Page 1: Introducing Being Human - Prosci | Change Management · Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers and Teams Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop • 1 day •



Presented by Catherine Smithson

April 2016

Prosci Community of Practice Webinars

Key success factors for change champions

Introducing Being Human • Founded in 1993 • Our mission: develop change-capable people and organisations so they achieve the benefits of change.

• Prosci Affiliate Australia and New Zealand.


“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss

the future.” John F. Kennedy

Page 2: Introducing Being Human - Prosci | Change Management · Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers and Teams Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop • 1 day •



Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers and Teams Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop •  1 day •  For Project Managers and

teams, Change Champions, IT specialists, BAs

•  Bring a current change •  See connection between

Change Management and achieving results

•  Includes $300 worth of Prosci cloud tools

•  Sydney: April 27 •  Melbourne May 17 •  Other dates and locations on

our website •  In house program also available



• What is the true value of a Change Champion network?

• Key findings of Prosci's 2016 Best Practices Report

• What is (and is not) their role?

•  Top 5 Tips • Q&A


Page 3: Introducing Being Human - Prosci | Change Management · Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers and Teams Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop • 1 day •



Global Snapshot: Change Agent Networks


1.  Group of Change Champions

2.  Impacted individuals 3.  Hierarchy Structure 4.  Influential leaders

What is a Change Agent Network? 39%






2016 Best Practices in Change Management Report. 1,120 participants in 56 countries. Prosci Inc copyright 2016.

What is the true value of Change Champions?

•  “They can help identify and manage resistance that is typically associated with implementing change, especially

at the employee level.” Joanne Rinaldi, Senior Consultant, Being Human

•  “They help in supporting of the change, particularly around communication. Fantastic when resources are tight.” Louise Geoghegan, Senior Consultant, Being



Page 4: Introducing Being Human - Prosci | Change Management · Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers and Teams Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop • 1 day •



Snapshot of findings from Prosci 2016 Best Practices Report Reasons to use a Change Agent Network

1.  Extend Project Support 2.  Use resources efficiently 3.  Enhance communication 4.  Align consistent

objectives 5.  Increase knowledge 6.  Build credibility 7.  Boost ownership

Criteria for selecting 1.  Willingness 2.  Credibility 3.  Knowledgeable 4.  Nominated


Other topics covered: •  How did you build the Change

Agent Network •  Roles of Change Agents •  Expectations of the Change

Agent Network

2016 Best Practices in Change Management Report. 1,120 participants in 56 countries. Prosci Inc copyright 2016.

What is (and is not?) their role? 1.  An advocate for the change

2.  Key communicator •  Communication cascade –give feedback on effectiveness of communications

3.  Liaise with the change management and project team. •  Pulse checks - Identifying issues on the ground and raising them •  Q&A – between project/change team and employees •  Tracking application of new skills – super users and training support

4.  Support the Change Management team - reducing the pressure, sharing the load

5.  Contribute to the development of the Change Management Plan - reality check


Page 5: Introducing Being Human - Prosci | Change Management · Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers and Teams Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop • 1 day •



What is not their role? To step into the manager’s role

• Explain the need for change and the WIIFM

• Explain to individuals how the change will impact them

• Set expectations with individuals performance expectations

• Manage resistance with teams

• Others traps?



Lego Shoes by artist Finn Stone

What is not their role?

To step into the Sponsor’s role • Be the face and voice of

the change • Get managers on board

with the need for the change

• Set expectations with managers about their role

• Other traps?


Nike sneaker from Back To The Future

Page 6: Introducing Being Human - Prosci | Change Management · Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers and Teams Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop • 1 day •




From the Being Human Consulting Team

Visit our website blog for complete version of Key Success Factors for Change Champions

Tip 1: Steps to set up a CC network 1.  Define the criteria for

selecting change champions

2.  Define their role and responsibilities

3.  Ask management to nominate change champions representatives

4.  Conduct an induction event 5.  Communicate the launch of

the champions’ network 6.  Reward and recognise the

change champions


Page 7: Introducing Being Human - Prosci | Change Management · Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers and Teams Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop • 1 day •



Tip 2: Ensure they are influential and respected •  Influential and respected by

wide cross section of people. •  Example: •  CC who was viewed as

influential by the organisational hierarchy, but not by the rank and file. Staff reacted badly to their involvement and as a result, the change was slow to gain momentum and support in that area compared to other parts of the organisation.

•  Also need to be at a level where they can influence upwards as well as downwards.



Tip 3: Keep up the lines of communication – both ways •  Keep them well informed

about all aspects of project •  Keep building Awareness and

Desire for the change: having the title of Change Champion doesn’t mean they will retain A& D

•  Communicate with them: listen to the feedback they are providing – it’s usually a great indicator of how the change is being received and areas for concerns that need to be addressed for us as change practitioners.


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Page 8: Introducing Being Human - Prosci | Change Management · Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers and Teams Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop • 1 day •



Tip 4: Ask for their help and see how you can support them • Change Managers all too

often try and do it all themselves.

• When you have a change champion network take advantage of it and how it can propel your change.

• Ask how can you can help them become better change champions - training in Change Management - doesn’t need to be costly – use our Webinars!


Tip 5: Show your appreciation • Most change champions do this role as an add on to their normal day-to-day role.

• Make sure you take the time to thank them for their help with the change and also ensure their bosses are aware of the good work they are doing.


Page 9: Introducing Being Human - Prosci | Change Management · Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers and Teams Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop • 1 day •




A well-supported network of change champions can make a huge difference to

ensuring user adoption, usage and success for your project!

Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers: Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop

•  1 day •  For Project Manager and teams,

IT specialists, BAs •  Bring a current change •  Apply tools to see connection

between adoption and usage and achieving results

•  Includes $300 worth of Prosci cloud tools

•  Sydney: April 27 •  Melbourne May 17 •  Other dates and locations on

our website •  In house program also available


Page 10: Introducing Being Human - Prosci | Change Management · Build buy in for Change Management with Project Managers and Teams Prosci Delivering Project Results Workshop • 1 day •




More info

20 Visit our website blog on home page footer for complete version of the Tips for Change Champions from the Being Human Consulting team

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