


Cover Graphics/Art Credit:Katrina Lees

Intuition On TapMastering Your Inner Wisdom

to Transform Your Life

Heidi Jane

Copyright © 2013 Heidi Jane

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Acknowledgments ...................................................................... vii

Introduction ................................................................................ ix

The Heart Center VIP (Very Intuitive Person) Community

and Forum ........................................................................... xiii

Getting Started ............................................................................xv

Understanding YourselfPart 1 ............................................1

The Journey BeginsChapter 1 .................................................. 3

I AmChapter 2 ........................................................................13

As Within So WithoutChapter 3 ............................................18

Shadow SelfChapter 4 .............................................................24

The Witch’s WoundChapter 5 ................................................32

As Above So BelowChapter 6 .................................................38

Defining IntuitionChapter 7 ...................................................44

The Three Levels of a Human BeingChapter 8 .......................52

Understanding Your UniversePart 2 ................................59

The Universal StructureChapter 9 ..........................................61

Interdimensional InterferenceChapter 10 ..................................69

Spiritual BoundariesChapter 11 ................................................76

Energy VampiresChapter 12 .....................................................83

Torus FieldChapter 13 ..............................................................88

MeditationChapter 14 ...............................................................93

Discovering Your RayChapter 15 ...........................................104

Working with Your Medicine and Chapter 16

Animal Totems ...................................................... 110

Empaths and Highly Sensitive PeopleChapter 17 .................... 119

Turning on the TapPart 3 ..............................................129

Intuition and ClairsentienceChapter 18 .................................. 131

Intuition and ClairvoyanceChapter 19 ....................................139

Intuition and ClairaudienceChapter 20 ................................... 147

Your Ego Mind, Ego Voice, and Emotional Chapter 21

Addictions .............................................................153

Embodying Your SpiritChapter 22 .........................................158

Past Lives or Concurrent Lives?Chapter 23 .............................166

ReincarnationChapter 24 ....................................................... 172

Soul FamilyChapter 25 ........................................................... 179

Intuition on TapChapter 26 ....................................................183



I would firstly like to acknowledge the people in my life who

have been an integral part of my journey and in the creation

of this book. Some have been my greatest teachers, some my

greatest challenges, and some my greatest gifts. This includes my

two children, without whom my life would be incomplete and

unfulfilled. My daughter, Taelor-Jane, has always been able to shine a

light on my life and into my heart, especially in the moments when I

was stumbling, blind in the dark. In those dark moments, it felt easier

to give up than to keep moving forward. Without unconditional

love and encouraging words of truth from Taelor-Jane, I don’t think

I would have been able to continue to put one foot in front of the

other, journeying back into my heart. Taelor-Jane inspires me to be

a better woman, a better mother, and a better human being.

From the moment my son, Lachlan, was born, the words “Thank

God you’ve come back to me” drifted through my mind. We have

such a special understanding, a connection that surpasses time

and words, a deep bond that allows us to communicate with one

another simply through our hearts. I admire Lachie’s courage and his

sensitivities. He is a true leader in every sense of the word, and when

I look at him I am reminded of the fabled King Arthur—strong,

compassionate, open hearted, honorable. Thank you for choosing

me, again.


Heidi Jane

To my beautiful partner, Wayne: You are my rock and my shelter.

You are my soft place to land. I am so thankful you found me.

To my soul sister, Min, how could I possibly have done this

without you? Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on, an ear to

listen, and a bottomless well of inspiration. I love you.

To my birth family, who have difficulty understanding me at

times and even more difficulty relating to my perspective of the

world, you have given me a firm foundation in logic, analysis, and

intellect with a drive to do better, to reach my personal best, and for

this I thank you.

To my soul family, words cannot express my heartfelt gratitude

for the courage you have shown me, for the love you have given me

and for the support you continue to provide. We’re almost there.



There are only two mistakes one can make along

the road to truth: not going all the way and not


This book takes you through an unfolding process, a

journey. It has been created to turn on the tap of your

intuition, teaching you how to use it in your everyday life.

You don’t have to be aware of your intuition to gain value from this

book, and conversely, this book has much to offer the more advanced

intuitive. It will work to guide you, no matter where you are in your

life, intuitively and personally.

This book is experiential in nature and contains many exercises,

self-care tips, and homework exercises that have been tried and

tested. If completed, there is no doubt that these tools will help

you to connect to and deepen your intuition. By following simple

instructions you will have access to your intuition on tap, being

able to turn it on whenever you choose. I have created a companion

workbook for you to use alongside of this text. This workbook

offers exercises and gives you space to record your experiences, your

findings, and your discoveries along the way.

After teaching meditation and spiritual development for many

years, I developed a training and therapeutic modality called

Intuitive Dynamix™ that is professionally accredited internationally.


Heidi Jane

I understand the keys, tools and methods that enable a healthy,

balanced approach toward developing your intuitive abilities. I have

also seen the negative effects of some methods that only focus on

psychic development or developing clairvoyance before the student

is ready. Such methods can cause mental, spiritual, and emotional

problems and potentially create illness and imbalance.

This book will guide you through a balanced, step-by-step

process that will allow you to take the journey at your own pace,

moving forward or backing off in alignment with what your

intuition is telling you. Intuition on Tap is unique in its approach to

intuition and spirituality, containing a strong link between personal

and spiritual growth throughout. I believe you cannot open your

intuitive gifts without honoring your own personal process and

evolution. Addressing both aspects of yourself while reading this

book will give you the ability to open, deepen, and express your

intuition like never before.

Even though this book has the same exercises for all readers, it is

a doorway to gaining deep understanding into your own unique way

of experiencing the world. I know one size does not necessarily fit

all, and as you journey through the book, continue to ask yourself:

“What are my strengths?”

“How do I enjoy working with my intuition?”

“Are there particular exercises that I find easy and feel attuned


“Are there exercises or topics that I don’t resonate with?”

“What is my unique way of accessing and using my


There are no wrong answers; trust what you feel is right for you.

Intuition On Tap


It is not my intention to try and squeeze you into a box or to tell

you who you are. That is, and always will be, your work and your

journey. I am here to pave the road and to give you a map so that

you may make your own discovery. When you understand this, the

rest will follow.

You may have been told that you are not enough, that you are

less-than, or that you can’t be spiritual or intuitive because you aren’t

gifted, or aren’t special, or don’t come from a long line of gypsies, or

aren’t the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter. In my experience,

these are all limiting beliefs and concepts created, in part, to keep you

small and separate from who you are as an amazingly talented being.

This is one of the reasons I don’t use the word “gifts” or “gifted”

when referring to developing your intuition. This creates a belief that

some people have the “gift” and that others don’t. I believe you have

the ability to develop and utilize your intuition to whatever level you

desire. It is always your choice, always. Don’t allow other people’s

opinions and egotistic projections to limit your ability to shine.

I, as a fellow traveler, acknowledge your courage, strength, and

spirit for taking this journey. Travel deep and well.

If you are interested in pursuing more of your intuitive gifts and

have a desire to work in the spiritual industry professionally, then this

book will give you a taste of the Internationally Accredited Intuitive

Dynamix™ Training with me. You can find more details on my



The Heart Center VIP (Very Intuitive Person) Community and Forum

Be who you are and say what you feel,

because those who mind don’t matter,

and those who matter don’t mind.

—Dr. Seuss

S ometimes when your intuitive abilities awaken, it can be quite

scary to find the people around you don’t quite understand

what you’re going through. This is one of the main intentions

for creating the online community The Heart Center and Forum,

where you can become a VIP (Very Intuitive Person) member and

connect and share with like-spirited people who will understand

you and the processes you are learning. If you become a member

of the VIP forum, you will be able to discuss the exercises and

topics of this book and your experiences within each chapter. There

will be other students to share with, and you will have access to

me and my expertise. Visit for more



Getting Started

Congratulations! The fact that you are holding this book

in your hands and reading these words is a great example

of you following your intuition! It is no mistake that

this book has found its way into your life. I invite you to open your

heart and open your mind as you read on, allowing the words that

are written and the energy behind them to weave their magic into

the fabric of your life.

You are probably already aware of the desire you feel to expand

and explore your intuition and create the life of your dreams. You

feel that cloying internal thirst that can’t be quenched by anything

else, the yearning to experience more, have more, and be more in

your life. This desire stems not from an egotistical need to attain

more things but rather from a beautiful quality that dwells within

your own heart and spirit, the desire to simply become more of

your true self. This imperative you feel may be the result of a loss,

a crossroads moment, a divorce, or dissatisfaction in your job, or it

may simply be from an intention to become more heart-centered,

intuitive, and connected to your own spirit. Whatever the reason

that has led you to this moment, it is perfect and will undoubtedly

add to the richness of your experience.

Each of us has our own unique way of viewing and interacting

with the world. We all contain our own distinctive spiritual and


Heidi Jane

energetic blueprint or DNA. This means that your experience of this

book will be unique to you, which is perfect.

The outcome that you are seeking will affect your experience

of this book. In fact, you may read multiple times, each time with

a different intent. The first time may be read as a personal growth

exercise and the second time as a professional guide to deepen your

intuitive abilities. However you feel drawn to utilize the content is

perfect for you right now. Take a few moments, still your mind, and

feel into what your heart is telling you. Do you feel ready to simply

read the book through first, feeling your way into the lessons? Or

is your mood brave and enthusiastic, wanting to get stuck into the

exercises and challenge yourself?

Ask yourself, “Do I want to extend my spiritual and intuitive

gifts to the next level and possibly create a new life for myself, one of

working with spirit day to day?”, or “Would I prefer to simply learn

more about myself, who I am, and what makes me tick?”

Again, there are no right or wrong answers to these questions.

This book should be transformative. It may be used at a professional

level, but even more than that, if you follow the processes in this

book you will learn who you are as an inimitable spiritual being

having a human experience. This journey will lead you to knowing

who you truly are, warts and all. You will be encouraged to learn

to love your limitations, your shadow, your beliefs, your beauty, and

your natural gifts. You will learn how you naturally interact with the

world, what your natural abilities are, what your ray is, what your

medicine is, and how you can best fulfill your soul’s yearning and

desire to work with spirit and turn on your intuition, like turning

on a tap. Within that, it is important that you have trust in the

process, in the content, and most of all in yourself. You may find it

challenging at times to stay in a state of trust, but this is what will

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