
IPGP Mage activities

27/04/2004 2004 EUG MAGE Meeting

Team Planetology team in Saint Maur des Fossés

P. Lognonné, M.Wieczoreck, J. Gagnepain-Beyneix Other scientists in IPGP Jussieu ( B.Bourdon, S.Labrosse,

primitive Mars), C.Jaupart’s team ( convection), Seismo lab, etc 2 MAGE post-docs

Amir Khan ( 4/2003->8/2004) Peter van Thienen (3/2004-2/2006)

2 PhD Students H. Chenet ( -> 12/2003) ( Moon seismology) V.Belleguic (->12/2004) ( Mars Gravimetry and Topography) M. Le Feuvre ( 9/2004 -> ) (Moon and Mars Chronology) Ana Rita Baptista ( 1/2005 -> ) (Mars magnetosphere and radiative


27/04/2004 2004 EUG MAGE Meeting

Planetary Cores M. Wieczorek, A. Khan, S.Labrosse et P. Lognonné Science Objectives

Planetary Formation processes Present size, state and mineralogy

Data: LLR, Sismo Apollo, Gravimetry LP Some results:

Moon: confirmation of a liquid core, estimation of the temperature Mars: detailed analysis and theory of tidal signals

27/04/2004 2004 EUG MAGE Meeting

Crust and Martian lithosphere M. Wieczoreck , V. Belleguic, P. van Thienen et P. Lognonné

Science objectives Crustal formation,evolution, impact and volcanic comparative tectonics Propagation of seismic waves in the Martian crust.

Data: MGS ( gravimetry, altimetry) results:

Crustal thickness. Estimation of the fraction of primary crust in the southern hemisphere Estimation of the thickness of the elastic lithosphere and of the density of volcanoes

27/04/2004 2004 EUG MAGE Meeting

Lunar crust and Mantle A.Khan, J. Gagnepain, P. Lognonné, H.Chenet ( ISAS, Japan) Science objectives:

Crustal thickness Mineralogical and temperature composition of the mantle.

Data: Apollo, LP ( gravimetry, altimetry) Results:

New estimate of the crustal thickness Better agreement with geochemistry New estimate of the U content in the mantle.

27/04/2004 2004 EUG MAGE Meeting

Mineralogical and temperature results

• Seismic velocities

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27/04/2004 2004 EUG MAGE Meeting

New research orientations

Primitive Mars and Mars evolution more in P. van Thienen presentation Effect of atmosphere and volatiles on long term

convection Determination of a new cratering chronology for

the Moon and Mars(Le Feuvre and Wieczoreck) Magnetosphere, magnetic crust and radiation

( collaboration with CETP and Portugal)…. In addition to MAGE activities

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