Page 1: Interact your wearable and an iot device

Interact your Wearable and an

IoT Device

Jeff Prestes

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About me…


Developer Advocate

Java, PHP, JavaScript,

Android Developer

Football fan,

father and IoT Researcher

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This is not IoT… (IMHO)

so cool.. but this is Robotics!!

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And this is not new…

(who has gray hair can say… P)

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Billions of devices, sensors, including mobile phones...

connected and exchanging data.

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Server Side

Electronic(sometimes mechanic

and sculptor on wood or iron)


Mobile(Beacons e Weareables)

Operation Systems

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Italian Polymath. What was da Vinci? Scientist?

Engineer? Mathematic? Painter? Sculptor?

Musician? Botanic? Anatomist?

Source: Wikipedia -

Could IoT bring us a broad vision

of Technology?

No more specialists…

But new Polymath Developers

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Single Board Computers

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Voice input data Vibrating Heart rate

Main Smart Watches Capabilities

from IoT Integration perspective

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Help blind and handicap people to

perform simple tasks

Help people to get environment

important alerts

Makes some simple tasks faster and fun like to

do payments

Possibilities ?

What else?

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Options to exchange data between

smartphone and IoT Device

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✔ Serial, easy, syncronized and realiable

✖ Tight to one device and need to pair to each new Device


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✔ Fast and strait-forward

✖ Verbose, complex and few reliable


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✔ Soft, reliable, bi-directional, simple

development, convenient (no pairing needed)

✖ No instantaneous

Message Queue via TCP

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MQ Telemetry Transport is a light-weight

publish/subscribe messaging protocol

created by IBM and Arcon (Eurotech)

it’s an open standard! the most used one!

best to:

~ Where the network is expensive, has low bandwidth or is unreliable

~ When running on an embedded device with limited processor or

memory resources

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Open a topic


“It’s burning”



How it would works…

A Real Example for MQTT

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Meteorologist project

in the UK

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Now let’s get started to talk about good things…

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How it works…

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Watch purchase sequence screenshots




Processs is done

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GoogleApiClient mGoogleClient= new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)



ConnectionResult connectionResult =

mGoogleClient.blockingConnect(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

if (!connectionResult.isSuccess()) {

Log.e(TAG, "Failed to connect to GoogleApiClient.");



PutDataMapRequest putDataMapRequest = PutDataMapRequest.create("/new/candies/beacon");

putDataMapRequest.getDataMap().putLong("DataStamp", System.currentTimeMillis());

putDataMapRequest.getDataMap().putString("content", message);

try {

Wearable.DataApi.putDataItem(mGoogleClient, putDataMapRequest.asPutDataRequest());

} catch (Exception ex) {

Log.e(Util.class.getSimpleName(), "Error when send message to watch", ex);


Smart Watch and PhoneThey need to exchange data via message service

Code for the phone

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public void onDataChanged(DataEventBuffer dataEvents) {



for(DataEvent event : dataEvents) {

if(event.getType() == DataEvent.TYPE_CHANGED) {

String message = Util.extractMessage(event,"/new/candies/beacon");

if(message != null && !Util.isForeground(getApplicationContext(), ”")) {

Log.d(TAG, message);

Uri uri = Uri.parse(message);

Util.dispatchNotification(getApplicationContext(), uri);



message = Util.extractMessage(event, "/candies/notification");

if(message != null && message.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel")) {






Smart Watch and Mobile PhoneThey need to exchange data via message service

Code for the watch

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provides open source MQTT clients in several languages

(C for embedded, C++, Go, Java, Android, JavaScript, Python)

under project

sandbox available at:

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String topic = "jeffprestes/candies/world";

int qos = 2;

String broker = ”";

String clientId = (TelephonyManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);

String port = "1883";

String queueUrl = "tcp://" + + ":" + this.port;

MemoryPersistence persistence = new MemoryPersistence();

client = new MqttClient(queueUrl, clientId, persistence);

IMqttToken conToken = client.connect(connOpts);

client.subscribe(TOPIC, 1);

Connecting to MQTT Server

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String msgToMachine = "alive"

MqttMessage message = new MqttMessage(msgToMachine.getBytes());


try {

client.publish(topic, message);

} catch(MqttException e) {

Log.e("PublishingMQTT", e.getLocalizedMessage(), e)


Posting a message at queue

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Electronic Schema

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Jeff Prestes



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