  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to First Order logics



    A formal system for describing states of affairs, consisting of:

    Syntax: describes how to make sentences, and

    Semantics: describes the relation between the sentences and the states of



    A proof theory: a set of rules for deducing the entailments of a set of sentences.


    A Science of reasoning


    In its first meaning, a logic is a collection of closely related artificial languages.Thereare certain languages calledfirst-order languages, and together they form first

    orderlogic.(By : Dr Wilfrid Hodges)

    Different types of logics are there, but here I have concentrated bit on first order


    First Order Logic

    In first-order logic, variables refer to things in the world and you can quantify over

    them. That is, you can talk about all or some of them without having to name them


    What exists: Facts, Objects, and Relations

    Belief set: True/False/Unknown

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to First Order logics



    User defines these primitives:

    1. Constant symbols (i.e., the "individuals" in the world)E.g.monkey, 3

    2. Function symbols (mapping individuals to individuals)E.g., father-of(Mary) = John, color-of(Sky) = Blue

    3. Predicate symbols (mapping from individuals to truth values)E.g., greater(8,5), green(Grass), color(Grass, Green)

    FOL supplies these primitives:

    1. Variable symbols. E.g. x,y

    2. Connectives. Same as in PL: not (~), and (^), or (v), implies (=>), if and only if


    3. Quantifiers: Universal () and Existential ()


    Universal quantification corresponds to conjunction ("and") in that (x)P(x)

    means that P holds for all values of x in the domain associated with that


    E.g.(x) monkey(x) => mammal(x)

    Existential quantification corresponds to disjunction ("or") in that (x)P(x)

    means that P holds for some value of x in the domain associated with thatvariable.

    E.g.(x) mammal(x) ^ climb(x)

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to First Order logics


    Universal quantifiers are usually used with "implies" to form "if-then rules."

    E.g.(x) masters-student(x) =>smart(x) means "All masters students are

    smart."We rarely use universal quantification to make blanket statements about

    every individual in the world: (x)masters-student(x) ^ smart(x) meaningthat everyone in the world is a masters student and is smart.

    Existential quantifiers are usually used with "and" to specify a list of

    properties or facts about an individual.

    E.g. (x) masters-student(x) ^ smart(x) means "there is a masters student

    who is smart."

    A common mistake is to represent this English sentence as the FOL sentence:

    (x) masters-student(x) => smart(x)

    Switching the order of universal quantifiers does not change the meaning:

    (x)(y)P(x,y) is logically equivalent to (y)(x)P(x,y). Similarly, you can

    switch the order of existential quantifiers.

    Switching the order of universals and existentialsdoes change meaning:

    Everyone likes someone: (x)(y)likes(x,y)

    Someone is liked by everyone: (y)(x)likes(x,y)

  • 8/9/2019 Introduction to First Order logics


    Translating English Into First Order Logic

    Every masters student attend logics

    (x) masters student(x) => attend(x, logics)

    You can fool some of the people all of the time(x)(t) (person(x) ^ time(t)) => can-fool(x,t)

    You can fool all of the people some of the time

    (x)(t) (person(x) ^ time(t) => can-fool(x,t)

    All yellow bananas are small

    (x) (banana(x) ^ yellow(x)) =>small(x)

    No yellow banana is big

    (x) (banana(x) ^ yellow(x)) => ~big(x)

    or~(x)yellow(x)^ banana(x)^ big(x)

    There are exactly two yellow bananas.

    (x)(y) banana(x) ^ yellow(x) ^ banana(y) ^ yellow(y) ^ ~(x=y) ^ (z) (banana(z)^ yellow(z)) => ((x=z) v (y=z))

    Monkey is not yellow



    Slides of our class and some other external sources

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