1 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
, 1 + ββλος
Ιησο of Jesus
εγννησε engendered
εγννησε engendered
εγννησε engendered


+ :

+ :

+ :
_ 1
1 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
εγννησε engendered
εγννησε engendered
εγννησε engendered
εγννησε engendered
επ unto
της the
μετοικεσας displacement
την the
μετοικεσαν displacement
13 +
+ +


: + :


1 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
Ζοροββελ δε and Zerubbabel
εγννησε engendered
εγννησε engendered
Ιησο of Jesus
της μητρς αυτο his mother
+ +
+ :


_ 3
1 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
Μαρας Mary]
τω [to]
Ιωσφ Joseph,
πριν before
ευρθη was found
δκαιος ων being righteous,
εβουλθη willed
Μαριμ Mary
υον a son,
Ιησον Jesus,
απ from
λον completely
γγονεν happened
να that
μεθερμηνευμενον being translated,
+ +

+ +



2 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
μεθ with
ημν us
δε And
25 + και And
Ιησον Jesus.
αυτο his
πντας all
+ +


2 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
τος the
επον said
δι by
του the
προφτου prophet,
τον Ισραλ Israel.
7 + ττε Then
απαγγελατ report
ακοσαντες having heard
+ +


- + :


2 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
και And
ιδο behold,
ο the
αστρ star
ον which
τον the
αστρα star,
και And
προσνεγκαν they offered
αυτ to him
κατ by
ναρ dream,
προς to
Ηρδην Herod,
δι by
λλης another
οδο way
και and
φεγε flee
εις into
Αγυπτον Egypt!
και and
σθι be
εκε there
ως until
αν whenever


+ :


2 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
επω I should speak
το the
παιδον child
και and
νυκτς [by] night,
16 + ττε Then
πντας all
τους the
παδας boys,

+ :


_ 8
2 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
φων A voice
και and
παρακληθναι to be comforted,
19 +
δε And
και and
πορεου go
εις into
το the
παιδον child
και and
και and
λθεν came
εις into
τι that
Αρχλαος Archelaus
βασιλεει reigned
επ over
χρηματισθες δε And having received a divine message
κατ by
ναρ dream,
Ναζαρθ Nazareth;


3 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
πως so that
those days παραγνεται came
εστιν is
ο Ιωννης John,
απ from
τριχν hair
καμλου camel's],
και and
η δε And

________________________+________________________ + :

: +

3 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
πσα all
η the
πολλος many
επεν he said
αυτος to them,
εκ from out of
και even
η the
αξνη axe
προς to
την the
ρζαν root
βαπτζω immerse
υμς you
εν in
+ +
+ :


3 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
δατι water
εις for
μετνοιαν repentance,
ικανς fit
τα the
υποδματα sandals
εν in
πνεματι spirit
αγω holy]
και and
πυρ fire --
και and
εις into
την the
αποθκην storehouse;
υπ by
αυτο him.
ο Ιησος Jesus
ημν to us
πληρσαι to fulfill
16 + και And

+ +

+ :

4 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
βαπτισθες ο Ιησος Jesus having been immersed,
ανβη ascended
ευθς straightway
απ from
του the
δατος water.
και And
ιδο behold,
του θεο of God,
ρτοι bread loaves
γνωνται should become].
ουκ Not
επ by
ρτω bread
μνω alone

: + :
: +


4 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
ζσεται shall [ live
νθρωπος a man],
του θεο of God,
τι that,
τοις [To]
περ concerning
σου you;
και and
επ by
χειρν hands
προσκψης you should stumble
κριον [the] Lord
8 + πλιν Again
9 + και And
λγει he says
αυτ to him,
εν if
μοι to me.

4 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
10 + ττε Then
κριον [ [the] Lord
προσκυνσεις You shall do obeisance to],
και and
εν in
του of the
16 + ο The



+ :
_ 15
4 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
λας people
κηρσσειν to proclaim
βλλοντας throwing
αλιες fishermen.
ευθως immediately
εν in
τω the
πλοω boat
μετ with



: - +
: +


4 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
Ζεβεδαου Zebedee
καταρτζοντας readying
και and
ηκολοθησαν they followed
και and
κηρσσων proclaiming
το the
του of the

+ :


_ 17
5 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
προσλθον there came forward
2 +
εδδασκεν he taught
8 +
9 + μακριοι Blessed [are]
+ +
+ +

: :

_ 18
5 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
υιο sons
πολς [is] great
εις For
ουδν nothing
τι any longer,
ει μη unless
υπ by
των the
ανθρπων men.
το the
φως light
+ +




5 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
υπ under
τον the
μδιον bushel,
αλλ but
επ upon
την the
λυχναν lamp-stand;
και and
τον the one
νομσητε think
τι that
καταλσαι to depose,
λγω I say
υμν to you,
παρλθη should pass
των of the
+ +





5 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
ουρανν heavens.
υμν to you,
πλεον greater than
των of the
εισλθητε should you enter
τη to the
λγω say
εικ in vain,
τη to the
τω to the
εις for
την the
γενναν Gehenna
επ upon
το the
θυσιαστριον altar,
και and
εκε there
χει has
τι something
κατ against
σου you,
μπροσθεν before
του the



: +

: +

_ 21
5 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
θυσιαστηρου altar,
και and
25 + σθι Be
ευνον well-disposed towards
ταχ quickly!
ως at
του wherever
σε παραδ should deliver you up
ο the
αντδικος opponent]
τω to the
26 + αμν Amen
λγω I say
σοι to you,
εκεθεν from there,
τον the
σχατον last
κοδρντην quadrans.
28 + εγ δε But I
λγω say
ο οφθαλμς eye
ξελε αυτν take it out,
και and
σοι to you
και and
σου your]
+ +

: -
: : +
+ :

5 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
βληθ be thrown
χερ hand
κκοψον αυτν cut it off,
και and
σοι to you
και and
τι that,
ος Who
αν ever
δτω let him give
λγω say
παρεκτς except for
λγου [the] matter
πορνεας of harlotry,
γαμση should marry]
μοιχται commits adultery.
33 + πλιν Again,
ηκοσατε you heard
τω to the
λγω say
λως wholly;
μτε nor
εν on
τω the
ουραν heaven,
τι for
του θεο of God;
εν on
τη the
γη earth,
τι for



+ : +



5 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
υποπδιν εστι it is [the] footstool
των ποδν αυτο of his feet;
μτε nor
εις on
Ιεροσλυμα Jerusalem,
τι for
του of the
ομσης should you swear by an oath,
τι for
ο λγος υμν your word --
ναι a yes,
λγω say
σιαγνα jaw,
στρψον turn
και and
λαβεν to take],
μλιον mile
εν one],
παγε go
μετ with
αυτο him
δο two!
αιτοντ asking
σε you,

: +

_ 24
5 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
δδου give!
και And
και and
44 +
ευλογετε Bless
του of the one
ανατλλει rises
επ upon
47 +
μνον only,
τι what
περισσν extra
+ +

+ :



6 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
ποιοσιν do]?
ουν then
υμες yourselves
τλειοι perfect,
σπερ as
ο the one
μη to not
αυτος to them,
παρ from
τω the one
υπ by
ποιοντος doing
ελεημοσνην charity,
τι what
ποιε does
4 + πως so that


+ -

: + :
+ :
_ 26
6 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
τω the
κρυπτ secret;
και and
ο the one
σπερ as
οι the
υποκριτα hypocrites;
τι for
εν in
ταις the
συναγωγας synagogues,
και and
εν in
ταις the
γωναις corners
ταν whenever
και and
πρσευξαι pray
τω [to]
ο the one
μη do not
σπερ as
οι the
εθνικο heathen;
τι that
εν by
τη the
8 + μη You should not
ουν then
ων of what




- :

6 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
χρεαν need
10 + ελθτω Let [ come
ως as
εν in
ουραν heaven
και also
επ upon
της the
γης earth!
τον the
επιοσιον sufficient,
δος give
ως as
και also
ημες we
αφεμεν forgive
13 + και And
μη do not
αφτε you should forgive
υμν you
μη you should not
ουδ not even
ο πατρ father
+ +

+ :
: +
+ :
: +
_ 28
6 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
υμν your
16 +
πως so as
φανσι to appear
νηστεων fasting,
λειψα anoint
σου your
νψαι wash]!
ο the one
υμν to yourself
υμν to yourself
θησαυρος treasures
εν in



: +
6 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
ουραν heaven!
που where
οτε neither
σης moth
οτε nor
βρσις rust
αφανζει obliterate,
και and
που where
κλπται thieves
εκε there
22 + ο The
λον entire
λον entire
ει If
ουν then
το the
φως light,
και and
του the
ετρου other
θε δουλεειν to serve God
και and
μαμμων mammon.
τοτο this
μεριμντε anxious



6 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
τη ψυχ υμν for your life!
τι what
ουχ not
εις into
αποθκας storehouses;
και and
μλλον rather
διαφρετε different
εξ of
υμν you
πχυν cubit
να one]?
υμν to you
περιεβλετο was clothed
τον the
χρτον grass
βαλλμενον [is] being thrown],



+ :

7 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
ο [and]
θες God
οτως so
31 + μη Do not
και and
προστεθσεται will be added
ουν then
τα the [things]
εαυτς of itself.
και and
εν by
ω what
μτρω measure
+ +



+ :
7 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
μετρετε you measure,
υμν to you.
βλπεις do you see
την δε but the
και and
ιδο behold,
η the
δοκς beam
5 + υποκριτ Hypocrite,
κβαλε cast out
και and
ττε then
εκβαλεν to cast out
6 + μη You should not
δτε give
το the
γιον holy
μπροσθεν before
των the
χορων swine,
καταπατσωσιν they shall trample
και and
υμν to you.
υμν to you.
ο αιτν asking


+ :

+ :

7 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
λαμβνει receives;
και and
9 + η Or
ρτον [for] bread,
μη φιν a serpent
ο the one
θλητε you should want
τεθλιμμνη being afflicted
η [is] the
+ +



+ :



7 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
οδς way,
απ of
των the
επιγνσεσθε you shall recognize
απ from
ακανθν thorn-bushes
απ from


7 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
επιγνσεσθε you shall recognize
του the one
εν in the
επ upon
την the
πτραν rock.
τη οικα εκενη that house,


8 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
και and
επ upon
την the
πτραν rock.
επ upon
την the
μμον sand.
και and
τε when
εξεπλσσοντο were overwhelmed
29 +
διδσκων teaching
αυτος them
ως as
εξουσαν authority
λεπρς a leper,
ελθν having come,
+ +


8 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
προσεκνει did obeisance to
3 + και And
εκτενας stretching out
ββληται is lying
ικανς fit
να that
και and
+ +

+ +
: + +

8 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
ιαθσεται shall be healed
9 + και also
ο Ιησος Jesus
υμν to you,
μετ with
Αβραμ Abraham
και and
Ισακ Isaac
και and
Ιακβ Jacob
εν in
τη the
βασιλεα kingdom
υιο sons
εις into
το the
σκτος darkness
τω to the
εκατοντρχη centurion,
παγε Go!
και and
ως as



: +

8 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
επστευσας you trusted
εν in
14 + και And
εις into
την the
οικαν house
βεβλημνην lying
και and
και and
αφκεν left
αυτν her
ο the
πυρετς fever];
και and
λαβε took],
και and
τας the
νσους diseases
σοι you
που where
εν ever
+ +

+ +

_ 40
8 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
απρχη you should go forth.
20 + και And
των μαθητν αυτο of his disciples
επεν said
μοι to me
22 + ο δε And
εις into
το the
πλοον boat,
ηκολοθησαν followed
αυτ him
24 + και And
γειραν roused
αυτν him,
λγοντες saying,
κριε O Lord,

: +

+ :


_ 41
8 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
σσον save
ημς us!
ολιγπιστοι O ones of little belief?
ττε Then
νθρωποι men
εθαμασαν marveled,
λγοντες saying,
εις unto
το the
29 + και And
μακρν far
απ from
αυτν them



+ :
+ :

9 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
δαμονες daimons
παρεκλουν enjoined
αυτν him,
λγοντες saying,
ει If
επτρεψον commission
ημν us
βσκοντες grazing
φυγον fled.
και And
απ from
, 1 + και



9 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
την ιδαν his own
επε said
επεν said,
νατι Why
εστιν is
ευκοπτερον easier,
ειδτε you should know
7 + και And

+ +

: + :

: +
9 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
εγερθες having arisen,
8 + ιδντες having seen
εκεθεν there
εδεν beheld
και And
αυτο of his
τω Ιησο Jesus
11 +
επον said
τοις [to]
μθετε learn
+ +

+ - :

9 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
τι what
μετ with
αυτν them
εστιν is
ο the
νυμφος groom].
ημραι days
ταν whenever
απαρθ departs
απ from
αυτν them
ο the
νυμφος groom],
και and
ττε then
επιβλλει puts
ρκους rag
παλαιος old];




9 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
ει δε μγε otherwise
ρτι just now
αλλ but
επ upon
αυτν her!
και and
ηκολοθησεν he followed
20 + και And
εν in
εαυτ herself,
εν If
μνον only
22 + ο δε And
σσωκ has delivered
23 +


: +


9 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
και And
εις into
την the
οικαν house
και and
ηγρθη arose
το the
εις into
λην entire
εις into
την the
οικαν house,
λγουσιν They say
αυτ to him,
λγων saying,
κατ According to

+ :
_ 48
9 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
την πστιν υμν your belief
γενηθτω let it be
31 + οι δε And they,
εξελθντες having gone forth,
εν in
λη entire
εξερχομνων going forth,
του of the
εν in
Φαρισαοι Pharisees
λεγον said,
εν By
τω the
ρχοντι ruler
τας the
πλεις cities
πσας all]
και and
τας the
κμας towns,
διδσκων teaching
εν in
και and
κηρσσων proclaiming
το the

+ :
: +


10 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
νσον disease,
και and
πσαν every
μαλακαν infirmity.
τους the
χλους multitudes,
περ for
αυτν them,
τι for
, 1 + και
τους δδεκα twelve
και and
δδεκα twelve
αποστλων apostles,
τα the
ονματ names
εισι are
τατα these;
πρτος first
Σμων Simon
+ +


: +

_ 50
10 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
Πτρος Peter,
και and
Ανδρας Andrew
Ικωβος James
ο the
3 + Φλιππος Philip
5 +
παραγγελας exhorting
αυτος them,
λγων saying,
εις Unto
μλλον rather
προς to
τα the
πρβατα sheep
κηρσσετε proclaim!
λγοντες saying
τι that,
γγικεν approaches
η The
βασιλεα kingdom
θεραπεετε cure!
νεκρος Dead
λεπρος Leprous
καθαρζετε cleanse!


- +
+ :



10 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
δαιμνια Demons
10 + μη nor
εστιν is].
πλιν city
η or
κμην town
εις into
την the
οικαν house,
ασπσασθε greet
αυτν it!
επ upon
αυτν it!
αξα worthy,
προς to
υμς you
της the
οικας residence
η or
+ +

+ :

: +

10 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
εκτινξατε shake off
15 + αμν Amen
λγω I say
υμν to you,
ανεκττερον More endurable
απ of
των the
ανθρπων men!
υμς you
εις unto
συνδρια sanhedrins,
και and
εν in
μαστιγσουσιν they shall whip
νεκεν because of
πως how
η or
τι what
υμιν to you
λαλοντες speaking,
αλλ but


+ :


10 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
το the
πνεμα spirit
το the one
22 + και And
υπομενας remaining
εις unto
τλος completion,
δικωσιν they should persecute
φεγετε flee
εις unto
την the
λλην other!
τελσητε should you finish
25 + αρκετν Sufficient
τω to the
και and
ο the
δολος servant
ως as
ει If
τον the
Βεελζεβοβ Beelzebub



10 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
απεκλεσαν they invoked],
πσω how much
26 +
μλλον rather
και even
αι the
τρχες hairs
ουν then

+ +



10 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
φοβηθτε fear!
του of the one
αρνσητα should deny
του the one
νομσητε think
τι that
βαλεν to cast
διχσαι to cleave
νθρωπον a man
και and
και and
36 + και and
εχθρο [the] enemies
του of the
37 + ο The one
φιλν being fond of
και and
ουκ στι is not
+ +

+ +
+ :
: +


10 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
μου ξιος worthy of me.
38 + και And
και and
ακολουθε follow
οπσω after
μου me,
39 + ο The one
και and
νεκεν because of
μισθν a wage
λψεται shall receive].
42 + και And
να to one
ποτριον a cup
απολση shall he lose
+ :
+ :
11 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
, 1 + και
τε when
διατσσων setting in order
2 +
3 + επεν he said
6 + και And

+ +
________________________+________________________ +


+ :
11 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
πορευομνων having gone,
λγειν to say
τοις to the
εις into
την the
ρημον wilderness
ιδεν to behold?
νθρωπον a man
ιδεν to behold?
προφτην A prophet?
εστι it is
ιδο Behold,
εγ I
αποστλλω send
προ before
μπροσθν σου before you.
των the
ημερν days


: +

11 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
Ιωννου of John
ομοισω shall I liken
παιδοις to boys
17 +
+ +


+ :
: +

+ :

11 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
και And
20 + ττε Then
ρξατο he began
ονειδζειν to berate
τι for
εν in
υμν you,
πλαι earlier
αν indeed
εν in
σκκω sackcloth
και and
σποδ ashes
22 + πλν Only
λγω I say
υμν to you,
Τρω to Tyre
εν in
τι for
ει if
εν in
Σοδμοις Sodom
μχρι until
εν in
ημρα day
τω καιρ time


_ 61
11 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
αποκριθες ο Ιησος Jesus responding
επεν said,
και And
ο the
πατρ father.
ο the
υις son,
και and
29 + ρατε Lift
εφ upon
υμς you,
και and
μθετε learn
απ from
εμο me!
τι for
και and
ταπεινς humble
30 + ο γαρ For
ζυγς μου my yoke
ελαφρν εστιν is light.

+ +


+ :
_ 62
12 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
, 1 + εν
τοις on the
ποιοσιν do
ο what
τι what
________________________+________________________ +




12 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
βεβηλοσι profane],
και and
6 + λγω δε But I say
υμν to you
εγνκειτε you had known
κατεδικσατε judged against
10 + και And
την χερα a hand
τοις on the
τοις on the
διαφρει differs
+ +



12 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
καλς well
και And
και and
Φαρισαοι Pharisees
συμβολιον council
λαβον took]
κατ against
αυτο him,
15 +
ον whom
εις for
ον whom
θσω I will put
επ upon
αυτν him,
και and
κρσιν judgment
ερσει contend
ουδ nor
εν in
ταις the
πλατεαις squares
20 + κλαμον A reed
+ +

: +
: + :

: +

12 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
συντετριμμνον being broken
εις into
νκος victory
θνη nations
Φαρισαοι Pharisees
επεν said
ο σατανς Satan
τον σατανν Satan

+ :

+ :
_ 66
12 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
εκβλλει casts out],
27 + και And
εν τνι by what [means] ]
εκβλλουσι cast out?
κριτα judges.
εγ I
εν by
πνεματι spirit
εισελθεν to enter
και and
διαρπσαι plunder],
εν if
μη not
πρτον first
διαρπσει he shall plunder]?
τοτο this




12 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
αφεθσεται be forgiven
τοις to the
αυτ him;
αν should
επη speak
κατ against
του the
πνεματος spirit
καλν good;
η or
ποισατε make
το the
δνδρον tree
σαπρν rotten,
και and
σαπρν rotten!
του the
περισσεματος abundance
υμν to you
τι that



12 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
παν every
ρμα saying
αργν rough],
ο which
εν ever
και and
εκ by
38 + ττε Then
αποκριθες answering
επεν said
ην Ιωνς Jonah was
και and
+ +



12 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
μετενησαν they repented
και and
το the
ακθαρτον unclean
πνεμα spirit
θεν from where
χερονα worse
πρτων first.
+ +



13 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
οτως So
αυτο of his
ειστκεισαν stood
ξω outside,
ζητοντες seeking
47 + επε δε And said
τις a certain one
και and
ξω [are] outside
48 + ο δε And he
αποκριθες responding
επε said
και and
τνες who
εισν are
49 + και And
εκτενας stretching out
επ unto
επεν he said,
και and
αν ever
του of the one
απ from
της the
________________________+________________________ +

+ :
: -
13 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
οικας house,
πεσε fell
παρ by
την the
οδν way,
και and
λθε came
τα the
πετειν birds]
και and
πεσεν fell
επ upon
τα the
ανατελαντος having risen
εκαυματσθη scorched it;
πεσεν fell
επ by
τας the
ακνθας thorn-bushes,
και and
ανβησαν ascended
αι the
κανθαι thorn-bushes]
και and
αππνιξαν choked


13 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
αυτ them.
πεσεν fell
επ upon
την the
γην earth
αποκριθες answering
επεν said
ου it has not
αυτ to him,
τοτο this
εν in
παραβολας parables
τι For
βλποντες seeing
επ by
+ + +

+ +




_ 73
13 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
αυτος them
η the
προφητεα prophecy
συντε should you perceive;
δητε should you know.
15 + επαχνθη was thickened
και and
εκμμυσαν they closed the eyelids];
μποτε lest at any time
δωσι they should see
τι for
λγω I say
υμν to you,
της of the

+ +


+ :


: + +

13 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
βασιλεας kingdom,
και and
μη not
συνιντος perceiving,
οτς This
εστιν is
επ by
τα the
δε but]
ρζαν root
εν in
εαυτ himself,
αλλ but
εις in
τας the
ακνθας thorn-bushes
και and
η the
απτη deception
επ upon
την the
γην earth
λγων saying,




_ 75
13 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
ωμοιθη is like
τω the
καθεδειν sleeping
εβλστησεν burst forth
οι the
δολοι manservants
επον said
φη said
μα together
30 + φετε Allow




: +
13 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
συναυξνεσθαι to grow together
31 + λλην Another
μικρτερον lesser
μεν indeed
εστι is]
33 + λλην Another
εζυμθη is leavened




13 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
λον [the] entire [amount] ].
ελλησεν ο Ιησος Jesus spoke
εν in
παραβολας parables
παραβολς parables
ερεξομαι I will bellow
κεκρυμμνα things being hidden
λγοντες saying,
φρσον Expound
αγρς field
εστιν is
ο the
κσμος world;
εχθρς enemy,
σπερας sowing
αυτ them
εστιν is
ο the
+ +


: +
: + :

13 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
διβολος devil;
41 + αποστελε shall send forth
ο The
υις son
και and
εκ from
πντα all
ο The one
ευρν having found
νθρωπος a man



13 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
κρυψε hid,
και and
απ from
της the
χαρς joy
45 +
πυρς fire;
εκε there,
+ :

+ :

13 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
σται there shall be
λγουσιν They say
αυτ to him,
επεν said
στις who
καιν new
και and
παλαι old.
τε when
μετρεν he moved on
εδδασκεν he taught
στε so as
εκπλττεσθαι to overwhelm
πθεν From what place
τοτω [is] this one,
και and
αι the
λγεται called
Μαριμ Mary,
και and
Ικωβος James,
και and
Ιωσς Joses,
και and
Σμων Simon,
και and


_ 81
14 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
Ιοδας Judas?
ουχ not
πσαι all
προς with
ημς us
και and
εν in
58 + και And
, 1 + εν
εν in
+ +

+ :

14 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
φυλακ prison,
4 + λεγε said
σοι to you
χειν to have
εφοβθη he feared
αγομνων being celebrated
ο what
εν ever
προβιβασθεσα being forced
δος Give
τους the
ρκους oaths,
και and
εκλευσεν he bid
10 + και And
+ +




14 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
πμψας having sent forth,
ηνχθη was brought
ραν carried
το the
σμα body,
και and
θαψαν buried
αυτ it.
και And
επ over
αυτος them,
και and
15 + οψας δε And evening
γενομνης having become,
λγοντες saying,
+ +



+ :

: +


_ 84
14 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
κμας towns
16 + ο δε But
λγουσιν say
δε here!
εσθοντες having eaten
+ +


+ : +

+ : -
14 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
και And
ευθως immediately
ηνγκασεν compelled
εμβναι to step
φυλακ watch
και And
απ from
του the
φβου fear
λγων saying,
θαρσετε Courage!

+ +



+ : +

+ :

14 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
εγ I
αυτ to him,
ο Πτρος Peter
κλευσν bid
με me
προς to
επ upon
τα the
δατα waters!
επεν said,
ελθ Come!
και And
καταβς descending
απ from
του the
πλοου boat
τον the
νεμον wind
ισχυρν strong],
εις for
τι why
εις into
το the
πλοον boat,
εκπασεν abated
ο the
νεμος wind].
εν in
τω the
πλοω boat
εις unto
την the
γην land


: +

_ 87
15 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
Γεννησαρτ of Gennesaret.
35 + και And
επιγνντες having recognized
απστειλαν sent
εις into
λην all
εκενην that],
και and
και And
παραβανουσιν violate
την the
παρδοσιν tradition
νπτονται wash
ταν whenever
ρτον bread
αποκριθες answering
επεν said
του θεο of God


________________________+________________________ +

_ 88
15 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
δι through
4 + ο γαρ For
5 +
6 + και and
τιμση should esteem
η or
και and
7 + υποκριτα Hypocrites,
τω [with]
σβοντα they worship
τον the



15 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
χλον multitude,
επον said
αποκριθες answering
επε said,
πσα Every
φυτεα plant
ην which
14 + φετε αυτος Let them go!
οδηγο guides
ο Πτρος Peter
16 + ο
δε And
Ιησος Jesus
επεν said,
17 +
+ +

+ :
_ 90
15 ν τοτ + νκα The Gospel according to Matthew
οπω Not yet
εκπορευμενα going forth
εκ out of
της the
καρδας heart
απ from
εξελθοσα coming forth
εκραγασεν cried out
αυτ to him,
η θυγτηρ μου my daughter


+ : +

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