
Is PHP7 is right for your next website Development Project

Stream Handlers

Allows you to extend the FileSystem with logic that is quite difficult to perform in other languages

Standard Class as a Neat Container

An array for holding several attributes can be replace with a standard class, which is particularly helpful in a string while accessing these variables

Build Return Value of Include Files

Include files have a default return value. And it is possible to assign it to a variable.

Functions with number of arguments

func_get_args() provides the ability to use functions with an undefined number of arguments

The Brand Spanking New Zend Engine

func_get_args() provides the ability to use functions with an undefined number of arguments

Better Facilitates Error Handling

The new Engine Exceptions will allow you to replace these kind of errors with exceptions

Now support 64-Bit Windows Systems

Allowing you to confidently run the language on your 64-bit Windows system in the future

Spaceship Null Coalescing Operators

spacehip operator returns 0 if both operands are equal, 1 if the left is greater, and -1 if the right is greater.

Enables Accurate Type Declarations

Allow developers to denote that they are expecting integers, floats, strings, or booleans to be returned

Cleans Up code with stander Method

Help to Developer to find the perticular script by following the stande Method of Coding

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