Page 1: Introduction to National Program Directors Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development January 24, 2006 Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development

Introduction to National Program Directors

Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development

January 24, 2006

Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development

January 24, 2006

Page 2: Introduction to National Program Directors Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development January 24, 2006 Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development

Why National Program Directors

• Lead planning and development of research programs

• Cross laboratory view for shifts in program• Primary interface with program office and

regions• Scientific Leader - responsible for scientific

direction for specific areas of the research program

Page 3: Introduction to National Program Directors Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development January 24, 2006 Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development

Planning and Development of Research Programs

Lead Research Coordination Team (RCT) or similar group

Lead annual research planning Lead drafting of MYPs Lead BOSC review Lead PART review

Page 4: Introduction to National Program Directors Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development January 24, 2006 Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development

How ORD Evolves its Research Program


Decide What Research Area-Specific Work We Do and When We Do It

Planning the Program

Decision Inputs

Programs and Regions (RCTs)

EPA Strategic Plan

Administration’s priorities

Congressional mandates

BOSC Reviews

SAB, NAS, other external advice



ORD Executive Council

Corporate Decisions on

What We Do . . . and . . . How We Do It


Program and Regional Office Feedback

BOSC Program Evaluations

NAS, NAPA, and other advisory bodies

PART Reviews

Implementing the Program

L/C Directors

Decide How ORD Produces its Research



Responsible for Communicating Products

to Clients

L/C Directors

Responsible for Developing ORD’s Research Products

Page 5: Introduction to National Program Directors Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development January 24, 2006 Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development

Cross Laboratory View for Shifts in Program

• Each NPD is responsible for providing high-level scientific leadership and overall coordination within ORD of their respective research program areas

• Responsible directly to DAA for Science

Page 6: Introduction to National Program Directors Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development January 24, 2006 Randy Wentsel Office of Research and Development

Primary Interface with Program Office and Regions

Conduct Annual Progress Review Conduct DAA Meetings Meet with Division managers and attend

workshops Goal leads for ORD in EPA Strategic Plan

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