Page 1: International Tax Practice Group Main Contact Directory...Chair: Luis Ortiz Hidalgo : Basham, Ringe y Correa SC Paseo de los Tamarindos 400-A, Piso 9 Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mexico,

International Tax Practice Group Main Contact


A Lex Mundi Directory prepared by the Lex Mundi International Tax Practice Group

Updated 2008

2100 West Loop South, Suite 1000 Houston, Texas 77027 USA

Tel: 1.713.626.9393

Page 2: International Tax Practice Group Main Contact Directory...Chair: Luis Ortiz Hidalgo : Basham, Ringe y Correa SC Paseo de los Tamarindos 400-A, Piso 9 Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mexico,

© Copyright Lex Mundi Ltd. 2008

Table of Contents

International Tax Practice Group Leadership ................................................................................. 4 Lex Mundi Free Office Policy ...................................................................................................... 5 Lex Mundi Free Advice Policy ..................................................................................................... 5 Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................................................ 6 Asia/Pacific Region ....................................................................................................................... 9 Australia......................................................................................................................................... 9 

Queensland ................................................................................................................................ 9 Victoria..................................................................................................................................... 10 Western Australia ................................................................................................................... 10 

China ............................................................................................................................................ 10 India ............................................................................................................................................. 11 New Zealand ................................................................................................................................ 11 Philippines ................................................................................................................................... 11 Taiwan .......................................................................................................................................... 12 Thailand ....................................................................................................................................... 12 

Hanoi, Vietnam ....................................................................................................................... 12 Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region ......................................................................................... 13 Cyprus .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Czech Republic ............................................................................................................................ 13 Estonia .......................................................................................................................................... 14 Finland ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Greece ........................................................................................................................................... 14 Hungary ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Ireland .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Israel ............................................................................................................................................. 15 Italy............................................................................................................................................... 16 Jordan .......................................................................................................................................... 16 Kuwait .......................................................................................................................................... 16 Latvia ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Malta ............................................................................................................................................ 17 Netherlands .................................................................................................................................. 17 

The Hague ................................................................................................................................ 18 Pakistan ........................................................................................................................................ 18 Poland........................................................................................................................................... 18 Portugal ........................................................................................................................................ 19 

Madeira .................................................................................................................................... 19 South Africa ................................................................................................................................. 19 

Cape Town ............................................................................................................................... 20 Spain ............................................................................................................................................. 20 

Barcelona ................................................................................................................................. 21 Valencia .................................................................................................................................... 21 New York, United States of America .................................................................................... 21 

Sweden ......................................................................................................................................... 22 Switzerland .................................................................................................................................. 22 

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Turkey .......................................................................................................................................... 22 United Arab Emirates................................................................................................................. 23 Latin America/ Caribbean ......................................................................................................... 24 Argentina ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Brazil ............................................................................................................................................ 24 Chile ............................................................................................................................................. 25 Ecuador ........................................................................................................................................ 25 Mexico .......................................................................................................................................... 25 Paraguay ...................................................................................................................................... 26 Peru .............................................................................................................................................. 26 Trinidad & Taboago ................................................................................................................... 26 Uruguay ....................................................................................................................................... 27 Venezuela ..................................................................................................................................... 27 North America ............................................................................................................................. 28 Canada - Mantoba ...................................................................................................................... 28 Canada - Nova Scotia.................................................................................................................. 28 USA - State of Alabama .............................................................................................................. 28 USA - State of Arkansas ............................................................................................................. 29 USA - State of California ............................................................................................................ 29 

Palo Alto ................................................................................................................................... 29 Sacramento .............................................................................................................................. 30 London, England ..................................................................................................................... 30 New York, United States of America .................................................................................... 30 

USA - State of Delaware ............................................................................................................. 31 USA - State of Mississippi .......................................................................................................... 31 USA - State of Missouri .............................................................................................................. 32 USA- State of Nebraska .............................................................................................................. 32 USA- State of Nevada ................................................................................................................. 32 USA - State of New York ............................................................................................................ 32 USA - State of North Carolina ................................................................................................... 33 

Charlotte .................................................................................................................................. 33 Research Triangle Park .......................................................................................................... 33 

USA- State of Ohio ...................................................................................................................... 34 Columbus ................................................................................................................................. 34 

USA - State of Oklahoma ........................................................................................................... 34 Tulsa ......................................................................................................................................... 35 

USA - State of Oregon ................................................................................................................ 35 USA - State of South Carolina ................................................................................................... 35 USA- State of Tennessee ............................................................................................................. 36 USA - State of Vermont .............................................................................................................. 36 USA - State of Washington......................................................................................................... 37 USA - State of West Virginia ..................................................................................................... 37 

Clarksburg ............................................................................................................................... 38 

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International Tax Practice Group Leadership


Luis Ortiz Hidalgo

Basham, Ringe y Correa SC Paseo de los Tamarindos 400-A, Piso 9

Bosques de las Lomas 05120 Mexico, D.F

MEXICO Telephone: 52.55.5261.0420

Fax: 52.55.5261.0496 Email: [email protected]

Web Site:


John R. Barsanti Armstrong Teasdale LLP

One Metropolitan Square, Suite 2600 St. Louis, Missouri 63102-2740

USA Telephone: 314.621.5070

Fax: 314.621.5065 Email: [email protected] Web Site:

Regional Vice Chair- Asia/Pacific:

Aseem Chawla Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A. Shroff & Co.

Amarchand Towers 216, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III

New Delhi – 110 020 INDIA

Tel: 91.11.5161.4094 / Fax: 91.11.2692.4900 Email: [email protected]

Regional Vice Chair- Europe/Middle East/Africa:

Silvia Zimmerman

Pestalozzi Lachenal Patry Loewenstrasse 1

Zurich – CH-8001 SWITZERLAND

Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected]

Regional Vice Chair- Latin America/Caribbean:

Francisco Castillo-Garcia

Hoet Pelaez Castillo & Duque Centro San Ignacio, Torre Kepler

Av. Blandin, La Castellana Caracas – 1060 VENEZUELA

Tel: Fax: Email: [email protected]

Regional Vice Chair- North America:


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Lex Mundi Free Office Policy The “Free Office Policy” makes available, within reason, to all attorneys at member firms, offices, conference rooms, telephones, fax machines and secretarial support. Effectively, this policy gives each member attorney access to 560 offices worldwide. Lex Mundi Free Advice Policy

Any attorney at a Lex Mundi member firm should feel free to contacts other attorneys for free advice. The firm contacts or specific attorneys in practice areas covered by Lex Mundi practice groups may be contacted.

Free advice includes general discussions of the current status of law or other issues. “Free advice” should generally be less than 30 minutes. Attorneys requesting free advice should state so after introducing themselves.

The free advice policy is not applicable if research is required, documents reviewed, or any legal opinion is provided that the consulting attorney uses as attorney work product.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Free Advice Policy is a valuable benefit to member firms, providing the advantage of an immediate, prompt response regarding some aspect of the legal environment in a specific jurisdiction. In an effort to clarify “free advice” and to reduce inappropriate uses of the policy, this list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) has been drafted. It is the responsibility of the contacts person at each member firm to ensure that the policy and FAQ is available to each attorney. Any questions regarding the use of the policy should first be directed to the member firm’s contacts person before a request is made.

1. What requests are appropriate and what are inappropriate? Generally appropriate: a. basic information about a particular area of law, legal procedure, or practice of the jurisdiction of the Lex Mundi member that could be answered by one lawyer experienced in the area of practice, where the inquiry seeks broad guidance (for instance, the type of information that the requesting party could probably find in a general legal text book would be appropriate); b. a request that seeks identification of a key precedent on a topic or reference to a treatise; c. a request in which any underlying factual information is disclosed hypothetically or in very general terms, so as to avoid a disclosure that would identify the client (unless such disclosure is required for a conflicts check);

d. a request for information about a particular judge, lawyer or ADR specialist in the member firm’s jurisdiction; e. an inquiry seeking general information as to a single issue, based on a simple factual framework, which can be answered using the law firm’s basic skill and expertise, where the inquiry seeks broad guidance and neither an opinion nor a definitive judgment. (In such case, the parties involved may need to be identified so that conflicts can be checked.)

Generally inappropriate: a. a survey of the law in a particular jurisdiction; b. a multi-part question requiring input from a number of specialists;

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c. a fact-specific inquiry in which the requesting lawyer seeks advice that will be incorporated into an opinion to the requesting lawyer’s client; d. a request where the lawyer providing the information must pass judgment; e. a request to which the answer would risk the disclosure of confidential information of a client of the firm to whom the request is directed; f. a request that requires the disclosure of confidential information; g. a request that warrants the drafting of documents.

2. Who should make the request? A request should only be made by lawyers - not legal assistants, secretaries, law clerks or administrative personnel – familiar with the use of the policy.

3. To whom and how should the request be made? The procedure for requesting free advice should be as quick and easy as possible, since many such requests are time-sensitive. In the past, the practice has been for requests to be made to one of a firm’s contacts persons listed in the Directory, who then would respond to the request or locate the appropriate person to respond. This practice remains acceptable.

As Lex Mundi technology improves, and to ease the burden on the contacts person, requests may be directed to an attorney listed on the Lex Mundi website as a contact for a particular area (to be implemented September 2003). Furthermore, if the practice group for a particular area has compiled a directory, the contacts listed for the specific jurisdiction may be asked. These can be found on the Profile page for the practice group ( Currently, the following practice groups have electronic directories: Intellectual Property, Real Estate and Trusts and Estates; directories to be added in the near future: Cross-border Transactions and Bankruptcy and International Insolvency. However, the firm contacts person should be copied on the request if made in written form. If a request is made via telephone, the attorney who received the request should inform the contacts person via a brief e-mail or telephone.

Each firm may specify the routing of requests. However, it is imperative that all staff involved in directing calls know to whom requests should be directed. If that person is out of the office for an extended period, then an alternate should be chosen.

4. Should the receiving firm check conflicts as to each request? The request should be a simple general question regarding laws or rules; therefore, a conflicts check generally should not be necessary. However, if the nature of the inquiry requires identification of clients and others involved, or if there is a likelihood that the firm receiving the request may have relationships with those involved (for example, the inquiry involves a major business operating in the country in which the firm receiving the request has its offices), the responding firm should be attuned to the possible need for a conflict check. If the requesting

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firm knows the Lex Mundi member has a client relationship that might be implicated in the matter giving rise to the request, the requesting firm should either refrain from making the request or disclose the connection at the outset.

Any lawyer making use of the free advice policy has an obligation to assure that the intended use of the policy conforms to any ethics rules or opinions of the jurisdiction of the requesting lawyer.

The requesting firm may not disclose, without the responding firm’s express written consent, either to its client or to any other third party, the source of the general legal information it has received. Since the information is provided gratuitously, the responding firm should not be held to account for the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information provided.

5. How should an “inappropriate” request be handled by the receiving firm? The recipient should indicate that he/she does not consider the question appropriate for response under the free advice policy and should give reasons, e.g. the information is not readily available and will require research, it will take several hours of work to respond, etc. If the recipient does not feel comfortable doing this, he/she should discuss the issue with the contacts person. The receiving attorney should alert the contacts person if he/she refuses a request.

6. How can members make better use of the policy? Contacts persons need to ensure that all attorneys are aware of the policy and understand how to use it. This may be accomplished by distributing the policy and this FAQ, along with an explanatory memo, from the contacts person.

7. Can a request for free advice be made via a listserv? The Free Advice policy and Lex Mundi’s list serves have different purposes. List serves are “discussions” or “commentaries” on topics of interest or of a general nature. The list serves are forums for ongoing discussion between members of a practice group on topics of general interest, rather than mechanisms for requesting an answer to a jurisdiction-specific question. Since list serves operate in a “broadcast” mode, i.e., entries are automatically broadcast by e-mail to all list subscribers, making a request for free advice in this manner would not be appropriate. (An appropriate example to the Real Estate listserv, which would not be appropriate as a Free Advice request: “Has anyone had a recent experience dealing with the Rule against Perpetuities?”) The list serves and the Free Advice Policy both are intended to provide ready access to the resources of our colleagues around the world, but in different ways.

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Lex Mundi International Tax Main Contact Practice Group Directory

Asia/Pacific Region Australia Clayton Utz Main Office: Levels 19-35 No. 1 O'Connell St. Sydney, New South Wales 2000 Australia Tel: 61.2.9353.4000 / Fax: 61.2.8220.6700 Name Direct Dial Email Allan William Blaikie 61.2.9353.4201 [email protected] Jonathan Donald 61.2.9353.4160 [email protected] Mark Friezer 61.2.9353.4227 [email protected] Paul Humphreys 61.2.9353.4141 [email protected] David Klarich 61.2.9353.4124 [email protected] John Hamilton Loxton 61.2.9353.4147 [email protected] Maree McGrath 61.2.9353.4332 [email protected] Andrew Sommer 61.2.9353.4837 [email protected] Andrew Stals 61.2.9353.4181 [email protected] Regional Offices: Queensland Clayton Utz Levels 28, Riparian Plaza 71 Eagle Street Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Australia Tel: 61.7.3292.7000/ Fax: 61.7.3221.9669 Name Direct Dial Email David George Cominos 61.7.3292.7026 [email protected]

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Asia/Pacific Region Australia Continued Clayton Utz Victoria Clayton Utz Levels 18 333 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia Tel: 61.3.9286.6000 / Fax: 61.3.9629.8488 Name Direct Dial Email Niv Tadmore 61.3.9286.6228 [email protected] Sue Williamson 61.3.9286.6135 [email protected] Western Australia Clayton Utz Level 27, QV.1 Building 250 St Georges Terrace Perth, Western Australia 6000 Australia Tel: 61.8.9426.8000 / Fax: 61.8.9481.3095 Name Direct Dial Email Philip John Bisset 61.8.9426.8459 [email protected] China Jun He Law Offices China Resources Building, 20th Floor 8 Jiangoumenbi Avenue Beijing 100005 People's Republic of China Tel: 86.10.8519.1300 / Fax: 86.10.8519.1350 Name Direct Dial Email Ding Fa "David" Liu 86.21.2208.6230 [email protected]

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Asia/Pacific Region India Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A. Shroff & Co. Main Office: Amarchand Towers 216, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III New Delhi – 110 020 India Tel: 91.11.4100.0541 / 91.11.4159.0700 / 91.11.4100.0540/ Fax: 91.11.2692.4900 Name Direct Dial Email

Aseem Chawla 91.11.4159.0700/ 91.11.4100.0541 [email protected]

New Zealand Simpson Grierson Main Office: Lumley Centre 88 Shortland Street Auckland - 1141 New Zealand Tel: 64.9.358.2222/ Fax: 64.9.307.0331 Name Direct Dial Email

Stuart Hutchinson 64.9.977.5063 stuart.hutchinson

Philippines Romulo, Mabanta, Buenaventura, Sayoc & De Los Angeles 30th Floor, Citibank Tower 8741 Paseo de Roxas City of Makati P.O. Box 2089 Makati Central Post Office 1260 Makati City Philippines Tel: 63.2.848.0114 / Fax: 63.2.815.3172 Name Direct Dial Email Jayson L. Fernandez 63.2.849.2304 [email protected] Priscilla B. Valer 63.2.849.2250 [email protected]

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Asia/Pacific Region Taiwan Tsar & Tsai Law Firm Main Office: 8th Floor 245, DunHua S. Road, Section 1 Taipei 106 Taiwan Tel: 886.2.2781.4111 / Fax: 886.2.2721.3834; 2731.5581 Name Direct Dial Email Jim Hwang 886.2.2781.4111 ext 703 [email protected] Wellington Lui 886.2.2781.4111 ext 711 [email protected] Richard Chuang 886.2.2781.4111 ext 774 [email protected] Thailand Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd. Main Office: Tilleke & Gibbins Building 64/1 Soi Tonson, Ploenchit Road Bangkok 10330 Thailand Tel: 66.2263.7700 / Fax: 66.2263.7710 Name Direct Dial Email Sriwan Puapondh 66.2263.7733 [email protected] Dussadee Rattanopas 66.2263.7700 ext.648 [email protected] Thienpreecha 66.2263.7700 Ext. 514 [email protected] Regional Offices: Hanoi, Vietnam Tilleke & Gibbins Consultants Limited JAREC Building, 4th Floor 4A Lang Ha Street, Ba Dinh Hanoi Vietnam Tel: 84.4.772.6688 / Fax: 84.4. 772.6688 Name Direct Dial Email John E. King 84.4.772.5589 [email protected]

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Lex Mundi International Tax Main Contact Practice Group Directory Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region Cyprus Dr. K. Chrysostomides & Co. P.O. Box 22119 1517 Nicosia Cyprus 1, Lampousas Street 1095 Nicosia Cyprus Tel: 357.22.777000 / Fax: 357.22.779939 Name Direct Dial Email Chryso Pitsilli-Dekatris [email protected] George Ioannou [email protected] Czech Republic Procházka Randl Kubr Jáchymova 2 110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic Tel: 420.221.430.111 / Fax: 420.224.235.450 Name Direct Dial Email Tomáš Krolupper [email protected] Marek Moudrý [email protected] Petr Němec [email protected] Richard Svejda [email protected]

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Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region Estonia Lepik & Luhaäär LAWIN Niguliste 4 10130 Tallinn Estonia Tel: 372.630.6460 / Fax: 372.630.6463 Name Direct Dial Email Maret Hallikma 372.630.6460 [email protected] Finland Roschier, Attorneys Ltd. Keskuskatu 7A 00100 Helsinki Finland Tel: 358.20.506.6000 / Fax: 358.20.506.6100 Name Direct Dial Email Mika Ohtonen 358.20.506.6607 [email protected] Vesa Rasinaho 358.20.506.6580 [email protected] Taru Taajamaa 358.20.506.6584 [email protected] Greece Zepos & Yannopoulos 75 Katehaki & Kifissias Ave. Athens 115 25 Greece Tel: 30.210.6967000 / Fax: 30.210.6994640 Name Direct Dial Email Marina S. Allamani 30.210.696.7076 [email protected] Daphne Cozonis 30.210.696.7077 [email protected] Constantinos J. Kallideris 30.210.696.7074 [email protected] Alexandros G. Karopoulos 30.210.696.7075 [email protected] Spyros P. Maratos 30.210.696.7018 [email protected] Yerassimos C. Yannopoulos 30.210.696.7066 [email protected] Maria C. Zoupa 30.210.696.7073 [email protected]

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Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region Hungary Nagy és Trócsányi Ugocsa Utca 4/B Budapest 1126 Hungary Tel: 36.1.487.8700 / Fax: 36.1.487.8701 Name Direct Dial Email Péter P. Nagy 36.1.487.8787 [email protected] Ireland Arthur Cox Earlsfort Centre Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2 Ireland Tel: 353.1.618.0000 / Fax: 353.1.618.0618 Name Direct Dial Email Niamh Caffrey 353.1.618.0539 [email protected] Fintan Clancy 353.1.618.0533 [email protected] Anne Corrigan 353.1.618.0507 [email protected] Caroline Devlin 353.1.618.0585 [email protected] Ailish Finnerty 353.1.618.0561 [email protected] Marie Griffin 353.1.618.0593 [email protected] Alan Heuston 353.1.618.0562 [email protected] Conor Hurley 353.1.618.0577 [email protected] David Robertson 353.1.618.1136 [email protected] Linzi Sayers 353.1.618.1131 [email protected] Jonathan Sheehan 353.1.618.0609 [email protected] Israel S. Horowitz & Co. Zion House 41-45 Rothschild Blvd. Tel Aviv 65202 Israel Tel: 972.3.567.0700 / Fax: 972.3.566.0974 Name Direct Dial Email Leor Nouman 972.3.5670646 [email protected]

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Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region Italy Chiomenti Studio Legale Via XXIV Maggio, 43 00187 Rome Italy Tel: 39.06.4662.2311 / Fax: 39.06.4662.2600 Name Direct Dial Email Paolo Giacometti 39.02.7215.7651 [email protected] Giuseppe Andrea Giannantonio 39.02.7215.7680 [email protected] Jordan Ali Sharif Zu'bi & Sharif Ali Zu'bi Law Office Astra Building First Circle, Jebel Amman P.O Box 35267 Amman 11180 Jordan Tel: 962.6.464.2908 / Fax: 962.6.463.4277 Name Direct Dial Email Khaled O. Asfour [email protected] Aiman Y. Odeh [email protected] Kais Zayadin [email protected] Kuwait Abdullah Kh. Al-Ayoub & Associates Souk Al-Kabir Building Block 'B', 9th Floor Fahed Al-Salem Street P.O. Box 1714 Safat 13018 Kuwait Tel: 965.2469944 / Fax: 965.2434711 Name Direct Dial Email Jasmin P. Kohina 965.2464321 Ext. 106 [email protected]

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Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region Latvia Klavins & Slaidins LAWIN 15 Elizabetes Street, Riga, LV-1010 Latvia Tel: 371.781.4848 / Fax: 371.781.4849 Name Direct Dial Email Elina Girne-Berzina [email protected] Zinta Jansons [email protected] Malta Ganado & Associates 171 Old Bakery Street Valletta 1455 Malta Tel: 356.21235.406 / Fax: 356.21225.908 Name Direct Dial Email Stephen Attard 356.2123.5406 [email protected] Netherlands Houthoff Buruma Main Office: Gustav Mahlerplein 50 1082 MA Amsterdam Netherlands P.O. Box 75505 1070 AM Amsterdam Netherlands Tel: / Fax: Name Direct Dial Email Rob Havenga 31.20.605.6537 [email protected]

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Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region Netherlands Continued Houthoff Buruma Regional Office: The Hague Houthoff Buruma Noordeinde 33 P.O. Box 305,2501 CH The Hague 2514 GC The Hague Netherlands Phone: 31.70.302.35.00 / Fax: 31.70.302.36.70 Name Direct Dial Email Louis C.M. Kuypers 31.70.302.35.82 [email protected] Pakistan Rizvi, Isa, Afridi & Angell D-67, Block 4, Clifton Karachi 75600 Pakistan Tel: 92.21.5836308 / Fax: 92.21.5870014 Name Direct Dial Email Ahsan Zahir Rizvi 92.21.587.2879 [email protected] Poland Wardyński & Partners Aleje Ujazdowskie 10 Warsaw, 00-478 Poland Tel: 48.22.437.82.00 / Fax: 48.22.437.82.01 Name Direct Dial Email Dariusz Wasylkowski 48.22.437.82.00 [email protected]

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Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region Portugal Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados Main Office: Rua Castilho,165 1070-050 Lisbon Portugal Tel: 351.21.381.7400 / Fax: 351.21.381.7499 Name Direct Dial Email Francisco de Sousa da Câmara 351.21.381.74.35 Regional Offices: Madeira Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados Avenida Arriaga, 73 - 2° Edifício Marina Club Sala 212 9000-060 Funchal Portugal Tel: 351. / Fax: 351. Name Direct Dial Email Manuel João Pita [email protected] South Africa Bowman Gilfillan Main Office: 165 West Street, Sandton Johannesburg P.O. Box 785812 Sandton 2146 South Africa Tel: 27.11.669.9000 / Fax: 27.11.669.9001 Name Direct Dial Email Alan James Keep 27.11.669.9348 [email protected] Betsie Strydom 27.11.669.9396 [email protected]

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Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region South Africa Continued Bowman Gilfillan Regional Office: Cape Town Bowman Gilfillan SA Reserve Bank Building 60 St. Georges Mall Cape Town PO Box 248 Cape Town, 8000 South Africa Tel: 27.21.480.7800 / Fax: 27.21.424.1688 Name Direct Dial Email Wally Horak 27.21.480.7935 [email protected] Spain Uría & Menéndez Main Office: Calle Principe de Vergara, 187 28002 Madrid Spain Tel: 34.91.586.04.00 / Fax: 34.91.586.04.03 Name Direct Dial Email Guillermo Canalejo Lasarte 34.91.586.07.36 [email protected] Rafael Fuster Tozer 34.91.586.03.84 [email protected] Rafael García Llaneza 34.91.586.03.82 [email protected] Jesús López Tello 34.91.586.03.85 [email protected] Rafael Vargas Moreno 34.91.586.45.56 [email protected]

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Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region Spain Continued Uría & Menéndez Regional Offices: Barcelona Uría & Menéndez Av. Diagonal, 514 08006 Barcelona Spain Tel: 34.93.416.5100 / Fax: 34.93.416.5111 Name Direct Dial Email Juan Antonio Fernandez-Velilla 34.93.416.51.32 [email protected] Luis Viñuales Sebastián 34.93.416.51.74 [email protected] Valencia Uría & Menéndez Colon, 28-5 46004 Valencia Spain Tel: 34.96.352.9191 / Fax: 34.96.352.9105 Name Direct Dial Email Carlos García-Olías Jiménez 34.96.353.17.62 [email protected] New York, United States of America Uría & Menéndez Grace Building 1114 Avenue of the Americas, 26th Floor New York 10036 New York, USA Tel: 212.593.1300 / Fax: 212.593.7144 Name Direct Dial Email Carlos Durán Haeussler 1.212.593.4754 [email protected]

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Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region Sweden Vinge KB, Advokatfirman Smålandsgatan 20 PO Box 1703 111 87 Stockholm Sweden Tel: 46.8.614.30.00/ Fax: 46.8.614.31.90 Name Direct Dial Email Ulf Käll 46.31.722.35.65 [email protected] David Kleist 46.31.722.35.79 [email protected] Lennart O. Larsson 46.31.722.35.11 [email protected] Raoul Svensson 46.31.722.35.31 [email protected] Switzerland Pestalozzi Lachenal Patry Loewenstrasse 1 CH-8001 Zurich Switzerland Tel: / Fax: Name Direct Dial Email Maja Bauer-Balmelli [email protected] Pierre Olivier Gehringer [email protected] Silvia Zimmermann [email protected] Turkey Pekin & Pekin Lamartine Caddesi 10 Taksim Istanbul 34437 Turkey Tel: 90.212.313.3500 / Fax: 90.212.313.3535 Name Direct Dial Email Ahmed Pekin 90.212.313.3504 [email protected] Europe/ Middle East/ Africa Region

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United Arab Emirates Afridi & Angell P.O. Box 9371 Emirates Towers, 35th Floor Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: 971.4.330.3900 / Fax: 971.4.330.3800 Name Direct Dial Email Bashir Ahmed 971.6.568.1062 [email protected]

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Lex Mundi International Tax Main Contact Practice Group Directory

Latin America/ Caribbean Argentina Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal Av. Leandro N. Alem 928 1001 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: 54.11.4310.0100 / Fax: 54.11.4310.0200 Name Direct Dial Email Horacio Daniel García Prieto 54.11.4310.0219 [email protected] Gabriel Gotlib 54.11.4310.0159 [email protected] Walter Cesar Keiniger 54.11.4310.0133 [email protected] Brazil Demarest e Almeida Av. Pedroso de Moraes 1201 05419-001 São Paulo, SP Brazil Tel: 55.11.2234.1800 / Fax: 55.11.2245.1700 Name Direct Dial Email Marcelo Salles Annuziata 55.11.2245.2187 [email protected] de Almeida Curi 55.11.2245.1806 [email protected] Oswaldo Leite de Moraes 55.11.2245.1511 [email protected] Luiz Felipe Centeno Ferraz 55.11.2245.2190 [email protected] Ricardo Valim de Camargo 55.11.2245.1525 [email protected]

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Latin America/ Caribbean Chile Claro & Cia., Abogados Av. Apoquindo 3721, piso 13 Las Condes Santiago Chile Tel: 56.2.367.3000 / Fax: 56.2.367.3003 Name Direct Dial Email Jorge Carraha 56.2.367.3064 [email protected] Ecuador Pérez, Bustamante y Ponce Avenida República de El Salvador 1082 P.O. Box 17-1-3188 Quito Ecuador Tel: 593.2.226.0666 / Fax: 593.2.225.8038 Name Direct Dial Email Javier Robalino-Orellana 593.2.225.4323 [email protected] Mexico Basham, Ringe y Correa, S.C. Paseo de los Tamarindos No. 400-A, 9th Floor Col. Bosques de las Lomas Mexico, D.F. 05120 Mexico Tel: 52.55.5261.0400 / Fax: 52.55.5261.0496 Name Direct Dial Email Alejandro Barrera 52.55.5261.0458 [email protected]

Gerardo Nieto 52.55.5261.0455 [email protected]

Luis Ortiz-Hidalgo 52.55.5261.0420 [email protected]

Gil Zenteno 52.55.5261.0522 [email protected]

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Latin America/ Caribbean Paraguay Peroni, Sosa, Tellechea, Burt & Narvaja Calle Eulogio Estigarribia 4846 (Villa Mora) P.O. Box 114 Asunción Paraguay Tel: 595.21.663.536 / Fax: 595.21.600.448 Name Direct Dial Email Juan Carlos Boggino [email protected] Dure [email protected] Peru Estudio Olaechea Bernardo Monteagudo 201 San Isidro Lima 27 Peru Tel: 511.264.4040 / Fax: 511.264.4050 Name Direct Dial Email Mauricio Bedoya [email protected] Gustavo Lazo [email protected] Giorgio Massari [email protected] Trinidad & Taboago Hamel-Smith Eleven Albion Cor. Dere & Albion Streets Port of Spain Trinidad Tel: 1.868.821.5500 / Fax: 1.868.821.5501 Name Direct Dial Email Kevin Nurse 868.821.5517 [email protected] Myrna Robinson-Walters 868.821.5523 [email protected]

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Latin America/ Caribbean Uruguay Guyer & Regules Plaza Independencia 811 Montevideo 11100 Uruguay Tel: 598.2.902.15.15/ Fax: 598.2.902.54.54 Name Direct Dial Email Juan Manuel Albacete 598.2.902.15.15 Ext. 169 [email protected] Florencia Castagnola 598.2.902.15.15 Ext. 115 [email protected] Venezuela Hoet Pelaez Castillo & Duque Centro San Ignacio, Torre Kepler Ave. Blandin, La Castellana Caracas 1060 Venezuela Tel: / Fax: Name Direct Dial Email María Carolina Cano G. [email protected] Francisco M. Castillo-García [email protected] Nathalie Rodríguez París [email protected] Raúl Stolk Nevett [email protected]

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Lex Mundi International Tax Main Contact Practice Group Directory North America Canada - Mantoba Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP CanWest Global Place 2200-201 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3L3 Canada Tel: 1.204.957.1930 / Fax: 1.204.943.6445 Name Direct Dial Email Sergio Pustogorodsky 204.934.2444 [email protected] Leilani J. Kagan 204.934.2363 [email protected] Canada - Nova Scotia McInnes Cooper 1300-1969 Upper Water Street Purdy’s Warf Tower II P.O. Box 730 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2VI Canada Tel: 1.902.425.6500 / Fax: 1.902.425.6350 Name Direct Dial Email Barry Horne 902.444.8553 [email protected] USA - State of Alabama Maynard, Cooper & Gale, P.C 1901 Sixth Avenue North Suite 2400, AmSouth/Harbert Plaza Birmingham, Alabama 35203-2618 Tel: / Fax: 205.254.1999 Name Direct Dial Email Thomas H. Brinkley 205.254.1078 [email protected]

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North America USA - State of Arkansas Rose Law Firm, a Professional Association 120 East Fourth Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Tel: 1.501.375.9131 / Fax: 1.501.375.1309 Name Direct Dial Email C. Brantly Buck 501.377.0310 [email protected] Bryant K. Cranford 501.377.0414 [email protected] Adam H. Crow 501.377.0423 [email protected] W. Wilson Jones 501.377.0304 [email protected] Craig S. Lair 501.377.0328 [email protected] Dan C. Young 501.377.0321 [email protected] USA - State of California Morrison & Foerster LLP Main Office: 425 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105-2482 Tel:1 415.268.7000 / Fax: 1.415.268.7522 Name Direct Dial Email Robert N. Cudd 415.268.6904 [email protected] Peter B. Kanter 415.268.6005 [email protected] Thomas H. Steele 415.268.7039 [email protected] John S. Harper 703.760.7321 [email protected] James E. Merritt 202.887.8780 [email protected] Regional Offices: Palo Alto Morrison & Foerster LLP 755 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California 94304-1018 Tel: 1.650.813.5600 / Fax: 1.650.813.5600 Name Direct Dial Email Michael T. Frank 650.813.5627 [email protected]

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North America USA - State of California Continued Morrison & Foerster LLP Sacramento Morrison & Foerster LLP 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 2600 Sacramento, California 95814 Tel: 1.916.448.3200 / Fax: 1.916.448.3222 Name Direct Dial Email Eric J. Coffill 916.325.1324 [email protected] London, England Morrison & Foerster LLP CityPoint One Ropemaker Street London EC2Y 9AW Tel: 44.20.7920.4000 / Fax: 44.20.7496.8500 Name Direct Dial Email Trevor James 44.20.7920.4087 [email protected] New York, United States of America Morrison & Foerster LLP 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10104-0050 Tel: 1.212.468.8000 / Fax: 1.212.468.7900 Name Direct Dial Email Craig B. Fields 212-468-8193 [email protected] Paul H. Frankel 212.468.8034 [email protected] Thomas A. Humphreys 212.468.8006 [email protected] Hollis L. Hyans 212.468.8050 [email protected] Irwin M. Slomka 212.468.8048 [email protected]

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North America USA - State of Delaware Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A. One Rodney Square 920 North King Street P.O. Box 551 Wilmington, Delaware 19801 One Rodney Square P.O. Box 551 Wilmington, Delaware 19899 Tel: 1.302.651.7700 / Fax: 1.302.651.7701 Name Direct Dial Email Richard G. Bacon 302.651.7764 [email protected] Julian H. Baumann, Jr. 302.651.7774 [email protected] F. Peter Conaty, Jr. 302.651.7855 [email protected] W. Donald Sparks II 302.651.7758 [email protected] Stanford L. Stevenson III 302.651.7771 [email protected] USA - State of Mississippi Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens & Cannada, PLLC 17th Floor, AmSouth Plaza 210 East Capitol Street Jackson, Mississippi 39201 Tel: 1.601.948.5711 / Fax: 1.601.985.4500 Name Direct Dial Email Tammy L. Barham 601.985.4539 [email protected] I. Loeb 601.985.4587 [email protected] William Eugene Magee 601.985.4625 [email protected] John B. Nichols 601.985.4508 [email protected] Kimberly E. Smith 601.985.4540 [email protected] Jay A. Travis III 601.985.4527 [email protected] Gilbert C. Van Loon 601.985.4556 [email protected]. Paul Varner 601.985.4552 [email protected] W. Douglas Sweet 901.680.7311 [email protected]

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North America USA - State of Missouri Armstrong Teasdale LLP One Metropolitan Square Suite 2600 St. Louis, Missouri 63102-2740 Tel: 1.314.621.5070 / Fax: 1.314.621.5065 Name Direct Dial Email John E. Dooling, Jr. 314.621.5070 ext. 7282 [email protected] Scott E. Hunt 1.314.342.4145 [email protected] Jonathan W. Igoe 314.621.5070 ext. 7228 [email protected] Guy A. Schmitz 314.621.5070 ext. 7325 [email protected] USA- State of Nebraska Baird Holm LLP 1500 Woodmen Tower Omaha, Nebraska 68102-2068 Tel: 1.402.344.0500 / Fax: 1.402.344.0588 Name Direct Dial Email Deryl F. Hamann 402.636.8200 [email protected] Ronald C. Jensen 402.636.8302 [email protected] Sharon Raun Kresha 402.636.8309 [email protected] Douglass D. Murray 402.636.8207 [email protected] Gary W. Radil 402.636.8303 [email protected] Jesse D. Sitz 402.636.8250 [email protected] Michael L. Sullivan 402.636.8312 [email protected] USA- State of Nevada Lionel Sawyer & Collins 1700 Bank of America Plaza 300 South Fourth Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Tel: 1.702.383.8888 / Fax: 1.702.383.8845 Name Direct Dial Email Dan C. McGuire 702.383.8845 [email protected] USA - State of New York NOTE: There is no Lex Mundi member firm for New York; however, there are numerous member firms that have offices in New York City.

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North America USA - State of North Carolina Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC Main Office: One West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101 Tel: 1.336.721.3600 / Fax: 1.336.721.3660 Name Direct Dial Email Ranlet S. Bell 336.721.3675 [email protected] Jeffrey T. Lawyer 336.747.6611 [email protected] C. Mark Wiley 336.721.3605 [email protected] Zion Levi 202.857.4486 [email protected] Howard N. Solodky 202.857.4424 [email protected] Donald M. Etheridge, Jr. 404.879.2419 [email protected] Leonard P. Odom 864.255.5407 [email protected] Regional Offices: Charlotte Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC One Wachovia Center Suite 3500, 301 South College Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202-6037 Tel: 1.704.331.4900 / Fax: 1.704.331.4955 Name Direct Dial Email Seth M. Huffstetler 704.331.4933 [email protected] Research Triangle Park Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC 2530 Meridian Parkway, Suite 400 Rearch Triangle Park, North Carolina 27713 P.O. Box 13069, Zip: 27709 Rearch Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 Tel: 1.919.484.2300 / Fax: 1.919.484.2340 Name Direct Dial Email L. Neill Edwards 919.484.2357 [email protected]

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North America USA- State of Ohio Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP Main Office: 1400 Key Bank Center 800 Superior Ave. N.E. Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2688 Tel: 1.216.622.8200 / Fax: Name Direct Dial Email Peter A. Igel 216.622.8311 [email protected] Robert A. Ross 216.622.8454 [email protected] Regional Office: Columbus Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP 1100 Fifth Third Center 21 East State Street Columbus, Ohio 43215-4243 Tel: 1.614.621.1500 / Fax: 1.614.621.0010 Name Direct Dial Email J. Troy Terakedis 614.621.7757 [email protected] USA - State of Oklahoma Crowe & Dunlevy Main Office: 20 North Broadway Suite 1800 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102 Tel: 1.405.235.7700 / Fax: 1.405.239.6651 Name Direct Dial Email Cynthia L. Andrews 405.239.6607 [email protected]

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North America USA - State of Oklahoma Continued Crowe & Dunlevy Regional Offices: Tulsa Crowe & Dunlevy 500 Kennedy Building 321 South Boston Avenue Tulsa, Okalahoma 74103-3313 Tel: 1.918.592.9800 / Fax: 1.918.592.9801 Name Direct Dial Email Jeffrey C. Rambach 918.592.9818 [email protected] USA - State of Oregon Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1300 S.W. Fifth Avenue Suite 2300 Portland, Oregon 97201-5682 Tel: 1.503.241.2300 / Fax: 1.503.778.5299 Name Direct Dial Email Carmen J. SantaMaria 503.778.5432 [email protected] USA - State of South Carolina Wyche, Burgess, Freeman & Parham, P.A. 44 East Camperdown Way Greenville, South Carolina 29601-3591 P.O. Box 728 Greenville, South Carolina 29602-0728 Tel: 1.864.242.8200 / Fax: 1.864.235.8900 Name Direct Dial Email Cary H. Hall, Jr. 864.242.8255 [email protected]

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North America USA- State of Tennessee Bass, Berry & Sims PLC 315 Deaderick Street, Suite 2700 Nashville, Tennessee 37238-3001 Tel: 1.615.742.6200 / Fax: 1.615.742.6293 Name Direct Dial Email James C. Gooch 615.742.6247 [email protected] Michael J. Holley 615.742.7809 [email protected] Bryan W. Metcalf 615.742.6212 [email protected] Blaine H. Smith 615.742.7881 [email protected] USA - State of Vermont Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC 199 Main Street-Courthouse Plaza Burlington, Vermont 05401 P.O. Box 190 Burlington, Vermont 05402-0190 Tel: 1.802.863.2375 / Fax: 1.802.862.7512 Name Direct Dial Email David J. Angus II 802.863.2375 [email protected] Wm. Roger Prescott 802.863.2375 [email protected]

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North America USA - State of Washington Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1201Third Avenue, Suite 2200 Seattle, Washington 98101-3045 Tel: 1.206.622.3150 / Fax: 1.206.757.7000 Name Direct Dial Email Garry G. Fujita 206.757.8046 [email protected] Michael E. Gentile 206.757.8206 [email protected] Monica Gianni 206.757.8185 [email protected] Dirk J. Giseburt 206.757.8049 [email protected] Jeanette M. Lodwig 206.757.8090 [email protected] Michele C. Osborne 206.757.8116 [email protected] Susan Schalla 206.757.8097 [email protected] Thomas C. Schroeder 206.757.8140 [email protected] Brian J. Todd 206.757.8157 [email protected] LaVerne Woods 206.757.8173 [email protected] James E. Wreggelsworth 206.757.8174 [email protected] USA - State of West Virginia Jackson Kelly PLLC Main Office: 1600 Laidley Tower Charleston, West Virginia 25301 Tel: 1.304.340.1000 / Fax: 1.304.340.1130 Name Direct Dial Email Staci N. Criswell 304.340.1020 [email protected] Michael D. Foster 1.304.340.1238 [email protected] John A. Mairs 304.340.1230 [email protected] Louis S. Southworth II 304.340.1231 [email protected] G. Tweel 304.340.1111 [email protected] Jeffrey J. Yost 859.288.2816 [email protected]

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North America USA - State of West Virginia Continued Jackson Kelly PLLC Regional Offices: Clarksburg Jackson Kelly PLLC P.O. Box 130 Clarksburg, West Virginia 26302 Tel: 1.624.6555 / Fax: 1.623.4933 Name Direct Dial Email Marcia A. Broughton 304.624.6555 [email protected]


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