Page 1: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Spherical Representation and ...chiclana/publications/A-IJIS-05-accepted.pdfFigure 1: 2D and 3D representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets A fuzzy set is

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Spherical Representation and Distances

Y. Yang, F. Chiclana ∗


Most existing distances between intuitionistic fuzzy sets are defined in linear plane rep-

resentations in 2D or 3D space. Here, we define a new interpretation of intuitionistic fuzzy

sets as a restricted spherical surface in 3D space. A new spherical distance for intuitionistic

fuzzy sets is introduced. We prove that the spherical distance is different from those exist-

ing distances in that it is nonlinear with respect to the change of the corresponding fuzzy

membership degrees.

Keywords: Fuzzy sets, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Spherical representation, Spherical distance

1 Introduction

Research in cognition science [6] has shown that people are faster at identifying an object

that is significantly different from other objects than at identifying an object similar to others.

The semantic distance between objects plays a significant role in the performance of these

comparisons [21]. For the concepts represented by fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy sets, an

element with full membership (non-membership) is usually much easier to be determined because

of its categorical difference from other elements. This requires the distance between intuitionistic

fuzzy sets or fuzzy sets to reflect the semantic context of where the membership/non-membership

values are, rather than a simple relative difference between them.

Most existing distances based on the linear representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets are

linear in nature, in the sense of being based on the relative difference between membership

degrees [2–4,11,13–19]. Obviously, in some semantic contexts these distances might not seem to

be the most appropriate ones. In such cases, non-linear distances between intuitionistic fuzzy

sets may be more adequate to capture the semantic difference. Here, new non-linear distances∗Yingjie Yang and Francisco Chiclana are with the Centre for Computational Intelligence, School of Computing,

De Montfort University, Leicester LE1 9BH, UK. E-mail: {yyang, chiclana}


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between two intuitionistic fuzzy sets are introduced. We call these distances spherical distances

because their definition is based on a spherical representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets.

The paper is set out as follows. In the following section, some preliminary definitions and

notation on intuitionistic fuzzy sets needed throughout the paper are provided. In Section 3,

a review of the existing geometrical interpretations of intuitionistic fuzzy sets and the distance

functions proposed and usually used in the literature is given. The spherical interpretation of

intuitionistic fuzzy sets and spherical distance functions are introduced in Sections 4. Because

fuzzy sets are particular cases of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, the corresponding spherical distance

functions for fuzzy sets are derived in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 presents our conclusion.

2 Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Preliminaries

Intuitionistic fuzzy sets were introduced by Atanassov in [2]. The following provides its defini-

tion, which will be needed throughout the paper:

Definition 1 (Intuitionistic fuzzy sets ). An intuitionistic fuzzy set A in U is given by

A = {〈u, µA(u), νA(u)〉 |u ∈ U}


µA : U → [0, 1] , νA : U → [0, 1]


0 ≤ µA(u) + νA(u) ≤ 1 ∀u ∈ U.

For each u, the numbers µA(u) and νA(u) are the degree of membership and degree of non-

membership of u to A, respectively.

Another concept related to intuitionistic fuzzy sets is the hesitancy degree, τA(u) = 1 −

µA(u)− νA(u), which represents the hesitance to the membership of u to A.

We note that the main difference between intuitionistic fuzzy sets and traditional fuzzy sets

resides in the use of two parameters for membership degrees instead of a single value. Obviously,

µA(u) represents the lowest degree of u belonging to A, and νA(u) gives the lowest degree of u

not belonging to A. On the other hand, if we consider µ = v− as membership and ν = 1 − v+


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as non-membership, then we come up with the so called interval-valued fuzzy sets [v−, v+] [12].

Definition 2 (Interval-valued fuzzy sets). An interval-valued fuzzy set in U is an expression A

given by

A = {〈u, MA(u)〉 |u ∈ U}

where the function

MA : U → P[0, 1]

defines the degree of membership of an element u to A, being

P[0, 1] = {[a, b], a, b ∈ [0, 1], a ≤ b}


Interval-valued fuzzy sets [12, 20] and intuitionistic fuzzy sets [2–4] emerged from different

ground and thus they have associated different semantics [7]. However, they are mathematically

equivalent [5, 8–10, 22], and because of this we do not distinguish them throughout this paper.

For the sake of convenience when comparing existing distances, we will apply the notation of

intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Our conclusions could easily be adapted to interval-valued fuzzy sets.

3 Existing Geometrical Representation and Distances of Intu-

itionistic Fuzzy Sets

In contrast to traditional fuzzy sets where only a single number is used to represent membership

degree, more parameters are needed for intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Geometrical interpretations

have been associated with these parameters, which are especially useful when studying the

similarity or distance between intuitionistic fuzzy sets. One of these geometrical interpretations

was given by Atanassov in [4], as shown in Figure 1(a), where a universe U and subset OST in the

Euclidean plane with Cartesian coordinates are represented. According to this interpretation,

given an intuitionistic fuzzy set A, a function fA from U to OST can be constructed, such that

if u ∈ U , then

P = fA(u) ∈ OST


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is the point with coordinates 〈µA(u), νA(u)〉 for which 0 ≤ µA(u) ≤ 1,0 ≤ νA(u) ≤ 1, 0 ≤

µA(u) + νA(u) ≤ 1.

We note that the triangle OST in fig. 1 (a) is an orthogonal projection of the 3D represen-

tation proposed by Szmidt and Kacprzyk [17], as shown in fig. 1 (b). In this representation, in

addition to µA(u) and νA(u), a third dimension is present, τA(u) = 1− µA(u)− νA(u). Because

µA(u) + νA(u) + τA(u) = 1, the restricted plane RST can be interpreted as the 3D counterpart

of an intuitionistic fuzzy set. Therefore, in a similar way to Atanassov procedure, for an intu-

itionistic fuzzy set A a function fA from U to RST can be constructed, in such a way that given

u ∈ U , then

S = fA(u) ∈ RST

has coordinates 〈µA(u), νA(u), τA(u)〉 for which 0 ≤ µA(u) ≤ 1,0 ≤ νA(u) ≤ 1, 0 ≤ τA(u) ≤ 1

and µA(u) + νA(u) + τA(u) = 1.

Figure 1: 2D and 3D representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets

A fuzzy set is a special case of an intuitionistic fuzzy set where τA(u) = 0 holds for all

elements. In this case, both OST and RST in Figure 1 converge to the segment ST . Therefore,

under this interpretation, the distance between two fuzzy sets is based on the membership

functions, which depends on just one parameter (membership). Given any two fuzzy subsets

A = {〈ui, µA(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} and B = {〈ui, µB(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} with U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}, the

following distances have been proposed [11]:

• Hamming distance d1(A,B)

d1(A,B) =n∑


|µA(ui)− µB(ui)|


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• Normalised Hamming distance l1(A,B)

l1(A,B) =1n


|µA(ui)− µB(ui)|

• Euclidean distance e1(A,B)

e1(A,B) =

√√√√ n∑i=1

(µA(ui)− µB(ui))2

• Normalised Euclidean distance q1(A,B)

q1(A,B) =

√√√√ 1n


(µA(ui)− µB(ui))2

In the case of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, different distances have been defined according to

either the 2D or 3D interpretations. Atanassov in [4] presents the following distances for any two

intuitionistic fuzzy subsets A = {〈ui, µA(ui), νA(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} and B = {〈ui, µB(ui), νB(ui)〉 :

ui ∈ U} using the above 2D interpretation:

• Hamming distance d2(A,B)

d2(A,B) =12


[|µA(ui)− µB(ui)|+ |νA(ui)− νB(ui)|]

• Normalised Hamming distance l2(A,B)

l2(A,B) =12n


[|µA(ui)− µB(ui)|+ |νA(ui)− νB(ui)|]

• Euclidean distance e2(A,B)

e2(A,B) =



[(µA(ui)− µB(ui))2 + (νA(ui)− νB(ui))2]


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• Normalised Euclidean distance q2(A,B)

q2(A,B) =

√√√√ 12n


[(µA(ui)− µB(ui))2 + (νA(ui)− νB(ui))2]

Based on the 3D representation, Szmidt and Kacprzyk [16,17] modified Atanassov’s distances

to include the third parameter τA(u):

• Hamming distance d3(A,B)

d3(A,B) =12


[|µA(ui)− µB(ui)|+ |νA(ui)− νB(ui)|+ |τA(ui)− τB(ui)|]

• Normalised Hamming distance l3(A,B)

l3(A,B) =12n


[|µA(ui)− µB(ui)|+ |νA(ui)− νB(ui)|+ |τA(ui)− τB(ui)|]

• Euclidean distance e3(A,B)

e3(A,B) =



[(µA(ui)− µB(ui))2 + (νA(ui)− νB(ui))2 + (τA(ui)− τB(ui))2]

• Normalised Euclidean distance q3(A,B)

q3(A,B) =

√√√√ 12n


[(µA(ui)− µB(ui))2 + (νA(ui)− νB(ui))2 + (τA(ui)− τB(ui))2]

All the above distances clearly adopt a linear plane interpretation, as shown shown in Fig-

ure 1, and therefore they reflect only the relative differences between the memberships, non-

memberships and hesitancy degrees of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. The following lemma proves


Lemma 1. For any four intuitionistic fuzzy subsets A = {〈ui, µA(ui), νA(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U}, B =

{〈ui, µB(ui), νB(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U}, C = {〈ui, µC(ui), νC(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} and G = {〈ui, µG(ui), νG(ui)〉 :


Page 7: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Spherical Representation and ...chiclana/publications/A-IJIS-05-accepted.pdfFigure 1: 2D and 3D representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets A fuzzy set is

ui ∈ U} of the universe of discourse U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}, if the following conditions hold

µA(ui)− µB(ui) = µC(ui)− µG(ui)

νA(ui)− νB(ui) = νC(ui)− νG(ui)


D(A,B) = D(C,G)

being D any of the above Atanassov’s 2D or Szmidt and Kacprzyk’s 3D distance functions.

Proof. The proof is obvious for Atanassov’s 2D distances. For Szmidt and Kacprzyk’s 3D

distances, the proof follows from the fact that

[µA(ui)− µB(ui) = µC(ui)− µG(ui)] ∧ [νA(ui)− νB(ui) = νC(ui)− νG(ui)]

imply that

τA(ui)− τB(ui) = τC(ui)− τG(ui)

If |τA(ui)− τB(ui)| = |τC(ui)− τG(ui)|, the condition in lemma (1) can be generalised to

|µA(ui)− µB(ui)| = |µC(ui)− µG(ui)|

|νA(ui)− νB(ui)| = |νC(ui)− νG(ui)|

This means that if we move both sets in the space shown in Figure 1(b) with the same

changes in membership, non-membership and hesitancy degrees, then we obtain exactly the

same distance between the two fuzzy sets. This linear feature of the above distances may not

be adequate in some cases, because human perception is not necessarily always linear.

For example, we can classify the human behaviour as perfect, good, acceptable, poor and

worst. Using fuzzy sets, we can assign their fuzzy membership as 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25 and 0. To

find out if someone’s behaviour is perfect or not, we only need to check if there is anything

wrong with him. However, to differentiate good from acceptable, we have to count their positive


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and negative points. Obviously, the semantic distance between perfect and good should be

greater than the semantic distance between good and acceptable. This semantic difference is

not captured by using a linear distance between their memberships.

Therefore, a non-linear representation of the distance between two intuitionistic fuzzy sets

may benefit the representative power of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Although, non-linearity could

be modelled by using many different expressions, we will consider and use a simple one to model

it. Here, we propose a new geometrical interpretation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets in 3D space

using a restricted spherical surface. This new representation provides a convenient and also

simple non-linear measure of the distance between two intuitionistic fuzzy sets.

4 Spherical Interpretation of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Spheri-

cal Distance

Let A = {〈u, µA(u), νA(u)〉 : u ∈ U} be an intuitionistic fuzzy set. We have

µA(u) + νA(u) + τA(u) = 1

which can be equivalently transformed to

x2 + y2 + z2 = 1


x2 = µA(u), y2 = νA(u), z2 = τA(x)

It is obvious that we could have other transformations satisfying the same function. However,

as shown in the existing distances, there is no special reason to discriminate µA(u), νA(u) and

τA(u). Therefore, a simple non-linear transformation to the unit sphere is selected here.

This last equality represents a unit sphere in a 3D Euclidean space as shown in Figure 2. This

allows us to interpret an intuitionistic fuzzy set as a restricted spherical surface. An immediate

consequence of this interpretaion is that the distance between two elements in an intuitionistic

fuzzy set can be defined as the spherical distance between their corresponding points on its

restricted spherical surface representation. This distance is defined as the shortest path between


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Figure 2: 3D sphere representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets

the two points, i.e. the length of the arc of the great circle passing through both points. For

points P and Q in Figure 2, their spherical distance is [1]:

ds(P,Q) = arccos{

1− 12

[(xP − xQ)2 + (yP − yQ)2 + (zP − zQ)2


This expression can be used to obtain the expression of the spherical distance between two

intuitionistic fuzzy sets, A = {〈ui, µA(ui), νA(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} and B = {〈ui, µB(ui), νB(ui)〉 : ui ∈

U} of the universe of discourse U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}, as follows:

ds(A,B) =2π



1− 12






νB(ui))2 +



)2]} (1)

where the factor 2π is introduced to get distance values in the range [0, 1] instead of [0, π

2 ].

Because µA(ui) + νA(ui) + τA(ui) = 1 and µB(ui) + νB(ui) + τB(ui) = 1, we have that

ds(A,B) =2π



µA(ui)µB(ui) +√

νA(ui)νB(ui) +√


This is summarised in the following definition:

Definition 3 (Spherical distance). For any two intuitionistic fuzzy sets A = {〈ui, µA(ui), νA(ui)〉 :

ui ∈ U} and B = {〈ui, µB(ui), νB(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} of the universe of discourse U = {u1, u2, . . . , un},

their spherical and normalised spherical distances are:


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• Spherical distance ds(A,B)

ds(A,B) =2π



µA(ui)µB(ui) +√

νA(ui)νB(ui) +√


• Normalised spherical distance dns(A,B)

dns(A,B) =2



µA(ui)µB(ui) +√

νA(ui)νB(ui) +√


Clearly, we have that 0 ≤ ds(A,B) ≤ n and 0 ≤ dns(A,B) ≤ 1.

Different from the distances in Section 3, the proposed spherical distances implement in their

definition not only the difference between membership, non-membership and hesitancy degrees,

but also their actual values. This is shown in the following result:

Lemma 2. A = {〈ui, µA(ui), νA(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} and B = {〈ui, µB(ui), νB(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U}

are two intuitionistic fuzzy subsets of the universe of discourse U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}, and a =

{a1, a2, . . . , an} and b = {b1, b2, . . . , bn} two sets of real numbers (constants). If the following

conditions hold for each ui ∈ U

µB(ui) = µA(ui) + ai

νB(ui) = νA(ui) + bi

then the following inequalities hold



1− e2i ≤ ds(A,B) ≤ 2




(1− ci)(1− |ai| − |bi|)




1− e2i ≤ dns(A,B) ≤ 2



(1− ci)(1− |ai| − |bi|)

where, ci = max{|ai|, |bi|} and ei = min{|ai|, |bi|}. The maximum distance between A and B is

obtained if and only if one of them is a fuzzy set or their available information supports only

opposite membership degree for each one.

Proof. See appendix A

Due to the non-linear characteristic of the spherical distance, they do not satisfy lemma 1.


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However, the following properties hold for the spherical distances:

Lemma 3. A = {〈ui, µA(ui), νA(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} and B = {〈ui, µB(ui), νB(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} and

E = {〈ui, µE(ui), νE(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} are three intuitionistic fuzzy subsets of the universe of

discourse U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}, and a = {a1, a2, . . . , an} and b = {b1, b2, . . . , bn} two sets of real

positive numbers (constants) satisfying the following conditions

|µB(ui)− µA(ui)| = ai, |νB(ui)− νA(ui)| = bi

|µE(ui)− µA(ui)| = ai, |νE(ui)− νA(ui)| = bi

If E is one of the two extreme crisp sets with either µE(ui) = 1 or νE(ui) = 1 for all ui ∈ U ,

then the following inequalities hold

ds(A,B) < ds(A,E), dns(A,B) < dns(A,E)

The distance between intuitionistic fuzzy sets A and B is always lower than the distance be-

tween A and the extreme crisp sets E under the same difference of their memberships and


Proof. We provide the proof just for the extreme fuzzy set with full memberships, being the

proof for full non-membership similar.

With E being the extreme crisp set with full memberships, we have

µE(ui) = 1, νE(ui) = 0, τE(ui) = 0

Because |µE(ui)− µA(ui)| = ai and |νE(ui)− νA(ui)| = bi, then we have

µA(ui) = 1− ai, νA(ui) = bi, τA(ui) = ai − bi

From |µB(ui)− µA(ui)| = ai and |νB(ui)− νA(ui)| = bi, we have

µB(ui) = 1− 2ai, νB(ui) = 2bi, τB(ui) = 2(ai − bi)


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Therefore, we have

ds(A,B) =2π



(1− ai)(1− 2ai) +√

2b2i +

√2(ai − bi)2





2ai +√

(1− ai)(1− 2ai))


ds(A,E) =2π



1− ai

)Obviously, we have

√2ai +

√(1− ai)(1− 2ai) >

√1− ai


ds(A,B) < ds(A,E)

and dividing by n

dns(A,B) < dns(A,E)

Lemma 3 shows that the extreme crisp sets with full memberships or full non-memberships

are categorically different from other intuitionitic fuzzy sets. With the same difference of mem-

berships and non-memberships, the distance from an extreme crips set is always greater than the

distances from other intuitionistic fuzzy sets. This conclusion agrees with our human perception

about the quality change against quantity change, and captures the semantic difference between

extreme situation and intermediate situations.

5 Spherical Distances for Fuzzy Sets

As we have already mentioned, fuzzy sets are particular cases of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. There-

fore, the above spherical distances can be applied to fuzzy sets. In the following we provide

lemma 4 for the distance between two fuzzy sets.

Lemma 4. Let A = {〈ui, µA(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} and B = {〈ui, µB(ui)〉 : ui ∈ U} be two fuzzy sets in

the universe of discourse U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}, and a = {a1, a2, . . . , an} is a set of non-negative


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real constants. If |µA(ui) − µB(ui)| = ai holds for each ui ∈ U , then the following inequalities




1− ai2 ≤ ds(A,B) ≤ 2




1− ai




1− ai2 ≤ dns(A,B) ≤ 2



1− ai

The maximum distance between A and B is achieved if and only if one of them is a crisp set.

Proof. According to Definition (3), we have

ds(A,B) =2π



µA(ui)µB(ui) +√

νA(ui)νB(ui) +√


For fuzzy sets, we have

τA(ui) = 0 and νA(ui) = 1− µA(ui)

τB(ui) = 0 and νB(ui) = 1− µB(ui)

Considering |µA(ui)− µB(ui)| = ai and µA(ui) ≥ 0, we have

µB(ui) = µA(ui)± ai


µB(ui) = µA(ui) + ai


ds(A,B) =2π



µA(ui)µB(ui) +√

(1− µA(ui))(1− µB(ui))




µA(ui)(µA(ui) + ai) +√

(1− µA(ui))(1− µA(ui)− ai))

This can be rewritten as

ds(A,B) =2π


arccos fi(µA(ui))

with fi(t) =√

t(t + ai) +√

(1− t)(1− t− ai), t ∈ [0, 1 − ai]. The extremes of function fi(t)


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will be among the solution of

f ′i(t) = 0 t ∈ (0, 1− ai)

and the values 0 and 1 − ai, i.e, among 1−ai2 , 0 and 1 − ai. The maximum value

√1− ai

2 is

obtained when t = 1−ai2 , while the minimum value

√1− ai is obtained in both 0 and 1−ai. We

conclude that2π



1− ai2 ≤ ds(A,B) ≤ 2




1− ai

When t = 0 or t = 1− ai, we have respectively µA(ui) = 0 and µB(ui) = 1− ai + ai = 1, which

implies that one set among A and B has to be crisp in order to reach the maximum value under

the given difference in their membership degrees.

Following a similar reasoning, it is easy to prove that the same conclusion is obtained in

the case µB(ui) = µA(ui) − ai. If the last case of bring µB(ui) = µA(ui) − ai for some i, and

µB(uj) = µA(uj)+aj for some j, then we could separate the elements into two different groups,

each of them satisfying the inequalities, and therefore their summation obviously satisfying it

too. The normalised inequality is obtained just by dividing the first one by n.

Because spherical distances are quite different from the traditional distances, the semantics

associated to them also differ. For the same relative difference in membership degrees, the

spherical distance varies with the locations of its two relevant sets in the membership degree

space, 2D for fuzzy sets and 3D for intuitionistic fuzzy sets. The spherical distance achieves its

maximum when one of the fuzzy sets is an extreme crisp set. The following example illustrates

this effect.

Example 1. Consider our previous example about human behaviour, we can classify our behav-

iour as perfect, good, acceptable, poor and worst. Their corresponding fuzzy membership as 1,

0.75, 0.5, 0.25 and 0. A = {〈u, 0.75〉 : u ∈ U}, B = {〈u, 0.5〉 : u ∈ U} and E = {〈u, 1〉 : u ∈ U}

are three fuzzy subsets and U = {u} is a universe of discourse with one element only.

From Section 3, we have

d1(A,B) = l1(A,B) = e1(A,B) = q1(A,B) = 0.25

d1(A,E) = l1(A,E) = e1(A,E) = q1(A,E) = 0.25


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Obviously, we have

d1(A,B) = d1(A,E), l1(A,B) = l1(A,E)

e1(A,B) = e1(A,E), q1(A,B) = q1(A,E)

From Definition 3, we have

dns(A,B) = ds(A,B) =2π



0.75 ∗ 0.5 +√

(1− 0.75)(1− 0.5))

= 0.17

dns(A,E) = ds(A,E) =2π



0.75 ∗ 1)

= 0.55

Obviously, the traditional linear distance of fuzzy sets does not differentiate the semantic dif-

ference of a crisp set from a fuzzy set. However, ds(A,E) and dns(A,E) are much greater than

ds(A,B) and dns(A,B). It demonstrates that the crisp set E is much more different from A

than B although their membership difference appear the same. Hence, the proposed spherical

distance does show the semantic difference between a crisp set and a fuzzy set. This is useful

when this kind of semantic difference is significant in the consideration.

Figure 3 shows four comparisons between the spherical distance and the Hamming distance

for two fuzzy subsets A,B with a universe of discourse with one element U = {u}. The curves

represent the spherical distance, and lines denote Hamming distances. Figure 3(a) displays how

the distance changes with respect to µB(x) when µA(x) = 0, fig. 3(b) uses the value µA(x) = 1,

in fig. 3(c) the value µA(x) = 0.2 is used, and finally µA(x) = 0.5 is used in fig. 3(d). Clearly,

the spherical distance changes sharply for values close to the two lower and upper memberships

values, but slightly for values close to the middle membership value. In the case of the Hamming

distance, the same rate of change is always obtained.

Figure 4 displays how the spherical distance and Hamming distance changes with respect to

µB(x) for all possible values of µA(x). Figure. 4(a), shows that the spherical distance forms a

curve surface, while a plane surface produced by the Hamming distance is shown in fig. 4(b).

Their contours in the bottom show their differences clearly. The contours for spherical distances

are ellipses coming from (0, 0) and (1, 1) with curvatures increasing sharply near (0, 1) and (1, 0).

Compared with these ellipses, the contours of Hamming distance are a set of parallel lines. The

figures prove our conclusions in lemma 4: the spherical distances do not remain constant as


Page 16: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Spherical Representation and ...chiclana/publications/A-IJIS-05-accepted.pdfFigure 1: 2D and 3D representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets A fuzzy set is

Figure 3: Comparison between spherical distances and Hamming distances for fuzzy sets

Figure 4: Grid of spherical distances and Hamming distances for fuzzy sets

Hamming distances do when both sets experiment a same change in their membership degrees.

6 Conclusions

An important issue related with the representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets is that of measuring

distances. Most existing distances are based on linear plane representation of intuitionistic fuzzy

sets, and therefore are also linear in nature, in the sense of being based on the relative difference

between membership degrees. In this paper, we have looked at the issue of 3D representation

of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. We have introduced a new spherical representation, which allowed

us to define a new distance function between intuitionistic fuzzy sets: the spherical distance.


Page 17: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Spherical Representation and ...chiclana/publications/A-IJIS-05-accepted.pdfFigure 1: 2D and 3D representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets A fuzzy set is

We have shown that the spherical distance is different from those existing distances in that it is

nonlinear with respect to the change of the corresponding fuzzy membership degrees, and thus

it seems more appropriate than usual linear distances for non linear contexts in 3D spaces.

A Proof for lemma 2

Proof. According to Definition (3), we have

ds(A,B) =2π



µA(ui)µB(ui) +√

νA(ui)νB(ui) +√


Because A and B satisfy

µB(ui) = µA(ui) + ai

νB(ui) = νA(ui) + bi


τB(ui) = 1− µA(ui)− νA(ui)− ai − bi


ds(A,B) =2π



µA(ui)(µA(ui) + ai) +√

νA(ui)(νA(ui) + bi)


(1− µA(ui)− νA(ui))(1− µA(ui)− νA(ui)− ai − bi))


f(u, v) =√

u(u + ai) +√

v(v + bi) +√

(1− u− v)(1− u− v − ai − bi)

Denoting a = |ai| and b = |bi|, then we distinguish 4 possible cases

Case 1: ai ≥ 0 and bi ≥ 0. In this case,

f(u, v) =√

u(u + a) +√

v(v + b) +√

(1− u− v)(1− u− v − a− b)

Let f ′(u, v)|u = 0, we have

u =a(v − 1)

band u =

a(1− a− b− v)2a + b


Page 18: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Spherical Representation and ...chiclana/publications/A-IJIS-05-accepted.pdfFigure 1: 2D and 3D representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets A fuzzy set is

Let f ′(u, v)|v = 0, then

v =b(u− 1)

aand v =

b(1− a− b− u)2b + a


u =a(v − 1)

b< 0 and v =

b(u− 1)a

< 0

hence the valid solutions are

u =a(1− a− b− v)

2a + band v =

b(1− a− b− u)2b + a

Solving these equations, we have

u =a(1− a− b)

2(a + b)and v =

b(1− a− b)2(a + b)


f0 = f

(a(1− a− b)

2(a + b),b(1− a− b)

2(a + b)


√1− (a + b)2

Obviously, the third square root in f(u, v) must be defined, we have

0 ≤ u ≤ 1− a− b and 0 ≤ v ≤ 1− a− b

The boundary points are reached when u and v get their minimum or maximum values. Assume

t = τA(ui), they have to satisfy

u + v + t = 1

if u = 1− a− b and v = 1− a− b then t = 2a + 2b− 1, we have (1− u− v)(1− u− v− a− b) =

(2a + 2b− 1)(a + b− 1) ≤ 0, the third square root in f(u, v) is not defined. therefore, we have

three boundary points for A

u = 0, v = 1− a− b, t = a + b

u = 1− a− b, v = 0, t = a + b

u = 0, v = 0, t = 1


Page 19: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Spherical Representation and ...chiclana/publications/A-IJIS-05-accepted.pdfFigure 1: 2D and 3D representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets A fuzzy set is


f1 = f(0, 1− a− b) =√

(1− a)(1− a− b)

f2 = f(1− a− b, 0) =√

(1− b)(1− a− b)

f3 = f(0, 0) =√

1− a− b

If ai ≥ 0 and bi ≥ 0, then a + b ≤ 1, we have

f1 ≤ f3 ≤ f0

f2 ≤ f3 ≤ f0

The relationship between f1 and f2 depends on the relationship between a and b. Let c =

max{a, b} and e = min{a, b}, then we have

√(1− c)(1− a− b) ≤ f(u, v) ≤

√1− e2

Case 2: ai ≤ 0 and bi ≤ 0. In this case, the same conclusion is obtained following a similar


Case 3: ai ≤ 0 and bi ≥ 0. In this case,

f(u, v) =√

u(u− a) +√

v(v + b) +√

(1− u− v)(1− u− v + a− b)

Let f ′(u, v)|u = 0, we have

u =a(1− v)

band u =

a(1 + a− b− v)2a− b

Let f ′(u, v)|v = 0, then

v =b(1− u)

aand v =

−b(1 + a− b− u)a− 2b

For u = a(1−v)b and v = b(1−u)

a , we get a = b, hence

u = 1− v and u− a = 1− v − b


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Clearly, both A and B are fuzzy sets under this situation. According to lemma 4, we know that

√1− a ≤ f(u, v) ≤

√1− a2

For u = a(1+a−b−v)2a−b and v = −b(1+a−b−u)

a−2b , we have

u =a(1 + a− b)

2(a− b)and v = −b(1 + a− b)

2(a− b)

if a > b

u > 0 and v < 0


u < 0 and v > 0

hence the only valid solution exists when b = 0, in which case

f0 =√

1− a2

For u = a(1−v)b and v = −b(1+a−b−u)

a−2b , we have

u =a(1 + b)

2band v =

1− b



f1 =



b a > b and b 6= 0;√

1− b2 a ≤ b.

For set A, u + v ≤ 1, anda(1 + b)


1− b

2≤ 1


(a− b)(1 + b) ≤ 0

however 1 + b > 0, which implies a ≤ b. Therefore we have

f1 =√

1− b2


Page 21: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Spherical Representation and ...chiclana/publications/A-IJIS-05-accepted.pdfFigure 1: 2D and 3D representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets A fuzzy set is

Similarly, for u = a(1+a−b−v)2a−b and v = b(1−u)

a , we have a ≥ b and

f2 =√

1− a2

For u and v under the second situation, we have

a ≤ u ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ v ≤ 1−max{a, b}

therefore, we have boundary points for A

u = a, v = 1− a, t = 0

u = a, v = 1− b, t = b− a

u = 1, v = 0, t = 0

u = a, v = 0, t = 1− a


f3 = f(a, 1− a) =√

(1− a)(1− a + b)

f4 = f(a, 1− b) =√

1− b

f5 = f(1, 0) =√

1− a

f6 = f(a, 0) =√

(1− a)(1− b)

Denoting e = min{a, b}, we have

√1− e2 ≥ f(u, v) ≥

√min{(1− a)(1− a + b), (1− a)(1− b)}

Let c = max{a, b} then

√1− e2 ≥ f(u, v) ≥

√min{(1− c)(1− c + e), (1− a)(1− b)}


Page 22: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Spherical Representation and ...chiclana/publications/A-IJIS-05-accepted.pdfFigure 1: 2D and 3D representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets A fuzzy set is

Thus √1− e2 ≥ f(u, v) ≥

√(1− c)(1− a− b)

Case 4: ai ≥ 0 and bi ≤ 0. Again, following a similar reasoning to the one in case 3, the same

conclusion can be drawn in this case.In the four cases we conclude that





1− e2i ≤ ds(A, B) ≤





(1− ci)(1− |ai| − |bi|)




1− e2i ≤ ds(A, B) ≤




(1− ci)(1− |ai| − |bi|)

where ci = max{|ai|, |bi|} and ei = min{|ai|, |bi|}.

According to the boundary points discussed in the four cases, if aibi ≥ 0 holds for each ui,

we have

µA(ui) = 0, νA(ui) = 1− a− b, τA(ui) = a + b


µA(ui) = 1− a− b, νA(ui) = 0, τA(ui) = a + b

hence, the set B has to satisfy

µB(ui) = a, νB(ui) = 1− a, τB(ui) = 0


µB(ui) = 1− b, νB(ui) = b, τB(ui) = 0

Obviously, B is a fuzzy set. Similar conclusion can be drawn if aibi < 0 holds for each ui and√(1− c)(1− c + e) ≤

√(1− a)(1− b). However, if ai < 0 and bi > 0 hold for each ui and√

(1− a)(1− a + b) >√

(1− a)(1− b), we have

µA(ui) = a, νA(ui) = 0, τA(ui) = 1− a


Page 23: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Spherical Representation and ...chiclana/publications/A-IJIS-05-accepted.pdfFigure 1: 2D and 3D representation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets A fuzzy set is

hence, the set B has to satisfy

µB(ui) = 0, νB(ui) = b, τB(ui) = 1− b

Obviously, A is an intuitionistic fuzzy set with available information supporting membership

only, and B is an intuitionistic fuzzy set with available information supporting non-membership



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