. Contact: David Sullivan856-256-4034; [email protected]/theatredance/ RUTGERS UNIVERSITYMason Gross School of the Arts, 2 Chapel Dr.New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8527Degrees: BFAs: Acting, Design (Set, Lighting, Costume Design and Costume Technology) and Production and Management (Stage Manage-ment and Technical Direction); MFAs: Direct-ing, Playwriting, Acting, Design (Set, Lighting, Costume Design and Costume Technology) and Stage ManagementProfile: Rutgers is a professional conservatory



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program 45 minutes from New York City. Rutgers Theater Company is a resident company of student artists whose work is guided by master teachers and working professionals. Rutgers is committed to having all roles, designs and stage management accomplished by students in the program. Directors and playwrights receive mainstage opportunities in the thesis year. New York internships available in design/tech/SM. BFA actors spend the entire third year in residence at Rutgers Conservatory at Shakespeare’s Globe in London. Designers and stage managers opt for one term in London. BFA and MFA actors have showcases in NYC.Contact: Barbara Harwanko732-932-9891 x10; [email protected]/theater/thea.html SAINT LEO UNIVERSITYDepartment of English, Fine Arts, and Humani-ties - Dramaturgy Program33701 State Rd. 52PO Box 6665Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665Degrees: BA: English with Specialization in DramaturgyProfile: The Dramaturgy program at Saint Leo offers undergraduate students the opportunity to blend in-depth study of dramatic literature/analy-sis, playwriting, and practice with a broad scope of literary study such as poetic forms, fiction, creative non-fiction, and professional writing. Our low student/teacher ratio promises individualized attention and great opportunity for personal growth in sunny central Florida.Contact: Dave McGinnis352-588-8401; [email protected] SAVANNAH COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGNPO Box 2072Savannah, GA 31402-2072Degrees: BA; BFA; M.Arch; MA; MAT; MFA; MUDProfile: The Savannah College of Art and Design exists to prepare talented students for professional careers, emphasizing learning through individual attention in a positively ori-ented university environment. SCAD performing arts is an innovative program with relevant per-formance opportunities and classroom training in new media, digital media, film, TV and live theatre. Students have the opportunity to pur-sue a B.F.A. or an M.F.A. in production design, performing arts, dramatic writing and film with minors in dance and vocal performance. SCAD offers an in-house casting office and hosts an annual agent showcase with New York agents. In addition to the performing arts tracks, SCAD offers the only B.F.A., M.F.A. and M.A. programs focusing on sound design for media in the country with state-of-the-art classrooms and equipment and courses taught by Emmy Award and Acad-emy Award-winning professors.Contact: Admissions:

SETON HILL UNIVERSITYTheatre and Dance Program, 1 Seton Hill Dr.Greensburg, PA 15601Degrees: BAs: Dance, Theatre Arts, Theatre Performance, Music Theatre, Theatre Design and Technology, Theatre BusinessProfile: Theatre and Dance at Seton Hill have an outstanding tradition of excellence. The size of our program provides the best mix of profession-alism and personal attention. Our new performing arts center opened Fall 09.Contact: Terry Brino-Dean, Director, Theatre and Dance Program724-552-2934; [email protected] SHAKESPEARE THEATRE OF NEWJERSEYSummer Professional Training Program36 Madison Ave.Madison, NJ 07940Degrees: For Actors, Stage Managers, Admin-istrators, Designers, Technicians and DirectorsProfile: The longest-running Shakespeare the-atre on the East Coast, STNJ offers an intense 11-week training program from May 29-August 15, 2011 for all areas of theatre.Contact: Corinne May Farkas, Education Associate973-408-3806; [email protected] or

SHENANDOAH UNIVERSITY1460 University Dr.Winchester, VA 22601Degrees: BFAs: Musical Theatre, Acting, The-atre for Youth, Stage Management, Costume Design, Scenic Design, Lighting DesignProfile: We provide comprehensive under-graduate training at one of the country’s leading conservatories, with a dedicated faculty of active professionals in theatre, music and dance.Contact: William Bozman540-665-4558; [email protected]/conservatory/scon/academics/ SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITYCARBONDALEDepartment of Theatre, Mail Code 6608Carbondale, IL 62901Degrees: BAs: Theatre, Emphasis in Perfor-mance/Design/Production; BFA Musical The-ater; MFAs: Directing, Scene Design, Lighting Design, Costume Design, Technical Direction, Playwriting; PhDs: Interdisciplinary with Speech Communication in Theatre History, Criticism, Dramaturgy, Performance StudiesProfile: SIUC blends scholarship with practice in intensive production program and maintains a professional summer stock theater company.Contact: Dr. Ronald Naversen618-453-3076; [email protected]/~mcleod/ SOUTHERN UNION STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGEPO Box 1000 Wadley, AL 36276

Contact: Michael Williams256-395-2211 x5811; [email protected]

SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY 351 W. Center St.Cedar City, UT 84720Contact: Shauna T. Mendini, Chair435-865-8185; [email protected]/pva/ta/

SPECIAL FX 1017436 Narcoossee Rd.,Suite 320Orlando, FL 32832Profile: We provide hands-on experience and basic concepts for air, cryogenic, flame and fog Fx. We teach the nuts, bolts, hardware and basic skills needed for the Fx side of the entertainment industry. We also discuss how to get work and the different industries that utilize these skills. For example: film, theatre, TV, sporting events, industrials, theme parks and attractions.Contact: Andrew Nicholls or Ron Keller407-648-1867; [email protected]; [email protected] ST. EDWARDS UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre ArtsMary Moody Northen Theatre3001 S. Congress Ave.Austin, TX 78704


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Degrees: BA: Theatre Arts, with emphasis in: Acting, Musical Theatre, Arts Administration, Design or General Theatre.Profile: St. Edwards University offers a low student/teacher ratio. Our Theatre program is grounded in classroom training combined with production experience in our award-winning, Mary Moody Northen Theatre. Because of our U/RTA contract with Actors’ Equity Association, students who successfully complete the require-ments of the Membership Candidate Program are eligible to join Actors’ Equity. We offer hands-on opportunities to meet and work with theatre, film and television professionals representing every facet of the industry.Contact: Angela Flowers, Administrative Co-ordinator for Mary Moody Northen Theatre at St. Edward’s University512-448-8487 or 512-448-8433; [email protected]/hum/thtr STELLA ADLER STUDIO OF ACTING31 W. 27th St., 3rd Fl.New York, NY 10001ART OF ACTING STUDIO1017 N. Orange Dr.Los Angeles, CA 90036Degrees: Certificates: 3-Year Conservatory Pro-gram, 2-Year Evening Conservatory ProgramProfile: Since 1949, the Stella Adler Studio has trained some of the most important American actors and has evolved into one of the most

culturally rich environments in New York City and now Los Angeles.Contact: Johnny Yoder212-689-0087; [email protected] TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre, TCU Box 297510Fort Worth, TX 76129Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFAs with emphases in Acting, Design, Musical Theatre, Production, Theatre StudiesProfile: TCU offers professional training for undergraduates only in a liberal arts environment at a renowned comprehensive university. Theatre TCU features outstanding faculty and facilities, individual mentorship, low student-faculty ratio, internships in one of the country’s largest profes-sional theatre markets, and the award-winning Trinity Shakespeare Festival.Contact: Dr. Harry Parker, Chair817-257-7625; [email protected] TOWSON UNIVERSITYTheatre Department, 8000 York Rd.Towson, MD 21252Contact: Jay Herzog, Department Chair410-704-2792; [email protected]/theatre/ TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY300 N. BroadwayLexington, KY 40508Degrees: BA: DramaProfile: The Drama Department at Transylvania University offers exposure and training in theatre within a liberal arts context.Contact: Sullivan Canaday White, Program Director, Department of Drama; [email protected]:// TROY UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre and DanceMalone Hall 132Troy, AL 36082Degrees: BS; BAProfile: Both demanding and nurturing for the undergraduate, Troy offers individualized pro-grams in performance, design, technical theatre, management and education.Contact: Adena Moree334-808-6142; [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMADepartment of Theatre and Dance, Box 870239Tuscaloosa, AL 35487Degrees: BAs: Theatre, Dance; MFAs: Acting, Costume Design/Production, Directing, Lighting Design, Scenic Design, Technical Direction, Theatre ManagementProfile: UA offers comprehensive academic and practical training on a liberal arts foundation to prepare students for professional success.Contact: Pamela McCray205-348-5283; [email protected]://

UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA BIRMINGHAMDepartment of Theatre, ASC 2551200 10th Ave. S.Birmingham, AL 35294-1263Degrees: BAProfile: Exclusive focus on the undergraduate student by professional faculty in state-of-the-art facilities with opportunities for undergraduate students to perform and design in mainstage productions.Contact: Will York, Department Chair205-934-3236; [email protected]:// UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS619 Kimpel HallFayetteville, AR 72701Degrees: BA; MFAProfile: Extensive coursework accompanied by a challenging season of plays, a dedicated faculty committed to professional standards and individualized attention to students, at a university located in a gorgeous setting.Contact: D. Andrew Gibbs479-575-2953; [email protected]/depts/drama/ UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDAPO Box 162372Orlando, FL 32816-2372Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFAs: Acting, Musical Theatre, Design/Tech, Stage Management; MA: Theatre; MFAs: Acting, Musical Theatre, Design, Youth TheatreProfile: The MFA programs at UCF are highly selective, rigorous, three-year professional train-ing programs emphasizing both theatre theory and practice.Contact: Kate Ingram407-823-4872; [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF FINDLAYTheatre Program, 1000 N. Main St.Findlay, OH 45840Degrees: BA: Theatre, with emphasis in: Perfor-mance, Musical Theatre or Theatre Production, Design and TechnologyProfile: Students come first at Findlay, where faculty are dedicated to student growth and professional opportunities. The theatre program produces at least four mainstage productions each year where students develop practical and critical skills. The Theatre Program also conducts SummerStock, a professional and educational summer theatre. Scholarships are available for majors and minors.Contact: Dr. Heather Williams419-434-4562; [email protected]

UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDASchool of Theatre and DanceNadine McGuire Theatre and Dance PavilionPO Box 115900Gainesville, FL 32611-5900Degrees: BA: General Theatre; BFAs: Perfor-mance (Acting, Musical Theatre), Production



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(Costume Design, Lighting Design, Scene Design), Dance; MFAs: Acting, Costume De-sign/Technology, Lighting Design, Scene Design; Minors: General Theatre, ProductionProfile: In addition to our regular season per-formances on-campus each year, our students tour one of our productions internationally every summer.Contact: Paul Favini, Interim Director352-273-0501; [email protected]/theatreanddance/ UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIADepartment of Theatre and Film StudiesFine Arts BuildingAthens, GA 30602-3154Degrees: BA; MFA; PhDProfile: The department offers rigorous training in all traditional areas of theatre performance, design and scholarship, coupled with training in cutting-edge technologies such as 3-D computer animation and motion capture.Contact: David Z. Saltz, Head706-542-2836; [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTONSchool of Theatre and Dance133 CWM CenterHouston, TX 77204-4016Degrees: BAs: Playwriting/Dramaturgy, Dance with emphasis in Choreography, Dance Educa-tion, Design and Technology; BFAs: Acting, Theatre Education, Stage Management; MFAs: Acting, Lighting Design, Scenic Design, Costume Design; MAs: Summer MA for Theatre Educators, MA for Scholars Profile: The School of Theatre and Dance offers graduate-level professional and undergraduate pre-professional training in the fourth largest city in the U.S. Placement in the program is by audition only. Once placed, students receive individual mentorship, low student/teacher ratio, and close proximity to professional theatre, opera and dance companies, including a partnership with Tony Award-winning Alley Theatre. Presti-gious faculty including Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize winners.Contact: Jackie deMontmollin713-743-2879; [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY114 Fine Arts Bldg.Lexington, KY 40506-0022Degrees: BA; MAProfile: Strong liberal arts undergraduate degrees with hands-on training closely tied to classroom. Small department where mentoring is possible. Graduate program is excellent prepara-tion for any PhD program.Contact: Nancy C. Jones, Chair859-257-3297; [email protected]/finearts/Theatre/ UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLEDepartment of Theatre Arts2314 S. Floyd St.Louisville, KY 40292

Degrees: BS: Theatre, Production or Perfor-mance; MFA: Acting/Performance; Graduate Certificate: African-American TheatreProfile: The department trains students in the fine art of theatre, voice, movement, scene study and design, and also teaches the historical and literary context of the theatre as a humanist and liberal art.Contact: Rinda Frye, Director of Graduate Studies502-852-8445; [email protected]/a-s/ta/ UNIVERSITY OF MARY WASHINGTONDepartment of Theatre and Dance1301 College Ave.Fredericksburg, VA 22401Degrees: Minor: Musical Theatre Performance; BA: Theatre; Pre K-12 Teacher Licensure in DramaProfile: Our program allows students flexibility in concentrating in areas of greatest interest while building a strong foundation through a liberal arts education.Contact: Gregg Stull, Chair, Department of Theatre and Dance540-654-1980; [email protected]/cas/theatre/ UNIVERSITY OF MARYLANDSchool of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies2810 Clarice Smith Performing Arts CenterCollege Park, MD 20742Degrees: BAs: Dance, Theatre; MA/PhD: The-atre and Performance Studies; MFAs Dance, Theatre Design, PerformanceProfile: The unique structure of the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies pro-vides the opportunities of a larger community to interconnect and collaborate. While the degree programs in the dance and theatre disciplines retain their individuality, the School affords the inter-disciplinary prospects that enable landmark creativity and scholarship to flourish. Dynamic interaction between faculty, staff and students en-courages innovative ideas and new initiatives.Contact: Theatre - Misha Kachman; Dance – Anne Warren301-405-6639; 301-405-3187; [email protected]; [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHISDepartment of Theatre and Dance144 Theatre Communication Bldg.Memphis, TN 38152-3150Degrees: BFAs: Performance, Design and Technical Production; MFAs: Directing, Design and Technical ProductionProfile: We offer quality mentoring, dedicated individual advisors, a richly varied production program, a state-of-the-art design lab, a new musical theatre curriculum, and casting oppor-tunities beginning your first year.Contact: Kristin Shupe901-678-2523; [email protected]/theatre/

UNIVERSITY OF MIAMIPO Box 248273Coral Gables, FL 33124Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFAs: Musical Theatre, Acting, Stage Management, Theatre Manage-ment, Design/ProductionProfile: The Department of Theatre Arts at the UM offers intensive degree programs within a world-class liberal arts university to prepare in-dividuals for professional careers and advanced training.Contact: Henry Fonte, Chair of Department of Theatre Arts and Artistic Director of The Jerry Herman Ring Theatre305-284-4474; [email protected]/tha/ UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPIPO Box 1848Isom Hall Room 110University, MS 38677-1848Degrees: BA: Theatre Arts; BFAs: Acting, Musi-cal Theatre, Design and TechnologyProfile: Comprehensive training, rigorous academics and great performance and design opportunities prepare students for graduate study or professional employment. Individualized atten-tion from a professional and dedicated faculty. NAST accredited.Contact: Rhona Justice-Malloy,


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AT VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITYMember of NAST - National Association of Schools of Theatre

David S. Leong, Chairman • [email protected] information contact

Glynn Brannan • Creative Director804.828.2695 • [email protected] Department of Theatre

922 Park Ave. P.O. Box 842524 Richmond, VA 23284-2524

BFA in TheATRe • Professional Training Program• Performance • Design/Technology • Stage Management

Theatre VCU Offers The only undergraduate program in Virginia that produces acting showcases for seniors in Washington DC, Chicago , LA, & NYC

Guest Artist Program Featuring nationally recognized guest artists to conduct master classes, private performances and public classes.

Guest Director Program Two of Theatre VCU’s four annual main stage productions are directed by renowned professional directors.

BA in TheATRe

MFA in TheATRe PeDAGOGy• Dramatic Literature & Dramaturgy • Voice & Speech • Directing • Movement & Physical Theatre

MFA in SCeniC DeSiGn MFA in COSTUMe DeSiGnTheatre VCU MFA Program Offers A unique 2-3 year graduate program • Practical Training • Professional Mentoring • Financial Aid & Assistantships Available


09 directory ad B&W.indd 1 10/26/09 1:00:52 PM


areas of theatre, both on and off stage. A profes-sionally active faculty, strong classes, internships and a cutting-edge production program prepare students for the theatre of the 21st century.Contact: Professor Jack Benjamin803-641-3327; [email protected]/visualandperformingarts/ UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA COLUMBIADepartment of Theatre and DanceLongstreet TheatreColumbia, SC 29208Degrees: Theatre Degrees - BA: Theatre; MFAs: Acting, Scene Design, Costume Design, Lighting Design; MAT: Theatre; MA: Theatre. Dance Degrees - BA: Dance, with concentrations in Performance and Choreography or Dance EducationProfile: Professionally active faculty in a nationally competitive department with strong graduate and undergraduate programs. Guest artist program and relationships with significant professional theatres. NAST accredited and U/RTA member.Contact: Lisa Martin-Stuart803-777-6498; [email protected]/thea/ UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA4202 E. Fowler Ave.TAR 230Tampa, FL 33620Degrees: BAs: Design, Performance, Theatre Arts; BFA: DesignProfile: LEARN in an environment dedicated to undergraduates; DISCOVER in an intensive honors program; CREATE with internationally renowned guest artists in our British International Theatre Program.Contact: Marc Powers, Director, School of Theatre and Dance813-974-2701; [email protected]:// UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPIDepartment of Theatre and Dance118 College Dr. #5052Hattiesburg, MS 39406Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFAs: Performance, Design/Technology, Dance Performance and Choreography, Dance Education; MFAs: Per-formance, Directing, Costume Design, Scenic Design, Lighting and Sound DesignContact: Lisa Fortner601-266-4994; [email protected]/arts/ UNIVERSITY OF TAMPA401 W. Kennedy Blvd.Tampa, FL 33606Degrees: BAs: Performing Arts, Theatre; Mi-nors: Speech, Speech/Theatre, Dance/Theatre, Applied DanceProfile: The University of Tampa offers BA degrees in Performing Arts (Musical Theatre Performance Program) and Theatre (with focus on Actor Training/Performance).

UNIVERSITY OF MONTEVALLOStation 6210 TheatreMontevallo, AL 35115Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFAs: Musical Theatre, Acting, Directing, Design, Scenic/Lighting Em-phasis and Design, Costume EmphasisProfile: UM Theatre provides numerous hands-on training opportunities including a very diverse production season and guest artist workshops on and off campus. We train students for profes-sional careers within the context of a first-rate liberal arts education.Contact: David Callaghan205-665-6210; [email protected]/thea/ UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA LAS VEGAS4505 Maryland Pkwy.Box 455036Las Vegas, NV 89154Degrees: BA; MA; MFAContact: 702-895-3666; [email protected]:// UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILLCB# 3230Center for Dramatic ArtChapel Hill, NC 27599Contact: Jeffrey Blair Cornell919-843-9857; [email protected]://

UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHARLOTTEDepartment of Theatre9201 University City Blvd.Robinson Hall 364Charlotte, NC 28223-0001Contact: James Vesce704-687-3590; [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINAGREENSBOROPO Box 26170/406 Tate St.201 Taylor Theatre Bldg.Greensboro, NC 27402-6170Degrees: BA; BFA; MFA; MEd Profile: UNCG offers programs in Acting, Directing, Theatre for Youth, Design, Stage Management, Theatre Education and Technical Theatre.Contact: Jim Fisher336-334-4112; [email protected]/the/ UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINASCHOOL OF THE ARTSSCHOOL OF DESIGN AND PRODUCTION1533 S. Main St.Winston-Salem, NC 27127-2188Degrees: College Diplomas: Acting, Direct-ing; BFAs: Acting, Directing, Costume Design & Technology, Scene Painting, Stage Properties, Lighting, Sound, Technical Direction, Scene Design, Stage Management, Wig & Makeup; MFAs: Costume Design, Costume Technology, Scene Design, Scenic Art, Stage Automation, Stage Properties, Wig & Make-up Design, Sound Design, Technical Direction, Performing Arts ManagementProfile: A conservatory that trains the whole artist for professional careers in dance, design and production, drama, filmmaking, music, and visual arts.Contact: Admissions Office336-770-3290; [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMAPerforming Arts Center, USAMobile, AL 36688Degrees: BAs, BFAs: Performance, Design/Technology, Musical TheatreProfile: Options for degrees within a depart-ment devoted exclusively to a balance between production experience, training and professional expectations.Contact: Dr. Leon J. Van Dyke, Chair251-460-6305; [email protected]/drama/ UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA AIKEN471 University Pkwy.Aiken, SC 29801Degrees: BA: Fine Arts, with concentration in Theatre Profile: Dedicated to giving students a compre-hensive theatre education. Students explore all


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Contact: Prof. Michael Staczar813-257-3987; [email protected]/detail.aspx?id=504 UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE CHATTANOOGA615 McCallie Ave.Fine Arts CenterChattanooga, TN 37403Degrees: BA: TheatreProfile: Located in the beautiful city of Chat-tanooga, UTC Theatre students work closely with faculty and staff in fully equipped shops and performance facilities in an active, challenging, hands-on theatre program within the context of a liberal arts education.Contact: Mac Smotherman, Head423-425-4347; [email protected]/Academic/TheatreAndSpeech/ UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLEDepartment of Theatre206 McClung TowerKnoxville, TN 37996Degrees: BA: Theatre; MFAs: Acting, Costume Design, Lighting Design, Scene DesignProfile: The department is affiliated with a LORT (professional) theatre, The Clarence Brown Theatre Company.Contact: Terry Weber, Director of Graduate Studies865-974-6011; [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS320 S. Broad St.Philadelphia, PA 19102Degrees: BFAs: Acting, Musical Theatre, Design/Tech, Theatre Management & Produc-tion, Dance, Music, Vocal Performance, Music CompositionProfile: Students work with faculty who are working professionals to stage productions of professional quality. Students acquire the tech-nique and discipline that distinguishes profes-sional artists.Contact: Charles Gilbert, Interim Director, School of Theatre Arts800-616-2787; [email protected]

UNIVERSITY OF THE OZARKS415 N. College Ave.Clarksville, AR 72830Degrees: BA: Theatre (Design, Performance and Technology)Profile: Ozarks is a private school with a stu-dent/faculty ratio of 10 to 1. We offer full tuition scholarships in theatre.Contact: Professor Bruce B. Brown479-979-1349; [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH735 University Ave.Sewanee, TN 37383Degrees: BAProfile: Students of theatre at the University of

the South receive a strong foundation in all areas, while studying in a unique liberal arts program.Contact: Dr. Peter Smith931-598-1226; [email protected] UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIAPO Box 400128Charlottesville, VA 22904-4128Degrees: BA: Drama; MFAs: Acting, Costume Design and Technology, Lighting Design, Scenic Design, Technical DirectionProfile: Undergraduate majors in drama at the University of Virginia enjoy the unusual combina-tion of a superb intellectual climate and a vital, engaging production program.Contact: Professor LaVahn Hoh434-924-3326; [email protected]/drama/ UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA11000 University Pkwy.Pensacola, FL 32514Degrees: BAs: Acting, Design Technology; BFA: Musical TheatreProfile: Because we are exclusively under-graduate, there are no graduate students to take resources away from our undergraduate students. With five shows per season, UWF can provide extensive opportunities for student design and performance to complement your classwork, creating the perfect model for learn-ing your craft.Contact: Charles Houghton850-474-2146; [email protected]/theatre/ UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIATheatre Program, Martha Munro Bldg.1600 Maple St.Carrollton, GA 30118Degrees: BA: TheatreProfile: The UWG theatre program seeks to train and inspire students in all areas of theatre arts. UWG offers students outstanding facilities, technology and opportunities. NAST-accred-ited.Contact: Shelly Elman678-839-4700; [email protected]/~theatre/ UNIVERSITY OF WYOMINGDepartment of Theatre and Dance1000 E. University Ave.Department 3951Laramie, WY 82071-3951Degrees: BA: Theatre, Dance; BFA: Acting, Playwriting, Dance Performance, Lighting Design, Costume Design, Scene Design, Dance ScienceProfile: Our mission is to prepare students effec-tively for professional careers in theatre, dance, motion pictures, or television and playwriting, as well as for graduate and professional schools through considerable hands-on and curricular training. With small class sizes, dedicated faculty, excellent opportunities for practical experience, outstanding facilities, and a genuine focus on undergraduate training, UW Theatre and Dance

is well-situated to offer the best in undergraduate education. Scholarships available. Contact: Leigh Selting, Chair307-766-2198; [email protected]/th&d/ VALDOSTA STATE UNIVERSITY1500 N. Patterson St.Valdosta, GA 31698Degrees: BFAs: Dance, Theatre (with emphasis areas in Performance, Production and Musical Theatre)Profile: NAST-accredited; seven-production season; produces Peach State Summer Theatre, “The Official Musical Theatre of the State of Geor-gia”; scholarships available. Auditions/Interviews in early spring.Contact: Professor Jacque Wheeler229-333-5820; [email protected] VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY922 Park Ave.PO Box 842524Richmond, VA 23284-2524Degrees: BA: Theatre; BFAs: Performance, Scene Design, Lighting Design, Costume De-sign, Stage Management; MFAs: Pedagogy, Scene Design, Costume DesignProfile: The theatre program at VCU offers pre-professional training in a liberal arts setting with highly qualified faculty and staff working

Theatre & DanceIn a Liberal Arts Context

Highly CompetitiveAcademically Rigorous

Nationally Ranked

Scholarships for performance & productionSAT & ACT optional

4 major theatre productions yearly2 dance concerts yearly

Numerous student directed productions Multiple student producing groups

Integrated classes, production and performanceSmall classes, individual attention

Department of Theatre and DanceBox 7264 Reynolda Station ● Winston-Salem NC 27109

[email protected]


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2011 SETC College, University & Training Program Directory

WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre4841 Cass Ave., Suite 3225Detroit, MI 48202-3489Degrees: BA; BFA; MA; MFA; PhDProfile: Wayne State University provides com-prehensive, hands-on training in all aspects of theatre, at all degree levels and is home to the world-renowned Hilberry Repertory Theatre Company, the first and only graduate training program of its kind in the nation.Contact: Jessica Chavez313-577-3510; [email protected]; WESLEYAN COLLEGEDepartment of Theatre4760 Forsyth Rd.Macon, GA 31210Degrees: BA: Liberal Arts; Theatre Major or MinorProfile: Wesleyan is a women’s liberal arts college with a professionally oriented theatre program. All productions feature women in major roles; many casts are entirely female. Women handle all technical work and stage management. Theatre majors follow a generalist course of study or choose from among three tracks: performance, dramaturgy or theatre management. We offer courses in acting, directing, playwriting, stage management, producing, theatre history and theory, and dramatic literature. Many scholarships are available. Wesleyan College is ranked third in the 2010 issue of The Princeton Review for “Best Value in Private Colleges.”Contact: Jan Lewis, MFA, PhD, Chair of Theatre478-757-5249; [email protected] WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITYCreative Arts CenterPO Box 6111Morgantown, WV 26506-6111Degrees: Minor: Dance; BA: Theatre; BFAs: Acting, Design and Technology, Puppetry and Creative Dramatics; MFAs: Acting, Costume Design, Scenic Design, Lighting DesignProfile: WVU offers undergraduate and gradu-ate training in acting, theatre studies, and design and technology with a rigorous production sea-son and a dedicated faculty in modern facilities.Contact: Joshua B. Williamson, Chair304-293-2020; [email protected] WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITYSchool of Stage and Screen1 University Dr.Suite 233Cullowhee, NC 28723Degrees: BA: Stage and Screen (with concen-trations in Design and Technical Production); BFAs: Theatre (with concentrations in Acting and Musical Theatre), Motion Pictures and Television Production

Profile: At WCU, you’ll immerse yourself in dynamic academic programs that offer a variety of undergraduate degree concentrations and minors. You’ll combine your chosen discipline’s concepts and theories with hands-on experience both inside and outside the classroom through faculty-student collaborations, internships, coop-erative work experiences and productions both on stage and on film.Contact: Thomas Salzman, Director of the School of Stage and Screen828-227-3840; [email protected]/2264.asp WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre and Dance1906 College Heights Blvd.#71086Bowling Green, KY 42101-1086Degrees: BAs: Theatre, Dance; BFA: Perform-ing Arts (with concentrations available in Acting, Directing, Music Theatre, Theatre Design and Technology)Profile: WKU’s Department of Theatre and Dance offers conservatory-style training in a liberal arts environment.Contact: David Young, Department Head270-745-5845; [email protected]:// WINTHROP UNIVERSITYDepartment of Theatre and Dance115 Johnson HallRock Hill, SC 29733Degrees: BA: Theatre Performance, Theatre Design/Tech, Theatre Education, Dance, Dance EducationProfile: The program fosters individual students’ aesthetic, intellectual and creative development within the context of a liberal arts education. We strive to afford opportunities for students to develop a significant level of competency in one emphasis in theatre or dance. Our production program includes 12 shows per year, including musicals in collaboration with the Department of Music. Scholarships awarded annually based on audition/portfolio review.Contact: Andrew Vorder Bruegge803-323-2287; [email protected]/vpa/Theatre_&_Dance/ WOFFORD COLLEGE429 N. Church St.CPO #36Spartanburg, SC 29303Contact: Mark A. Ferguson864-597-4081; [email protected]/theatre/

professionally in their field.Contact: Bonnie McCoy, Administrative Di-rector804-828-1923; [email protected]/arts/theatre/ VIRGINIA INTERMONT COLLEGE1013 Moore St.Bristol, VA 24201Degrees: BFAs: Acting, Musical Theatre, Design & Technology; BAs: Theatre Education w/ Licensure Pre K-12, Performance, Design & TechnologyProfile: Instruction by practicing professionals, one-on-one attention and many performance and design opportunities help you build a competitive resume. Every student has the chance to shine as an individual.Contact: Bonny Gable, Chair of Performing Arts276-466-7973; [email protected] VIRGINIA TECHDepartment of Theatre and Cinema250 Henderson Hall E. (0141)Blacksburg, VA 24061Degrees: BA: Emphases in Performance, Design/Tech, Cinema Studies/Production, Gen-eral; MFAs: Directing & Public Dialogue, Stage Management, Costume Design, Lighting Design, Scene Design, Props Design, Sound Design, Technical DirectionProfile: Uncommon experiences and unex-pected opportunities await you in our highly innovative department. Professional theatre ties help make us a jewel of a theatre program with an excellent reputation.Contact: Patricia Raun, Head, Department of Theatre and Cinema540-231-5335; [email protected] WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITYBox 7264 Reynolda StationWinston-Salem, NC 27109Degrees: BA: TheatreProfile: With its professional faculty and staff, exceptional production values, significant pro-duction opportunities and low student-teacher ratio, WFU equips theatre and dance students for success.Contact: J.K. Curry, Chair, or John Frieden-berg, Director of Theatre336-758-5294; [email protected]/theatre/ WALLACE STATE COMMUNITYCOLLEGE801 Main St.Hanceville, AL 35077Contact: Lauren Cantrell256-352-8422; [email protected]


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Develop Your ArtistryChristian Leadership to Change the World

At Regent University, we will teach you how to align your artistic vision with your calling. Discover how your creative expression is a reflection of your passion and talent.

MFA in Acting | M.A. in Theatre Ministry | M.A. in Theatre Studies | B.A. in Theatre

Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees offered.

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HHow does study abroad help a student? That’s aquestionwithtraditionallyeasyanswers:astudentgainsincreasedglobalunderstanding,growsperson-allyandexpandshisorhernetworkwhilereceivingtrainingorexperienceinaninternationalsetting.Buthowdotheseideasapplyspecificallytotheemergingtheatreartist?Howdoesstudyabroadaffectanaspir-ingdesigner,actor,directorortheatreeducator?Whatarethetangibleresultsfortheatreartists? Teacherswhohavetakenstudentsabroadand,insomecasestraveledabroadasstudentsthemselves,citethefollowing10advantages.

Students experience personal growth

at an accelerated rate.

University who teaches regularly in a top-rankeddramaprogramatRoseBrufordCollegeinLondon,seessimilargrowthinhisstudentsalso. “Studyabroadcanbetheequivalentofayear’sexperiencein10days,”hesays.

Students gain confidence in


Ways Study Abroad Gives You a Jumpb y T e s s a C a r r

Left to right:A theatre student is

shown on the Acropolis in Greece during a

study abroad trip offered through the

University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Meredith College students “sing for their

lunch” at the Casa Buitoni in Sansepolcro, Italy, during a summer study abroad program.

Study abroad can lead to greater confidence inyour abilities – and that applies to teachers whoconductclassesabroadaswellasthestudentstheyteach.St.PeternotesthatbothheandhisAmericanstudents were a little insecure about their abilitiesonhisfirst trip toEngland to teach.Contracted toproduce Joe Calarco’s Romeo and Juliet in EnglandwithBritishstudentsaswellasAmericanstudents,St.PeterworriedthattheBritishstudentswouldcometothetablewithskillsandknowledgethatwouldchal-lengehisabilities.Duringthefirstweekoftheintenseon-the-jobexperience,hequicklydiscoveredthathewasprepared–andthathisBritishstudentssharedthesameinsecuritiesaboutperformanceandinter-pretationashisU.S.students.HisstudentsfromtheU.S.gainedconfidenceastheyrealizedthattheyhadtrainedappropriatelyandwereabletoperformonthesamelevelastheirBritishcounterparts.“Broaderexperiencegivesyouperspectiveonyourtrainingandabilities–inthebestpossibleway,”St.Petersays.

Students have less fear about the

professional world.



RobinCarr,associateprofessorofvoiceandactingattheUniversityofSouthernMississippi,findsthereisaremarkabledifferencebetweenayoungactoratthebeginningofherschool’sBritishstudiesprogramandattheendofthestudyabroadexperience. “Thestudentsbecomeself-sufficient,worldtravel-ers andastuteabout theatre,” Carr says. “From theproductionstheysee,thebackstagetourstheytakeandtheclassestheyparticipatein,thestudents’perspec-tivesontheatreandthemselvesintheatreareforeverchanged.Theystarttofallinlovewiththeshowstheyobserve and discover newfound passions for workrangingfromShakespearetomusicaltheatre.” RichardSt.Peter,adoctoralstudentatTexasTech



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Studyabroadusuallyprovidesstudentswithspe-cifictrainingandexperienceintheatreinanationalorinternationalsetting,guidedbyprofessorsinthediscipline. Internshipsare included inmanystudyabroad programs, and workshops – such as a dayspent training with actors from the Globe Theatre–oftenareincludedinstudyabroadcourses. Don’t discount the potential for even short-termprogramstoofferamazingexperiences.Forexample,a three-week summer study course offered throughVirginia Commonwealth University includes oppor-tunitiestodeviseandperformworkinancientGreektheatres,whileathree-weekprogramthroughtheUni-versityofLouisvilleincludesworkshopsandlecturesinBeijingattheNationalAcademyofTheatreArts.

Students experience new and

experimental theatre forms firsthand.

programcomebacktoschoolmuchmorepreparedtobeginprofessionalcareers,Carrsays.Thestudents,shesays,“seemfearlessabouttheprofessionalworld.Theybecomeindependentandlearnthattheyalonecanmakeorbreak theirprofessionalcareers.Theyalsolearntobeassertivewhenitcomestothebusi-nesssideoftheatrewhilerefiningtheiracting,voiceandmovementskills.”

Students expand their resumés

through workshops and internships.

ERIC S. KILDOWPart-time Instructor Armstrong Atlantic State University

DEGREE:BA, Theatre and Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy, Michigan State University; MA, Theatre Arts, Texas A&M University-Commerce; MFA, Performing Arts, Savannah College of Art and Design

STUDY ABROAD:2002: Eastern/Central Europe through James Madison College of Public Affairs at Michigan State University

What is the most important thing you learned through study abroad?My program, though not in theatre specifically, demonstrated that the nature of a society and political culture has a profound impact on the theatrical culture. It was once said that all intellectual and spiritual winds of a time and place blow through their theatre, and my experience underlined that fact for me.

How has study abroad helped or impacted your work?The experience helped turn a timid dual-major who was uncertain about his abilities into an artist and scholar with the confidence to realize that I truly was capable of the things that I put my mind to. Had it not been for this confidence, I would not have continued my theatrical studies. I recently led a study abroad program for students at Armstrong Atlantic State, and I was highly gratified to watch my students undergo a similar transformation to my own. They have come back with a new pocketful of tricks, the understanding that these things can be of use, and the elan to use them.

How Study Abroad Changed My Lifeon Your Career

Left to right: Students in the Cortona, Italy study abroad program offered by the University of Georgia’s Department of Theatre & Film Studies perform in an amphitheatre.

Participants in Louisiana Tech University’s study abroad program pose on Platform 9 3/4 at King’s Cross Station in London during a study abroad program in summer 2010.


5 Hands-onexperiencewithexperimentalformsoftheatrecanbedifficulttofindintheU.S.professionaltheatrebutisoftenafeatureofstudyabroadprograms.

Page 40: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by


Success has a face.

Anna Camp (’04)True Blood (HBO)Mad Men (AMC)

Wesley Taylor (’08)The Addams Family (Broadway)

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Rebecca Naomi Jones (’03)American Idiot (Broadway)

Gerald Freedman, dean•HighSchoolProgram(12thgradeonly)




•Directingoption(collegejuniorsandseniors)The University of North Carolina School of the Arts

is an equal opportunity campus of the UNC system.




[email protected]






VesselaWarner,assistantprofessoroftheatrehistoryattheUniversityofAlabamaatBirmingham(UAB),witnessedherstudents’discoveryofnewformsandpossibilities in the profession during a workshopat theatre laboratory @lma @lter, an experimental,Grotowski-based,non-professionalcompanyinSofia,Bulgaria. “Thisworkshopcreatedmuchexcitementwithourstudents, but also a great deal of ‘necessary’ anxietyabout the infinite opportunities of theatre-making,”Warnersays.“Itmotivatedtheactorstocontinuelookingfortheirindividualandtruthfulexpressionsaswellastotrusttheatreformsthatarenon-traditionalandnon-commercial.Acommondiscoveryourstudentsmadeconcerned the constructive energy of a small theatrecommunityunitedbyclearaestheticprinciples.” SarahHereford,aUABgraduatewhoparticipatedintheprogram,saysthetwo-dayworkshopontheGrotowski method had a profound effect on her,because“workingwiththe@lma@lterallowedmetoexperiencesomeaspectsofthemethodfirsthand.Weparticipatedinhappenings,physicalexplorationoftextandbeing“present.” AmandaTatum,asenioratLouisianaTechUni-

versitywhorecentlyparticipatedinheruniversity’s“TechLondon”program– throughwhichshewasabletosee14showsinthreeweeks,aswellasattendlecturesbyGlobeTheatreprofessionals–alsonotedthatoneof thebiggestbenefitstohertripwasun-coveringnewterritory–“beingabletoseedifferentstylesofactingandnewBritishtechnologythattheyareusingonthestage.”

Living in a different space boosts

creativity for all theatre students.

‘Study abroad

can be the

equivalent of a

year’s experience

in 10 days.’

6 Imagination is arguably the most valuable toolofanytheatreartist.Therichertheexperiencesandknowledgethatyougain,themorefertileyourimagi-nation becomes for creating art. Uta Hagan writesinRespect for Acting that“(t)heactor’s imaginationis stimulated into identification with country andperiod”throughtravel. But it isn’t just actors who benefit from thisstimulation. Danielle Baisden Curtis, technicaldirectorandperformingartsfacultymemberatLees-McRaeCollegeinthemountainsofNorthCarolina,notes that designers and other theatres artists alsobenefitfromseeinganotherpartoftheworld. “As a designer, I am always amazed at the

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Study abroad can help students chart the nextmoveonacareerpath,whetherthatisadirectmoveintotheprofessionalsettingoradditionaltrainingingraduateschool. WarnerofUABsaysthisistruenotjustforactorsand designers, but for students interested in other


significantdifferencesbetweenlighting,architectureandhistoryinplacesthroughouttheworld,”shesays.“Butthesearenottheonlythingsthatmakeaplacedistinctive.Paintings,picturesandbookscanprovideinspiration, but the feeling of a certain location israrely found in two-dimensional representations.Therearenopicturesorwords thatcanaccuratelydescribethehoursandhoursIspentsittingontheSpanish Steps in Rome, absorbing the feeling ofexcitementandhappinessofthepeoplearoundme,orthesunsetIwitnessedinSwitzerland.” Studyabroadwasacapstoneexperienceforher.“Most theatre designers and technicians like to be’hands-on‘people,”shesays.“Studyabroadallowsforthistohappen.Tome,thisconnectionwasthebestassetofmycollegecareer.”

Students build professionalism and

experience the life of an artist.

students,saysJulieFishell,adjunctassociateprofessorof dramatic arts and director of recruitment at theUniversityofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill.“Workingin internships, viewing a substantial number ofproductions in all kinds of venues, meeting withseasoned professionals and working alumni, andengagingincourseworkallprovidethestudentwithpracticalawarenessoflivingthelifeofanartist.Adevotion to the craft is a pre-requisite to makingtheatreyourcareer(whataspiringartistofanyagewouldn’t love to ‘live’ in the studio and explorethework),butwillonecommittolivingthelifeofan artist?At the end of a semester study abroad,studentsoftendecidethattheyareready,witheyesopen,topursueacareerinthefield.”

Students get a boost to the next step

in life.

(Continued on Page 33)

Uta Hagan writes

in Respect for

Acting that

‘(t)he actor’s

imagination is

stimulated into


with country and

period’ through

travel. Theabilitytofosterrelationships,beflexibleandfunction in an ensemble setting are all importantjobskills.Theyalsoarehallmarksofstudyabroadexperiences,especiallythosethatarefocusedonfieldwork.Practicingtheseskillsdailyastheynegotiatelifeinanewculturecanbeatremendousbenefitto


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IIfoneweretoapproachagroupofcollegefreshmenatfallorientationandaskhowmanywouldliketostudyabroadinLondon,ParisorBeijing,itistherarehandthatwouldnotgoup.Yetlessthantwopercentof U.S. college students actually choose to studyabroad. What stops more students from followingthrough?Alltoooftentheansweriscost–oratleasttheperceptionofcost. Let’s face it: Studyingabroad sounds expensive.Anditcertainlycanbe…butitdoesnothavetobe.Infact,accordingtoSorenPeterson,educationabroadadvisorattheCenterforInternationalEducationatBereaCollegeinKentucky,“asemesterabroadcansometimesbecheaperthanasemesterathome.” To discover the true cost of a study abroadprogram,onejustneedstoknowtherightquestionstoask.Can you use your federal aid and your

institutional aid for study abroad?

Manystudentsdonotrealizethattheirfinancialaidpackagecanhelptocoverthecostofstudyingoverseas. This is particularly true of federal aid,accordingtoPeterson:“Federalfinancialaidcanbeappliedtoastudyabroadprogram,providedthatthehomeinstitutionapprovestheprogramforacademiccredit…andstateaidmaybetransferableaswell.” In Southern Theatre’s survey of study abroadprograms, 28 of the 32 responding schools notedthat federal financial aid can be applied to theirstudyabroadprograms.AcaseinpointistheI-FESTprogramatSt.Edward’sUniversity inAustin,TX.AccordingtoSheilaGordon,assistantprofessorandarea coordinator, students at St. Edward’s can usetheirfederalaidtohelppayfortheI-FESTtheatreandeventsmanagementprogram,whichtakesstudentstotheEdinburghFestivalFringeforanon-sitestudyexperienceinScotlandeachsummer. Useofinstitutionalaid–aidthatcomesdirectlyfromthestudent’scollegeoruniversity,asopposedtothroughthefederalgovernment–canbetrickier,however. To understand why this is the case, one


Is your study abroad through a bilateral

exchange program or a third-party program?

Collegestypicallyoffertwotypesofsemesteroryear-longstudyabroadexperiences:bilateralexchangeprograms, which are direct-exchange partnershipsbetweenone’sownuniversityandaforeignuniversity,orprogramsofferedthroughthird-partyproviders.Popular third-party providers include SIT StudyAbroad(,theCouncilonInternational Educational Exchange (CIEE) (,theInstitutefortheInternationalEducationofStudents(IESAbroad)( Withbilateralexchanges,studentstypicallypaytuition to theirhome institution,butpayroomandboardtotheirhostinstitutionwhilestudyingabroad.Thismeansthatinstitutionalaid,aswellasfederaland state aid, can usually be applied to tuition toreducecosts, justas if the studentwere remainingonhisorherhomecampus.BillHolmes,directorofinternationaleducationatCampbellsvilleUniversityin Kentucky, explains further: “Usually exchangescovertuitiononly,withhousingandoftenmealsbeingtheresponsibilityofthestudent.However,[students]can,inmostcases,takewiththemthefinancialaidfunds theywouldhaveusedonthehomecampustopayforhousingandmeals.Dependinguponthecountrytheydotheirexchangein,thiscanbeenoughto live quite well for a semester and even coverpersonaltravelexpenses.” With programs provided through a third party,studentstypicallycannotapplythefinancialaidfromtheir home campus. Thus, study abroad throughthird-party providers may cost the student moreout-of-pocket.However,bothPetersonandHolmesnotethattheseproviderstendtooffermoreservices.According to Holmes, a third-party provider is “abusiness looking for customers.” Thus, the highercosttendstocomewithanumberofextras,includingbuilt-in“excursionsandotheractivities”aswellas

Paying For Study Abroad Yes, You CAN Afford It!b y S c o t t C r a w f o r d

You may be able

to use your

financial aid and

scholarships for

an overseas


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“on-site staff that are regularly involved with thestudents.” In evaluating this trade-off between costs andservices,Petersonbelievesthatstudentsneedtolookat their own individual needs and circumstances.Abilateralexchange“mayoffernothingmorethandirect enrollment at the university abroad, whichmaynotbethebestoptionforstudentswhoarenotquitereadyforsuchanindependentexperience,”henotes.“Studentswhowanttheadditionalguidance…andon-sitedirectorthatprovidersgenerallyoffermayfindthatthosebenefitsoutweightheadditionalcost.” Studentsdonotalwayshavetochoosebetweencostsavingsorbetterservices,however.AccordingtoKenyaCasey,assistantdirectorforEmoryUniversity’sCenterforInternationalProgramsAbroadinAtlanta,many third-party providers are able to offset theirhigher costs for students by offering scholarshipsdirectlythroughtheirprograms.“Many…providers,suchasSIT,haveseveralneed-basedscholarships,”notesCasey.“EverysemesterwehavestudentswhoreceivefundingfromSIT.”Thisisfairlystandard,shesays,notingthatotherstudyabroadproviders,suchasCIEEandIES,offerbothneed-basedandmerit-based scholarships. (Visit their websites, noted onthepreviouspage,formoredetails.)

Are scholarships available?

This brings us to another category of fundingoptionstoconsider:scholarships.Besidesscholarshipsofferedbythird-partyproviders,Casey,PetersonandHolmesnote that therearenumerousscholarshipsoffered specifically for study abroad purposes byexternal agencies. These include the BenjaminA.Gilman Scholarship ( and StudyAbroad Scholarship(, both ofwhichcanbeusedworldwide. Tohelpadvisestudents,Petersonhascompiledalistofexternalscholarshipsandhaspublishedthemon a website through his office at Berea (,studentscan search for scholarship opportunities using anumber of criteria, including region and field ofstudy. In addition to these outside funding sources,somecollegesoffertheirowninternalstudyabroad

TRACY POWERPerformer/educatorKaiser Permanente Educational Theatre ProgramsOakland, CA

DEGREE:BS, Theatre and Communications Mississippi University for Women

STUDY ABROAD:2006: Summer study abroad at Accademia dell’ArteArezzo, Italy

What is the most important thing you learned through study abroad?I gained a unique perspective on European approaches to teaching and developing theatre through the use of an ensemble. I also developed stronger personal commitment to my art through the dedication and discipline required to study commedia dell’arte.

How has study abroad helped or impacted your work?Through my studies, I developed in a variety of areas: movement and physical awareness, presence on stage, use of the whole body in collaboration (body, mind, and voice) as a tool for artistic expression, and commitment. Once I returned to the States to finish my degree, I had a renewed appreciation and dedication to my art that inspired me to push myself harder to achieve my goals. As a direct result, I became a stronger, more confident actor and was offered an acting internship with B Street Theatre in Sacramento, CA through the SETC auditions. From there, I booked the audition for my current position in Oakland, CA, with Kaiser Permanente’s Educational Theatre Programs. I have no doubt that my experiences abroad laid the foundation for my budding career, and I will forever be grateful.

How Study Abroad Changed My Life

scholarships. Often, these internal scholarshipsare aimed at programs in specific fields of study,including performing arts. In Southern Theatre’ssurvey,19of the32 respondents said their schoolsofferedscholarshipsspecifictostudyabroad.TheatrestudentsatSt.Edward’s,forexample,canapplyforscholarships,whichaveragearound$1,000each,toparticipateinfaculty-ledsummerabroadprograms.AccordingtoGordon,“financialneed,academicmeritand,tosomeextent,extra-curricularactivities”areallconsideredascriteriafortheseawards. Otherinstitutions,suchasMiddleTennesseeState

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Questions to ask your advisorr What bilateral exchange partnerships does our college/ university have with universities abroad?

r What third-party providers does our college/university work with and where are the locations of their study centers around the world?

r What study abroad opportunities exist through our college/ university specifically for my major?

r For any of the study abroad options, can I use institutional aid as well as federal and state aid to help reduce costs?

r What services are covered in the cost of each study abroad program? Or, more importantly, what is NOT included?

r What short-term study abroad options, such as travel courses or service trips, does our college/university offer?

r What scholarships are available for study abroad:

0 from our college/university?

0 from third-party providers for their programs?

0 from external sources for use worldwide or in a specific region/country?

University (MTSU) in Murfreesboro, TN, utilizestudent fees to help fund scholarships for studyabroad. Scott Boyd, professor and interim directorof theatre at MTSU, notes that a student activityfee geared toward international education creates“fairly accessible scholarships” for his studentswishingtoparticipateinMTSU’sinternationaltheatreprograms. Thelessonhere is thatsourcesof fundingexist,althoughitmaytakesomelegworktouncoverallthepossibilities.AccordingtoCasey,thislegworkwouldideallybeateameffortbetweenadvisorandstudent.“First,meetwithastudyabroadadvisortodeterminewhichscholarshipsareavailableandapplyforthemall,”shetellsherstudents.“Secondly,doyourownresearch. Iknowseveralstudentswhohavefoundscholarships by searching the Web or skimmingthroughgeneralscholarshipbooks.”Would a short-term study abroad be more


Year-longandsemester-longprogramsarenottheonlywaytogainexperienceabroadwhileincollege.Of the 262,000 U.S. undergraduate and graduatestudents who studied abroad in 2009, well over

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half (56 percent) did so through short-term travelexperiences,accordingtotheInstituteofInternationalEducation. Thistrendisparticularlytruefortheatrestudents,for whom international summer programs andwinter-breakexperiencesabound.AccordingtoBoyd,MTSUstudentscanparticipateintheatreprogramsinEnglandandotherdestinations,includingRussia,HondurasandIreland,duringsummerandwinterbreaks.EricNielsen,headofthedanceprogramatValdosta State University (VSU), in Valdosta, GA,notesthatVSUoffersanintensivefive-weeksummerprogram through the European Council (a studyabroadconsortiumofpublicuniversitiesinGeorgia),enabling theatre students to study inoneof sevencountries: England, Germany, France, Italy, Spain,RussiaorChina. Theseexperiencestendtobesignificantlyshorter,and therefore cheaper, than semester-long studyabroad.However,becausetheseexperiencestendtocomeduringbreaks,mini-mesters,summerorothertimeswhenthecollegeisnotinregularsession,thetripcostsandoftenthetuitioncostsareaboveandbeyondthestudent’sfallandspringsemestercosts.Institutionalscholarshipsoftendoexisttooffsetthesecosts,though.Boyd,NielsenandGordonallnotethattheir institutions offer scholarships for their short-terminternationaltheatreprograms. Another consideration with these shorter-termtravelcourses,accordingtoNielsen,isthedifferenceincostefficiency,aswellasotherintangiblebenefits,dependingonthelengthofstay.“Theshorter-termprogramsoftenlookmoreappealingwiththelowerfees, but the students are actually paying less perdayonthe longerprograms,”hepointsout.“Iamanadvocateforthelongerprogrambecauseitallowsstudentstoreallyfeeltheyarelivinginthecountryand allows them to more fully absorb a variety ofculturalexperiences.” Still,regardlessofthelengthofstay,theseshort-termcoursescanprovideafulfillingalternativeforthosenotreadyorabletocommittoasemesteroryear-longexperienceabroad.

How can you use your creativity to


Ifastudent researchesallof theaboveavenuesandfindsthatstudyabroadisstilloutofreach,thereisamorepragmaticoption.“[B]ecreativeandplan!”Caseyencourages.“Iffundingforstudyabroadisaconcern,youmayhavetoworkduringthesummer

tosaveand/orfundraise.” Beingcreativeshouldbenoproblemforperformingartsmajors.Besidesbakesales,yardsalesandothertraditional fundraisers, MTSU has had successutilizingthetalentsofitsstudentsasafundraisingtool. “On occasion,” notes Boyd, “we designatecertainperformancesfromourmainstageseasonoroursecondstageseasonasboxofficemoniesforacertainstudyabroadtrip.” Another effort at creative fundraising takesplaceatSt.Edward’swhere“facultyleadersoftheI-FESTprogramadvisestudentsonhowtosolicitacorporationtosponsorthem.”AccordingtoGordon:“Inexchangeforasponsorshipof$1,000orgreater,[the students] promote the corporation during theFestivalFringe[inEdinburgh].” Holmes of Campbellsville echoes the merits of

How Study Abroad Changed My LifeJOSEPH CARLSONThird-year MFA studentVirginia Commonwealth University (VCU)

Professional clown and actor

DEGREE:BFA, Theatre Performance, VCU

STUDY ABROAD:2007: Three weeks in Belgrade, Ser-bia, studying physical story telling with The Dah Theatre, through VCU

What is the most important thing you learned through study abroad?To be a traveler, a guest; the wonder of being a stranger in a strange land; and the great thrill of embarking on an adventure across the world into a great unknown that demands courage and an open heart.

How has study abroad helped or impacted your work?We traveled 5,000 miles to work with women dedicated to telling stories of value to their homeland – stories that were capable of influencing, and did in fact influence, social change. That experience was one of many that aided me in being able to define myself as a citizen artist, one that feels a responsibil-ity in my community to create art that is evocative, vital and transformational. They were masters of their craft and helped me to recognize the innovative master teachers I was lucky enough to have, which in turn led to my decision to pursue an MFA in two specialized and innovative performance methods – utilizing the methods of Ritual Poetic Drama within the African Continuum and Archetypes for the Actor.

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creativityandhardwork,pointingtomanystudentswho have worked summer jobs and weekends tohelppayfortheirstudyabroadexperiences.Healsopointstothosewhohavesuccessfullyraisedfundsintheircommunitythroughchurches,localbusinessesandevenacrosstheInternet,especiallywhenservicelearning will play some role in the study abroadexperience. “For hands-on type programs whereassisting the host community in some way is thegoal,therewillalwaysbepeoplewillingtohelpthestudentstoraisethemoneytomakeithappen.”Is it worth the cost?

Regardless of how they finance study abroad,studentsmustdotheirownevaluationofwhattheyhopetogainfromtheexperienceandwhetherornotitwillbeworthittothem. “Ofcourse,Iwantasmanystudentsaspossibletogoabroad,”Holmessays,“butIfeelmorallyobligatedtotalkwithstudentsabouttheeffectsofloandebt.” Thus,Holmesencouragesstudentstomakesurestudy abroad fits in with their overall academicandcareerplan.“Doyourhomeworkandchooseaprogramthatofferscoursesthatwillcounttowards

yourdegree.…Talkwithpeopleinthefieldyouwanttogointoandseewhattheythinkaboutstudyingabroad.Willithelpyourchancesoffindingajob?Orisitlearningandtravelforitsownsakethatisthemostimportanttoyou?Reallythinkaboutitdeeply,especially if your only way to accomplish it is byfinancing.” Undoubtedly there are many students whobelieve study abroad is indeed worth it, far morethan the under two percent who actually embarkontheopportunity.Thus,advisorsshouldcontinueto provide the sound and hopeful advice CaseyoffersherstudentsatEmory:“Iadvisestudentsnotto ‘assume’ theycannotafford tostudyabroad.…Planningisthekey!” Byfollowingthisadvice,perhapsmoreofthoseeager students who raise their hands at freshmanorientationwillseethattheyactuallycanaffordtofollow their passions overseas.As Holmes pointsout:“Nooneeverlooksbackandregretsstudyingabroad.”n

A state university with 2,900 students, Lander provides the atmosphere of a private college at a public school cost.

• Bachelor’s degree program in mass communication and theatre with emphasis in media or theatre; minors in musical theatre, mass communication, speech and theatre, and dance

• Participation in state and regional speech and theatre organizations and competitions

• More than 35 student drama, dance, instrumental and voice concerts each year

• Opportunities for scholarships, on- and off-campus internships, and theatre production experience

Scott Crawford is director of the Global Community Center at Lees-McRae College in Banner Elk, NC.

Website listing







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LLondon and New York share claim to being thetheatrecapitaloftheworld.Somewillargue,myselfincluded, that London outshines NewYork as theworld’s theatre mecca, largely because the publicandprivatesectorstendtosupporttheatremoreintheUnitedKingdomthanintheUnitedStates.Whatcan’tbeargued,however,isthatnotheatrestudent’seducationiscompleteuntilheorshehasmadeapil-grimagetobothcities.ThisarticlewillhelpstudentsandfacultyplansoloandgrouptripstoLondon.AIRFARE

Ifyou’retravelingbyyourselforwithoneortwoothers,youmightchooseto“wingit”andchecktheInternet for bargain flights, but if you’re planninggroup travel, then advance booking is required.Bookingticketsdirectlymightbelessexpensivethanusingatravelagent,butyouwilllikelyfindthatthesmall mark-up an agent charges is well worth theconvenience.Beadvised,however,thatifyoubookthroughatravelagent,onlythetravelagentcanadjusttravelplans,asIdiscoveredinMay2010whentheBritishAircabincrewunionwentonstrikeandmygrouphadtorescheduleitsreturnflight.LODGING

AgreatplacetostayifyouaretakingstudentsisTheGeneratorYouthHostel( in Bloomsbury near the BritishMuseum.That’swhereIstayedthelastthreetimesIledstudentgroupstoLondon.It’safive-minutewalkfromtheRussellSquaretubestop,whichisonlythreestopsonthePiccadillyLinefromLeicesterSquare,theheartoftheWestEnd.Afurtherconvenienceoflodg-ingonthePiccadillyLineisthatitconnectsdirectlytoHeathrowAirport,whichsimplifiesgrouptravel.The Generator is clean, inexpensive, convenient,safeandwell-staffed.Itis,however,ahostel,whichmeansitisabare-bonesexperience.Don’texpecttoringforroomservice–there’snophoneintheroom!Eachroomhasasink,butbathroomsandshowersaredownthehall.Includedintherateisaverybasiccontinentalbreakfast,butreasonablypricedfullmeals

areavailable.Forstudentgroups,TheGeneratorgetstwothumbsupfromme.Onecaution,though:Ifyouneedclassroomspace,you’llhavetofendforyourself.Imadearrangementswithmanagersofcoffeeshopsandpubstoholdclassesduringnon-peakhours. Ifahosteldoesn’tappealtoyou,investigateavail-abledormspaceataLondonuniversityorseekhotelreferralsfromatravelagent.GETTING AROUND TOWN

For £25.80 you can buy a seven-day Travelcardthat allows unlimited access to the extensive andconvenient London Underground (aka The Tube)and to overland buses, many of which are stilldouble-decker.Easy-to-readmapsmakebothmodessimpletouse,butridethebusonlywhenyou’renotinahurryandjustwanttoseethesights.Londonisdividedintotravelzones.Travelcardsareavailableforallzones,butmosttheatresandthemaintour-ist attractions are in zones 1 and 2, so economizeby buying passes for these two zones only (,gettingtoandfromHeathrowfromzones1and2willrequirebuyinganextensionfor£3.50.Beyondthetravelpass,comfortablewalkingshoesareamust.You’llwalkalot.WHAT TO SEE AND DO

Leicester Square and the West End:As Broadwayis toNewYork, theWestEnd is the theatre centerofLondon.Fortourism’ssake,Londonhascreatedsomething called Theatreland, which includes theWestEnd.LeicesterSquareisTheatreland’svirtualcapital ( LeicesterSquareandenvironsarethrongedwithvenerableoldtheatres,pubs,restaurantsanddiscountticketvendors.Butavoidthesecommercialvendorsandgo toLeicesterSquare’sTKTSbooth,which iscomparabletoNewYork’shalf-pricedTKTSboothinTimesSquarebutwithoutthewait.Itsitsapartfromthesurroundinghurly-burlyinafreestandingkioskatthebottomofLeicesterSquare.Dailyupdatesclearlylisttheshowsforwhichsharplydiscountedticketsareavailable.UnlikeitsNewYorkcounterpart,Leicester


b y G e o r g e H i l l o w

Tips for Planning a Study Abroad

From Theatreland

to Shakespeare’s

Globe to

Speakers Corner,

you’ll find plenty

to see in London,

arguably the

theatre capital of

the world.

Page 49: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by


How Study Abroad Changed My Life

LISA ROST-WELLINGActor and singerCo-founder, Troika Theatre Company, London, England

DEGREE:BA, Theatre, Meredith CollegeRaleigh, NC

STUDY ABROAD:Summer 2002: Italy, Switzerland and England, through Meredith College.

What is the most important thing you learned through study abroad?Rost-Welling: I think the most important thing I learned was just how much I was capable of. I have no doubt that I would be a very different person now if I hadn’t taken the chance to study abroad. Bunnell-Thompson: The theatre culture here is rich, engaging, provoking and downright addictive. I guess the most important thing I learned was that I could be a part of it; the world I was idolizing was accessible to me.

How has study abroad helped or impacted your work?We’ve both had varied experiences working in London theatre, ranging from off-off the West End, through fringe theatre, on up to the West End itself. Re-turning here as residents, we knew we wanted to be a part of this industry, but in doing so, we wanted to bring something new and different. We have recently teamed up with a London musical director to form Troika Theatre Company and are currently in the initial stages of recruitment and establishing our objec-tives. Our principal focus is to showcase up-and-coming talent in a polished and professional atmosphere to industry professionals and the general public. There’s a satisfying sense of belonging that you get when you look back to when you saw London for the first time, this impressive, imposing city full of history and experience, wondering how you’d ever take it all in, and to look at it all now and think, “I’m a part of that.”

Square’sTKTSboothhardlyeverhasawaitofmorethanfiveminutes.Atthekiosk,pickupaTheatrelandmapandguide.Updatedweekly,itcross-listsshowtitleswithabout60theatres,40ofwhichareintheWest End and only a short walk from TKTS. Mapinsets give locations for dozens of venues beyondtheWestEnd,suchasShakespeare’sGlobe,theRoyalNationalTheatre,theAlmeidaandtheOldVic. Dependinguponthelengthofyourvisit,considerbuyingadvance-saleticketsonlyforthoseshowsthatyou’re absolutely sure you want to see, then takepotluckattheTKTSbooth.AllWestEndproductionshaveanonlinegroupsalespresencethatissimpletoaccess,andmostofferattractivediscounts,dependinguponthesizeofyourgroup.Dealdirectlywiththetheatreortheproductioncompanytosavemark-upfeesfromticketbrokers.Whereveryoupurchasetick-ets,alwaysgetaconfirmationnumberforeachsale.AndIpreferthesafetyofhavingthetheatreholdtheticketsat“WillCall”intheboxoffice. Covent Garden: AlsoonthePiccadillyLine,Cov-ent Garden is a short walk from Leicester Square.AtoneendstandsSt.Paul’sChurch,whereGeorgeBernardShawintroducedElizaDoolittletoProfessorHenryHiggins.TheRoyalOperaHouseandmanytheatresareadjacenttoCoventGarden.MostnotableamongthemisTheatreRoyalDruryLane,whichhasstood and fallen on the same site four times sincethe Restoration. Don’t miss its famously fun andinformativebackstagetourgivenbyactorsinperiodcostumes.CoventGarden itself isoneofLondon’smost popular tourist destinations. During the day,amazingstreetperformersjuggleknivesandflamingbatonsoncobblestonedstreets,andbuskersentertainin the evening. Covent Garden began as a marketcenterintheMiddleAgesanditneverquit.Itstillboastsfabulousopenairmarkets,exoticboutiques,top-notch flea markets with bargains aplenty, andcountlessrestaurantsandpubsforeverybudget.

Beyond the West End: No theatre trip to LondoniscompletewithoutseeingshowsatShakespeare’sGlobe and the Royal National Theatre.AmericanactorSamWannamaker,fatherofactressZoe,spear-

JO BUNNELL-THOMPSONFreelance stage managerCo-founder, Troika Theatre Company, London, England

DEGREE:BA, Theatre, Meredith CollegeRaleigh, NC

STUDY ABROAD:Fall 2005: Semester in London, through program at Goldsmiths, University of London

Trip to England

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headed the drive to recreate the originalGlobeasexactlyaspossibleontheSouthBankoftheThamesnotfarfromwheretheoriginalsat intheearly17thCentury.Thephysical space of the theatre sheds enor-mousdramaturgicallightonShakespeare’sown theatre, which was Wannamaker’sintent. I recommend attending matineesin sunlight, which is how Shakespeare’saudiencewouldhaveseenhiswork.GlobeEducation offers workshops for studentgroups, and the Globe Underground isanextensiveandcomprehensivemuseumspacewellworthtwohoursoftime.AfunwaytogettotheGlobeistotaketheTubeto St. Paul’s Cathedral, then walk acrossthe Thames on the pedestrians-only Mil-lenniumBridge.AsyoucrosstheThames,you’llseetheTateModern,amodern-artgalleryconvertedfromapowerplantthatiswellworthanothertwohours. A20-minuteambleuptheThamesfromthe Globe is the Royal National Theatre.NotfarfromWestminsterAbbeyandthe

Houses of Parliament, it will make youwonderwhywedon’thavesuchathingintheU.S.Itincludesthreetheatres,restau-rants, bars and technical support spaces.Make sure to take the backstage tour ofthisextraordinaryfacilityandlookatthescheduleoflectures,calledPlatformevents.Generous funding from Travelex makesbest-availableseatingavailableforonly£10,makingtheRoyalNationalTheatrethebestdealintown. Fringe Theatre: Roughly equivalent tooff-andoff-off-Broadway,FringeTheatreinLondonismorechallengingtoaccessthanitsbigbrotherintheWestEnd.Performancerunsare shorterandare lesspredictable,sobuyingticketsmonthsinadvanceforastudentgroupcanbeproblematic,andthetheatresareinmorechallenginglocations.ButbyallmeansinvestigateFringeTheatre( The Menier Chocolate Factory, forinstance, recently was profiled in theNew York Times.InMay2010itpremiered

Paradise Found, co-directedbyHalPrinceand Susan Stroman and starring MandyPatinkin.Butit’soffthebeatenpath;youhavetogolookingforit. Beyond Performances: Aside from thetheatresceneitself,Londonboastssuperbancillarytheatreresources.TheVictoria&AlbertMuseum(V&A),whichisperhapsthefinestmuseumofdecorativeartsintheworld,holdsTheTheatreCollection,whichused to be housed in the now-defunctTheatreMuseuminCoventGarden.ToursofTheTheatreCollectioncanbeprivatelyscheduled through the V &A.After ourtour,weheldanoutdoorlunchtimeclassintheV&A’scourtyardbuffetrestaurant.Another venerable London institution isLondon Walks ( It hasdozensofguidedwalkscateringtodiversetastes.TheatreloversshouldtakeTheOscarWildeWalk,eitherbyshowingupat thescheduledtimeandplaceorbybookingaprivatewalkatatimeofyourownchoos-ing. Make sure your guide isAlan, who

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Page 51: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by


bringsOscarWildetolifewithremarkablezestoverthecourseofaninvigoratingtwo-hourwalkthroughMayfair. A nontheatrical tradition in LondonthatstudentsoftheatrewillappreciateasimprovisationalpoliticaltheatreisSpeak-ersCorneratHydeParkCorneronSundaymornings.Beginningabout11a.m.,speak-ersofeveryilkmounttheirsoapboxesandladders and harangue passersby abouteveryvolatilesubjectunderthesun.Theyheckleandincite,theylighttheiraudience’sfuseswithhyperbole,andtheydelightinwatching the shrapnel of their bombast

inflamethecrowd.Somespeakersaretrulygifted with insights worth considering;mostaremerelyentertainingcrackpots. The tradition of Speakers Corner isunique to London. But it’s also just onemoreexampleofwhatSamuelJohnsonhadinmindwhenhefamouslysaid,“No,Sir,whenamanistiredofLondon,heistiredoflife;forthereisinLondonallthatlifecanafford.”Andthat,ofcourse,includesgreattheatre.n

Joseph P. Tilford, dean

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It all adds up:

areasaswell. “For students interested intheatre history and dramaturgy, studyabroad courses offer a refreshing changeof the academic perspective,” Warnersays. “Field studies uncover the humansideofeachhistoricalfactorclassicaltext– the ‘littlehistories,’ traditions, legacies,contextsandemotivedetailsthattypicallyaren’t found in data-packed books. Theopportunitiesforgraduateschoolresearchare endless for any student who hasdiscovered that personal and emotionalconnectionwiththepast.“

Study abroad may help in

getting into graduate school.

awayto’expandone’shorizons.’“ Shenotesthatitprovidesanopportunityforin-depthinterculturalcommunication,providing students with an understand-ingofother rituals, communitypracticesandculturalevents.“Irecommendstudyabroadasalearningexperiencethatshowscharacterandresolveinastudent,inaddi-tiontothethirstforknowledgecontentthatonemightstudy,”Carversays.

Hands-on learning can bring

courses to life.

10 Ways Study Abroad Gives You a Jump on Your Career(Continued from Page 23)

Tessa Carr is an assistant professor of performing arts at Lees-McCrae College in Banner Elk, NC, and a member of the Southern Theatre Editorial Board.

George Hillow, head of design at Christopher Newport University in Virginia, has led numerous student groups on study abroad trips to London.


1 0

Study abroad demonstrates commit-ment,disciplineandcuriosityabouttheatre–andthereforeitcanraisetheappealofastudent applying to graduate programs,according to Heather Carver, director ofgraduate studies in the Department ofTheatreattheUniversityofMissouri. “As a director of graduate studies intheatre,Iamveryinterestedinstudentswhohaveaddedtotheirundergraduateeducationthrough studying abroad, as they demon-stratemotivation,responsibilityandakeeninterest in interactive, hands-on, challeng-ing learning endeavors – exactly the skillsnecessaryforsuccessinagraduateprogram,”shesays.“Studyingabroadismorethanjust

Curtisnotesthatshetookseveraltripsabroad during graduate school. But shebelieves that beginning study abroadearlierwouldhavebeenbeneficial inherwork,duetothehands-onnatureofstudyoverseas. “My only regret is that I did not takethesetripsearlierinmyacademiccareer,”shesays.“Ilearnedsomuch,butIwonderhowmuchmorebeneficialitwouldhavebeenyearsearlierwhenIknewless?Wouldtheatre history courses have made moresenseafterIactuallystoodonthegroundwheretheeventsIwasstudyinghadtakenplace?Would I have had more ideas orpersonal experiences to draw from as adesigner?Ithinktheanswerwouldhavebeenadefiniteyes.”n

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RESOURCES:Surfing For Study Abroad Programs

Inadditionto thestudyabroadprogramsofferedthroughindividualcollegesanduniversities,you’llfindmanymoreofferedthroughnonprofitorganizations,businessesandconsortiums.


Third-party providers

Visit these websites and punch in your search criteria to find study abroadopportunitiesaroundtheglobe.SIT Study on International Educational Exchange(CIEE):www.ciee.orgInstitute for the International Education of Students(IESAbroad):www.iesabroad.orgCAPA International

Consortiums for study abroad


Other sites that include study and work abroad opportunities

Dance study and work collection of information on arts programs, both domestic and

international: www.artslynx.orgMostly national opportunities, but some London work appears on the Theatre

Communications Group’s job bank: for theatre jobs throughout the world: www.stagejobspro.comInternational Network for Contemporary Performing Arts: www.ietm.orgCanadian Drama website: www.drama.caGuide to theatre in London: University Global Theatre Experience, which offers a list of short-

term training events, both domestic and abroad:

A sampling of overseas schools with study abroad opportunities

Lecoq School (France) School (Italy) International Theatre Laboratory (Bulgaria):www.rhodopi.orgThe Commedia School (Denmark):

- Amile Wilson

Page 53: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by


b y P h i l i p G . H i l l

Stage Money: The Business of the Professional Theaterby Tim Donahue and Jim Patterson 2010, University of South Carolina 173 ISBN 978-1-57003-906-5 (hardcover) $49.95ISBN 978-1-57003-907-2 (paperback) $24.95

Words, words, words… [Hamlet II,ii] reviews books on theatre that have a connection to the Southeast or may be of special interest to SETC members. Scott Phillips, an associate professor at Auburn University, edits this regular column. If you have a book for review, please send to: SETC, Book Editor, P.O. Box 9868, Greensboro, NC 27429-0868.

WORDS, WORDS, WORDS. . . Editor: Scott Phillips

G et the Callback: The Art of Audition-

ing for Musical Theatre by JonathanFlomisabookyouwillwanttoread.Donot borrow a copy from the library, norshould you read your best friend’s copy.Pleasedonotstandinthebookstoreandperusethepages.Youneedtobuyacopyofthisbook. Whenyoureadthisbook,youshoulddosoarmedwithahighlighterandapencil.Youshouldwritenotesinthemarginsandunderscore particularly inspiring and/orpertinentpassages.Youmayevenwanttohaveyourownjournalbyyoursidesothatyoucanmakenotesandentriesbasedontheinformationyouwillglean. Therearemanybooksonauditioning.

However,JonathanFlomhasputtogetherone that stands out by creating a perfectbalancebetweenthelargerpictureoftheartandbusinessofauditioningandthemuch

F ulldisclosure:Ifirstreadthisbookinmanuscriptandofferedsuggestions,

someofwhichitsauthorsapparentlyhaveadopted.Onreadingthepublishedversion,Istillfinditintenselyinterestingandveryvaluable. Its authors describe Stage Money:

The Business of Professional Theater as a“cynical book,” focusing on how playproductions are financed in the U.S. intheearly21stCentury.Itis“notahow-tobookontheaterproducing,”butabookon“howtheaterispaidfor.”Tothatend,theauthors marshal a compelling array ofstatistics and production details withextraordinary completeness, at least inrespect to the Broadway theatre. Alsoincludedarestatisticsfromthenation’snot-for-profit theatres, as well as some othercommercial theatre activities. Although“Broadway” theatre can be definitivelyidentified, there is no generally agreedupondefinitionof“professional” theatreoutsideofBroadway;theauthorsadmitthislimitationandusesamplingtechniquestodocumenttherestoftheiruniverseasfullyastheycan. Oneoftheco-authors,Donahue,holdsanMBA,andhisexpertiseinlegalstructures,financial statistics and economic theoryshapes the book. Donahue’s co-author isan emeritus theatre professor, a director

andawriterontheatre,andthefactthattheartisthereasonforthemoneyisneveroverlooked.Manytheatrepeopleeschewmathematics, money and legalisms assomehow foreign to their art, but thisbookdemonstrateshowcentraltotheatreart these seemingly dreary matters are,anditdoessoineminentlyreadable,evenentertaining,form.Inshort,theeschewersaretheverypeoplewhomostneedtoreadthebook. I had thought for decades that Iunderstood as much about Broadwayproducing as anyone without the actualexperience,butIlearnedmuchthatIdidn’tknowbefore.Ihavebeenawarefordecadesoftheincreasingimportanceofthenot-for-profitprofessionaltheatre(NFP),butthisbookexploresthesymbioticrelationshipsamongNFPsandBroadwayandtheRoadin truly enlightening ways. I thought Iunderstoodwhyticketpriceshaveinflatedhorrendously during my lifetime, whileactors struggled to survive, but I didn’tknowthehalfofit.Inshort,IthinkStage

Money has something important to offertoeveryonewithaseriousinterestintheAmericantheatre. One warning: The facts and figurescome,forthemostpart,fromthefirstdecadeof this century, and are supplementedrightupto thepublicationdate. But thedata will date quickly, as the authorsdemonstrate by discussing the effectsof the current recession and speculatingabout what recovery from that recessionmayentail.Theyoffertheirwebsite( as a source of more up-to-datestatistics,butthebookwillalmostcertainlysufferasnewfactscausetheoldonestoappeardated. Readitnow.n

Philip G. Hill is professor emeritus of drama at Furman University in Greenville, SC.

Page 54: Is Study Abroad for You?...Volume LII Number 1 • Winter 2011 • $8.00 Is Study Abroad for You? Yes, You Can Afford It! How Study Abroad Can Help Your Career Programs Offered by


Index for Southern Theatre, Volume LI

Paolino, Ray 400 Words Violate This! Tossing the Gauntlet Down to Copyright Infringers LI/4/2010/4Menchinger, Brent Outside the Box: Design-Tech Solutions Rock Construction: Make Your Own Formable Fabric LI/4/2010/6-7St. Peter, Richard Social Media Marketing Takes Center Stage LI/4/2010/8-19Wilson, Amile YouTube Previews: Videos Help ATL Reach Younger Audience LI/4/2010/9Clark-Roland, Quiana Facebook Fundraising: LCT Raises Money, Profile with Chase Community Giving LI/4/2010/11Wilson, Amile Contests: Alliance Theatre Invites Singers to Compete on YouTube LI/4/2010/12Allen, Alice High Schools: Paul Dunbar Involves Students in Facebook Events LI/4/2010/14Thompson, Deanna Social Media Onstage: Romeo and Juliet Are on Facebook, Orlando Sends Tweets LI/4/2010/16Balthrop, David Education: NYFA Turns Fans into Paying Students LI/4/2010/18

2010 Charles M. Getchell AwardBurch, Steve The Playwright: Alice Shen Alice Shen Finds New Inspiration as a Playwright LI/4/2010/21-22 Shen, Alice The Play: ENTITLED by Alice Shen LI/4/2010/23-31

Koenig, Hardy Words, Words, Words... Review of Get the Callback: The Art of Auditioning for Musical Theatre by Jonathan Flom LI/4/2010/32

Volume LI, Number 1, Winter 2010Burch, Steve 400 Words When is a Strip ... a Strip? LI/1/2010/4Koenig, Hardy The ABC’s of Degrees: Which One Is Right for Your Career Plan LI/1/2010/7 Paolino, Ray From Classroom to Profession Internships, Apprenticeships Offer Opportunity to Learn on the Job, Connect with Employers LI/1/2010/8-17

2010 SETC College, University & Training Program Directory LI/1/2010/D-1 - D-16

Arts EntrepreneursHardin, Chris Playwright Taps Power of Web to Create New Way of Marketing Plays LI/1/2010/20, 23Gillman, Denise Actress Uses Skills to Create Audio Tours for Museums, Other Sites LI/1/2010/22-23Hillow, George Broadway Props Master Finds Niche Renting Items for Film/TV, Print Media LI/1/2010/24-25Brown, Doug Designer Builds Business Working for Corporate, Church and Arts Clients LI/1/2010/26-27Wilson, Amile Actor Finds Market for One-Man Show in Universities, French Classes LI/1/2010/28,31Mielke, Matthew Teacher-Performers Bring Equity Professional Theatre to Hometown LI/1/2010/30-31Carr, Tessa Youth Theatre Director Partners with Business to Educate Kids on Health LI/1/2010/32, 35Willis, Steve Spoken Word Poet Creates Buzz through Performances, Networking LI/1/2010/34-35

Paolino, Ray 400 Words Acting is CHEAP! LI/2/2010/4Thonen, Jessica Outside the Box: Design-Tech Solutions Faux Carved Wood: Take a Positive Approach for Great Green Results LI/2/2010/6-7,31Lapidus, Jerry Don’t Sign Yet! How to Negotiate a Professional Contract LI/2/2010/8-14, 31Moore, Tracey Musical Theatre: Create a Hit with a Staged Reading LI/2/2010/16-22, 31Kern, Kevin P. Schooled at Holman: What 10 Prisoners Taught Me About Shakespeare LI/2/2010/25-30Qualls, Chris Words, Words, Words... Review of The Art of Clowning by Eli Simon LI/2/2010/32

Volume LI, Number 2, Spring 2010

Volume LI, Number 4, Fall 2010

Stellhorn, David Outside the Box: Design-Tech Solutions X-Brace Platforming: X Plus I Equals an Easier- to-Install, Quieter Platform LI/3/2010/6-7Guthrie, H. Duke ... 5,6,7,8 Tips for Making It in Musical Theatre from Titus Burgess LI/3/2010/8-13Thompson, David Dennis Wemm Honored with Suzanne Davis Award LI/3/2010/14Allen, Alice & 2010 SETC Young Scholar’s Award Winners Robinson, Mary LI/3/2010/18Hillow, George Judith Malina Keeping the Revolution Alive for a New Generation LI/3/2010/20-23, 31Carr, Tessa Theatre for Social Change in the Classroom: Auburn Professor Uses Volunteer Work to Link Civic Engagement, Playwriting LI/3/2010/22-23Litsey, Diane Liz Lerman Encourages Artists to ... Look Beyond Traditional Stage Success, Embrace Ideas from Other ‘Worlds’ and Create Art that Truly Engages People LI/3/2010/24-30Carr, Tessa Skin Deep Troupe: Using Theatre for Social Change on Campus LI/3/2010/30Secore, Scott Words, Words, Words... Review of Fine on Acting: A Vision of the Craft by Howard Fine (with Chris Freeman) LI/3/2010/32

Balthrop, David 400 Words Want to Collaborate? Let’s Talk (and I Mean Talk, not Text!) LI/3/2010/4

Volume LI, Number 3, Summer 2010

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Senior ShowcaseThe only undergraduate program in Virginia that produces acting showcases for seniors in NYC, LA & Chicago

Guest Artist ProgramFeaturing nationally recognized guest artists to conduct week-long master classes

Guest Director Program Two of Theatre VCU’s four annual main stage productions are directed by renowned professional directors

MFA, PEDAGOGY dramatic literature & dramaturgy voice & speech performance movement & musical theatre

MFA, SCENIC & COSTUME DESIGNa unique 2-3 year graduate program practical training professional mentoring

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