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The portion of the pulp cavity inside the root of the tooth; the

chamber within the root of the tooth that contains the pulp; the passage which transmits vessels and nerves through the jaw to branches that distributes them to the teeth.


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The tip or end of the root of the tooth


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The area surrounding the end of a tooth root.

Periapical area

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Lay terms: pus.

Definition: A material usually resulting from infection and inflammation.


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Lay terms: gum boil

Definition: A drainage spot in the gums. It is a sign that infectious pus is draining into the mouth. Very often people have fistulae with no symptoms at all; however, the cause of this drainage must be addressed.


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It is the treatment of disease and injuries of the pulp. Root canal treatment is carried out when the pulp (or nerve) inside the tooth is damaged or becomes infected. If infected pulp is not treated, it may become an abscess.


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Endodontic file

An instrument used in the débridement of root canals.

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A surgical root canal treatment used to seal the tip of a root when conventional root canal treatment has failed or is contraindicated. It is usually a very straightforward treatment with quick recovery.


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A surgical procedure whereby the roots of a tooth are separated and treated as individual teeth. Used when maintaining the tooth intact is impossible because of gum disease.


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Describes a tooth with extreme inflammation of the nerve, and often hard to numb with the usual techniques.

Hot Tooth

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Alternate term: Gingival pocket; gingival crevice

Definition: A shallow depression between the gingival crest and the neck of the tooth.

Usage: In a healthy state, the gingival sulcus may be up to 2 mm in depth, but this deepens in periodontal disease to form a periodontal pocket.

Gingival Sulcus

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Alternate term: Periodontal membrane

Definition: Fibrous connective tissue that attaches the cementum of the tooth root to the alveolar bone of the jaw.

Usage: The periodontal ligament feels and sends pressure information to the brain, which is used to coordinate chewing.

Periodontal Ligament

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A soft sticky substance that accumulates on teeth composed largely of bacteria and bacterial derivatives.


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Lay term: Tartar

Definition: Hard deposit of mineralized plaque which is attached to crowns and/or roots of teeth.

Usage: Supragingival calculus accumulates most easily on the lingual surface of the lower anterior teeth.


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Definition: Plaque above the gum line.

Usage: In studies of supragingival plaque removal, the manual toothbrush is considered the gold standard against which new technologies are compared.

Supragingival Plaque

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Definition: Plaque below the gum line.

Usage: Subgingival plaque removal is essential for controlling inflammatory periodontal disease.

Subgingival Plaque

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It is the first stage of periodontal disease, characterized by inflammation of the gum tissue without any bone loss. The clinical signs are swelling and bleeding upon stimulation. Gingivitis is the result of chronic infection caused by plaque bacteria. Gingivitis is the first stage of your body's literally trying to reject your teeth, and requires immediate treatment if it is not to progress into more destructive forms of gum disease.


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Lay term: Periodontal disease.

Definition: Infection and inflammation of the gingival

tissues and/or periodontal membrane of the teeth, possibly producing periodontal pockets and loss of supporting bone.


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Lay term: Receding gums

Definition: Describes the gingival margin if it migrates towards the apex of the tooth and can be measured as the distance between the cemento-enamel junction and the gingival margin.

Usage: One cause of gingival recession is brushing too hard or incorrectly over a period of time.

Gingival Recession

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A feature of periodontal disease where the connecting tissue has lost its attachment leaving an abnormally deep “pocket” where bacteria and debris collect and threaten the whole tooth attachment (periodontium) resulting in loosening and tooth loss.

Periodontal pocket

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Definition: The process of measuring the depth of periodontal pockets using a blunt-ended graduated probe.

Usage: Periodontal probing is an essential tool for diagnosing gingival disease.


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Lay term: scaling, dental prophylaxis

Definition: Removal of subgingival and/or supragingival plaque and calculus from teeth with special instruments.


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A treatment of periodontal disease that involves scraping the roots of a tooth to remove bacteria and tartar and diseased cementum or dentin on the tooth surfaces and in the pocket of teeth with loss of attachment surrounding structure.


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The reshaping of gum contours, often for esthetic purposes. Generally very easy and non-painful, is often a good solution for a "gummy smile". Performed with a device very similar to a laser in function.


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The removal of excess or extra gum tissue to improve cleansibility and health. Often necessary to treat gum overgrowth caused by a variety of medications, including Dilantin. Chronic mouth breathing can also cause gum hypertrophy.


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Surgical replacement of bone around tooth roots or in preparation for a dental implant. The predictability is generally good, but varies according to the particulars, and should be carefully discussed with your doctors.

Bone Graft

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