Page 1: Intro: Last week Sister Anaya kicked off the theme …… · Web view2020/08/09  · In Jesus’ day the words of a king were treated

JCREW Lesson


Intro: Last week Sister Anaya kicked off the theme of the Kingdom. Do you remember what she talked about? (Receive answers.) When we think about a Kingdom we instantly think of what? (Receive answers. Hopefully they are along the lines of a king or queen?) Well in the Kingdom of God there is a King. Do you know who that is? (Receive answers).

Objective: Students will create Kingdom declarations to speak over themselves and their families.

Things You Will Need: 2 Containers Rice Sticky Notes

Page 2: Intro: Last week Sister Anaya kicked off the theme …… · Web view2020/08/09  · In Jesus’ day the words of a king were treated

Parent Reads: If King Jesus is our Heavenly Father, guess what that makes us? (Wait for answers.) That’s right that’s makes us princes and princesses in the Kingdom. And as royalty what we say has power. Even more when we use the words of our dad King Jesus. We’re going to do an experiment to help us with

Parents: Feel free to have your children help you fill up the containers and talk about how the words we speak as princes and princesses of the Kingdom have power and explain what’s going to take place in this experiment.

Words of a King Ecclesiastes 8:4 (21st Century King James Version)

4 Where the word of a king is, there is power; and who may say unto him, “What doest thou?”

Parents (Read or feel to explain in your own words): The Bible says where the words of a King are there is power. In Jesus’ day the words of a king were treated as if they were coming from God. How much more power does the Bible contain and hold if it is the Word of King Jesus who is God. When we declare the words of the Bible over ourselves and our family we receive that same power as princes and princesses of the Kingdom. The Bible says even more in the book of Proverbs.

Page 3: Intro: Last week Sister Anaya kicked off the theme …… · Web view2020/08/09  · In Jesus’ day the words of a king were treated

Proverbs 18:21The Passion Translation

21 Your words are so powerfulthat they will kill or give life,and the talkative person will reap the consequences.

Question 1: If there’s power when we speak the life giving words of the Bible and the Bible says that we have life and death in our tongue does that mean when we speak bad things over ourselves that those words have power too?

Answer: Yes, in the old testament God gave the Israelites the power of choice through their actions and He told them to choose life or death. The same goes for us even more because we have the Spirit of God living inside of us. So, when we speak bad things or negative things over ourselves those have power too.

Question 2: What is the only book we should create Kingdom declarations from?

Answer: That book is the Bible. While there are other great positive books out there, only the Bible contains the life-giving word of God that is sharper than any two-edged sword.

Pray Out as Family (Feel free to even declare some Kingdom Declarations.)


Weekly Challenge (You Pick)

1. Make Kingdom declarations with your family from scriptures in the Bible.

2. Post your list of Kingdom declarations in your house and declare them every day.

3. Make your own version of the rice experiment. (you can find links below)

Rice experiment explanation.

Rice experiment tutorial

***Don’t forget to post on the FB Remnant Page***

Scripture of the Month

Matthew 6:33 (KJV) 33 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

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