Page 1: Investigatory Project

Milk Casein

as an

Alternative Ingredient




Page 2: Investigatory Project

The researchers aimed to develop a new product that will benefit the students like us. To this objective, our team comes up with the idea of creating glue based from milk.

Glue has been an important material at home, at school and at office. Most of the commercially available glue is claiming to be non-toxic. However, we are still uncertain of this claim since they contain preservatives that may harm both the user and the environment.

Casein, a protein obtained from milk, has been long proven to play an important role in the production of glue. It can be obtained from milk by means of adding vinegar into the milk. The curd formed from the reaction is mixed with baking soda. The produced glue from milk may vary in consistency depending upon the amount of milk, vinegar, water and baking soda used. Other research conducted claims that glue made from milk casein is waterproof and can be used for bottle labeling and cigarette packaging.

The product produced by our team is cheap and effective. Students can replicate our procedures to create their own milk glue.

Background of the Study

The first evidence when glue used for the first time dates back in 4000 B.C., Archaeologists found foodstuff with deceased when they were studying burial sites of historical tribes in the pottery vessels, which were repaired by some sticky stuff of tree sap. They also found ivory eyeballs into eye sockets in Babylonian temples.

In our modern time, glue may vary from industrial and commercial purpose to ordinary glue used at home and school. Glue is used to fix broken pieces or to bind different materials.

Milk is a whitish liquid containing proteins, fats, lactose, and various vitamins and minerals that is produced by the mammary glands of all mature female mammals after they have given birth and serves as nourishment for their young. Milk available in the market is processed into powdered from. Research conducted on milk protein has proven that milk casein is an effective ingredient for producing waterproof glue.

Significance of the Study

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This project aims to develop glue that will benefit the students, teachers, office workers and other people who use glue in their works. With the developed product, students will no longer need to buy expensive commercial glues from the market since they can readily create glue by using milk. The finished product is also non-toxic since the materials used to create it are natural. The introduction of the product may help lessen the demand for commercially produced glue which often contains toxic preservatives that may harm the environment or the product user. Moreover, students may develop creativity skills in developing glue. The product also has a potential of becoming a source of income for those who wanted to market it.

Statement of the Problem

In this study, the researches aimed to answer the following questions:

1. Is there a way to produce all-natural glue?2. Is the glue produced from milk casein effective?

This study focuses on the development of glue that will benefit students like us. We are also dedicated on finding ways to improve the effectiveness of the glue.

Delimitation/Limitation of the Study

The researchers focus on the production of glue by using milk as a main ingredient. In this research, the team utilized powdered milk since it is readily available in the market. No sophisticated laboratory equipments or tools are used in this experiment; simple household materials like spoon, cups and strainers are used instead.

There is no comparative study between the effectiveness of the commercialized glue and the milk glue done in this research. The use of preservatives and its effect in the shelf life of the product is also not included in this study.

Definition of Terms

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The following terms are frequently used in our research. These terms are defined according to their use in this research.


Milk is a whitish liquid containing proteins, fats, lactose, and various vitamins and minerals that is produced by the mammary glands of all mature female mammals after they have given birth and serves as nourishment for their young.


Casein is a white, tasteless, odorless protein precipitated from milk by rennin. It is the basis of cheese and is used to make plastics, adhesives, paints, and foods.


Glue is a hard, impure, protein gelatin, obtained by boiling skins, hoofs, and other animal substances in water, which when melted or diluted is a strong adhesive.

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