



    201 1

  • iPhone App : Lecturer's Room Finder, UUM-CAS

    A project submitted to Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies Office in partial

    Fulfillment of the requirement for the degree

    Master of Science (Information Technology)

    Universiti Utara Malaysia


    Chulawadee Khunsri

  • t

    KOLEJ SASTERA DAM SAIHS (Cobge of Arts a d Sciences)

    Unimrsiti Utrua Malaysia

    PERAKUAN KE- KERTAS PROJEK [Certificate of Project Paper)

    Saya, yang bertandatangan, mernperakukan bahawa (I, the undersigned, certijies that)


    calon untuk Ijazah (candidate for the degree on fl

    telah mengemukakan kertas projek yang bertajuk (has presented his/her project of the following title)


    seperti yang tercatat di muka surat tajuk dan kufit kertas projek (as it appears on the title page and front cover of project)

    bahawa kertas projek tersebut boleh diterima dari segi bentuk serta kandungan dan meliputi bidang ilmu dengan memuaskan. (that this project is in acceptable form and content, and that a satisfactory knowledge of the field is covered by the project).

    Nama Penyelia (Name of Supervisor) : ASSOC. PROF. ABDUL NASIR ZULKIFLI

    Tandatangan (Signature) : &,&arikh (Date) :

    Nama Penilai (NameofEvaluator) :

    Tandatmgan (Signature)



    In presenting this project in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a

    postgraduate degree from Universiti Utara Malaysia, I agree that the University

    Library may make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for

    copying of this project in any manner, in whole or in part, for scholarly purpose may

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    Research. It is understood that any copying or publication or use of this project or

    parts thereof for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. It

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    Requests for permission to copy or to make other use of materials in this

    project, in whole or in part, should be addressed to

    Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies

    College of Arts and Sciences

    Universiti Utara Malaysia

    06010 UUM Sintok

    Kedah Darul Aman



    The Information Technology building at the College of Arts and Sciences, Universiti

    Utara Malaysia has a complex design. The numbering of the lecturers' rooms is very

    confusing and finding the required room is very difficult and taking a long time not

    just for students but also for lecturers. The purpose of this study is to develop a

    mobile indoor navigation prototype for lecturers' room search based on iPhone. This

    report discusses about indoor navigation and the development of the prototype based

    on iPhone. This study utilized the research methodology in Information System (IS)

    which was adapted from Vaishnavi and Kuechler (2007). The use of mobile indoor

    navigation prototype could help students to find the required room faster while saving

    energy and increasing productivity. The mobile indoor navigation prototype was

    developed using web tools such as PHP, HTMLS, CSS, JavaScript and SQLite as

    database. The prototype can be used as an alternative way in finding lecturers' room

    at IT building. The results from the evaluation indicated that mobile indoor navigation

    application for searching lecturers' room at IT building, College of Arts and Sciences,

    Universiti Utara Malaysia based on iPhone devices has achieved all the objectives.

    The users agreed in terms of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use towards

    the use of the prototype.


    Firstly, I would like to thank to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Abdul Nasir Zulkifli that

    always have faith in me and gave ideas and suggestion to complete this project. I also

    would to use this opportunities to thanks to my evaluator, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zulikha

    Jamaluddin, for her knowledge that taught me in the class (Research Methodology). I

    applied what I had learnt to this project.

    I'm most gratehl to my family (Khunsri) I am deeply and forever indebted to the

    people in my life that touched my heart and gave me strength to move forward to

    something better. To my beloved father and mother (Mr.Pramote & Mrs.Orawan), to

    my dear sister Kate (Ms.Pichaya) for their love and support in all of my life.

    I would like to present my thanks to my friends in UUM, especially Sandy who

    allowed me to use her iPhone to test the prototype and during the evaluation and also

    be actress in my video presentation. Sammy who always picked me up to class every

    week. Asti, my roommate that helped me during data analysis and finding result.

    Vojta, you're a part of my master degree too. If I don't come back to continue my

    study, I will never meet you.










    1 .O Introduction

    1.1 Background of the Study

    1.2 Problem Statement

    1.3 Research Questions

    1.4 Objective

    1.5 Scope of Study

    1.6 Significant of the Study

    1.7 Research Organization

    1.8 Summary


    2.0 Introduction

    2.1 Smartphone

    2.2 iPhone Application Development

    2.4.1 Web Application









  • 2.4.2 Native Application

    2.4.3 Hybrid Application

    2.3 Shortest Path Algorithm

    2.4 Indoor Navigation

    2.5 Summary


    3.0 Introduction

    3.1 Background of Design Research Methodology

    3.1.1 Awareness of Problem

    3.1.2 Suggestion

    3.1.3 Development of Application

    3.1.4 Evaluation

    3.2 Summary


    4.0 Introduction

    4.1 Evaluation Questionnaires

    4.2 Reliability of Data

    4.3 Mean of Measurement

    4.4 Summary


    5.0 Introduction

    5.1 Discussion

    5.1 .1 First Research Sub-objective

    5.1.2 Second Research Sub-objective v

  • 5.1.3 Third Research Sub-objective

    5.2 Summary


    6.0 Introduction

    6.1 Conclusion of the Study

    6.2 Limitation of Study

    6.3 Recommendation for Future Work

    6.4 Summary


    APPENDIX A: Questionnaire to collect information on an iPhone App -

    Lecturer's room finder

    APPENDIX B: Questionnaire on an iPhone App - Lecturer's room finder

    APPENDIX C: Prototype's coding


    Table 2.1 :

    Table 2.2:

    Table 3.1:

    Table 4.1 :

    Table 4.2:

    Table 4.3:

    Table 4.4:

    Table 4.5:

    Table 4.6:

    Table 4.7:

    Table 5.1:

    Table 5.2:

    Comparison pros and cons between Web apps and Native apps 12

    The indoor navigation system has been developed 14

    Comparison of MySQL function and SQLite function 29

    Percentage of respondent background 3 9

    Data reliability 40

    Constructs measurement 4.1

    Items of Perceive of Usefulness Measurement 4 1

    Items of Perceive of Ease of Use Measurement 4 1

    Items of Satisfaction Measurement 42

    Items of Outcome and Future Use Measurement 42

    Research Objective 44

    Constructs measurement 46



    Figure 2.1 :

    Figure 2.2:

    Figure 2.3 :

    Figure 3.1:

    Figure 3.2:

    Figure 3.3:

    Figure 3.4:

    Figure 3.5:

    Figure 3.6:

    Figure 3.7:

    Figure 3.8:

    Figure 3.9:

    Figure 5.1:

    Figure 5.2:

    Figure 5.3:

    Addition display unit with integrated touch screen, speaker,

    microphone, RFID card dispenser 16

    Wi-Fi Positioning System 17

    Kamppi mobile service and screen showing the map 18

    The Design Research Methodology 2 1

    (a) Lecturer add page (b) List all the lecturers in the table 2 7

    (a) Lecturer detail page (b) Lecturer edit page (c) Delete popup


    Example of the map

    Full map of IT building

    (a) Add to home screen (b) Insert the title (c) Icon added to

    the home screen 3 2

    Startup image 33

    (a) The main page of prototype (b) Search function

    (c) Query the result 3 4

    The result of lecturer room search 3 5

    The prototype interface shown the map and staircase 44

    The result of the Lecturer Room Search can help students find the

    required room faster. 45

    All the result 47


  • GPS








    Global Position System

    Geographic Information System

    Radio-Frequency Identification

    User Interface

    Software Development Kit

    Information Technology

    Universiti Utara Malaysia



    1.0 Introduction

    This chapter provides an overview of the entire study. The first sub-topic describes

    the background of the study that lead to the implementation of the whole research.

    This is followed by problem statement, research questions, objectives, scope of the

    study, significance of the study and research organization. The last sub-topic provides

    the way this research is summarized.

    1.1 Background of the Study

    Currently most navigation systems are designed to support outdoor navigation.

    However, when reaching a destination by using outdoor navigation, a walker need to

    enter a building, and indoor navigation is required for a large and complex building.

    According to Huang et. al. (2009), people tend to lose orientation a lot easier within

    buildings than outdoors. While outdoor navigation has good data supported in the

    network, that is not true for indoor navigation (Werner & Kessel, 2010).

  • The contents of

    the thesis is for

    internal user



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