Page 1: INVITATION TO BID Office of Procurement Services ITB.pdfThe ORIGINAL signed Bid must be submitted to the Office of Procurement Services by 1:00 o'clock p.m., on the above listed opening

Rev. 05/29/19


State of Ohio Department of Administrative Services

General Services Division Office of Procurement Services

The Original Signed Bid must be submitted to the Office of Procurement Services to receive consideration for award.


BID NUMBER OPENING DATE (1:00 p.m.) OT904920 March 27, 2020

STREET ADDRESS Check if remit address is different and list on separate sheet


General Services Division Office of Procurement Services



4200 Surface Road Columbus, OH 43228-1395


TOLL FREE NO. 1 - ( )


FAX NO. ( )





In addition to the standard terms for payment, the payment terms for state agency(ies) will be 2%,10 Days, Net 30 Days unless otherwise stated in the following space. If no discount is offered, bidder should circle “Net 30 Days”. _____%, ____Days, Net 30 Days


THE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES, IS SOLICITING BIDS FOR: RAW, BONELESS, SKINLESS, GROUND CHICKEN, FROZEN/REFRIGERATED TERM OF CONTRACT: This Invitation to Bid is to establish a requirements contract to procure the described supplies or services on behalf of the above participating agency(ies). The agency(ies) may place orders against the Contract beginning 04/15/20 or upon the date when DAS signs the Contract, whichever is later in time. The Contract will expire 04/30/23 unless DAS terminates the Contract based upon reasons set forth in the Standard Contract Terms and Conditions. No agencies may place purchase orders against the Contract beyond the expiration date unless DAS renews the Contract by amendment. The Contractor may begin performance under the Contract only upon receipt of a valid order from a participating agency.

CONTRACT RENEWAL. This Contract may be renewed after the ending date of the Contract solely at the discretion of the Contracting Agency for a period of one month. Any further renewals will be by mutual agreement between the Contractor and the Contracting Agency for any number of times and for any period of time. The cumulative time of all mutual renewals may not exceed twenty-four (24) months unless the Contracting Agency determines that additional renewal is necessary.

INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS and STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS, Revised 05/29/19, are a part of this Invitation to Bid. Copies may be downloaded by clicking the link above. All prior versions of Instructions to Bidders, Contract Terms and Conditions are null and void.

Contract Components. Once awarded, the Contract will consist of: the complete Invitation to Bid, including the Instructions to Bidders, the Standard Contract Terms and Conditions, any Special Contract Terms and Conditions, the bid specifications and any written addenda or amendments to the Invitation to Bid or Contract; the completed competitive sealed bid, including proper modifications, clarifications and samples; and applicable, valid State of Ohio purchase orders or other ordering documents (“Contract”).

INQUIRIES: All inquiries should be submitted a minimum of five (5) working days prior to the bid opening date through the Procurement website, Locate the “Quick Links” menu on the right, select “Bid Opportunities Search”; Step 1, enter the “Bid Number; Step 2, click “Search”; Step 3, click the “Document/Bid Number.” The “Submit Inquiry” button is at the bottom right of the Opportunity Detail page. Bidders will not receive a personalized e-mail response to their question, nor will they receive notification when the question is answered. Responses may be viewed by clicking the “View Q & A” button located beneath the “Submit Inquiry” button.



The ORIGINAL signed Bid must be submitted to the Office of Procurement Services by 1:00 o'clock p.m., on the above listed opening date to receive consideration for award. It is requested that the Bidder NOT sign their bid in BLACK ink. BIDDER CERTIFIES, by signature affixed to its bid, that the information provided by it in its bid including the certified statements, is accurate and complete. Bidder declares to have read and understood and agrees to be bound by all of the instructions, terms, conditions and specifications of this Invitation to Bid and agrees to fulfill the requirements of any awarded contract at the prices bid.

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Bidders claiming preference for Domestic Source End Products, the Ohio preference, and/or the Veteran Friendly Business Enterprise (VBE) must complete the following information. Any bidder who intentionally submits false or misleading information in an attempt to receive a bid preference will be immediately disqualified and may be subject to legal action up to and including debarment. The state reserves the right to clarify any information during the evaluation process.


A. DOMESTIC PREFERENCE (BUY AMERICAN): Revised Code 125:11 and Administrative Code 123:5-1(K) [Not applicable to “Excepted Products”]

1. Where is each product/services being offered mined, raised, grown, produced or manufactured?

United States: (State) Canada Mexico (Go to B-1) Other: (Specify Country) (Go to A-2)

2. End product is manufactured outside the United States and at least 50% of the cost of its components are produced,

mined, raised, grown or manufactured within the United States. The cost of components may include transportation costs to the place of manufacture and, in the case of components of foreign origin, duty whether or not a duty free entry certificate is issued. Yes (Go to Section B-1) No (Go to Section A-3)

3. The Bidder hereby certifies that each end product, except the products listed below, is a domestic source end product

as defined in the Buy American Act and that components of unknown origin have been considered to have been mined, produced, grown or manufactured outside the United States.

(Item) (Country of Origin) (Item) (Country of Origin)

B. OHIO PREFERENCE (BUY OHIO): Revised Code 125:09 and Administrative Code 123:5-1-06

1. The products/services being offered are raised, grown, produced, mined or manufactured in Ohio. Yes No (Go to B-2)

2. Bidder has significant economic presence within the state of Ohio. Yes (Answer a, b, c, d below) No (Go to B-3)

a) Bidder has paid the required taxes due the state of Ohio Yes No b) Bidder is registered with the Ohio Secretary of State Yes (Charter/Registration No.: ) No

Questions regarding registration should be directed to (614) 466-3910 or visit their web site at:

c) Bidder has ten or more employees based in Ohio or border state. Yes No (Go to B-2d) d) Bidder has seventy-five percent or more employees based in Ohio or border state. Yes No (Go to B-3)

3. Border state bidder: (Except products mined in Michigan) Yes (Specify which state then go to B-2c): KY MI NY PA IN No (Go to B-4) 4. Border state bidder: mined products mined in respective border state (Except for products mined in Michigan) Yes

No Not Applicable

C. VETERANS PREFERENCE (BUY VETERAN): Revised Code 9.318 and Administrative Code 123:5-1-16 Is the bidder a certified Veteran Friendly Business Enterprise as defined in Administrative Code 123:5-1-01(KK)

Yes No

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SPECIAL CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS AMENDMENTS TO CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The following Amendments to the Contract Terms and Conditions do hereby become a part hereof. In the event that an amendment conflicts with the Contract Terms and Conditions, the Amendment will prevail. DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE: Supplies will be delivered to the participating agency within fourteen (14) days after receipt of order. The delivery location is noted below. Acceptance (transfer of title) will occur upon the inspection and written confirmation by the ordering agency that the supplies delivered conform to the requirements set forth in the Contract. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, acceptance shall be conclusive except as regards to latent defects, fraud, or such gross mistakes as amount to fraud. Deliveries shall be made to Ohio Penal Industries, Meat Processing Career Center, 11446 State Route 762, Orient, OH 43146 between the hours of 7:30 AM and 2:30 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. A delivery appointment is required and must be made prior to the loading of the shipment. Delivery appointments must be scheduled by calling (614) 877-4362 and entering the appropriate extension for John Sifrit (ext. 55635) or Andrew Cox (ext. 55363).

All deliveries shall be transported in temperature controlled trailers maintaining the product in a frozen/refrigerated state while in transit. Products must be delivered at 30o F temperature or less and all delivery trailers must be clean and odor free. If the contractor is unable to meet a scheduled delivery date due to delays caused by the State, the delivery date will be adjusted accordingly to offset such delays. MINIMUM ORDER: The minimum quantity of any order placed against a contract awarded pursuant to this bid is expected to be forty thousand (40,000) pounds, FOB destination prepaid and allowed. Orders below this threshold shall be shipped FOB destination prepaid and added to the invoice. EVALUATION: Bids will be evaluated in accordance with Article I-17 of the “Instructions to Bidders”. In addition, DAS will multiply the Bidder’s quoted price per pound by the State’s estimated annual usage for each item to arrive at the total estimated annual cost for each item. CONTRACT AWARD: The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder by line item. USAGE REPORTS: Every six (6) months the contractor must submit a report (written or on disk) indicating sales generated by this contract. The report shall list usage by customer, by line item, showing the quantities/dollars generated by this contract. The report shall be forwarded to the Office of Procurement Services, 4200 Surface Road, Columbus, OH 43228-1395, Attn: OT904420 Analyst or electronically to [email protected] Attn: OT904420 Analyst Subject: usage report. FIXED-PRICE WITH ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT: The contract prices(s) will remain firm for the first six (6) months duration of the contract. Thereafter, the Contractor may submit a request to increase their price(s) to be effective thirty (30) calendar days after acceptance by DAS. No price adjustment will be permitted prior to the effective date of the increase received by the Contractor from his suppliers, or on purchase orders that are already being processed, or on purchase orders that have been filled and are awaiting shipment. If the Contractor receives orders requiring quarterly delivery, the increase will apply to all deliveries made after the effective date of the price increase. The price increase must be supported by a general price increase in the cost of the finished supplies, due to increases in the cost of raw materials, labor, freight, Workers' Compensation and/or Unemployment Insurance, etc. Detailed documentation, to include a comparison list of the contract items and proposed price increases, must be submitted to support the requested increase. Supportive documentation should include, but is not limited to: copies of the old and the current price lists or similar documents which indicate the original base cost of the product to the Contractor and the corresponding increase, and/or copies of correspondence sent by the Contractor's supplier on the supplier's letterhead, which contain the above price information and explains the source of the increase in such areas as raw materials, freight, fuel or labor, etc. Should there be a decrease in the cost of the finished product due to a general decline in the market or some other factor, the Contractor is responsible to notify DAS immediately. The price decrease adjustment will be incorporated into the contract and will be effective on all purchase orders issued after the effective date of the decrease. If the price decrease is a temporary decrease, such should be noted on the invoice. In the event that the temporary decrease is revoked, the contract pricing will be returned to the pricing in effect prior to the temporary decrease. For quarterly deliveries, any decrease will be applied to deliveries made after the effective date of the decrease. Failure to comply with this provision will be considered as a default and will be subject to the “Suspension/Termination” and the “Contract Remedies” sections of the “Standard Contract Terms and Conditions”.

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SPECIAL CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Cont’d) BIDDERS MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Failure to complete the following may deem your bid not responsive.

BIDDER COST ALLOCATION CATEGORIES As a baseline for evaluation of price adjustment requests for this Contract, Bidders shall indicate the percentage of total costs for the following cost elements. The sum of all percentages must equal one hundred percent. Bidders may add additional cost categories if appropriate.

Cost of Materials Labor Cost Utilities Transportation Other Overhead

% % % % % % DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE: The Bidder may be required to submit descriptive literature of the supplies or services being offered. If requested, the literature will be used in the evaluation process to determine the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. If not provided as part of the bid response, the Bidder must provide said literature within five (5) calendar days after request/notification by the Office of Procurement Services to do so. Any references, that may appear in the descriptive literature, that may alter the terms and conditions and specifications of the bid (e.g. F.O.B. Shipping Point or Prices Subject to Change), will not be part of any contract and will be disregarded by the State of Ohio. Failure of the bidder to furnish descriptive literature either as part of their bid response or within the time specified herein will deem the bidder not responsive. Descriptive literature shall include nutritional analysis, ingredient statement, shelf life, and microbiological tolerance (ie. food borne pathogens monitored). BID AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CHECKLIST: Contractor will indicate, by checking the appropriate box(es) below, which mode of transportation will apply to this contract.

Bidder/Broker (“The Contractor”) or their Sub Contractor will make delivery or be performing services using a vehicle that is owned, leased or rented. Provide Certificate of Insurance documenting automobile liability with a Combined Single Limit of $500,000.00

Goods/Services will be delivered via common carrier.

No employee or representative of the contractor will have cause to be on State property to make deliveries or to perform services.

FDA REGISTRATION: Pursuant to the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (the Bioterrorism Act) all domestic and foreign facilities that manufacture, process, pack or hold food for human or animal consumption in the United States are required to be registered with the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) no later than December 12, 2003. This registration includes owners, operators, or agents in charge of domestic or foreign facilities that manufacture/process, pack, or hold food for human or animal consumption in the United States. All domestic facilities, whether or not food enters interstate commerce, are required to register. Facilities may complete their registration with the FDA online at: The bidder certifies that they or their supplier complies with this requirement. MEAT/POULTRY ESTABLISHMENT: The bidder must offer meat or poultry product(s) from an establishment that is licensed by the Ohio Department of Agriculture or that is producing meat or poultry products under Federal inspection by the United States Department of Agriculture. Any bidder not offering product from a properly licensed or inspected establishment shall be deemed not responsive. Please list the establishment names and registration number that will be providing the products under Contract. Establishment Name: ______________________________ USDA Establishment No. _______________ or Ohio Dept. of Agriculture License No.: _________________

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The bidder must identify the establishment from which they are obtaining the product and should submit with the bid response a letter from the establishment which states the establishment agrees to supply the designated product to the Bidder pursuant to any contract awarded as a result of this Bid. The letter shall be on establishment’s letterhead and shall be signed by an officer of the corporation. The letter shall be addressed to the Department of Administrative Services, Office of Procurement Services. If the letter from the establishment is not submitted with the bid response, it may be requested during bid evaluation. Failure to provide a letter(s) requested during the bid evaluation within five (5) calendar days of request will deem the bid not responsive and result in disqualification for any consideration of award of a contract.

Establishment name(s) and number(s) from which product will be obtained (Use additional sheet(s) if necessary)

Establishment Name: ______________________________ USDA Establishment No. _______________ or Ohio Dept. of Agriculture License No.: _________________ Establishment Name: ______________________________ USDA Establishment No. _______________ or Ohio Dept. of Agriculture License No.: _________________

Establishment Name: ______________________________ USDA Establishment No. _______________ or Ohio Dept. of Agriculture License No.: _________________

Failure to provide the establishment name(s) and number(s) in the spaces provided above may deem your bid not responsive and may result in disqualification from consideration for award.

Contractor(s) shall not provide product from any other source during the term of any contract issued pursuant to this bid without written permission from the Department of Administrative Services, Office of Procurement Services. Failure to comply with this specification may result in immediate cancellation from contract. DISCLOSURE OF SUBCONTRACTORS / JOINT VENTURES: List names of subcontractors who will be performing work under the Contract. By the signature affixed to Page 1 of this Bid, Bidder hereby certifies that the above information is true and accurate. The Bidder agrees that no changes will be made to this list of subcontractors or locations where work will be performed or data will be stored without prior written approval of DAS. Any attempt by the Bidder/Contractor to change or otherwise alter subcontractors or locations where work will be performed or locations where data will be stored, without prior written approval of DAS, will be deemed as a default. If a default should occur, DAS will seek all legal remedies as set forth in the Terms and Conditions which may include immediate cancellation of the Contract. Failure to complete this page may deem your bid not responsive.

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I. SCOPE The purpose of this bid is to obtain a contractor to supply items specified below. These items will be ordered by the Ohio Department

of Rehabilitation and Correction (DRC) for Ohio Penal Industries (OPI), Meat Processing Career Center (MPCC) located at 11446 State Route 762, Orient, OH 43146. The estimated annual requirements are two million, eighty thousand (2,080,000) pounds of raw, boneless, skinless, ground chicken, frozen/refrigerated. While order quantities may vary, orders will typically be placed for forty thousand (40,000) pounds per order. The State of Ohio is not obligated to order in this or any other amount. Should OPI Meat Processing Career Center be closed for a time or decrease production for an unforeseen reason, orders may decline in quantity and/or frequency or may cease.


The OPI, MPCC is a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) monitored facility, facility ID 45705. It is fully equipped and staffed; capable of maintaining the wholesomeness of meat and meat products. The OPI, MPCC is located in a DRC facility and daily operates under USDA observation, trained and experienced civilian management, and strict security measures. It is the intent of OPI, MPCC to use the specified commodity to create a palatable blended product of comminuted mixed species not ready-to-eat (NRTE) meats. OPI, MPCC will perform all processes in a DRC facility and ship the resulting NRTE product to various DRC facilities within the State of Ohio for final preparation and consumption. Additional information regarding the capabilities and operation of the OPI, MPCC can be found in the exhibits at the end of this solicitation. Exhibit I: OPI, MPCC’s Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Plan. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines the HACCP as a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. (per FDA guidance and regulation)

Exhibit II: OPI, MPCC’s USDA Grant of Inspection. The USDA issues a Grant of Inspection to facilities that have written Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP), a validated HACCP, and written recall procedures. (per the USDA Federal Grant of Inspection Guide) Exhibit III: OPI, MPPC’s Food Safety Audit Report. These are the results of an independent auditor’s HACCP and SSOP regulatory compliance review.

III. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: Specifications for Raw, Boneless, Skinless, Ground Chicken, Frozen/Refrigerated

A. This product shall be produced from whole chicken, B quality, muscle material such as breast, wing, drumstick, thighs, etc., with

adhering fat, in naturally occurring proportions, and the final product will have a "ground" form as it emerges from the processing machinery. No extra fat or water may be added.

B. Fat content shall not exceed 20% by weight.

C. Moisture shall not exceed 70%.

D. Chicken used in the production of this product shall be free of rancidity and free of fruity, sulfide-like cardboard, tallow, oily,

oxidized, metallic, or other foreign or “off” odors, as well as free of any foreign materials.

E. This product must show no evidence of mishandling or deterioration and must have a bright color with no evidence of dehydration.

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A. Preparation and Processing: The products shall originate from and be produced, processed and stored in plants regularly operating under the Poultry Products Inspection Regulations (9CFR381).

B. Regulatory Requirements: Delivered products shall comply with all applicable federal and state mandatory requirements and

regulations relating to the preparation, packaging, labeling, storage, distribution and sales of the product within the commercial marketplace. Prior to packaging, all products shall be examined by a metal detection device capable of detecting metals that may be present. Sensitivity levels and testing for acceptable operation shall be as specified in the procedures established by the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Poultry Programs.

C. Preservation: All products are to be delivered in a frozen/refrigerated state. Product shall be frozen/refrigerated to an internal

temperature of 30° F. or lower within seventy-two (72) hours of the beginning of the chilling process and shall remain at 30° F. or lower up to and including delivery.

D. Packaging, Packing, Labeling and Marking: The products shall be preserved, packaged, packed and packages marked in

accordance with good commercial practice. Shipping containers shall comply with the National Motor Freight Classification or Uniform Freight Classification, as applicable.

a. Product shall be packed in food grade, plastic-lined, cardboard combo bins. No alternate packs are acceptable.

b. Product shall be packed at approximately two thousand (2,000) pounds per combo bin.

c. All packaging and packing materials must be new and clean and must not import objectionable odors or flavors to the product.

d. Staples shall not be used as a final case closure. Case closure shall be accomplished by taping, strapping, or gluing.

e. All packages shall be of uniform size and weight with no holes other than hand or handling holes.

f. All shipments of product shall be palletized on standard 4-way pallets. Pallets shall be wrapped with stretch or shrink

wrap. Total pallet weight shall not exceed two thousand five hundred (2,500) pounds.

g. Labeling: Printed, stamped and stenciled labeling and marking information on shipping containers must be water-fast, non-smearing, readable and of a contrasting color.

E. The contractor guarantees that, as of the date of delivery to the State or the State's agent, the product(s) offered is (are) not

adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Poultry Products Inspection Act. V. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS

A. United States Classes, Standards and Grades for Poultry – AMS 70.200 et seq., Standards for Quality of Ready-To-Cook Poultry, 70.221 – B Quality

B. 9CFR381 (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 9 – Animals and Animal Products, Chapter III – Food Safety and Inspection

Service, Department of Agriculture, Part 381 – Poultry Products Inspection Regulations)

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I. Bidders must submit all bids in United States Dollars ($USD).

II. Bidders shall enter the combo bin weight offered in the space provided below.

III. Bid prices offered shall be the price per pound offered by the bidder. When determining the price per pound, the bidder must consider that the bid price shall include all costs associated with providing the required products including, but not limited to, transportation, processing, packaging, wages, benefits, overhead, profit, etc..

Description Unit of

Measure (UoM)

Estimated Annual Usage


Price per LBS ($USD)

Raw, Boneless, Skinless, Ground Chicken, Frozen/Refrigerated LBS 2,080,000 $

Combo Bin Weight Offered(1): LBS (1) Combo bin weight offered for Raw, Boneless, Skinless, Ground Chicken, Frozen/Refrigerated shall be approximately two-thousand (2,000) pounds per combo bin. Bidder shall indicate the combo bin weight offered as indicated above.

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OPI, MPCC’s Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Plan

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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EXHIBIT I (Cont’d)

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OPI, MPCC’s USDA Grant of Inspection

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OPI, MPPC’s Food Safety Audit Report

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Page 33: INVITATION TO BID Office of Procurement Services ITB.pdfThe ORIGINAL signed Bid must be submitted to the Office of Procurement Services by 1:00 o'clock p.m., on the above listed opening

Index No. DRC042 Page 33


Page 34: INVITATION TO BID Office of Procurement Services ITB.pdfThe ORIGINAL signed Bid must be submitted to the Office of Procurement Services by 1:00 o'clock p.m., on the above listed opening

Index No. DRC042 Page 34


Page 35: INVITATION TO BID Office of Procurement Services ITB.pdfThe ORIGINAL signed Bid must be submitted to the Office of Procurement Services by 1:00 o'clock p.m., on the above listed opening

Index No. DRC042 Page 35


Page 36: INVITATION TO BID Office of Procurement Services ITB.pdfThe ORIGINAL signed Bid must be submitted to the Office of Procurement Services by 1:00 o'clock p.m., on the above listed opening

Index No. DRC042 Page 36


Page 37: INVITATION TO BID Office of Procurement Services ITB.pdfThe ORIGINAL signed Bid must be submitted to the Office of Procurement Services by 1:00 o'clock p.m., on the above listed opening

Index No. DRC042 Page 37


Page 38: INVITATION TO BID Office of Procurement Services ITB.pdfThe ORIGINAL signed Bid must be submitted to the Office of Procurement Services by 1:00 o'clock p.m., on the above listed opening

Index No. DRC042 Page 38


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