Page 1: Inventing arguments draft #1

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Kristen Sell

Prof. DiSarro

ENG 103

November 2010


Many believe that federal and institution aid along with inflation and tax benefits lessen

the blow of paying for higher education (Awan para. 2). As a struggling student, I disagree.

Public four-year universities raised in-state tuition and fees by eight percent this year, putting in-

state tuition, including room and board, at $16,140 (Awan para. 2). While these forms of aid do

help many students, some of us are being looked over. I am a 22-year-old freshman. As a

freshman, I receive the lowest amount of student loan available, so low an amount, it does not

even cover my tuition. As a 22-year-old adult, I live on my own (off campus). This requires me

to have a job to help me barely pay my rent and bills along with textbooks and extra costs my

financial aid does not cover. I am also somehow expected to find time to study and do well in

my classes. While I am an adult, I am not 24-years-old, so I must still consider myself to be

dependent. This means that, although I support myself, my parent’s income, instead of my own,

is still the deciding factor in whether or not I receive any aid or grants. Because my parents are

not poor and they have good credit, there are no grants made available to me. This means that I

have to ask my parents to take out part of the federal loan that is available to them (an

embarrassing and highly unwanted task for an independent adult). So the experts may say that

the overall cost of paying for college has lessened, but, from where I’m standing, the price of

higher education should be greatly decreased, if not made free.

Page 2: Inventing arguments draft #1

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So, should financial aid just help most students? Should deserving students who have no

way outside of financial aid to pay for their education be allowed to fall through the cracks and

possibly not receive the education they ought to have just because our government feels good

that the majority of students have been helped? If one of these struggling students is asked, I

believe their reply would be a resounding no. Anyone with the drive to further their education

deserves that education, regardless of how much money she or he is able to contribute.

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