Page 1: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

Introduction to

geological storage principles

Bruno Saftić

University of Zagreb - Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering ( )

European Network for Research in Geo-Energy

Carbon Capture and Storage – Response to Climate Change

Regional Workshop for CE and EE Countries

27-28 February 2007 in Zagreb, Croatia

Page 2: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

BRGM (2005)

Page 3: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

Natural fluctuations/cyclicity?

• Scientifically proven• Do we really understand all driving forces?• What if..• Can we wait?

BRGM (2005)

Page 4: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

BRGM (2005)

Page 5: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

IEA (2004)

Page 6: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

IPCC (2005)

Page 7: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

IPCC (2005)

Page 8: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(
Page 9: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(


Page 10: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

Storage optionsStorage options

l Depleted hydrocarbon fields - a reliable option "at hand“

l Economic use (EOR, EGR)

l Deep saline aquifers – largest potential, scarce data

l Unmined/unmineable coal seams

l ECBM projects

l Mineral storage

l Ocean storage (?)

Page 11: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

Map of porosity distribution at cm-scale (right) and corresponding sandstone thin section (left)

Page 12: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(


Page 13: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

Physical trapping– Dense supercritical CO2 phase (> 31°C at 73 bars)

Chemical trapping– Solubility trapping: CO2(aq), HCO3

-, CaHCO3+,


0, …

– Mineral trapping: CaCO3 (calcite), FeCO3 (siderite), NaAlCO3(OH)2 (dawsonite), ...


portance with


Page 14: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

Source: IPCC

Page 15: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

Infrastructure, distanceLow costs

Geological & hydrodynamic stability

Adequate sealingSafe and secure storage

Low geoth. gradient & high pressure

High permeability Efficient injectivity

High porosity, large reservoirHigh storage capacity

Source: IPCC

Page 16: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

Source: IPCC

Page 17: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

Higher than watercrystallinehydrate


Less than waterliquid500-2700

Less than watergas<500

DensityPhaseDepth (m)


Page 18: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

25 Gt/yrGlobal CO2 emissions

3-15 ... 200Coal beds675 ... 900* (+25%)Depleted oil and gas fields1 000 ... 10 000Deep saline aquifers

Capacity (Gt CO2)Storage options

IEA (2004)

Source: IPCC Special Report on Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage

Page 19: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

Safe (and acceptable)?

Geological storage must be safe

Community concerns come from comparison with toxic and radioactive waste disposal

Educational and informational efforts must get faster tocontribute to the public and political awareness of the CCS concept in time

Conflicts of use (aquifers, protected areas...)

Who will cover additional expenses?

Other options – energy efficiency, renewable sources...

Page 20: Introduction to geological storage principles€¦ · Introduction to geological storage principles Bruno Saftić University of Zagreb -Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering(

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