
Integrating Apache Wookie with AEM

Rima Mittal & Ankit Gubrani

Class Ankit_Gubrani extends AEMHubIntro { @Name(“Ankit Gubrani”); @Title(“Senior AEM Consultant”); @Email-ID(“[email protected]”); @Linkedin(“”); @Blog(“”); @Twitter(“@ankitgubrani90”);}

Class Rima_Mittal extends AEMHubIntro { @Name(“Rima Mittal”); @Title(“Senior AEM Consultant”); @Email-ID(“[email protected]”); @Linkedin(“”); @Blog(“”); @Twitter(“@rimamittal”);}

What is Apache Wookie?

Introduction to Apache Wookie

How Wookie works

Download, Install and Run Wookie

Wookie Widgets

The OOTB features that make life simple!

W3C widget architecture

Apache Wookie widgets - What’s in Store

AEM & Wookie – Why?

Why have wookie inside AEM?


Integrating Apache Wookie with AEM

The AEM-Wookie Connector Tool


AEM-Wookie Connector Tool in action!


Questions and Answers

What is Apache Wookie?

•A Java server application for uploading and deploying ‘widgets’

•A widget container

•Wookie News

– Project started at the University of Bolton, but was proposed and accepted as an incubator project by the Apache Software Foundation(ASF) in July 2009

– Latest version - 1.0.0

Introduction to Apache Wookie

How Wookie works?

How Wookie works?

How Wookie works?

How Wookie works?

How Wookie works?

How Wookie works?

•Download Wookie from the Wookie Download Page

•Extract the TAR file

• ./ or startup.bat

•Change the default key under WEB-INF/classes/keys


Download, Install & Run wookie

Wookie Widgets

•A small client side web application with limited functionality

•Packaged in a way to allow a single download and installation

•Based on the W3C widget specification

•W3C widget specification is to propose a standard method for building and packaging widgets

Wookie Widgets

W3C Widget - Architecture

Apache Wookie platform provides a number of OOTB W3C complaint widgets

•Various OOTB widgets are:

– Youtube

– Twidget

– Camera

– Geolocation

– Natter

– Sharedraw

– Simple Chat

– Sudoku

– Tada

Apache Wookie Widgets - What’s in store

AEM & Wookie - Why?


– Why re-write when you can re-use?

– Widgets can be shared across different AEM instances

•Wookie widget pool

– Explore and use the OOTB widget pool

Why wookie with AEM?

Integrating Apache Wookie with AEM

AEM-Wookie Connector Tool

•AEM Integration with Apache Wookie includes:

– Installing connector bundle in the AEM instance

– Setting the server configuration via service exposed by connector bundle

– Using the REST API exposed by bundle for communicating with Wookie server via connector bundle

AEM-Wookie Connector Tool - Approach

•Clone the AEM-Wookie Connector tool from AEM-Wookie Connector Tool Github

•Build and Deploy

– mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage

•Start Using!

AEM-Wookie Connector Tool - Installation

AEM-Wookie Connector Tool - Configuration

AEM-Wookie Connector Tool - Usage

AEM-Wookie Connector Tool - Usage


Questions !

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