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What is Itertextuality? Itertextuality is the shaping of texts meanings by other texts. It

can refer to an author’s borrowing and transformation of a prior text or to a reader’s referencing of one text in reading another. Intertextuality is when you are able to make recognize references between texts are therefore able to understand a deeper meaning of the idea being raised.Some texts refer directly to each other – such as in ‘remakes’ of films, extra-diegetic references to the media / society in the animated cartoon The Simpsons, and many amusing contemporary TV ads. Intertextuality can be found in a number of forms. Intertextuality can be signified in the form of conversations, thoughts, architecture, sounds and physical activity.By referring to other texts and other media reminds us that we are in a mediated reality. This runs counter to the dominant ‘realist’ tradition which focuses on persuading the audience to believe in the on-going reality of the narrative.

Itertextuality is also used in music videos as well as films.

These two pictures are music videos. The first one was created in 1953 and then Madonna copied ideas from the original music video and made it her own.

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