Page 1: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

Governorate Site Cam

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l C






Anbar Al-Khalidiya Central camp

Anbar Amriyat Al-Fallujah Camp

Anbar Bezabize Central Camp

Anbar Habbaniya Tourist City Camp

Basrah Modern IDP's Camp

Dahuk Bajet Kandala

Dahuk Berseve 1

Dahuk Berseve 2

Dahuk Chamishku

Dahuk Dawadia

Dahuk Kabarto 1

Dahuk Kabarto 2

Dahuk Khanke

Dahuk Rwanga Community

Dahuk Shariya

Diyala Al-Wand 1

Diyala Al-Wand 2

Diyala Qoratu

Erbil Baharka

Erbil Debaga 1

Erbil Harshm

Kerbala Al-Kawthar Camp

Kirkuk Bawa (Baidawa)

Kirkuk Laylan IDP

Kirkuk Nazrawa

Kirkuk Yahyawa

Missan Eyes of Missan

Ninewa Bardarash

Ninewa Essian

Ninewa Garmawa

Ninewa Mamilian

Ninewa Mamrashan

Ninewa Sheikhan

Sulaymaniyah Arbat IDP

Sulaymaniyah Ashti IDP

Sulaymaniyah Tazade

Settlement Priority Situation

The top 5 camps requiring attention are Al-Kawthar, Arbat IDP, Al-Khalidiya, Yahyawa, and Bezabize camps. WASH, Protection, Food & Health are priority sectors in formal settlements for more coordination focus.

August 2016

Site Ranking Order

The Settlement Priority Situation is a CCCM assessment of formal settlements. Priority are ranked from none to very high. The ranking is provided by trained Camp Managers, or dedicated focal points.For this tool information was provided for 36 formal settlements.





Very high

Governorate Site Score

Kerbala Al-Kawthar Camp

Sulaymaniyah Arbat IDP

Anbar Al-Khalidiya Central camp

Kirkuk Yahyawa

Anbar Bezabize Central Camp

Anbar Habbaniya Tourist City Camp

Sulaymaniyah Ashti IDP

Anbar Amriyat Al-Fallujah Camp

Dahuk Khanke

Kirkuk Bawa (Baidawa)

Ninewa Essian

Dahuk Kabarto 1

Ninewa Sheikhan

Erbil Debaga 1

Kirkuk Laylan IDP

Ninewa Mamrashan

Kirkuk Nazrawa

Ninewa Mamilian

Sulaymaniyah Tazade

Dahuk Rwanga Community

Dahuk Shariya

Ninewa Bardarash

Basrah Modern IDP's Camp

Diyala Al-Wand 1

Missan Eyes of Missan

Dahuk Berseve 2

Dahuk Dawadia

Dahuk Bajet Kandala

Dahuk Chamishku

Diyala Al-Wand 2

Diyala Qoratu

Erbil Baharka

Dahuk Kabarto 2

Dahuk Berseve 1

Erbil Harshm

Ninewa Garmawa

Level of need None Low Medium High Very High

Camp Management 22% 19% 39% 17% 3%

WASH - Water 11% 33% 31% 19% 6%

WASH - Latrines 6% 31% 33% 22% 8%

WASH - Shower 17% 31% 25% 25% 3%

WASH - Hygiene 8% 14% 36% 33% 8%

Shelter 14% 33% 28% 22% 3%

NFI 17% 42% 25% 17% 0%

Protection 14% 28% 36% 17% 6%

Child Protection 8% 19% 47% 19% 6%

Protection - GBV 14% 28% 31% 22% 6%

Food Security 8% 19% 36% 31% 6%

Nutrition 14% 28% 22% 33% 3%

Education 14% 31% 25% 19% 11%

Social Cohesion 22% 39% 17% 17% 6%

Health 11% 25% 31% 28% 6%

Page 2: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Al-Kawthar Camp Colonne1SSID IQ1203-0001

Governorate Kerbala

Person reporting Ayad Shihan Izkair

Reporting Day Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 4 MoMD

WASH - Water 5Directorate of

water,MSF and Attaba

WASH - Latrines 4Hasnawi 1-1000,

Eazoboly 1001-1250

WASH - Shower 4Hasnawi 1-1000,

Eazoboly 1001-1250

WASH - Hygiene 4 UNICEF

Shelter 3Hasnawi 1-1000,

Eazoboly 1001-1250


Protection 4 IRC, DRC

Child Protection 4 DRC

Protection - GBV 4 IRC

Food Security 4 WFP

Nutrition 4 0

Education 4 directorate of education

Social Cohesion 4 Takatof Org.

Health 4 ministery of health

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp ManagementThe camp needs more staff to be able manage all activities in camp, also they need for trasportation as the

camp is far from the city center about

WASHthey are in most need for water because the water directorate provide them with 500 ltr each 12 days, and it

is not enough for three days.

Shelterthe coming days are passing through summer, and the need for summerization needs such as water cooler,

air cooler,.. etc..

NFIThe caravans camp are need for maintaining such as roof leaking, for the caravans also are not enough to

the families who are living there, because of some *

Protectionthey is a need for a legal as more of them lost their official documents and health cases also they need for

cure and treatment

Food Security The quality, quantity are not fit to these family.

Nutrition the quality of the food is not good such as the lintels

Education There is still one secondary school not open yet, in addition to the lack of the furniture of the managment

Social Cohesionthe camp people are living far from the city center with 15 km, so the relation is not in touch too much, we can

say it is a good relation

Health There are a lot of health cases which need more financial support for medicine and operations.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 6,181

IDP Family 1,197

Ratio Individual/Family 5.16

Total special needs IDPs 890

% special needs IDPs 14%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 3: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1SSID IQ0106-0022

Governorate Anbar

Person reporting Layth Al-Azzawi

Reporting Day Sunday, June 19, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3Saba Salabol

NNGO/Local Authorities

WASH - Water 4 0

WASH - Latrines 4 0

WASH - Shower 4 0

WASH - Hygiene 4 0

Shelter 4 0

NFI 4 0

Protection 4 0

Child Protection 3 0

Protection - GBV 4 0

Food Security 4 0

Nutrition 3 0

Education 2 0

Social Cohesion 3 0

Health 4 0

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp Managementstaff in the camps managment mostly working as vulonters and not all of them are aware about camp

management. in addtion, camp manamgments tools, computers, offices are needed as well.

WASH New arrival IDPs from Fallujah ( about 2000 IDP families)

Shelter New arrival IDPs from Fallujah ( about 2000 IDP families)

NFI New arrival IDPs from Fallujah ( about 2000 IDP families), need tents

Protection Report of protection issues during last months

Food Security New arrival IDPs from Fallujah ( about 2000 IDP families)

Nutrition New arrival IDPs from Fallujah ( about 2000 IDP families)

Education summar season no school needed till Oct.

Social Cohesionmost of the IDPs have no source of income and the host community become hostingl a huge number of IDPs

beyond the city ability so that intervention in provide social cohesion will reult a good impact.

Health New arrival IDPs from Fallujah ( about 2000 IDP families)

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 20,208

IDP Family 3,368

Ratio Individual/Family 6.00

Total special needs IDPs -

% special needs IDPs 0%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 4: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Al-Wand 1 Colonne1SSID IQ1004-0003

Governorate Diyala

Person reporting Saiwan Sabir

Reporting Day Saturday, June 11, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 2Government / YAO /


WASH - Water 4 Arche-Nova

WASH - Latrines 3 ARCH NOVA

WASH - Shower 3 Arche-Nova

WASH - Hygiene 3 0

Shelter 3 0


Protection 2 UNHCR / CDO/ YAO

Child Protection 2 UNICEF

Protection - GBV 2 UNHCR /Government

Food Security 3 ACTED

Nutrition 2 ACTED

Education 1 Government & UNICEF

Social Cohesion 2 0

Health 2Department of Health /


Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management We are providing tools and training to strengthen the capacity of the staff.


There are many issues with the water network system, the hours are not enough (they would fix this with a

new generator, recently the pipes sending water from the dam blasted (repair is in process), and the

operating hours is not on schedule. The fund of the NGO responsible for the following WASH activities would

end soon, and there still no other NGO has decided to take the responsibility.

Shelter They're in need of electricity power.

NFI Some families are in need of fans/air coolers. Weather is too hot.

Protection YAO has protection personal inside the camps which works as referral system, and also to follow up cases.

Food Security Some families don't receive full food package provided (from ACTED), due to legal paper work issues.

Nutrition Some families don't receive full food package provided (from ACTED), due to legal paper work issues.

Education Currently the school term has ended.

Social Cohesion In term of social cohesion the situation is good.

HealthThere were ambulance issues in the camps, according to MSF this issues have been solved, and diesel has

been provided for the ambulance.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 3,718

IDP Family 838

Ratio Individual/Family 4.44

Total special needs IDPs 1,083

% special needs IDPs 29%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 5: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Al-Wand 2 Colonne1SSID IQ1004-0004

Governorate Diyala

Person reporting Saiwan Sabir

Reporting Day Saturday, June 11, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 2Government / YAO /


WASH - Water 3 Arche-Nova

WASH - Latrines 3 ARCH NOVA

WASH - Shower 3 Arche-Nova

WASH - Hygiene 3SavetheChildren


Shelter 1 UNHCR


Protection 2 UNHCR / CDO/ YAO

Child Protection 3 UNICEF

Protection - GBV 2 UNHCR /Government

Food Security 2 ACTED

Nutrition 2 ACTED

Education 1 Government & UNICEF

Social Cohesion 1 Unicef

Health 2Department of Health /


Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management We are providing tools and training to strengthen the capacity of the staff.

WASHThe fund of the NGO responsible for the following WASH activities would end soon, and there still no other

NGO has decided to take the responsibility.

Shelter No issues, the camp could use some improvements, and that would start soon.

NFI Some families are in need of fans/air coolers. Weather is too hot.

Protection The CFS in the camp is still not opened.

Food Security There were enough distribution within the camp this month.

Nutrition There were enough distribution within the camp this month.

Education School term has ended.

Social Cohesion In term of social cohesion the situation is good.

HealthThere were ambulance issues in the camps, according to MSF this issues have been solved, and diesel has

been provided for the ambulance. There are few reports that the clinic is does not have enough medicine.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 1,951

IDP Family 442

Ratio Individual/Family 4.41

Total special needs IDPs 356

% special needs IDPs 18%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 6: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Amriyat Al-Fallujah Camp Colonne1SSID IQ0102-0019

Governorate Anbar

Person reporting Layth Al-Azzawi

Reporting Day Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 4

Saba Salabol NGO /

Amriyat Al-Fallujah DC /

Amal Al-Manshoud /


WASH - Water 4 0

WASH - Latrines 4 0

WASH - Shower 4 0

WASH - Hygiene 4 0

Shelter 3 ISHO/RIRP


Protection 3 UNHCR/IRC

Child Protection 3 0

Protection - GBV 4 0

Food Security 4 WFP (ISHO)

Nutrition 3 0

Education 2 0

Social Cohesion 3 0

Health 3 Ministry of Health/UMIS

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp ManagementMost of the camp managers do not receive CCCM training and working as volunteers and in need to be

supported by equipment and tools. Only few camps inside AF have sort of committees inside the camps

WASH there is no sufficient source of drinkable water

Shelter most of new arrivals are inhabiting schools, 2-3 families in each tent and in need to get sheters

NFI summarization

Protection Report of protection issues during last months

Food Security most of IDPs has no regular source of income so they can not provide their needs

Nutrition most of IDPs has no regular source of income so they can not provide their needs

Education no need at this stage

Social Cohesion most of IDPs has no regular source of income so they can not provide their needs

Health huge number of IDPs with limited capacity

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 52,632

IDP Family 8,777

Ratio Individual/Family 6.00

Total special needs IDPs -

% special needs IDPs 0%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 7: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Arbat IDP Colonne1SSID IQ0510-0001

Governorate Sulaymaniyah

Person reporting Bestoon Omar

Reporting Day Sunday, December 20, 2015

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 2 Government


WASH - Latrines 4 MSF

WASH - Shower 4 MSF

WASH - Hygiene 5 MSF

Shelter 2 UNHCR


Protection 3 UNHCR

Child Protection 3 UNICEF

Protection - GBV 3Civil Development


Food Security 4 WFP

Nutrition 4 0

Education 4UNICEF Education


Social Cohesion 5 UNDP

Health 4 Emergency

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp Management

Camp management staff appointed by the local authority and are well prepared and qualified for the position,

essential CCCM training has been provided to them including CCCM ToT training , onsite capacity building

support provided to the team in term of managerial ,computer and communication skill ,Onsite capacity

building provided to the team based on CCCM Camp management tool kit,


•1/ Wash (water) medium need 400, 0000 L/day provided to the IDP , This amount is satisfied the camp

population and it is above the human water requirement according the international standard. The camp in

need of water network system , the IDP in need of hot water, 2/WASH – Latrines and shower. High need of

latrines, managed by MSF, at the moment some section of the camp has only 1 latrine /4 families, and others

section 1 latrines /9 families. the latrines and shower need to be maintained in regular basis and the camp in

need of road drainages 3/Wash-Hygiene extremely need, more hygiene kit needs to be distributed,

Shelter every familiy has it own tents , the camp has spared tents in its warehouse for emergency cases

NFIdue to cold winter IDPs are in need of more NFI kit, kerosene has already distributed among the IDP , But

more NFI kit need it such as blanket ,Kerosene heater, Mattress, , carpet etc.


•Protection medium need, managed by IRC ,CDO and WCHAN ,the IDP are provided with legal security

including access to justice, legal status and respect of the right to self-defense and material security

including equal access to basic goods and services. more police need to deployed,•Child protection Medium

need, child protection case management already in place, child friendly space is established, school material

and children hygiene kit is already provided ,more NFY kit such as children clothes shoes needs to be

provided.•GBV: medium need: women case management including women abuse, access to legal aid,

cultural and social awareness, early marriage awareness, studying right, labor right etc., English language,

tailoring training provided to the IDPs and other activities based on IDPs need.

Food Securityfood ration is decreased due to the fund, distribution center has already established. Long queue during the

distribution process

Nutritionchildren and pregnant IDP women s are in need of more healthy food, no cereal and other children food has

been product distributed yet to infant and toddlers.


school established for boys and girls, the camp need another school as the current school is overcrowded

and more teachers and staff need to hired and more coordination need to be set up between camp

management team and Iraqi educational committee ,

Social Cohesion no project implementation yet in this regard care clinic established with elective referral system in place. Also preventative care service is also

provided to the IDPs. no enough medicine , no enough specialist ,the clinic need more ambulance

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 8,644

IDP Family 1,634

Ratio Individual/Family 5.29

Total special needs IDPs 2,193

% special needs IDPs 25%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 8: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Ashti IDP Colonne1SSID IQ0510-0002

Governorate Sulaymaniyah

Person reporting Bestoon Omar

Reporting Day Sunday, December 20, 2015

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 2 Government


WASH - Latrines 3 QRC

WASH - Shower 3 QRC

WASH - Hygiene 5 QRC

Shelter 4 KURDS


Protection 3 UNHCR

Child Protection 4 UNICEF

Protection - GBV 2CDO, IRC, DHRD,and


Food Security 3 WFP

Nutrition 4 0

Education 4UNICEF Education


Social Cohesion 5 UNDP

Health 3 Emergency

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp Management

Staff appointed by the local authority and are well prepared and qualified for the position, essential CCCM

training has been provided to them including CCCM ToT training , onsite capacity building support provided

to the team in term of managerial ,computer and communication skill ,Onsite capacity building provided to

the team based on CCCM Camp management tool kit,


WASH (Water) medium need, water is satisfied the IDPs and it is above the human water requirement

according the international standard, there is plane to setup a water network system in the camp in near

future. WASH (Latrines and shower) medium need, each families have their own latrines and shower and

also drainage channels are not leveled properly to pass the water and the cesspools aren’t in a good

condition, as a bad smell coming out from the pipes, WASH( hygiene) extreme need, distribution of hygiene

kit once every 2 months and the quality aren’t good, there is missing items as well

ShelterFor relocated IDPs from Arbat Camp new tents provided, some tents is over crowed as it’s shared with the

IDP relatives and guest. There are (432) guest families sharing the tents with their relatives

NFIdue to the cold winter, IDPs are in need of more NFI kit, Plastic sheet need it to cover the IDP tents and

some winterization needs haven’t been distributed yet.


-Protection medium need, the IDP are provided with physical security ,but more police should be deployed in

this regards and Patrol bases are empty ,the IDPs has access to legal security including access to justice,

legal status and respect of the right to self-defense and material security including equal access to basic

goods and services. •Child protection high need, child protection case management already in place, child

friendly space is established, but not satisfied the IDP children school material and children hygiene kit, NFY

kit and games is provided to the children, but is not enough•GBV: low need: women case management

including women abuse, access to legal aid, cultural and social awareness, early marriage awareness,

studying right, labor right etc., English language, tailoring training provided to the IDPs and other activities

based on IDPs need.

Food Securityfood ration is decreased due to the fund, no waiting area for the IDP during the distribution process and food

quantity isn’t sufficient to meet the IDPs needs.

Nutritionchildren and IDPs are in need of more healthy food , no cereal and children food product distributed yet to

infant and toddlers , no vitamin supplement provided to pregnant women .


school infrastructure is already constructed. The school capacity isn’t sufficient to hold all IDP students ,

Some classrooms are empty of desks where students sitting on the ground and Students haven’t been

provided with curriculum

Social Cohesion extreme need: no project implementation yet in this regard yet.


health care clinic established with elective referral system in place. Also preventative care service is also

provided. Improvements to be done in terms of laboratory enhancement such as providing X-ray machine,

specialized doctor for women.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 7,558

IDP Family 1,427

Ratio Individual/Family 5.30

Total special needs IDPs 1,674

% special needs IDPs 22%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 9: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Baharka Colonne1SSID IQ1102-0001

Governorate Erbil

Person reporting Hakar Ismael

Reporting Day Saturday, August 06, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 1 BCF

WASH - Water 1 ERC

WASH - Latrines 1 ERC

WASH - Shower 1 UNHCR

WASH - Hygiene 3 BCF, Frrme

Shelter 4 UNHCR


Protection 1 UNHCR

Child Protection 2 PA

Protection - GBV 2 Al-Masala

Food Security 5 WFP

Nutrition 1 UAE- Red Cresent


Social Cohesion 1 BCF

Health 4 Medical Corps

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management No requirement

WASH there have not been any distribution of hygiene kit since March

Shelter Many tents must be replaced with new one

NFI NO NEW comer

Protection lack of partner to the related matter

Food Security WFP is not providing food ration for 1/4 of families due the scope system

Nutrition stable

Education there was not catch up classes during summer break

Social Cohesion 0

Health lack of health actor in the camp and its not fulfill camp 's need

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 3,951

IDP Family 838

Ratio Individual/Family 4.71

Total special needs IDPs 729

% special needs IDPs 18%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 10: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Bajet Kandala Colonne1SSID IQ0803-0001

Governorate Dahuk

Person reporting Salar AbdulMajid Aziz

Reporting Day Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 1 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 3 NRC

WASH - Latrines 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Shower 3 NRC, LWF

WASH - Hygiene 2 NRC

Shelter 4 UNHCR / KURDS


Protection 1




Child Protection 3 UPP, KURDS, B.R.H.A

Protection - GBV 1UNHCR/HarikarGIZ/WR


Food Security 2 BCF

Nutrition 3 BCF/ WFP

Education 2UNICEF, NRC,


Social Cohesion 1HarikarGIZ/WRO/UNFP


Health 4 PUI, SSH

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management No comment

WASH Few materials distributed special cleaners the WC . Does not meet the needs of the people

Shelter changing tents

NFI No comment

Protection No comment

Food Security psd / card there is family with out psd

Nutrition Kids need milk from the age of 1 year to 2 years

Education A small number of teachers

Social Cohesion No comment

Health there is no one in the clinic at night we need same bady be available at night for emergency cases

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 11,353

IDP Family 2,064

Ratio Individual/Family 5.50

Total special needs IDPs 2,577

% special needs IDPs 23%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 11: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Bardarash Colonne1SSID IQ1501-0001

Governorate Ninewa

Person reporting Shadwan Sana

Reporting Day Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 2 BRHA

WASH - Latrines 2 0

WASH - Shower 2 0

WASH - Hygiene 4 Goverment

Shelter 1 0

NFI 2 0

Protection 3 UNHCR

Child Protection 3 Harikar

Protection - GBV 3 UNHCR

Food Security 3 BCF

Nutrition 2 0

Education 5 0

Social Cohesion 2 0

Health 4 0

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp ManagementThe camp management team need more training and orientation. The team need to spend more time outside

the office and be in direct contact with the IDPs.


The IDPs need more hygiene awareness. Although the WaSH agency is collecting the garbage on daily basis

and garbage bins were provided, we still can observe that the garbage is thrown every were. The open

channel needs regular cleaning.

Shelter All the familes have tents and the shelter situation is good in general.

NFI most families have been supplied with NFIs.

Protection The camp is protected by the police 24hrs. Very few cases of protection have been recorded.

Food Security WFP provides food on monthly basis. The share has been reduced due to low funds.

Nutrition no major cases of malnutrition were recorded by the camp management.

EducationOnly one school has been built. The camp is in need of at least two other schools due to the large number of

students residing in the camp.

Social Cohesionall the IDPs are of Shabak background. No issues have been raised or recorded by the camp management or

the local authorities.

Healtha health clinic is available in the camp. The camp needs a large health center in order to able to receive and

treat all the case because many cases are sent to the hospitals and health centers outside the camp.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 11,726

IDP Family 2,364

Ratio Individual/Family 4.96

Total special needs IDPs 1,727

% special needs IDPs 15%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 12: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Bawa (Baidawa) Colonne1SSID IQ1302-0004

Governorate Kirkuk

Person reporting Ammar Salih (Kirkuk MODM manager)

Reporting Day Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 5 IDPs

WASH - Water 2 0

WASH - Latrines 2 0

WASH - Shower 2 0

WASH - Hygiene 2 0

Shelter 2 0

NFI 2 0

Protection 5 0

Child Protection 5 0

Protection - GBV 5 0

Food Security 2 0

Nutrition 4 0

Education 5 0

Social Cohesion 4 0

Health 2 0

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp ManagementMODM is managing the collective center through mobile team, and they have huge gap in the information


WASH Each house had their latrine and shower and UNICEF is providing hygiene kits monthly

Shelter Each family is occupied in a house

NFI UNHCR through REACH is providing NFI to the families once they arrived to the site

Protection There is no NGO covering protection in the site

Food Security WFP through REACH is providing FFR to the families in the site on monthly bases

Nutrition There is no NGO providing nutrition in the site

EducationBawa primary school needs expansion for the school with 6 prefab classrooms. Currently, 3 shifts are running

in the building: 2 shifts primary school and 1 shift secondary school: UNICEF has made assessment on this

Social Cohesion 0

Health There is PHC in the location

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 2,742

IDP Family 448

Ratio Individual/Family 6.12

Total special needs IDPs -

% special needs IDPs 0%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 13: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Berseve 1 Colonne1SSID IQ0804-0001

Governorate Dahuk

Person reporting Serdar Yaseen

Reporting Day Thursday, June 30, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 1 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 2 B.R.H.A

WASH - Latrines 3 Harikar/ CARE, B.R.H.A

WASH - Shower 3 Harikar/ CARE, AFAD

WASH - Hygiene 1 Harikar/CARE, ASB

Shelter 3 B.R.H.A

NFI 1 Harikar/CARE, TRC

Protection 2 B.R.H.A

Child Protection 3save the chlidren, world

vision / pow

Protection - GBV 3 UNHCR/Harikar, ASB

Food Security 1 ACF/ WFP

Nutrition 1 0

Education 1 UNICEF

Social Cohesion 1 0

Health 1 ASB

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management No problem

WASH Lack of Latrines and showers.

Shelter tents need to be changed , most of them are old.

NFI No problem

Protection we do not have organizations to work on GBV and Child protection.

Food Security no problem

Nutrition no problem

Education no problem

Social Cohesion we do not have any problem.

Health no problem

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 10,355

IDP Family 1,871

Ratio Individual/Family 5.53

Total special needs IDPs 1,470

% special needs IDPs 14%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 14: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Berseve 2 Colonne1SSID IQ0804-0002

Governorate Dahuk

Person reporting Mamoon Yahya

Reporting Day Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 1 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 1 B.R.H.A

WASH - Latrines 2 0


WASH - Hygiene 4 UNICEF

Shelter 5 UNHCR


Protection 1 UNHCR/Harikar

Child Protection 4

Harikar/UNICEF, Save

the chilren,


vision, FEW

Protection - GBV 1 UNHCR/Harikar

Food Security 5 ACF/WFP

Nutrition 4 0

Education 2UNICEF, FEW (Acitiviy

for children)

Social Cohesion 1 0

Health 1 Malteser

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management Do not need

WASH A small amount

Shelter We do not have reserve tents in Necessary situations

NFI some new IDPS no have

Protection no have cases

Food Security no have cases

Nutrition A small amount

Education number of teachers are few in the arabic school

Social Cohesion No have cases

Health we have a good centre

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 9,241

IDP Family 1,650

Ratio Individual/Family 5.60

Total special needs IDPs 1,841

% special needs IDPs 20%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 15: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Bezabize Central Camp Colonne1SSID IQ0102-0002

Governorate Anbar

Person reporting Layth Al-Azzawi

Reporting Day Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3 Saba Salabol NGO

WASH - Water 4 0

WASH - Latrines 4 0

WASH - Shower 4 0

WASH - Hygiene 4 0

Shelter 3 0

NFI 2 0

Protection 3 0

Child Protection 3 0

Protection - GBV 4 0

Food Security 4 WFP - NRC

Nutrition 4 0

Education 2 0

Social Cohesion 4 0

Health 4 Dary

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp Management-Most of the camp managers do not receive CCCM training and working as volunteers and in need to be

supported by equipment and tools.

WASH drinkable water and WASH facilities

Shelter about 250 tents needed

NFI for new arrival IDPs

Protection Report of protection issues during last months

Food Security IDPs in need to be supported

Nutrition IDPs in need to be supported

Education no need at this stage

Social Cohesion host community and IDPs need support in terms of providing QIP projects

Health there are about 1000 families in Bzebiz sentral camp and Saudi camp are in need for health.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 40,233

IDP Family 6,758

Ratio Individual/Family 5.95

Total special needs IDPs -

% special needs IDPs 0%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 16: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Chamishku Colonne1SSID IQ0804-0003

Governorate Dahuk

Person reporting Sadiq

Reporting Day Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 1 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 2 Government

WASH - Latrines 3 non

WASH - Shower 3 Harikar

WASH - Hygiene 3 0

Shelter 3 The Iraqi Government

NFI 3 Government, UNHCR

Protection 2 Harikar (UNHCR)

Child Protection 2

UNICEF/Save the

Childern -


Protection - GBV 2 Harikar (UNHCR)

Food Security 3 ACF / WFP

Nutrition 2 0

Education 2 UNICEF, GIZ / DoE

Social Cohesion 2 0

Health 1 MDM, CDC, DoH

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management enough emlpoyee

WASH Harikar NGO just started for Wash

Shelter for emergency

NFI there Is plane to distribute next week

Protection Need an NGO for psychosoical

Food Security need better quality

Nutrition N/A

Education A new school under contraction

Social Cohesion 0

Health good

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 26,367

IDP Family 4,650

Ratio Individual/Family 5.67

Total special needs IDPs 4,311

% special needs IDPs 16%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 17: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Dawadia Colonne1SSID IQ0801-0001

Governorate Dahuk

Person reporting Shadwan Sana

Reporting Day Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 2 LWF

WASH - Latrines 2 LWF

WASH - Shower 2 LWF

WASH - Hygiene 3 UPP




Protection 3 UNHCR

Child Protection 3 UNHCR

Protection - GBV 3 UNHCR

Food Security 3 WFP

Nutrition 2 IKL/WFP



Social Cohesion 2UNFPA/B.R.H.A/HARIK


Health 2 MDM

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management The camp team is in need of training and capacity building.

WASHAll the WaSH facilities are in good condition. The care and maintenace is conducted regularly. Hygiene

awareness is necessary in order to keep the camp clean

Shelter the cabins are in good condition

NFI All IDPs had received NFIs from diffrent resources

Protectionthe camp is protected by the police. The Camp is surronded by a good fence. Protection cases are followed

up by diffrent agencies.

Food SecurityWFP is providing a monthly ration. The main concerns are with the few number of items provided which are

not enough to cover the basic needs.

Nutrition No nutrition issues have been raised from the society and Camp Magement

Education Schools capacity is good

Social CohesionNo problems regarding social cohesion have been recorded. Most of the families are from the same


Health one PHC is operating. Ambulance available 24 hours

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 4,080

IDP Family 759

Ratio Individual/Family 5.38

Total special needs IDPs 1,031

% special needs IDPs 25%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 18: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Debaga 1 Colonne1SSID IQ1107-0007

Governorate Erbil

Person reporting #N/A

Reporting Day #N/A

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 4 ERC-BCF

WASH - Water 2 BCF

WASH - Latrines 4 BCF

WASH - Shower 4 ERC

WASH - Hygiene 3 BCF

Shelter 4 0


Protection 4 Qandil

Child Protection 2 TDH

Protection - GBV 2 Al-Masalla

Food Security 3 WFP

Nutrition 3 BCF,UAE

Education 3 TDH, MoE

Social Cohesion 2 BCF

Health 3 DOHN, DOHE

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management lack of the staffs

WASH because new extension has been added to the camp

Shelter only cooking stoves

NFI lack of the shelter to compare with number of the daily arriving families

Protection most of the new arrivals lost their ID and PDS cards

Food Security daily receiving new arrivals

Nutrition lack of milk and pampers

Education lack of the number of the teachers and not having water cooler

Social Cohesion camp management has a good relation with all residents

Health there is a Gap in health services

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 6,706

IDP Family 1,118

Ratio Individual/Family 6.00

Total special needs IDPs 1,014

% special needs IDPs 15%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 19: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Essian Colonne1SSID IQ1506-0001

Governorate Ninewa

Person reporting Khalid ILyas

Reporting Day Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 4 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Latrines 3 S.P

WASH - Shower 2 SP

WASH - Hygiene 4 not available

Shelter 4 SP


Protection 5 UNHCR

Child Protection 3 UNHCR

Protection - GBV 4 UNHCR

Food Security 3 ACF / WFP

Nutrition 4 0

Education 3 DoE

Social Cohesion 2 0

Health 3 yazda

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management More staff need

WASH Latrines are bad structured so they need constant maintenance.No Hygiene promotion awareness.

Shelter Internal Part of most tent need to be changed because they are molded.

NFI Only New arrivals and fire incident need NFIs.

Protectioncamp is not full fenced. No checkpoints. no enough Asayish and police. Anyone can get access to the camp

at any time

Food Security Quality and quantity of food is not good.

Nutrition Not enough good quality food.

Education Schools need staff and stationary. Also need one more school in the camp.

Social Cohesion 0

Health No Enough medicine.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 14,784

IDP Family 2,724

Ratio Individual/Family 5.43

Total special needs IDPs 2,707

% special needs IDPs 18%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 20: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Eyes of Missan Colonne1SSID IQ1402-0001

Governorate Missan

Person reporting Elaf Sabah

Reporting Day Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3MoMD, Missan

governor office

WASH - Water 3governoment/public

water network

WASH - Latrines 2Water and sewage


WASH - Shower 2 0

WASH - Hygiene 2Department of health in


Shelter 2camp management for

replacing tents only



Protection 3

PARC Missan, family

and child protection


Child Protection 4 UNHCR/PARC

Protection - GBV 3

family and child

protection directorate,


Food Security 2 WFP

Nutrition 2 0

Education 4 0

Social Cohesion 2 0

Health 3

clinic in site supported

by health directorate


Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management The camp management in need for logistic support

WASH The families already extended the WASH facilities by establishing latrines and bathrooms.

ShelterUn habitat installed 100 caravans inside the camp. The families living in tents will soon move out to the


NFI No needs reported

ProtectionThere is no school available in Missan camp which effect on children education level as many of them

dropping school.

Food Security WFP and PDS are assisting the IDP families with food parcels which minimize their needs to food support.

Nutrition Nothing to report.

Education No school available in camp and most of the families cannot afford the transportation cost.

Social Cohesion 0

Health Medical Clinic in missan cc neee to be improved. Since the families need more support for medical treatment.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 465

IDP Family 101

Ratio Individual/Family 4.60

Total special needs IDPs 93

% special needs IDPs 20%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 21: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Garmawa Colonne1SSID IQ1509-0001

Governorate Ninewa

Person reporting Ahmed Ramzi

Reporting Day Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 1 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 3 ACF

WASH - Latrines 1 ACF

WASH - Shower 1 ACF

WASH - Hygiene 1 ACF

Shelter 1 UNHCR


Protection 1 UHNCR

Child Protection 1 Save the children

Protection - GBV 1 UNHCR

Food Security 1 WFP-ACF

Nutrition 1 0

Education 3 UNICEF

Social Cohesion 1 0

Health 3 IMC

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management No Issues.


WASH-WATER: Need to set up another main water tank. WASH-LATRINES&SHOWERS&HYGIENE: No

Issues. Note (ACF NGO wash department contract will be finished at 30-09-2016 we need another wash

NGO to take ACF place at GARMAWA camp.

Shelter No Issues.

NFI Need of air coolers.

Protection No Issues.

Food Security No Issues.

Nutrition No Issues.

Education Need of more Prefab units for the school.

Social Cohesion 0

Health Need to open health Lab.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 6,019

IDP Family 1,232

Ratio Individual/Family 4.89

Total special needs IDPs 1,356

% special needs IDPs 23%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 22: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Habbaniya Tourist City Camp Colonne1SSID IQ0102-0001

Governorate Anbar

Person reporting Layth Al-Azzawi

Reporting Day Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 4Habaniya toursit city

staff / IDPs

WASH - Water 4 0

WASH - Latrines 4 0

WASH - Shower 4 0

WASH - Hygiene 4 0

Shelter 3 0

NFI 2 0

Protection 3 0

Child Protection 3 0

Protection - GBV 4 0

Food Security 4 0

Nutrition 4 0

Education 2 0

Social Cohesion 4 0

Health 3 0

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp Management

-Fallujah Camp HTC (1-5) new camps established by local authority and MoMD two weeks ago to

accommodate new IDP arrivals from Fallujah. These camps in need to be supported in terms of new site

plan, new arrangement for tents settings. There is no camp management.

WASHwater tankers only available but not sufficient and cover only 30% form the needs. only few latrines and

showers available.

Shelter 100-150 tents needed

NFI about 20% of IDPs still in need for CRIs (NFI)

Protection Report of protection issues during last months

Food Security only one time food distribution conducted till current.

Nutrition only one time food distribution conducted till current.

Education No need at this stage

Social Cohesion need some projects to provide source of income

Health limited capacity of health facility in HTC

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 24,366

IDP Family 4,061

Ratio Individual/Family 6.00

Total special needs IDPs -

% special needs IDPs 0%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 23: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Harshm Colonne1SSID IQ1102-0002

Governorate Erbil

Person reporting AHMAD ABDO

Reporting Day Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 2 ERC-BCF

WASH - Water 1 ERC

WASH - Latrines 3 ERC

WASH - Shower 1 ERC

WASH - Hygiene 1 ERC

Shelter 1 UNHCR


Protection 1 UNHCR

Child Protection 2 TDH

Protection - GBV 1 NRC

Food Security 2 WVI

Nutrition 1 UNICEF

Education 3 NRC

Social Cohesion 1 BCF

Health 2 IMC

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management Need assessment training for staff

WASH Some new latrines are needed because there are shared Latrines

Shelter All shelters are prefabs

NFI 200 fire extinguishers need to be refilled

Protection Children play ground need to be renewed

Food Security Families without PDS dont receive food vouchers

Nutrition All cases are under control

Education Teachers staff need for female secondary school

Social Cohesion 0

Health Some cases need to be treated outside the camp

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 1,483

IDP Family 273

Ratio Individual/Family 5.43

Total special needs IDPs 355

% special needs IDPs 24%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 24: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Kabarto 1 Colonne1SSID IQ0803-0002

Governorate Dahuk

Person reporting Layla karam

Reporting Day Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 2 NCA

WASH - Latrines 3 NCA

WASH - Shower 3 NCA

WASH - Hygiene 2 NCA

Shelter 3 UNHCR


Protection 4 Harikar, IOM, IMC

Child Protection 4UNICEF, war child,

Save the Children

Protection - GBV 3 Harikar

Food Security 4 I.K.L

Nutrition 3 WFP, IKL

Education 3 UNICEF

Social Cohesion 4 Harikar, camp staff

Health 3 IMC

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management we dont have enough employment

WASH we dont have enough water

Shelter because we need change by new shelter

NFI we have good distribution but not all material

Protection because its important for all NGO in duhok

Food Security good process

Nutrition because we have more unimployment in camp

Education we have 2 school but not enough

Social Cohesion good process

Health because we dont have enough doctor & medicine

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 13,813

IDP Family 2,399

Ratio Individual/Family 5.76

Total special needs IDPs 2,750

% special needs IDPs 20%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 25: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Kabarto 2 Colonne1SSID IQ0803-0003

Governorate Dahuk

Person reporting Ali Sidqe Adam

Reporting Day Monday, July 11, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 3 NCA

WASH - Latrines 2 NCA

WASH - Shower 2 NCA

WASH - Hygiene 2 mustafa

Shelter 2 B.R.H.A


Protection 2 Harikar

Child Protection 3 Nojeen/ WAR Child

Protection - GBV 1 Harikar

Food Security 1 wvi / WFP

Nutrition 2 0

Education 2 DoE

Social Cohesion 1 Harikar/ Shaz

Health 2 IMC

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management need

WASH need repair for all bathroom and wc

Shelter need tent cuz all tent its got old

NFI need carbet

Protection need asayesh or police staf

Food Security not need

Nutrition n

Education need onther school

Social Cohesion not need

Health need more psychological aid

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 13,599

IDP Family 2,419

Ratio Individual/Family 5.62

Total special needs IDPs 2,320

% special needs IDPs 17%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 26: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Khanke Colonne1SSID IQ0803-0005

Governorate Dahuk

Person reporting mateen shafeeq hamdi

Reporting Day Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 1 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 4 Government, THW

WASH - Latrines 5 B.R.H.A

WASH - Shower 1 FRC, NRC

WASH - Hygiene 3 UNICEF

Shelter 4 UNHCR / KURDS


Protection 4 UNHCR

Child Protection 5 yezidi

Protection - GBV 4 UNHCR

Food Security 4 WFP / BCF

Nutrition 5 0

Education 3Ammar foundation,


Social Cohesion 2 0

Health 1

WHO, Ammar

foundation, UNICEF,


Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management good staff

WASH there is not enough connection between our team and maintaince

Shelter we need change the tents people blame us and they are deserve about that

NFI for this season we need some new purposes such as ( fan , chilled , refrigerator , and etc ..... )

Protection to force our relation with idps we need centers ( youth center , psychologic center )

Food Security we have a problem with type of food which distributing by (bcf) , people needs enough food by individual

Nutrition children needs ( milk , clothes , diapers )

Education we need one more school

Social Cohesion we just need something like a hall for seminars

Health good staff

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 16,211

IDP Family 2,870

Ratio Individual/Family 5.65

Total special needs IDPs 2,041

% special needs IDPs 13%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 27: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Laylan IDP Colonne1SSID IQ1302-0001

Governorate Kirkuk

Person reporting Najat Mohammed Abdullah

Reporting Day Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3 IRD

WASH - Water 3Laylan Water

deparrtment + UNICEF

WASH - Latrines 5 UNICEF

WASH - Shower 5 UNICEF

WASH - Hygiene 3 UNICEF

Shelter 3 UNHCR


Protection 2 UNHCR

Child Protection 2 UNICEF

Protection - GBV 2 IRI

Food Security 4 WFP

Nutrition 4 0

Education 2 UNICEF

Social Cohesion 2 IRD

Health 2 DOH

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp ManagementUNHCR through IRD is managing the camp because Government do not capacity neither budget for

managing the camp


There is extreme needs for the WASH facilities because there is shortage in the showers and latrines since

the begging of the camp establishment. While UNICEF is distributing hygiene kits on the families on monthly

bases till end of August

ShelterThere are tents need to be replaced with new tent because it has been damaged due to weather and it is


NFI UNHCR through REACH is providing NFI to each family once they arrived to the camp

ProtectionCD-PARC is providing legal assistants to the IDPs, FUAD is managing CFS, and Islamic Relief is covering

the GBV

Food SecurityAlthough WFP through REACH is providing FFR on monthly bases but there are IDPs arriving to the camp

after FFR distributed and they need to wait (3-4 weeks) till the next FFR distributing

Nutrition There is no NGO providing nutrition in the camp

EducationThere are two schools in the camp; Primary school 14 caravan classes with two administration caravans for

two shifts (one for boys and one for girls), and one secondary school with 12 tents classes

Social Cohesion 0

Health There is PHC and one ambulance for 24h in the camp

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 8,703

IDP Family 2,001

Ratio Individual/Family 4.35

Total special needs IDPs 1,478

% special needs IDPs 17%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 28: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Mamilian Colonne1SSID IQ1501-0002

Governorate Ninewa

Person reporting Shadwan Sana

Reporting Day Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 2 JEN

WASH - Latrines 2 JEN

WASH - Shower 2 JEN

WASH - Hygiene 4 Government

Shelter 2 Camp magement


Protection 3 UNHCR

Child Protection 3 Harikar

Protection - GBV 3 UNFPA

Food Security 3 BCF

Nutrition 3 0

Education 4 UNICEF

Social Cohesion 3 0

Health 3 Amar foundation

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp ManagementThe camp manage team need more training and skills in order to get more experience in dealing with IDPs.

The team need to spend more time in the field rather than staying in the office.


The WaSH facilites are in good situation. Hygiene promotion and awareness in required in order to avoid

diseases. The open channel needs regular cleaning because the garbage is thrown in it. There is a need to

construct a box channel.

Shelter Shelter is in good condition. There is a need for an annual C&M

NFI UNHCR with other agencies provided the necessary NFIs

ProtectionThe camp is protected by the police. UNHCR is following up with all the issues through the protection team

in cooperation with HARIKAR NGO

Food Security WFP provides regular food basket.

Nutrition IMC has a unit for nutrition. All cases are followed up by the health team of IMC in cooperation with DoH.


There is one school in the camp while the number of students is above the capacity of the school. There is a

need for another school. Some seconday level students attend the schools in Akre while others miss it

because of the transportation expenses.

Social Cohesion Some problems were recorded but in general no serious issues have been recorded

HealthThere is one clinic in the camp while a PHC is under construction. Serious cases are sent to Akre hospital

since it is not too far from the camp.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 10,645

IDP Family 2,023

Ratio Individual/Family 5.26

Total special needs IDPs 2,775

% special needs IDPs 26%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 29: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Mamrashan Colonne1SSID IQ1506-0003

Governorate Ninewa

Person reporting Shadwan Sana

Reporting Day Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Latrines 2 NCA

WASH - Shower 2 0

WASH - Hygiene 4 0

Shelter 1 NCA


Protection 4 UNHCR

Child Protection 4 vop

Protection - GBV 4 UNHCR

Food Security 3 WFP/ACF

Nutrition 1 0

Education 5 DoE

Social Cohesion 2 0

Health 5 heive

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp ManagementThe team of this camp need training especially on protection and community services. There is a need to give

orientation and guidance to the new staff members in order to develp their skills.

WASHAll the caravans have been connected to the main water storages. There are small water tanks available in

the camp but need to be connected with the main pipe and installed on top of the cabins.

Shelterall families had been provided with eough NFIs. All the shelters are new and have no issues yet. They might

need some care and maintenace in 6 months.

NFI All the IDPs received NFIs lately from UNHCR


No agencey except UNHCR is visiting the camp. There must be more partners for protection in order to

follow up with all cases. Children are walking long distances in order to attend the school because there are

no schools started yet.

Food SecurityWFP is providing a monthly ration. The main concerns are with the few number of items provided which are

not enough to cover the basic needs.

Nutrition No agency has planned to start any nutrition programs yet.

Education no schools have been built yet

Social Cohesion All the IDPs are from the same background and have no issues regarding social cohesion

Health only one small clinic has been opened lately and works for 4 hours only. There is a need for a PHC

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 4,341

IDP Family 811

Ratio Individual/Family 5.35

Total special needs IDPs 903

% special needs IDPs 21%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 30: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Modern IDP's Camp Colonne1SSID IQ0202-0002

Governorate Basrah

Person reporting Elaf Sabah

Reporting Day Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3Supreme committee of


WASH - Water 3governoment/public

water network

WASH - Latrines 4 muncipality

WASH - Shower 4 N/A

WASH - Hygiene 3Unicef, Basra Health

director, UNHCR

Shelter 2 Government ,UNHCR


Protection 3 PARC/UNHCR

Child Protection 3 UNICEF, UNHCR/PARC

Protection - GBV 3 UNHCR/PARC

Food Security 2 WFP

Nutrition 2 N/A

Education 1 UNCIFF, MoE

Social Cohesion 2UNHCR/PARC, camp


Health 3

clinic in site supported

by health directorate


Explanation of ranking situation

Camp Management The camp management need to improve their information management system.

WASH IDPs still lacking the healthy infrastructure to the available latrines.

Shelter There is no shortages in shelter

NFI Unhcr covered the residing families with core relief items

ProtectionThe families were part of UNHCR awareness campaigns on child protection, women rights, and gender base

violence but there are still some cases reported of early marriage and deprive of education.

Food Security Most the families recieve food ration from WFP or through PDS.

Nutrition No cases reported to be in need for support in terms of nutrition.

Education Two schools available for primary and secondary school.

Social Cohesion 0

Health Some families need medical treatment and special support.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 162

IDP Family 35

Ratio Individual/Family 4.63

Total special needs IDPs 32

% special needs IDPs 20%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 31: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Nazrawa Colonne1SSID IQ1302-0003

Governorate Kirkuk

Person reporting Chnoor Mahmood (camp manager)

Reporting Day Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3 IRD

WASH - Water 2 0

WASH - Latrines 2 IRD

WASH - Shower 2 IRD

WASH - Hygiene 3 Save the Children

Shelter 2 UNHCR


Protection 2 UNHCR

Child Protection 2 ME and TDH

Protection - GBV 5 0

Food Security 4 WFP

Nutrition 4 0

Education 4 UNICEF

Social Cohesion 2 IRD

Health 4 MDM

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management UNHCR through IRD is managing the camp because government do not have presences at the camp

WASHIRD is maintaining the WASH facilities in the camp, and UNICEF is providing hygiene kits on the families on

monthly bases till the end of August

Shelter All the tents are new

NFI UNHCR through REACH is providing NFI to the families once they arrived to the camp

ProtectionCDO-PARC and IIG are providing legal assistant to the IDPs, TDH and ME are covering child protection, and

there is no NGO covering GBV

Food SecurityWFP through REACH is providing FFR on monthly bases, but there are families were arrived to the camp

after FFP distributed and they should wait (3-4 weeks) till the next FFR distribution

Nutrition There is no NGO providing nutrition in the camp

EducationThere is one school (12 caravans classes and 2 administrations) in two shifts; one for the primary mixed

school and one for the secondary mixed school

Social Cohesion 0

Health MDM is running camp's PHC through mobile team (5H daily for 5 days weekly) it needs to be fixed team

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 5,122

IDP Family 1,037

Ratio Individual/Family 4.94

Total special needs IDPs 826

% special needs IDPs 16%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 32: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Qoratu Colonne1SSID IQ1004-0011

Governorate Diyala

Person reporting Saiwan K. Sabir

Reporting Day Sunday, July 31, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 2YAO / Government /


WASH - Water 1 Arch-nova - Unicef

WASH - Latrines 3 Arch-nova

WASH - Shower 1 0

WASH - Hygiene 3 Arch-nova + UNICEF

Shelter 2 UNHCR / KURDS


Protection 2UNHCR,KCN,CDO and


Child Protection 1 KCN / UNICEF

Protection - GBV 2 UNHCR

Food Security 3 CDO

Nutrition 2 UNICEF

Education 1 UNICEF

Social Cohesion 3 UNHCR

Health 2 Emergency

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp Management Providing tools and training for the camp management, there are low needs.

WASH The slops of the water channels are not level, this causes dirty water to trap inside the channels.


Lack of shading area in the camp, currently under proposal to fix these issues. Some of the tents are in need

of replacement, however due to influxes else where in the country, we currently do not replace any tents,

instead plastic sheets are distributed.


Water coolers are need for some of the families, such as the new arrived families. Some of the toilet seats

are broken, and in need of repair. Furthermore, there are issues with a large number of grasshoppers inside

the camp, and health clinic.

ProtectionThere are no major protection issues in the camp, some families are without paper works. Additionally it is

good for the IDPs to be trained in GBV.

Food Security Due to lack of official documents some families do not get the full food ration from on CDO, and WFP.

Nutrition Some families don't get the full rations, and with addition to this they are also in need of nutrition.

Education School term is currently ended.

Social Cohesion 0

HealthClinic is running by Emergency, however there are few complains from the IDPs, we are following up with the


Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 1,735

IDP Family 380

Ratio Individual/Family 4.57

Total special needs IDPs 350

% special needs IDPs 20%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 33: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Rwanga Community Colonne1SSID IQ0803-0004

Governorate Dahuk

Person reporting Lana Ayad

Reporting Day Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 2 0

WASH - Latrines 2 0


WASH - Hygiene 3 nca/B.R.H.A

Shelter 2 NCA


Protection 3UNHCR/Harikar, IOM,


Child Protection 3 Harikar/ UNICEF

Protection - GBV 3 UNHCR/Harikar

Food Security 3 BCF/ WFP

Nutrition 4 WFP

Education 4 DoE and NRC

Social Cohesion 2 0

Health 3 Malteser and DoH

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp Management Need more training especially in English language

WASH Every month there is distribution of hygiene kits and each family has their own showers and latrine

Shelter The shelters are caravans

NFI UNHCR had a target distribution of NFIs as winterization

Protection HARIKAR/ UNHCR, WADI/Alind/IOM are working with psychosocial support and protection

Food Security WFP is distributing food items and vouchers every month

Nutrition Small support from BRHA

Education In need with one more school

Social Cohesion No problems have been recorded regarding social cohesion

Health Malteser and DoH are working together to provide health services

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 15,009

IDP Family 2,459

Ratio Individual/Family 6.10

Total special needs IDPs 3,045

% special needs IDPs 20%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 34: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Shariya Colonne1SSID IQ0803-0006

Governorate Dahuk

Person reporting Shadwan Sana

Reporting Day Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 3 B.R.H.A

WASH - Latrines 3 0

WASH - Shower 3 0

WASH - Hygiene 4 0

Shelter 2 Camp magement


Protection 3 UNHCR

Child Protection 3 UNHCR

Protection - GBV 3 UNHCR

Food Security 3 WFP- BCF

Nutrition 2 0

Education 3 DoE- EOD.Iq- Unicef

Social Cohesion 2 Harikar/UPP

Health 2 MEDAIR

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management The camp team is doing well but need training on how to be more active in the field

WASHthe WaSH facilities are maintained regularly. The hygiene promotion and awareness is required because the

WaSH facilities are not private.

Shelter The shelter is in good condition.

NFI All the IDPs are provided with NFIs from diffrent agencies.

Protection The protection cases are followed up by diffrent agencies. No serious cases have been recorded

Food SecurityWFP is providing a monthly ration. The main concerns are with the few number of items provided which are

not enough to cover the basic needs.

Nutrition the nutrition situation is good in general

Education There is a need for another school in order to receive all the students in the camp

Social Cohesion All the IDPs are from the same background

HealthOne small hospital is operating and is capable to receive all the cases. Emergency cases are sent to Duhok


Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 17,092

IDP Family 3,194

Ratio Individual/Family 5.35

Total special needs IDPs 3,808

% special needs IDPs 22%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 35: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Sheikhan Colonne1SSID IQ1506-0002

Governorate Ninewa

Person reporting Diyar Bibo Haji

Reporting Day Sunday, August 14, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 1 B.R.H.A

WASH - Water 4 ACF

WASH - Latrines 5 no,wash club+CM

WASH - Shower 4 0

WASH - Hygiene 5 not available

Shelter 3 UNHCR &IOM


Protection 2 UNHCR

Child Protection 1 UNHCR,VOP

Protection - GBV 2 UNHCR

Food Security 2 WFP/ACF

Nutrition 3 0

Education 5 DoE

Social Cohesion 3 0

Health 4 IOM

Explanation of ranking situationCamp Management no need

WASH Basics of health workers is not at the required level

Shelter You need to switch tents

NFI Now shifted from the Organization of ACF to Barzani Charity Foundation

Protection Now become a protection mode for the better

Food Security It is better to be material in the form of boxes of canned

Nutrition It is essential that certain foods contain proteins for the treatment of malnutrition

Education We need a building

Social Cohesion 0

Health We need to test devices

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 5,373

IDP Family 984

Ratio Individual/Family 5.46

Total special needs IDPs 1,123

% special needs IDPs 21%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 36: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Tazade Colonne1SSID IQ0505-0002

Governorate Sulaymaniyah

Person reporting Afrasyaw Mahmood/ Saiwan M. Tawfiq

Reporting Day Sunday, August 07, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 2Government / YAO /


WASH - Water 2Directorate of Garmian

Suburb Water

WASH - Latrines 2 0

WASH - Shower 2 0

WASH - Hygiene 3 ACF

Shelter 2Gov / Camp

management (YAO)


Protection 3 UNHCR,KSC and CDO

Child Protection 3 KSC/ UNICEF

Protection - GBV 3 UNHCR

Food Security 3 CDO

Nutrition 3 UNICEF

Education 3 Government & UNICEF

Social Cohesion 3 Reach

Health 4 Emergency

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp Management Necessities are sometimes needed

WASH Due to the hot weather, hygiene is needed more than other times.

Shelter There are well built caravans.

NFI Many new families arrive and need NFI.

Protection The IDPs are culturally well behaving.

Food Security Newly arrived families do not get food ration for one month.

Nutrition Food should be enough and healthy.

EducationThere are two schools inside the camp. New teaching staff is needed, since some of the teacher have

returned to their places.

Social Cohesion 0

Health IDPs need more health care, not just primary. Secondary care is also necessary for the camp.

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 2,047

IDP Family 384

Ratio Individual/Family 5.33

Total special needs IDPs 434

% special needs IDPs 21%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

Page 37: IRAQ - CCCM Settlement Priority Situation Report - August 2016€¦ · For CCCM & Humanitarian use only Camp Al-Khalidiya Central camp Colonne1 SSID IQ0106-0022 Governorate Anbar

For CCCM & Humanitarian use only

Camp Yahyawa Colonne1SSID IQ1302-0002

Governorate Kirkuk

Person reporting Shueb Mohammed Ali

Reporting Day Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Ranking of situation per sector Agency

Camp Management 4 AFAD & TIKAN

WASH - Water 5 0

WASH - Latrines 3 Save the Children

WASH - Shower 3 Save the Children

WASH - Hygiene 4 0

Shelter 4 AFAD & TIKAN


Protection 2 0

Child Protection 4 Save the children

Protection - GBV 2 IRI

Food Security 4 WFP

Nutrition 4 0

Education 2 UNICEF

Social Cohesion 4 0

Health 5 DOH

Explanation of ranking situation

Camp ManagementThere is informal camp management established through 13 Volunteer IDPs because government do not

have presences at the camp


Shortage in the water because the third Burwell water pump is not working and it is without chlorine injection,

and the water operator is a volunteer IDP therefore the chlorine injection in the other two Burwell are not

working in systematic procedure. While there is limit number of the latrines and shower in the camp. UNICEF

is providing hygiene kits on the families on monthly bases till the end of August

Shelter The camps need Tents for the new families arrived to the camp

NFI UNHCR through REACH is providing NFI to the families once they arrived to the camp

Protection CDO - PARC is providing legal assistant to the families, Islamic Refile is covering CPS in the camp

Food SecurityWFP through REACH is providing FFR on monthly bases in the camp, while the families who arrived after

FFR distributed they should wait (3-4 weeks) till the next FFR will be distributed

Nutrition There is no NGO providing nutrition in the camp

EducationThere are two schools in the camp; Primary school with 12 classes (Caravan) and 2 administration

(Caravan), Secondary school with 12 classes (tents) and 2 administration (tents)

Social Cohesion 0

Health There is PHC in the camp without doctors and one ambulance for 7h daily (From 8:00Am till 2:00PM)

Camp Priority Situation Report

A n b a rA n b a r

N i n e w aN i n e w a

N a j a fN a j a f

M u t h a n n aM u t h a n n a

E r b i lE r b i l

D i y a l aD i y a l a

W a s s i tW a s s i t

B a s r a hB a s r a h

M i s s a nM i s s a n

S a l a h a l - D i nS a l a h a l - D i n

T h i - Q a rT h i - Q a r

K i r k u kK i r k u k

D a h u kD a h u k

Q a d i s s i y aQ a d i s s i y a

K e r b a l aK e r b a l a

S u l a y m a n i y a hS u l a y m a n i y a h

B a b y l o nB a b y l o n

B a g h d a dB a g h d a d

IDP Individual 3,162

IDP Family 567

Ratio Individual/Family 5.58

Total special needs IDPs 443

% special needs IDPs 14%












Pregnant women

Breast feeding women

Physically disabled

Mentally disabled

Chronic Diseases


Unaccompagned Child


Children Mother

Women head of household

Children head of household Specific Needs IDPs per type in %

IDP Population Information

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