Page 1: INTRODUCTION · The reason I share this story is because I know a lot of women suffer from the same things I did. The yo -yo dieting, trying the newest diets, not getting results


Page 2: INTRODUCTION · The reason I share this story is because I know a lot of women suffer from the same things I did. The yo -yo dieting, trying the newest diets, not getting results



My Personal Journey with Food and Dieting

In high school, I remember not wanting to eat breakfast because as soon as I ate I thought my stomach

wouldn’t look flat anymore and I was embarrassed to have a “belly.”

In college, I remember going on the South Beach diet to get ready for Spring Break, but instead of following the

diet, I made up my own version which consisted of cheese sticks, chicken and nuts. After almost passing out in

my dorm hallway, I decided South Beach wasn't the way to go, so I tried Slimfast, then the Special K diet with

no success.

After college, I began teaching group exercise classes and personal training and thought I had to “look the part”

so I did the Fat Flush detox, tried South Beach again, used My Fitness Pal religiously and counted every gram

of protein, carbohydrates and fat to hit my macros 100% according to the pie chart.

When I got a full-time job I would meal prep for hours. I’d set all my meals up into their Tupperware

containers and take the exact same yogurt, salad and fruit with me to work every day only to find myself at the

vending machines almost daily buying granola bars and pop-tarts.

Then I decided to start training for a Figure competition. My diet was laid out day by day and if I didn’t hit it

100% I’d get so down on myself and eat so much crap I’d make myself sick.

Over the years from high school until about 30 years old I had developed some seriously disordered eating

habits, had horrible body image issues and had extremely low self-esteem AND gained about 25 pounds of fat.

The funny thing is, the more I restricted myself and the harder and longer I pushed myself in the gym, the more

weight I would gain. The more I stressed about food and calories and grams of carbs and protein, the lower my

self-esteem got. I would lose and regain the same 15-20 pounds repeatedly. I thought I just didn’t have the

willpower to get it right and I would have to settle for hating how my body looked.

How I Turned It Around

I remember about a month before my 3oth birthday I had a really honest conversation with myself. I was so

sick and tired of the stress and overwhelm surrounding food, I was so annoyed with having to track and weigh

everything out and I was so incredibly unhappy with my body, despite the fact that I was physically stronger

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than I had ever been. I was totally and completely fed up. So I decided it was time to stop. I had to stop

because I was miserable.

I stopped caring about food.

I deleted the apps, threw away the food journals and eventually freed myself of thinking of food in good/bad

categories. I stopped worrying about if I was getting in enough protein, if I was eating all my veggies and if I

was eating too much sugar. I stopped worrying about getting to the gym six or seven times a day and stopped

pulling doubles and triples all week. I went from one extreme- over-dieting and over-exercising- to another-

not giving one flying…you know.

Guess what happened? Over the course of about 9 months I lost 20 pounds and have kept it off ever since. It

wasn’t without some struggle and it wasn’t without questioning myself sometimes but I knew I couldn’t go back

to how I was living before. That just wasn’t an option. I chose and practiced food freedom over restriction and

I’ve never looked or felt better in my body than I do today.

Today my diet isn't loaded with junk food, but I do give myself a lot of freedom. I eat chocolate and candy with

zero guilt, have some wine a couple nights a week, go out on weekends, eat pizza, you know, live life. I’m not

looking for next meal plan to follow and I’m not telling myself that I’ll start over on Monday. I feel strong

during my workouts, I eat what I want, when I want and move on.

What This Guide Will Help You Achieve

The reason I share this story is because I know a lot of women suffer from the same things I did. The yo-yo

dieting, trying the newest diets, not getting results and feeling horrible about themselves. I’ve made it my

mission, actually, I’ve made it my career to help them stop the madness. If we can learn to listen to our bodies

and shut out all the noise, well that's where the magic is and that’s where the change happens. I have dedicated

myself to help women find the solutions that work for them for the rest of their lives. Through my personal

experience and experience with clients, I have the tools that work…and now you do, too.

I know your struggles because I’ve had them, too. My perception of food was so skewed through my

experiences with diets that I used to find it impossible to enjoy food without guilt. Know this: You CAN

achieve and maintain a lean physique while enjoying what you’re eating without guilt or obsession. Getting to

this point takes some introspection, mindfulness and awareness but it can happen- it will happen. My hope for

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you is that by using this guide you’ll develop a healthy and balanced relationship with food and you’ll absolutely

lose some fat along the way.

This guide does not include specific meal plans, I am not telling you what to eat or when to eat and I’m not

going to ask you to follow a strict, unsustainable plan that forces you to eat foods that you hate and tells you to

cut out foods that you love. What I AM going to do is give you simple strategies that will set you up for success.

I’m going to teach you how to build your own fat loss plan using foods you actually like while learning how to

incorporate your favorite treats. The goal of this guide is to allow you to achieve your fat loss goals while

decreasing your cravings, increasing your energy, increasing your confidence and improving your relationship

with food.

The only thing that I ask is that you stay mindful, stay adaptable and forgive yourself when things don’t go as

planned. Remember that there is nothing that can’t be undone and you’re never going it alone because I’m just

an email away!

Ok! Let’s get started on your journey!



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As past or even current dieters, we are taught to go against our natural intuition when it comes to

eating. Some diets will tell us to eat when it’s “time” instead of when we’re hungry. Others will instruct us to

hold off on eating even though we’re hungry because it’s too late in the evening and you’ll derail your

progress if you eat past 8pm. By following these rules we can actually forget what it feels like to feel hungry or

feel full. When we forget what these hunger cues feel like, it is much easier for us to eat mindlessly because

we run on autopilot and bypass what our body is telling us. What we need are strategies to find a way to trust

ourselves and trust our bodies to reset our hunger and fullness cues that we lose through years of dieting.

Below are my best tips for recognizing these cues which is essential for being successful on your fat loss


Hunger Cues Have you forgotten what hunger feels like? Do you get anxious and nervous when you feel your tummy

rumble? Lots of diets recommend that we eat six times per day or every 3 hours so we don’t get too hungry. I

ate like this for years and actually forgot what hunger felt like AND was afraid to feel hungry because I thought

for sure that meant a binge when I finally did get to eat again. So although it was scary and uncomfortable, I

had to let myself get hungry sometimes. The ideas is to no get so hungry that you're lightheaded and irritable

but hungry enough to remember the feeling of light gnawing or growling noises in your tummy. Once you start

to recognize your hunger cues and what they feel like for you, you’ll be much more able to make the

distinction between whether you’re eating because you’re physically hungry or if you’re eating because of an

emotional reason.

Emotional Hunger vs. Physical Hunger I want to distinguish between emotional and physical hunger before we get to fullness cues because we’re so

conditioned to think ‘restriction’ when we think fat loss. When we feel restricted, we begin to develop pretty

strong emotional attachments to food. One of the goals of this guide is to show you that you can have your

favorite treats and still lose fat and that’s why I want you to be clear on the difference between emotional

hunger and physical hunger.

Emotional hunger comes on very suddenly. We feel a strong urge to eat immediately, crave comfort foods and feel a sense of regret or powerlessness after we're done eating. With emotional hunger we’ll eat almost anything to satisfy the craving and might end up eating an entire bag of chips or pint of ice cream without even noticing. Lastly, we're left with a food hangover of regret and guilt after eating.

Physical hunger, on the other hand, comes on much more gradually and we're much more aware of what and how much we're eating. Physical hunger doesn't come with intense cravings and we can wait a while to eat if necessary. We stop eating when we're full and don't feel badly about ourselves after. We just feel satisfied.

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Fullness Cues In order to feel fullness, we have to slow down. We have to take breaks during meals and notice how our

bodies are feeling. Put your fork down between bites and swallow your last bite before putting another in

your mouth. Chew your food well and enjoy it. Once the rumbling of your hungry tummy starts going away,

ask yourself “how would I feel if I kept eating?” and be honest with yourself. If you’d still be hungry in 15

minutes, keep eating. If you’d be uncomfortably full if you kept eating, put the fork down and save the rest for

later. That’s something to remember…the food is not going anywhere. You can save it for later or get it

wrapped up to go. There’s no need to finish your entire plate in one sitting. Slowww down and enjoy your


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This might be the most difficult part of this guide. As I mentioned before, since we’re so used to restricting

and eliminating our favorite foods from our repertoire when we’re dieting, it can be really hard to understand

that no food is ever off limits- even during fat loss. You really can have whatever food want as long as you’re

balancing it out over the course of the day while being mindful of portions and servings (we’re going to get to

that soon!).

Let’s say you’re a planner and you have your meals planned and packed for work. Then you remember they’re

ordering pizza for lunch. You tell yourself “no I’m eating what I brought. Pizza is bad for me and I can’t have it

because if I do I’ll never lose weight.” I can almost guarantee that you’ll be thinking about that pizza before,

during and after lunch which will lead to feelings of deprivation and restriction, which will lead you to

overeating something other than what you really wanted in the first place (pizza) OR going home and ordering

a large pizza and finishing it before you even realize what’s happening (aka emotional eating).

Another way we manifest guilt through food is by how we talk to ourselves after we eat something that we

think we shouldn’t have. Let’s use the pizza example again. You tell yourself that pizza is bad for you and you

can’t have it because then you’ll never lose weight but you have a couple slices anyway. How would you talk

to yourself after? Unless you’re practiced in mindfulness and have a good relationship with food, chances are

you would have a tough time letting it go and moving on. What tends to happen is we call ourselves a failure

or fat or tell ourselves we’ll never succeed, we have no willpower and why do we even bother trying?

What if instead of getting so down on ourselves we were a little more forgiving? If you want the pizza, allow

yourself to eat a couple slices. Pizza has carbs, fat and some protein. So you can eat some veggies alongside it

if you have them handy and there’s your meal. At your next meal or snack you can eat according to plan.

Simple, right?! Again, I’m going to give you more examples of how to incorporate treats into your diet a little

later in the guide but I hope you’re starting to see how this can work in a really simple and guilt-free way

Approaching nutrition with allowance instead of restriction takes away the panic feeling of going “off plan”)

and it also takes away that sense of urgency to eat all the treats and start again tomorrow. Easing up on the

rules around nutrition helps us realize that we don’t have to feel the urgency to binge or overeat because the

treats aren’t going anywhere. Any food you can imagine is more than likely at your local convenience store so

just keep reminding yourself as you’re eating that there’s always more where that came from. You can always

order a pizza or go grab some candy. When fat loss is the goal, we just have to balance it out like we did with

the pizza above.

To be successful at weight loss you need to expect that sometimes you’ll overeat and sometimes you’ll make

less than ideal choices. I suggest you forgive yourself when you don’t make the best choice, look for what you

can learn from it and move on. You also have to commit to yourself that you’re going to do whatever it takes

to keep moving forward towards your goal despite and bumps along the way because there will always be

bumps. Guilt and food do not belong in the same sentence. Food is meant to nourish your body and is to be


Page 8: INTRODUCTION · The reason I share this story is because I know a lot of women suffer from the same things I did. The yo -yo dieting, trying the newest diets, not getting results



Before we begin talking about proteins, fats and starches, I want to give you some super simple guidelines that

will help set you up for success.

1. Always have your water handy. Buy a reusable bottle and carry it everywhere you go. Treat your water

like your cell phone. Never leave home without it.

2. Start with protein and build your meals and snacks around it.

3. Eat as many veggies as you want.

4. You might want to measure foods at first until you get good at eyeballing it. If you don’t want to be

bothered by measuring, no sweat, just use the measurements I give you.

5. Use any condiments you like. With higher fat condiments like mayo you’ll want to pay a little more

attention to, but generally speaking these will not make or break you progress.

Ok, we’re about to move into the meat and potatoes of this guide We’re going to cover hydration, protein,

veggies, fat, starches and how to incorporate your favorite treats into your fat loss plan. You’ll see food lists to

go with each food group including serving sizes and portions for each. These lists are not all inclusive and you

can of course eat foods that aren’t included on these lists.

Alright…let’s do this!

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When someone comes to me with a goal of fat loss my first question is always “how much water do you

drink?” 9 times out of 10 the reply is “not enough.”

I want you to start here. Start simple.

Not only does water help us stay hydrated, but it also keeps our hunger at bay, helps our muscles grow

and function and helps keep everything moving through our bodies. If we're living in a constant state of

dehydration we'll have less energy, interrupted sleep, food cravings and the feeling of hunger even though we

might just be thirsty. When these feelings come up we’re more inclined to grab another coffee or a quick

boost of sugar, but I want .you to try water first. Drink a couple glasses, give it a half hour or so, and then

check back in with your cravings and energy. As you increase your water intake you’ll pee more (it should be

alllllmost clear in color) but that’s good because all the trips to the bathroom will get you up and moving!

Water Goals

Drink 1-2 glasses of water first thing in the morning.

Non-calorie drinks like Seltzer water, Vitamin Water Zero, Powerade Zero, G2, Propel, etc. are all fine choices.

I’d encourage you to drink more regular water but that gets boring after a while so don’t be afraid to mix it up

and add some flavor!

Aim for 2-3 liters per day. It might seem like a lot at first but just do the best you can.

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A caloric deficit is the only absolute requirement for fat loss; however protein is the key player when it comes to your nutrition and fat loss. So why is protein such a big deal? Keep reading ;)

Protein Maintains Muscle

Most often when we start out on a fat loss journey we want to lose weight ASAP. We want results and we want them fast! But here’s the thing…if we are too stingy with calories and not eating enough protein, our bodies could start burning muscle tissue instead of fat. This is exactly what we don’t want. We want the fat gone and the muscle to stick around and eating enough protein is the way to make this happen.

So does this mean we should be on a high protein diet and leave out the carbs? Nope. It just means that we should put more of an emphasis on building each of our meals and snacks around a protein source. This will ensure that you’re getting your fill of the good stuff ;)

Protein Keeps You Full

Of all the macros (carbs, fat, protein) that we get our calories from, protein is the most filling. Getting enough protein is a sure fire way to control your hunger, curb your appetite, and keep you full and satisfied. Protein also keeps us feeling fuller for longer because it takes more time to break down and digest than the other macros. You definitely want all of these things working in your favor when you’re trying to lose fat, yes?

Protein Requires More Energy for Digestion

The thermic effect of food (TEF) is the energy our bodies use to digest what we eat. Protein has a higher TEF than fat and carbs which means our bodies are actually burning more calories to break down protein than to break down the other two.

Protein Goals Portion: 4-6oz or roughly the size of your palm Serving: 4-6 servings per day


Poultry Chicken/Turkey Breast, Sausage, Lean Ground

Beef Roast, Filet Mignon, Flank, Extra Lean Ground (95%), NY Strip, Sirloin

Lean Pork Chop, Boneless Tenderloin

Shellfish/Fish Crab, Lobster, Shrimp, Scallops, Any White Fish, Salmon

Eggs Whole eggs, egg whites

Dairy 0-2% Greek Yogurt (flavored is OK!), 2 string cheese, 2 Babybell cheese

Vegetarian/Vegan Tofu, Tempeh

Supplement Whey Protein Isolate, Pea Protein, VegaSport, etc.

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Not too long ago I was noticing a serious lack of energy. I couldn’t push myself during workouts, I took naps

every day, my cravings were up and I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I looked at my diet after

recording it for a few days and noticed that I had a serious lack of veggies going on. I was eating like one

servings per day…on a good day. Ha! I’ll tell you this- as soon as I added vegetables into my daily diet my

energy resurfaced and I got stronger in the gym. I wasn’t craving tons of candy like before and I started taking

a couple naps per week instead of a couple per day. Another thing I noticed was that the more greens

(spinach, kale, arugala) I added to my diet, the clearer and brighter my skin got.

Veggies are chock full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that we just won’t find (naturally) in any other foods

out there. I want you to eat any and all vegetables you like and leave the ones you don’t like. For me, I really

hate mushrooms, so while I know they’re “good for me” I don’t care because I don’t enjoy them. I do love

spinach in my smoothies and I like asparagus, roasted Brussel sprouts and zucchini, so I eat those instead.

Veggie Goals

Portion: 1-2 cups or the size of two fists

Serving: Aim for at least 5 servings per day.

Vegetables, eaten with all meals and eaten anytime

Arugula Eggplant

Asparagus Spinach

Broccoli Tomato

Cauliflower Zucchini

Cucumber Radish

Brussel Sprouts Onion

Green Beans Peppers

Lettuce Mushrooms


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Fat gets a really bad rap but eating the right types of fat will not make you fat. In fact, it will do the exact opposite. Adding healthy fats into your diet can help you stay fuller for longer, can help with vitamin absorption (fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E & K), and can help raise your good cholesterol (HDL) while lowering bad cholesterol (LDL). Fat can also improve your hair, skin and nails- think shiny, clear & strong. And let’s face it…fat is seriously delicious and makes our food taste so good and feel good in our mouths. If you have a diet that is low in fat, chances are you are feeling a bit deprived. Fat also gives our food a whole lot of staying power which means it will keeps us satisfied for a long time. Most importantly the right amounts and right types of fat actually helps your body burn fat by tapping into the function of your liver to release more fat. Just say yes to fat! Although fat has so many awesome qualities, this is the one food I would ask you to measure during fat loss and you should still somewhat monitor your intake during fat loss because fat is very high in calories. Remember, too much of a good thing is not a good thing Fat Goals Portion: 1 tablespoon of a nut butter/oil/butter, a handful of nuts/seeds, ¼ of an avocado Serving: Eat a 2-3 servings of fat per day

Fats Oils Coconut, olive, macadamia nut, avocado, butter

Nuts & Seeds (dry roasted or raw)

Cashews, Hazelnuts, Almonds, Pecans, Pistachios, Walnuts, Flax Seeds, Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds, Nut Butters

Veggies/Fruit Avocado, Olives

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Perhaps even more demonized than fat are starches, otherwise known as carbs. So many of us are still afraid to eat carbs because we’ve been conditioned to think that bread/pasta/sugar = weight gain. This is not at all the case especially when you’re eating the right types and right amounts. Carbs are essential for providing and replenishing energy and carbohydrates are actually the only source of energy our brains like to run on. Without carbs we’d be foggy, forgetful, irritable and weak. Although carbs are an essential part of your fat loss lifestyle, not all carbs are created equal. Eating a diet that is high in carbs like sugar, pastries, cereals, bread, and pasta, and lower in protein is a perfect storm for fat gain. The more active you are, the more carbs you need. So if you don’t exercise much you won’t need as many servings and can stick to the lower end. If you’re a regular exerciser, aim for the higher end. More incentive to work out?? Maybe ;) Fruits are included in the starches category. Fruit provides high water content, natural sugar, fiber and loads of nutrients. Fruit helps us stay full for longer, helps with digestion and is just a great food for overall health. Carb Goals Servings: Eat 2-5 servings per day and eat them close to your workout. Portion: Serving: 1/2c or 1 piece of fruit

Fruits Starches

Apples White/Brown Rice

Pears Sweet Potato/White Potato

Berries (1c) Quinoa

Grapefruit Rice Cakes

Bananas Oats

Mangos Whole Grain Bread/Pasta


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When I look at my own nutrition, I like to keep things tasty and physique friendly. However, if you’ve be following me for any period of time you know that I also like to indulge in some sweets or alcohol every so often. I maintain my physique, keep my energy high and cravings down because I allow myself treats in a mindful way. When we eat mindfully, we get really good at knowing when we truly want to indulge and when we’re just eating for emotional reasons. Back when I was a big time binger, I would go through an entire box of protein bars before I’d let myself eat a small bag of Cadbury Mini-Eggs because I thought the candy was “bad.” 1,000+ calories later, I should have just had the 200 calorie bag of Mini-Eggs and moved on with my life. Now that I’ve moved into a more mindful eating practice, I pick my battles with treats. I think about how a certain food choice will affect me physically and emotionally and if the indulgence is truly worth it. For example if I’m going out to dinner, I won’t eat from the bread basket, then order a drink then an appetizer then my entrée and entertain the idea of dessert. Instead, I’ll think about what I really want and pick one or two (or none) things to go along with my entrée. I think about what I really want and order. Now of course opportunities to indulge will pop up, but as long as you tap into your hunger and fullness cues and you stay mindful you’ll be able to indulge in things that are really worth it to you without feeling like you’ve blown it. Since it can be hard to know where to begin when learning how to incorporate treats into your fat loss lifestyle, I’ve listed some of the most popular treats I’ve heard of below and show you how you can incorporate them into your meals and snacks by balancing them out with healthier options.

How to Indulge When Fat Loss is Your Goal

Fat loss is kind of like a puzzle. With some practice, you’ll learn how to fit anything into your plan and still have a super successful fat loss journey. While it does take a lot of thought and some planning at first, it does get easier the more you practice. The first step in knowing how to incorporate treats is to look at what the treat is made up of. I’ve listed some of the most popular examples below based off of one serving of these treats.

Chocolate| Sweets | Pastries = carbs and sometimes fat- you’ll have to look at the label.

o At your next meal take away the starch (and maybe fat depending on what you ate) and have

your protein and veg.

Ice Cream = fat and carbs

o At your next meal take away a starch and a serving of fat if the ice cream is full fat.

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Cheese = fat

o The next time you’re planning on having a good serving of fat sub it out for more protein, veg or

starch. Count cheese as a fat if it has more than 10g of fat in your serving.

Alcohol = carbs

o If you know ahead of time that you’ll be having some cocktails, drink extra water before and

after your drinks. Limit yourself to one or two starches on these days. Try to stick to lighter

versions of your favorite cocktails (light beer, vodka & soda water instead of tonic, rum & diet

soda instead of regular, lime juice in a margarita instead of sweet & sour mix, etc). I also want

you to limit your alcohol intake to 1-2 during the week (if at all) and no more than 2 per

weekend. This is just for fat loss! Once you get to maintenance the amount of alcohol can


Bread | Pasta | Bagels= carbs

o Since 1 slice of bread and a ½ cup of pasta counts as a serving of a starch simply follow the

other guidelines here. Load up on protein and veggies and enjoy your bread or pasta. If you

have more than one serving, cut out starches somewhere else over the course of the day and

be sure to drink plenty of water.

o An entire bagel will be 2 servings of starch.

Chips | French fries = fat and starch

o At your next/current meal, take away the starch and fat and have your protein and veg

Wings = fat and protein

o Wings tend to be deep fried and covered in sauce that has lots of butter in it. At your next meal

take away the fat and up your veggies.

Salad Dressings | Mayonnaise | Full-Fat Condiments = fat

o Count any full-fat dressing or condiment as one fat when using a full serving size (normally

about 2 tablespoons)

I hope these bullets help you see how you can incorporate treats into your diet without derailing your


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Portion & Servings Quick Sheet

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Drink 1-2 glasses of water first thing in the morning an aim for 2-3 liters per day

Prioritize Protein

Portion: 4-6oz or roughly the size of your palm Serving: 4-6 times per day depending on how many times you eat.

All the Veggies

Portion: Veggies are essentially limitless. Aim for at least 5 servings per day.

Serving: ~1-2 cups or the size of two fists

Don’t Fear Fat

Portion: 1 tablespoon of a nut butter/oil/butter, a handful of nuts/seeds, ¼ of an avocado Serving: Eat a 2-3 servings of fat per day

Starches are Sanity!

Servings: Eat 2-5 servings per day and eat them close to your workout. Portion: Serving: 1/2c or 1 piece of fruit

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#simplesanesuccessful Food Tracker EXAMPLE

The #simplesanesuccessful Food Tracker is a great way to get you started on your weight loss journey and will simply help you

balance out your daily food choices. This tracker will also help you make the best decision you can for yourself when eating

on the fly. For example, if you know you’ve hit your goal of starches for the day but your friends want to go out for pizza, you

can still go out, but maybe order a Greek salad with chicken instead.

The tracker is set up for 6 meals per day but you might eat more or less. Feel free to add more lines or leave some blank.

Remember, this entire guide is about making your fat loss journey simple so we’re working off of your current lifestyle.

In the example below, I show you exactly how to use this tracker. Simply plug in your goals for the day, based off the SSS Fat

Loss Nutrition Guide, record your meals and write the number of servings for each category.


Date: July 8, 2016

Today’s Goals: Starches: 4 Fat: 3 Protein: 6

Meal #1: ¼ cup oatmeal with peanut butter and blueberries; protein shake

Starch: 2 Fat: 1 Protein: 1

Meal #2: Greek yogurt with almonds

Starch: 0 Fat: 1 Protein: 1

Meal #3: Greek salad with double chicken, no dressing

Starch: 0 Fat: 1 Protein: 2

Meal #4: 2 string cheese; apple

Starch: 1 Fat: 0 Protein: 1

Meal #5: Steak tips and broccoli; 1 glass of wine

Starch: 1 Fat: 0 Protein: 1

Totals: Starches: 4 Fat: 3 Protein: 6

Water: ||||||

Exercise: 45 minutes Spinning

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#simplesanesuccessful Food Tracker

Date: ___________

Today’s Goals: Starches: ___________ Fat: ___________ Protein: ___________

Meal #1: _____________________________________________________________________________

Starches: ___________ Fat: ___________ Protein: ___________

Meal #2: _____________________________________________________________________________

Starches: ___________ Fat: ___________ Protein: ___________

Meal #3: _____________________________________________________________________________

Starches: ___________ Fat: ___________ Protein: ___________

Meal #4: _____________________________________________________________________________

Starches: ___________ Fat: ___________ Protein: ___________

Meal #5: _____________________________________________________________________________

Starches: ___________ Fat: ___________ Protein: ___________

Meal #6: _____________________________________________________________________________

Starches: ___________ Fat: ___________ Protein: ___________

Totals: Starches: ________ Fat: ________ Protein: ________

Water: ___________________________

Exercise: ______________________________________________________

Page 19: INTRODUCTION · The reason I share this story is because I know a lot of women suffer from the same things I did. The yo -yo dieting, trying the newest diets, not getting results


Thank you for downloading my #simplesanesuccessful Fat Loss Nutrition Guide!

I created this guide because I know how much information there is out there on how to lose weight and how confusing it can be. Restriction and deprivation seem to be the name of the game and that’s just no way to live so I set out to create a #simplesanesuccessful way for you to shed fat, taking away all of the complicated formulas, tracking apps and guess work. If you follow this easy guide, you’ll see how simple weight loss can really be.

With this guide my hope is to teach you how to build a weight loss plan using foods you actually like by learning how to incorporate your favorite treats into your daily meals and snacks without a side of guilt. The goal of this guide is to allow you to achieve your fat loss goals while keeping your cravings down, energy up and confidence high!

A little more about me: When I'm not training clients in the gym, coaching my online clients or working out myself you can find me at home with my cat, Turtle, writing on all things nutrition, fitness and mindset for my website, listening to some Michael Jackson or country music, watching an episode or two of Friends, or making the drive to see my nephew, Brad, the littlest love of my life :) From a coaching standpoint, I teach women how to stop the war with their bodies, make nutrition as simple as possible and help them feel empowered in the gym and in their everyday lives. I want to help my clients find their own, unique, healthy lifestyle. Thanks again for downloading this guide and if you have any questions just email me at [email protected]. Also stop by my website and check out my weekly blogs and other offerings!

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