Page 1: Introduction: Sowing to the Spirit (the Spiritual Disciplines) Series … · 2017. 10. 31. · Introduction: Sowing to the Spirit (the Spiritual Disciplines) Series Galatians 6:7-9

Introduction: Sowing to the Spirit (the Spiritual Disciplines) Series Galatians 6:7-9 (NIrV) 7Don't be fooled. You can't outsmart God. A man gathers a crop from what he plants. 8Some people plant to please their sinful nature. From that nature they will harvest death. Others plant to please the Holy Spirit. From the Spirit they will

harvest eternal life. 9Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don't give up.

Many years ago, my dad taught me a very important statement and I want to teach it to you for our series. I also want you to memorize it. It goes like this:

What you _______ is what will ________. (See Galatians 5:16-17)

1. Spiritual disciplines are all about what we _______ and

_____________, and what we don’t.

2. God tells us there are certain things we must not do. He also tells us the things we need to do if we want to grow in godly things, and in a relationship with him. Some of the things we are to do include: • Meditation & Prayer • Fasting • Studying the Bible • Obeying our parents and those in positions of authority • Participating in worship services

1 Corinthians 3:6, 8-9 (NIrV) 6I planted the seed. Apollos watered it. But God made it grow. 8The one who plants and the one who waters have the same purpose. The Lord will give each of us a reward for our work. 9We work together with God. You are like God's field. You are like his building.

3. In our growth and development, God makes it happen when we

___ _____ _______. This is important if we want to know God.

Parent’s page: Answer Key:

feed; lead; feed; support; do our part.

A few thoughts: Let your child talk with you about the thoughts or questions they have from the lesson. Interject your thoughts and information from the sermon; however, give them opportunities to ponder. Don’t be too quick to answer all their questions. You may choose to ask questions to provoke thought. It is also good to answer some of their questions with a question, which trains them to think. Through this they may come to the appropriate conclusions on their own. (Be sure to take notes on the backside of this page for follow-up conversations.)

Other tie-ins you may address in light of the lesson:

1. The disciplines are like sowing to the spirit. Therefore, there is importance in talking about the nature of sowing and reaping, and addressing why we cannot sow one thing and reap another. (Consider Genesis 1:29, acknowledge that women give birth to children, animals to baby animals, plants to plants, etc.)

2. You may talk about how God, not man, makes things grow. Just like seed in the ground, we know the conditions necessary for growth to take place, however we do not know how it actually happens. Take time to marvel over this (Consider Mark 4:26-29)

3. Growth coming from abiding in God. (Consider John 15:1-8)

4. Why people do things to please their sinful nature? (Consider Genesis 2-3; Romans 5:12-21; Galatians 5:16-25)

5. Why people may get tired in doing good, i.e. why change takes a long time (Consider Genesis 8:20-22)

6. Work with your child on memorizing the lesson statement and ask them if they can explain the statement in their own words. Note their explanation. Revisit this throughout the series.

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From Better Homes and Gardens

How to Grow Healthy Plants Here are 10 essential plant-rearing tips for parenting a successful flower garden.

Growing flowers may be easier than raising kids, but the two pursuits have their similarities. Building a good home environment for strong roots, weeding out bad company, giving extra protection at the toddler stage, providing support but more independence as they mature, and making the important link between proper nutrition and strong growth will lead to the pride and satisfaction of guiding your young upstarts to blooming maturity.

1. Take the time to prepare the proper environment before new plants arrive. Good soil preparation is the single most important thing you can do for your flowers. Loosen soil to at least 6 inches, add organic matter (such as peat moss, compost, or manure), and mix well. Rake to level. Soil preparation can be a fun job, one that increases the anticipation of new life, much like preparing the nursery for a new baby.

2. Don't smother new plants with too thick a soil blanket. Most flower seeds should be barely covered; make the soil layer just 1/4 inch thick. Planting flower seeds too

deep is a common mistake -- just like new parents who have a tendency to cover a newborn with too many blankets. Seed depth and planting time, critical to emerging new life, are cases where you should refer to expert advice. Read the seed packet; then read it again. The information on the seed packet is like words of advice from a pediatrician or the pages of Dr. Spock.

3. Use fast foods or health foods, but nourish young plants well during growth spurts. You can feed fast foods to your actively growing plants by

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adding water-soluble fertilizers to the watering can or a hose-end sprayer. If these fertilizers, heavy with chemical additives, aren't the way you want to nourish youngsters, you may choose to go organic and side-dress with slower acting but healthier compost, fish fertilizer, or manure fertilizer. Serving a home-brewed batch of manure tea is another health food option. Slower acting organic foods may not seem to fit the fast and active life of your adolescent plants, but in the long run you'll build a healthier soil environment for future flower generations.

4. Weed out bad influences when plants are young. The kind of friends your flowers hang around with at this stage of rapid growth will influence how straight and sturdy they are as adults. Weeds rob your seedlings of nutrients and water and make them look bad. When a good flower garden goes bad, you can often blame the influence of the flowers' weedy companions. Take an authoritative stand and stay in control; set limits, and spend some quality time pulling weeds.

5. Be overprotective at a plant's vulnerable seedling stage. Once seeds sprout, they are at the vulnerable seedling or toddler stage. At this point, it's your duty to hover over them. Keep the soil moist, but avoid the temptation to fertilize until you see two true leaves. (Those first leaves that emerge are part of the seed itself.) Fertilizing newly sprouted seeds is like trying to feed a pork chop to a newborn: It doesn't go down well and could be harmful. While waiting for the first set of true leaves is like waiting for an infant to get teeth, it's the developmental

milestone that signals it's time for a change in diet.

6. Deadhead plants to keep them feeling young. Once plants flower, keep the color coming by deadheading, or removing, faded flower heads. If your flowering plant blooms and then fades (or starts to look ready for retirement), you can always try to revitalize it by shearing off the faded blooms and one-third of the top growth. Now fertilize. This trick restores the performance and blooming of "past their prime" plants.

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7. Offer support as plants mature and grow tall. Consider some additional support as seedlings turn into gangly adolescent plants. Now is the time to offer forked twigs or other props before plants endure the rainstorms of life. You can also choose to pinch out the center of young flowering plants, such as petunias and fuchsias, to encourage more bushy side growth. Tall delphiniums, sunflowers, and dahlias may need to be tied to stakes. (These pinching and tying techniques are not recommended for raising children, no matter how much you may want to pinch them and tie them down during the rapid development of adolescence.)

8. Plant adoption is an option. Not all great flower gardens (like families) need to be

formed by planting the seed yourself. Adopting transplants from a nursery can be an easier option, or you may want to start the seeds indoors, then carefully transfer them to the nurturing nursery of outdoor soil once the weather has stabilized. No matter where the transplants come from, the first few nights are crucial as the young plants must adjust to a new environment, or harden off. Let them sit outdoors under a covered porch or patio for a few days. Or, if planted, offer a nighttime blanket of protection by covering them with a light sheet or newspaper tents. Think of this hardening-off stage as half-day kindergarten, which helps children make the transition to being away from home all day.

9. Celebrate as perennials graduate. There may come a time, especially for perennials, when plants need to move. Growing too big for their original home is one sign that you've done your parenting job right. There is no need to feel anxious at this time of separation. Most perennials are easy to divide by pulling the side shoots or baby plants from the mother and transplanting them to a new location. This move will be easier on everyone if you do it on a cloudy day and prepare the new home by loosening the soil and watering well.

10. Don't forget to photograph your full-grown, blooming successes! Get out the camera and take handsome graduation photos of your beautiful flowers in the prime of their lives. Gather a fresh bouquet to bring indoors, or share the success of plant parenting by giving a vase of fresh-cut victory to your neighbors or coworkers.

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Meditation (Sowing to the Spirit Series) Philippians 4:8-9 (NIrV) 8Finally, my brothers and sisters, always think about what is true. Think about what is noble, right and pure. Think about what is lovely and worthy of respect. If anything is excellent or worthy of praise, think about those kinds of

things. 9Do what you have learned or received or heard from me. Follow my example. The God who gives peace will be with you.

In meditation:

1. We spend time thinking about the things ______ has told us (in the Bible). What kinds of things?

• Things about himself • Things about humankind • Things about the physical world (The things we can see) • Things about the spiritual world (The things we cannot see) • Things about time and eternity

2. We spend time thinking about (and asking God) what to ____ with what he has told us.

3. Meditation can be hard for us, because we keep ourselves busy, so

it is hard to get still, and _____ ____________. It takes work.

4. The _________ of meditation are revelation (seeing something we did not know), repentance and obedience.

• To repent means to feel pain, sorrow or regret for something done or spoken (Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language).

• To obey is to do that which is commanded or required, or to forbear doing that which is prohibited (Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language).

Parent’s page: Answer Key:

God; do; pay attention; goals

A few thoughts: Let your child talk with you about the thoughts or questions they have from the lesson. Interject your thoughts and information from the sermon; however, give them opportunities to ponder. Don’t be too quick to answer all their questions. You may choose to ask questions to provoke thought. It is also good to answer some of their questions with a question, which trains them to think. Through this they may come to the appropriate conclusions on their own. (Be sure to take notes on the backside of this page for follow-up conversations.)

Other activities and questions you may address in light of the lesson:

1. Why do you think it is good to spend time thinking about things that are true? Why do you think people spend time thinking about things that are not true? What might be the result of thinking about things that are not true (based on Philippians 4:8-9). See also Proverbs 23:7a; John 8:31-32.)

2. You may give your child/children a quiz to see if they know what the Bible says about the items listed under question one. Afterward go over the ones they get wrong. Utilize a Bible concordance and a Bible Dictionary to locate appropriate verses.

3. Ask your child about what God has revealed to them, how they know it was from God (Is it in line with Scripture?), what questions they have, and what actions they need to take (repent, obey, give thanks or something else?) based on questions 2 and 4.

4. Ask what things they can do to take time for meditation.

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What are you thinking about?

Proverbs 23:7a (AMP) For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (AMP) For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, 5[Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). Hebrews 4:12 (NASB) For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

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Prayer (Sowing to the Spirit Series) James 4:2-3 (NIrV) “…You don't have what you want, because you don't ask God. 3When you do ask for something, you don't receive it. Why? Because you ask for the wrong reason….”

In meditation:

1. We spend time thinking about the things God has told us (in the Bible).

2. We spend time thinking about what to do with what he has told us.

3. After we meditate then we ________.

There are two parts to prayer:

1. We ______ God for things or we ask what we should do.

2. We _________ for his answers and his instructions.

3. Like our parents or other adults, God has different answers:

Yes I have something even better No Yes, but you must wait

4. We need God’s help to ______________ what he wants us to do.

5. We need God’s help to ________ what he wants us to do.

When we ask for the right thing, for the right reason, God answers our prayers.

Parent’s page: Answer Key:

pray; ask; listen; understand; obey

A few thoughts: Let your child talk with you about the thoughts or questions they have from the lesson. Interject your thoughts and information from the sermon; however, give them opportunities to ponder. Don’t be too quick to answer all their questions. You may choose to ask questions to provoke thought. It is also good to answer some of their questions with a question, which trains them to think. Through this they may come to the appropriate conclusions on their own. (Be sure to take good notes on the backside of this page for follow-up conversations.)

Other activities and questions you may address in light of the lesson:

1. You and your child read James 1:5 and Hebrews 4:14-16. Ask your child what they think these verses tell us about approaching and speaking to God. Ask them how they feel about this. (Is it comforting that God wants us to know his will and to ask for the right things?)

2. Ask your child to explain in their own words why both parts of prayer (asking and listening) are important. Talk about what might happen if they only ask but don’t listen, or only listen but don’t ask (in light of this lesson’s Scripture-James 4:2-3).

3. Ask your child why they think God’s answer to our prayers might be no, or to wait. (If your child is young give them a hint or two.) Ask them how they feel when a parent, teacher or other adult tells them no. How might this be different than when God tells us no? How might it be the same (since God loves us and knows everything about us)? Ask your child why it might be dangerous for them to have everything they say they want. Ask your child to think of some examples of when they got what they wanted but the experiences ended up not being pleasurable.

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s 4:14-16 (N

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Fasting (Sowing to the Spirit Series) Ezra 8:21, 23 (NIrV) I announced a fast by the waterway that flows toward Ahava. I told the people not to eat any food. In that way, we made ourselves low in the sight of God. We prayed that he would give us and our children a safe journey. We asked him to keep safe everything we owned.

23So we didn't eat anything. We prayed to our God about all of those matters. And he answered our prayers.

Meditation: 1. Spend time thinking about the things God has told us in the Bible. 2. What to do with what God has told us.

Prayer (2 Parts): 1. We ask God for things or we ask what we should do. 2. We listen for his answers and his instructions.

We need God’s help: 1. To understand and obey him.

Fasting: To give up eating _______ for a period of time for a spiritual purpose.

1. _______________ us that every blessing/gift comes from God (James 1:17).

2. Gives us more _________ to pray and meditate. (We know these are important but we get distracted and forget to do them)

3. Helps us _________. (When we are hungry we focus on it. When fasting we redirect our attention toward meditation and prayer)

Parent’s page: Answer Key: food; Reminds; time; focus

A few thoughts: If you do not have a NIrV translation of the Bible you can view it online at Let your child talk with you about the thoughts or questions they have from the lesson. Interject your thoughts and information from the sermon; however, give them opportunities to ponder. Don’t be too quick to answer all their questions. You may choose to ask questions to provoke thought. It is also good to answer some of their questions with a question, which trains them to think. Through this they may come to the appropriate conclusions on their own. (Be sure to take good notes on the backside of this page for follow-up conversations.)

Other activities and questions you may address in light of the lesson:

1. Ask your children to explain in their own words what fasting is and why Christians practice fasting. Talk about ways/times when they might fast.

2. Read Isaiah 58 (NIrV) a couple of times and make note of important things you can discuss before your family worship time. Then read sections of the passage with your children. You may note:

• What the children of Israel were doing while they were fasting and how they were treating others. If they are old enough to understand, talk about what the word contradiction means and how it relates to parts of the text. (Ex: Verse 13 seems to indicate that while they were fasting they were not keeping the Sabbath.)

• What kinds of things God says the children of Israel should do while they fast.

• What God says he will do when the right actions accompany their fasting.

3. In Isaiah 58:5 God says fasting is not simply a way to make us suffer. Remind your children of this and then review the children’s sermon again to remind them of three reasons we fast.

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A Time of Fasting On the plate below, draw a picture of some of your favorite things: snacks, videos games, a TV, a favorite toy, a computer, etc. that you will give up for a short time of fasting for God. After you have finished your drawing, draw a big “X” through your picture to say that you will not enjoy these things during the fasting time.

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Study (Sowing to the Spirit Series)

Mark 12:30 (NIrV) “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your mind and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:4,5).

1. Studying is how we love God with all of our _________.

2. In our lesson on meditation we said: We spend time thinking about the things God has told us (in the Bible). • Things about himself • Things about humankind • Things about the physical world (The things we can see) • Things about the spiritual world (The things we cannot see) • Things about time and eternity

These are also the kinds of things we should study.

3. Important things to remember about studying:

• When studying we should __________ with the Bible.

• We look at other books and resources ____________.

• When we study we are always looking for the _________.

• If we see something that tells us something different from the Bible, then we __________ it because it is NOT true.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 (NIrV) Put everything to the test. Hold on to what is good (literally or morally).

Parent’s page: Answer Key: mind; start; second; truth; reject

A few thoughts: Let your child talk with you about the thoughts or questions they have from the lesson. Interject your thoughts and information from the sermon; however, give them opportunities to ponder. Don’t be too quick to answer all their questions. You may choose to ask questions to provoke thought. It is also good to answer some of their questions with a question, which trains them to think. Through this they may come to the appropriate conclusions on their own. (Be sure to take good notes on the backside of this page for follow-up conversations.)

Other activities and questions you may address in light of the lesson:

1. Why is it good to study the Bible as well as other books and resources? (We discover the truth, learn how things work, see evidence of God’s existence, power, wisdom, creativity, love, etc.)

2. What things should we study and why? (Refer to the lesson) 3. What are some of the dangers of not studying? How might someone

take advantage of us if we are unlearned? How could we hurt ourselves if we are unlearned?

4. Talk with your children about ways they might choose to reject a lie being passed off as truth when they hear it (active ways/passive ways and which ways may be best in a given situation).

5. Read aloud Matthew 5:10-12. Arm your children, by talking with them about the ways they might be teased or rejected because they reject false teachings that others accept as the truth.

6. Encourage your children to tell you when someone tells them, or treats as the truth, something that the Bible says isn’t.

7. Many of our children do not like to study; or rather they prefer only to study the subjects/things that interest them. Pray with them regularly (and encourage them to pray regularly on their own) for God to 1-show them himself, 2-the reality of all things, and 3-the relevance of all things as they study. A prayer in which both you and they pray aloud in agreement with these sentiments may be how you decide to end your lesson time.

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Everyone likes to study…SOMETHING!

Some people are good at studying and some people are not as good, but everyone likes to study something because we are all interested in something and want to know more about it. It might be math, modeling & fashion or machine guns; it might be money, maps, music or marbles. It might be vehicles, volleyball or volcanoes; it might be veterinarians (an animal doctor) video games, voyages or the violin. Everyone is interested in something.

In the top box write a word or draw a picture of something that you would not like to study. In the bottom box write a word or draw a picture of something that you would like to study. Talk with an adult about it.

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Simplicity (Sowing to the Spirit Series)

Matthew 6:31-33 (NLT) 31"So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' 32These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

1. God wants us to keep our lives ___________. 2. God wants us to go to him for the things we ________. Philippians 4:11-13 (NIrV) 11I'm not saying that because I need anything. I have learned to be content no matter what happens to me. 12I know what it's like not to have what I need. I also know what it's like to have more than I need. I have learned the secret of being content no matter what happens. I am content whether I am well fed or hungry. I am content whether I have more than enough or not enough. 13I can do everything by the power of Christ. He gives me strength.

3. We must learn to be ___________ with what we have.

• If we want to keep our lives simple and be content, God will

give us the _____________ to do it.

Parent’s page: Answer Key: simple; need; content; strength A few thoughts: Let your child talk with you about the thoughts or questions they have from the lesson. Interject your thoughts and information from the sermon; however, give them opportunities to ponder. Don’t be too quick to answer all their questions. You may choose to ask questions to provoke thought. It is also good to answer some of their questions with a question, which trains them to think. Through this they may come to the appropriate conclusions on their own. (Be sure to take good notes on the backside of this page for follow-up conversations.) Other activities and questions you may address in light of the lesson:

1. Ask your child to explain in their own words what it means to live a life of simplicity (Based on the lesson).

2. Grab a dictionary and look up the words content and contentment. Read the definitions to your child. Then look back at/read Philippians 4:11-13. Ask your child to explain what content/contentment means in their own words. Talk about what that might feel like (internal) and look like (external)

3. Some people believe that life will always be good if they own a lot of things. (Greed is often linked to security.) Ask your child if bad things happen to people who have a lot of things. (Read Luke 12:13-15.):

Luke 12:13-15 (CEV) 13A man in a crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, tell my brother to give me my share of what our father left us when he died." 14Jesus answered, "Who gave me the right to settle arguments between you and your brother?" 15Then he said to the crowd, "Don't be greedy! Owning a lot of things won't make your life safe."

What does Jesus say in this passage about our safety and security? Ask your child why it is important to know this.

4. When it comes to their needs, children do not have to do much. Ask your child (ponder with them) how they can go to God for the things they need? (Maybe it’s praying by themselves or communicating this need to an adult and praying with them.)

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Simplicity in our words and actions…

Listen to what the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 4:7 (NIrV): Who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you brag as though you did not?

What do you think Paul means? How might you respond to this? Write down your answers: _________________________________________________________



_________________________________________________________ When Jesus sent his disciples out to do ministry (Matthew 10:5-8), he told them to preach the Gospel to people, heal the sick, raise the dead and cast demons out of people. Jesus said the disciples received these gifts from him freely and they should freely give these gifts to others.

In his book Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster states that one way to live a life of simplicity is to, “develop a habit of giving things away”. Choose to live a life of voluntary poverty, to a small degree. Look around your room/house at the things you own. List or draw pictures of things you may give away to simplify your life. Talk with your parents about it, get their permission, then give them away.

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Solitude & Silence (Sowing to the Spirit Series)

Psalms 46:1-11 (NIrV) God is our place of safety. He gives us strength. He is always there to help us in times of trouble. 2The earth may fall apart. The mountains may fall into the middle of the sea. But we will not be afraid. 3The waters of the sea may roar and foam. The mountains may shake when the waters rise. But we will not be afraid. Selah 4God's blessings are like a river. They fill the city of God with joy. That city is the holy place where the Most High God lives. 5Because God is there, the city will not fall. God will help it at the beginning of the day. 6Nations are in disorder. Kingdoms fall. God speaks, and the people of the earth melt in fear. 7The LORD who rules over all is with us. The God of Jacob is like a fort to us. Selah 8Come and see what the LORD has done. See the places he has destroyed on the earth. 9He makes wars stop from one end of the earth to the other. He breaks every bow. He snaps every spear. He burns every shield with fire. 10He says, "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be honored among the nations. I will be honored in the earth." 11The LORD who rules over all is with us. The God of Jacob is like a fort to us. Selah

I. When life is busy and things seem out of control, God is still the boss.

II. God invites us to practice solitude (being by ourselves for a time) and silence (not talking for a time) so we have the chance to:

1. ________ 2. ________________ the truth

3. ________ God better Control our ___________ (being quiet when we should be and saying the right things when we do speak)

III. God invites us to practice silence and solitude, but we must accept his invitation by getting by ourselves, being quiet, resting, and listening.

Parent’s page: Answer Key: Rest; Remember; Hear; tongue

A few thoughts: Let your child talk with you about the thoughts or questions they have from the lesson. Interject your thoughts and information from the sermon; however, give them opportunities to ponder. Don’t be too quick to answer all their questions. You may choose to ask questions to provoke thought. It is also good to answer some of their questions with a question, which trains them to think. Through this they may come to the appropriate conclusions on their own. (Be sure to take good notes on the backside of this page for follow-up conversations.) Other activities and questions you may address in light of the lesson:

1. Look back over the congregation’s lesson on these disciplines and review/expound on any points with your child that seem appropriate and/or applicable.

2. Ask your child to explain in their own words what it means to be in solitude. Ask them what it means to be silent. (Have a dictionary handy.)

3. Ask your child what it means to practice something. Ask them why a person practices something. Ask them what this might mean about these two disciplines we’ve talked about?

4. Encourage your child in practicing this discipline. You may initially set a 5 to 15-minute block of time aside in their schedule and prompt them at that time that it is time to practice. You might even join them.

• Know that some children may become anxious because they are not used to this and may be concerned about what they are supposed to be doing.

• Remind them that this is a time where they can begin by asking God to speak to them and then listening. It can be a time to meditate on Scripture. Or it might just be a time they can rest.

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Ask an adult to find this song for you on YouTube. Try to begin a time of solitude and silence by listening to it. Be Still and Know Verse 1 Be still and know that He is God Be still and know that He is holy Be still oh restless soul of mine Bow before the Prince of Peace Let the noise and clamor cease Verse 2 Be still and know that He is God Be still and know that He is faithful Consider all that He has done Stand in awe and be amazed And know that He will never change Be still Chorus Be still and know that He is God Be still and know that He is God Be still and know that He is God Be still be speechless Verse 3 Be still and know that He is God Be still and know He is our Father Come rest your head upon His breast Listen to the rhythm of His unfailing heart of love Beating for His little ones Calling each of us to come Be still be still CCLI Song # 2758912 by Steven Curtis Chapman © 1999 Primary Wave Brian (Chapman Sp Acct) (Admin. by BMG Chrysalis US) Sparrow Song (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) CCLI License # 11386712

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Submission (Sowing to the Spirit Series) Matthew 20:25-28 (NIrV) “25Jesus called them together. He said, "You know about the rulers of the nations. They hold power over their people. Their high officials order them around. 26Don't be

like that. Instead, anyone who wants to be important among you must be your servant. 27And anyone who wants to be first must be your slave. 28"Be like the Son of Man. He did not come to be served. Instead, he came to serve others. He came to give his life as the price for setting many people free."

I. How does one practice submission?

1. Give up my quest to always have my own _______.

2. Make a personal sacrifice for someone else’s ___________.

II. What can we learn from practicing submission?

1. Happiness does not always come from getting what I _______.

2. How to __________ another person, their interests and needs

3. To live like _________ did

4. God takes ________ of us as we take care of others.

Romans 8:28 (NIrV) We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with his purpose.

Parent’s page: Answer Key: way; benefit; want; serve; Jesus; care

A few thoughts: Let your child talk with you about the thoughts or questions they have from the lesson. Interject your thoughts and information from the sermon; however, give them opportunities to ponder. Don’t be too quick to answer all their questions. You may choose to ask questions to provoke thought. It is also good to answer some of their questions with a question, which trains them to think. Through this they may come to the appropriate conclusions on their own. (Be sure to take good notes on the backside of this page for follow-up conversations with your child.) Other activities and questions you may address in light of the lesson:

1. Ask your child to explain in their own words what it means to be submitted to someone or to have a submissive attitude.

2. Ask your child who they are submitted to. Ask who they are not submitted to. Ask them why they choose to be submitted to some people and not to others. What is their criteria? (This may be tough for some to discern/articulate. Don’t go too deep w/ youngers ones.)

3. Look back over the portion of the congregation’s lesson which gave examples of submission (also found on the back). Explain who the Bible says we are to be submitted to. Talk about the difference between submission (attitude/heart) and obedience (actions). (You might use the story in Daniel 3 and the respect they show the king as an example.) Expound on any other points from the congregation’s message that seem appropriate and/or applicable.

4. Encourage your child to practice this discipline. An effective way to start might be by asking them to (1) think back to a time when they were pushing to have their way and having their way was unnecessary or upset someone else. (2) Ask them to identify things like: were they being asked to sin, why was it so important to have their way and how would they be serving the other person if they chose to give up their way? (3) Encourage them to slow down and revisit these ideas next time they are stressing and pushing to have their way in a situation.

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Examples of submission & self-denial

• To one another (Ephesians 5:17-21, Philippians 2:3-7, 1 Peter 2:21-23)

• Husbands/Fathers to wives and children (Ephesians 5:25-33, 6:4; Colossians 3:19, 21)

• Wives to husbands (Ephesians 5:22-24, 33, Colossians 3:18) • Children to parents (Exodus 21:17, Deuteronomy 5:16,

Ephesians 6:1-3, Colossians 3:20) • Masters to slaves (Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 4:1) • Slaves to masters (Ephesians 6:5-8, Colossians 3:22-24)

Check out this story on submission and obedience for things to ponder as you consider childrearing:

Notes: _________________________________________________________













How do you feel and why? Get a pencil and your favorite set of crayons, colored pencils or markers and answer the following questions by using your best artistic skills to give the appropriate expression to the two faces below. Be sure to give each face eyes, nose, a mouth and hair. You might even add some teeth, eye brows and eye lashes, makeup, a beard or mustache. Bring your picture to worship service next Sunday and show everyone your work! On this face (to the right) answer this question: How do you feel when someone tells you to do something that you want to do?

On the second face (to the left) answer this question: How do you feel when someone tells you to do something you do not want to do?

Spend time talking with your parents about these feelings. They will talk with you about times when God might be happy with these feelings. They will also talk with you about times when God may not be happy about these feelings. Afterwards, ask God for help to have a proper attitude (a submissive attitude) in the times when we like or dislike what is being asked of us. Also ask God to help you understand when you should do what is being asked and when you should not.

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Worship (Sowing to the Spirit Series) (JLW) Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve

him only (Luke 4:8). *All scripture references-New International Version.


You have heard this word worship in church many times. You have sung about it, you have been told to “just worship the Lord”; it’s even been preached about. But you’re only 6 years old, 8, 11, 14; isn’t this worship thing only for old people? *The Old English word was worth ship=which means something or someone assigned great worth or value. *Worth=Important in quality, high value or (merit=quality being good). A. What Is Worship?

1. Great ___________is in God. “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being” (Revelation 4:1).

2. Acknowledge God as _______. “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:6- KJV).

*God _______ all. (Proverbs 5:21)

*God knows all. (Hebrews 4:13)

*God loves all.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

3. __________ God with all. (Matthew 22:37)

B. When do you worship?

1. ______________ is an opportunity to worship God.

*The worth/value of God never cheapens.

*How I ___________should not dictate worshipping God.

C. Where do you worship?

1. ______________ is a place to worship God.

*You can worship at: home, school, work, play, store….

D. How do you worship?

1. _________ God. “Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching…” (John 14:23a)

*Talk to someone about God, pray with someone and help/serve someone.

2. _________to God.

*Your response is based on his value to you.

*Sing/Shout- Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. (Psalm 95:1)

*Raise hands- (Psalm 63:4) *Bow/Kneel- (Psalm 95:6)

“Worship is not an event. An event is focused on activities and entertainment. There is a starting and ending time. Worship is a life-style”. (Jonathan L. Walls)

ANSWERS A1. Worth A2. All *Sees A3. Love B1. Everyday *Feel C1. Everywhere D1. Obey D2. Respond

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Family Worship

Parents, here are 3 ideas for your family. These ideas may begin this week, but they can last a lifetime.

1. Create 2 lists: List A, think back and list the things you valued at a young age. List B; write down the things you value today. Share this list with your kids, and possible reasons the list has changed.

Purpose: to show your kids you were no different from them and to express how God brings about change in what we consider worthy or valuable.

2. This week include your kids in your activities, roles or responsibilities as much as possible. As you carry out these tasks, verbally acknowledge God (out-loud).

Example #1-As you wash dishes, sing songs about God to God.

Examples #2- As you drive around town, talk to God about what you see (nature, people, etc.) or what you’re thinking or feeling.

Purpose: God can be included in everywhere.

3. Create a chart and post in your home. This chart should list each family members worth and value to the success of the family. Then read the list together, thanking God for family.

Purpose: Each person has worth and value to the family.


Worth All Sees Love Everyday

Feel Obey Respond Family

Luke Great Lord

Worship Old Sing











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Guidance (Sowing to the Spirit Series) Youth Message (JLW).

3But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. (John 16:13-NIV). Introduction.

Where are going? How do you get there? Why this way? Can you help me figure this out? What is the best way? When does this happen? Is this the quickest? I NEED HELP!!!! If you have ever asked yourself these question, you like many, appreciates when the answer and help comes.

*Guide= one that leads or directs another’s way, conduct or course of life. (Merriam Webster Dictionary).

A. Guidance Through the Scripture

1. It’s All ________________ (Plus, Increase) *Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us. (2 Timothy 3:16- Message)

2. It’s All ________________. *Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths.5 Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. (Psalm 25:4-5- NIV).

3. For The ________________ (Not proud: not thinking of yourself as better than other people) *He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. (Psalm 25:9-NIV).

B. Guidance Through People

1. By _____________ in Life.

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6- KJV).

2. By _____________ in Education. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning (Proverbs 9:9-KJV).

3. By _____________ in Choices. Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14-KJV).

C. Guidance Through the Church

1. Guidance is emphasized through the gathering of the Body of Christ. 19"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:19-20).

2. There is comfort/assurance that when people are gathered in

his name, his will could be ____________.

3. “For those who are lead by the spirit of God, are the children of

God” (Romans 8:14). *A good father ________ to guide his


4. God lead the children of Israel out of bondage of Pharaoh, not as individuals, but as a people. Everyone saw the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. Not individuals going in the same direction, but a group under the rule of God.

5. Hearing the _________ of the true shepherd, we are able to pray and act with authority.

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A Note for The Parents.

1. This week as you worship, make a list with your kids, focusing on everything (as many as possible) you can think of that needs some type of Guidance.

Ex. 1. Students need guidance from a teacher. 2. A boat needs a navigation guide. 3. A toy model needs an instruction guide, to put the pieces in the right place.

2. Play a game. Blind-fold a family member and see if you can guide them around the house with just your voice.

Possibly set out the ingredients for a sandwich and see if you can guide a family member in the preparation process, while they are blindfolded.

Coloring Page. Compass.

Guide Dog.

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Confession (Sowing to the Spirit Series) James 5:16 (NIrV) So admit to one another that you have sinned. Pray for one another so that you might be healed. The prayer of a godly person is powerful. It makes things happen.

1. We are to confess sin to those we have sinned _____________ and ask for their forgiveness. • When wronging or being wronged by a believer (Luke 17:3-4)

• Before we worship and offer gifts to God (Matt. 5:23-24).

2. When we have disobeyed God’s law we are to confess sin to who

God has _____________, in our family or in the church.

Ephesians 6:1-3 (NASB) Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER (which is the first commandment with a promise), 3SO THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH YOU, AND THAT YOU MAY LIVE LONG ON THE EARTH.

Galatians 6:1 (NASB) Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one…

____________ to confession: • Feel sadness and comfort those who are sad (Matthew 5:4) • Forgive others (Luke 11:4) • Pray for others (1 Peter 2:9) • Encouraging others and help others not to sin again (1

Thessalonians 5:9-11, 14-15, Hebrews 3:12-13) • Remind others that God has forgiven them • Do not violate their trust by spreading ________ (Prov 20:19)

Parent’s page: Answer Key: against; appointed; responses; rumors

A few thoughts: Let your child talk with you about the thoughts or questions they have from the lesson. Interject your thoughts and information from the sermon; however, give them opportunities to ponder. Don’t be too quick to answer all their questions. You may choose to ask questions to provoke thought. It is also good to answer some of their questions with a question, which trains them to think. Through this they may come to the appropriate conclusions on their own. (Be sure to take good notes on the backside of this page for follow-up conversations with your child.) Other activities and questions you may address in light of the lesson:

1. Ask your child to explain in their own words what it means to confess something. Ask them to explain in their own words why confessing sin is important i.e. why should we tell our parent or a godly and responsible adult when we have done something wrong, or why we should tell another person when we did something wrong toward them. After discussing this Read 1 John 1:9.

2. Ask your child if there has ever been a time when they did something bad and did not confess it? (Give them time to think about/recall an occurrence. If they give details and the offense was unknown to you, you may be gracious to them and not exact punishment if the offense is not egregious.) Ask your child how they felt. Ask your child to describe how they felt after they confessed something they had been “holding in” for a while.

3. Encourage your child to practice this discipline. An effective way to start might be by having a time of reflection and confession during your family worship time or before evening meals. Another way might be encouraging them to: (1) Take time each day to think over the events of the day and identify times they were dishonest or did something to hurt someone. (2) Confess those things and seek forgiveness from God, an adult or the appropriate person. (3) If confessing is difficult suggest that they pray and ask God for help. God gives us grace (divine enablement) to obey him.

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Dear Jesus, Please forgive me for this sin: (write or draw in the box)

Give me grace (your help) to do good by making this better choice (write or draw in the box)

I trust you to help me and I will obey you, in Jesus name Amen.

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Sowing to the Spirit (the Spiritual Disciplines) Series Pt. 12 Genesis 1:26-29, 2:7-8, 15, John 17:1-4 (NASB)

I. The discipline of ______________

1. God made ______________ (Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:15-17).

2. God creates mankind and gives them ____________ (not ownership) over the things of the earth (Genesis 1:26-28, 2:7-8, 15). Why? • To manage it. • To protect it. • To reasonably enjoy it (Ecclesiastes 9:7-10, 1 Timothy 6:17). • To glorify him (Psalm 29:1-2, Habakkuk 2:14, Matthew 5:16,

John 15:8, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

3. God gives mankind ___________ (spiritual gifts, wisdom, natural

talents, material wealth, etc.) and ____________ (time and

occasions to act) to carry out this authority.

II. How do we practice stewardship?

1. We are _____________ (1 Corinthians 4:1-2). • Disciplined in the use of the resources and opportunities God

entrusts to us. • We are undisciplined when we are neglectful (careless),

wasteful or misuse (or steal) what belongs to God.

2. We do not ________ about what has been entrusted to us (1 Corinthians 4:7, Romans 12:3-4).

3. We willingly, thankfully, cheerfully and liberally ______ according to God’s direction and the genuine needs of others (Matthew 10:7-8, Acts 4:32-37, 2 Corinthians 9:6-11).

III. Final consideration

You are already a steward of what belongs to God. The question you must answer today is will you start/continue to act/live like it? (The Lord is coming to settle his accounts e.g. Luke 12:35-48)

Parent’s page: Answer Key: stewardship, everything, authority, resources,

opportunities, trustworthy, boast, give

A few thoughts: Let your child talk with you about the thoughts or questions they have from the lesson. Interject your thoughts and information from the sermon; however, give them opportunities to ponder. Don’t be too quick to answer all their questions. You may choose to ask questions to provoke thought. It is also good to answer some of their questions with a question, which trains them to think. Through this they may come to the appropriate conclusions on their own. (Be sure to take good notes on the backside of this page for follow-up conversations with your child.) Other activities and questions you may address in light of the lesson:

4. Ask your child to explain in their own words what it means to be a steward.

5. God made humankind to be stewards to manage, protect and enjoy what he has made, and to give him glory. Ask your child to make a list of the things they are stewards of. (For small children, this could be something as simple as not leaving lights on in a room no one is in, closing the door to keep the heat inside in the winter, not wasting food or water, or taking care of their clothes and toys.)

6. Ask your child to tell you ways they may have been a poor steward over what God has entrusted to them. (This may be hard for some kids so starting with the items listed in question #2 may be helpful.)

7. Ask your child to explain how they can be a better steward over what God has entrusted to them.

8. Encourage your child to practice this discipline. An effective way to start might be by looking at a TV program, book or on the internet at people groups or countries who struggle to have their basic needs met. Ask your child how they would feel if they had to deal with the same lack of convenience or provisions that others do. End the time by praying and asking God for help to be a better steward.

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