



Sylvania Waters revisited...............................................................................................................2

Sir George’s objection....................................................................................................................2

Nobody dead of shame..................................................................................................................3

Cave in at Betalong Point...............................................................................................................3


Not immigration (yet)....................................................................................................................3

Diminishing the diminution...........................................................................................................4

The Wentworth race......................................................................................................................4

Thank you, Warringah...................................................................................................................5

Tabloid to the rescue........................................................................................................................5

Inside out.......................................................................................................................................5

The easier crossword.....................................................................................................................5

The REAL Gladys............................................................................................................................6



The signature.................................................................................................................................6

Transport coordination..................................................................................................................7

Life after Death(trap).....................................................................................................................7

A home game for Easts..................................................................................................................8

Chaff bags for the Badlands...........................................................................................................9

Eliminating sovereign risk..............................................................................................................9

On thrift.........................................................................................................................................9

The rehearsal...............................................................................................................................10

Progress on road reform..............................................................................................................10

God scores again..........................................................................................................................11


Amazing light...............................................................................................................................12

Little turtle......................................................................................................................................12


IntroductionThis update to Infrastructure Paradise sees pilgrims traipsing a path on which Rugby League is the only winner.

Travellers encounter a billboard at Betalong Point, the world’s richest races, life after Death(trap), the signature, the rehearsal, an amazing light and little turtle.

They pass by a grim assessment, get to see a quiz, offer thanks to Warringah and learn about transport coordination and thrift.

Regrettably no suitably eminent person is met.

The lesson: such sights explain much about what makes Big Town the infrastructure paradise it is.

MiltonHow apt for a beagle’s thoughts to turn to paradise while sitting at Heritage Bakery Milton chowing on a curried pie during its return from Bumbo – Big Town bound. But unlike those lazing in the Ulladulla & Districts rustic lifestyle you’re in a bit of a hurry so let’s get on with it. i

BBSylvania Waters revisitedStarting at the top. The Prime Minister, showing The Shire won’t move past Noelene, wondered about the fuss regarding Big Town’s Biggest Billboard originally purposed as an Opera House. ii

The only billboard on the world heritage list – apparently Khufu etc. weren’t bright enough to highlight gambling promotions at Gizeh etc.iii

Unlike the Sphinx @Geelong which, while unfairly not on the world heritage list, not only embraces advertising but has the type of drive-in bottle shop featured in the immigration quiz – a quiz itself ‘featured’ below.iv

There are those who say the current Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, is unlikely to leave a lasting legacy. To which the beagle bays: ‘bullshit’. He has already got the Opera House renamed – BB to you.

Sir George’s objectionThe fuss? In the finest tradition of the PDR of New South Nevada’s greatest game of all, a ‘robust’ discussion. The traditional 80-minute softening up period, no time off for injuries.

Radio host Mr Alan Jones AO, of Mr Master’s Jonestown fame and co-author of some save the BB citizens’ letter, promised – live and on air - to ring the Premier and ask for the BB CEO to be sacked. The reason: not ‘coming to the party’ to use the BB, Bennelong Point, to promote a horse race. Via visual display – e.g. of the barrier draw - on its ‘sails’.v

The same Mr Jones who reportedly earlier criticised BB management for creeping commercialisation, ‘trashing’ the icon… As they say: change jerseys at half

Notwithstanding a residence at the not quite world heritage listed ‘Toaster’ near the BB, and notwithstanding the matter concerns the sport of kings, Mr Jones is among Big Town radio personalities thought by some to talk for and help the little people. Rather than the elite(s?).

And, as if to confirm this, in short order over 300,000 people reportedly signed a petition against such use of the BB. Probably elites.vii


Probably part of a tiny minority who think there are enough gambling ads in Big Town already.

Yet the race might do with a bit of promotion – its record not including a cavalcade of champions like Archer, Tulloch, Kingston Town etc. Or even the professor riding hands and heels. But what can be expected given its 1-year tradition and name presumably copied from a mountain in Asia?

The race did engender a spirit of bipartisanship. Senior leadership of the Federal and NSN Labor Opposition supported the promotion telling us to ‘chill out a bit’. Everyone happy to push Everest. viii

Except the man himself? Sir George Everest reportedly objected to his surname being used for the mountain. No doubt he’d be happy to see it festooned on another wonder. ix

As if that matters. Players in Big Town don’t speak ill of the departed. Nor respect them. Proof: the tiny metro tunnels bored by the people praised as the new Bradfields – undoing the legacy the great engineer bequeathed Big Town.

Nobody dead of shameAt first no second thoughts from Mr Jones, indeed doubling-down. Then came the apology. The CEO kept the job, no sighting of a chaff bag, nobody dying of shame this time.x

Then a confession: a State Government Minister – who can be found in endnote viii – was a source of the suggestion the Opera House be so used.

Racing chiefs were cheered by the Telegraph but chastened by the Sydney Morning Herald. That they won’t do it again might speak to their position in the hoi polloi rather than the elites.

And then there were the usual ‘revelations’ of various parties’ financial interests in the kings’ sport although not in the hoped-for-at-some-time-in-the-future (hfastitf) famous race.xi

Cave in at Betalong PointOnto the Premier. Reports had, after months of careful negotiation about the use of Sydney public landmarks to promote the name Sir George didn’t want used, her apparently caving-in soon after Mr Jones’ on-air effort. By sending out the order for the BB to be so used.xii

‘Diminished’ but one subsequent epithet. Probably not because the Premier ignored Mr Jones’ instruction - which was to sack the CEO.

Correct weight and cue outrage from people who claim they thought the Premier better than that. Where did they get that impression? From matters infrastructure? From the Newcastle sell out?xiii

Next a street demonstration, the barrier draw held in private and some naughty ABC types supplementing the visual feast on the BB’s sails with Mr Jones’ phone number.xiv

Outrage at the outrage. So many mouths, so much foam. Then outrage at the outrage at the outrage – amid which the Prime Minister made his remarkable remark.

The locality hosting both Toaster and BB becoming known as Betalong Point.

All before they were set and ready to go!

RaceNot immigration (yet)Those interested in matters race – hold yer horses. Gladys v. the Foreign Peril will come later.

For now, let’s see the results of the nascent hfastitf famous race as distilled in the mass media:


Last year’s winner won again; Crowd around 40,500 – many under 35 years old; Betting turnover was second only to The Cup, TAB takings 9% up; Some 120,000 beers and 15,000 bottles of champagne (size not stated) done.

For those lacking calculators say on average 4-6 beers per guy and a bottle o’bubbly per doll prior to any Big Town entertainment. Certainly worth celebration in a country with a reputation for gambling and drinking problems. Why not put those numbers on the BB?xv

But even with this triumph a Premier, for one, ‘diminished’.

Hence, like both Grand Finals, Rugby League was the only winner. As things should be in Paradise. xvi

Diminishing the diminutionThe Premier’s response to being diminished? Channelling one of her supposed illustrious predecessors. Along the lines of: ‘we’re listening but look over there’.

And, to show a confidence in the masses that comes from being one of them, offering only half the usual circus.

Instead of launching a new not-to-happen transport plan, the Premier limited the diversion by merely pointing a finger at foreigner types – migrants wot – that causes them traffic jams.xvii

Adding to the list of politicians who throw the switch to ‘stop immigration’ when questions arise about competence, character or status as a nice ‘head girl’.xviii

The beagle asks: have you seen the Barry McKenzie movies? Wherein lies a good idea for such a politician – an immigration quiz.

What better for a former student leader to diminish diminution than administering a quiz? Allowing them to choose who gets to stay in the People’s Democratic Republic of New South Nevada.

To those about to argue that’s a Commonwealth job – the beagle says: ‘bugger the Constitution – the Feds ignore it every day’. Anyhow, the PM could privatise the task.

The Wentworth raceYet perhaps the Premier’s people are aware of some of Mr Beresford’s finest fillums. As that quiz is not the type of thing to come out of the closet when Wentworth’s ‘demographics’ were in play. xix

If a quiz is not on – yet – what about a bit-of-head-of-government-even-handedness by promoting the richest race in the world? Held Saturday 20 October.

The GRNSW + Ladbroke’s Million Dollar Chase. At a Wentworth too - Wentworth Park, not far away. 520m. Nice menu. Poke the Bear and Benali early favourites.xx

Admittedly that richest race isn’t the sport of kings.

But given the champions of the little people worked so hard to get the NSW Government’s racing ban reversed, couldn’t they have done a little more? Like raise the richest race in the world live and on-air with the CEO of the BB? Improving the profile of the economy-boosting Wentworth race. And enabling the Premier to step in again to make sure the BB is put to best use.

If nothing else, a re-run of the previous imbroglio (Rugby League word) would have enabled participants to somewhat redeem themselves with more dignified behaviour. But then that wouldn’t be Big Town and it would undermine the spirit that inspires its infrastructure projects. xxi


Thank you, WarringahWentworth results: Mystic Riot ($6.00, $1.90) from Jamela Jet ($2.70). Poke the Bear 4 th. Quinella $20.40. Thank you SkyRacing.xxii

The other Wentworth?

Not the show on the ABC – although like Aunties’ it includes:

‘Bold new characters and story telling which uncovers dangerous and heartbreaking secrets.’

Boldly enter the Commonwealth Parliament Dr Kerryn Phelps, once of The Shire (Bundeena).

A dangerous exit of the Government’s majority in Representatives via a big swing.

Heartbreak for the Conservative parties losing their 117-year hold on the seat.

Secret heartbreak too for those sick of the Muppet show.xxiii

But two things for 2GB listeners and broadcasters.

First, before those socialists start dancing on the grave, note Labor and the Greens recorded swings against them too.xxiv

Second, Dr Phelps thanked the people of Warringah, the electorate that gave us Mr Abbott. Despite some media types claiming this was a mistake, in fact it seems quite appropriate.xxv

Tabloid to the rescue Inside outRacing not apparently going to do the trick of undiminishing things, thankfully the Tele chimed in. With a few soft pix accompanied by a headline ‘I’m an outsider on the inside’ aka the ‘real Gladys’. So refreshingly different to ‘the real Julia’. xxvi

Perhaps the Tabloid wanted to show more respect than to the subject of a chaff bag tirade because, unlike Julia, the Premier is a ‘straightshooter’. With, in its words under several photos: ‘many faces’. Who doesn’t say things to the champs and footsoldiers like ‘I won’t be lectured to’ as per two Prime Ministers who fell afoul of the people’s voices.xxvii

A Premier, the top of the political tree, former president of the Young Liberals, former school student leader and bank executive - an outsider?

About as realistic as claims re merit of Big Town big infrastructure projects or carefully worded responses in Parliament – deniable denials – of the Newcastle rort.

Or the SCG Trust is not some private members club.xxviii

Or thinking a housing affordability crisis, declared last year as ‘the biggest issue’ for the State Government, has been resolved – given a recent ‘grim assessment’.xxix

The beagle suggests an answer to the apparent paradox: the propensity to get infrastructure things back to front – inside out – makes the Premier an insider-outsider.

The easier crosswordWhich may be too much to put in the newspaper we buy because the crossword is easier.


Front pages of that journal of record these days covering such scandals as some student rag showing people how to dodge fares. Dreadful – might even crimp cash for the infrastructure club. Shame, shame, shame. Must get a copy though…xxx

The student rag, in today’s vernacular, ‘called out’ by the Transport Minister for being idiotic. A claim with which he is acquainted given, for example, his experts forgetting about an international airport to be built in the Bad Lands in west Big Town.

And explaining twice that single-deck and double-deck trains can’t use the same tracks. xxxi

The Minister fumed: students should spend more time studying.

Quite. Perhaps he should set a good example and spend more time at his job rather than perusing/commenting on student rags.

Reading the Tele might help him there. Especially if he starts and stays at the back pages. Or, like the beagle, he focuses on the crossword and weather/fishing/beach conditions pages.

Rugby League wins again!

So, what?

Gentle reader, this is background in which Big Town’s infrastructure decisions are made.

The REAL GladysAnd what of the REAL Gladys – Ms Moncrieff.

Would the famed singer have had more respect for the Opera House?

Who cares. She has a park named after her on the Gold Coast – the beagle’s spiritual home.

Dog friendly.

A positive legacy. Better than what faces the outsider as we will see below.xxxii

InfrastructureXBringing us back to infrastructure? Onto the Premier’s ‘signature’ project – Sydney Light Rail.

Parliamentary inquiry, new revelations etc. overruns, delays on delays, court cases, businesses going broke. George St looking like a post-Blitz thoroughfare in London.

Yawn, told you so, no news here.xxxiii

The beagle says: next time the Premier’s signature is needed, perhaps an ‘x’ should be the go.

The signatureMeanwhile, best to blame migrants and get the signature off the front page. The beagle says if a quiz is not on – yet – and you are unwilling to adopt a proper slogan like NSW plenum off defricatus urina then how about a new rule: before being allowed to drive/buy an Opal card prove you are not a foreigner type. Just a small step from the Government’s inspired requirements for those on the devil’s ponies – bicyclists – to carry proof of identity etc.xxxiv

Anyhow, the big – new, short but expensive – hfastitf hoss race was held near the signature.


Given how well the signature is going, no doubt there could be allegations of track bias. Connections who raise it in protest will have a case. And they have an extra 2month (at least) delay to lodge.

Speaking of disputes, did you hear the one about the defendant who, after the start of a $1bn or so litigation, guaranteed a $500m loan to (someone associated with?) the plaintiff for the matter in contention? No?? Well see…xxxv

Transport coordinationEvery good article needs a section on transport coordination.

Thankfully, NSW Roads and Maritime Services and the Transport Minister ‘came to the party’ just recently to provide some suitable material.

Roads and Maritime reportedly invited the plaintiff (see signature section) to express interest in/tender for some big – $2.5billion range - road project. Incidentally, the same order of magnitude as the revised cost of the signature.xxxvi

The Transport Minister then reportedly announced they would not ‘make the cut’ i.e. not win. And they:

‘can waste their time and money all they like…… these guys have shown their performance just isn’t good enough.’xxxvii

Luckily NSN has a Minister for Roads who no doubt will explain this one to the public. In a way that does not attract the interest of the authorities.xxxviii

Life after Death(trap) The signature also passes by the ‘Deathtrap’, formerly known as the Sydney Football Stadium, Allianz Stadium etc.xxxix

About which one of the leading infrastructure lights in Paradise started his exposition of arguments for demolition and rebuilding with reference to Hillsborough - scene of a tragedy – and a subsequent global stadium design handbook which grew from a 1990 report into that disaster.xl

But not mentioning the most recent inquiry or later (consideration of) prosecutions some of which related to the 1990 inquiry allegedly being misled and real causes being covered-up.xli

As the wags said, if after every disaster there is a pressing need to tear down buildings – Big Town has quite a way to go to address the post 9/11 demolition backlog.

But back to the epistle - even if in previous stadium arguments the claim was a NSW Minister helped write the material, albeit unpublished. xlii

And why are we talking about it? Because we were given a summary ‘business case’ which essentially asserted the Deathtrap - and the other outdated relic constructed in the dying days of the last Millennium at Homebush aka the Olympic Stadium - are pieces of economic infrastructure. That is, they allegedly have an important purpose of generating revenue or economic activity. Said business case considered by Infrastructure NSW. So, infrastructures they are!xliii

Real infrastructure. Not housing. Not affordability. That’s the biggest issue here.

The epistle was launched just 4 days prior to a(nother) so-called record attendance at an NRL Final. Strange how many record crowds were imperilled this year.

Some 44,380 – 97.5% of seating capacity - were allowed to enter the Deathtrap. xliv


Once the Deathtrap is knocked over, one of the joys of life – lectures to the ‘elites’ about maintenance deficiencies and safety problems of assets under worthy stewardship – will be gone.

A loss to be felt almost as severely as the end of the campaign - by well-rehearsed champions of free-enterprise, thrift and less public spending - helping to put the case of the ‘most sought after club in Sydney’.

The club with a more than decade long waiting list, joining fees over $1100, annual fees around $400 and a dress code. The one which is not some private-members-club.

The campaign for some large sum, say $730m or so, from the NSN Government i.e. general citizens, to pay for demolition /rebuilding of the club -Trust - facilities.

Presumably because those unfortunate enough to be members / facility attendees would be unwilling to pay market rates.xlv

The only positive offset is campaigners will have time to pen fresh articles about other matters such infrastructure crises / immigration / evils of government spending.

A home game for EastsThe case for renewal, and our antipodean stadium Schumpeters - proponents of Big Town gales of creative destruction, helped by the Tele.

A scoop front page picture - the result of a Minister we met earlier chasing the tabloid to showcase his achievement - ‘can reveal’ the artist’s impression of the glory of the world class Moore Park stadium to replace the Deathtrap.xlvi

‘Can reveal’? How coy of a publication with lineage back to the three Ts. In fact, it ‘will and does reveal’. And on page 1 rather than page 3! xlvii

Forgotten in the attempted saturation coverage was an appropriate name for the new world class edifice.

What happened to ‘The Twickenham of the South’? Surely ex-rugger coach Mr Jones would approve of the Premier naming it thus?xlviii

A realisation that, after the phoenix arises, its capacity will only be around half the hallowed English ground?

Or that given its capacity the Melbourne Cricket Ground is a more likely austral Twickenham? xlix

The Tele’s ‘reveal’ had an intriguing detail. An artist’s impression of a full car park full but (almost?) empty stadium. Probably accurate for an Easts – now called Roosters - home game. Presumably they have signed up to use the unnamed phoenix?

No matter. The Environmental Impact Statement had a lengthy but nonetheless fascinating section which delved into international tourism. China mentioned – but numbers from there reportedly in decline. Relevance to the Deathtrap’s successor phoenix? It will reverse the trend of course.

Various teams could run programs for season temp. mig. packages. That’d fill the joint up.

Ample time to ramp this up after construction. Three years to prepare and coordinate with the Feds – who incidentally chipped in $100m or so for a 25,000-seat stadium in Townsville - before any team mascot turns up. Tiger 2021, Rabbit 2022, Dragon 2023.


Rooster? 2029. Rugby League the only winner.l

Chaff bags for the BadlandsPilgrims! Allow the beagle to show you how the Tele could help in outer NSN as well.

In the soon to be isolated - due to the three (actually up to nine) 30-minute cities – Bad Lands of Big Town, Western Sydney.

Where after a NSW Government sponsored demolition/rebuild of a stadium – cost a snip at $300 million - the local rugby league team Parramatta, among Big Town’s most popular, is saying it doesn’t want to play

Don’t quibble about reasons. Let’s threaten to deport the lot of them – put them in chaff bags Eels can’t wriggle out of – unless they change their minds.

Some cynic opined this imbroglio could mean use of the new stadium was not sorted out before the old was demolished. No matter, the National Rugby League believes the knock-em-down-build-em-up policy is right. lii

Provided somebody else pays.

It is a shame they can’t force teams to play there. Or doesn’t have a team of its own.

Again, Rugby League will be the only winner.

Eliminating sovereign riskAnyhow the Deathtrap is to be knocked down.

Of course, before the election, Big Town’s special way of preventing policy reversal. Or, for the fusspots; democratic involvement.

What the club refers to as: eliminating sovereign risk.

Like when Labor Premier Cahill ordered the Opera House footings sunk before its design - to prevent colleagues and later governments from backing out. With predictable results:

‘sinking the 550 concrete piers cost twice the estimate and took twice as long as planned. And, when the roof design was finalised, the original foundations were not strong enough and had to be changed at phenomenal cost’.liii

Or the new Bradfields ordering tiny rail tunnels to prevent later use by big trains. Like the policy of Paris over 130 years ago aimed at keeping keep the rest of France at bay – keeping many employed over the last 60 years or so years as attempting to overcome that ‘legacy’.

And not to mention their choice of CBD route which will be a most interesting matter for the inevitable public inquiry/investigation.liv

On thriftThe demolition and rebuilding of the Deathtrap – at around $730m – is cheaper than renovating?

Don’t believe it?

You’ve got no idea how much plumbers cost in Big Town.

And you probably don’t believe it will make money to pay for schools, hospitals etc. - via what an analytically enhanced Telegraph editorial says will ‘boost state’s coffers.’


Or you read the summary business case from Infrastructure NSW which shows refurbishment to be cheaper. And neither such refurbishment nor demolition worth the effort. lv

Beagle comment: needless sarcasm, the real benefit is Easts colours can be shone onto the bottom of the roof. Should be a minimum for any infrastructure project.

But lest the beagle be accused of an unfair ‘look over there’ and biased attitude to stadiums, it needs to be said that the full knock-em-down etc. Eastern Harbour City™ stadiums policy cost – leaving aside Parramatta which is on the edge of Western Sydney – is in the order of $1.5bn. That includes $800m for the Olympic Stadium which will merely be refurbished rather than demolished. lvi

One of the many examples of world class thrift in this exercise given the alleged initial price tag which varied between $2.0bn and $2.7bn.

Another example of thrift being the bill for ‘advice’ to the Government - $20m. Worthy of display on the BB to show the little people how their money should be handled. lvii

The rehearsalMaybe our superiors are doing better with roads?

First, Northconnex - the only big Sydney project remotely worth doing – will be late. Geotech something or other – that’s enough to convince even the most sceptical punter.

Totally unforeseeable. Never happened before. Just like utilities and the signature in George St. lviii

We were also reminded Westconnex – not quite of the same rank - will make the drive from Sydney’s south-west to the CBD faster and easier. Just what we want. Just what the CBD needs. lix

Shortly after the reminder came a monster jam on the road to link Westconnex and the CBD – the Anzac Bridge. The bank-up was 20km one way, 8km another.

Chance? More like rehearsal.lx

Thank the Lord they have recanted one (of the many) previous intention of Westconnex – to ‘link’ to traffic from Port Botany. The final stage is merely going to the airport, with total project cost $19.4bn compared to an estimate of $10bn some six years ago. lxi

Nonetheless, more local protests about trees, parks and the like dutifully reported in widely ignored letters to editors and local papers. Yeah, that’s the problem with Westconnex.


Until the redoubtable Dr Ziebots lobbed a submission into the latest Parliamentary inquiry.

You think you’ve made a submission? Dr Ziebots’ - now that’s a submission.

Among the interesting points is the NSN patented ‘what was the point’ process of seeking expert advice.

Better to say you are listening after the decision than before it. Just like the form of the diminished.lxii

Progress on road reformJust on roads, this week’s Prime Minister appointed this week’s Minister for something to do with roads – even if roads are not a Commonwealth responsibility.


The Minister being a National Party member. Leader? – well this day of the week ends with a ‘y’ so anything is possible.lxiii

Among the possible leader’s reported first decisions: scrap the (start of the) inquiry into road pricing former Minister Fletcher announced. The topic is something for 10-15 years hence. Manyana? lxiv

What a loss. It was just two years ago – almost yesterday in road policy terms – resident of Infrastructure Paradise, Commonwealth Minister the Hon. Paul Fletcher MP from Big Town, announced his resolute commitment to an inquiry. To be helped by an eminent Australian.

So, what if nothing happened post announcement? ‘Masterful inactivity’ is the expression. lxv

Bearer of this extraordinary and (after two years of sitzkreig) entirely unexpected news – the Australian Financial Review - speculated about who was on the eminent persons shortlist. Club members – if few others - would know of them.

And the rumour that any person worth their eminence would channel Mr Jones and ask for all involved in the multi-decade tumour of misleading and misguided road reform be sacked?

Just a rumour.

God scores againOnto trains.

Sydney Trains.

There was a train meltdown supposedly due to too few drivers – who would have thunk that? Luckily it was an almost wet day.lxvi

Has God has been at it again – undermining Sydney Trains? This time with water from the heavens during a drought?

A suitably inventive other instrument of the Almighty’s wrath – such as a balloon – is yet to be identified as the real culprit. But there is time.lxvii

The upside: God’s probable interference allowed the Premier and Minister to apologise yet again – not that they need practice. At least one respected radio commentator – not on 2GB - saying they have become quite good at it.lxviii

SherlockShortly thereafter the Sydney Morning Herald stumbled onto the solution to the mystery of Sydney rail congestion.

It was Town Hall all along!

No shit Sherlock.

Fix the station / associated track layout and most of the problem disappears for quite some time.

Or more accurately: Metro or not, the station will need to be fixed. Properly. lxix

So:a. How much of the $20bn on Sydney Metro was just shown to have been wasted?b. Would it help for the champions of infrastructure-rebuilding-for-safety-sake to be a bit more

forward about this one? The station handles more than 15,000 people. Twice a day.


Amazing lightBut now for news you have been waiting for.

The moment presaging a light, indeed an ‘amazing light’, appearing at the end of the tunnel.lxx

An opportunity for Ms Lee Lin Chin – hired for the very purpose because of her (up to this point) credibility - to wax about the ‘grooviest’ project in Big Town.lxxi

Lissen up hipsters with your pork pie hats and fungus faces. Its Metro.

It’s about increasing rail capacity by closing down a line and replacing big trains with small ones.

Or for the more technically minded, replacing high capacity trains with lower capacity ones and reducing the actual/potential capacity of the system. lxxii

That’s what makes the joint the Infrastructure Paradise it is.

Club and corporates: get ready for more ‘work’.

Or as they said about one railway privatisation long-term contract: it was so good, we decided to do it again every year.

Little turtleWhich brings us to Poltergeist, the movie. You know - about the light. lxxiii

Whether it be: a promotion shone onto the BB; that of the naughty ABC types with Mr Jones’ phone number; a torch to track down foreigners who threaten to clog our roads; that guiding us away from the elites towards free enterprise small government goodness; lighting the underside of the roof of a de-periled Deathtrap in team colours; needed to fill the chaff bags with teams who won’t play at rebuilt stadiums; enlightenment about the virtue of thrift; a lamp on the construction site - aka George St – accelerating the signature’s opening; used by the police in trying to cope with the rehearsal.

Or: the ‘amazing light’ of driverless trains in suburban skies as the monorail exacts just vengeance; or, most of all, the illumination of Paradise’s infrastructure needs by the club:

don’t go towards the light little turtle!

‘This article is clean’.lxxiv

24 October 2018


i Heritage bakery

ii Noelene starred in the TV show Sylvania waters. Prime Minister is the member for Cook which covers much of the Sutherland Shire, known as ‘The Shire’.

iii The Great Pyramid at Gizeh was supposedly associated with Pharaoh Khufu.

iv The Sphinx is a hotel in Geelong which includes Pharaohs bistro and a Thirsty Camel bottle shop. quiz is at McKenzie used the word ‘feature’ to describe a particular act:

v Jonestown: event:






xi Chaff bag: Died of shame:

xii epithets were applied to the decision including ‘craven’:

xiii Peter Fitzsimons at note xii.


xv Daily Telegraph, October 15, 16, 2018.

xvi Rugby League and Australian Football League Grand Finals were contested by teams unpopular with many.



xix events occurred in the lead up to a by-election for the Federal seat of Wentworth. Many in that electorate are reputed to have views in conflict with some held by Mr McKenzie.





xxiv - note helpful tip: you may also like Bananas in Pyjamas


xxvi Daily Telegraph, October 11, 2018.

xxvii Prime Ministers: The Hon Julia Gillard: Hon Malcolm Turnbull: SCG Trust see note xxxiv below.


xxix assessment:

xxx Daily Telegraph, October 15, 2018.


xxxii There are also Moncrieff parks in the Campbelltown NSW and Canberra ACT areas. There is a Moncrieff suburb in the ACT and a Federal electorate of Moncrieff.

xxxiii The Australian, April 7, 2018.



xxxvi Daily Telegraph, October 22, 2018. Page 1.Cost of signature

xxxvii Daily Telegraph, October 22, 2018. Page 3.

xxxviii The Hon Melinda Pavey, MP.


xl Note the Trust claims to be responsible for managing the stadium.

xli Mr Tony Shepherd AO, former Chair of the Business Council of Australia, Chair of the SCG Trust, kicked off this controversy in by Mr Fitzsimons at of Hillsborough That article refers to an inquiry completed in 2016 which attributes some blame to police. Prosecutions: things of interest to the beagle are Mr Shepherd’s: Citation of a report completed in 1990 (as the basis of a guide to stadium design) but not referring to the (much) more recent

inquiry which placed at least some responsibility on police and ambulance services; Claim:

‘The potential consequences that we’ve been advised of by a series of independent experts are frightening – too frightening to ignore at this stage’

Is not supported by appending those reports to his statement; Claim:

‘In an emergency, patrons face the very real prospect of serious injury or worse in the rush for the exits. I speak from personal experience in saying that it’s bad enough getting a beer on the concourse when there’s a crowd of 15,000 – it would be absolute mayhem in the event of an emergency evacuation.We do our best to manage around these problems with extra security, extra staff and strict operational protocols but these are unsustainable stop-gaps … and can’t continue indefinitely.’

While a series of record crowds have been allowed into the stadium in 2018; Reference to:

‘The lesson from Hillsborough where 96 people were crushed and trampled to death and 766 more injured has been learned in modern stadium design – and it must not be ignored here’.

Is not ‘the’ obvious lesson. Rather crowd supervision in stadiums appears to be the obvious lesson arising from the most recent inquiry;

Claim:‘The other misconception is that this is some sort of maintenance issue and the Trust should have spent more money fixing up the SFS. Demonstrably wrong. The Trust has spent more than $80m from its own funds in maintaining the stadium, well above industry standards’

Confuses how much has been spent with how much should have been spent and, in conjunction with the previous comment, implies industry standards in Australia are unsafe;

Claim:‘In a large part, these are your funds, your annual subscriptions ploughed back into what is a public facility. The SFS is not a private members club. In 30 years of events of all kinds, more than 17 million general admission ticket holders have been through the gates compared to a little over three million in the members reserve’

Is self-contradictory in several respects. On the question of whether it is a private members club, promotional material describes it as ‘Sydney’s most sought after club’. New membership costs at least $11,000 to waive a wait list period reputed to be around 12 years at present. Joining fee is $1,100 and annual fees are in the order of $420. There are dress regulations e.g. shirt with collar;

Statement:‘The Trust will never be complacent when it comes to protecting our members, patrons, players, officials and staff.’

Might be compared with the Trust allowing over 20 million people to use a building it considers unsafe, where potential consequences are frightening.

The beagle suggests the only appropriate action for a board/Trustees responsible for the (oversight) of deficiencies claimed is resignation. This would be the equally proper course if the claims are incorrect as implied above.

xlii Scripted comments:

xliii E.g.


xlv See note xl. Views of some SCG Trustees about government spending include;,5889

xlvi The artists impression from the Telegraph appears below


3 Ts: tits, tatts and trots.


xlix Twickenham rugby capacity: 82,000. Melbourne Cricket Ground capacity 104,000 (95,000 seated). Sydney Football Stadium currently 45,500. Planned after demolition/rebuild 45,000 – somewhat less than the adjacent Sydney Cricket Ground; 48,000.




liii 1973 Sydney opens its Opera House, Events that shaped Australia, New Holland.liv

lv Daily Telegraph, October 11, 2018.Business case: relevant table follows:

lvi Harbour City is a term coined by the Greater Sydney Commission and deserves to be trademarked rather than derided. Homebush, the site of the Olympic Stadium, is on the edge of the Eastern Harbour and Central River cities:











lxviii John Laws, 2UE.







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