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Inclusion in Early Childhood Settings: Rights and Responsibilities


Presented by Abby Cohen, NCCIC Technical Assistance Specialist for Administration for Children and Families Region IX

May, 2010

This presentation provides information, not legal advice.



BackgroundLaws, with an emphasis on ADAResources



Who Are the Children We Are Talking About?


Who and How Many Children Are We Talking About?

11.3 million children younger than the age of 5 are enrolled in some form of child care

21.8 percent of households have a child with a special health care need

Approximately 10.2 million children younger than the age of 18 have a special health care need

Sources: Fertility & Family Statistics Branch, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division, U.S. Census Bureau. (2008). Who’s minding the kids? Child care arrangements: Spring 2005: Detailed tables. Retrieved March 9, 2009, from; Maternal and Child Heath Bureau, Health Resource and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2008). The national survey of children with special health care needs, Chartbook 2005–2006. Retrieved March 9, 2009, from


Who and How Many Children Are We Talking About (con.)?

A recent study found that approximately 13 percent of children in its sample had developmental delays, thus eligible for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C services

For purposes of comparison, in 2002, Part C served 2.2 percent of children younger than 3

Source: Rosenberg, S. A., Zhang, D., & Robinson, C. C. (2008, June). Prevalence of developmental delays and participation in early intervention services for young children. Pediatrics, 121(6). Retrieved March 9, 2009, from


Who and How Many Children Are We Talking About (con.)?

Head Start (HS), requires that at least 10 percent of children served be those with disabilities

The latest data show that in 2006, 13 percent of enrolled children had a disability, with 49 percent diagnosed before entering HS and 51 percent diagnosed during the program year

Source: Center For Law and Social Policy. (2008, June). Head Start participants, programs, families, and staff in 2006. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from


Laws Relevant to Inclusionin Child Care Settings

Federal and State LawsImpacting Inclusion



History of discrimination

Attitudes toward people with disabilities

Law both leads and follows

Recognizing benefits of inclusion


Distinguishing Types of Laws

Enactment of laws to protect civil rights Concern with discrimination by

public accommodations Concern with discrimination by

publicly funded entitiesEnactment of laws to provide

services by entitlement


Primary Federal Laws

Civil rights laws Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

of 1973 applies to federally funded programs

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 provide equal rights to public accommodations


Primary Federal Laws, con.

Entitlements to services IDEA of 1975 provides specified

services by right to eligible persons with disabilities; reauthorized in 2004


ADA Structure

Prohibits discrimination in or by the following: Employment (Title I) State and local governments (Title

II) Public accommodations (Title III) Public transportation (Title II[b] and

Title III[b]) Telecommunications (Title IV)


ADA Definition of Disability

A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

When determining whether a disability is present, mitigating or corrective measures are not taken into account (e.g., medicine or prosthesis)


Major Life Activities

Federal law defines major life activities to include the following: Walking Seeing Hearing Learning Taking care of oneself


ADA Protects Several Groups

Individuals with disabilities as defined by ADA

Individuals with a record of having disabilities

Individuals who are regarded as having disabilities

Individuals or entities associated with people with disabilities


Direct Threat: A Narrow Exception

Rarely, people with disabilities who pose a significant risk to others may be excluded if risk cannot be eliminated by modifications Exclusion due to risk is an

exceptional case; this is not the typical child who bites!


Public Accommodations

No public funding required; simply must be open to the public

Programs operated by religious organizations are exempt

Child care centers and family child care homes are covered

U.S. Territories must comply; Tribes cannot be sued by individuals, but can

be sued by the Federal Government


When Programs Are Required to Admit a Child With a Disability

Scenario: A parent requests to enroll his/her child

with a disability in a child care program The program should evaluate the

individual needs of the child with a disability

The program should follow the evaluation process to determine the child’s/program’s rights and responsibilities


Does the child’s condition pose a direct threat?

Renovated area and new facilities (after 1/26/96) must be fully compliant with ADA Accessibility Guideline regulations

Is this a new facility or are major renovations being made?

Identify ways to reasonably accommodate the needs of the child.

This child cannot be reasonably accommodated at this point. Reassess when the direct threat can be eliminated

This child cannot be reasonably accommodated at this point. Reassess when the direct threat can be eliminated

Can the direct threat be eliminated through reasonable modifications?

Yes No

Do you need to reasonably modify policies, practices, and procedures to accommodate the child?

Do you need to remove any architectural barriers from an already existing facility to accommodate the child?

Will providing this impose an undue burden or fundamentally alter the nature of your program?

Will changing policies and practices fundamentally alter the nature of your program?

Will removing barriers be readily achievable?

The child can be reasonably accommodated. Admit the child into your program.

The child can be reasonably accommodated. Admit the child into your program.

This child does not need to be accepted by your program now. If reasonably possible, set long-term goals to enable your program to meet similar needs in the future.

This child does not need to be accepted by your program now. If reasonably possible, set long-term goals to enable your program to meet similar needs in the future.








No Yes



No Yes


Does the child need auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication?

Are there any reasonable alternatives to accommodate the child?




What Must Providers Do?

Develop eligibility/admissions criteria that do not screen out or tend to screen out persons with disabilities

Make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, and procedures

Provide for equally effective communication

Comply with physical access requirements


Overarching Notion of Reasonable Accommodations

Examine program resources, tax credits and deductions (IRS Code Sections 44 and 190), and any available community resources

Provide individualized assessment What is reasonable is based on

conditions at a particular point in time, and this can change!



Must eliminate all eligibility criteria that explicitly state children with disabilities cannot be included

Must eliminate admissions criteria such as “toilet trained,” unless it is clear that this does not apply to children with disabilities

May impose legitimate safety requirements if necessary for safe operation


Eligibility: Charges

Providers may not impose a surcharge on a person with a disability to cover the costs of measures that are required under ADA

States are not precluded from paying more under ADA (in other words, there may be a special needs subsidy rate)


Modification of Policies, Practices, and Procedures

Providers are required to make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, and procedures unless the changes would fundamentally alter the nature of the program

If a modification would fundamentally alter the program, providers must determine if a reasonable alternative exists


Examples Changing snack time or nap time Eliminating a no-medication policy Doing blood-prick testing Providing visual cues of transitions Assisting with the positioning of a leg

brace Allowing specialists to work with a

child during program hours

What examples do you have?


Fundamental Alteration

Very limited exception Requires more than discomfort

or inconvenience Must “turn the program upside

down” Insulin injection may be

fundamental alteration


Medication Administration/Health Procedures

Must administer medication if it is considered a reasonable accommodation (Alvarez v. Fountainhead, 55 F. Supp.2d.1048, N.D. Cal. 1999)

Several States require specialized training in medication administration (e.g., CO, CT, DE, NY, UT, WV, WY)

Settlements involving the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ): Inhalers, Epi-Pens, and blood-prick testing

In CA: With conditions, insulin pumps, G-tube feeding, glucagon injections


Effective Communication

Ensure the provision of effective communication Provide auxiliary aids and services

Not required if it would result in a fundamental alteration or undue burden (i.e., a significant difficulty or expense)



Buying large print booksLearning sign language with an

infant or toddlerUsing picture cards


Removing Barriers to Physical Access

Three situations Existing facilities Major alterations/renovations to

facilities Newly constructed facilities


Existing Facilities

Buildings built or renovated before 1993 undertake “readily achievable” architectural modifications

Readily achievable means easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense



Permanent or temporary ramps Grab bars in restrooms Wide doorways Furniture placement

Have you done an accessibility assessment?



Alterations means changes that affect usability (i.e., remodeling and renovation)

If made after 1992, the facility shall be made to ensure that, to maximum extent feasible, altered portions are readily accessible and usable; effectively follow ADA accessibility guidelines, with some distinctions


New Construction

Child care facilities built or major renovations made after January 26, 1993, must comply with the ADA Accessibility Guidelines

Guidelines for children’s environments and play areas have been developed, but are not yet U.S. DOJ regulations


Access Guidelines

Extensive information about access guidelines is available at

Information includes play area guide and FAQs



Law is enforced via private lawsuits or by the U.S. DOJ

DOJ can seek imposition of civil penalties up to $55,000 for the first violation


Title II(a) Provisions

Nondiscrimination in governmental/public body services, programs, and activities

Includes school district programs, park and recreation, etc.


Distinctive Provisions

“Qualified” individual with a disability: Must meet essential eligibility requirements for receipt of services

Someone who poses a direct threat is not qualified

A public entity may offer separate or special programs, but individuals with disabilities cannot be denied access to standard programs


Distinctive Provisions, con.

Must provide “program accessibility” unless to do so would create a fundamental alteration or undue financial or administrative burden; consider possible alternatives

Determination should be made by head of agency (with written findings)


Distinctive Provisions, con.

Must provide equally effective communication unless to do so would create a fundamental alteration or undue financial or administrative burden


Title II: Administration Requirements

Develop a grievance procedure Designate a compliance officer Conduct a self-evaluation Provide information about Title II

requirements to the public

Enforced through the U.S. DOJ, Office of Civil Rights, Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Education, or through Federal district court


Section 504

Covers Federal Government executive agencies

Applies only to entities receiving Federal funds (the Child and Adult Care Food Program, the Child Care and Development Fund, HS, etc.)

Similar protections to Title II of ADA No religious exemption States have no immunity from suit In education settings, includes FAPE


State Law Equivalents

Determine if your state law parallels or provides greater protection than ADA, Section 504.



Federal entitlement to services

These are responsibilities of the states/school districts, not private programs

Part B deals with children 3 to 21 years of age Section 619 of Part B deals with children 3 to 5

years of age

Part C deals with infants and toddlers, birth to age 3


Part B

Children ages 3 to 5 who meet eligibility requirements are guaranteed a free appropriate public education (FAPE)

Services must be provided in the least restrictive environment (LRE), which includes child care settings


Eligibility Mental retardation

Hearing impairment, including deafness

Speech or language impairment

Visual impairment, including blindness

Serious emotional disturbance

Orthopedic impairment



Eligibility, con.

Traumatic brain injury Other health impairment Specific learning disability Deafness/blindness Multiple disabilities

… AND needs special education


Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

Settings other than gen ed can only be used if the nature or severity of the disability is such that regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services is not successful.


Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Children found eligible under Part B are entitled to have an IEP developed by a team including parents and professionals

This specifies the child’s special education, related services, supplementary aids and services, etc.


Part C

Eligibility includes the following: Children with developmental delays Has a diagnosed physical or mental

condition that has a high probability of resulting in developmental delay;

At state option, children at risk of having substantial developmental delays


Natural Environments

Includes a child’s home

“Community settings in which children without disabilities participate,” such as child care

It is presumed that services will be offered in natural environments because if they are not, a justification must be provided


Natural Environments con.

Settings other than natural environments can only be used if early intervention cannot be achieved satisfactorily for the infant or toddler in a natural environment.


Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP)

Children eligible under Part C are entitled to an IFSP developed by the IFSP team which includes parents and professionals

Early intervention services necessary to meet the outcomes are detailed



Access Board,

ADA homepage, U.S. DOJ,


Resources, con. Center on the Social and Emotional

Foundations for Early Learning,

Child Care Plus+: The Center on Inclusion in Early Childhood,

Center for Inclusive Child Care,

Education Law Center, National Early Childhood Technical

Assistance Center, Special Quest,


Thank You

Prepared by NCCIC

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