
7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 1/72

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2012

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

( !"ecti#e Type)

$ote: %our possi!&e ans'ers B * and + to each ,uestion are i#en. The choice'hich you think

is correct /&& that circ&e in ront o that ,uestion 'ith Marker or Pen ink. *uttin or/&&in t'o or

more circ&es 'i&& resu&t in ero mark in that ,uestion. rite the &etter B * or + inthe co&umn

('rite correct option) a ainst each ,uestion a&so. I there is a contraction in the!u!!&e and hand

'ritten ans'er !u!!&e option 'i&& !e considered correct.

31. 17

1. The apparent 'ei ht o a man in a &i t mo#in do'n 'ith an acce&eration o 4.5m 6 s2

(a) 0 (!) 4.5$ (c) 14. $ (d) In/nity

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2. orkin cyc&e o a typica& petro& en ine consists o :

(a) T'o strokes

(!) %our strokes

(c) 8i9 strokes

(d) i ht strokes

;. <adar system is an app&ication o :

(a) Inter erence

(!) Beats

(c) 8tationary 'a#es

(d) +opp&er e=ect

>. The sum o three num!ers 2.7?>; > 10 and 1.27; up-to correct decima& p&ace


(a) 5.12 (!) 5.1; (c) 5.127; (d) 5.127

?. The 8I unit o an u&ar acce&eration is:

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(a) rad 6 sec2

(!) rad 6 sec

(c) re# 6 sec2

(d) re# 6 sec

. Time period o simp&e pendu&um on&y depends on:

(a) Mass o the !o!

(!) Len th o the pendu&um

(c) mp&itude o #i!ration

''' Pa e 2 o

(d) 8i e o the !o!

7. Position #ector o a point P (a ! c) in @A-P&ane is i#en !y:

(a) C DE D (!) C DE

(c) C DE

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(d) C DE DE

5. The unit o entropy is:

(a) FG (!) F6G (c) F6G2 (d) G6F

4. In the ne'er systems o /!er optics si na&s are re enerated !y p&acinrepeaters 'hich may !e

separated !y as much as:

(a) ;0 km (!) ?0 km (c) 100 km (d) ?00 km

10.Mathematica&&y unit #ector is i#en !y:

(a) C

(!) C

(c) C

(d) C . 11.Lon itudina& 'a#es do not e9hi!it:

(a) <eHection

(!) <e raction

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(c) +i=raction

(d) Po&ari ation

12. ater Ho's out rom a pipe at ; k 6 sec and its #e&ocity chan es rom ?m 6 s toero on strikin

the 'a&&. The orce due to 'ater Ho' is:

(a) ;$ (!) ?$ (c) 10$ (d) 1?$

1;. 10 'a#es pass throu h the medium in one sec. 'ith speed o 10 m 6 s. The'a#e&en th o 'a#es

(a) 1m (!) 10m (c) 20m (d) 100m

1>. 8I units o pressure are:

(a) $-m

2 - m

(!) $

(c) $ - m

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-2 - m

(d) $

1?.The mathematica& re&ation C 2 (h h ) is kno'n as:

(a) ,uation o continuity

(!) Bernou&&iJs e,uation

(c) Torrice&&iJs theorem

(d) Kentri re&ation

1 .The e=ecti#e path di=erence !et'een t'o reHected !eams in 9-rays di=raction!y crysta&s is:

(a) dsin (!) 2 dsin (c) dsin( 62) (d) dsin(2 )



''' Pa e ; o

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17. Po'er can !e de/ned as the product o :

(a) %orce and disp&acement

(!) %orce and #e&ocity

(c) %orce and time

(d) %orce and mass

''' Pa e > o

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2012

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 2.>0 ours Marks: 5

( ssay Type)

$ote: ut o 3. $o. 1 2 ; and > 'rite any T'enty-T'o (22) short ans'ers. hi&e'ritin ans'ers

3. $o. and its part care u&&y. ach part carries t'o marks. >>

8 *TI $ -1

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32. rite short ans'ers to any 5 ,uestions.

1) o' many nano-seconds are there in 1 year

2) Ni#e the dra'!acks to use the period o a pendu&um as a time standard.

;) hat are the dimensions and units o ra#itationa& constant ONJ in the ormu&aC

>) hat is ne ati#e o a #ector o' a #ector B is su!tracted rom a #ector

?) %ind the unit #ector o the #ector C > DE ; D. ) *an a !ody rotate a!out its centero ra#ity under the action o its 'ei ht

7) +i=erentiate !et'een e&astic and ine&astic co&&ision.

5) hat Is pro"ecti&e motion In 'hat direction acce&eration is ero in this motion

4) +e/ne impu&se and sho' that ho' it is re&ated to &inear momentum

10) 8ho' that 1 k'h C ;. 9 10

11) n o!"ect has 1 " o potentia& ener y. 9p&ain 'hat does it mean.

12) +e/ne po'er. rite its 8I unit.

3;. rite short ans'ers to any 5 ,uestions.

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1) hat is meant !y moment o inertia 9p&ain its si ni/cance.

2) 9p&ain the di=erence !et'een tan entia& #e&ocity and an u&ar #e&ocity.

;) 8tate the direction o o&&o'in #ectors in simp&e situation.

(a) n u&ar momentum

(!) n u&ar #e&ocity

>) 9p&ain ho' the s'in is produced in a ast mo#in cricket !a&&

?) *onsiderin Bernou&&iJs princip&e e9p&ain the 'orkin o a car!uretor o a motorcar.


''' Pa e ? o

) rite e' &ines on !&ood Ho'.

7) 8tate Torrice&&iJs theorem.

5) hat happen to the period o a simp&e pendu&um i its &en th is dou!&e

4) In re&ation to 8 M e9p&ain the e,uation

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(a) C sin( E Q)

(!) C

10) hat is the #e&ocity o sound in air i temperature o air is 200*

11) Is it possi!&e or t'o di=erent identica& 'a#es tra#e&&in in the e same directiona&on the strin

to i#e rise to a stationary 'a#es

3>. rite short ans'ers to any ,uestions.

1) o' can the di=erence !et'een inter erence rin es a=ect !y the separation!et'een the s&its o

@oun Js e9periment *an rin es disappear

2) n oi& /&m spreadin o#er a 'et ootpath sho's co&ors. 9p&ain ho' it happens. ;)o' 'ou&d you distin uish !et'een un-po&ari ed and p&ain-po&ari ed &i hts

>) ne can !uy a cheap microscope or use !y the chi&dren. The ima es seen in

such a microscope

ha#e co&ored ed es. hy is this so

?) o' the po'er is &ost in optica& /!er throu h dispersion e9p&ain

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) I a person 'as &ookin throu h a te&escope at the u&& moon ho' 'ou&d theappearance o the

moon !e chan ed !y co#erin ha& o the o!"ecti#e &ens

7) hy is the a#era e #e&ocity o the mo&ecu&es in a as ero !ut the a#era e o thes,uare o the

#e&ocities is not ero

5) 8peci/c heat o a as at constant pressure is reater than speci/c heat atconstant #o&ume. hy

4) *an the mechanica& ener y !e con#erted comp&ete&y into heat ener y I so i#ean e9amp&e.

8 *TI $ R II

$ote: ttempt any T < ,uestions.

3?. (a) +e/ne e&astic co&&isions. 8ho' that or e&astic co&&isions in one dimension the#e&ocity o

approach is e,ua& to the #e&ocity o separation. ?

(!) Ni#en that C D 2 DE ; C ; D > /nd the pro"ection o on . ;

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3 . (a) +e/ne conser#ati#e /e&d. Pro#e that the 'ork done in the earthJsra#itationa& /e&d is

independent o the path o&&o'ed. ?

(!) hat shou&d !e the or!ita& speed to &aunch a sate&&ite in a circu&ar or!it 400 kma!o#e the

sur ace o earth (Take mass o the earth as .0 9 102> k and its radius as >00km) ;

37. (a) +e/ne mo&ar speci/c heat and pro#e the re&ation *p - *# C <. ?

''' Pa e o

(!) o' &ar e must a heatin duct !e i air mo#in 'ith ;.0 ms-1 a&on it canrep&enish the air

in a room o ;00 m; #o&ume e#ery 1? min ( ssume the airJs density remainsconstant). ;

35. (a) +e/ne and e9p&ain simp&e pendu&um ?

(!) stationary 'a#e is esta!&ished in a strin 'hich is 120 cm &on and /9ed at

!oth ends.

The strin #i!rates in our se mentsS at a re,uency o 120 . +etermine its'a#e&en th and

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the undamenta& re,uency. ;

34. (a) +escri!e ho' Miche&son measured the speed o &i ht. ?

(!) In a dou!&e s&it e9periment the second order ma9imum occurs at 0 C 0.2? . The

'a#e&en th is ?0 nm. +etermine the s&it separation. ;

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2011

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

( !"ecti#e Type)

$ote: rite ans'ers to the ,uestions on the o!"ecti#e ans'er sheet pro#ided. %ourpossi!&e ans'ers

B * and + to each ,uestion are i#en. hich ans'er you consider correct /&& thecirc&e in ront

o . B. * or + 'ith Marker or Pen ink to each ,uestion on the ans'er sheetpro#ided.

31. 8ome possi!&e ans'ers to each statement are i#en !e&o'. 17

1. The #a&ue o OrJ or diatomic as is:

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(a) 1. 7 (!) 1.>0 (c) 1.24 (d) In/nity

2. The /na& ima e ormed !y simp&e microscope is:

(a) Kirtua& and in#erted

(!) Kirtua& and erect

(c) <ea& and erect

(d) <ea& and in#erted

;. The resu&tant ma nitude o $ orce actin at ri ht an &e to a 5$ orce is:

(a) 2$ (!) 1>$ (c) 5$ (d) 10$

>. The re racti#e inde9 o 'ater is >.;;. The speed o &i ht in 'ater is:

(a) ;9105m8-1

(!) 1.5 9105m8-1

(c) 2.; 9105m8-1

(d) 0

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?. The apparent 'ei ht o a man in an ascendin &i t mo#in 'ith acce&eration OaJ:

(a) Increases

(!) +ecrease

(c) <emains constant

(d) Becomes ero

. The #a&ue o trip&e point o 'ater is:

(a) ;7;.1 G (!) 27;. 1 G (c) 212 G (d) 100G

7. The dimensions o po'er are:

(a) UMLT-1V (!) UML2T

5. The 8.I. unit o OpressureJ in terms o !ase units are:

(a) G m-18

-2 (!) G m-18

-2V (c) UML2T

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-; (c) G m8-2 (d) G m28

''' Pa e 2 o ?

4. I 20 'a#es pass throu h a medium in 1 sec. 'ith a speed o 20m8-1

(a) 20m (!) >0m (c) >00m (d) 1m

10.The distance !et'een t'o consecuti#e 'a#e ronts is ca&&ed :

(a) Time period (!) %re,uency (c) a#e&en th (d)


11.The de#ice used or the measurement o &i,uid Ho' is:

(a) Manometer (!) Barometer (c) ydrometer (d)

Kenturi meter

12.The ma nitude o #ector product o t'o non- ero #ectors W and W makin an an &e

X 'ith each

(a) B8in (!) B8in (c) B*os (d) B

1;.The ratio !et'een or!ita& and escape #e&ocities are:

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(a) 1 (!) 2 (c) Y2 (d) Y

1>. pro"ecti&e is thro'n up'ard 'ith initia& #e&ocity ZKi[ makin an an &e 'ith thehori onta&.

The ma9imum hori onta& ran e is i#en !y:

(!) 2

(c) sin 2

(d) 2

1?.The e\ciency o petro& en ine is a!out:

(a) 20 to 2?]

(!) ;0 to ;?]

(c) ;? to >0 ]

(d) 2? to ;0]

1 .The 8.I. units o sprin constant are:

(a) m-1 (!) $m-1 (c) $m-2 (d) $m2

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17. hich o the o&&o'in is &east mu&tip&e:

(a) Pico (!) %emto (c) $ano (d) tto

sin 2

''' Pa e ; o ?

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2011

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 2.>0 ours Marks: 5

( ssay Type)

$ote: ut o 3. $o. 1 2 ; and > 'rite any T'enty-T'o (22) short ans'ers. hi&e'ritin ans'ers

3. $o. and its part care u&&y. ach part carries t'o marks. >>

8 *TI $ -1

31. 1) The period o simp&e pendu&um is measured !y a stop 'atch. hat types oerrors are possi!&e in

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the time period

2) hy do 'e /nd it use u& to ha#e t'o units or the amount o su!stance ki&o ramand mo&e

;) rite the dimensions o : (i) Pressure (ii) +ensity.

>) I a&& o the components o the #ectors 1 and 2 'ere re#ersed ho' 'ou&d a&ter19 2 . ?) $ame the three di=erent conditions that cou&d make 2 ^ 2C 0

) *an a !ody rotate a!out its center o ra#ity under the action o its 'ei ht

7) +e/ne e&astic and ine&astic co&&isions. 5) t 'hat point or points in its path does apro"ecti&e ha#e its minimum speed its ma9imum

1) 8ho' raphica&&y ho' the disp&acement and #e&ocity o a #ertica&&y thro'n !a&&#aries 'ith time.

2) +e/ne conser#ati#e and non-conser#ati#e orces.

;) person ho&ds a !a o roceries 'hi&e standin sti&&. car is stationary 'ith itsen ine runnin .

o' are the t'o situations simi&ar rom the point o #ie' o 'ork

>) hat sort o ener y is in the o&&o'in :

(a) compressed sprin

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(!) mo#in car

?) 8ho' that or!ita& an u&ar momentum L0 C m#r.

) @ou ha#e a disc and a hoop o same mass and si e. hich o the t'o has reatermoment o

inertia and 'hy

''' Pa e > o ?

7) n o!"ect or!itin around the earth is said to !e a ree&y a&&in !ody. hy

5) 8tate Torrice&&i_s theorem. 3;.

1) hy 50 drop&ets appear to !e suspended in air

2) person is standin near a ast mo#in train is there any dan er that he 'i&& a&&to'ards it

;) hy so&diers are ad#ised to !reak their steps 'hen marchin on a !rid e

>) +oes re,uency depend on amp&itude or harmonic osci&&ator

?) *an 'e rea&i e an idea& simp&e pendu&um

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) 9p&ain 'hy sound tra#e&s aster in 'arm air than in co&d air

7) o' are !eats use u& in tunin musica& instrument

5) hat is apparent chan e in re,uency 'hen source is mo#in a'ay romstationary o!ser#er

1) `nder 'hat conditions t'o or more sources o &i ht !eha#e as coherent sources

2) The center o $e'tonJs rin s is dark. hy

;) rite do'n t'o methods to o!tain p&ane po&ari ed !eam o &i ht.

>) hat is the unction o co&&imator in a spectrometer

?) 9p&ain the di=erence !et'een an u&ar ma ni/cation and reso&#in po'er o an



) hy 'e use in ra-red &i ht in a /!er optic communication system

7) rite t'o postu&ates o kinetic theory o ases.

5) thermos Hask containin mi&k as a system is shaken rapid&y. +oes thetemperature o mi&k

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4) +oes entropy o a system increase or decrease due to riction

8 *TI $ R II

$ote: ttempt any T < ,uestions.

3?. (a) +iscuss the e&astic co&&ision o t'o smooth !a&&s in one dimension and /ndtheir

#e&ocities a ter the co&&ision. ?

(!) The &ine o action o orce C 2 passes throu h a point 'hose position #ectoris 1 E . %ind the moment o a!out the ori in. ;

3 . (a) hat are eo-stationary sate&&ites *a&cu&ate the radius o eo-stationaryor!it ?

''' Pa e ? o ?

(!) 1000 k car at the top o an inc&ine 10m hi h and 100 m &on is re&eased andro&&s

do'n the hi&&. hat is its speed at the !ottom o the inc&ine i the a#era e retardinorce due

to riction is >50 $ ;

37. (a) Pro#e that the a!so&ute temperature o an idea& as is direct&y proportiona&to the a#era e

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trans&ation kinetic ener y o as mo&ecu&es. ?

(!) ater Ho's throu h a hose 'hose interna& diameter is 1 cm at a speed o 1 ms-1

shou&d !e the diameter o the no &e i the 'ater is to emer e at 21 ms-1 . ;

35. (a) +e/ne simp&e harmonic motion. +eri#e the re&ation or instantaneous#e&ocity or the

pro"ection o partic&e OPJ mo#in in a circ&e. ?

(!) pipe has a &en th o 1 meter. +etermine the re,uencies o the undamenta&and the /rst

t'o harmonics i the pipe opens at !oth ends. (8peed o sound in air C ;>0ms-1) ;

34. (a) +escri!e the youn dou!&e s&it e9periment. +eri#e the e9pression or rin espacin . ?

(!) n astronomica& te&escope ha#in ma ni yin po'er ? consist o t'o thin &enses2? cm

apart. %ind the oca& &en th o &enses.

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2010

Physics Paper: 1

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 24/72

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

$ote: `se this paper to 'rite the ans'ers to the o!"ecti#e ,uestions. $o mark 'i&&!e a'arded or

cuttin o#er-'ritin or usin a penci&. This paper must !e ta ed 'ith the ans'er-!ook.

31. 8ome possi!&e ans'ers to each statement are i#en !e&o'. Tick mark thecorrect ans'er: 17

1. The 8.I unit o so&id an &e is:

(a) 8teradian (!) +e ree (c) <e#o&ution (d) <adian

2. %orce in terms o !ase unit is:

(a) G ms-1 (!) G ms-2 (c) G m-1

;. sin &e #ector 'hich has same e=ect as a&& the ori ina& #ectors taken to ether isca&&ed:

(a) `nit #ector

(!) ,ua& #ector

(c) <esu&tant #ector

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(d) $u&& #ector

>. The resu&tant o t'o orces $ and 5 $ actin at ri ht an &e to each other is:

(a) >$ (!) $ (c) 5$ (d) 10$

?. The motion o a rocket is in accordance 'ith &a' o conser#ation o :

(a) Linear momentum

(!) ner y

(c) Mass

(d) n u&ar momentum

. Gi&o'att hour is the unit o :

(a) Po'er (!) ork (c) %orce (d) Momentum

7. The minimum #e&ocity re,uired to put a sate&&ite into or!it is:

(a) ?.4 kms-1 (!) .4 kms-1 (c) 7.4 kms-1 (d) 5.4 kms-1

5. The e9pression or the or!ita& speed o a sate&&ite is:

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''' Pa e 2 o ?

4. The dimensions o co-e\cient o #iscosity are:

(a) UML-1T

10.I the time period o simp&e pendu&um is 2 seconds its re,uency 'i&& !e:

(a) 1.0 (!) 0.? (c) 1.? (d) 2

11.The error in the #a&ue o speed o sound ca&cu&ated !y $e'ton at 8TP is a!out:

(a) 1>] (!) 1?] (c) 1 ] (c) 15]

12.The speed o sound is reater in so&ids due to their hi h:

(a) +ensity (!) Pressure (c) Temperature (d) &asticity

1;.$e'ton_s rin s are ormed as a resu&t o :

(a) Inter erence (!) +ispersion (c) +i=raction (d) Po&ari ation

1>.The &i ht emitted rom L + has a 'a#e&en th:

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(a) 1.; pm (!) 1.;bm (c) 1.;mm (d) 1.;nm

1?. &ayer o#er the centra& core o the "acket is ca&&ed

(a) Facket (!) P&astic (c) *&addin (d) <u!!er

1 .The e\ciency o petro& en ine is a!out:

(a) 20 to 2?]

(!) ;0 to ;?]

(c) ;? to >0 ]

(d) 2? to ;0]

17.The process 'hich is carried out at constant temperature is ca&&ed:

(a) Isotherma& (!) dia!atic (c) Isochoric (d) Iso!aric

-1V (!) MLT-2 (c) MLT-1 (d) ML2T

''' Pa e ; o ?

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2010

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 28/72

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 2.>0 ours Marks: 5

$ote: && ,uestions are attempted on the ans'er !ook.

32. rite any T $T@-T (22) short ans'ers o the o&&o'in ,uestions: >>

1. $ame t'o repetiti#e phenomena occurrin in nature 'hich cou&d ser#e asreasona!&e time

2. +eri#e the dimensions o pressure and density.

;. The &en th and the 'idth o the rectan u&ar p&ate are 1?.; cm and 12.50 cmrespecti#e&y. %ind

the area o the p&ate up to correct si ni/cant / ures.

>. +e/ne the terms unit #ector and position #ector.

?. *an a #ector ha#e a component reater than #ectorJs ma nitude

. T'o #ectors ha#e une,ua& ma nitudes. *an their 8um !e ero 9p&ain.

7. hat is the di=erence !et'een uni orm and #aria!&e #e&ocity +e/ne acce&erationand i#e its

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8.I. units.

5. *an the #e&ocity o an o!"ect re#erse the direction 'hen acce&eration is constantI so i#e

4. +e/ne impu&se. o' is it re&ated to &inear momentum

10. hat is so&ar ener y o' sun&i ht can !e con#erted into e&ectrica& ener y

11.In 'hich case more 'ork is done 'hen a ?0 k !a is &i ted throu h ?0 cm or'hen a ?0 k

crate is pushed throu h 2 m 'ith a orce o ?0 $

12. hen a rocket re-enters the atmosphere its nose cone !ecomes #ery hothere does this

ener y come rom

1;. 9p&ain the di=erence !et'een tan entia& and an u&ar #e&ocity. hat is there&ation !et'een

1>. hat is meant !y moment o inertia 9p&ain its si ni/cance.

1?.+escri!e 'hat shou&d !e the minimum #e&ocity or a sate&&ite to or!it c&ose to theearth around it.

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1 . hat do you understand !y the term #iscosity Ni#e its 8.I unit.

17. hy o drop&ets appear to !e suspended in air

''' Pa e > o ?

15.T'o ro' !oats mo#in para&&e& in the same direction are pu&&ed to'ards eachother 'hy

14.$ame t'o characteristics o simp&e harmonic motion.

20. hat is the tota& distance tra#e&&ed !y an o!"ect mo#in 'ith 8 M in a timee,ua& to its period

i its amp&itude is

21.+oes the acce&eration o a simp&e harmonic osci&&ator remain constant durin itsmotion Is the

acce&eration e#er ero 9p&ain.

22. hat eatures do &on itudina& 'a#es ha#e common 'ith trans#erse 'a#es

2;.+e/ne the terms node and antinode.

2>. o' are !eats use u& in tunin a musica& instrument

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2?.`nder 'hat conditions t'o or more sources o &i ht !eha#e as coherent sources

2 . n oi& /&m spreadin o#er a 'et ootpath sho's co&ors. 9p&ain ho' it happens.27. o' 'ou&d you mana e to et more orders o spectra usin a di=raction ratin

25. hat do you understand !y &inear ma ni/cation and an u&ar ma ni/cation

24. hy 'ou&d it !e ad#anta eous to use !&ue &i ht 'ith a compound microscope

;0.I a person 'as &ookin throu h a te&escope at the u&& moon ho' 'ou&d the

appearance o the

moon !e chan ed !y co#erin ha& o the o!"ecti#e &ens

;1. hy the a#era e #e&ocity o the mo&ecu&es in a as is ero !ut the a#era e o thes,uare o

#e&ocities is not ero

;2. 8peci/c heat o a as at constant pressure is reater than speci/c heat atconstant #o&ume. hy

;;.Is it possi!&e to construct a heat en ine that 'i&& not e9pe& heat into theatmosphere

$ote: ttempt any T < ,uestions.

3;. (a) 9p&ain the addition o #ectors !y rectan u&ar components method. ?

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 32/72

(!) 1?00 k car has its #e&ocity reduced rom 20 ms-1

the a#era e retardin orce ;

3>. (a) +e/ne ra#itationa& /e&d. Pro#e that 'ork done in the earth_s ra#itationa&/e&d is

independent o path o&&o'ed. ?

(!) *a&cu&ate the an u&ar momentum o a star o mass 2 9 10;0 k and radius 7 910? km. I it

makes one comp&ete rotation in 20 days 'hat is its G. . ;62 ;62

3?. (a) 8tate the e,uation o continuity and deri#e its re&ation. ?

(!) *arnot en ine uti&i es an idea& as. The source temperature is 227 * and thesink

temperature is 12.7 *. %ind the e\ciency o the en ine. ;

3 . (a) +e/ne simp&e harmonic motion. 8ho' that ener y is conser#ed or a !ody


simp&e harmonic motion. ?

''' Pa e ? o ?

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 33/72

(!) church or an consists o pipes each opens at one end o di=erent &en ths. The

minimum &en th is ;0 mm and the &on est is >m. *a&cu&ate the re,uency ran e o

undamenta& notes. (8peed o sound C ;>0 ms-1) ;

37. (a) +e/ne di=raction o &i ht. 9p&ain di=raction o 9-rays !y crysta& and deri#eBra

e,uation. ?

(!) compound microscope has &enses o oca& &en th 1 cm and ; cm. n o!"ect isp&aced

1.2 cm rom the o!"ect &ens. I a #irtua& ima e is ormed 2? cm rom the eyeca&cu&ate: 8eparation o the &enses. ;62

Ma ni yin po'er.

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2010

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

$ote: `se this paper to 'rite the ans'ers to the o!"ecti#e ,uestions. $o mark 'i&&!e a'arded or

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 34/72

cuttin o#er-'ritin or usin a penci&. This paper must !e ta ed 'ith the ans'er-!ook.

31. 8ome possi!&e ans'ers to each statement are i#en !e&o'. Tick mark thecorrect ans'er: 17

1. The 8.I unit o so&id an &e is:

(a) 8teradian (!) +e ree (c) <e#o&ution (d) <adian

2. %orce in terms o !ase unit is:

(a) G ms-1 (!) G ms-2 (c) G m-1

;. sin &e #ector 'hich has same e=ect as a&& the ori ina& #ectors taken to ether isca&&ed:

(a) `nit #ector

(!) ,ua& #ector

(c) <esu&tant #ector

(d) $u&& #ector

>. The resu&tant o t'o orces $ and 5 $ actin at ri ht an &e to each other is:

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 35/72

(a) >$ (!) $ (c) 5$ (d) 10$

?. The motion o a rocket is in accordance 'ith &a' o conser#ation o :

(a) Linear momentum

(!) ner y

(c) Mass

(d) n u&ar momentum

. Gi&o'att hour is the unit o :

(a) Po'er (!) ork (c) %orce (d) Momentum

7. The minimum #e&ocity re,uired to put a sate&&ite into or!it is:

(a) ?.4 kms-1 (!) .4 kms-1 (c) 7.4 kms-1 (d) 5.4 kms-1

5. The e9pression or the or!ita& speed o a sate&&ite is:


''' Pa e 2 o ?

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 36/72

4. The dimensions o co-e\cient o #iscosity are:

(a) UML-1T

10.I the time period o simp&e pendu&um is 2 seconds its re,uency 'i&& !e:

(a) 1.0 (!) 0.? (c) 1.? (d) 2

11.The error in the #a&ue o speed o sound ca&cu&ated !y $e'ton at 8TP is a!out:

(a) 1>] (!) 1?] (c) 1 ] (c) 15]

12.The speed o sound is reater in so&ids due to their hi h:

(a) +ensity (!) Pressure (c) Temperature (d) &asticity

1;.$e'ton_s rin s are ormed as a resu&t o :

(a) Inter erence (!) +ispersion (c) +i=raction (d) Po&ari ation

1>.The &i ht emitted rom L + has a 'a#e&en th:

(a) 1.; pm (!) 1.;bm (c) 1.;mm (d) 1.;nm

1?. &ayer o#er the centra& core o the "acket is ca&&ed

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 37/72

(a) Facket (!) P&astic (c) *&addin (d) <u!!er

1 .The e\ciency o petro& en ine is a!out:

(a) 20 to 2?]

(!) ;0 to ;?]

(c) ;? to >0 ]

(d) 2? to ;0]

17.The process 'hich is carried out at constant temperature is ca&&ed:

(a) Isotherma& (!) dia!atic (c) Isochoric (d) Iso!aric

-1V (!) MLT-2 (c) MLT-1 (d) ML2T

''' Pa e ; o ?

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 2010

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 2.>0 ours Marks: 5

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 38/72

$ote: && ,uestions are attempted on the ans'er !ook.

32. rite any T $T@-T (22) short ans'ers o the o&&o'in ,uestions: >>

1. $ame t'o repetiti#e phenomena occurrin in nature 'hich cou&d ser#e asreasona!&e time

2. +eri#e the dimensions o pressure and density.

;. The &en th and the 'idth o the rectan u&ar p&ate are 1?.; cm and 12.50 cm

respecti#e&y. %ind

the area o the p&ate up to correct si ni/cant / ures.

>. +e/ne the terms unit #ector and position #ector.

?. *an a #ector ha#e a component reater than #ectorJs ma nitude

. T'o #ectors ha#e une,ua& ma nitudes. *an their 8um !e ero 9p&ain.

7. hat is the di=erence !et'een uni orm and #aria!&e #e&ocity +e/ne acce&erationand i#e its

8.I. units.

5. *an the #e&ocity o an o!"ect re#erse the direction 'hen acce&eration is constantI so i#e

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 39/72

4. +e/ne impu&se. o' is it re&ated to &inear momentum

10. hat is so&ar ener y o' sun&i ht can !e con#erted into e&ectrica& ener y

11.In 'hich case more 'ork is done 'hen a ?0 k !a is &i ted throu h ?0 cm or'hen a ?0 k

crate is pushed throu h 2 m 'ith a orce o ?0 $

12. hen a rocket re-enters the atmosphere its nose cone !ecomes #ery hot

here does this

ener y come rom

1;. 9p&ain the di=erence !et'een tan entia& and an u&ar #e&ocity. hat is there&ation !et'een

1>. hat is meant !y moment o inertia 9p&ain its si ni/cance.

1?.+escri!e 'hat shou&d !e the minimum #e&ocity or a sate&&ite to or!it c&ose to theearth around it.

1 . hat do you understand !y the term #iscosity Ni#e its 8.I unit.

17. hy o drop&ets appear to !e suspended in air

''' Pa e > o ?

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 40/72

15.T'o ro' !oats mo#in para&&e& in the same direction are pu&&ed to'ards eachother 'hy

14.$ame t'o characteristics o simp&e harmonic motion.

20. hat is the tota& distance tra#e&&ed !y an o!"ect mo#in 'ith 8 M in a timee,ua& to its period

i its amp&itude is

21.+oes the acce&eration o a simp&e harmonic osci&&ator remain constant durin itsmotion Is the

acce&eration e#er ero 9p&ain.

22. hat eatures do &on itudina& 'a#es ha#e common 'ith trans#erse 'a#es

2;.+e/ne the terms node and antinode.

2>. o' are !eats use u& in tunin a musica& instrument

2?.`nder 'hat conditions t'o or more sources o &i ht !eha#e as coherent sources

2 . n oi& /&m spreadin o#er a 'et ootpath sho's co&ors. 9p&ain ho' it happens.27. o' 'ou&d you mana e to et more orders o spectra usin a di=raction ratin

25. hat do you understand !y &inear ma ni/cation and an u&ar ma ni/cation

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 41/72

24. hy 'ou&d it !e ad#anta eous to use !&ue &i ht 'ith a compound microscope

;0.I a person 'as &ookin throu h a te&escope at the u&& moon ho' 'ou&d theappearance o the

moon !e chan ed !y co#erin ha& o the o!"ecti#e &ens

;1. hy the a#era e #e&ocity o the mo&ecu&es in a as is ero !ut the a#era e o thes,uare o

#e&ocities is not ero

;2. 8peci/c heat o a as at constant pressure is reater than speci/c heat atconstant #o&ume. hy

;;.Is it possi!&e to construct a heat en ine that 'i&& not e9pe& heat into theatmosphere

$ote: ttempt any T < ,uestions.

3;. (a) 9p&ain the addition o #ectors !y rectan u&ar components method. ?

(!) 1?00 k car has its #e&ocity reduced rom 20 ms-1

the a#era e retardin orce ;

3>. (a) +e/ne ra#itationa& /e&d. Pro#e that 'ork done in the earth_s ra#itationa&/e&d is

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 42/72

independent o path o&&o'ed. ?

(!) *a&cu&ate the an u&ar momentum o a star o mass 2 9 10;0 k and radius 7 910? km. I it

makes one comp&ete rotation in 20 days 'hat is its G. . ;62 ;62

3?. (a) 8tate the e,uation o continuity and deri#e its re&ation. ?

(!) *arnot en ine uti&i es an idea& as. The source temperature is 227 * and thesink

temperature is 12.7 *. %ind the e\ciency o the en ine. ;

3 . (a) +e/ne simp&e harmonic motion. 8ho' that ener y is conser#ed or a !odye9ecutin

simp&e harmonic motion. ?

''' Pa e ? o ?

(!) church or an consists o pipes each opens at one end o di=erent &en ths. The

minimum &en th is ;0 mm and the &on est is >m. *a&cu&ate the re,uency ran e o

undamenta& notes. (8peed o sound C ;>0 ms-1) ;

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 43/72

37. (a) +e/ne di=raction o &i ht. 9p&ain di=raction o 9-rays !y crysta& and deri#eBra

e,uation. ?

(!) compound microscope has &enses o oca& &en th 1 cm and ; cm. n o!"ect isp&aced

1.2 cm rom the o!"ect &ens. I a #irtua& ima e is ormed 2? cm rom the eyeca&cu&ate: 8eparation o the &enses. ;62

Ma ni yin po'er.

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 201> Nroup 1

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

( !"ecti#e Type)

$ote: %our possi!&e ans'ers B * and + to each ,uestion are i#en. The choice'hich you think

is correct /&& that circ&e in ront o that ,uestion 'ith Marker or Pen ink. *uttin or/&&in t'o or

more circ&es 'i&& resu&t in ero mark in that ,uestion. rite the &etter B * or + inthe co&umn

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 44/72

('rite correct option) a ainst each ,uestion a&so. I there is a contraction in the!u!!&e and hand

'ritten ans'er !u!!&e option 'i&& !e considered correct.

31. 17

1. The stationary 'a#es consist o :

(a) *rests and trou hs

(!) *ompressions and e&on ations

(c) $odes and antinodes

(d) <eHection and rare raction

2. hen one mirror o a Miche&son Inter erometer is mo#ed a distance o 0.? mm2000 rin es are

o!ser#ed. The 'a#e &en th o &i ht used is :

(a) ?000m

(!) ?000 0

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 45/72

(c) ?00cm

(d) 2000 0

;. The area !et'een #e&ocity-time raph and the time a9is is numerica&&y e,ua& to :

(a) 8peed o o!"ect

(!) +istance co#ered !y the o!"ect

(c) #era e #e&ocity o the o!"ect

(d) cce&eration o the o!"ect

>. The optica& /!er is co#ered or protection !y a :

(a) N&ass Facket

(!) P&astic Facket

(c) *opper Facket

(d) &uminium Facket

?. Internationa& Te&ecommunication 8ate&&ite r ani ation operates at micro'a#ere,uencies o :

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 46/72

(a) > 5 and 10

''' Pa e 2 o 7

(!) > 11 and 1> N

(c) > 5 and 12

(d) > 5 11 and 1 N

. hich is the process in 'hich temperature o the system remains constant:

(a) Iso!aric process

(!) Isochoric process

(c) Isotherma& process

(d) dia!atic process

7. hen a !ody is 'hir&ed in a hori onta& circ&e !y means o a strin the centripeta&orce is

supp&ied !y :

(a) Mass o a !ody

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 47/72

(!) Ke&ocity o a !ody

(c) Tension in the strin

(d) *entripeta& acce&eration

5. I the resu&tant o t'o #ectors each o ma nitude % is a&so o ma nitude % thean &e !et'een

them 'i&& !e :

(a) ;0 (!) 0 (c) 40 (d) 120

4. set o re,uencies 'hich are mu&tip&es o the undamenta& re,uency are ca&&ed :

(a) +opp&er e=ect

(!) $oda& re,uencies

(c) Beat re,uencies

(d) armonics

10.The pitch o sound depends upon :

(a) Intensity o sound

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 48/72

(!) Loudness o sound

(c) a#e&en th o sound

(d) %re,uency o sound

11.The &o'er readin o !&ood pressure is ca&&ed :

(a) 8ysto&ic pressure

(!) +iasto&ic pressure

(c) $orma& pressure

(d) $on-norma& pressure

12. hen the pro"ecti&e reaches the hi hest point o tra"ectory the #ertica&component o #e&ocity

!ecomes :

(a) 8ma&& (!) Ma9imum (c) Kicos (d) Aero

1;.I a car mo#es 'ith a uni orm speed o 2m 6 sec. in a circ&e o radius 0.> m itsan u&ar speed is :

(a) >rad6sec

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 49/72

(!) ? rad6sec

(c) 1. rad6sec

(d) 2.5 rad6sec

1>.The #a&ue o so&ar constant is :

(a) 1.>k'm-2

(!) 1.0k' m-2

''' Pa e ; o 7

(c) >.1k' m-2

(d) .1k' m-2

1?.The re,uency o 'a#es produced in micro'a#e o#en is :

(a) 1>;? (!) 2>?0M (c) 15 0M (d) 25?0

1 . system does 00 F o 'ork and at the same time has its interna& ener yincreased !y ;20 F.

o' much heat has !een supp&ied :

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 50/72

(a) 250 F

(!) 420F

(c) 00 F

(d) 200 F

17. &i ht year is the distance &i ht tra#e&s in one year. o' many meters are therein one &i ht


(a) 4.? 9 10-1? m

(!) 4.? 9 101? m

(c) 4.? 9 101? cm

(d) 4.? 9 101? km

''' Pa e > o 7

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 201> Nroup 1

Physics Paper: 1

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 51/72

Time: ;.10 ours Marks: 5;

( ssay Type)

$ote: ut o 3. $o. 1 2 ; and > 'rite any T'enty-T'o (22) short ans'ers. hi&e'ritin ans'ers

3. $o. and its part care u&&y. ach part carries t'o marks. >>

8 *TI $ -1

32. rite short ans'ers to any 5 ,uestions. 1

1) rite the dimensions o : (a) Pressure (!) +ensity.

2) o' many nanoseconds are in one year

;) $ame se#era& repetiti#e phenomenon occurrin in nature 'hich cou&d ser#e asreasona!&e

time standard.

>) hat do you mean !y scienti/c notation i#e an e9amp&e

?) +e/ne the terms:

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 52/72

(a) `nit #ector (!) Position #ector

) *an a ma nitude o a #ector ha#e a ne ati#e #a&ue

7) hy do you keep your &e s ar apart 'hen you ha#e to stand in the ais&e o a!umpy ridin


5) hat is the di=erence !et'een uni orm and #aria!&e #e&ocity Ni#e 8.I units o

#e&ocity and


4) *an the #e&ocity o an o!"ect re#erse the direction 'hen acce&eration is constant

10)+e/ne impu&se and sho' that ho' it is re&ated to &inear momentum.

11) hy is it use u& to use a sa ety he&met

12) 9p&ain 'hat do you understand !y the term #iscosity and i#e its 8.I unit.

3;. rite short ans'ers to any 5 ,uestions. 1

1) +e/ne escape #e&ocity. rite its #a&ue.

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 53/72

2) *a&cu&ate the 'ork done in ki&o "ou&es in &i tin a mass o 10 k (at a steady#e&ocity) throu h

a #ertica& hei ht o 10 m.

;) 8tate &a' o conser#ation o ener y.

''' Pa e ? o 7

>) 9p&ain the di=erence !et'een tan entia& #e&ocity and an u&ar #e&ocity.

?) 9p&ain ho' many minimum num!er o eo-stationary sate&&ites are re,uired or&o!a&

co#era e o T.K. transmission.

) hy does a di#er chan e his !ody position !e ore and. a ter di#in in the poo&

7) `nder 'hat conditions does the addition o t'o simp&e harmonic motions producea

resu&tant 'hich is a&so simp&e harmonic

5) +oes re,uency depend on amp&itude or harmonic osci&&ators

4) hat is meant !y phase an &e +oes it de/ne an &e !et'een ma9imumdisp&acement and the

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 54/72

dri#in orce

10) o' are !eats use u& in tunin musica& instruments

11) 9p&ain 'hy sound tra#e&s aster in 'arm air than in co&d air.

12) o' shou&d a sound source mo#e 'ith respect to an o!ser#er so that there,uency o its

sound does not chan e

3>. rite short ans'ers to any ,uestions. 12

1) `nder 'hat conditions t'o or more sources o &i ht !eha#e as coherent sources

2) hat is uy en_s Princip&e

;) hy the Po&aroid sun &asses are !etter than ordinary sun &asses

>) hat is simp&e microscope rite do'n the e,uation or its ma ni yin po'er.

?) hy 'ou&d it !e ad#anta eous to use !&ue &i ht 'ith a compound microscope

) +eri#e *har&es_ &a' rom kinetic theory o ases.

7) hy does the pressure o a as in a car tyre increase 'hen it is dri#en throu hsome

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 55/72


5) 8peci/c heat o a as at constant pressure is reater than speci/c heat atconstant #o&ume.


4) Ni#e an e9amp&e o a natura& process that in#o&#es an increase in entropy.

8 *TI $ R II

$ote: ttempt any T < ,uestions.

3?. (a) +e/ne sca&ar product 'rite do'n its any our characteristics. ?

(!) T'o !&ocks o masses 2.0 k and 0.?0 k are attached at the t'o ends o acompressed

sprin . The e&astic potentia& ener y stored in the sprin is 10 F. %ind the #e&ocities othe

!&ocks i the sprin de&i#ers its ener y to the !&ocks 'hen re&eased. ;

3 . (a) 8ho' that 'ork done in ra#itationa& /e&d is independent o path o&&o'ed. ?

''' Pa e o 7

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 56/72

(!) !ody o moment o inertia (I C 0.50 G m2) a!out a /9ed a9is rotates 'ithconstant

an u&ar #e&ocity o 100 rad s[1

this motion. ;

37. (a) +e/ne and e9p&ain inter erence o sound 'a#es. hat are its kinds conditions ?

(!) !&ock o mass >.0 k is dropped rom a hei ht o 0.50 m onto a sprin o sprin

constant G C 14 0 $m-1

compressed. ;

35. (a) 9p&ain di=raction o -rays !y crysta&s. ?

(!) te&escope is made o an o!"ecti#e o oca& &en th 20 cm and an eye piece o?.0 cm

!oth con#e9 &enses. %ind the an u&ar ma ni/cation. ;

34. (a) 8tate and deri#e Bernou&&i_s e,uation or idea& Huid. ?

(!) heat en ine per orms 100 F o 'ork and at the same time re"ects >00 F o heatener y to

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 57/72

co&d reser#oir. hat is the e\ciency o the en ine

. *a&cu&ate its an u&ar momentum OLJ and tor,ue to sustain

. %ind the ma9imum distance throu h 'hich the sprin 'i&& !e

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 201> Nroup 2

Physics Paper: 1

Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 17

( !"ecti#e Type)

$ote: %our possi!&e ans'ers B * and + to each ,uestion are i#en. The choice'hich you think

is correct /&& that circ&e in ront o that ,uestion 'ith Marker or Pen ink. *uttin or/&&in t'o or

more circ&es 'i&& resu&t in ero mark in that ,uestion. rite the &etter B * or + inthe co&umn

('rite correct option) a ainst each ,uestion a&so. I there is a contraction in the!u!!&e and hand

'ritten ans'er !u!!&e option 'i&& !e considered correct.

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 58/72

31. 17

1. I a strin is /9ed at !oth ends #i!rates in OnJ &oops then 'a#e-&en th in term o&en th O&J o

strin is i#en !y :

(a) n&62

(!) &62n

(c) 2&6n

(d) 2&6#

2. The process o con/nin the !eam o &i ht to #i!rate in one p&ane is ca&&ed:

(a) Inter erence

(!) +i=raction

(c) Po&ari ation

(d) Tota& interna& reHection

;. !u&&et shot strai ht up returns to its startin point in 10 sec. Its initia& speed 'as:

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 59/72

(a) 4.5 ms-1

(!) 2>.? ms-1

(c) >4 ms-1

(d) 45 ms-1

>. I ma ni yin po'er o ma ni yin &ass is ; then oca& &en th 'i&& !e:

(a) 2? cm

(!) 12.? cm

(c) ? cm

(d) ; cm

?. ei ht o a 0 k man in mo#in e&e#ator (do'n'ard) 'ith constant acce&erationo (162) ( C

10ms-2) :

''' Pa e 2 o 7

(a) Aero

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 60/72

(!) ;00 $

(c) 00 $

(d) 200 $

. The kinetic theory o ases su ests the a#era e kinetic ener y per mo&ecu&e is.

(a) (1 2)GT

(!) GT

(c) (;62)GT

(d) 2GT

7. The ratio o or!ita& #e&ocity to escape #e&ocity is :

(a) Y2

(!) 1


(c) 162

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 61/72

(d) 2

5. <esu&tant o t'o perpendicu&ar #ector o e,ua& ma nitude (8ay ) 'i&& !e:

(a) (!) 2 (c) Y2 (d)

4. In order to produce !eats the t'o sound 'a#es shou&d ha#e:

(a) The same amp&itude

(!) 8&i ht&y di=erent amp&itude

(c) The same re,uency

(d) 8&i ht&y di=erent re,uencies

10. hen 'a#e is reHected rom the !oundary o denser medium then phase o'a#e chan es !# :

(a) 0

(!) 40

(c) 150

(d) 270

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 62/72

11.The &a' o conser#ation o ener y is the !asis o :

(a) 8tream &ine Ho'

(!) ,uation o continuity

(c) Bernou&&i_s e,uation

(d) Kenture re&ation

12. hen a !a&& is thro'n strai ht up. the acce&eration at its hi hest point is :

(a) `p'ard

(!) +o'n'ard

(c) Aero

(d) ori onta&

1;.The radian is e,ua& to :

(a) 2f re#

(!) f6> re#

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 63/72

(c) f62 re#

(d) 162f re#

''' Pa e ; o 7

1>. !ody o mass 1.0 k drops rom the top o a to'er o hei ht ?0 m 'hat 'i&& !eits G. . 10m

!e&o' the top :

(a) >40 F (!) >4 F (c) 45 F (d) 450 F

1?. hen one mirror o a Miche&son Inter erometer is mo#ed a distance o 0.? mm2000 rin es

are o!ser#ed. The 'a#e &en th o &i ht used is :

(a) ?000 m

(!) ?000

(c) ?00 cm

(d) 2000

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 64/72

1 .The optica& /!er is co#ered or protection !y a :

(a) N&ass Facket

(!) P&astic Facket

(c) *opper Facket

(d) &uminium Facket

17. %or tota& assessment o uncertainty in the /na& resu&t o!tained !y mu&tip&icationand di#ision :

(a) !so&ute uncertainties are added

(!) %ractiona& uncertainties are added

(c) ] a e uncertainties are added

(d) rror are added

''' Pa e > o 7

Inter (Part-1) Lahore Board 201> Nroup 2

Physics Paper: 1

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 65/72

Time: ;.10 ours Marks: 5;

( ssay Type)

$ote: ut o 3. $o. 1 2 ; and > 'rite any T'enty-T'o (22) short ans'ers. hi&e'ritin ans'ers

3. $o. and its part care u&&y. ach part carries t'o marks. >>

8 *TI $ -1

32. rite short ans'ers to any 5 ,uestions. 1

1) +e/ne Physics $uc&ear Physics.

2) o' many seconds are there in 1 year

;) rite the dimensions o : (a) Pressure (!) +ensity

>) Ni#e the dra'!acks to use the period o a pendu&um as a time standard.

?) +e/ne $u&& Kectors ,ua& Kectors.

) *an you add ero to a nu&& #ector

7) Is it possi!&e to add a #ector ,uantity to a sca&ar ,uantity 9p&ain.

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 66/72

5) 8tate $e'ton_s 8econd and Third La' o Motion.

4) 9p&ain the circumstances in 'hich the #e&ocity # and acce&eration a o a car are :

(a) Para&&e&

(!) nti-para&&e&.

10) t 'hat point or points in its path does a pro"ecti&e ha#e its minimum speed itsma9imum


11) 8ho' that the ran e o pro"ecti&e is ma9imum 'hen pro"ecti&e is thro'n at anan &e o >?

'ith the hori onta&.

12) hy o drop&ets appear to !e suspended in air

3;. rite short ans'ers to any 5 ,uestions. 1

1) ir& drops a cup rom certain hei ht 'hich !reaks into pieces. hat ener ychan es are


7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 67/72

2) *a&cu&ate the 'ork done in ki&o"ou&es in &i tin a mass o 10 k throu h a #ertica&hei ht o


;) +e/ne the term po'er and its 8 I. unit.

>) hen mud Hies o= the tyre o a mo#in !icyc&e in 'hat direction does it Hy

?) hat is meant !y an u&ar momentum

''' Pa e ? o 7

) hat is Neo-8tationary 8ate&&ite

7) *an 'e rea&i e an idea& simp&e pendu&um

5) hat happens to the period o simp&e pendu&um i its &en th is dou!&ed hathappens i its

mass is dou!&ed

4) +escri!e some common phenomena in 'hich resonance p&ays an important ro&e

10) hat eatures do &on itudina& 'a#es ha#e in common 'ith trans#erse 'a#es

11) hy does sound tra#e& aster in so&ids than in ases

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 68/72

12) +escri!e !rieHy a!out nodes and antinodes.

3>. rite short ans'ers to any ,uestions. 12

1) *ou&d you o!tain $e'ton_s rin s 'ith transmitted &i ht I yes 'ou&d the pattern!e di=erent

rom that o!tained 'ith reHected &i ht

2) o' 'ou&d you distin uish !et'een p&ane-po&ari ed &i ht and unpo&ari ed &i ht

;) +e/ne : (a) ray o &i ht (!) a#e ront

>) rite do'n the names o the essentia& components o a spectrometer.

?) 9p&ain the di=erence !et'een an u&ar ma ni/cation and reso&#in po'er o anoptica&


) 8ketch the ray dia ram o a compound microscope.

7) +eri#e the *har&es_ &a' rom kinetic theory o ases.

5) Is it possi!&e to con#ert interna& ener y into mechanica& ener y 9p&ain 'ith ane9amp&e.

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 69/72

4) +oes entropy o a system increase or decrease due to riction

8 *TI $ R II

$ote: ttempt any T < ,uestions.

3?. (a) +e/ne e&astic and ine&astic co&&ision. 9p&ain e&astic co&&ision in onedimension to sho'

the re&ati#e #e&ocities !e ore and a ter co&&ision are same. ?

(!) 8ho' that the three #ectors i E " E k 2i-;" E k and >i E "-?k are mutua&&yperpendicu&ar. ;

3 . (a) hat is a conser#ati#e /e&d 8ho' that a ra#itationa& /e&d is a conser#ati#e/e&d. ?

(!) ramophone record turn ta!&e acce&erate rom rest to an an u&ar #e&ocity >?.0re# min-1

in 0 8. hat is its a#era e an u&ar acce&eration ;

37. (a) +e/ne simp&e harmonic motion. Pro#e that pro"ection o partic&e mo#in in acirc&e a&on

#ertica& diameter is a 8 M. ?

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 70/72

(!) The re,uency o note emitted !y a stretched strin is ;00 . hat 'i&& !e there,uency

o this note 'hen the tension is increased !y one-third 'ithout chan in the &en tho the

'ire ;

35. (a) +e/ne microscope. +eri#e re&ation or ma ni yin po'er o compoundmicroscope. ?

''' Pa e o 7

(!) Li ht is incident norma&&y on a ratin 'hich has 2?00 &ines per centimeter.*ompute

'a#e&en th o spectra& &ine or 'hich the de#iation in second order is 1? . ;

34. (a) +e/ne termina& #e&ocity sho' that termina& #e&ocity is direct&y proportiona&to the s,uare

o radius o the drop&et. ?

(!) stimate the a#era e speed o nitro en mo&ecu&es in air under standard

conditions o

pressure and temperature. ;

(8 *TI $-III)

7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 71/72

(Practica& Part)

( ) ttempt any our ,uestions. 5

i. hat-is ero-error

ii. hat is meant !y the pitch o a scre' .u e

iii. hat is simp&e pendu&um

i#. 8tate ook_s &a'.

#. hat is moment arm

#i. hat type o #i!rations are set up in the 'ire o. sonometer

#ii. hat is end correction

#iii. hat are conditions or tota& interna& reHection

(B) rite a !rie procedure o the e9periment to measure diameter o - a 'ire 'ith a

scre' au e

and then ca&cu&ate its area o cross-section. ;


7/21/2019 Inter Part One Physics Old Paper 72/72

rite a !rie procedure o e9periment to /nd re racti#e inde9 o materia& o prism !ycritica& an &e


(*) ns'er the o&&o'in ,uestions on !asis o raph :

(i) %ind oca& &en th o &ens.

(ii) %or a #a&ue o 16p C 0.07cm0 /nd #a&ue o 16, C

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